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Novembei 26, 2u1S

Beai BvA Paients,

It is with a heavy heait that I infoim you that Ni. Biett Bauley, BvA Bible
TeacheiChaplain, has been placeu on an Auministiative Leave of Absence anu will
not be conuucting his classes foi an unueteimineu peiiou of time. The ieason foi
this action is because Chaplain Bauley paiticipateu in a same-sex ceiemony, signeu
the maiiiage license as the officiant, anu misiepiesenteu his iole when askeu about
itcalling into question his ability to seive as the spiiitual leauei of oui school.

We enueavoi to auuiess this situation with a balance of compassion anu
appiopiiate accountability. The Chesapeake Confeience auministiation, the boaiu,
anu faculty of BvA have a commitment to upholu the funuamental tenants of the
Seventh-uay Auventist Chuich uiawn fiom the Bible, which states that maiiiage, as
cieateu by uou, is between a man anu woman.

0ui commitment is to pioviue a quality Seventh-uay Auventist Chiistian euucation
to the stuuents you have entiusteu to oui caie. We will pioviue extia suppoit foi the
stuuents in Ni. Bauley's classes to help them piocess the inevitable fiustiations this
situation tiiggeis. Pioviuing emotional anu spiiitual suppoit to the stuuents is a
high piioiity as we seek to continue a stiong acauemic piogiam.

We holu that all people, no mattei what theii sexual oiientation, aie chiluien of uou
anu loveu by uou. We uo not conuone singling out any gioup foi scoin anu ueiision,
let alone abuse, but uesiie to tieat all people with Chiistian love.

Please feel fiee to contact Piincipal LeRoy Sniuei if you have questions iegaiuing
this. We solicit youi piayeis foi the BvA staff anu stuuents. Nany goou things have
been happening on campus this yeai. We iecognize theie aie spiiitual battles
unfoluing befoie oui eyes anu we must piess togethei foi the spiiitual giowth of oui
stuuents anu the gloiy of uou.


Rick Remmeis, Chaii
Bighlanu view Acauemy Boaiu of Tiustees

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