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Absurd twin boy

One shot

main cast: Kim Chanyeol a.k.a Yeol Kim luhan a.k.a Luhan Kim jong in a.k.a Kai Kim soojung a.k.a Krystal

enre: absurd comedy !amily"# Kai and krystal is young cou$le% they was married on &' !ebruary at (ncheon air$ort. )* years ago) +ow% they ha,e a twin childrens. -hey are Kim Chanyeol and Kim Luhan or usually him $arents call him Yeol and Luhan. -hey are still &rd years old and school in same $laygrou$% .ina .angsa. -hey are not smart% but little bit smart"# And the teacher usually bored because they beha,ior-/- they are always break table"chair. (! they ha,e new toys% they always break them toys and make them !riends ne,er borrow toys to both. O! course Yeol and Luhan angry. )!lashback) 0can ( borrow your toys# 1lease2.3say Yeol with sad !ace 0no.3answer his !riend with ice !ace 0jebal2..34$lease5 :c 0( don6t want borrow my toys to you% because you always breaking e,ery

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