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Alondra Lopez Mr. Newman English 101: Rhetoric 16 September 2013

Statement of Scope for the Annotated Bibliography Most people want the best for themselves and their loved ones, but how many people would choose to leave their country in search of a better opportunity? How many would really choose to start from scratch? Illegal immigration into the United States has skyrocketed over the years; many of them immigrate into the United States to give their families a better life than the one they have in their home country. Some families immigrate to get away from the violence of their country, others to give their children a better education, but most immigrate to find jobs to support their families. These immigrants will end up doing any job they can get, mainly on farms, ranches, and picking fruits or vegetables. Many people are against these immigrants because they claim that the illegal immigrates take their jobs. In reality many just do the jobs citizens refuse to do. Furthermore the immigration reform is a big issue on the news. Many argue against the reform because they think immigrants should return to their country and work over there rather than in the United States. Although some think illegal immigration is a problem, it is most beneficial that the United States gets the immigration reform because it will boost the economy. This essay will include the beneficial reasons of having immigrants in the United States. How these people assist the United States growth. Many hesitate approving the immigration reform because they believe only people born in the U.S. should be able to work and benefit from the United States. In addition I will discuss what an attorney does to assist an immigrant when the law comes into play and how the reform would work out for the immigrants. Lastly I will be adding statics of the immigration, legal and illegally, into the United States at different points of my essay. This selected bibliography includes information on the immigration reform and capability of an immigrant. While I have plenty of sources on immigrants from Mexico, I do not include other immigrants from different countries. Ukrainian Weekly is an interview with an immigration attorney describing the process an immigrant would most likely go through; while, Jim Barber and Nick Gillespie both mention in their articles the immigration reform and the pros of having immigrants in our country. Gannett News and Voice of America News/FIND only discusses the support of the immigration reform and the counter arguments as well as the statics of the immigration into the United States.

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Annotated Bibliography Annoymous. "U.S. Immigration Reform in 2013: Time to Get Organized?" Ukrainian Weekly 31 Mar. 2013: 8. elibrary. Web. 9 Sept. 2013. The article includes an interview with Andriy Semotiuk an immigration attorney, this is written as a series of questions with their answer. Semotiuk states many facts that immigrants may need. Furthermore he explains a bit of the process of the reform. Barber, Jim. "Immigration Reform Pro- Growth, Pro- Agriculture." Ithaca Journal (2013): n. pag. elibrary. Web. 9 Sept. 2013. Barber provides the pros of having immigrants work on the United States' farms. He suggests that the H-2A visa will boast our economy and will increase the agriculture production. Barber in sum details how the immigration reform is very important for farm workers, agriculturalist, and to rural America because their work has help the farms and ranches feed the country. Gillespie, Nick, et al. "Immigration Now, Immigration Tomorrow, Immigration Forever." Reason 1 Aug. 2006: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 6 Sept. 2013. The authors discuss the matter of whether leaving the reform be for sometime again or to act upon it and have at it. In addition it describes the pro- immigration as supported by the public and the antiimmigration as horror- like supported by the public. It also provides many statics on the arrival immigrants from different countries. "Immigration Reform Backers See Hopeful Signs in House." Gannett News Service 31 July 2013: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 9 Sept. 2013. This article provides us with information on the immigration reform that was being touched upon, in July of this year. Also many different group have been urging for this reform to happen. Furthermore the opponents will be bringing all their counter arguments to the table.

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"US Immigration Reform Legislation on Hold." Voice of America News/FIND 12 Apr. 2010: n. pag. elibrary. Web. 9 Sept. 2013. This source discusses the slightly slower movement of illegal immigrants entering the US from Mexico. In addition this article states that the reason people stopped immigrating to the US was because of the economies down fall. Also it suggests that there are strong supporters on both sides of the issue.

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