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The Rise of the EU and the global Beast (March 2009)

Please read this flyer at least once before putting it away and see than for yourself if it
contains any truthful words. The world is shaken through the financial crises and
other recent events and many people ask themselves where it all will end. Maybe it is
not clear to some, but many of those new decisions and laws that are established by a
few people in secrecy are not really for the good of us all. Those laws that are set up
under false excuses and fronts are only for the benefit of a small group of wealthy
people who own already more money and goods than they will ever be able to spend.
And this little group does of course not want to surrender and loose that power and
the control. And they will do anything so it won’t happen.

Every law, that will hand over more power, authorization and decision-making-power
to the EU means of course and logically at the same time the loss of sovereignty and
decision-making power for country’s on a national level. Under pretence important
rights and privileges are taken away from us and the Basic Law and Constitution for
the Federal Republic of Germany is even changed. Now they don’t say anymore “the
Federal Republic decided…” but “the EU decided…”. We, the people, and actually the
majority, have no decision-power or right of co-determination. Maybe we can vote
between left and right but if we take a close look, we see that left and right doesn’t
really leave us with a fair choice. Both Party’s don’t really defend the Interest of us, the
majority, but rather the Interest of that small group of people who strives toward sole
and exclusive power. Left and Right leave us with the hypocritical impression that we
live in a Democracy and that we can vote freely. But what’s the use of voting if the
journey goes into the exact same direction, which is not for our good? A carrot and a
stick, that’s the motto, and that is not Democracy. So we found out that important
decisions are being made without our consent on which we have no influence. Here
are a few (really few) examples:

• The Euro. (We could not even vote)

• EU prohibits light bulbs in favour of energy-saving bulbs. But Energy-saving

bulbs are very health damaging (radiation, no red components which is
extremely harmful to the eyes, flickering lights, mercury)

• EU is pushing for gene-manipulated food like corn and potatoes (for example
MON810 and T25, corn of the US Corporation Monsanto) and EU-Omission
does not accept no from the Austrian Environment Ministry. Austria referred to
clinical studies that showed significant changes in the genotype of mice. Their
fertility degraded and declined.

• EU wants to push for Treaty of Lisabon and does not accept NO from Ireland.
These pages comprise the NO MORE VALUABLE rights of citizens in the future
EU and the set up of a totalitarian Regime (Dictatorship). The future EU,
according to the Treaty, will no more grant the Right for Integrity of Life.
(Constitutional complaint from Dr. Peter Gauweiler, pages of Pictogram 226/227
and Print pages 220/221).
• Farming people are on the “hit list” of EU. Their days are numbered. EU Control
force puts farmers under immense pressure: “Cross Compliance” would be the
questionable EU-policy and would only mean further monitoring of farmers.
They can’t live up to those strict rules and penalties and give up their
agriculture, which is a catastrophe. Do we want to eat our shares and stocks
(artificially made bubbles which are bursting now)??

• EU decides to drop the limit of Milk-Production. This means too much milk on
the market and at the same time grave price decline, which will drive the dairy
farmers into ruin.

• Next EU resolution: Maybe the censorship of the Internet out of “good” reasons
and than expansion????

As mentioned before, these are only very few examples of those things that are really
happening. But why such chaos? Why is chaos so important in the eyes of that small
group of people that influence so many areas of our life’s?

Here the answer: Only artificial created disorder will bring the pretence for a new
World-Order. Everything else would not work. People will only accept that when they
are in a deep mess. When the world drowns in total chaos, everybody will call out loud
for help and a new order for everyone. That’s how it was in Hitler’s times, it’s tried and
tested, and that’s how it also will be this time. Just that the solution will again not be
in our favour. The global Monster will pretend to have all the solutions for the
problems. These solutions will be the following:

A global World Bank with a new, global Finance- and World Order will be created. This
new Finance Order will be eventually cashless, via Chip-Implants. These Implants will
replace passports, credit cards and others. There will be a few world leaders who only
follow their own interest and not that of us all. Whoever is not for them has to be
branded and eliminated as “enemy of the world”. It is time to wake up. Do not believe
everything that is told in the Media and last but not least: Do not take the Chip-Implant
because it will cost you everything, your life, your freedom, your health and not less
than your soul! Ask our living God who encompasses Heaven and Earth for His help.
He can lead you through any rough and evil time. Trust Him because He is love and He
forgives us, when we recognize and confess our sins and mistakes. We cannot
change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and maybe that will be the
impulse needed for another person, to put away his hatred and to change. Violence
and Force is not the answer! The good News is: God will not let people destroy the
earth completely and He will put an end to all this madness. Maybe than, after the
darkest time the world has ever known, we will finally understand that God was always
right with His words, guidelines, borderlines and deeds and that real Love is the
answer and solution for us all. Love begins within ourselves and you can now start
and speak a little prayer from your heart. Ask the Power of Love in your Heart today:

Dear God and Father of us all,

this world moves into a direction where I don’t want to go anymore. She is unkind,
oppressive, superficial, brutal, selfish, dictatorial and much more. Please God, forgive
me for the part that I contributed to it. You promised everlasting life to those who
recognize their sins and mistakes and don’t want to continue like that anymore, but
want to change. Please give me everlasting life as a gift, through Jesus Christ (God as
Man and Son) who dies for me and lives now again. Accept me please into your
household and help me to walk the right and loving way. Please give me wisdom, your
power and your spirit and help me to recognize you and your loving character.

In Jesus Name, Amen

On which side are you?? May God help us in that dark time that is coming upon the

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