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Prikaz grada Siene u trecentu Siena, Florence and Padua :, by Norman, Diana Italian frescoes : the age of Giotto

: 1 !" # 1$"" % &oachim Poeschke 'he (orld of early Sienese )ainter % *ayden +,&, -aginnis Painting in the age of Giotto : a historical ree.aluation % *ayden +,&, -aginnis /rt and architecture in Italy : 1 0"11$"" % &ohn (hite 23o)era com)leta di Simone -artini % )resentazione di Gianfranco 4ontini I Protagonisti dell3/rte Italiana dal Gotico al 5inascimento : Duccio, Giotto, Simone -artini, I 2orenzetti, -asaccio, +eato /ngelico, Fili))o 2i))i, +enozzo Gozzoli % 6di 4ecilia &anella Painting in late and 5enaissance Siena : 71 8"110009 % Diana Norman Pisa, Siena, and the -aremma: a neglected as)ect of /mbrogio 2orenzetti3s )aintings in the Sala dei No.e # 5enaissance Studies :ol 11 No $ 'he Form and Imagery of the Ne; Fresco in Siena3s Palazzo Pubblico 1 /rtibus et *istoriae, :ol, <", No, 0= 7 ""=9, )), 1=01 1> /mbrogio 2orenzetti3s ?(ar and Peace? -urals 5e.isited: 4ontributions to the -eaning of the ?Good Go.ernment /llegory? 1 /rtibus et *istoriae, :ol, <, No, $0 7 "" 9, )), 8<11"0 Political Ideas in Sienese /rt: 'he Frescoes by /mbrogio 2orenzetti and 'addeo di +artolo in the Palazzo Pubblico 1 &ournal of the (arburg and 4ourtauld Institutes, :ol, 1, No, <%$ 7&ul, 1 Dec,, 1=0!9,)), 1>=1 ">, 'he Good, the +ad and the @gly: 'he @rbanism of Good and +ad Intentions 1 Pers)ecta, :ol, <<, -ining /utonomy 7 "" 9, )), 1"$111< 'he 4ity3s Ne; 4lothes: /mbrogio 2orenzetti and the Poetics of Peace 1 'he /rt +ulletin, :ol, !<, No, 7&un,, ""19, )), $"1 0! -onumental urban form in the late Italian commune: loggias and the -ercanzie of +ologna and Siena 1 5enuissame Studies :ol, 1 No, < /rtistic ;orking relationshi)s after the +lack Death: a Sienese com)agnia, c, 1<0"1 1<8< 1 5enaissance Studies :olume 1$, Issue 1, )ages 1#$0, -arch """

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