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How | Found Goddess And What | Did To Her When | Found Her AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ITS COMPLETE AND ORIGINAL FORMAT IN FULL SOODPI GLORY Adobe Acrobat POF format created by popes Kira Kristoferson (decembersunset@y ahoo.corm and Fenwick Rysen fenwick@sonic.nety http: //we. htmL Chooflux, 50 Chaos 3165 hail eris. all hail discordia. ford. PRINCIPIA ada De HEREIN IS EXPLAINED SSOLUTELY EVERYTHING WORTH KNOWING ANYTHING THE MAGNUM OPIATE OF MALACLYPSE THE YOUNGER Nor SUN May HRINCIPIA DISCORDIA bew | Fleund Geddess And What! Bid To her When I Flound her Wherein is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Ab: solutely Anything Be Ye Not Lost Among Precepts of Order... THE BOOK OF UTERUS 1:5

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