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Department of Information Technology RAJ KUMAR GOEL INSTITUTE O TE!"NOLOG# OR $OMEN% G"A&IA'AD

August 19, 2012

Summer/Industri ! Tr ining Fin ! Re"#rt F#rm t

The following subjects MUST appear in your summer report. Tit!e P ge $in #rder%& $RKGITW, Department of Computer cience an! "ngineering#Information Technology, ummer#In!ustrial Training $rogram Report, Title of $roject, Company, tu!ent name, tu!ent ID%, Coor!inator &ame, an! Date 'month, (ear)( A'str (t A()n#*!edgments T '!e #+ ,#ntents List #+ T '!es List #+ Figures

1- P rt One
A) ,#m" n. **a+ of , pages( +) Organi,ational Str-ct-re .) Main pro/-ct 0) Mar1et 2) Si,e ') De" rtment **a+ of - pages( +) Organi,ational 3tr-ct-re .) Role4f-nction of the /epartment in the company)

2- P rt T*#
A) O56ecti7e or 3tatement of the pro5lem) ') Li3t of 8ro6ect48ro6ect3 a33igne/ to yo- 9ith 'rief /e3cription !) Theoretical 5ac1gro-n/ *literat-re re7ie9% relate/ theoretical area3% etc() D) Approach *This inclu!es partitioning of the problem into tas.s an! subtas.s, che!uling of these tas.s o/er the training perio!, !etermining milestones to *onitor progress, nee!e! tools an! e0uipment, an! e+pecte! results() E) Data collection an/ analy3i3 *if applica5le() ) Mo/el *if applica5le() G) Analy3i3 an/ Di3c-33ion of re3-lt3 7er3-3 the e:pecte/ one3) *Tas.s fully or partially accomplishe! an! those unaccomplishe!, !egree of accomplishment, analysis of problems or une+pecte! !ifficulties, problem solutions or attempte! solutions, !e/iations from the planne! sche!ule an! reasons, e+perience gaine!, techni0ues learne! ( ") Relation3hip to !OE co-r3e3 an/ yo-r 5ac1gro-n/ a3 a !omp-ter Engineer) I) !oncl-3ion3 an/ Recommen/ation3 J) Reference3 K) Appen/i: I) 8rogre33 report3 L) Other Appen/ice3 *n-m5er the page3% incl-/e in the ta5le of content3% an/ incl-/e a title page for each appen/i:(

Presentation Guidelines & Format

Gener ! d/i(e; 0e

'rie+ nd t# t1e "#int%

+) Present ti#n Out!ine .) Intr#du(ti#n *I!entify yourself, training company, Training Department, perio! of training. ( 0) O'2e(ti/e *I!entify training area, Training $rogram, tas.s assigne! to you.( 2) 3ee)!. 0re )d#*n *I!entify each tas. un!erta.en !uring each of the 12wee.s an! state whether it was fully accomplishe!, partially accomplishe!, or not accomplishe!.( <) G ined 0ene+its *"+perience gaine!, Techni0ues learne!, $roblems face!, olutions or attempte! solutions.3 =) ,#n(!usi#n > Re(#mmend ti#ns *4/erall e/aluation of the training perio!, "/aluation of the training organi5ation, recommen!ations for future trainees.( These information are extracted from the Co-Op guidance P ge Dimensi#ns, 4 rgins nd 5u !it. ? The page /imen3ion3 of the report 3ho-l/ 5e .@Amm : .A<mm) Stan/ar/ A2 3i,e *.@Bmm : .+Amm( paper may 5e -3e/ for preparing the report)

It 3ho-l/ ha7e the follo9ing page margin3; 0A to Top e/ge ; 0<mm .< to 'ottom e/ge ; 0Amm 0< to Left 3i/e ; 2Amm .A to Right 3i/e ; .<mm ? The report 3ho-l/ 5e prepare/ on goo/ C-ality 9hite paper prefera5ly) ? Ta5le3 an/ fig-re3 3ho-l/ conform to the margin 3pecification3) Large 3i,e fig-re3 3ho-l/ 5e photographically or other9i3e re/-ce/ to the appropriate 3i,e 5efore in3ertion 5-t not to the point that they cannot 5e rea/ or /eciphere/)

,#/er P ge/ Tit!e P ge The TITLE of the the3i3 *Time3 Ne9 Roman% font 3i,e .A% 5ol/% 3ingle line 3pacing% all character3 -pperca3e e:cept the 3ym5ol3 an/ n-meral3 if -3e/ in the title of the the3i3D centere/ 9ithin the 3pecifie/ margin of the page()

Note: Soft copy of Report & Presentation should be submitted in the form of CD.

A Report On <Training Topic >

Submitted in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology In Information Technology

2 !"#2 !$

Submitted By:#<Student% Name & Roll' No' here>

Submitted To:#
Mr/Ms !rdinator Mr/Ms Department of CS#/IT

(nder )uidance of:#

Mr/Ms Training Incharge or Co Department of""..

Ra* +umar )oel In%titute of Technology for ,omen)ha.iabad#2 ! " (/ 0India1

Department of IT 'omen

Ra$ %umar &oel Institute of Technology for


( training )or* o)es its success from commencement to completion+ to the people in lo,e )ith researchers at ,arious stages. -et me in this page my gratitude to all those )ho helped us in ,arious stage of this study. /irst+ I )ould li*e to my sincere gratitude indebtedness to Ms. %adambri (gar)al 01!D+ Department of Computer Science and #ngineering / Information Technology of R%&IT'2 for allo)ing me to undergo the summer training of 34/56 days at """..................................................................................................

I am grateful to our guide Mr./Ms.....................+ for the help pro,ided in completion of the pro$ect+ )hich )as assigned to me. 'ithout their friendly help and guidance it )as difficult to complete the assigned tas*.

I am also than*ful to Mr/Ms """"""""."""+ Mr/Ms""""""""""""""and all faculty members of Department of CS#/IT+ for their true help+ inspiration and for helping me to preparation of the final report and presentation.

-ast but not least+ I pay my sincere than*s and gratitude to all the Staff Members of"""""""" for their support and for ma*ing our training ,aluable and fruitful.

Department of IT 'omen

Ra$ %umar &oel Institute of Technology for


I+ 8Student 7ame9+ hereby declare that the )or* )hich is being presented in this pro$ect/training titled :"""""""""""""""""""""""..; by me+ in partial fulfillment of the re<uirements for the a)ard of =achelor of Technology 0=.Tech2 Degree in :Information Technology; Ra$ %umar &oel Institute of Technology for 'omen+ is an authentic record of my o)n )or* carried out under the guidance of Mr""""""" 07ame & Designation of trainer2""""".. To the best of my *no)ledge+ the matter embodied in this report has not been submitted to any other >ni,ersity/ Institute for the a)ard of any degree or diploma.


8student 7ame9 Roll 7o"""""".

Ms. %adambri (gar)al 07O5 2S48IT1 charge1

Mr/Ms Mr/Ms 0Indu%trial Training In

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