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Groups Members: Low Ai Choo Abreza Bt. Atan NoorHayati Bt. Yusop Izzat Haizan B. Anuar Mohd Zulhida B. Badarudin

The process of affecting / changing others

attitudes and behavior to achieve an objective.

It's about being able to move things forward,

without pushing, forcing or telling others what to do.

Rational Persuasion Pressure

Inspirational Appeals

Legitimization Coalitions

9 Influencing Tactics

Ingratiation Personal Appeals

Source: Adapted from J. French and B.H. Raven. 1959. The Bases of Social Power. In Studies of Social Power. D. Cartwright, ed. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social

1. Rational Persuation
Presenting the facts and logical arguments

Emphasizing the positive benefits of a

course of action.
Most accepted methods of influencing

Teacher advise student work hard to get

the better result by telling the outcome with better score in SPM. Unfortunately, not all people think with logic all the time.

2. Inspirational Appeals
Leader set up their vision for future success and by doing so, not only gains support, but also sparks

enthusiasm for major changes. Modeling behavior and setting an example for others to follow. Example: Launching of Rakyat 1 Malaysia by Prime minister.

3. Consultation
Examining the problem and working with the

influence toward a solution It works when someone provides input, they become more committed to the initiative. They feel involved and are more motivated to take action. Example:
Headmaster need your support and assistance or

modify your proposal to certain activity in school.

4. Ingratiation
Get you in a good mood before asking you for

something Example: Teacher praise student hardworking before giving home work.

5. Personal Appeals
Appeals to your feelings of loyalty and

friendship. Example: Teacher treat student as friends in process of influencing their behavior.

Can u be my best friend and BOSS??

6. Exchange
Exchanging by giving something of value

to influence in return for something you want.

7. Coalitions
Get someone else to persuade you to comply

Use someone elses support as reason for you to comply

8. Legitimating
Claims to have the authority to

get you to do something Verifying its in the policy manual, rules or practices and traditions

9. Pressure
Use demands threats or

persistent reminders


Power is: ability to bring about change in ones psychological environment.

Influence is the use of power to

bring about change

2 Sources of Power
Position Personal
Derived from top management
Derived from the follower based on leaders behavior


Legitimate Power Connection Power

Reward Power

Coercive Power


Referent Power

Resource Power

Expert Power

Legitimate Power
Comes from appointed/elected

position Most followers grant this to a leader Example:

Reward Power
Control of things

valued by followers Based on exchange relationship The power of give or with hold rewards, such as bonuses, promotion, salary increasing, recommandation.

Coercive Power
Is based on fear Bases its effectiveness on the

ability to administer punishment or give negative reinforcements A leader using often resorts to punishment, reprimands or dismissal. It is also called the pressure influencing tactic.

Referent Power
An admiration of a leader,

which usually produces influence and acceptance by subordinates (French & Raven, 1959 ). Referent power acts a little like role model power. It depends on respecting, liking and holding another individual in high esteem. It usually develops over a long period of time.

Information/Resources Power Is based on the users data

desired by others. Information power involves access to vital information and control over its distribution to other. Distortion of information includes selective editing to promote only your position, giving a biased interpretation of data and even presenting false information.

Connection Power
Is based on the leaders

connections with influential or important persons inside or outside the organization. A leader who demonstrates connection power induces cooperation from others because they wish to gain favour or avoid the disfavour.

Expert Power
Is based on the leaders possession of expertise, skill and knowledge, which

through respect, influences others. A leader with expert power is seen as possessing the expertise to improve the work behaviour for others.






To increase power


If the level of management higher

Gaining power Using power

More political
In larger organization


behavior decision

From organization to organization


To get what we want


Building relationship
Help meet objectives

Personal goal Proffesional goal


Inherently GOOD nor BAD



In economy

In organization
Political behavior

Tangible currency










Managers engage Categorized into

Developing relationship


ProcessFor the purpose of


Traditional management

Human resource management networking


Successful Managers

Spend around twice as much time networking as average manager


Creating obligations

Developing alliances

Use to accomplish objectives


Builds TRUST in relationship

TIP to increase chances of getting HELP from others

Use the word FAVOR its persuade people to help you Rote response to a favor request Yeah sure, what it is? Always start with the phrase Will you please do me a favor?


*INFLUENCING tactics in political behavior *Each party HELP EACH OTHERS to achieves objectives *Developed for ACHIEVING SPESIFIC OBJECTIVE *Getting a person whose support you need to JOIN your coalition rather than compete


Learn the organizational culture & power players Develop good working relationships, especially with the manager Be a loyal, honest team player Gain recognition


Key to promotion to higher management Requires social NETWORKING skills

Is about building professional relationships and friendships Most successful approach


2/3 of all jobs

Word of mouth Informal referrals

Difficult for women

Not called the good old boy network for nothing

Results in more new jobs than all other methods combined

Perform a self-assessment and set goals

Create your one minute self sell


Develop your network

Conduct networking interviews

Maintain your networking

Perform a Self-Assessment and Set Goals

Accomplishments Tie accomplishments to the Job Interview - you want to be sure to state your accomplishment that are based on your skill during the job interview. The second step after listing key result you have achieved is to elaborate on a problem that was solved or an opportunity taken and how you achieved it using your skills. Set Networking Goal - after your self-assessment focusing on your accomplishments, you need to clear state your goal.

Create Your One-Minute Self-Sell

History of your career - start with a career summary, the highlights of your career to date. Include your most recent career or school history and a description of the type of work/internship or courses you have taken. Also include the industry and type of organizations. Plans for the future - next, state the target career you are seeking, the industry you prefer, and a specific function or role. You can also mention names of organizations you are targeting as well as let the acquaintance know why you are looking for work.

Questions to stimulate conversation - ask a question to encourage two-way communication. The question will vary depending on the person and your goal or the reason you are using the one-minute self-sell. Write and Practice - write out your one-minute self-sell. Be sure to clearly separate your history, plans, and question and customize your question based on the contact with whom you are talking. Practice delivering it with family and friends and get feedback to improve it.

Develop Your Network

Begin with who you know Expand to people you dont know Referrals Volunteer work Develop ability to remember peoples names - if you want to impress people you never met or hardly know, call them by their name. - Ask others who they are, then go up and call them by name and introduce yourself with your one-minute sell. - If you think the person can help you, dont stop with casual conversation-make an appointment at a later time for a phone conversation, personal meeting, coffee or lunch, - get their business card.

Establish rapport

Conducting Interviews

- provide a brief introduction and thank the contact for his or her time. Clearly state the purpose of the meeting, be clear thah you are not asking for a job. Dont start selling yourself, project an interest in the other person.

Deliver your one-minute self-sell

- even

if the person has already heard it, say it again. This enables you to quickly summarize your background and career direction.

Ask prepared questions

- do your homework before the meeting and compose a series of questions to ask during the interview. Your questions should vary depending on your goal, the contact and how he or she may help you with your job search
Get additional contacts for your network - always ask who else you should speak with. Most people can give you three names, so if you are only offered one, ask for other. Leave a business card and/ or resume so the person can contact you in case something comes up.

Ask your contacts how you might help them - offer a copy of a recent journal article or any additional information that come up in your conversation. Remember, its all about building relationships, and making yourself a resource for other people

Followup Send thank-you notes Give status reports

Maintain Your Network

-It is important to keep your network informed of your career progress. - if an individual was helpful in finding your job, be sure to let him know the outcome. - saying thank you to those who helped in your transition will encourage the business relationship

NEGOTIATION ( Perundingan )
Kamus Dewan: perhitungan, perkiraan, pertimbangan dan perbicaraan (perkiraan) yang sungguhsungguh lagi mendalam tentang sesuatu hal.
Kamus Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary: discuss aimed at reaching an agreement

Definisi (Khusus)
Bussmann & Muller (1992) : the communication process of a group of agents in order to reach a mutually accepted agreement on some matter.'' Lewicki, Saunders, dan Minton (1997): Suatu proses formal yang berlaku apabila dua pihak cuba mencari penyelesaian dalam konflik yang rumit.

Definisi (Umum)
Perundingan merupakan aplikasi strategi dan taktik untuk mengendalikan konflik secara produktif

Proses Perundingan ( Negotiation Process )

Perancangan awal ( PLAN )

Proses Perundingan ( NEGOTIATIONS ) Tidak Setuju (DISAGREEMENT) Penangguhan ( POSTPONEMENT ) Setuju (AGREEMENT)

Perancangan awal ( PLAN )

Research the other party(ies) Set objectives Lower limit Objective Opening Develop OPTION & TRADEOFFS Be prepared to deal with questions & objections (especially unstated)

Proses Perundingan ( NEGOTIATIONS )

Develop rapport Keep it professional, never personal Let the other person to make the first offer Listen Ask questions Dont give in too quickly Never give something up for free Ask for something in return

Penangguhan ( POSTPONEMENT )
When you are getting what you want you may try to create urgency
When other party is creating urgency dont be pressure into making a deal If you do want to postponed give a specific time you will be back

Both sides should feel good about the agreement Get it in writing Quit selling Start work on a personal relationship

Tidak Setuju ( DISAGREEMENT)

Accept that agreement isnt possible Learn from the failure Ask the other party what you did right & wrong Analyze and plan for the next time

Stop bargaining and fulfill the agreement





In the future can create better prospect and develop new strategy

Accept the impossible circumstances & maintain good network

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