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The overall dark colour scheme suggests this is the main colours of the film itself; I believe these

colours fit perfectly with the environment in which the characters are placed and doesnt seem inappropriate or untoward in any way.

Clich; the director would have deliberately added a slogan of this sort something which is conventional to the genre which he is creating.

The posters obvious sexual references to me expresses the fact that; sexual innuendo we be a key theme throughout the film something which we possibly be explored in greater detail

The urban setting gives the audience an indication of the genre and the pace at which the action may take place; from the setting alone it seems as if there will be a sense of violence, sex and drugs throughout the film entwined within the underbelly Londons dark The references made to the writer and directors previous works; suggest that he already has a particular fan base whom identify with his films and maybe has earned a street cred with this particular demographic because of this ; which as shown above is something he is going to take advantage of.

As mentioned earlier although some characters are casual dressed some seem to be in a greater position of Strength & Power ; this is achieved through the use of their body language and the pose in which the take up in accordance with the camera.

There is a dire contrast to the clothing of the male and female characters suggestive of differing class status ; the males seem to be casual (Jeans and Sweatshirts) whereas the women if not used as a sexual symbol are dressed more promiscuous and possibly middle class with cocktail dresses , blouses and high cut trousers.

Superimposed Numbers

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