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Jeeivita A/P Kathirvelu Pillai Anasuhah binti Buyong Nur Nabilah Huda binti Hamdan Ainatul Mardhiah binti Manin

Listening text extract from F2 textbook

How closely do you feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?

Stage 1 : Receiving -Intentional focus on hearing a speakers message, which happens when we filter out other sources

Stage 2 : Understanding - Attempt to learn the meaning (which is not always easy) Stage 3 : Remembering -Trying to recall back what has been said ( might have missed) Stage 4 : Evaluating - Judging the value of the message Stage 5 : Feedback - Indicate your involvement Topic :Looking Good Feeling Great, pg


To what extent do they assist in developing the listening skills of our students?

Teaches the students to find the keywords, in other words, focus on whats important/relevant

Enables the students to figure out/identify the correct way for pronouncing words/tone Enhances the cognitive skills of the students

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