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Source: HENRY (ANDRIJA !AR" #$HARI%H DA&E '( BIR&H: (e)ruar* +,- +,+.

#"A%E '( BIR&H: %hica/o- illinois se0en chil1ren. RESIDEN%E: Ro2te + Bo3 454 Do)son- North %arolina 678+7 '((I%E: +864 %onnecticut A0enue- N.9. Suite +8++ 9ashi.n/ton- D.%. 688:; :48 East 46n1 Street Suite +A New Yor<- New Yor<- +8866 ED$%A&I'N: %'""E=E: Northwestern $ni0ersit* %olle/e o> "i)eral Arts- E0anston- Illinois. ?a@or: #hilosoph* an1 #reme1ical. De/ree: A.B. +,56 =RAD$A&E S%H''": Northwestern $ni0ersit* ?e1ical School- %hica/o- Illinois. De/rees: ?.B. +,5;. ?AD. +,57. Northwestern $ni0ersit* =ra1uate School%hica/o- Illinois. ?a@or: #h*siolo/* Research- +,56B+,5;. No 1e/ree ta<en. IN&ERNSHI#: #ermanente (oun1ation Hospital- 'a<lan1- %ali>ornia. Rotatin/AInternship +,5;B57. A-InCtern %ert. +,57. RESIDEN%Y: #ermanente Research (oun1ation- 'a<lan1- %ali>ornia. %hie> Resi1ent in ?e1ical Research +,57B5.. Resi1ent %ert. Internal ?e1icine +,5. (E""'9SHI#: =eneral (oo1s %orporation Research (ellowship >or *ears +,5,B+,48- +,48B+,4+- +,4+B+,46 at the Roun1 &a)le (oun1ation- "a)orator* o> E3perimental Electro)iolo/*- =len %o0e- ?aine. #'S&=RAD$A&E: #ratt Institute- Broo<l*n- New Yor< ?icroelectronics- +,;6B+,;: "I%ENS$RE: %ali>ornia- maine- New Yor< ($.S.A. ?I"I&ARY: #>e.- Arm* SpecialiDe1 &rainin/ #ro/ram +,56 to +,5; at Northwestern $ni0ersit* ?e1ical School-C %hica/o- Illinois. %aptain- ?%. %hie>- 'utpatient Ser0ice- $nite1 States Arm* Dispensar*- Arm* %hemical %enter- ?ar*lan1 +,4: to +,44. SpecialiDe1 1uties in chemical an1 )iolo/ical war>are ?E?BER New Yor< Aca1em* o> Sciences- +,5. American Association >or the A10ancement o> Science- +,5. ?*colo/ical Societ* o> San (rancisco- +,4, American Association >or Humanistic #s*cholo/*- +,;8 #an American me1ical Association- +,;+ Aerospace ?e1ical Association- +,;5 Space ?e1icine Branch o> A.?.A.- +,;5 American Aca1em* o> =eneral #ractice- +,;7 American =eriatries Societ*- +,;7 American Societ* >or %*)erneties- +,;7 %olom)ian Societ* o> An/iolo/*- +,;. New Yor< Eoolo/ical Societ*- +,;. National =eo/raphic Societ*- +,;. American Aca1em* o> #olitical an1 Social Scienee- +,;, American Societ* >or Arti>icial Internal 'r/ans- +,7+ H'N'RS AND A9ARDS Scientist o> the Year Awar1- $.S.#.A.- +,.6 Honorar* "".D. Emerson %olle/e- Boston- ?assachusetts- +,7; %reati0e an1 Success>ul #ersonalities- +,7+ Dietionar* o> International Bio/raph*- +,;, 9hois 9ho in the East- +,;7 Bio/raphical Dictionar* o> #araps*cholo/*- +,;5 "ea1ers in American Science- +,;+ American ?en o> ?e1icine- +,;8 $nion "ea/ue %lu) o> %hiea/o Scholarship %hica/o 9omanCs %lu) Scholarship H'N'RS AND A9ARDS (continue1 A. ?ont/omer* 9ar1 Scholarship !anine !ennel !lu) (Northwestern $ni0ersit* National Honor Societ* Eta Si/ma #hi %$RREN& A%&IFI&IES %onsultant in ?e1ical Electronics. #resi1ent o> Essential Research Associates- New Yor<- New Yor< FiceB#resi1ent- #lanetar* Association >or %lean Ener/*'ttawa- 'ntario. "a)orator* research in water electrol*sis- an1 in the molecular e0olution o> li0in/ >orms. #rincipal acti0it* is in the 1issemination o> in>ormation a)out paraBph*sical e>>ects to lea1ers in /o0ernment- in1ustr*uni0ersities an1 pri0ate >oun1ations. &his inclu1es >iel1 an1 la)orator* research- 1esi/n o> research-pro/rams an1 coor1ination o> research pro/rams inA.lea1in/ research centers o> the worl1. %AREER RES$?E +,77 to +,.6 (#resent : In a11ition to consultin/ acti0ities as liste1 a)o0e- maintains a pri0ate la)orator* to in0esti/ate the molecular e0olution o> )ioener/etic s*stems. &he la)orator* is in De0otion- North %arolina. Recent wor< concerns:

A new metho1 o> water electrol*sis )* means o> mo1ulate1 alternatin/ current. E>>iciencies o> ,8G ha0e )een achie0e1 in la)orator* e3periments. new metho1 o> wa0icular control o> atomic an1 molecular chemical reactions which lea1s to the pro1uction o> elementar* li>e >orms. Application o> this new technolo/* to the pro)lem o> the ori/in o> mammalian cancer. in +,77 or/aniDe1 an1 was %hairman o> &he #h*sics o> %onsciousness %on>erenceB in Re*<@a0i<- Ieelan1. See pu)lications- No. ,; %areer RHsume +,77B.6 (continue1 In +,7. or/aniDe1 an1 was %hairman o> &he CSecon1.#h*sics o> %onsciousness %on>erence in Falle 1e Bra0o- ?e3ico. In +,7, was appointe1 as a Dele/ate >rom %ana1a to the $nite1 Nations Institute o> &echnolo/* an1 Research %on>erence in ?ontreal- Decem)er +,7,. Dele/ates >rom ++6 nations atten1e1. In +,.8 or/aniDe1 an1 1irecte1 a wee<Blon/ s*mposium on E3ten1e1 Human %apacities- >or the Youn/ #resi1ents 'r/aniDation. &his was hel1 in ?a1ri1- Spain 1urin/ the wee< o> April 6+B67- +,.8. &he results were pu)lishe1 )* a series o> au1io tapes an1 0i1eo tapes- )* 9estern Instructional &ele0ision- "os An/eles- %ali>ornia. In +,.+ an1 +,.6 spent almost >ull time in la)orator* research on the pro)lems o> the molecular ori/in o> li>e >orms. #resente1 the preliminar* results o> these in0esti/ations at the June +,.6 "earne1 Societies %on>erence in 'ttawaIntario- %ana1a. As a result this paper eorne1 the author &he Scientist o> the Year Achie0ement Awar1 )* the $nite1 States #s*chotronic Association- at its annual meetin/ at the %olora1o School o> ?ines- =ol1en- %olora1o- iul* +,.6 April +,7+ to +,7;: In April +,7+ resi/ne1 positions with Intelectron %orporation in or1er to wor< at in1epen1ent research. In Au/ust +,7+ /a0e a paper at an international con>erence in (rance (See Re>. ., un1er #u)lications where I outline1 m* )asic research plans >or an approach to the pro)lem o> the mechanism o> molecular e0olution. &his reJuire1 some new an1 ra1ical Approaches to the pro)lem o> how li>e ori/inate1. In a sense- this pro)lem ha1 )een >ormulate1 )* J.S. Bell- #h*sics +-+,4 (+,;5 un1er the title KIntro1uction to the Hi11en Faria)le Luestion-K an1 has su)seJuentl*--come to )e <nown as KBells &heoremK. in la*manCs lan/ua/e Bells &heorem see<s an a.nswer to the Juestion o> how 6 e0ents- remote in space- or time are connecte1M I chose to e3amine this Juestion as to how 6 )rains (li0in/ ph*sicall* isolate1 in space- or timecan )e connecte1. &he wor< starte1 with >in1in/ a person in Israel ($ri =eller who coul1 1emonstrate un1er la)orator* con1itions the April +,7+ to +,7; (continue1 KBell %onnecte1ness #rincipleK. &he author then ha1 this person ($ri =eller teste1 in 66 la)oratories in nine countries. A con>erence wasor/aniDe1 )* the author to e0aluate the 1ata in +,75- &his is now <nown as &he &arr*town %on>erenceB hel1 in New Yor<. &he result was a pu)lication- &he =eller #apers- e1ite1 )* %harles #anati- Ho2/hton ?i>>lin %ompan*Boston- +,7;. &his pu)licatiJn resulte1 in a renewe1 sur/e o> interest in the su)@ect on a worl1Kwi1e )asis. As a result the author or/aniDe1 the-Icelan1 %on>erence- mentione1 a)o0e >or +,77. &his con>erence was to ha0e pro>oun1 e>>ects >or the >uture. It le1 a /roup o> scientists >rom the $nite1 States Na0* (an1 other a/encies o> the $.S. =o0ernment to openl* an1 o>>iciall* espouse an1 or/aniDe research in the latent powers o> the human min1. '> central interest was the m*sterious a)ilit* o> persons to )en1 metal B solel* )* mental means. In +,.6 this su)@ect ha1 hi/h priorit* amon/st the $.S. militar* research priorities. (rom +,7;- e3ten1in/ to the present time (+,.6 - the author continue1 to wor< at the KBellAs &heoremK pro)lem throu/h the in0esti/ation o> E"( (E3tremel* "ow (reJuencies e>>ects on li0in/ s*stems- &his wor< is re>lecte1 in the authorCs research on the ori/ine o> molecular e0olution- an1 in his wor< on the cancer pro)lem Desi/ne1 an1 institute1 research pro/rams in cooperation with the >ollowin/ institutions: Stan>or1 $ni0ersit* School o> ?e1icine- %ali>ornia =u*ls Hospital- Bloom>iel1 %linic- "on1on- En/lan1 School >or %ommunication Disor1ers- Speech an1 Hearin/&el A0i0 $ni0ersit* ?e1ical School- &el Hashomer- Israel National &echnical Institute >or the Dea>- Rochester Institute o> &echnolo/*- Rochester- New Yor<. American Aca1em* >or Human De0elopment- Dallas- &e3as National $ni0ersit* o> ?e3ico- ?e3ico %it*- ?e3ico $ni0ersit* o> Southern %ali>ornia- School o> ?e1icineDepartment o> 'tolar*n/olo/*- "os An/eles- %ali>ornia April +,7+ to +,7; (continue1 'tolar*n/olo/* =roup- $ni0ersit* o> #enns*l0ania- #hila1elphia- #enns*l0ania &he Ro*al Institute o> &echnolo/*- Department o> &echnical Au1iolo/* o> !arolins<a Institute- Stoc<holm- Swe1en "ectures an1 s*mposia at numerous institutions in the $nite1 States- Europe- "atin America an1 Israel on a10ance1 concepts in )ioBc*)ernetics. ?a* +,;+ to April +,7+: #resi1ent an1 Director o> ?e1ical Research- Intelectron %orporation- 5:6 9est 54th Street- New Yor<- New Yor<.

%oB>oun1er o> Intelectron %orporation with Dr. Joseph ". "awrence. Incorporate1 un1er the laws o> the State o> New Yor< to carr* out research an1 1e0elopment in the >iel1 o> me1ical electronics. Super0ise1 a sta>> o> technical personnel in the >iel1 o> au1iolo/*- electronic en/ineerin/- an1 clinical research. %oncei0e1- 1esi/ne1 an1 con1ucte1 clinical tests o> electronic 1e0ices >or the reha)ilitation o> hearin/. =rante1 (with J.". "awrence $nite1 States an1 >orei/n patents on such 1e0ices an1 s*stems. Super0ise1 clinical tests in association with Ntolo/ists schools >or the 1ea>- an1 hospitals on patients with either se0erel* impaire1 hearin/- or clinical total 1ea>ness. &his resulte1 in the 1e0elopment o> electronic s*stems that reha)ilitate hearin/ in the clinicall* totall* 1ea>. &hese results were >irst reporte1 in ?a*- +,;5 to the :4th Annual %on0ention o> the Aerospace ?e1ical Association meetin/ in ?iami- (lori1a. #rincipal in0esti/ator (with J.". "awrence o> a research pro/ram un1er contract with the $nite1 States Air (orce S*stems %omman1- Rome Air De0elopment %enter- entitle1B. KElectrostimulation &echniJues o> Hearin/K. Research con1ucte1 on )oth humans an1 animals in or1er to >inO out i> hearin/ coul1 )e stimulate1 in the presence o> total 1ea>ness. A solution was >oun1 >or this pro)lem- an1 the contract was complete1 an1 appro0e1. +,4. to ?a* +,;+ ?e1ical Research %onsultant- Resi1ence %armel ?ea1ows- %armel %ali>ornia-. RetaAne1 )* such or/aniDations as: $ni-te1 States Arm* Hospital- "a)orator* Science- (ort 'r1 %ali>ornia- as consultant in mushroom technolo/*. Bel< Research (oun1ation- ?iami- (lori1a- as consultant on communications research. ?in1 Science (oun1ation- San Antonio- &e3as- as %onsultin/ Director o> Research- pro tem. %onsciousness Research (oun1ation- San #e1ro- %ali>ornia- as consultant in ps*chotherapeutic 1ru/ research pro/ram. %ali>ornia #araps*cholo/* (oun1ation- San Die/o- %ali>ornia- as consultant in paraps*cholo/* research pro/rams. ?arco Desi/n-Inc.- "os An/eles- %ali>ornia- as consultant in Human (actors Desi/n pro)lems in in1ustr*. Aluminum %orporation o> America- A"%'A #RESEN&S- ?=? Stu1ios- %ul0er %it*- %ali>ornia- as technical consultant to K'ne Step Be*on1K- AB%B&F series. Stan>or1 $ni0ersit*- #araps*cholo/* Research =roup- #alo Alto- %ali>ornia- as a10isor to #ro>essor ie>>er* Smith. 'ccasional consultant to: Institute o> E3ten1e1 Stu1ies- "os An/eles- %ali>orniaP Desi/n- Research Q De0elopment %orporation- ?ontere*- %ali>orniaP $ni0ersit* o>B9ashin/ton #harmacolo/* Department- Seattle 9ashin/tonP $nite1 States Arm* %hemical %orps- Arm* %hemical %enter- ?ar*lan1P %olum)ia Broa1castin/ S*stem &F- "os An/eles%ali>orniaP R.i<er "a)oratories- Northri1/e- %ali>ornia- etc. Durin/ the *ear +,4.B4, ser0e1 on a >ullBtime )asis as the %hie>- Emer/enc* Ser0ice- $nite1 States Arm* Hospital- (ort 'r1- %ali>ornia. &hrou/hout the perio1 >rom +,4. to +,;+ owne1 an1 operate1 a pri0ate research la)orator* in %armel Falle*- %ali>ornia. 9or<e1 on 0arious pro@ects in the communications >iel1 which were presente1 as reports as in1icate1 in the >ollowin/ para/raphs: KDemonstration o> ES# )* #eter Hur<os- an1 an E3planation )* Dr. #uharichK- Si3th Na0al District Annual #ersonnel +,4. to ?a* +,;+ (continue1 %on>erence. No0em)er ;B7- +,7,. #u)lishe1 as a report in =ui1elines- ('>>icial $SN pu)lication - Decem)er- +,4,. lAC#ro)lems o> instrumentation an1 %ontrol in the Stu1* o> E3trasensor* #erceptionK- "ecture to the Institute o> Ra1io EnJineers- "os An/eles Section . No0em)er 68- +,4,. K&he ?in1 as an Action %enterK. #aper presente1 )e>ore the #s*chiatric Section- :4th %on/ress o> the #an American ?e1ical Association- April 6,- +,;8. ?e3ico %it*- ?e3ico. Ser0e1 as a S*mposium #anelist on:KC&he Human #otentialKK mo1erate1 )* Al1ous Hu3le*. Rancho "a #uerta- &ecate?e3ico. June 67 throu/h iul* +- +,;8. #u)lishe1 in SAN DIE='- Septem)er- +,;8. "e>t pri0ate practice to help >oun1 Intelectron %orporation. ?o0e1 >rom %armel- %ali>ornia to 'ssinin/- New Yor<- Au/ust- +,;+. +,5. to +,4.BJ E3cept Aor a twoA*ear lea0e o> a)sence >or militar* 1ut* (+,4:B4 4 hel1 the position o> Directot o> Research- Roun1 &a)le (oun1ation- =len %o0e- ?aine. (oun1e1 this nonB pro>it >oun1ation. rrincipal 1uties were to plan an1 carr* out animal an1 human research pro/rams- super0ise a sta>> o> technicians which usuall* a0era/e1 ei/ht in num)er o0er the *ears- an1 to raise >un1s throu/h /rants an1 contracts. +,5. to +,46 wasC almost entirel* 1e0ote1 to animal research. ?ana/e1 an animal >acilit* that maintaine1 a stoc< o> 1o/s- cats- an1 rats. #rincipal e>>orts were concerne1 with the electrical recor1in/ o> neural acti0it* >rom the peripheral an1 central ner0ous s*stem o> animals 1urin/ the taste response to 0arious chemicals an1 >oo1s. &his pro/ram was un1er the sponsorship o> =eneral (oo1s %orporation an1 these were compan* proprietar*. 'ne o> the practical outcomes o> this research was a )etter un1erstan1in/ o> the role o> >oo1 te3ture constitution in palati)ilit* Jualit*. An o>>shoot o> this neuroph*siolo/ical research was a )etter un1erstan1in/ o> the role o> the chor1a t*mpani ner0e- an1 the t*mpanic ner0e ple3us in sonic transmission phenomena. %olla)orate1 closel* 1urin/ the *ears +,5, to +,46 with Dr. Samuel Rosen o> ?t- Sinai Hospital- New Yor< %it*- the +,5. to +,4. (continue1 in0entor o> the Stapes ?o)iliDation Sur/ical proce1ure >or the alle0iation o> con1ucti0e 1ea>ness. &o/ether- althou/h wor<in/ un1er RosenCs super0ision. we wor<e1 out the sur/ical >oun1ations on 1o/s an1 cats >or Stapes ?o)iliDation Sur/er*.

Dr. Rosen- on his own- e3ten1e1 these )asic >in1in/s to humans an1 in +,45 was a)le to announce his earl* successes with otosclerotic con1ucti0e 1ea>ness. Since then this operation has )een carrie1 out all o0er the worl1 on untol1 num)ers o> humans. 9e ha0e continue1 our research colla)oration to this 1a*. As a result o> these earl* o)ser0ations on animals- was le1 to concei0e o> ra1io >reJuenc* ener/* 1irectl* to the )rain >or the alle0iation o> 1ea>ness 1ue to au1itor* sensoriBneural 1estruction. &he practical outcome o> this research has )een 1escri)e1 earlier in which hearin/ reha)ilitation is now possi)le an1 practical >or the clinicall* totall* 1ea>. %ommunication research was carrie1 out in other sensor* mo1alities- especiall* 0ision an1 touch. Se0eral *ears were spent on stro)oscopic >lash- an1 >lic<erB>usion stu1ies in humans. &his resulte1 in a simple techniJue to enhance sensiti0it* in humans >or e3trasensor* perception- as esta)lishe1 )* >ormal statistical techniJues. =roup carrie1 out )asic research on human 1ermoB Lptical perception. Human KIn>ormation trans>er (o> a nonBsensor* nature was carrie1 put with especiall* /i>te1 su)@ects >rom all o0er the worl1. &his wor< was concerne1 with 1e0isin/ en0ironmental control s*stems- 1ru/ e3periments- anesthetic /as e3periments- electronic s*stems- an1 stu1*in/ their e>>ect on human per>ormance. A )rie> i1ea can )e /aine1 o> the nature o> these stu1ies >rom the >ollowin/ lectures an1 reports which were prepare1 an1 /i0en: KAn E0aluation o> the #ossi)le $se>ulness o> E3trasensor* #erception in #s*cholo/ical 9ar>areK. #aper presente1 to a con>erence on #s*cholo/ical 9ar>are- Department o> De>ense- #enta/on- 9ashin/ton- D.%.- No0em)er 6:- +,46. KResearches in Increasin/ o> Decreasin/ &elepath*K. "ecture presente1 at the A0iation School o> ?e1icine- $SA( Ran1olph (iel1- &e3as- ?arch +;- +,4:. K#h*sical &echniJuR >or Increasin/ &elepath*K. #aper presente1 at a seminar sponsore1 )* the Department o> %hemistr*- Armour Research (oun1ation- illinois Institute o> &echnolo/*- %hica/o- Decem)er 5- +,4:. +,5. to +,4. (-continue1 ++Biochemical (oun1ationS >or E3trasensor* #erceptionK. #aper presente1 at a seminar o> the ?e1ical Research "a)orator*- %hemical corps- Arm* %hemical %enter- ?ar*lan1- April 68- +,45. K&he E>>ect o> an E3cess o> Ne/ati0e Atmospheric Ions upon ESAC &est ScoresK. "ecture presente1 )e>ore the #s*chic Research Societ*- ?assachusetts Institute o> &echnolo/*- %am)ri1/e- ?assachusetts- 'cto)er +;- +,4;. +,:. to +,5.P Durin/ these *ears wor<e1 at man* 1i>>erent @o)s- too numerous to mention to earn m* wa* throu/h colle/e- me1ical school- /ra1uate school an1 hospital an1 research trainin/. S#E%IA" AREAS '>C IN&ERES&- AND ET#ERIEN%EInternal ?e1icineP clinical- an1 car1io0ascular research. %aneer research-. Au1iolo/* an1 'tolo/*: research animal an1 human. E3perimental Desi/n #roce1ures: )roa1 e3perience in statistical 1esi/n an1 anal*sis--o> me1ical e3periments- )oth on humans an1 animals. ?e1ical Electronics: a)reast o>- an1 >amiliar with the a10ance1 concepts an1 technolo/* in this new an1 /rowin/ >iel1. Special e3perience with sensors- co1in/ techniJues- an1 ra1io telemetr* s*stems. 'ri/inal contri)utions in )ioB instrumentation an1 sensor* prostheties. Numerous patents /rante1 an1 applie1 >or in me1ical electronics. #s*chotherapeutic A/ents: )roa1 e3perience o0er man* *ears with ps*chotherapeutic 1ru/s- hallucino/enic- )otanicals an1 1ru/s- an1 ori/inal research on humans. Basic research trainin/ in neuroph*siolo/*- ps*chiatr* an1 h*pnosis. %ommunication Research: principal e3perience in sensor* ph*siolo/* an1 nonBsensor* in>ormation trans>er processes. !nowle1/e o> in>ormation theor* an1 s*stems as applie1 to )iolo/ical processes Aor <nowin/ an1 action. Special Areas o> Interest an1 E3perience (continue1 A1ministration an1 ?ana/ement: ele0en *ears e3perience as an a1ministrator an1/or mana/er o> me1ical research pro/rams An1 petsBonnel. #roposals- =rants an1 %ontracts: coneel0e1- prepare1- seeure1 an1 complete1 0arious research proposals- /rants an1 contracts o0er the *ears >or- an1 >rom- in1ustr*- >oun1ations- an1 the $nite1 States =o0ernment. %ommunications me1ia: )roa1 e3perienee with @ournals- ma/aDines- newspapers- ra1io- tele0ision an1 the mo0ie in1ustr*. Ha0e prepare1 material >or each o> these me1ia- or wor<e1 as a special consultant. Appeare1 as a /uest or spea<er on numerous occasions in ra1io- tele0ision- an1 >ilmsP as well as )e>ore la* an1 scienti>ic /roups an1 or/aniDations. S%IEN&I(I% ET#EDI&I'NSU ?e3ico Hea1 o> >ourteen man e3pe1ition into %hatino %ountr* o> oa3aca- ?e3ico- 1urin/ the summer o> +,;8. Sponsore1 )* the $nite1 States Arm* %hemical %orps- the $ni0ersit* o> 9ashin/ton an1 the Aluminum %ompan* o> America. #urpose: to collect hallucino/enic )otanicals. A 1ocumentar* >ilm was shown on the AB% networ<. Hawaii ?a1e a sur0e* o> the Hawaiian Islan1s 1urin/ ?arch an1 April-.+,;+- an1 1isco0ere1 the >irst hallucino/enic mushrooms e0er >oun1 in the Islan1s. Specimens o> #aneolus %ampanulatus presente1 an1 catalo/ue1 at the Bishop ?useum- Honolulu- Hawaii. BraDil (iel1 stu1* in %on/onhas 1o %ampo- ?inas =eraisBraDil- 1urin/ the month o> Au/ust- +,;:. Sponsore1 )* the Bel< Research (oun1ation- ?iami- (lori1a- >or the purpose o> stu1*in/ primiti0e sur/ical techniJues- plant an1 1ru/ usa/e >or healin/ )* a nati0e- Ari/o.

Secon1 >iel1 e3pe1ition ma1e in ?a*- +,;. with a /roup o> ph*sicians >or the same purpose. Special Areas o> interest an1 E3perience (continue1 . Israel (iel1 Israelt Au/ust- +,7+-B No0em)er- +,7+ to April- +,76 on ?r. $rA =eller. ?e3ico (iel1 research on a curan1era- #ac.ita. Hea1 o> a ; man team in0esti/atin/ human or/an transplants. Januar* +,7. to June +,7.. #$B"I%A&I'NS AND #A&EN&S )* Henr* !. #uharich- ?.D. +. E3periments concernin/ Bloo1 Se1imentation Rate in relation to Anaph*lactic Shoc<. #aper presente1 at the %on>erence o> the 9estern Re/ional Societ* >or %linical Research. San (rancisco- %ali>ornia. No0em)er +6- +,5;. #u)lishe1 in &he #rocee1in/s- +,57. 6. &he in>luence o> Di/italis an1 other Di/italoi1 1ru/s upon Bloo1 %oa/ulation. (with (.R. =oetDl #ermanente (oun1ation ?e1ical Bulletin- 4: ,7B++8- +,57. :. #ain pro1uce1 )* chan/es in #ressure within the ?e1ullar* %a0it* o> Bone. #ermanente (oun1ation ?e1ical Bulletin- 4: 4,B;6- +,57. 5. A &heor* o> Ner0e %on1uction. #aper presente1 to the Department o> Eoolo/* =ra1uate Seminar. $ni0ersit* o> %ali>ornia at Ber<ele*- June +,57. 4. A %linical %omple3 e3hi)itin/ "e>t Homon*mous Hemianopsia- the Neocere)ellar S*n1rome- Hemi)allismus- an1 the Anterior In>erior %ere)ellar Arter* S*n1rome- A %linicoBpatholo/ical Report. (with ?el0in (rie1man . #ermanente (oun1ation ?e1ical Bulletin- ;: 68.B6+5- +,5.. ;. A Juantitati0e approach towar1 measurin/ taste patterns in the 1o/ )* a neuroph*siolo/ical recor1in/ techniJue. Internal Report. =eneral (oo1s %orporation (ellowship- +,5,B48. 7. Electrical recor1in/ >rom the %hor1a &*mpani Ner0e in the 1o/ to measure %hemical an1 Fi)rator* &aste Stimuli. Internal Report. =eneral (oo1s %orporation (ellowship- +,48B4+. .. %orrelation o> Neural Electrical #atterns with %hemical an1 Fi)rator* &aste Stimuli in the Do/. Internal Report. =eneral (oo1s %orporation (ellowship- +,4+B46. ,. A eritiJue o> the possi)le use>ulness o> e3trasensor* perception in #s*cholo/ical 9ar>are. #aper presente1 to a Seminar on #s*cholo/ical 9ar>are. Department o> De>ense- 9ashin/ton- D.%.- No0em)er 6:- +,46. +8. Researches in 1ecreasin/ or increasin/ &elepath*. #aper presente1 at &he A0iation School o> ?e1icine $SA(Ran1olph (iel1- &e3as. ?arch +;- +,4:. ++. A #h*sical &echniJue >or ampli>*in/ &elepath*. #aper presente1 at a Department o> %hemistr* Seminar- Decem)er 5- +,4:. Armour Research (oun1ation- Illinois Institute o> &echnolo/*- %hica/o- Ill. +6. Biochemical >oun1ations >or e3trasensor* perception. #aper presente1 at the ?e1ical Research "a)orator* SeminarApril 68- +,45. $nite1 States Arm* %hemical %orps- Arm* %hemical %enter- E1/ewoo1- ?ar*lan1. +:. &he e>>ect o> an e3cess o> Atmospheric Ne/ati0e Ions upon ES# &est Scorin/. #aper presente1 to the #s*chic Research Societ*- ?assachusetts Institute o> &echnolo/*- %am)ri1/e?assachusetts. 'cto)er +;- +,4;. +5. %an &elepath* penetrate the Iron %urtainM &omorrow- Fol.S- No.6- pa/es +B+8- 9inter +,47. +4. ?etho1 an1 Apparatus >or appl*in/ an 'rthope1ic %ast or the li<e. $.S. #atent No. 6-.4:.8;7. Septem)er 6:- +,4.. +;. &he Sacre1 ?ushroom. Dou)le1a* Q %ompan*- Inc.- New Yor< +,4,. +7. &he ?ushroom in ?*th. Bulletin o> the ?*colo/ical Societ* o> San (rancisco- Fol. ,- No. +8- +,4,. +.. Hearin/ Ai1. =reat Britain #atent No. ,.6-,:5. Septem)er 6+- +,4,. +,. #rocH1ure et mo*en pour ampli>ier ou pour rHta)lir ++oure. RHpu)liJue (ran.Araise No. +.6:;.7.6. Septem)er 65- +,4,. Bre0et 1Cin0ention. 68. SchwerhVri/en/erWt. Bun1esrepu)li< Deutschlan1 #atentamt ++68484 Septem)er 6;- +,4,. 6+. #rocH1H et mo*en pour ampli>ier ou pour rHta)lir Iloure. Ro*aume 1e Bel/iJue- Bre0et 1lin0ention No. 4.:.8:5- 'cto)er IS- +,4,. 66. Demonstration o> ES# )* #eter Hur<os. an1 an e3planation )* Dr. #uharich. Si3th Na0al District Annual #ersonnel %on>erence- %harleston- South %arolina. $nite1 States Na0*. No0em)er ; B 7- +,4,. =ui1elines (o>>.$SN pu)lication - Decem)er +,4,. 6:. #ro)lems o> Instrumentation an1 %ontrol in the stu1* o> e3trasensor* perception. "ecture to the Institute o> Ra1io En/ineers- "os An/eles Section. No0em)er 68- +,4,. 65. ?ushroom IconsB Bulletin o> the ?*colo/ical Societ* o> San (rancisco Fol. ,- No.+6- +,4,. 64. &he ?in1 as an Action %enter. #aper presente1 to the #s*chiatric Section- :4th %on/ress o> the #an American ?e1ical Association. ?e3ico %it*- ?e3ico. April 6,- +,;8. 6;. Electrical (iel1 E>>ects on Humans. =uest Spea<er Annual ?eetin/ o> Institute o> Ra1io En/ineers- San (rancisco Section. Ber<ele*- %ali>ornia. June +5- +,;8. 4;. Dispositi> pour assurer Ilau1ition a0ec ou sans inter0ention 1e Iloreille. %on>H1Hration Suisse- E3posH 1Cin0ention No. :.5-85+. Januar* 6,- +,;4. 47. $n 1ispositi0o para impartir scriales electricas mo1ula1as a ner0ios 0iales 1el Sistema (acial 1e un su@eto. Repu)lica Ar/entina. #atente 1e in0ancion No. +56..,. (e)ruar* ,- +,;4. 4.. ?eans >or Ai1in/ Hearin/ )* electrical stimulation o> the (acial Ner0e S*stem. $.S. #atent No. :-+78-,,:. (e)ruar* 6:- +,;4.

4,. Horeanor1nin Nors< #atent Nr. +84 7;8. ?arch .- +,;4. ;8. Soli1 State Hearin/ S*stem. %ana1a #atent No. 78.64;. April 68- +,;4. 9er<wi@De 0oor het hoor)aar ma<en 0an au1io:EreJuente si/nalen )i@ 1o0en. 'ctrooiraa1 Ne1erlan1- 'ctrooi Nr. +++ .5A. Septem)er +7- +,;4. ;6. Electricall* Stimulate1 Hearin/ with Si/nal (ee1)ac<. In1ia- #atent No. ,6854.- April +;- +,;;. ;:. ?e@oras en Dispositi0os Electronieos 1e Au1icion. Repil)lica Ar/entina- #atente 1e in0encion No. +5.857. ?a* +8+,;;. ;5. Electricall* Stimulate1 Hearin/ with Si/nal (ee1)ac<. $.S. #atent No. :-6;7-,:+. Au/ust 6:- +,;;. ;4. Electricall* Stimulate1 Hearin/ with Si/nal (ee1)ac<. #a<istan- #atent No. ++46+.. Au/ust :8- +,;;. ;;. ?eans >or ai1in/ hearin/ )* electrical stimulation o> the (aciaCl Ner0e S*stem. C%ommonwealth o> Australia "etters #atent No.6;,-,78. Septem)er +:- +,;;. ;7. 'to>ono 1el tipo a StimolaDione Elettrica 1el Sistema Ner0oso (acciale con %ircuito 1i ReaDione. Ital*- Bre0etto per In0enDione In1ustriale No. 7+:8+7. Septem)er 68-C+,;;. ;.. Apparcechio per Aiutare "lu1ito me1iante StimolaDione Blettrica 1el Sistema Ner0oso (acciale. ltal*- Bre0etto per in0enDione In1ustriale No. 7+47.;. 'cto)er +- +,;;. ;,. Electrical (iel1 Rein>orcement o> ES#. International Journal o> Neurops*chiatr*- Fol. 6- No. 4- pp. 575B5.;- 'cto)er +,;;. 78. ?eans >or ai1in/ hearin/ )* Blectrical Stimulation o> the (acial Ner0e S*stem. %ana1a #atent No. 74848:. Januar* +8- +,;7. 7+. lectricall* Stimulate1 hearin/ with Si/nal (ee1)ac<. %ana1a #atent No. 74+88+. Januar* +7- +,;7.C 76.$n aparato para estimular ElectricamenteB-el Senti1o 1e Au1icion 1e un Ser Humano con realimentacionC1e SC/nales a tra0es 1el Sistema Ner0loso (acial. Repu)lica Ar/entina- #atente 1e In0encion No. +4:+5.. (e)ruat* 6+- +,;7. 7:. #rocesso e 1ispositi0o para au3iliar ou restaurar a Au1ir- -ao. Brasil- #atente 1e in0en/CWo No. 77774. (e)ruar* 6.+,;7. 75. Anor1n in/ >)r )0er>Vrin/ a0 a<usti<a si/naler till mCOnnis<ohB @COrnans hCNrseleentra. CS0eri/e #atent Nr. 6+7 4:8. Decem)er +6- +,;7. 74. Electricall* Stimulate1 Hearin/ with Si/nal (ee1)ac<. %ommonB wealth o> Australia "etters #atent No.C6.6K5.4. April 66-+,;.. 7;. Electronis<t H-Xrs*stem. S0eri/e #atent Nr. :8+ ::7. Septem)er +6S +,;.. 77. Electro1*namie approach to &hrom)us pre0ention in a Fentricular Assist De0ice. (with =eor/e E. Ree1- "uis E. %ortes- 9illiam R. Brewster an1 Joseph ". "awrence . #aper presente1 at the 5+st Annual Scienti>ic Sessions o> the American HRart Association- No0em)er 6:- +,;.- ?iami Beach- (lori1a. A)stract pu)lishe1 in: %irculation- Fol. TTTFIII- No.5Supplement No. FI- pa/e +;6. lw-B R B As-G B ) O am + , ;,.BB iB Br. 7.. Hearin/ reha)ilitation )* means o> &rans1ermal Electrotherap* in Human Hearin/ "oss o> Sensorineural or.i/in. (with J."."awrence . Acta 'toB"ar*n/olo/ica- Fol. ;7- (asc.I- pp.;,B .:. Januar* +,;,. 7,. HNrapparat. S0eri/e #atent Nr. :84 ;;,. (e)ruar* +:- +,;,. .8. Ari/o B )ri1/e )etween ?e1icine an1 #araps*cholo/*. S*mposium on #araps*cholo/*- sponsore1 )* the "oc<hee1 ?issiles an1 Space %ompan* ?ana/ement AssociationP (oothill %olle/eP De AnDa %olle/e.Sunn*0ale- %ali>ornia. ?a* 6:- +,;,. .+. Si/nal Detection 8 to #araps*cholo/* (oun1ation Research ?ono/raphi New Yor< New Yor<- (in press . .6. #roce1imento E1 Apparechio #er "a StimolaDio> ie- ElettroBAcustica 1e Sistema Au1iti0o- Bre0etto per In0enDiAne5+n1ustrials- ltal*- No. .456+5 (e)ruar* :- +,;,. .:. Hearin/ reha)ilitation )* means o> &rans1ermal Electrotheraph* in Human Hearin/ "oss o> Sensorineural 'ri/in (II . (with J.". "awrence . E3cerpta ?e1ica International %on/ress Series.No.+.,. Ninth International %on/ress o> 'toB Rhino.B"ar*n/olo/*- ?e3ico-D.(.- Au/ust +8B+5- +,;,. .5. &rans1ermal Electrostimulation o> Hearin/. (with J.". "awrence an1 R.S. Du/ot . #resente1 at &hirteenth Annual Scienti>ic ?eetin/ 'cto)er ++- +,;,- %ommittee >or Research in Ntolar*n/olo/*- &horne Hall- NorthweCstern $ni0ersit* School o> ?e1icine- %hica/o- Illinois. .4. &rans1ucerY(or Stimulation '> (acial Ner0e S*stem 9ith RB( Ener/*. $.S. #atent No. :-5,7-;:7 (e)ruar* 65+,78.B .;. ?etho1 an1 Apparatus (or Impro0in/ Neural #er>ormance In Human Su)@ects B* Electrotherap*. $.SC. #atent No.-:-4;:-65;- (e).+;-+,7+.

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