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Indigestion (dispepsia) adalah perasaan samar ketidaknyamanan di perut bagian atas atau abdomen selama atau setelah makan. Hal ini dapat meliputi: Perasaan panas, terbakar, atau sakit di daerah antara pusar dan bagian bawah tulang rusuk Sebuah perasaan penuh yang mengganggu dan terjadi segera setelah makan dimulai atau ketika selesai

Kembung atau mual adalah gejala yang kurang umum. Indigestion I!"K sama dengan heartburn. Pertimbangan Indigestion biasanya bukan pertanda dari masalah kesehatan yang lebih serius, ke#uali gejala lain juga terjadi, seperti penurunan berat badan atau kesulitan menelan. Indigestion adalah masalah umum. $alau jarang, ketidaknyamanan akibat serangan jantung sering keliru dengan indigestion. Penyebab indigestion dapat dipi#u oleh: %inum terlalu banyak alkohol %akan pedas, makanan berlemak, atau berminyak %akan (makan berlebihan) terlalu banyak %akan terlalu #epat &mosional stres atau gugup %akanan tinggi serat %erokok erlalu banyak ka'ein

Penyebab lain indigestion adalah: (atu empedu )astritis (ketika lapisan perut menjadi meradang atau bengkak) Pembengkakan pankreas (pankreatitis) *lkus (perut atau tukak usus) Penggunaan obat+obatan tertentu seperti antibiotik, aspirin, dan obat anti+in'lammatory drugs (,S"I!s)

Perawatan di rumah %engubah #ara anda makan dapat meredakan gejala. Sediakan waktu yang #ukup untuk makan. Kunyah makanan dengan hati+hati dan benar+benar. Hindari berbi#ara saat makan. Hindari e-#itement atau berakti.itas setelah makan. /ingkungan yang tenang dan beristirahat dapat membantu meringankan stres yang berhubungan dengan indigestion.

Hindari aspirin dan ,S"I! lainnya. 0ika memang harus meminumnya, lakukan saat perut terisi. "ntasida dapat meredakan gangguan pen#ernaan. Test yang dapat mendukung diagnosis "bdominal ultrasound (lood tests (depending on the suspe#ted #ause) &sophagogastroduodenos#opy (&)! ) *pper )I and small bowel series

Alternative Names !yspepsia1 *n#om'ortable 'ullness a'ter meals

!yspepsia is a #hroni# or re#urrent burning dis#om'ort or pain in the upper abdomen that maybe #aused by di.erse pro#esses su#h as gastroesophageal re'lu-, pepti# ul#er disease, and 2nonul#er dyspepsia,3 a heterogeneous #ategory that in#ludes disorders o' motility, sensation, and somati4ation. )astri# and esophageal malignan#ies are less #ommon #auses o' dyspepsia. 5are'ul historytaking allows a##urate di''erential diagnosis o' dyspepsia in only about hal' o' patients. In the remainder, endos#opy#an be a use'ul diagnosti# tool, espe#iallyin those patients whose symptoms are not resol.ed by an empiri#al trial o' symptomati# treatment.

INDIGESTION MECHANISMS The most common causes of indigestion are gastroesophageal acid reflux and functional dyspepsia. Other cases are a consequence of a more serious organic illness. Gastroesophageal Acid Reflux Acid reflux can result from a variety of physiologic defects. Reduced lower esophageal sphincter (LE ! tone is an important cause of reflux in scleroderma and pregnancy and may also "e a factor in patients without other systemic conditions. #any individuals show frequent transient LE relaxations$ during which acid "athes the esophagus. Overeating and aerophagia can transiently override the "arrier function of the LE $ whereas impaired esophageal "ody motility and reduced salivary secretion prolong acid exposure. The role of hiatal hernias is controversial%although most reflux patients exhi"it hiatal hernias$ most individuals with hiatal hernias do not have excess heart"urn. Gastric Motor Dysfu ctio &istur"ed gastric motility is purported to cause acid reflux in some cases of indigestion. &elayed gastric emptying also is found in '( to ()* of functional dyspeptics. The relation of these defects to symptom induction is uncertain+ many studies show poor correlation "etween symptom severity and the degree of motor dysfunction. A"normal gastric fundic relaxation after eating may cause selected dyspeptic symptoms such as "loating$ fullness$ nausea$ and early satiety. A current focus of investigation is developing drugs that enhance fundic relaxation. !isceral Affere t Hyperse siti"ity &istur"ed gastric sensory function may also cause functional dyspepsia. ,isceral afferent hypersensitivity was first demonstrated in patients with irrita"le "owel syndrome who had heightened perception of rectal "alloon inflation without changes in rectal compliance.

-atients with dyspepsia may experience discomfort with fundic distention to lower pressures than healthy control su".ects. Other #actors Helicobacter pylori has a clear etiologic role in peptic ulcer disease$ "ut ulcers cause only a minority of cases of dyspepsia. The importance of H. pylori in the genesis of functional dyspepsia is controversial$ "ut most investigators "elieve it is of minor importance. /n contrast$ functional dyspepsia is associated with a reduced sense of physical and mental well0"eing and is exacer"ated "y stress$ suggesting an important role for psychological factors. Analgesics cause dyspepsia+ nitrates$ calcium channel "loc1ers$ theophylline$ and progesterone promote acid reflux. Other exogenous factors that induce acid reflux include ethanol$ to"acco$ and caffeine via LE relaxation. 2enetic factors may contri"ute to development of acid reflux.

DI##ERENTIA$ DIAGNOSIS 3 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 2astroesophageal reflux disease (2ER&! is prevalent in 4estern society. 5eart"urn is reported once monthly "y 6)* of Americans and daily "y 7 to 8)*. #ost cases of heart"urn occur "ecause of excess acid reflux+ however$ some patients exhi"it heightened sensitivity to normal amounts of acid exposure. #u ctio al Dyspepsia 9unctional dyspepsia$ defined as 3: months of dyspepsia without an organic cause$ is also common. ;early '(* of the populace has a"dominal discomfort at least six times yearly$ "ut only 8) to ')* consult physicians. 9unctional dyspepsia accounts for <)* of cases of dyspepsia. #ost patients with functional dyspepsia follow a "enign course$ "ut a small num"er with H. pylori infection or on nonsteroidal anti0inflammatory drugs (; A/&s! progress to ulcer formation. As with idiopathic gastroparesis$ some cases of functional dyspepsia appear to result from prior gastrointestinal infection.

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