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Controlling 3-Phase AC Induction Motors Using the PIC18F4431

Author: on !urroughs Microchi" #echnolog$ Inc% #he three "eri"herals and their &eatures are: 1% Po'er Control P(M )PCP(M* +odule: , U" to 8 out"ut channels , Co+"li+entar$ P(M out"uts , #'o hard'are Fault "rotection in"uts , P(M resolution u" to 14 -its , .dge-aligned or center-aligned o"eration , Fle/i-le dead ti+e , 0i+ultaneous u"date o& dut$ c$cle and "eriod Motion Feed-ac1 Module )MFM*2 co+"rised o& a 3uadrature .ncoder Inter&ace )3.I* and an In"ut Ca"ture +odule )IC*: , 0tandard 4uadrature encoder in"uts )3.A2 3.! and Inde/* )3.I* , 5igh and 6o' 7esolution Position Measure+ent +odes )3.I* , 8elocit$ Measure+ent +ode using #i+er9 )3.I* , Interru"t 'ith con&igura-le "riorit$ on e:ent detection )3.I* , Pulse (idth Measure+ent and Period Measure+ent +odes )IC* , .dge and state change ca"ture )IC* 5igh-0"eed Analog-to-;igital Con:erter )50A;C*: , #'o inde"endent sa+"le-and-hold circuits , 0ingle or +ulti-channel selection , 0e4uential or 0i+ultaneous Con:ersion +odes , Four-'ord FIF< result -u&&er 'ith &le/i-le interru"ts

Pre:ious Microchi" authors )Pare1h and =eda+ale* ha:e descri-ed the i+"le+entation o& a 3-"hase AC induction +otor )ACIM* control 'ith PIC+icro> de:ices% #he &irst a""lication note )AN843* detailed ACIM control 'ith the PIC18F49?% More recentl$2 ACIM control has -een i+"le+ented 'ith the PIC1@FABA &a+il$ o& de:ices )AN889*% ?% #his a""lication note descri-es ho' the PIC18F4431 +a$ -e used to control an ACIM using o"en and closed-loo" 8C& control strategies% #he a""lication code is -uilt incre+entall$ and de+onstrates the &ollo'ing control +ethods: 1% ?% 3% 8oltage-&re4uenc$ )8C&* control 8oltage-&re4uenc$ control 'ith current &eed-ac1 8oltage-&re4uenc$ control 'ith :elocit$ &eed-ac1 and PI; control

#he PIC18F4431 incor"orates a set o& inno:ati:e "eri"herals2 designed es"eciall$ &or +otor control a""lications% #he utilit$ o& these "eri"herals is de+onstrated in -oth o"en and closed-loo" three-"hase ACIM +otor a""lications% It is assu+ed that the reader is alread$ &a+iliar 'ith the theor$ and no+enclature o& AC induction +otors% For an e/cellent introduction to the -asic conce"ts o& induction +otors control2 "lease re&er to Microchi"Ds a""lication note AN88A2 EAC Induction Motor Funda+entalsF );00088A*%


U0ING #5. PIC18F4431 F<7 M<#<7 C<N#7<6

!e&ore getting into actual control a""lications2 'e should understand 'hat distinguishes the PIC18F4431 &ro+ other Microchi" de:ices used &or +otor control% #he core is a set o& uni4ue "eri"herals that si+"li&$ e/ternal hard'are re4uire+ents and also ena-le higher le:els o& +otor control ca"a-ilit$ than the PIC18F49? or PIC1@FABA%

As 'e shall see2 each o& these &eatures "ro:ides a distinct ad:antage in i+"le+enting +ore so"histicated +otor control a""lications%

/ ?004 Microchi" #echnolog$ Inc%

;000900A-"age 1

0=0#.M <8.78I.(
Motor ;ri:e 7e4uire+ents
Practicall$ s"ea1ing2 control o& a 3-"hase AC induction +otor re4uires "ulse-'idth +odulated control o& the si/ s'itches o& a 3-"hase in:erter -ridge connected to the +otorDs stator 'indings )Figure 1*% #he si/ s'itches &or+ 3 "airs o& Ehal&--ridgesF2 'hich can -e used to connect the leg o& a 'inding to the "ositi:e or the negati:e high-:oltage ;C -us% As sho'n in the &igure2 t'o s'itches on the sa+e Ehal&--ridgeF +ust ne:er -e on si+ultaneousl$2 other'ise the "ositi:e and negati:e -uses 'ill -e shorted together% #his condition 'ould result in a destructi:e e:ent 1no'n as Eshoot-throughF% I& one s'itch is on2 then the other +ust -e o&&H thus2 the$ are dri:en as co+"le+entar$ "airs% It should also -e noted that the s'itching de:ices used in the hal&--ridge )in this case2 IG!#s* o&ten re4uire +ore ti+e to turn o&& than to turn on% For this reason2 a +ini+u+ dead ti+e +ust -e inserted -et'een the o&& and on ti+e o& co+"li+entar$ channels% In AN843 and AN8892 three P(M out"uts 'ere used to dri:e a 3-"hase in:erter -ridge% In these cases2 ho'e:er2 it 'as necessar$ to use e/ternal circuitr$ to generate the co+"li+entar$ control signal &or the lo'er leg and insert the "ro"er dead ti+e -et'een the+% For 3-"hase control2 'hat is ulti+atel$ needed to dri:e a 3-"hase -ridge is three "airs o& co+"le+entar$ P(M out"uts2 'ith dead ti+e -et'een the co+"li+entar$ channels%

5ard'are <:er:ie'
#he +otor control a""lications descri-ed in this docu+ent 'ere de:elo"ed and tested on a "roduction +odel o& Microchi"Ds PIC;.MI MC ;e:elo"+ent !oard% (hile the a""lication so&t'are has -een designed 'ith this "lat&or+Ds control and co++unication re4uire+ents in +ind2 the control +ethods discussed are a""lica-le to an$ 3-"hase ACIM control a""lication -ased on the PIC18F4431% For a co+"lete descri"tion o& the -oard and its ca"a-ilities as a de:elo"+ent tool2 "lease re&er to the UserDs Guide &or the PIC;.M MC ;e:elo"+ent !oard );091493A*% #o gi:e the reader a +ore clear idea o& the hard'are "lat&or+2 a -rie& o:er:ie' and sche+atics o& the -oard are "ro:ided in A""endi/ A: EPIC;.MI MC !oard <:er:ie'F%

FIGU7. 1:
;CJ P(M1

A 3-P5A0. IN8.7#.7 !7I;G. ;7I8.N (I#5 @ P(M INPU#0



0tator (indings A



P(M4 C


;000900A-"age ?

/ ?004 Microchi" #echnolog$ Inc%

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