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Welcome to the 2nd Volume of EpicMafia News, which will now be displayed as a link to an Adobe file.

Hopefully this will get rid of most coding/spelling issues and will be easier to read! ;) Most everything will be like the previous issuesarticles will be similar and even some old members are returning to the staff! (Yay!) Lets have a round of applause and thank you to our members for their hard work: Lady, Heisenberg, Bgeas15, MonsterMess, Yolo, Eris, Eatos, and Zaychonek. (Also, special thanks to all our special guests who submit poems, ideas, etc., for our news!) ~~~

In this 18th edition of EpicMafia News

Member of the Week, by Lady Mentor Report, by Heisenberg Mystery Member, by Zaychonek Comp Lobby Scout, by Eatos Blame the Clear a guest poem submitted by

ReputationFanatic Riddles Section by Melody Comic Corner by Melody (inspired by pranay7744) Around the Worlda map waiting to be created! Latest submission: Melody

Member of the Week!

By Lady
This week's winner RapGameFan! Congratulations! In an interview conducted Lady, here's what RapGameFan had to say for himself: What's the best part about continuing to play on EpicMafia? Playing with people I like, I guess. Nowadays, that's the only way I have fun playing EpicMafia, which is the main reason why I still play it. What do you do outside of EpicMafia? I'm a chill dude, I just like to spend as much time as I can with my girlfriend, I play Xbox a lot (even though I'm switching to a PS4) and I listen to music pretty much all the time. I also play basketball a lot. What is something few people on EpicMa fia know about you? I think only a few people know that I actually can speak French, I started learning it when I was 10. It's a lovely language, I would definitely recommend it to people that wanna learn a new language. What is your favorite song and why? This is a tricky question, because the answer to it would change depending on when you ask it. I could just pick anything from the Section.80 album by Kendrick Lamar, that album is a masterpiece to me, I can just relate to everything that's being said in there. I'll have to pick HiiiPower as my favorite song, the wordplay is crazy, the beat is flawless, Alori Joh's vocals are beautiful and it actually has a positive message that makes you think about life. I wish songs like this were more popular and would motivate people to change the way things are. "The sky is falling, the wind is calling, stand for something or die in the morning. Section 80. HiiiPower." In honor of Thanksgiving, which just passed, what are you most thankful for? I'm just thankful for being alive.

Please submit all nominations for MOTW to Lady! You can nominate yourself or a friend, but be sure to say why!

Mystery Member
By Zaychonek
Favorite thing about EpicMafia? Eris' dick pic. Favorite color? Why not colour? You racist? Purple. Favorite setup? I lurve teh gunz. Maybe Hollywood Illusions or something else with guns. Favorite role? Gunned. If that doesn't count as a role, then gunsmith. Favorite food? Anything mexican. Rice and beans? Favorite hobbies? Reading books or sthng. Favorite EM memory? Hard. I can't remember anything specific, so I'm gonna say when team Zay won hurt & heal. Favorite EM friend? Diabolik Favorite quote? "Life's a bitch and then you die" Shoutouts to zay, reeses, indy, system, devante & rada!

Did you know?

On this day, December 7th, these things happened throughout history: In the Yukon in Canada, 1848, the temperature drops to 87 degrees below Fahrenheit, or -66 degrees Celsius Pearl Harbor was bombed, 1941, in World War II, the cause of USAs entry into the war Famous baseball catcher, Johnny Bench, was born in 1947 In 1960, the world s longest running TV soap opera airs in Great Britain, called Coronation Street In 1978, famous American Football star Terrell Owens was born Longtime Centreback for Chelsea F.C. and England's national team, John Terry, came into the world in 1980

Find the hidden objects! A bunch of EM role icons are hidden throughout this news edition. First person to post the correct number wins! (FYI, Comics dont count!)

Think you know the Mystery Member? Post in the comments!

The Mentor Report

By Heisenberg
14 Mentors. Only one can be standing alone in the end as the very first MOTM (Mentor of the Month). The current mentor list is as follows: MafiaGod, beccaecca, projectmatt, Atikur, LaurieRose, Giga, soda17, runwithfire, Heisenberg, godofdarkness, Ucklar, Dogma, Fruitoftheloom, and Arcbell. Their objective is very simple. Take down one another from within using the mentees as weapons. First week, MafiaGod and Arcbell come straight out of the gate as the wannabe leaders of the group. Right away, the two butt heads because they want things done their way or the highway. Atikur doesn't like where this is going one bit. She uses her feministic powers to get LaurieRose, runwithfire, Ucklar, Fruitoftheloom, and beccaecca to form an all girl alliance + Ucklar (close enough to a girl anyway). All the girls + Ucklar immediately go a long with Atikur's plan because none of them can stand MafiaGod or Arcbell's rants for much longer. Meanwhile, Heisenberg and soda17 start doing the numbers in their head and realize how outnumbered they are compared to everyone else. So they begin to come up with a plan to keep themselves in the running. They start by picking up all the stragglers; Dogma, godofdarkness, projectmatt, and Giga. They all agree to listen to Arcbell and MafiaGod, and pretend those two are in control, while secretly they are just using them for numbers to go up against the all female alliance that Atikur has formed. Secretly, Heisenberg begins to make flirtatious advancements on runwithfire, and she responds immediately with joy and pleasure. He tells her to keep their fling between themselves, so the others won't see them as a power couple threat. She concurs that is a good idea to keep it secret. Wrapping up this week s report, the mentors compete in their very first challenge, which is too successfully teach their mentees how to counter-claim cop as mafia in the classic mafia setup. It was indeed a struggle, and getting them to do it properly was tougher than finding Waldo. But after many trial by error attempts, the mentees finally began to succeed in counter-claiming cop properly. The winner of this week's challenge was Giga with a 135 point lead over everyone else. Giga is immune from the very first tribal council. As they head into tribal council, the plan is for the all girl alliance + Ucklar to vote out MafiaGod, and Heisenberg and soda17's straggler alliance to vote out LaurieRose. The votes come in, and MafiaGod is the first person evicted from the Mentor Games. In a 7-5-2 Vote, MafiaGod and Arcbell voted by themselves (Voting runwithfire ) and the all girl alliance + Ucklar stuck to the plan voting MafiaGod. However, projectmatt strayed from the pack of stragglers and voted with the all girl alliance instead of voting with the straggler alliance, sending MafiaGod home.

Well that's all for this week's edition of The Mentor Report, tune in next time to find out what happens in week number 2!

We would like to applaud this weeks talented EMer, Shmeur! This musical prodigy just came out with an album! Why not aid him in his early sprouting the music world by listening to his album here: Congratulations, Shmeur, on your hard work and great talent!

Riddles, Riddles, Riddles!

By the Invisible Man
1. One fine morning, a man was about to leave on a business trip and finds he left some paperwork back at the office. When he runs back to the office to get it, the night watchman stops him and says, Sir, dont board that plane! I had a dream last night that the plane crashed and everyone died! The businessman heeds his warning and doesnt go on the trip. Sure enough, the plane crashed and no one survived! The businessman handed his watchman $1,000 reward for saving his lifeand then fires him! Why would the businessman fire the watchman that saved him? (Thank you to 2. You hear it speak, for it has a hard tongue. But it cannot breathe, for it has not a lung. What is it? (Thank you to 3. Smell me, buy me, and deliver me! My sound will never change.

EM Whispers
If you would like to submit a message to be shown in the news, please PM MeIody! It will be featured here. Expect a lot of holiday whispers to be seen next issue! Tell your friends Merry Christmas here :D
To: King Goose~ You have the handsomest smile and I ladore you!~from: a baby goose ;)

Blame the Clear

A guest poem by ReputationFanatic
Here's the thing: I've been cleared, But my win-rate's low so a mishammer is feared. All the graveyard's watching, screaming in my ears, But the problem's I've gone deaf and blind like I've grown old with a beard. One guy teamed with that fake CC, But the other guy may have bussed simply to appear townie, The scum-buddy starts screaming 'THIS IS EASY!', So the other guy retorts 'Don't AtE', Then the other guy says 'SHUT UP ABC'... He replies "I'm no ABC but you're such a Pranay! I've towntold all game, there's nothing more to say, You're scum; end of this damn discussion, Ba-dum-tssh, there's some end percussion." So the other guy bubbles, But he has no rebuttals, So he comes crying to me like a baby asking his mommy for cuddles, "OMG! He's so mean! I appear blue but I'm green! I'm the miller, I swear! No false smoke-screen, I would have killed you, doc, night 2 if I were scum, I'm not brave enough to kill the unclear as a wifom, So whatever man, I'm not gonna even bother, It's so blatant that that noob right there is the Godfather!" So I lynch the miller and I lose the game, My Elo decreases, I don't deserve the fame, I get told to self-delete, get called name after name, Why doesn't the scum-telling miller get any of the blame?

Comp Lobby Scouting Report

By Eatos

As Round 107 was ended in dominating fashion by Yours Truly in 9 short days, Round 108 proved to be a far different outlook. For one, it lasted 26 freaking days. On the horrendous setup Jan 2.0, known cheaters mau and rawr painted the way to a glorious round reset that saw the rest of the competitors play with unbelievable mediocrity. Lets introduce the winners who either through throwing, cheating, or just being plain lucky, managed to snatch a trophy. Gold: vegas Yes, that guy who said lawyers come up inno has won gold. It is more believable to me that lawyers are inno than vegas winning gold, but my beliefs are nt always the basis of how the world works. After a round of lynching cop day 1, spamming caps, and some suspicious vegs, vegas comes away with the gold. If any of you caught the similar sounds of vegas and vegs, kudos to you. Silver: SystemOverload After running and failing for 32 rounds since his Round 75 gold on Loreli, SystemOverload finally takes home another trophy because this round, his competitors were simply too terribad. Hailing from the Land Down Under, his skills have also gone down under in the recent rounds. If I had a compliment for this guy, I would write it, but I dont. At least he doesnt think lawyers are inno. By historical projections, the next time he will trophy is in another 13 months, and it will be a bronze, so we will see you all back here in 2015. Bronze: brownpimp007 He came, he didnt really try, and he conquered bronze. While winning bronze might be an accomplishment to most, Brown yet again lets the elusive silver slips away. With his condescending and emotionless playing style, Brown has now racked up 17 trophies while playing way too much mafia each day.

Around the World with EpicMafia! Comic By Corner Melody

By MeIody with thanks To Pranay

Reasons People Suicide(For no reason)

Hello, EMers! I am trying to compile a map of EMers and photos from around the world. Here is our current map =D I will make it bigger and possibly turn it into a thread once we get enough entries. I think it d be really cool to see all our EM friends on a map like this. =D PM Melody or post in this thread to be added to the map. NEXT WEEK we would especially like holiday photos, so send in pictures of your Christmas tree, Menorah, the lights on your house, the snowman in your backyard anything! We will compile a lovely collage with all the EpicMafia Submissions! Thank you to MonsterMess for her photos this week from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA:

Thank you so much for reading this edition of EpicMafia News! Please vote in our poll and comment in the thread.
-EpicMafia News Staff

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