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Grado en Estudios Ingleses y Lenguas Modernas y Traduccin Universidad de Alcal

Curso Acadmico 2011 /2012

1 Curso-2 Cuatrimestre

Nombre de la asignatura: C digo: Ingls Acadmico 25100 Lenguas

Titula!i n en la "ue se Estudios Ingleses y im#arte: Modernas y Traduccin De#artamento $ %rea de !ilolog"a #oderna Cono!imiento: !ilolog"a Inglesa Car&!ter: Cr'ditos ECTS: Curso $ !uatrimestre: $%ligatoria &


1 y 2 'ra( Carmen !lys )un*uera 'ra( #ercedes '"e+ 'ra( $lga Gon+le+ ,ro-a( .eresa Corrales $tro /endiente de determinar

*orario de Tutor+a:

'e/ende de /ro-esor0 gru/o cam/us( 1e anunciar en /lata-orma virtual( se Ingls

y la

Idioma en im#arte:



T0is !ourse 1ill )o!us on t1o essential s2ills in a!ademi! Englis0: 1riting essa$s and ma2ing oral #resentations 10i!0 e))e!ti3el$ !ommuni!ate ideas and meet t0e !ultural e4#e!tations o) an Englis05s#ea2ing a!ademi! audien!e- T0e !ourse 1ill !o3er basi! !om#osition s2ills6 su!0 as #re51riting e4er!ises6 organi7ing essa$s o) di))erent t$#es o) a!ademi! #rose6 su##orting arguments !on3in!ingl$6 using and !iting sour!es and re3ising roug0 dra)ts- .e!ogni7ing t0e argumentati3e strategies o) a 1ritten te4t6 its stru!ture and #ur#ose6 aut0or8s st$le and intention are essential s2ills )or using 1ritten sour!es and 1ill be #ra!ti!ed- Li2e1ise6 t0e !ourse 1ill introdu!e !on!e#ts o) #ubli! s#ea2ing and oral #resentations6 in!luding audien!e a1areness6

#er)orman!e an4iet$6 deli3er$6 and t0e use o) 3isual aids9ot0 #ubli! s#ea2ing and 1ritten a!ademi! dis!ourse are essentiall$ :learned be0a3iors:; t0ere)ore6 t0e !on3entions t0at go3ern t0ese s2ills must also be taug0t in order to enable students to understand oral and 1ritten te4ts and generate e))e!ti3e #resentations and #ie!es o) 1riting to !ommuni!ate t0eir ideas- <urt0ermore6 not onl$ students6 but most #ro)essionals are =udged #rimaril$ b$ t0eir !om#eten!e in t0ese s2ills >e4aminations6 translations6 #ro=e!ts6 #ro#osals6 resear!06 #ubli!ations6 et!-? so t0e need to master t0em is essential-

(rerre"uisitos $ .e!omenda!iones Sin!e all a!ti3ities are !ondu!ted in Englis06 t0e !ourse assumes a good 1or2ing 2no1ledge o) Englis0 >Common Euro#ean <rame1or2 le3el 9,-@? u#on entering t0e !ourse-

Com#eten!ias gen'ri!as: .e!ogni7e and de3elo# di))erent argumentati3e strategiesDe3elo# inde#endent and !riti!al t0in2ingArti!ulate inde#endent and !riti!al o#inions based on su##orting e3iden!eS0o1 audien!e a1areness and res#e!t )or di))erent o#inions.e!ogni7e !ultural e4#e!tations in 1riting and s#ea2ingA##re!iate t0e role o) !ultural di3ersit$ in !ommuni!ationAalue a!ademi! 0onest$ and a3oid logi!al )alla!ies Use 3isual aids and !om#uter so)t1are to ma2e #resentations more e))e!ti3e and to do resear!0-

Com#eten!ias es#e!+)i!as: Identi)$ t0e ma=or #atterns o) organi7ation o) a!ademi! #roseA!"uire t0e basi! !on3entions o) a!ademi! 1riting.e!ogni7e di))erent argumentati3e strategies6 bot0 in 1riting and s#ea2ingBno1 and )ollo1 t0e !on3entions o) !iting sour!esDemonstrate t0e !a#a!it$ to outline6 summari7e and #ara#0rase !om#le4 te4tsElaborate !riti"ues and s$nt0eses o) di))erent sour!esConstru!t logi!al arguments6 #ro3iding !on3in!ing su##ort-

Ade"uatel$ use bibliogra#0i! and s#e!iali7ed sour!esCrite essa$s in !orre!t and !o0erent Englis06 a##ro#riate to an a!ademi! audien!eOrgani7e and orall$ #resent ideas in !orre!t and )luid Englis0Use di))erent argumentati3e strategies to !on3e$ oneDs ideas e))e!ti3el$De3elo# des!ri#ti3e and anal$ti!al s2ills in listening and reading !om#le4 te4tsDe3elo# listening strategies and t0e abilit$ to #arti!i#ate in debatesDemonstrate t0e abilit$ to understand6 bot0 orall$ and in 1riting6 argumentati3e s#ee!0es and te4ts at t0e 9@ le3el o) t0e Euro#ean <rame1or2 )or LanguagesDemonstrate t0e abilit$ to e4#ress onesel)6 bot0 orall$ and in 1riting6 on to#i!s related to t0e areas o) interest o) t0eir studies and be able to de)end an o#inion6 10ile maintaining an ade"uate oral intera!tion at t0e 9@ le3el o) t0e Euro#ean <rame1or2 )or Languages

Contenidos: UNIT I: S#ea2ing in #ubli!; listeningUNIT II: (aragra#0s and #ara#0rases- Generating ideas and #re5 1riting te!0ni"ues; outliningUNIT III: (atterns o) organi7ation6 and summari7ingUNIT IA: S#ea2ing in #ubli! >!ontinued?- Essa$ stru!ture and logi!al assertionsUNIT A: Strategies )or introdu!tions and !on!lusions- A!0ie3ing !o0eren!eUNIT AI: C0oosing su##orting material; te!0ni"ues o) su##ort*o1 to use sour!es e))e!ti3el$UNIT AII: (ersuasi3e 1riting and s#ea2ing- DebatingUNIT AIII: .easoning met0ods and logi!al )alla!ies- Class #resentations-

(rograma!i n de los !ontenidos

Unidades tem&ti!as


Total 0oras6 !lases6 !r'ditos o tiem#o de dedi!a!i n

Unit One

Introdu!tionS#ea2ing in #ubli!; listening s2ills- To#i!s6 #ur#ose6 )o!us and audien!e(aragra#0s and #ara#0rases; to#i! senten!e strateg$ Generating ideas and #re5 1riting te!0ni"ues; outlining(atterns o) organi7ation and summari7ingS#ea2ing in #ubli! !ontinuedEssa$ stru!ture and logi!al assertions; t0esis statementsIntrodu!tions6 !on!lusions and !o0eren!eC0oosing su##orting material; te!0ni"ues o) su##ort*o1 to use sour!es e))e!ti3el$: "uoting6 !riti"uing and s$nt0esi7ing; a!ademi! 0onest$ and #lagiar$; !iting sour!es: MLAArguing an o#inion; #ersuasi3e essa$s and s#ee!0esDebating C0oosing and using 3isual aids )or #resentationsLogi!al )alla!ies and reasoning met0ods Class #resentations-

, 1ee2

Unit T1o

, 1ee2

Unit T0ree

@ 1ee2s

Unit <our

@ 1ee2s

Unit <i3e

, 1ee2

Unit Si4

E 1ee2s

Unit Se3en

E 1ee2s

Unit Eig0t

@ 1ee2s



T0e met0odolog$ o) t0is !ourse is 0ig0l$ #ra!ti!al and t0ere)ore !lass attendan!e and a!ti3e #arti!i#ation are !om#ulsor$- T0e #ro)essors 1ill #resent general !on!e#ts6 !on3entions and strategies and t0ere 1ill be !lass dis!ussions o) t0e readings6 10i!0 1ill be used as models )or !riti!al anal$sis- Students 1ill also do grou# 1or2 and #eer re3isions- T0e !lass 1ill meet t0ree sessions 1ee2l$6 and t0e students 1ill 0a3e @ small grou# tutorials >one )or 1riting; one )or #re#aration o) a s#ee!0? and @ 1or2s0o#s >one )or #ubli! s#ea2ing; one )or debating?T0e te4tboo2 Write to Be Read 1ill be used )or most a!ti3ities6 but t0e #ro)essors 1ill #resent ot0er se!tions 1it0 additional materialSome se!tions 1ill be done in !lass 10ile ot0ers 1ill be done inde#endentl$ and on t0e 3irtual tea!0ing #lat)orm- T0e students must #re#are t0e readings be)ore ea!0 !lass session- All t0e units in t0e boo2 0a3e language e4er!ises6 10i!0 1ill mostl$ be done on t0e 3irtual #lat)ormAll 1riting assignments must be done on a !om#uter and 1ill be u#loaded onto t0e 3irtual #lat)orm as 1ell as submitted on #a#er in !lass- E4er!ises submitted late 1ill be a!!e#ted as being !om#leted6 but )eedba!2 1ill not ne!essaril$ be #ro3ided- All #re51riting outlines and dra)ts s0ould )orm #art o) a #ort)olio made t0roug0out t0e !ourse- A)ter tea!0er !orre!tion6 1riting assignments s0ould be re5 1ritten and #ut toget0er 1it0 t0e #re3ious dra)tsStudents 1ill ma2e t1o s#ee!0es and turn in se3eral #ie!es o) )ormal 1riting >t1o #aragra#0s and )our essa$s minimum? in addition to ot0er s0orter e4er!ises- Not all 1riting submitted 1ill be !orre!ted Jt0e #ro)essors 1ill randoml$ !orre!t a number o) 1ritings )or ea!0 tas26 but students must do t0eir best in all o) t0em be!ause t0e )inal mar2 1ill largel$ de#end on t0ose !0osen- At t0e end o) t0e !ourse t0e #ort)olio !ontaining all t0e assigned 1riting6 toget0er 1it0 t0e re3isions6 1ill be turned inT0e )inal e4am 1ill !onsist o) a )inal essa$ ta2en )rom t0ose #re3iousl$ submitted6 10i!0 students 1ill !0oose to im#ro3e and submit as t0eir best essa$6 along 1it0 an e4er!ise in3ol3ing a !riti!al anal$sis o) a #ie!e o) 1riting-

NKmero de 0oras totales: ,LM 0-

NKmero de 0oras #resen!iales: NKmero de 0oras del traba=o #ro#io del estudiante:

LM 0ours: FL !lass 0ours; @ one5 0our 1or2s0o#s6 , 0our grou# tutorials >@ 0al)50our sessions?6 and @ 0ours e4am,MM

Estrategias metodol gi!as

(resentation o) !on!e#ts and strategies; !riti!al anal$sis o) model essa$s- (ra!ti!e o) t$#es o) #re51riting6 #eer e3aluation and ot0er te!0ni"ues- Listening to and anal$7ing s#ee!0es- Dis!ussion and debating te!0ni"ues(ubli! s#ea2ing >s#ee!0es?- DebatesDis!ussion o) 1riting assignments- (re#aration o) )inal s#ee!0es.eading model essa$s- Dra)ting and 1riting assignmentsGrammar and 3o!abular$ e4er!ises on tea!0ing #lat)orm- (ra!ti!e 1it0 summari7ing and #ara#0rasing- .e3ision and re51riting- Sel)5e3aluation tas2s- (re#aring s#ee!0es and doing resear!0 )or )inal s#ee!0 and essa$- 9uilding u# t0e 1riting #ort)olio-

Class sessions

Cor2s0o#s Tutorials

Indi3idual 1or2


Materiales $ re!ursos
Te4tboo2: Smal7er6 Cilliam .- >@MMN? Write to Be Read. Reading, Reflection, and Writing- @nd- Ed- Cambridge Uni3ersit$ (ress9la!2board Tea!0ing (lat)orm Integrated Des2 )or #resentationsLanguage Laborator$

Criterios de evaluacin: Students 1ill 0a3e to demonstrate t0eir abilit$ to understand and e4#ress t0emsel3es6 bot0 orall$ and in 1riting6 at t0e 9@ le3el o) t0e Euro#ean <rame1or2 )or Languages- T0is 1ill be a /re-re*uisite6

#rior to t0e assessment o) t0e remaining o) t0e sub=e!tT0e assessment o) t0e 9@ le3el 1ill be !arried out b$ a Commission a##ointed b$ t0e De#artment and it 1ill !onsist o) a s#e!i)i! test !ontaining t0e )ollo1ing: ab!da listening !om#re0ension e4er!ise a reading !om#re0ension and language test a 1riting test an oral test >inter3ie1 or role5#la$?

9e)ore t0e assessment o) t0e rest o) t0e sub=e!t !an be done6 t0e students must a!0ie3e a general 9@ le3el in order to #ass t0is e4am6 but some !om#ensation among t0e di))erent #arts 1ill be allo1ed T0e Commission ma$ need more t0an one da$ to do all tests<or t0e rest o) t0e !ontents and !om#eten!es o) t0e #rogram6 detailed !riteria )or mar2ing ea!0 se!tion 1ill be #ro3ided on t0e tea!0ing #lat)orm- T0e #rogress illustrated t0roug0 t0e #ort)olio >#re5 1riting6 dra)ts and re51riting? 1ill be a 2e$ element- In an$ !ase6 t0e set o) standards and )ormal !riteria de3ised b$ t0e Departamento de Filologa Moderna 1ill be ta2en into a!!ount in t0e assessment o) e4ams and assignments- T0is le3el o) language >9@? 1ill be re"uired in order to obtain a #assing mar2- More in)ormation is a3ailable on t0e !lass #lat)orm-

Criterios de calificacin Continuous assessment: Students must !om#lete ea!0 o) t0e di))erent as#e!ts o) t0e !ourse listed under t0e !riteria belo1 1it0 a FMO su!!ess rate in order to !ontinue )ollo1ing t0is o#tion- Ot0er1ise6 t0e$ 1ill be as2ed to ta2e a !om#re0ensi3e )inal e4am in t0e se!ond e4amination #eriodContinuous assessment 1ill be based on t0e )ollo1ing as#e!ts and 1eig0ting: Class attendan!e and #arti!i#ation: ,M O Criting tas2s and #ort)olio: ELO Tea!0ing (lat)orm a!ti3ities >language e4er!ises6 =ournal entries6 summari7ing and #ara#0rasing #ra!ti!e?: ,LO <inal s#ee!0: @MO <inal e4am: @MO Non5!ontinuous assessment 1ill be based on a !om#re0ensi3e )inal e4am6 10i!0 1ill amount to a ,MMO o) t0e grade and 1ill assess all

t0e s2ills and !om#eten!es o) t0e !ourse6 in!luding t0e 9@ #re5 re"uisite-

Procedimientos de evaluacin: Students !an o#t )or !ontinuous assessment or t0e o3erall )inal e4am(ermission must be granted to o#t )or t0e o3erall )inal e4am6 a!!ording to t0e Uni3ersit$ regulations- Students 10o )ollo1 t0e !ontinuous assessment #ro!ess 1ill be assessed b$: Class attendan!e and #arti!i#ation Criting tas2s and #ort)olio Tea!0ing (lat)orm a!ti3ities >language e4er!ises6 =ournal entries6 summari7ing and #ara#0rasing #ra!ti!e <inal s#ee!0 <inal e4amStudents must submit all o) t0e )ormal 1riting assignments >t1o #aragra#0s and )our essa$s? and attend a minimum o) PLO o) t0e !lasses- Li2e1ise students must attend t0e 1or2s0o#s6 doing t0e s#ea2ing a!ti3ities6 and tutorials- An$one 10o misses a )ormal 1riting assignment6 1or2s0o#s and tutorials or more t0an P !lasses 1ill )ail t0e !ontinuous e3aluation- Students 10o )ail t0e !ontinuous e3aluation 1ill be as2ed to ta2e t0e ma2e5u# e4am in t0e se!ond #eriod in late IuneStudents 10o6 a)ter 0a3ing re"uested t0e o3erall )inal e4am o#tion and 0a3ing re!ei3ed t0e aut0ori7ation to do so6 1ill be e3aluated t0roug0 a !om#re0ensi3e )inal e4am !o3ering all t0e material o) t0e !ourse6 in!luding a !riti!al anal$sis o) a 1ritten #ie!e o) 1or26 a resear!0ed a!ademi! essa$ and a #ersuasi3e s#ee!0- Gi3en t0e !0ara!teristi!s o) t0e )inal e4am6 it is #robable t0at more t0an one da$ 1ill be ne!essar$ in order to !om#lete t0e e4am- Students 10o #lan to ta2e t0e o3erall e4am s0ould !onta!t t0e #ro)essors earl$ on in t0e !ourse in order to obtain s#e!i)i! in)ormation about t0e e4am6 sin!e it 1ill assess all t0e !om#eten!es stated in t0e s$llabus-

9ibliogra)+a 9&si!a 2i%ro de te3to o%ligatorio4 Smal7er6 Cilliam .- Write to Be Read. Reading, Reflection, and Writing- @nd ed- Cambridge: Cambridge Uni3ersit$ (ress6 @MMN-

Cuadernos de tra%a5o recomendados4 <a3a5Aerde6 Amanda and Ant0on$ Manning- Essay Writing. Course Book- TASB series- .eading6 UB: Garnet6 @M,MManning6 Ant0on$ and Elisabet0 Cilding- Presentations. Course Book- TASB series- .eading6 UB: Garnet6 @M,M9ibliogra)+a Com#lementaria A4elrod6 .ise and C0arles Coo#er- !e "t. Martin#s $uide to Writing- Nt0 ed- 9oston: 9ed)ordQSt- MartinDs6 @MM,9ell6 Douglas- Passport to %cademic Presentations- "tudent#s Book.eading: Garnet (ublis0ing Ltd-6@MMP9err$6 .al#0- !e Researc! Pro&ect' (o) to Write *t- ,RNN- Erd edLondon: .outledge6 ,RRFCarino6 (eter- !e Researc! Paper "implified- London: *ar#er Collins College Di3ision6 ,RREGibaldi6 Iose#0-M+% (and,ook for Writers of Researc! Papers - Nt0 edNe1 Sor2: Modern Language Asso!iation o) Ameri!a6 @MMEGlaser6 Ioe- -nderstanding "tyle' Practical Ways to *mpro.e /our Writing- O4)ord: O4)ord U(6 @MMPIa))e6 Clella- Pu,lic "peaking. Concepts and "kills for a Di.erse "ociety Lt0 ed- 9elmont6 CA: T0omson Cads1ort06 @MMNLester6 Iames D- Writing Researc! Papers' % Complete $uide- Tt0 edLondon: *ar#er Collins College Di3ision6 ,RREManning6 Ant0on$ and ODCain Andre1- Researc! and ReferencingCourse Book- TASB series- .eading: Garnet (ublis0ing Ltd-6 @MMTMiller6 Case$ and Bate S1i)t !e (and,ook of 0onse1ist Writing- Ne1 Sor2: *ar#er and .o16 ,RPR(o1ell6 Mar2- Presenting in Englis!. (o) to $i.e "uccessful Presentations- 9oston: T0omson *einle6 @MM@.eid6 Io$ and Margaret Lindstrom- !e Process of Paragrap! WritingLondon: (renti!e *all6 ,RPLS!01art76 Maril$n $uidelines for Bias2free Writing- 9loomington: Indiana Uni3ersit$ (ress6 ,RRLStrun26 Cilliam6 Ir-6 and E- 9- C0ite- !e Elements of "tyle- Erd ed- Ne1 Sor2: Ma!millan6 ,RT@Aan Emden6 Ioan and 9e!2er6 Lu!inda- Presentation "kills for "tudents. Ne1 Sor2: (algra3e Ma!millan6 @M,M6e%sites: Crite)i4: T0e Argument and O#inion Essa$ Criting Site 0tt#:QQ111-1rite)i4-!omQargumentQ Ad3an!ed Com#osition )or Non5Nati3e S#ea2ers o) Englis0 0tt#:QQ111-eslbee-!omQ E<L Laborator$: Criting 0tt#:QQ111-amarris-0omestead-!omQ1riting-0tml

Guide on 0o1 to 1rite uni3ersit$ essa$s6 !ourse1or26 assignments and dissertations 0tt#:QQuni3ersit$5essa$s-tri#od-!omQ (ubli! S#ea2ing 0tt#:QQ!ommuni!ation-1ads1ort0-!omQ=a))eL Debating 0tt#:QQ3ideo-google-!omQ3ideo#la$Udo!idV@,,FFPR,ETRNE@RE,ER

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