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Written by Andrei Allen

Draft 4 dated: November 8th, 2013

UCA - Broadcast Media Maidstone Studios Maidstone 01622 - 620151

EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK - AFTERNOON We are watching a live mobile video recording of a GANG of 4 rebellious teenaged boys, aged between 15-17 wearing their school uniforms; loitering around outside at the corner of the SPAR SHOP CAR PARK after school, with cars driving past in the background. The mobile phone camera operator, KASH, a black 15 year old teenager, talking in urban slang, introduces himself. KASH (O.S.) Yo yo yo, dis is K mans recordings right about now!.... Posted up outside da shop, Shaun tell dem whagwarn fam. We see Shaun,(17), white, cocky teenaged boy step away from the GANG towards us, BOPPING in a boisterous manner looking left and right SWAYING his right arm. SHAUN Yea.... mans out hear...... Shout out to world star. The remaining GANG of the 3 teenaged boys SHOUT out in the background behind Shaun as he is speaking. GANG Brap! Dun kno! World star! SHAUN Posted up... Gotta lil prank cam mans gonna run today..... Watch.... A tall, black; chubby, male school kid wearing a rucksack; holding both shoulder straps, is approaching us WALKING past the front of the SPAR SHOP. As he approaches the shop corner, SHAUN walks towards him. SHAUN (CONTD) Yes Phillip.... Whagwarn you good? PHILLIP, (15) SIDESTEPS SHAUN and continues to walk on. Shaun turns around, JOGS a few steps, catches up to Phillip and SLINGS his left arm around the back of phillips neck perching his hand on Phillips shoulder as if theyre long time friends. Phillip SHRUGS his shoulder in an attempt to relieve it of Shaun's hand. SHAUN (CONTD) Come on Fam.... There's no need to be like that... Look how long I've known.... SHAUN, with his left arm around the back of PHILLIPS neck, GRABS Phillips shoulder and PULLS him into a HEADLOCK. *

2. SHAUN (CONTD) Quick! Grab him! SHAUN; TUSSLING with PHILLIP, RESTRAINS Phillip as the GANG CHARGES in quickly towards them LAUGHING. PHILLIP (IN A DISTRESSED MUFFLED VOICE) OI!..... What are you doing? Get off me! The GANG WRESTLE with PHILLIP, GRAB Phillip by both arms and his rucksack and DRAG him over to the lamppost on the pathway opposite the shop and begin to DUCT TAPE Phillip to the railing. SHAUN (In an excited frantic voice) Come! Quick! Before he escapes INT. PHILLIPS BEDROOM. NIGHT. LATER We see minimal detail of PHILLIPS DARK LIT room, with his desk lamp, opened bed room door and laptop screen LIGHTING the room. We're watching him from his side sitting in a slouched position in his chair leaning on his hand with his elbow on the desk as hes watching the footage of himself from earlier continuing where it left off from, on YOUTUBE with a title that reads Fat kid duct taped to a lamppost lol on his Apple Mac LAPTOP. SHAUN (V.O.) Ayo, Dont let his hands go. PHILLIP (V.O.) AARGH! Low it! Come man! Get off me! GANG (V.O.) Oi Shut up! Stop screaming cuz! PHILLIP (V.O.) Please man, im begging you, low it! Suddenly PHILLIPS attention is drawn away from his laptop by the sound of PHILLIPS MOM CALLING after him from downstairs. PHILLIP MOM (O.S.) Philliiip! Come get your clothes from the tumble dryer and put them away. Make sure youre clothes are ironed for school tomorrow as well. PHILLIP CLOSES his laptop while the footage is playing, SLAPS his PEN POT onto the floor, STANDS UP, and exits the room CLOSING the door.

3. INT. PHILLIPS BEDROOM. MORNING PHILLIP, woken up by his RINGING alarm clock, LIES in his single bed STARING at the ceiling as his alarm continues to ring. PHILLIPS MOM, from down stairs shout out for him. PHILLIP MOM (O.S.) PHILLIP! Wake up! Your going to be late for school! PHILLIP Im awake mom! PHILLIP MOM (O.S.) Im going to be back from work late tonight so put yourself on some dinner. PHILLIPS MOM SLAMS the door behind her as she exits the house. We hear Phillips mom OPEN her car door, SLAM it shut and DRIVE OFF. PHILLIP STOPS the alarm clock and SITS up, motionless for a brief moment. He then STEPS out of bed and WALKS out his bedroom CLOSING his door behind. EXT. OUTSIDE PHILLIPS HOUSE - RESIDENTIAL ROAD. MORNING PHILLIP, dressed for school, exits his front door SLAMMING it shut and sets off on his usual route for school. EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. MORNING SHAUN and his GANG are LOITERING around outside the corner of the SPAR SHOP CAR PARK, SMOKING and KICKING around a tennis ball. The tennis ball ROLLS away from the gang. KASH CHASES after the ball, STOPPING it from rolling into the main road. AS Kash stops the ball he sees PHILLIP WALKING up the road. Kash SIGNALS to Shaun that Phillip is coming, THROWING the ball at Shaun and JOGGING towards him. PHILLIP, approaching the shop corner is SURROUNDED by SHAUN and his GANG. SHAUN YES super star... i see mans is blowing up on the internet! 500 thousand views, you must feel famous now init? PHILLIP is silent, to scared to speak. SHAUN (CONTD) So what. Im not going to get a thanks nah? PHILLIP, nervous, trembling with fear UTTERS a few words to SHAUN.

4. PHILLIP Look, leave me alone. SHAUNS crony EJ, (17), tall skinny black youth with short cropped dreadlocks dangling around his shoulder, LAUGHS at Shaun. Ej Taunts SHAUN EJ Hahaha, fam dont have it. The rest of the GANG HECKLE word of menacing encouragement to SHAUN. SHAUN GRABS PHILLIP by his coat collar. SHAUN So fat boys getting brave yea? SHAUN THRUST his fist into PHILLIPS stomach winding him. SHAUN (CONTD) Dont ever in your life think you can answer back to me. Oi you man, check his pocket. SHAUNS crony LEE, (17), tall slim mixed race boy, goes to check PHILLIPS pocket. A tall Mauritius male passing civilian, ASH, 21, walking his vicious dog, walks over to the GANG. ASH OI! What do you think your playing at? ASH, DRAGGED by his blood lusting dog approaches the GANG. SHAUN and his GANG, weary of the dog; back away from Phillip. SHAUN Todays your lucky day bruv! SHAUN and his GANG walk away from PHILLIP as ASH gets closer. ASH You alright mate? PHILLIP Yea im fine thanks. PHILLIP goes to WALK off but ASH STOPS him. ASH Look mate, take this here. ASH TAKES out his wallet and HANDS PHILLIP a martial arts business card.

5. ASH (CONTD) My little brother was getting bullied as well until he took up Martial arts. Make sure you check it out yea.. PHILLIP takes the business card. PHILLIP Yea ok, thanks again. PHILLIP walks on his way to school. EXT. OUTSIDE PHILLIPS HOUSE. NIGHT PHILLIP, returning from school walks up the road towards his house. He opens his front door and walks inside. INT. PHILLIPS BEDROOM. NIGHT. LATER PHILLIP enters his bedroom and walks over to his desk DUMPING his rucksack on the floor. He SITS DOWN at his desk and opens up his laptop. He OPENS up a GOOGLE CHROME browser. From his shirt pocket he PULLS OUT the business card that he was given earlier, reads it for a brief moment and TYPES in the web address. MMA SURGE (V.O.) Welcome to MMA SURGE The laptop plays MUSIC Showing a montage of clips for the intro. PHILLIP interested by this, CLOSES his laptop and takes it with him as he exits his bedroom. INT. GARAGE. NIGHT. LATER PHILLIP ENTERS his garage. He walks over into the corner and SWITCHES the lamp on. The garage, POORLY LIT, Phillip pulls out a tattered punch bag from a heap of garage clutter and HANGS it up in the corner. Lying down on his garage floor, PHILLIP OPENS up his laptop, continuing to watch the tutorial where it left off. MMA SURGE (V.O.) So your interested in learning MMA, youve came to the best place on the internet. By the end of this 5 series beginner training video, well have you brimming with confidence and ready to walk into any gym to train.

6. MONTAGE INT. GARAGE. NIGHT PHILLIP is nervously PUNCHING the punch bag with very poor technique barely moving it. He hurts his hand SHAKING it in agonising pain. PHILLIP tries to KICK the punch bag. He KICKS it with his shin and HOPS around on the spot in pain. PHILLIP tries to do PRESS-UPS but fails FALLING FLAT on his face. He decides to do sit-ups instead but does a worse job then his press-up attempt barely completing 3 Sit-ups. EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. MORNING 2 We are watching a live mobile video recording of PHILLIP WALKING towards us, SHAUN and his GANG hurl abuse at Phillip and SPIT at him as he walks past us. INT. PHILLIPS GARAGE. NIGHT 2. LATER PHILLIP is PUNCHING the punch bag with more confidence but still barely moving it. PHILLIP manages to do 5 PRESS-UPS but FALLS FLAT on his face on the 6th. PHILLIP KICKS the punch bag correctly and SLIGHTLY MOVES it. EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. MORNING 3 PHILLIP is WALKING past the shop, SHAUN HIDING behind a CAR, TRIPS Phillip up as KASH is filming it on his mobile phone. INT. GARAGE. NIGHT 3. LATER PHILLIP is using Dumbbells to SHADOW BOX with. PHILLIP is ROUND HOUSE KICKING the punch bag, we can see a slight improvement in his technique as the punch bag is SWINGING from left to right RATTLING the chains that are holding it up. PHILLIP is doing PRESS-UPS, he does 10 in succession. EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. MORNING 4 We are watching a live mobile video recording of PHILLIP walking towards us, SHAUN and his GANG THROW sweets at Phillip as he walks past us.

7. INT. PHILLIPS BEDROOM. NIGHT 4 PHILLIP is SHADOW BOXING while sitting on his chair watching the tutorial on his laptop. He stands up and walks over to the corner of his room continuing to SHADOW BOX, we can see a great improvement in his technique as his shadow is mimics his moves against the wall. EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. MORNING. 5 PHILLIP is walking towards the shop. SHAUN HIDING behind a CAR, JUMPS OUT and SLAPS Phillip in the back of his head as KASH is FILMING it on his mobile phone. INT. GARAGE. NIGHT 5 PHILLIP is DANCING around on his toes throwing a string of boxing combos to the punch bag. He GRABS the punch bag in a CLINCH and start THRUSTING HIS KNEE into it, one after another, after another. The punch bag is VIOLENTLY SWINGING back and forth chains RATTLING as its taking a succession of knees. Phillip backs up and throws a ROUND-HOUSE-KICK at the punch bag sending it SWINGING high into the air and CRASHING back down as it swings left and right to a halt. BACK TO SCENE PHILLIP is lying down in his poorly lit garage gym, stomach first, on the messy floor with training equipment scattered all over the place leaning on his elbows watching the tutorial on his laptop. He turns up the volume and concentrates on the screen. MMA SURGE (V.O.) So yea... That wraps it up. Hopefully completing this short 5 series course, will improve your self-defense skills and give you more confidence if push comes to shove! if you want check out our advanced training series and take your training to the next level. The tutorial comes to an end. Phillip, NODDING his head in acknowledgement closes the laptop. PHILLIPS BEDROOM. MORNING PHILLIP, woken up by his RINGING alarm clock, LIES in his single bed STARING at the ceiling as his alarm continues to ring. PHILLIPS MOM, from down stairs shouts out for him.

8. PHILLIP MOM (O.S.) PHILLIP! Wake up! Your going to be late for school! PHILLIP Im awake mom! PHILLIP MOM (O.S.) Im going to be back from work late tonight so put yourself on some dinner. PHILLIPS MOM SLAMS the door behind her as she exits the house. We hear Phillips mom OPEN her car door, SLAM it shut and DRIVE OFF. PHILLIP stops the alarm clock and SITS up, motionless for a brief moment. He then STEPS out of bed and walks out his bedroom CLOSING his door behind. EXT. OUTSIDE PHILLIPS HOUSE - RESIDENTIAL ROAD. MORNING PHILLIP, dressed for school, exits his front door SLAMMING it shut and sets off on his usual route for school. EXT. SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. MORNING PHILLIP, strolling down the busy main road on his way to school; see's SHAUN and his GANG LOITERING around outside the corner of the SPAR SHOP CAR PARK. Shaun also spots Phillip in the distance at the same time, with their EYES LOCKING for a brief moment, acknowledging that theyre both aware of each other. Shaun TURNS to KASH. SHAUN yo Kash! Run the cam, Phillips coming. KASH ACTIVATES his mobile phone camera. We are now watching a live video recording of SHAUN and the GANG. KASH (O.S.) Yo yo yo, dis is K mans recordings right about now!.... Posted up outside da shop, Shaun tell dem whagwarn fam. SHAUN Yea.. Mans out here, been hitting gym. Shaun HOLDS his right coat sleeve and removes his arm from it. Lifting up the coat from his waistline, he pulls his arm from underneath it. Shaun raises his arm and FLEXES his small biceps for the camera.


SHAUN (CONTD) Can see mans looking kinda Dench n dat... Gonna test out dis right an give mans dat world star classic. GANG Woooorld staaaar. PHILLIP, approaching the GANG tries to avoid them by walking on. SHAUN Backs up into the front of Phillips pathway and BANGS a sly left hook with great accuracy into Phillips stomach, knocking the wind out bringing Phillip to a HALT; as Phillip is COUGHING and GASPING FOR AIR. SHAUN Yo fam, where do you think your going? How you gonna walk past without saying hello. Phillip slowly regains his breath. PHILLIP Look, leave me alone! The GANG laughing at SHAUN being spoken back to begin to taunt him. EJ Dont have it, he thinks your a prick Shaun. PHILLIP tries to walk past SHAUN. Shaun side steps blocking Phillips path way; and PUSHES Phillip in his face. The push SPLITS the corner of phillips lip. GANG GO ON FAM! BANG HIM! SHAUN DANCES around on his toes in a boxing stance and THROWS a left jab to PHILLIPS face. But the jab does not amuse Phillip, he PARRIES it with little effort. SHAUNS GANG, eager to see a knock out punch, egg Shaun on HECKLING words of savaging encouragement. SHAUN, trying to catch PHILLIP off guard THROWS two LEFT FEINT JABS. Phillip, still holding his hand high, tries to parry Shauns jabs. Not waiting for the open opportunity Shaun confidently takes his chance SWINGING his right fist at Phillips face. Phillip, seeing Shauns body exposed, CHARGES into him head first, blocking the punch and grabbing Shauns his head putting him into a CLINCH, dragging Shaun down and off balance.

10. LEE (V.O) Fuck off you fat cunt! Holding SHAUN, PHILLIP WRAPS his hands around Shauns waist and LIFTS him up off the ground. Phillip slams Shaun, side first onto the concrete paving. Shaun, lying on the ground; everyones silent watching in amazement UMMING and AHING. Shauns Crony LEE, upset with the outcome, nervously walks towards Phillip. LEE (CONTD) Fuck off you fat cunt! Fucking idiot! PHILLIP backs away from SHAUN looking down at him. Shaun slowly stands up, almost FALLING OVER as LIMPS away from Phillip. INT. PHILLIPS BEDROOM. NIGHT. LATER We see minimal detail of Phillips DARK LIT room, with his, opened bed room door and laptop screen LIGHTING the room. We're watching him from his side sitting in an slouched position in his chair eagerly leaning on his hand with his elbow on the desk as hes watching the footage of himself from earlier continuing where it left off from, on YOUTUBE on his Apple Mac LAPTOP. This time with a title that says VICTIM PAWNS BULLY. Suddenly Phillips attention is drawn away from his laptop by the sound of him mom CALLING after him from downstairs. PHILLIP MOM (O.S.) Philliiip! Come get your clothes from the tumble dryer and put them away. Make sure youre clothes are ironed for school tomorrow as well. Phillip closes his laptop while the footage is playing, STANDS up from the chair, and exits the room closing the door. FADE TO BLACK. THE END

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