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Insurance companies will no longer be able to put a lifetime cap on how much care they will provide if an individual becomes ill. 2. The government will increase funding for abortions. 3. Small businesses will be required to provide health insurance for their employees. 4. Young adults under the age of 26 will be able to remain on their parents health insurance plan. 5. Illegal immigrants will be able to receive health care at a reduced cost. 6. Beginning in 2014, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage to anyone with a pre-existing condition including individuals with disabilities. 7. Medicare will cover preventative services such as mammograms and colonoscopies at no cost to the patient. 8. Individuals will be sentenced to jail if they do not obtain health coverage by 2014. 9. If insurers do not spend at least 80% of their premium dollars on patient care and quality improvements, they will have to provide a rebate to consumers. 10. Medicare benefits will be cut in order to extend care to individuals with low incomes. 11. By 2014, states will be required to expand Medicaid coverage to non-elderly individuals with incomes less than 133% of the Federal Poverty Line.

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