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Sankhya Yoga
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Working Draft
This document is a mature working draft with no known critical errors. God willing, a final draft will be ready by the end of this autumn. Until then, everything that seems wrong probably is, and even worse, anything that seems right might still be wrong. As always, remember the good news that God loves is people and that everyone who turns to im will be saved !the rest will perish". Sankhya Yoga is a concept in Jyotish presenting the big picture potential of an astrological birth chart as a number from one through seven. The number stems from the number of signs occupied by the seven classicalplanets.


Introduction Determinatio n Inter retation o Gola #oga

o o

#uga #oga Sula #oga $edara #oga %asa #oga &ama #oga 'eena #oga

o o o o

The seven sankhya yogas define seven distinct types of character. Two astrological concepts may help e(plain some of their internal motivations, innate strengths and weaknesses. The first concept is essential dignity and should be familiar to all astrologers. The second concept is planetary warand might be relatively unknown outside of )yotish. *irst let us distinguish between power, our capacity to affect the environment, the scope of our e(istence and impact on the world, andcharacter, the knowledge we have of ourselves, our awareness and the +uality or strength defining how we use our power. ,hile an increase in knowledge yields a corresponding increase in power, it is not necessary to have full or even above average knowledge to wield power. %ower that does not relate to knowledge reveals itself as arrogance, pride, pointless self-assertion, and abilities to take charge, override, and manipulate, or simply mislead. igher powers which do relate to knowledge lead to happiness, satisfaction, and greatness. They include those of reason, understanding, grace, and knowledge itself. .n astrology, both power and character are primarily indicated by planets placed in their own realms of e(cellence. Such planets en/oy full essential dignity, and they bestow optimum results. %lanets placed in the signs opposite their own en/oy no essential dignity and give no beneficial results at all. *or the seven sankhya yogas, it is the essential dignity of Saturn in the sign !or signs" ruled by the planet associated with a given yoga that limits its ultimate e(pression. ,hen planets are /oined together in a single sign, at least one is usually more or less out of place. To make things worse, they all have to share the same energy. .n )yotish, the internal power struggle is called a planetary war. ow much character suffers as a result of such a conflict depends on the nature of the planets involved and the essential dignity of the winner. Nevertheless, considerable power is almost always lost. Since the number of a sankhya yoga corresponds inversely to the number of planetary wars present in a chart, both power and character tend to increase one discrete step at the time from the first yoga 0 all planets in war !1 losers" 0 to the last 0 no planets in war !2 losers". owever, this simple correlation is partly broken for the number four and

five yogas, due to Saturn being mostly dignified in the signs of the former and mostly undignified in the signs of the latter.

To know the sankhya yoga of a given chart, count the number of different signs occupied by the seven classical planets3 the Sun, the 4oon, 4ars, 4ercury, )upiter, 'enus, and Saturn. The resulting number !506" is the so called sankhya yoga or number yoga.

Simply put, astrologers use two different 7odiacs3 the tropical !bound to the seasons" and the sidereal !bound to the stars". ,hen determining the sankhya yoga, the choice of 7odiac sometimes matters. owever, for many charts, the two 7odiacs yield the same sankhya yoga. In this document! the sign of a "anet refers to the tropical #odiac on"y$ As a final word of caution before preceding to interpret the result, note that the sankhya yoga is the same regardless of essential factors such as planetary wars and combustion. The seven sankhya yogas present general pictures, which become progressively broader as the sankhya yoga number increases. The e(act content of these pictures is sub/ect to considerable variation due to the essential dignity and strength of the planets as well as different rising signs generated by the 8arth9s rotation. All these factors, both essential and accidental, matter greatly in the final evaluation of a horoscope. The ne(t version of the Astrolog for OS/2 software will calculate a chart integrity score that will account for the sankhya yoga along with different planetary conditions, including essential dignity, solar aspects, brightness, etc. This document contains links to tables of e(ample charts which will be sorted in ascending order according to this score.

Since the seven sankhya yogas involve all the seven planets visible to the naked eye, it follows that each yoga is an indicator of overall effects rather than result in /ust one area of life. These overall effects constitute different perspectives on life, which lead to different ideal functions in society. .n the following interpretations, ideal functions are only listed under the first yoga that fully supports them. Nevertheless, the yoga!s" ne(t in line can usually e(press all the listed functions e+ually well.

A lower sankhya yoga shows a more limited life than a higher. .n most cases, a higher sankhya yoga also comes with greater capacity to find happiness and fulfilment in life. Growth and development are faster for the lower sankhya yogas and slower for the higher, but the latter start life more evolved than the former. Going from all planets sharing a single sign to all planets occupying different signs, awareness, influence, knowhow, insight, understanding, learning, compassion, endurance, success, and satisfaction all increase. :onversely, childish tendencies, habits, obsessions, worries, fears, pre/udices, delusions, and other inclinations to be overwhelmed by circumstances decrease in both number and strength. Sankhya yogas 50; are named in order Gola yoga, Yuga yoga, andSula yoga. These, the first three yogas, represent people of decidedly poor character and background. ,hile also many natives of the higher yogas are capable of e(pressing unacceptable behavior, people of the lowest yogas do so in strikingly basic ways and with truly remarkable consistency. .n personal dealings, the natives of the first three yogas are likely to shock all but the worst or wisest of people. ,ithout indications supporting education and competence, these people will have none at all. ,ith little or no real regard for God and thus little or no real respect for their fellow man !not to mention God9s many other creatures", their actions are guaranteed to cause harm to both themselves and the people around them. *ailing to meet minimal standards of responsible behavior in society, these people are traditionally considered unfit for company< they are usually best treated as outcasts, but if you prefer not to, at least be prepared to use special gloves. f you study the e!amples attached to this document and gather your own as well" you will most likely see why this is good advice# Sankhya yoga = is named $asa yoga !sometimes spelled $asha yoga". .t houses more people than any of the others. ,hile it indicates greater capacity for %oie de vivre than the first three yogas, it usually falls short of bestowing long-term happiness on its natives, who are likely to be victims of their own past, present, and future transgressions, including dishonesty and deceit in human relations as well as self-righteous and pretentious ways. Almost half of the days of the last century belong to this yoga and the first three combined. Sankhya yogas >, 1, and 6 are named in order &edara yoga, 'ama yoga, and (eena yoga. They all indicate better fortunes than the other yogas. Since they in themselves are mostly dignified, other keys to chart

interpretation become a lot more relevant to fully reveal the virtues and vices of their natives. Nonetheless, these three dignified yogas continue to indicate different priorities, opportunities, and responsibilities in life. A slim ma/ority of the days of the last century belong to these three yogas. The two middle yogas, $edara and %asa, portray more than two thirds of all people. These yogas assign different weight to details and generalities. Natives of $edara yoga fre+uently focus on sensuality and making money, while %asa people typically value morality and having a good time. The former are much more likely to accumulate wealth and the latter insight. Although $edara natives may be more worldly, natives of both yogas tend to be actively engaged in the world, albeit on vastly different scales, one smaller and the other bigger. 4embers of %asa yoga like to generali7e, while $edara people like to be specific. Unfortunate combinations of $edara yoga and %asa yoga may produce typical and literal losers. An e(ample of an unfortunate combination is the presence of one of these yogas along with corroborating and unfortunate indications for the other. Natives of unfortunate combinations are eager to compete but lack sufficient capacity to do so. .nferior losers, such as ?ill Gates, engage in directly anticompetitive practices. This kind of loser is of course especially easy to spot. Superior losers, such as Sigmund *reud, are deceptive and because their superior self-image does not match their inferior performance, they may seek to flee reality !fre+uently with the aid of drugs, usually ethanol and opioids". The most antisocial losers sei7e every opportunity to patroni7e and denigrate other people. A ma/ority of superior losers, including @ance Armstrong, resort to cheating but still lose in the end. Genuine losers such as those named here also have afflicted fate lines. ,ithout any indications !neither fortunate nor unfortunate" supporting the latter yoga, the former can produce a regular or direct loser, but this kind of person is unlikely to suffer from any superior self-image and is therefore more willing to accept defeat. An honest loser is rarely a problem in society and may very well be a highly desirable marriage partner, thus not really a loser at all. The last two yogas, &ama !also known as &amini" and 'eena !also called 'allaki", are the most fortunate and represent less than a +uarter of all people. They differ in the weight they assign geniality and spirituality. &ama natives tend to be more compassionate, patient, and lenient, while 'eena people tend to be wiser, more spiritual, and even universal. A typical native of either yoga tends to know a measure of prominence and above average fortune. Natives of both yogas are clearly less prone to pro/ection !i.e. to assign their own character traits,

perceived shortcomings, or confusions to other people" than natives of the earlier yogas.

The following notes, combined with the sankhya yoga delineations to follow, will most likely help you e(tract the essentials from any horoscope of birth. These notes are especially important if you lack prior knowledge of astrology, since they define critical terms needed to understand many of the delineations. To start with, here are a few words on astrology itself. The primary purpose of astrology is to enlighten and support God9s people. *or this purpose, astrology first and foremost instills reasonable e(pectations, giving us a highly valuable perspective on our world and the people in it. ?y increasing our understanding, astrology raises our spirits, dispels agony, and removes fear. Astrology can also, in some detail, foresee the future. .f properly utili7ed, it ma(imi7es our well-being in this life and ultimately helps us achieve liberation. As you discover astrology, it conveys a strong and clear sense of the divine order of God9s creation. ,e all play our God given parts, whether we know it or not. The statements delineating the seven sankhya yogas are loosely based on rather poor 8nglish translations of old .ndian te(ts. ,henever a delineation uses the word supposed, it directly refers to claims made in these 8nglish translations. The first few paragraphs for each yoga are intended to sum up the gist of the yoga. They leave out references to cattle and update e(pressions such as lord of money to banker. 8(cept for a language more adapted to our times, these initial sentences should retain the essential meaning of the translations. Additional paragraphs elaborate on the translations and mostly contain statements backed by e(amples. They build upon the name of the yoga and add interpretations of Saturn in the sign!s" of the yoga ruler !see below". This document uses the following planetary associations in the order of the yogas3 the Sun, the 4oon, 4ars, 4ercury, )upiter, 'enus, and Saturn. 8ach yoga emphasi7es one of these planets. The planet emphasi7ed by a yoga is called the yoga ruler. Sign placements and planetary con/unctions often emphasi7e another planet. ,hen such indications coincide with the yoga ruler, the characteristic traits of the yoga are reenforced. .f the indications instead emphasi7e the planetary opposite of the yoga ruler, the essence of the yoga is more or less undermined. :on/unctions with Saturn can be especially important. *or every yoga, there e(ists a whole range of possible outcomes. An isolated statement as part of a delineation of a particular yoga should

only be read as an increased likelihood of it being true for this yoga when compared with it being true for any of the other yogas. Not all statements will be applicable to all natives with a particular yoga, but the overall picture should offer a more accurate description than that for another yoga. .n addition, the lower the sankhya yoga and the more collaborating indications there are, the more accurate the delineation should be. .n almost all cases it ought to be a lot easier to match a person with the given description for the person9s sankhya yoga than attempting the same thing using the person9s Sun sign. 4any delineations are +ualified using the term unafflicted together with the name of a planet. A planet is unafflicted when it does not clearly lack essential dignity !e.g., situated in a sign directly opposite one that it rules" and when it is not combust nor a loser in a planetary war. A planet is combust when it is outshined by the Sun. This happens when the planet is close enough to the Sun to be undetectable from the 8arth. The e(act range is different for each planet and varies from 56 degrees longitude for 4ars, to a mere 52 degrees for 'enus. ?ecause of its e(ceptional agreement with the Sun, )upiter is not considered afflicted when combust. *or a planet to be a loser in a planetary war, it has to be less bright than the winner, but even as a loser, a planet does not have to be afflicted. .f the winner is unafflicted and agreeably disposed towards the loser, the loser can still be unafflicted. *rom this follows that the Sun can never be a loser and that all planets are afflicted by the Sun, e(cept )upiter, because the Sun is agreeably disposed towards that planet. .n a war, 'enus is always brighter than 4ercury, 4ars, )upiter, and Saturn. 'enus is therefore never critically afflicted in a war with any of these planets. 4ars is fully afflicted, because of its contrary disposition, and loses all of its power. 4ercury is unafflicted but might be slowed down. Saturn is very similar in disposition to 'enus and is not really afflicted at all. 'enus and )upiter appreciate each other, they are both so called benefics, but )upiter loses some of its power !more if 'enus lacks essential dignity". All planets involved in planetary wars are afflicted to some degree 0 unless they are in total agreement with each other !total agreement is very rare< it only occurs between )upiter and Neptune as well as between Saturn and Uranus" 0 but an unafflicted planet, by the above definition, is always closer to being completely unafflicted than completely afflicted. A planet is always considered afflicted if it is in within orb of another planet that the planet is in total disagreement with. A planet is fully afflicted if it is placed in a sign opposite its domicile or in close con/unction !within three degrees longitude" with a brighter planet who has a totally disagreeable disposition !ruling one of the opposite signs". A planet is fully combust if it lacks essential dignity in @eo and is placed within 52 degrees longitude

of the Sun. %lanets who en/oy at least some essential dignity in @eo are never fully combust !this is true for )upiter and 'enus, although the latter is still considered afflicted in most cases". A planet is e(tremely afflicted if it is fully afflicted by both sign placement and planetary con/unction. Saturn is e(tremely afflicted in ; situations3 5" combust and con/unct the Sun within less than 51 degrees longitude, A" closely con/unct the 4oon within B degrees longitude, and ;" situated in @eo or :ancer. &elineations make fre+uent use of the term dignified. A planet is dignified to a certain degree, if it en/oys essential dignity, is strong and unafflicted, and its dispositor is also dignified to at least the same degree. A planet has sufficient strength if it is at least ; degrees removed from both cusps of the sign it is in. To en/oy essential dignity, the planet has to be situated in its primary sign, the sign complementing the primary one, or one where it is e(alted. The Sun is almost always fully dignified in its primary sign, i.e. @eo. *or a woman, the Sun can also en/oy full dignity in @eo9s complement sign, i.e. :ancer. The Sun is e(alted in the signs of Aries and Scorpio. .f the dispositor is not fully dignified, the hosted planet will increase the influence of the dispositor and lose some or all of its own. The very best combinations of Sun and 4oon are the Sun in @eo and the 4oon in :ancer and vice versa. The most e(alted Suns are the Sun in Aries with 4ars in Scorpio and the Sun in Scorpio with 4ars in Aries. The above e(emplify domiciled and e(alted essential dignities. As an e(tension to these classical dignities, the following interpretations assume the Sun to be welcome !en/oying more than =2C dignity" in the signs of Sagittarius and %isces. The most welcome Suns are the Sun in Sagittarius with )upiter in @eo and the Sun in %isces with )upiter in :ancer. .n total, this assumption gives the Sun si( sign placements of mostly or completely benefic influence and another si( where it is mostly or entirely malefic. The essential dignities of the other planets have been e(tended in the same way. ,henever a te(t refers to the e(tended dignity, it always uses the term mostly dignified. .f a statement re+uires e(alted dignity, the te(t uses the term highly dignified. .f a statement only applies to domiciled dignity, the te(t uses the term fully dignified. .mmediately following the general yoga descriptions, there are special sections titled Supplemental ndications which give specific details on a yoga9s interaction with other esssential indications. *or all yogas, a poorly dignified yoga ruler or higher planet !a planet ruling a higher yoga", or anatmakaraka other than the Sun !for a man" or the 4oon !for a woman", weaken any favorable traits associated with the yoga. .f the atmakaraka is )upiter, 'enus, or Saturn, it reduces or entirely absorbs any material fortune. Near complete absorption only happens if the atmakaraka is Saturn and the planet is placed within a few degrees of

the very end of its sign and both the Sun and the 4oon are situated within a few degrees of the very beginnings of their respective signs. A dignified atmakaraka may retain higher fortunes indicated by the yoga !or the atmakaraka itself", such as athletic or academic prosperity, romantic victories or educational achievements, and universal or spiritual success. .f the atmakaraka is undignified, at least some of the benefits bestowed by the yoga will be lacking. .f the atmakaraka is fully afflicted through combustion, most of the benefits may be lost. .f the yoga ruler is weak, any higher fortunes indicated by the yoga are also weak. .f the yoga ruler is highly or fully undignified as well as combust or situated in @eo or :ancer, the overall fortune can be hellish !an unafflicted fate line mitigates". ,herever Saturn is mentioned in these and the supplemental notes, Dahu !the lunar north node" can substitute, and wherever the Sun is mentioned !e(cept when defining the 4oon", $etu !the lunar south node" can substitute. ,here Saturn is interpreted by sign or con/unction, the full and the new 4oon can substitute. Such substitutions should yield benign or malign results of the same degree, but not necessarily of the e(act same +uality, scope, or polarity. Unlike the *ull 4oon, the New 4oon can be afflicted, and not only by the Sun but also by other planets. The New 4oon is also the only planet capable of afflicting the Sun, but this only happens during solar eclipses !a local phenomenon". The outer planets Uranus and Neptune generally give the e(act same results as Saturn and )upiter respectively. Neither the lunar nodes nor the outer planets can act as yoga rulers or atmakarakas. They also always lose in any planetary wars with the classical planets. *or most yogas, the supplemental sections come with subsections titled the best and the worst. These subsections present indications that support the best and the worst traits of the yoga. Usually, they do not define the best or worst possible charts with a particular yoga. #ou need to add together the best or worst supplemental indications of more than one yoga to get e(amples of better or worse charts. ,hile reading the following te(ts, it may be good to remember the big picture. )ust like there are no all good people around today and no all good astrology charts !for people alive today", nor are there any all badpeople and any all bad astrology charts. There is literally good and bad in everyone. All the seven classical planets are important 0 never stop short of reading all of their indications before /udging a horoscopeE 8ven after reading all about the character traits of the planets revealed by sign, it is still necessary to read all about the e(periential effects of the planets shown by house. ?oth the best and the worst things written about a planet in a particular sign re+uire accidental support to fully develop. The best may only show up in strength with a strong first house

and one of the four strongest rising signs !A+uarius, :apricorn, @ibra, and Taurus". The worst may only come out in force with a dire first house and one of the four most dire rising signs !@eo, :ancer, Aries, and Scorpio". .f you only have time to read three delineations, the sankhya yoga and the fate line are usually the most important. The fate line is less relevant for the first three sankhya yogas and the fifth. .t is clearly an important read for the fourth, highly relevant for the si(th, and fully relevant for the last sankhya yoga. !Although not necessarily identical in effect, for the lunar south node, read about the Sun in the same situation< for the lunar north node, read about Saturn in the same situation. The delineations should definitely point you in the right direction." A single good or bad indication is rarely powerful enough to build a useful character description on. .n general, it is necessary to look for themes supported by at least three indications of a similar nature or at least pointing in roughly the same direction. Fnly if one of the indications involves Saturn or Dahu, may such an indication be highly noteworthy on its own. .f the Sun and Saturn are dignified, then the 4oon becomes the most important indication to interpret. The 4oon is almost always more important than the Sun. As a rule, indications linking many planets, such as the sankhya yoga or the atmakaraka, are a lot more important than indications which involve /ust a single planet in a particular sign or two planets con/unct each other. .n all charts, the most influential planets are usually the yoga ruler, the atmakaraka, the 4oon, the Sun, Saturn and Dahu. .f only one planet is situated in its own sign, this planet is often the most important planet, provided it is unafflicted, strong enough, and one of the ma/or planets 4ars, 4ercury, )upiter, 'enus, or Saturn. .f the indication is primary, the native e(hibits significant manly characteristics. .f a female and the chart has no contradictory theme !involving more than one of the most influential planets", she may be a lesbian or a feminist. .f the indication is secondary, the native has significant womanly characteristics. .f a male and the chart has no contradictory theme, he may be an e(tremist or afaggot. .n all cases, these singular indications point to specific talents, strengths, or skills. %ote& .n general, for someone to be a homophile at least one of two conditions must be satisfied3 5" The overall chart integrity is below average !the average chart integrity for homophile charts is below the general average", or A" the overall chart polari7ation clearly e(ceeds =2 percent !the average chart polari7ation for homophile charts is above the general average". .n the ma/ority of homophile charts, the yoga ruler is polari7ed !the planet en/oys secondary instead of primary essential dignity for the native9s gender". Fbserve that even if all of the above conditions are met, the native must not necessarily be a

lesbian or a faggot. .t is perfectly possible to be a manly woman or a womanly man, and have no psychological issues. Also keep in mind that most planetary indications !not involving the yoga ruler" vary in importance over time and will only be in full effect when they are specifically activated. .n )yotish, the concepts of dasas and transits decide such activation. .f both the Sun !or the 4oon for a woman" and Saturn are dignified, any difficulties indicated by the other planets will, with time, become less and less. 8ventually, they may even peter out completely. Fnly with a fully undignified Sun or 4oon !including $etu" are the same mistakes likely to be repeated over and over again. owever, if the Sun is highly or fully undignified, there are no unafflicted planets in @eo or :ancer, and Dahu is placed in either of these two signs, the prospects are always very grim. *or there to be harmonious material progress and credible universal evolution in life, neither the Sun !including $etu" nor Saturn !including Dahu" must be fully undignified. *or civil and material progress and good fortune improving over time, the Sun or the 4oon must be dignified, or $etu must be unafflicted in @eo or :ancer. *or universal and spiritual progress and selfless satisfaction growing over time, Saturn must be dignified, or Dahu must be unafflicted in A+uarius or :apricorn. .f either Saturn or Dahu is fully afflicted, materialism is likely to envelop the native. .f that is the case, any Gprogress9 is towards hell. Unless the Sun is in Taurus, a strong 4ars !in Scorpio for a man or in Aries for a woman" can greatly mitigate and often hinder a descent into depression or enslavement. *inally, always remember that a birth horoscope represents a soul9s disposition and body in one lifetime 0 not its eternal essence. All souls are by nature eternal, while all material bodies are temporal. A material body reflects a soul9s wishes as well as its karma from previous lifetimes. .f one knows all the material circumstances of its birth and can accurately read its birth horoscope, the actions of a material body can be predicted with complete accuracy. A conditioned soul identifies itself with its body. induism calls this maya-induced delusion ahamkara, which refers to a conditioned soul9s erroneous belief that it is responsible for the actions of its body. The soul believes it controls the body when it is, in fact, the material nature that is responsible for all of the body9s actions. .n no way can the soul affect its body. .t is a passive observer with a will that is everything but free. God is always in full control of everything you do and everything that happens to you. #ou cannot and should not take the credit nor the blame for anything. .f God were not omnipotent and fully in charge of this world, it would +uickly become chaotic 0 and perhaps most importantly !at least in this conte(t"3 astrology would not workE

Gola Yoga
Gola yoga designates foo"s, devoid of learning, strength, generosity, and capability. Natives of this yoga can be brave and 7ealous to have their own way, in which case they make stately or powerful efforts, but nonetheless remain clueless and always grieved by something. Although they have great faith in themselves, people of this yoga are supposed to be dirty! athetic! and 'ithout 'ea"th . They are also likely to be controlling, moody, and melancholic. 4ost of them are unskilled as well as defective in some limb. They may associate with low people and commit sinful deeds. Not surprisingly, they are also supposed to be banished, short-lived, and have no relations, children or spouse. This yoga reveals a character that is both powerful and complicated. .ts natives tend to be slow in more ways than one. They typically suffer from anenormous sense of inferiority. They either become introverts and retreat into themselves defeated or bravely go out and battle the world 7ealously to compensate for their many shortcomings !both real and imagined". 4ost Gola people seek to spend their time as dramatically as possible. At best, the dramatic urge leads into constructive channels, but these people are more likely to seek drama and ub"icity for their o'n sake, regardless of aim and motive. They have to be careful not to hurt others, and they should also be careful not to hurt themselves. ,ith all planets in @eo or :ancer, the natives of this yoga care nothing for veracity !they do not even know what the word means" and lack all knowledge but know how to deceive. They are ma(estic "iars but seldom manage to fool anyone but themselves for very long. They like grandeur and limelight and can easily become too magnificient for their own good. All nuances are usually lost on these genuinely dogmatic and totally fearless people. They follow their hunches no matter where they lead and their surreal life paths seem surrounded by an unusual number of strange events and freak accidents. umbling e(periences play a ma/or role in trimming their dictatorial tendencies down to si7e. Any success in life is e(tremely limited and comes through considerable tension. 4ore often than not, the people of this yoga are la7y as hell.

Gola natives are not considerate of the feelings of others and either with or without meaning to can in/ure other people. @ike very young and very foolish children, they seem to think the whole world revolves around them. ,hether they are truly diabolic or /ust clueless may be an open +uestion, but their foolishness and lack of interest in anyone but themselves make themsordid com any regardless. ?ecause this yoga indicates general misfortune, prominent e(pression of any societal function is e(tremely unlikely. .n any case, the people of this yoga tend to play roles where all higher +ualities are largely irrelevant. They usually become actors but might possibly end up as shortlived ru"ers ordictators. See Gola yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in :ancer and to a lesser e(tent Saturn with the 4oon corroborate the typical e(pression of this yoga. These people are spiritually unevolved, meaning their development starts from a beastly level. They are the hubs of their universes. All planets con/unct the 4oon and the Sun eclipsed makes the clueless and foolish image complete. $nowledge, skills, health, strength, charisma, discipline, endurance, sobriety, longevity, musicality, spirituality, universality, success, innovation, talent, and satisfaction are all utterly missing. These natives lack all virtues e(cept bravery. They can be e(ceedingly gullible and dramatic. @ike demons, they contrive to hold center stage, if not actively by leading the conversation, then passively by sulking in a corner until someone asks them what is the matter. Their deep sense of inferiority gives them a childish urge to control other people. Although e(tremely dogmatic, any control they gain is superficial only. They are unprincipled and can commit any sin. 4ost of these carnivores are incredible liars 0 they can usually make a convincing case for black being white, and vice versa. They have 7ero interest in veracity. Their health is e(tremely pathetic and they often suffer from fatigue. Some natives may suffer both immaterial and material maladies. .f Dahu is afflicted, they may have very scary dreams, e(perience what one native calls Ghell rides9, or go through other e(tremely freakish and surreal events. 4ercury combust supports the diabolic mania and e(treme foolishness of this fully undignified yoga. ,ith 4ercury in @eo, these pathetic people are cluelessly opinionated and tough customers to make change their minds. They are at best imperfect observers, and their reactions are slow. They must cultivate attention and become consciously aware of the world around them. .n :ancer, they are less brave, often shy and salacious. .f the Sun is situated in Scorpio or Taurus, they represent the very definition of stubborn. ,ith 4ercury in Aries, they are antagonistic and difficult to deal with in an argument. They do not get the other person9s viewpoint very well, and they are not interested in talking his or her language. .n Gemini, 'irgo, or Sagittarius, they may appear fle(ible and wavering, but under this surface agreement, they are likely to keep their own

private theories very close to their hearts. .n %isces, they are self-abnegating until opposed and then capable of bull-like stubbornness 0 the apotheosis of Gwon9t power9. .n @ibra, they are tactful and considerate of the opinions of others. .n :apricorn, they are eager to get their own ideas across but not too sure of themselves. .n A+uarius, they are sound and tolerant. The )est The Sun in @eo brings forth the best +ualities of this yoga. These natives are brave and cannot be cautious even if they tried. They learn +uickly by constantly watching the effect they have on the people around them. They are accutely aware of themselves and they are likely to be found, if not conventional, at least discreet. @eo is the most dramatic sign of the 7odiac and these people love drama more than anything, but they are always genuine and cannot behave as they do not feel. The roles they assume are noble, whether on stage or in one of their usually many love affairs. ,hile only a few of these natives have any conscience, they are always aware of what other people are thinking of them and you can rest assured they are striving to make them think as well as possible. The 4oon in :ancer gives similar results. Also a strong and unafflicted *u iter in @eo strengthens the most magnificent characteristics of this yoga, including bravery. These people know magnanimity and are likely to break the silence even when no one else does. They are unlikely to save money, but they can be great earners and spenders. They are, however, even more likely to prefer publicity over money and to work for little pay if they think they are appreciated. The stage lures them and if they do not become professional actors they will make stages of their lives and try to win approval for the traits that are most important to them. Their ultimate goal is the high hill on which they can stand triumphant for all to see. This placement of )upiter is +uite common among lesbians and clearly unusual among faggots. Contradictory All the planets situated in A+uarius or Ca ricorn contradict the most typical traits of this yoga. An unafflicted Saturn in A+uarius should lead to a more cooperative spirit with at least some interest in other people. .n :apricorn, social skills may be improved. An atmakaraka other than the Sun or the Sun situated in A+uarius, :apricorn, @ibra, or Taurus may significantly reduce or completely remove the bravery associated with this yoga. These indications may also hide its most dogmatic and arrogant characteristics. The best supplemental indications for the following yogas partially contradict. 'enus unafflicted in @ibra and )upiter unafflicted in Sagittarius should go the furthest to alleviate its cluelessness and gullibility. owever, this fully undignified yoga leaves little room for unafflicted and strong contradictory indications, and severely limits their benefic impact.

Yuga Yoga

#uga yoga shows honies who are full of hypocrisies and do not maintain love for anyone for long. ,ithout knowledge of the proper and the improper, they are harsh in speech and either irreligious or religious hypocrites. They are likely to eat begged food or make a living from sales of some shoddy product. Natives of #uga yoga might become rich, but they are un"ike"y to ever become adu"t. They usually remain immature and naive all through life. They are supposed to be devoid of virtues, knowledge, and abilities, but have many debts. ,ithout contradictory indications, their life e(pectancy at birth is well below average. A missing or abusive parent causes arrested deve"o ment and makes them unusually susceptible to circumstances. The immaturity shown by this yoga is perfect soil for depression, and its natives easily become addicted to alcohol !the most self-destructive drug known to mankind". This yoga reveals a childish hunger for attention. The most outgoing natives are certain to seek self-/ustification in the public eye. Those who are more shy are likely to play invalid or fragile to attract attention in private. A bias towards the mother, father, or an older relative prepares the ground fordifficu"t re"ations 'ith the o osite se, . Also their professional relations tend to be problematic, since most of these people are too self-centered for e(ecutive work and not cooperative enough for subordinate work. 4any are reticent and can carry plans around with them for a long time without taking anyone into their confidence. .t is common for people of this e(tremely cra7y yoga to put their own needs above everyone else9s. At the same time, a latent inferiority comple( gives them a tendency to underestimate themselves. &espite this, they are roud and like to be self-sufficient, but they need real, rather than pseudo, confidence, for most of their independence is bravado. They are unwise, dislike competition, lack endurance, and tire easily. ,ithout contradictory or mitigating indications, their selfishness can be mind-boggling. #uga natives like action and can be very greedy. They pretty much want everything material they can get their hands on, and most of them areca ab"e of e,treme vio"ence to make it theirs. They typically have 7ero concern for unfamiliar people and may at times even be unaware of their e(istence. ,hen they are, they often appear defensive. The high regard these troublesome people have for their own feelings coupled with their near total disregard for the feelings of others puts a

constant stress on their surroundings. ,hen confronted, many of these lunatics will dismiss charges of any wrong-doing, think nothing of the trouble they cause others, and instead pity themselves. #uga people have great difficulty maintaining a steady direction in life and due to their fickleness and wavering feelings they are often discarded by everyone but masochists and enab"ers . 8(ceedingly selfish and adept at e(aggeration, they often receive more respect and achieve more material success than more hard-working or more warm-natured people of greater accomplishments. These people are big on norma"cy and can be shy and haughty with people they do not know !they tend to know very few". Though a home is important to them, they are not warm-natured people. .n more ways than one, appearance is more important than substance. At worst, they can be all-out (enophobic. ?igotry and racism should be familiar concepts to them. They have great trouble getting the other person9s viewpoint and are not interested in talking his or her language. They often show great irritation in disagreement 0 no matter how trivial. All natives of this yoga harbor serious de"usions. They believe in free will, and they either re/ect God completely, or their idea of God is like that of a Santa :laus figure !not a supreme being of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence". #uga people often have a material interest in politics. They take pride in themselves, their children, and their country. *re+uently, they perceive danger where there is none. ,hen this happens, they can +uickly become e(tremely violent and dangerous to others. As alcoholics, these people are more than a little sick"y even when they do not drink. Their health is in all ways inferior. The cra7iest natives engage in irrational rationali7ation, pro/ection, and overreaction< they easily panic. This yoga comes with great misfortune and rarely effects prominence in society. .ts natives may become authors, edd"ers, business o'ners, erformers, or tyrants of limited scope and influence. See Yuga yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in @eo or combust corroborate the typical e(pression of this yoga. These lunatics are full of pride, both in themselves and in whatever they happen to relate with themselves. They lack all virtues e(cept prudence. They are selfish,

devoid of social skills, unscrupulous, and likely to become depressed and alcoholics. Their health is as bleak as their awareness is clouded. They are e(perts at feeling sorry for themselves and e(tremely capable of hurting others. Henophobia is no stranger and violence is often their closest friend. They know plenty of ways to get attention< invalidism is a favorite. They are abysmal at cooperation but fabulous at fiction 0 a few of them may even become best-selling authors. A new moon !the Sun and the 4oon sharing the same sign or holding within 51 degrees longitude of each other" gives similar traits, especially if combust !within less than 5A degrees longitude of the Sun". 4ercury in :ancer helps raise the typical e(pression of this yoga and strongly supports its most naive traits, including greed, bigotry, hypocrisy, and arrogance. These salacious and many times e(tremely violent people are likely to find their hair prematurely gray or white, very thin or unevenly distributed, or at least with a clearly receding hairline. ,hatever their looks, everybody can easily recogni7e these people by their cra7y and unwise ideas, which sooner or later hit the hard wall of truth. The )est The Sun in :ancer reveals the best +ualities of this yoga. These people seek material and domestic security. They are born providers and capable of great self-sufficiency but can also be clinging vines. 8fficiency and productivity are important to them. They watch their money like hawkes and their business ventures usually yield great revenue. As a rule, they make their fortunes buying and selling material goods rather than on ,all Street. ,ith livelihood they take no chances, either in getting it or keeping it. They will only gamble when they have a nest egg, not before, and then only as a game. Natives of the Sun in :ancer make the best homemakers and spouses. They are prepared to go to great lengths to protect, defend, and improve their home, mate, and children. .f they remain unmarried it is because protectiveness has turned into fear or selfishness< or because they feel that their security is best served alone. These people really need a home and should have children. ,ithout children they give an impression of incompleteness. The 4oon as the atmakaraka situated in @eo gives similar results. Also a strong and unafflicted *u iter in :ancer supports the best traits of this yoga. This )upiter promotes beauty. The business intuition is as good as it gets. These people can make money with the utmost efficiency. They are not grasping, but they are careful, because their wants are comparatively great, and they strive in every way they can to satisfy them. Their final goal is a pleasantly furnished home with all the trimmings of domestic comforts, and one way or another they will generally have it. They have /ust as much regard for the security and comforts of others as they have for their own, and thus are charitable and openhanded with what they possess. This placement of )upiter is the second most common among faggots, but it seems to do little or nothing for lesbians. Contradictory

%lanets in A+uarius or Ca ricorn weaken the typical traits of this yoga. A dignified Saturn as atmakaraka or placed in A+uarius e(actly contradicts and could lend some general knowledge and an authentic interest in other people. .n :apricorn, there is a degree of sobriety and at least some social interest in other people. An unafflicted 4ercury in either sign can also help, especially if in mutual reception with Saturn.

Sula Yoga
If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
Matthew 26:52

Sula yoga denotes 'inners, intrepid and of little fear, always prompt and ready to agitate and battle. These people are adept at achieving fame through war or medicine, as toughened commandos or powerful healers. The name of this yoga means thorn and its natives are supposed to act as thorns in people9s sides. 4ost natives can easily become accomplished killers. 4ost Sula people have a knack for getting others into troub"e and are often recogni7ed as complete morons or idiots, largely thanks to their mi( of innocence or power, misplaced trust or suspicion, and near total absence of education and even common sense. No great savvy or even a minimum of due diligence should usually be e(pected with this yoga. Sula natives kno' ho' to assert themse"ves. They have no inclination to pull any punches in a fight nor will they hesitate to kill if it suits their needs 0 and these are very needy peopleE The most introverted natives have the worst need of all3 the need to be needed# This can cause them to advise or prescribe care even when it is not needed !or see to it that it is". Although +uite eager to ac+uire money, genera" incom etence usually keeps wealth away from the people of this yoga. As a rule, they also lack long-time partners, friends, and associates. They are apt to be audacious, and despite being socially re/ected, they are often famous. They have many and fre+uently irregular means of livelihood. ,ithout contradictory indications, Sula people e(ude no warmth and e(hibit no sense of tact. 4ost often they come across as crude or wicked. They are supposed to be +uarre"some or at least shorttempered. At their best, they e(press indignant remarks< at their worst, they are lovers of in/ustice. A small number of them are warmongers and are /ustly rewarded with personal tickets to hell.

The most /ealous natives can swiftly, and in a moment9s notice, commit petty or ruthlessly violent acts spawned by animosity or suspicion. Their /ealousy is +uickly kindled< they know how to hate relentlessly. The most commanding natives tend to be stern and comfortless< they have very little, if any, confidence. Ambitious and capable of arduous mental work, these people are more in their heads than in their hearts. Some have an urge to better themselves, leading them to become versati"e thinkers and to seek perfection and +uality in all things. Almost all natives are liable to display touchiness and indignation. 4ost are prone to become drug addicts. The women, though intelligent, are full of pre/udices. The most selfish cannot be happy in close relationships unless everyone else is submissive or in their possession. %eople of this yoga are more inclined to be thinkers than lovers and to value friendship above love. Delations come and go +uickly< while they last, they tend to suffer from unnecessary conf"icts and misunderstandings. They often involve plenty of passion and fren7y but rarely much love or lust. The men tend to be incompetent, illtempered, and given to +uarrels. Autistic +ualities, including a usually silent but sharp tongue and secrecy as well as timidity, make happiness scarce for the women. Although of dangerously limited spiritual awareness, this yoga typically reveals a genuine interest in re"igion . The most introverted natives en/oy rituals and are likely to be intimately religious, practise witchcraft, or pursue purification by way of ecstasy and death. *or both the men and the women, a sense of humility or reverence facilitates prayer. Sula yoga promotes martial or morbid interests and can at its worst bring forth a life of utter horror and relentless turmoil. :uriosity and impulsive or idiotic habits cause health and longevity to suffer. Sula natives are prone to homicida" and suicida" thoughts . They are often closely affected by deadly diseases threatening their own life or the life of a spouse or a child. This unhappy sankhya yoga should make accidents e(tra common. Natives inclined to medicine may be active in bi#arre and grotes+ue methods of disease revention , diagnostication or treatment. Some on the fringes will be largely harmless and seen as con artists, others more short-sighted will be considered mainstream but be all the more lethal !these +uacks repeatedly revive truisms such as the cure was worse

than the disease and also help e(plain why medical doctors are the most prolific serial killers". This yoga presents a clear and obvious lack of lucidity, and +uite e(pectedly, a great many natives are e(traordinarily oor "isteners. ,hile killing overtly as a soldier or covertly as a doctor comes naturally, these people are unlikely to learn compassion and understanding early in life. Those natives who are not clinically insane or disclose traits of genuine autism often suffer from despondency, post-traumatic stress, overwork, or secret drug abuse. Sula people tend to be socia""y arrested at the "eve" of reteens , insecure and touchy or timid and suspicious. As soon as they let go of their pride or their mental concepts, they can begin to learn some ethics or ideals. This will cause the men to gain confidence and the women to learn competence< eventually, they can both start to relate to other people the way sane people do. This yoga is associated with some fame but very limited fortune. .t is unlikely to lead to prominent positions in society. .ts most typical natives may become artists, c"erics, martyrs, oets, technicians, doctors of medicine, researchers, rivate investigators, su ervisors, regu"ators,ministers, car enters, so"dier s, commandos, and ioneers, or possiblygenera"s and em erors of especially difficult fortune. Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
Matthew 7:1

See Sula yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in Scor io or Aries and to a much lesser e(tent Saturn with -arscorroborate the typical e(pression of this yoga. Add a New 4oon in either sign and it should make the innocent or insane picture painted above complete. ,ithout contradictory indications, the .I is well below average. The same can be said for all the other 'enusian traits, including virility, charm, affluence, and geniality. Any human compassion or understanding is limited at best. n Scorpio, there are traits of moronic incompetence, wastefulness, and crudeness. These passionate people know unhappiness firsthand. They are very ambitious and can be intensely belligerent. They are likely to completely wear themselves out, as they want the ma(imum of self-/ustification with the minimum of self-yielding. They run an increased risk of severe delusions, fre+uently spawned by an incorrect !or at least overblown" sense of being persecuted or covertly monitored. .f they get to know themselves, these able thinkers can wise

up +uickly. .n any case, they are usually well-informed about a great many things. This position is fre+uent among lesbians. n Aries, there is an emphasis on selfdefence. These people have an almost unbelievable knack for misunderstanding other people9s intentions. Fften +uarrelsome, immoral, and wicked beyond belief, they thrive on conflicts and suspicion. The most troubled natives suffer severe idiocy and are constantly at war with their surroundings. ,ith little effort, they can put on a show horrific and powerful enough to last a life time. .f nothing else, it will thoroughly teach you why hell knows no fury like a woman scorned. The free demonstration will likely continue until you manage to cease all contact. 4ore wisely used, their heightened attention can lead them towards self-betterment and long arduous mental work by which they succeed in transforming themselves into the sort of people who do not re+uire constant defending. This placement is the least common among lesbians. n both signs, power and passion substitute for love and happiness. .nstead of accepting changes which are necessary for peaceful cooperation, these people are more likely to bla7e desperate, ruthless, and self-destructive trails through life. Fften moronic or idiotic until death, you may consider yourself lucky if you manage to get away from one of them with your life and health intactE The )est -ars alone in the signs of this yoga emphasi7es its best traits including versatility, courage, humility, reverence, technical ease, and intelligentness. *or the following delineations to have full relevance, the best supplemental indications for the previous yogas must also be present. .f the worst supplemental indications for %asa yoga !eg., 4ercury in %isces and a Se(tile 4oon in Sagittarius" are present, the following delineations may lack relevance. n Scorpio, the planet confers power of command, an ability to take charge and start new things. A powerful drive for freedom and with it a keen sense of solidarity makes fame likely. These are very able people, they are e(cellent with all kinds of technology. Usually passionately positive about everything they do, they can offer great encouragement to others. God is on their side. This placement of 4ars increases the passion for women. n Aries, the planet grants power of magic, an ability to draw others and hold them. The libido is perfect. These people are inclined to be rich and honorable< they like to be clean and can be models of loyalty. They are powerful, modest, and intelligent. .n business they can be very sharp. They are often silent and sometimes timid. They usually side with God. This position of 4ars heightens the desire for men. .t is the second most fre+uent placement of 4ars among faggots. Also a strong Sun in the signs of this yoga boosts its most auspicious +ualities, including mental power and sympathy. n Aries, the Sun promotes thinking, techsavvy, humility, independence, and solidarity. These people are very versatile and can get on top of most anything and anyone. As a rule, they are highly ambitious and impulsive. They walk one step ahead of their companions and have the first word !and often the last" in any argument. They have great sympathy for the oppressed and able weapons against the oppressors. They make e(cellent thinkers and great pioneers. To little or no surprise, this is the most likely Sun sign for fame. n Scorpio, the Sun sharpens the attention and

usually reveals technical ease, invisible power, and e(treme loyalty. As a rule, these people are intelligent, tight-lipped, and adventurous. They make e(cellent researchers and private investigators, as well as loyal soldiers and de(terous surgeons. They also know how to design and handle machines to perfection. These people are careful of appearances, and generally conformists in all that meets the eye. ,hen desired, they can go completely unnoticed by lesser mortals, which can be a highly desirable effect, since Scorpions are often engaged in private, maybe secret, pursuits. As e(pected, this is the most likely Sun sign for pure magic. .ts natives like to stay clean and rarely fall ill. Their libido is second to none. Although usually very good and fortunate, these highly benevolent placements of 4ars and the Sun see their favorable +ualities significantly reduced when combined with undignified sankhya yogas. .n all undignified combinations, but especially this one !Sula yoga", they also have a lesser or greater tendency to emphasi7e the more inauspicious 4artian traits, such as crudeness and impatience. 4ars in Scorpio can lack confidence and be too commanding. The Sun in Aries can be crude and runs a risk of self-pity as well as delusions of persecution in mild or acute form !if faced with too strong opposition". 4ars in Aries can be impatient and assert itself at the wrong times. The Sun in Scorpio is often overly suspicious and can promote unhappiness much like 4ars in Aries !if encountering infidelity". Ff all the Sun signs, Scorpio is also the most idiotic, petty, and wicked. The Worst .enus in the signs of this yoga goes beyond its typical e(pression and brings out the absolutely worst 4artian traits and reduces the 'enusian +ualities to 7ero. These two placements represent the opposite of lucid and reliable. They are the most common among murderers, serial killers, and other e(treme criminal offenders. ,hile additional supporting indications, such as this highly undignified sankhya yoga, are re+uired to guarantee antisocial behavior, these fully undignified 'enus positions always reduce .I, the likelihood of advanced education, social and communication skills, charm and compassion. n Scorpio, conflicts flourish. .ts natives have high standards and can be e(tremely touchy. ,ithout contradictory indications, they are +uarrelsome and know how to be un/ust. As they are attached to the material world, they are likely to go under with it. They are insecure in love and can be e(acting and possessive. These wasteful people can e(pect plenty of disappointment and unhappiness in all relationships. n Aries, pre/udices abound. This placement is number one for idiocy. Severe timidity and a tendency to be silent in love support genuine autism. These materialistic people are usually very active and can be insensitive, /ealous, and vengeful in the e(treme< wicked and even lethal behavior is second nature. ,hile they themselves are easily offended, they are nonetheless very good at overriding other people. @ove, sympathy, and understanding are all related to themselves< preteen tantrums carry on all life. They could not care less about group social problems. n both signs, 'enus is hindered from e(pressing any sense of taste or tact. appiness is usually sorely lacking, as the concepts of /ustice and ethics are barely understood. These people make the most unlikely

and the most difficult mothers and fathers. ,ithout contradictory indications, there is little or no social engagement and even less romance. *or the men, who are often impotent, the chance of conceiving male children should be well below average. Since 'enus rules semen, its +uality should be subpar. *or the women, who are often unattractive, infertility is likely. ,ith any of the corroborating supplemental indications for this or lower yogas and no strongly contradictory indications, such as a full moon in @ibra or A+uarius, )upiter in Sagittarius, or 4ercury in :apricorn !none of which may be cusped within 5 degree or severely afflicted", the results are fre+uently horrifying, including but not limited to powercra7ed individuals who indulge in intrigue, politics, delusions, magic, manipulation, resentments, secrecy, spying, war, in/ustice, /ealousy, hate, vengeance, pseudo-psychiatry, and even killing for its own sake. Also )ercury in the signs of this yoga activates its worst traits but to a much less e(treme degree. 4ercury in Scorpio followed by Saturn and 'enus in Aries are indications of increasing wickedness, lethalness, or at best, plain idiocy. .n the case of 4ercury, the mind is hedonistic. These people are silently autistic, unscrupulous, and immoral. The same planets in Aries followed by Scorpio may be /ust as challenging, but they are more e(trovert than introvert. 4ercury in Aries comes with general debility, including inade+uate reasoning !or at least great unwillingness to use reason". .ts unusually +uarrelsome natives are antagonistic, incompetent, and unreliable. Contradictory %lanets in Libra and Taurus go some way to weaken the typical traits of this yoga. An unafflicted Saturn in either sign and a strong 'enus e(actly contradict and can at best negate most of the worst traits. The 4oon or 'enus in @ibra usually improve the .I and general confidence. Substitute Taurus for @ibra and natural instincts and general competence see a big boost. .n both signs, there is a good chance of contracting venereal disease. The Sun in either sign usually rules out +uarrelsomeness and any morbid interests, but it also precludes versatile thinking and intelligent analysis. Also the best supplemental indications for %asa and 'eena yoga can somewhat trim the many challenges associated with this one. 'enus and )upiter unafflicted in %isces greatly improves the intellect and lends a sense of humor, taking some of the edge off these people9s otherwise very thorny personalities.

Kedara Yoga
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:25

$edara yoga represents geniuses of all kinds, youthful and full of ideas. .t also shapes a great many e(perts, people with special and precise skills in a specific field of e(pertise. Generally easy to deal with, bold and

cheerful or honest and helpful, the natives of this yoga tend to e(perience a fair share of luck in life. $edara people are appreciated for their usefulness and deference. As a general rule, they are "a'/abiding! idea"istic! and decent. ,hile they have limited comprehension and may change their minds often or await orders endlessly, there is nothing wrong with their memories< fre+uently, they can master details with unusual ease. The most e(troverted can be e(tremely alert, and they invariably en/oy a good debate. The most introverted tend to be e(tremely speedy and apparently have very little need for sleep. The natives of this yoga almost always show an early interest in science or sport as well as all things related to se( and commerce. Usually, they areo en and direct with other people. They tend to take every opportunity to +uestion or persuade, but despite all their elo+uence and glibness, they are rarely interested in higher education, intellectual matters, or philosophy. This yoga commonly reveals a strong body and mind, including acute senses and clever words. .ts natives are supposed to be dutiful, courteous, and earn honors, but there are a few things which can become issues if not checked by other indications. $edara people are a lot more sensua" and body/conscious than most people, and their daily activities often involve sensation and entertainment to a degree few can match. A magnified and sometimes callous sensuality leads many of the more e(troverted natives to become world-class players and some of the most introverted to fre+uent prostitutes. As gifted dealers, these people kno' ho' to make money from pretty much anything. .n business, their verbal abilities yield great gains. 4onetary income comes so easily and is handled so e(pertly that some wealth down-the-road is almost guaranteed< once attained, it is most unlikely to go away. Not surprisingly, the world9s wealthiest people are almost always natives of this yoga. *or most natives mora"ity is not a fami"iar conce t and +uite a few are likely to stretch the rules of the game a bit too far and become part of outright scams. @etting the end /ustify the means, a si7able number could cheerfully walk over bodies to fulfill their desires. This yoga is unlikely to produce very many victims of crime, but the number of villains could easily e(ceed all e(pectations.

8ven at the best of times, many natives may favor coercion over willful cooperation< torture is always an option. Fther things to watch out for are cruelty to animals !people included", endless repetition, and if supported by introvert indications, an undignified yoga ruler, a very weak Sun, or the corroborating indications for the following yoga, also atheism. Truth with a capital * is not associated with this yoga and it is nothing less than fair to describe a significant number of these people as genuinely stupid. The innate amorality of this yoga calls for other indications strengthening )upiter, 'enus, and Saturn. ,ithout such indications, there is a definite "ack of conscience. The emotions tend to be weak or at least immature. The same can be said for the sense of humor. The limited ability to meaningfully associate with other people make $edara people easy targets for bullies. A compelling number of the most e(troverted natives can e(hibit all the traits of full-blown sociopathy, including meanness, habitual and illogical lying, hubris, caprice, teasing, elusion, boredom, hyperse(uality, neurosis, discontent, disease, antipathy, subtleness, and taking advantage of other people9s benevolence. These genuine sociopaths are very slow learners, usually unable to learn from past mistakes. The worst can commit rape and torture without a trace of remorse. 4ore than a few of the most introverted natives can e(pose all the traits of madness, including co"dness, malice, stinginess, repetition, petulance, sarcasm, puritanism, /aundice, an(iety, sickness, doubt, and mocking the beliefs of other people while having irrational beliefs of their own. These truly mad people are insipid and evil-minded. They often indulge in profane and gross language. The worst can commit murder and other acts of aggression without a trace of shame. $edara yoga indicates mostly good fortune. .n general, the people of this yoga have few really difficult issues to deal with. Nonetheless, most natives tend to be emotiona""y undeve"o ed much "ike teenagers , narrow and senseless, until they reach their 12s, by which time the +uestioning and freshness of youth should have given way to humor and insight. Although traditionally associated with the agricultural profession, $edara yoga associates all people who are fond of money or numbers or both and do all their thinking inside the bo(, or literally !in the case of this yoga" theirfield. They are best suited as "and o'ners, entre reneurs, merchants,accountants, critics, "ect

urers, scribb"ers, 'ordsmiths, entertainers,commentators, ub"ishe rs, secretaries, announcers, mathematicians, rogrammers, scientis ts, engineers and hysicians. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power, we have guided missiles but misguided men. Martin Luther King, Jr. See &edara yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in 0emini or .irgo and to a lesser e(tent Saturn with -ercurycorroborate the typical e(pression of this yoga. .f both Saturn and 'enus are strong and unafflicted, this yoga boosts the .I. About a third of these people9s personalities e(hibit antisocial potential. The remaining two thirds reflect their more typical asocial but ingenious, practical, useful, sensual, decent !sometimes even chaste", formal, cheerful, helpful, wealthy, and lucky traits. ,ith Saturn in Gemini, reaction to e(perience is rapid and the mind as well. These people are articulate and can be e(tremely alert, especially in money matters. They are very rarely stalemated even by the most complicated situations. Adaptability is their great strength, but also their weakness, since they are willing to try anything once. ,ith Saturn in 'irgo or con/unct 4ercury, this yoga can produce sticklers for rules and methods, smug students, and glib engineers. At its best, it reveals helpful and dutiful people, who are tough drillmasters but no e(ecutives. They can be great at service, but they can also complain about work and may even refuse to work at all. Usually, they will work overtime to do what they have to do thoroughly, or to do added work that is in direct line of duty. .f they are doing efficiently and accurately what is e(pected of them they are likely to feel pretty well pleased with themselves. Although not eager to win in competition, this position of Saturn may be the best for success in sport. .t will in any case support a sporty life-style. These people are highly unlikely to become addicted to alcohol, other heavy drugs, promiscuity, loose feet, or morali7ing, provided neither 4ercury nor Saturn is combust or otherwise severely afflicted, fewer than two of Dahu, Saturn, and Uranus are afflicted, and Dahu is not highly afflicted !fully afflicted for alcohol addiction, clearly afflicted for morali7ing". A dignified 4ercury highlights the best traits of this yoga and should offer very strong protection against both loftiness and crookedness. Together with a highly or fully dignified Sun !well-functioning brain" or 4ars !facile thinking", this yoga offers strong protection against mental illness, mental instability, and pathological narcissism. A dignified 4ercury greatly reduces the risk of psychosis and any other problems with memory or reason. ere are a few vocations !in addition to those already given in the main te(t" this yoga can encourage with the help of a dignified Sun3 in @eo, a good actor or magnificent ruler< in :ancer, a glib author, rich businesswoman, or brilliant performer< in Aries, a great thinker, versatile artist, or intrepid soldier< and in Scorpio, an intelligent researcher, sharp investigator, or reverent cleric. Unless at least one of )upiter, 'enus, or Saturn is fully dignified in its primary sign !Sagittarius, @ibra,

and A+uarius for a man< %isces, Taurus, and :apricorn for a woman" and 'enus is strong and situated in a superior sign, or both the Solar 4oon and $etu are unafflicted, this potentially antisocial sankhya yoga usually reveals below average .I. ,ith 4ercury afflicted in an inferior sign or by combustion, this yoga can promote criminal behavior and madness. .n rare cases it also supports pseudopsychiatry. Antisocial psychopathy re+uires a combust 4ercury, one of the mentioned superior planets severely afflicted, or both Dahu and $etu afflicted. Sociopathic tendencies are also present with 4ercury highly afflicted in @eo or :ancer, or clearly afflicted in Aries or Scorpio. *or pseudo-psychiatry, indications for mental illness !including a highly or fully afflicted Sun or 4ars, or a fully afflicted 4ercury" should also be present. *or the most severe pseudo-psychiatric practices !including so called shock therapies, harmful and long-term drug treatments, etc.", there has to be at least two directly antisocial indications, such as a combust 4ercury, Dahu in Scorpio, Neptune in 'irgo, or 4ercury in Aries. The Sun in Gemini or 'irgo boosts some of the good and some of the bad traits of this yoga, but mental development is slightly delayed and the potential for antisocial behavior and sociopathy is increased. 4ental, nerve, and other health issues are likely to crop up. The ma/ority of these people tend to be unemotional and illogical by nature. .n Gemini, bravery is short and nervousness has at least in part replaced boldness. This is the sign that epitomi7es e(perimentation, discontent, and neurosis. Although often clever, many of these people are overly verbal, to the point of being boring. At best, they are right slightly less often than they are wrong. At worst, they behave like mean and emotionless children all their lives. Some of them are chronically neurotic and able to contradict themselves within one and the same sentence. Almost all of them are communicative, open-minded, and reasonable. They like to play and usually en/oy plenty of luck in life. As a rule, they are a lot more resourceful than your average person. .n 'irgo, any enthusiasm is hidden and sickness has demoted soundness. This is the sign that typifies discomfort and all sorts of evil. These people know pessimism by heart and when it meets their fertile imagination they can e(perience countless imaginary problems. At best, they appear somewhat out-of-place and disconnected from other people. At worst, they come across as cold, cruel, senseless, and totally irrational. Some of them are chronically mad. Almost all of them are glib, precise, honest, and decent. They en/oy routine and learning new things inline with their duties, which they usually perform painstakingly. A few are e(tremely sensual, others abhor se(. .n any case, it is a focus of attention for them. They are good at most things connected to money, including accounting and budgeting, but spending it on carefree fun or public en/oyment is rarely ever on their mind. As a rule, they are a lot wealthier than your neighbor. ,ith a highly or fully afflicted Saturn, 'enus, or fate line, or a highly afflicted 4ercury, which must be either combust or placed in @eo or :ancer, or a fully afflicted )upiter, people with the Sun in Gemini or 'irgo easily turn antisocial. ,ith the Sun in Gemini, they become rapists on a whim, and with the Sun in 'irgo, they become murderers without thinking twice 0 or even once. As immature teens, natives of these Sun signs are prime targets for bullies. +ote that this mostly dignified yoga" given that neither Saturn nor the fate line is severely afflicted" greatly reduces the inauspicious impact of these mostly undignified positions of the Sun# f the yoga ruler is afflicted by combustion or

situated in ,eo or -ancer" foolishness or selfishness will overshadow any auspicious results# The best supplemental indications for the previous yogas facilitate the e(pression of the most auspicious +ualities of this one. The Sun or the 4oon in @eo or :ancer coupled with 4ars in Aries or Scorpio should bring most of the ingenious or e(pert potential of this yoga to fruition3 :lever ideas, communication skills, intelligence, and mental prowess aboundE The )est -ercury alone in the signs of this yoga emphasi7es its best +ualities. Since these people tend to be open or at least frank with others, they are much less likely to develop psychoses or superiority comple(es. *or the following delineations to be fully applicable, the best supplemental indications for the previous yogas must also be present. .f the worst supplemental indications for the last two yogas are present, the following delineations may lack relevance. n (irgo, these people are truly great with words, often playful, ingenious, clever, lucky, youthful, and highly se(ual. They have no difficulty coming up with new and useful ideas nor making bold and rapid strides in the world as it is. These people fit the very definition of e(troverted and elo+uence is their forte. They know how to be subtle and formal in the best way possible. They never seem to lose track of any details. n Gemini, they are studious, literate, honest, discreet, candid, sporty, and highly sensual. Their business acumen can be e(traordinary. They like to be active and are no strangers to manual labor. They en/oy physical e(ercise of all forms. As a rule, they should have no difficulty sensing the world around them nor concentrating on the task at hand. Their records and notes are likely to be spotless and precise. Some natives are e(tremely elo+uent and may at times sound a bit too pleased with themselves. .oth of these domiciled positions aid reasoning and concentration. %rovided they are strong and unafflicted, they should clearly reduce the fre+uency of A& & and other pseudopsychiatric diagnoses !including the practice of pseudo-psychiatry itself". They are slightly unusual among homophiles. Also a strong and unafflicted -ars in the signs of this yoga boosts all its best traits. n (irgo, there are idealistic ideas. These people are bold and canny with words. They appreciate openness and ob/ectivity. Their thinking is innately scientific and often ingenious. ,ith little effort, they can come up with practical ideas advancing a specific cause. .n general, the natives of this e(alted 4ars are highly se(ual and usually make playful and e(citing company. Natives of afflicted Suns or 4oons run a risk of getting stuck on details. They fre+uently come across as immodest. The +ualities of 4ars in 'irgo are in most ways similar to those indicated for 4ercury in the same sign, but these people are not +uite as clever and may be somewhat more thoughtful. This placement of 4ars is the second most fre+uent among lesbians and the least common among faggots. n Gemini, these people value speed, especially high speed. They are commonly e(tremely glib, elo+uent, and precise. Almost always on the go, they are better talkers than listeners and can be e(tensive in their remarks written or spoken. Although most natives are remarkably sensual, a small number may be puritanical. Still, all natives usually en/oy the physical e(pressions of love. Natives of afflicted Suns or

4oons may think se( is more important than it really is. They fre+uently appear conceited. The characteristics of 4ars in Gemini are in many ways similar to those of 4ercury in the same sign, but these people may be even more businessminded. The Worst *u iter in the signs of this yoga, or tightly con/unct 4ercury, goes beyond its typical e(pression and brings out the absolutely worst 4ercurian traits and can reduce the )ovian +ualities to 7ero. )oy and morality fall well below average and the full antisocial potential of the planet 4ercury is available. Traits of hubris, ego, stupidity, immorality, aggression, cruelty, meanness, senselessness, discontent, irritability, and madness can all assume royal status< one or more of them definitely will at some point in life. .f )upiter is the atmakaraka, they can become evident right from birth. .f )upiter is the yoga ruler, they will show up before the age of ;2 and may last a whole lifetime. These people e(perience great language difficulties and athletic shortcomings. @ogic errors are very common and academic achievement is unlikely. The sensual desires are difficult to control. ,ithout contradictory or at least mitigating indications of sufficient strength, such as a strong and unafflicted Neptune in Sagittarius or %isces, a strong 'enus in the same signs, or a dignified Saturn and an unafflicted fate line, these people suffer obvious intellectual retardation. Unless Saturn is unafflicted and 'enus is fully dignified or both Saturn and 'enus are dignified, natives of these fully afflicted positions of )upiter have severe difficulties associating with other people. They are capable of e(tremely irrational behavior and are likely to drain your soul. 8ven with some of the mitigating indications but without indicators in the two signs mentioned earlier, the intellectual and emotional capacity is e(tremely limited !a +uincun( moon may provide an e(ception". Degardless of other planetary conditions, these e(treme placements of )upiter always reveal a critically impaired moral sense. A sense of humor is usually missing. Unsurprisingly, these fre+uently mean and stupid natives are regularly shunned by ordinary people. n (irgo, this is the strongest and most obvious indication of psychopathy. These e(troverts can become philanderers and even rapists without a second thought !or first". Fnly through cheer luck are they more likely to ac+uire money than earn time in prison. The ma/ority of natives of this )upiter en/oy play and know how to provoke and tease people. 4ost of them make e(cellent propagandists. ,ithout conflicting indications, such as a strong and unafflicted 'enus in @ibra or %isces, these usually verbose people are capable of tormenting others without a shred of feeling or emotion. .f their charts completely lack strong and unafflicted planets in @eo, :ancer, Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and %isces, they can completely lack bravery, courage, and character. .f you come across an antisocial native of this kind, let them know how diseased they are and they will most likely give up with a whimper or walk away with the tail between their legs. All natives of this )upiter placement are at least slightly neurotic and clearly narrow in their outlook, if not outright /oyless. ?orn with e(tremely limited or e(actly 7ero vision, these people can be great risk takers. Although e(tremely open-minded and unable to keep a secret, they are unlikely to be straight-forward with the truth. Apparently, lying always seems like a great

idea to them. 8ating disorders including anore(ia and unhealthy diets such as ,-/0 as well as other irrational behaviors are especially common among girls and women who are natives of this )upiter placement. This is also the second most fre+uent position among lesbians. n Gemini, this is the strongest and most obvious indication of madness. These madmen !and madwomen" are big on sensation but rarely promiscuous. They typically have large egos, but their ability to synthesi7e and draw logical conclusions is clearly limited. They consistently mistake their thoughts for persons and things. As a rule, they like physical activity a lot and wealth accumulation even more. ,ithout strong and unafflicted contradictory indications, such as 'enus in %isces, 4ars in Scorpio, or 4ercury in A+uarius, along with an unafflicted Dahu, these senseless people can be e(tremely stingy. They replace generality with comple(ity, the old with the new, truth with triviality, and solution with repetition. This position supports a kind of puritanism that is at least slightly hypocritical. .ts unusually glib natives have a ma/or cruel streak and often indulge in sarcasm at great e(pense to other people. The worst natives !e.g., those with Neptune in the signs of this yoga or :apricorn" personify monsters of evil. Through discreetness, they can get away with murder. 4any use vulgar language to e(press their disproportionate se(ual desires. Their comple(ion might be paler than average and their health is almost always delicate. They often have prematurely gray or white hair, or it is very thin or otherwise scant. ypochondria sometimes accompanies their highly fragile constitutions. A severe sickness is likely to spring up at least once in a lifetime. .f Saturn is afflicted as well, there is chronic illness. This position is the second least fre+uent among lesbians. Note: f +eptune is dignified and there are no other planets in the signs of this yoga" this makes teasing" sarcasm" and outright cruelty much less likely# f both Jupiter and +eptune are afflicted" an e!treme inferiority comple! is almost certain# Along with an afflicted (enus" these severe afflictions of the psyche accompany e!tremely sick or diseased individuals" completely devoid of all sense and rationality# *he e!ceptional stupidity and e!traordinary antisocial behavior e!hibited by these people must be seen to be believed# 1ven if only +eptune is afflicted" any signs of remorse for trespasses committed are very often missing# )any of these people may even be too stupid to know right from wrong altogether# .enus in the same signs presents a slightly less e(treme picture, but one that in most ways is even worse than for )upiter. These natives are supposed to be unlikely mothers and fathers, and they very rarely come e+uipped with any sense of logic, truth, or humor. Their lack of emotion may sometimes make it difficult to tell if they are alive or not. Social skills are at best limited. They are more likely to be mean and antisocial than compassionate and genial. n Gemini, there is caprice and gullibility. These people ought to probe themselves to see if they are getting the most out of life, or if they are only skimming the surface. *or them it is almost as important to e(press their emotions as to feel them. They can be wonderful companions, sophisticated, knowing all the answers, but sooner rather than later, they may go on to another love, another e(perience. Although their .I is regularly below average, they rarely lack money. n (irgo, there is routine indecision and plain stupidity. These peevish people are big on proprieties, but they can also stray from the beaten track if they have convinced themselves it is all right. They substitute self-/ustification for remorse. Small niceties are

emotionally important to them, and if they are not careful, they will substitute the sentimentalities of love for love itself. Fther people may have to remind them that the proprieties were made to serve a purpose, and that before there can be an emotional code there must be emotions. To have proprieties for their own sake is like having a general and no army.Natives of this 'enus are prone to be sick. They tend to be wealthy, petty-minded, and shameless. %hysically, they are likely to suffer from heart disease. .oth positions inhibit intellectual development. As e(pected, these people appear youthful well beyond the prime of life and fre+uently engage in materialistic or sacrilegious behavior as well as e(tramarital se(. ,ith an afflicted Sun or an undignified Saturn and without rare contradictory indications, such as a dignified )upiter, they behave like emotionally and morally retarded teenagers until the end of life. ?oth of these highly afflicted 'enus placements are clearly more common among homophiles than e(pected by chance. Contradictory %lanets in Sagittarius and Pisces weaken the typical traits of this yoga. Saturn in either sign or )upiter con/unct Saturn e(actly contradict and can at worst negate its best traits. owever, they also add emotion and can remove some of the indecision. The worst supplemental indications for the ne(t yoga go even further to reduce the enviable +ualities of this one, but they bring little or no good in their place. The corresponding indications for the remaining superior yogas also work to weaken its useful and ingenious traits. So too does an afflicted 4ercury, but if combust or placed in @eo or :ancer, it also boosts the antisocial potential of this yoga. The best supplemental indications for the ne(t sankhya yoga speed up the intellectual !emotional and moral" development. They also make these people less stingy and more generous, less formal and more interesting, as well as less irritable and more silly, which is nothing to snee7e at. At best, they can also add an interest in truth and a sense of humor. An unafflicted 'enus in %isces can mitigate the typical callousness of this yoga. The best supplemental indications for the last two superior yogas promote literacy, general knowledge, tolerance, charm, compassion and understanding, among other things. Saturn unafflicted in A+uarius and 'enus unafflicted in @ibra go a very long way to alleviate any antisocial tendencies indicated elsewhere. 'enus adds virility, understanding, and smarts, and Saturn talent, strength, and steadfastness. The same planets in :apricorn and Taurus improve social skills, remove all puritanical traits, and advance an interest in spirituality or philosophy. At least one of these supplemental indications must be highly or fully dignified to counter the potential psychopathy or madness of this yoga when its ruler is afflicted by combustion or there are one or more directly antisocial indications. ,ith a dignified sankhya yoga, ma/or sociopathy and madness can also be ruled out when there are strong and unafflicted planets en/oying e(alted or domiciled essential dignity in Sagittarius, %isces, @ibra, Taurus, A+uarius, or :apricorn, provided Dahu is not fully afflicted and the average essential dignity en/oyed by Saturn and Dahu is above >AC. At least two different signs must be occupied. All the classical planets should be counted. Dahu plus Uranus and Neptune can be counted if

their dispositors are dignified. At least one planet must be highly or fully dignified. .f only two signs are occupied, then Dahu should be unafflicted, but if it is not highly or fully afflicted or the signs receive domiciled planets, of which one is Saturn in A+uarius for a man or :apricorn for a woman, a conscience is present, thus ruling out serial killing, serial rape, as well as serial or e(treme fraud. 8ven if only one planet +ualifies and this planet is highly or fully dignified, habitual or irrational lethal use of force should be e(tremely unlikely. .f the planet is dignified in its primary sign, then also rape and other forms of se(ual coercion should be e(tremely unlikely. deally" all 2ualifying planets should be unpolari3ed" i#e# manly for a man and womanly for a woman# Although the Sun in either sign somewhat undermines the ob/ectivity and deference innate to this yoga, it also strengthens the intellect, its vision and insight. At best, such a Sun may lend these people a sense of humor, adding a little /oy or sorrow to their otherwise somewhat dull or narrow personalities.

Pasa Yoga
%asa yoga defines inte""ectua"s 0 often heroic and remarkably generous. .t shows a mi(ed fortune with a good many trials and tribulations thrown in. Although there can be considerable prosperity, there will also be matching e(penses. .ts best natives are supposed to be surrounded by friends and dear to all. These people are unlikely to be wealthy, but any wealth is likely to be rightfully ac+uired !at least not e(torted". %asa people understand the meaning of right and 'rong and you may be led to e(claim3 *inally some moral peopleE ?ut soon you reali7e that these people are a lot more concerned with the morality of other people than their own. The name of this yoga means noose or snare and its natives are apt to end up snared by pomp and circumstance, misery and sorrow, as well as their own moral transgressions. Unless other indications contradict, they are devoid of virtues and good manners. This is the first superior sankhya yoga, meaning !among other things" that it is more independent than childish. As a logical conse+uence, its most e(troverted natives are also the first to make any sense as leaders, but the vast ma/ority of these are supposed to be character"ess and devoted to si""iness, while a much smaller number may become impressive forces for good. All natives are capable of fre+uently condemning and decrying the horrible actions of other people. Generally speaking, most natives tend to talk too much, and they usually come e+uipped with a real gift for being blunt and tactless. aving a superior intellect often makes it more difficult to concentrate. This is particularly true for the people of this yoga, who are only rare"y

committed to the task at hand. They are more likely to be looking to the far off, the distant past or future, or to appear accommodating and interested in other people, while hard at work daydreaming of something completely different. @ife is never going to be dull with this yoga. .n theory, superiority also increases the risk of victimi7ation and other hardship. Since inferiority is associated with childhood, the inferior yogas may en/oy a level of protection that the superior yogas do not. The life revealed by this unlucky yoga is supposed to include numerous setbacks. .ts natives may be the most likely victims of sociopaths. Futof-control e(penditures and dishonesty !most of all their own" tend to follow them wherever they go. Their health is likely to be at least slightly below average, and for the most worrying, it can suffer +uite a lot. These people value independence a lot more than association. They are supposed to be especially attached to their livelihoods, vocations, and life missions. ,ithout contradictory indications, they e(hibit se"f/ a "auding tendencies. 4ost natives can be accurately described as cosmopolitan, irreligious, and engaged in idolatry !not the least of themselves". .nclined to be promiscuous, they are also supposed to have many se(ual partners. .n itself, there is nothing directly antisocial about this yoga, but neither could you honestly call these people social !for real". 4ost of them tend to be irresponsible and not surprisingly 0 given all of the above 0 also "iab"e to be im risoned. Some of their redeeming +ualities include appreciation for higher values, understanding of right and wrong, often remarkable insight into universal truth, and a benevolent inclination to forgive all trespasses. The best natives uphold moral principles and are liked in royal circles. Superiority can also become a psychological comple(, and these people are the most likely candidates for it. As a result of this literally grandiose challenge, they can be difficult to reach. Not because they seek solitude or loneliness, which they do not, but rather because they are disinterested in fact! ob(ectivity! and common ground . Deason is for mere mortals and not for these Gdemigods9. *or the e(troverted, this psychology can produce impractical visionaries keeping their wagons hitched to the stars and likely driving them !and their occupants" into the ditch. *or the introverted, intuition is their best and their worst enemy, because 0 right or wrong 0 they have a sense of it being right. &o not e(pect things to move very +uickly whenever these people make you a promise. They do have a conscience, and they will probably feel a

bit guilty about missing a deadline, but they are a"" but ractica" and definitely not e(pedient. Never forget that speaking !especially when preaching" takes a lot of time for these people. They simply do not have time for any ordinary, not to mention prompt, schedules. This yoga is home to heretics and apostates. They will not give in to unfairness or illogical argument, nor compromise with the Truth. They are also re"uctant to com romise with people. They believe the world should live by their principles, their codes, and their moral standards, which might perhaps be alright 0 at least if they lived by them too. The most introverted natives are absent, wandering, easily led and when distressed likely to fall into drug abuse and crime. They may harbor plenty of weird notions and are in many 'ays very unusua"! but think everyone e"se is. They are probably the most emotional people you will ever meet anywhere. .f they do not get what they want, they may cry you a river. Deason will get you nowhere, they prefer withdrawal to arguing. Although usually very pleased with their own attributes, beliefs, and actions, the people of this yoga tend to have few good words to say about anyone else. .nstead, they are supposed to s eak i"" of others. .f you hear them speak anything but well of themselves, you ought to be positively surprised. %ersonally, . am still waiting. @et us hope you are more luckyE %asa natives are possibly the ones most prone to obsessions. Those who do not become gamblers and professional losers are highly likely to get hooked on drugs, fantasy, or /ust being right. Through their reck"ess and irres onsib"e behavior, they easily become too terrific for their own good. :rooked habits often become a terminal trap for these people. An above average number of the most introverted natives may become shoplifters, robbers, and cheats. :onsidering their lack of fle(ibleness and intelligence, discrimination and ingenuity, reason and ob/ectivity, honesty and e(pediency, boldness and candidness, if one had to pick the best ad/ective to describe the people of this yoga, it would most likely be retentious. ,ithout strong and prolific indications of inferiority, most natives appear to hold an unwarranted claim of superiority even in the company of people more fun and caring, more able and intelligent, more useful and ingenious, more loving and understanding, as well as more successful and wiser than themselves.

%asa people tend to be outs oken. Able to seamlessly integrate both good and bad conduct, they can readily preach the moral high ground one moment and act like complete crooks the ne(t 0 if not both at the same time. Generali7ation is their line of e(pertise. Usually, these people have little or no difficulty grasping academic ideas 0 the more general, the better 0 but most natives have to cultivate understanding of people. They also need to learn tact, common courtesy, and refinement. :learly, the general picture of this yoga is not that appealing to most people, but all is not bad3 The best natives can show both mercy and compassion. 4any are inclined to promote vegetarianism, and more than a few may eventually become vegetarians themselves 0 at least sort of. Almost all natives should e(perience recurring moments of b"iss and emotiona" comfort. The most e(troverted are highly competitive, and all natives are supposed to be skillful workers. They may be especially good at pattern recognition !connecting the dots is usually child9s play for these tall or profound intellects 0 they tend to know synthesis from birth". ,ith other indications of support, especially a dignified Sun or 4ars, they can easily handle any of the societal functions of the first three yogas. %asa natives have whole-souled respect for their own abilities, and with time and introspection, also profound capacity for knowing themselves. They are less interested in fun, money, and se( than in the /oys of intellect. :ontrasted with natives of the previous yoga, the people of this one have moved from factual to genera" kno'"edge and from temporal to eternal e(pression. They are most often immune to boredom and likely to be more athletic than playful and more poetic than wordy. They rarely care for dogma and details irk them. 4ost natives may at times display moral courage. All forms of travel get their horses running, be it on the seven seas of the world, strictly in the realms of fantasy, or through inspired and academic truth. An often great sense of humor and a true love of language ease their /ourneys. At home every'here, they are generally good at making friends and keeping them. They are supposed to be deceiving in disposition and have many servants, although a good number of these may not be aware of their positions. The more introverted natives are inclined to drunkenness but usually stop short of becoming full-blown alcoholics. 8ven so, most natives run an increased risk of landing in prison. *ailing that dire fortune, the most fancifu"are likely to end up in so called mental institutions. The most generous and the least lucky may even get labelled with pseudo-

psychiatric diagnoses, typically schizophrenia. The least generous and the most psychotic who also have strong enough antisocial indications fre+uently try to pin their own conditions on other people. All %asa natives can be crafty, and deception is usually second nature. This is the most common sankhya yoga and it usually produces people of predominantly chaotic or pitiful dispositions. 4ost often, they stay si""y or crooked! reachy and se"f/righteous! "ofty or 'ithdra'n throughout their lives. Under the best of circumstances, rationality and insight may overtake pompousness and wretchedness about the time these people turn =2. umility and religion, along with science and honesty, will set them free. %asa yoga comes with superior abilities, and there are few occupations in which its natives cannot make a positive difference. owever, if they are not involved in intellectual pursuits as leaders and academics, they may become especially pompous or wretched. Their best, most typical, and most likely functions in society are as teachers, educators, (ourna"ists,'riters, com osers, comedians, reachers, "a'yers, advisors,ath"etes, e, "orers, missionaries, king s and directors. See $asa yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in Pisces or Sagittarius and to a lesser e(tent Saturn with *u itercorroborate the typical e(pression of this yoga. Sobriety is unlikely and for the most introverted natives drinking bouts are almost certain, but without supporting indications, these people are not genuine alcoholics. *or all natives, emotions tend to overshadow fact and ob/ectivity. They view other people as somewhat lesser beings or at least very often treat them as if they were. They easily become paranoid for no good reason whatsoever.,ith Saturn in %isces there is deception. These people are rarely open or idealistic but often fu77y and scheming. They are intellectually gifted people who know how to synthesi7e and draw rational conclusions, but they are not clever, playful, or ingenious. They suffer from a superiority comple( in its most straightforward form. Nothing holds them back, nor are they driven from within by any psychological necessities. @ife is their cry 0 especially the life of the intellect 0 and they will range both the temporal and the eternal if they get half a chance. ,hile they e(pand their souls far and wide, they are clearly poor communicators. They tend to be unaware of important facts and details. .n an argument, they could not care less about factual circumstances. At times, they can be completely unreasonable, unable to concentrate on anything of material conse+uence. 8ven under the best of conditions, they are unlikely to be honest and forthcoming. .nstead, they are usually self-righteous. ,ithout e(traordinary indications which greatly boost their

character, such as a dignified sankhya yoga and ruler and an unafflicted fate line, they never mention any flaws or faults of their own. This is the second most common placement of Saturn among lesbians. ,ith Saturn in Sagittarius or closely con/unct )upiter, there is craftiness. *or these gifted chameleons, the struggle with the world is the inner struggle between the good and bad within themselves. ,hen they have mastered themselves, they can be content with self-approval. .f the introspection goes deeper, they reali7e that self-approval is not enough and re+uire that self-approval wait for the approval of others. @ife often seems hard to these people. .f it becomes too difficult, they can give up the struggle and become withdrawn. ,ithout strong e(trovert indications !e.g., )upiter in Sagittarius or 'enus in @ibra" or a dignified sankhya yoga with a strong and unafflicted ruler, they easily become hermits or suffer isolation in some unfortunate way. Their reaction to e(perience is almost wholly sub/ective3 sunshine is shadow if they are feeling bad< and clouds are harbingers of /oy if they are feeling good. They worry a lot and usually follow the line of least resistance. ,ithout contradictory indications, they can be dishonest whenever possible. ,ith an undignified sankhya yoga such as this one, they are likely to engage in brooding and drug abuse. Saturn situated in Sagittarius or con/unct )upiter are fre+uently occurring indications in the birth charts of people diagnosed with schi7ophrenia. The same indications also support mild drug problems, including cannabis use, but they do not suffice for alcohol addiction. Sagittarius is the second most common placement of Saturn among faggots. The combination of Saturn situated in Sagittarius and )upiter positioned in Gemini greatly increases the risk of very severe emotional problems and e(treme moral deficiencies. They fre+uently point to heavy drug abuse leading to hospitali7ation or an early death. Since )upiter is the planet and Sagittarius and %isces are the signs of kings and +ueens, all these associations of Saturn !the planet of goals, prestige, and standing in society" increase the likelihood of their natives assuming such roles. 8ven if these people do not become kings or +ueens, princes or princesses, their loftiness and lack of humility should be unmistakable !if both the Sun and $etu are situated in superior signs, both characteristics should be crystal clear". Since the typical natives of this yoga are supposed to be high-sounding and bereft of good +ualities, they are obviously not the most easy people to live with, but if they lack antisocial tendencies, some of their worst flaws might be alleviated through simple therapy or through religion. .f they are not, these people will e(perience increasingly difficult trials and tribulations. The situation can be a lot worse for natives who have this yoga along with antisocial indications. This yoga aggravates the effects of such indications, since its natives will usually still perceive themselves as flawless, or at least not acknowledge any flaws of their own. .f Saturn or 'enus are afflicted, it is especially hard to deal with these people, but if )upiter is strong and unafflicted, 4ercury is not combust nor positioned in @eo or :ancer, and neither the Sun nor 'enus is situated in Gemini or 'irgo, this superior sankhya yoga offers broad protection against psychopathy, stupidity, and madness. &irectly antisocial, violent behavior is also unlikely. Fn the other hand, if either )upiter or 'enus is positioned in Gemini or 'irgo, or con/unct 4ercury, this yoga can only blunt the sociopathic potential. ,ithout directly contradictory indications, i.e. strong and unafflicted planets in the signs of

this yoga, as well as an unafflicted fate line, there are no therapy options for these people. 8(treme violence is possible with e(tremely antisocial indications, such as 'enus in Aries and Saturn in @eo. .f 'enus is highly afflicted, the only sane and healthy way of dealing with them is using deterrents, sanctions, and avoidance. .f the Sun is in a mutable sign and there are no dignified planets in @ibra, Taurus, A+uarius, or :apricorn, amiable or affable association with other people is more or less missing. .n case both the Sun and $etu are fully undignified or both are afflicted, neither of the lunar nodes is situated @eo or :ancer, there are no strong planets in these signs, there are no combust planets, and the 4oon is not in a sign ad/acent to the Sun, the whole chart is weak. Such people are severely deprived of energy and may completely lack balance, empathy, faith, calm, control, productivity, bravery, prudence, fortune and normalcy. $etu in the signs given above bolsters the chart and upholds the /ust given significations, but unless the dispositor !the Sun or the 4oon" is e(alted, the chart may still reveal a notable lack of energy, gayness, and kindness. Dahu in the same signs may raise the fortune later in life but with a very high price to pay in the end. .f the Sun is placed in %isces, 4ars is situated in @ibra or with 'enus, and )upiter is in :apricorn, then there is a severe or e(treme lack of humility, sympathy, mental acuity, and solidarity with other people. Such an individual is almost certain to be an intellectually retarded and domineering narcissist. A dignified Saturn, a highly or fully dignified 'enus, along with a fully dignified )upiter enables the best e(pression of this yoga. .f Saturn is strong and unafflicted in A+uarius or :apricorn, its natives can be a lot more insightful or rational than the average person. They are also much wiser or shrewder, more talented or more successful, and more practical or more studious than typical for this and lower sankhya yogas. .n Taurus or @ibra, Saturn raises the .I and promotes peace or builds competence and boosts happiness. All these auspicious indications also support the very best intellectual +ualities of this yoga, but unless )upiter is highly or fully dignified, they re+uire a strong and unafflicted 'enus in Sagittarius or %isces to manifest in a completely benevolent way. The first two indications also re+uire that 'enus is not severely afflicted, and the last two re+uire that 'enus is not afflicted at all. As always, a fully afflicted fate line will in the end overshadow even the best of promises, and in the case of this undignified yoga, even a mild affliction may be too much to bear. A dignified Sun or 4oon energi7es or activates the intellectual capacity of this yoga. .t also controls or softens the most glaring character flaws. .f both the Sun and )upiter are fully dignified, this yoga can reveal genuine heroism and moral courage way above the ordinary or effective prudence and an insightful sense of humor certain to elicit laughter from both small and large audiences. The Sun in the signs of this yoga emphasi7es its better side, but it is a mild emphasis at best. .n Sagittarius, these people rush out eagerly to greet life. There are no people more straightforward than Sagittarians 0 they are widely known for their bluntness. They have abundant vitality and radiant minds. Nonetheless, they tend to be popular and command a great deal of respect. ,ithout very strong indications to the contrary, these people go far, literally and figuratively. eaven is not a too distant goal. .n %isces, these people wish deeply to do the right thing, but in a world of hubris and evil, they become confused about their true aims.

,hen these chameleons submerge their natural tenderness and try to accomodate themselves to a life of commerce, they can end up crooked, dishonest, and psychotic. .f they instead listen to the still, small voice, their conscience, their desire for self-knowledge, and the world be damned, they can be the happiest, most learned and most professional of mortals, living comfortably with profound spiritual truths and able to provide ease and comfort to many a damaged soul. +ote that this mostly undignified yoga almost always reduces the auspicious influence of these mostly dignified positions of the Sun 4there is an e!ception if both Saturn and the fate line are unafflicted and the yoga ruler is both strong and unafflicted5# *he Sun in Sagittarius can promote silliness" off6the6chart generali3ation" e!treme recklessness and deceit# *he Sun in $isces can promote absentness" traits reminding of genuine autism" e!treme promiscuity and dishonesty# f the yoga ruler is fully dignified and neither Saturn nor the fate line is fully afflicted" enlightenment and insight may overshadow the inauspicious and unfortunate traits# -haracter and good fortune may also appear if the yoga ruler is dignified and neither Saturn nor the fate line is afflicted at all# The )est *u iter alone in the signs of this yoga emphasi7es its best +ualities. .ntellectual capacity, character, and a strong moral sense lead the way to prosperity. *or the following delineations to be fully applicable, the best supplemental indications for the following two yogas must also be present. .f the worst supplemental indications for the first three yogas are present, the following delineations may lack relevance. n Sagittarius, there is plenty of /oy, optimism, and generosity. These people seek opportunities along intellectual and non-material lines. They value independence and tend to make e(cellent teachers and lawyers. They readily perceive the truth and immediately detect any lies. They have a fully mature sense of humor and are immuni7ed against egoism, stupidity, hubris, and depression. Usually very popular and highly competitive, they steadily rise to importance. Their vision is clear, and if both Saturn and 'enus concur, they can become moral kings or highly benevolent political leaders. 4ore than a few of them may become genuine heroes. They are unlikely to abandon anyone no matter what the circumstances, but if someone repeatedly transgresses moral boundaries, they never hesitate to +uickly bring them down. Their corrective actions resemble strikes of lightning. This is the most common position of )upiter among lesbians. n $isces, there is a slight tendency towards introversion and corpulence. These are tender people who know gentleness inside out. They are logical and come e+uipped with profound insight. *re+uently, their learning causes them to reach a high position in society. They have a real flair for satire and make e(cellent comedians. They may appear whimsical, but are, in fact, acting according to a fi(ed code that is crystal clear to them. .f this code is big and generous, their whole lives will be miracles of service. .f it is little and obscure, their lives will also be miracles of service, but to themselves. To be satisfied with that which also satisfies others is their key to success. .f they utili7e their power to lose themselves in large, humane ideals they cannot fail. This is the least fre+uent placement of )upiter among lesbians.

Also a strong and unafflicted .enus in the signs of this yoga promotes its best traits. These are indications of emotional depth and moral strength. They support humane behavior, add ease of synthesis, and encourage a working grasp of at least one foreign language. n $isces, these people are outgoing and generous. They tend to be popular, e(alted, and humorous. Their own responses are true and fine< they e(pect the same of others and must learn to estimate others better in order to get back from the world some fair return for all the devotion they give to it. ,ithout a lot of :ancer, Scorpio, or 'irgo in their charts, this placement destines its natives for many and long /ourneys !regularly international, often intercontinental, and perhaps even interplanetary at some time". 4any natives travel the globe as a full-time occupation. n Sagittarius, these people have high standards and emotional courage. They have hearts unafraid of love< they dare to feel, and to follow their instincts to the last outpost of e(perience. They do not e(periment with love< they do not trifle with their emotions< but others may. They have a gentle sense of humor supported by profound insight. 4any natives become prominent comedians. Their domestic life is likely to be happy, as they know how to comfort people and ease tensions. .oth placements are infre+uent among faggots and lesbians. .n a group of 65= mostly public figures, the position in %isces is the second most common with 62 entries !in a completely random distribution, the number should be close to =5". .n a group of 52B2 murderers, rapists, frauds, and registered se( offenders, 'enus in %isces is the least fre+uent placement with only 12 entries !a random distribution would give a number close to 61". .n a group of >B; homophiles, the fre+uency is A1. The Worst -ercury in the signs of this yoga brings out the worst )ovian traits and may reduce the 4ercurian +ualities to 7ero. ,ithout contradictory indications, reason and honesty are completely replaced by silliness and craftiness. ?oth positions are unfortunate with regard to body and mind, effectively inhibiting any acuity, subtleness, or discretion. ?oth luck and wealth may vanish or never appear. n Sagittarius, these people tend to overlook what is right before their eyes, to neglect what is shouting right in their ear, because their senses are occupied with bigger, or anyway farther-off, things. Sometimes they do not hear little s+uibs of conversation and thus miss the whole point. These people can be pretentious and are unlikely to engage in debate or argue for their beliefs. There is fre+uently a superior tone in their voice, and their senses tend to scatter. This position also increases the risk of deception and recklessness. n $isces, the approach to things is far from scientific. .ts natives have to struggle to e(ercise an ob/ective /udgement 0 to see anything for its own sake, without the intrusion of some personal irrelevancy that alters their vision and therefore their /udgement. .f their best friend has the voice of a screech owl, they will think it music< and if their worst enemy were a :aruso, they would actually believe he was singing off key. 'ery often, there is a dismal tone in their voice. ,hen annoyed by something or someone, they are more inclined to become listless than aggressive. They are unlikely sport champions but likely shoplifters, vagrants, and psychotics. This is the most direct and most influential indication of dishonesty and promiscuity. All people born with a fully afflicted )ercury !situated in the signs of this yoga or

tightly con/unct its ruler" need to learn deference but are unlikely to do so !unless the Sun or $etu is highly dignified or at least domiciled". -ars in the signs of this yoga reveals slightly less severe conditions. 4ars in %isces might indicate a low and /umpy vitality. These people have a tendency to overestimate their energies and abilities. .f possible, they should select for themselves activities that do not ta( the physical body too much. They could easily be too generous e(pressing their /oy and should allow themselves plenty of time for rest. 4ost natives could en/oy travel a lot, or at least not en/oy staying in one place for too long. Some may call themselves scatterbrains. All are supposed to be combative. This is the most common placement of 4ars among lesbians. .n Sagittarius, there is supposed to be a hapha7ard, slapdash way of doing things. These people may try to move faster than possible sometimes, and trip over things or their own feet. They are unlikely to be studious or scientific, but are usually good-humored. They are always ready to yield, be of comfort and receive /oy. They are liable to e(tremes and may have many foes. This 4ars placement is the most common among faggots. .n both signs, the weakness of the martial planet undermines the ability to e(alt passion and reach ecstasy. Self-assertion is either lacking or out of place. These placements also introduce a degree of fantasy or chaos in the thought processes. @oyalty and fidelity need watching. Any religiosity might not be perfectly clean or genuine and may never reach the climactic stage. Natives of both placements are supposed to have few children. A highly or fully afflicted Sun worsens the superior traits of this yoga and also increases the risk of Al7heimer9s disease as well as other severe and chronic mental weaknesses. ,ithout contradictory indications, the Sun in @ibra reveals poor mental and material balance, irreligiosity, envy, as well as popularity due to loose morals. These natives can be very unstable !@ibra3 4argaret Thatcher, ?en/amin Netanyahu, Silvio ?erlusconi, and 'ladimir %utin". The three remaining highly or fully undignified placements of the Sun are no better, /ust introverted and narcissistic !Taurus3 $arl 4ar(, 'ladimir @enin, arry Truman, and Tony ?lair< :apricorn3 $onrad Adenauer, Dichard Ni(on, and Fmar al-?ashir", or even less empathetic !A+uarius3 Donald Deagan, &ick :heney, and Nicolas Sarco7y". Their natives are all clearly lacking in faith and public dignity as well as mental and material development. Transparency and accountability suffer as they often believe themselves to be above the law. The laws passed by governments they circumvent or rewrite, but the law of karma they cannot change or go around. Although superior Sun signs do not indicate evil intentions, it is true that the road to hell is paved with good ones. 4*he e!amples given above are for $asa yoga only and they all" with the e!ceptions of 7eagan" -heney" and Sarco3y" have plenty of antisocial indications to go with them" thus they are not to be taken as the most typical e!amples of these Sun signs# n addition" *hatcher" +etanyahu" .erlusconi" ,enin" .lair" al6.ashir" )ar!" +i!on" 7eagan" and Adenauer all have significantly or e!tremely afflicted fate lines# *hatcher and al6.ashir share theirs" 7ahu in ,eo" with Adolf 1ichmann" $ol $ot" /u Jintao" and .arack Obama as well as John &erry# *his is a fully undignified placement of both &etu and 7ahu" which promotes materialism" arrogance" bigotry" hypocrisy" selfishness" and depression as well as e!treme violence# *hese people are naive" easily deceived" and do not know how to act wisely# 8nless they repent of all their wrong6doings" which is unlikely" there is a real risk that they will end up in hell#

7ahu con%unct the Sun" by sign or within 9 degrees longitude" indicates a similarly materialistic and cra3y fate# *his applies to the charts of the current $ope 40rancis5" *ed &ennedy" &arl )ar!" and Adam :eishaupt# ,enin shares his 7ahu in -ancer with /itler" -astro" and ,.J" as well as the retired $ope 4.enedict5# *his is the polar complement of 7ahu in ,eo and supports an attitude of self6righteousness" whereby the actions of others are rarely condoned but often condemned# t is an indication of foolishness and comes with dictatorial tendencies# Although likely to show bravery" these people are if possible even more unwise than those of the previous placement# 7ahu con%unct the )oon" by sign or within 9 degrees longitude" indicates a similarly dramatic and dogmatic fate# *his applies to the charts of 0ran;ois /ollande" )ichael )oore" *ony .lair" 7onald 7eagan" 7aoul :allenberg" and )ahatma Gandhi# ,ike :inston -hurchill and )ao <edong" Adenauer" +i!on" and +etanyahu all have 7ahu in Aries# :hile a less e!treme placement than the earlier two" it reveals idiocy" %ealousy" and manipulative tendencies# *hese usually timid people have trouble adhering to the law and are slightly more likely to become registered se! offenders# *hey are needy" not sure of themselves" and can be highly suspicious of other people# *heir envious past is inconsistent with spiritual evolution and averse to religion" but their present is more religious" though not necessarily in a good way# All the other politicians have fate lines which are not directly afflicted# /owever" -heney has sidereal ,eo rising" which is also supposed to indicate a difficult fortune" not dissimilar to 7ahu in ,eo/-ancer# $utin=s and Sarco3y=s Ascendants are here unknown# $utin has the best possible fate line with 7ahu in A2uarius" but its dispositor and most of the other indications in his horoscope are very far from stellar# All the afflicted fate lines emphasi3e material increase over spiritual and universal progress# *hey thus promote enslavement" while the unafflicted fate lines promote liberation#5 ,ith %asa yoga, pseudo-psychiatric practice is perhaps only possible with an undignified Sun or 4ars. The worst supplemental indications for the previous yogas offer support for pseudo-psychiatry, but they might not be enough on their own. ,ithout a highly or fully dignfied Sun and with a highly or fully afflicted 4ars, especially if situated in Taurus for a man or @ibra for a woman, natives of this yoga can completely lack intelligence. .f there are no planets in Gemini and 'irgo, the same can be said with 4ercury placed in Sagittarius or %isces. ,ith the Sun as the atmakaraka and situated in Sagittarius, there is a genuine superiority comple(. .f supported by any of the above conditions !afflicted 4ars or 4ercury" and with enough planets linked to the Sun, pseudo-psychiatry is a definite possibility. ,ith the Sun as the atmakaraka and placed in %isces, there can be arrogant psychosis. .f supported by any of the above afflictions, such natives can be all-out psychotic as well as arrogant enough to label other people with pseudo-psychiatric diagnoses. They avoid intimacy and dislike all forms of ob/ective testing and reasoning. They lack humility, attention and empathy, as well as education and good manners. Unlike sane or happy people, natives with 4ercury, Saturn, or 'enus in Aries may want other people to be insane and unhappy too 0 by manipulation, intrigue, or trauma if necessary. Contradictory

%lanets in 0emini and .irgo lessen the typical traits of this yoga. Saturn in either sign or 4ercury con/unct Saturn e(actly contradict. These indications can significantly reduce the chaoticness and crookedness, but they also add a hint of indecision and remove some of the emotional maturity. The best supplemental indications for the previous yoga go even further to reduce the unenviable +ualities of this one, but leave the advantageous traits alone. The corresponding indications for the remaining inferior yogas also counteract the most useless and disingenuous features. A strong and unafflicted 4ercury in Gemini or 'irgo makes psychosis unlikely. )upiter combust or strongly situated in @eo helps build character. .n :ancer, it lends beauty and a highly intuitive business sense. Since this is a mostly undignified yoga, the potential improvement from contradictory indications is somewhat limited. Nevertheless, dignified inferior planets still lessen the worst traits of this yoga and also promote faith and empathy, thinking and attention, intimacy and humility, ob/ectivity and precision, reason and communication, etc. A dignified Sun increases empathy, mental balance, and the ability to learn from mistakes. .n @eo, it adds bravery and dignity, public and material in particular. .f the Sun is fully or highly dignified, it improves the character +uite significantly, and these natives are thus much less likely to speak ill of others. All natives born with a strong Sun in @eo or :ancer, Aries or Scorpio are also less likely to be diagnosed with pseudo-psychiatric diagnoses, or diagnose other people using pseudo-psychiatry. .n general, the corroborating and best supplemental indications for the higher yogas, as well as the best supplemental indications for the lower yogas, mitigate the reclusive and crafty tendencies of this yoga. They also make pseudo-psychiatry a much less likely occupation. .f they involve Saturn, Dahu, and the *ull 4oon !acting together", they may totally negate any possibility of pseudo-psychiatric practice. The worst supplemental indications for the previous yoga impede the intellectual, moral and emotional development of this one, causing logic, language skills, semantics, truthfulness and morality to suffer greatly. They also make their natives less generous and more stingy, less interesting and more narrow, as well as less silly and more se(ual. The risk of alcoholism and drug addiction is greatly increased. 'enus in Gemini or 'irgo adds an atypical callousness to this yoga. The Sun in Gemini and )upiter in 'irgo promote youthfulness, irritability, hubris, disease, and lying. ,ithout the best supplemental indications of the following yogas, there can also be plenty of money, meanness, caprice, and genuine psychopathy. The Sun in 'irgo and )upiter in Gemini advance egoism, wealth, resentment, stinginess and sickness. ,ithout contradictory indications, there can also be smugness, cruelty, and genuine madness. The worst supplemental indications for the other inferior yogas demote health, literacy, general knowledge, tolerance, compassion and understanding. %asa people are usually not depressed nor melancholic !spending three months or more with neither /oy nor sorrow", but with both )upiter and 'enus, or at least one of them, in the signs mentioned here as well as Saturn in :ancer or @eo, there can be severe melancholy or ma/or depression. An above average number of these people could be accurately described as alcoholics. The risk of depression ought to be the greatest with )upiter situated in Gemini or Saturn placed in @eo. The Sun in Gemini or 'irgo is a mi(ed blessing for this yoga, since it alleviates any tendencies toward psychosis or chaos, but also takes away some of the ease

and benevolence. Unless at least two of the planets )upiter, 'enus, and Saturn are strong and unafflicted, you will probably not want to be around these natives more than necessary. .n 'irgo, there can be coldness and indifference, in Gemini, meanness and caprice.

Dama Yoga
&ama yoga signifies "overs. This is the first sankhya yoga to indicate potential for high .I. .ts natives tend to be good listeners, compassionate, lucid, patient, and pleasing. Their mood changes slowly and is most often moderate or stable. They are unlikely to change their mind very often, and they never become nervous. They are e+uipped with an innate sense of education and easily become pillars of society. 8ven after a less than fortunate beginning in life and more than a fair share of sadness later on, they are still more inclined to be happy and merry than anything else. &ama people are supposed to be affluent and devoted to public welfare. They can be great benefactors to humanity and generally e(cellent people. As such, they are often recogni7ed by their cordia" and re"a,ed ways and their patience and tolerance. As natives of the previous yogas consistently e(ploit these appealing traits, people of this yoga often appear weak. .t is true that &ama people can be la( or tolerate too much 0 but not forever. A substantial number of natives tend to be prodigies, and although not really inclined to be as competitive as the natives of the previous yoga, they usually cannot help but end up at the forefront of their diverse careers and reali7e considerab"e rominence. The name of this yoga means garland or wreath and hints at the veneration and honors often bestowed its natives. .t might also say something about their attractiveness to the opposite se(, but that is mere speculation on my part. The more introverted natives of this yoga tend to be natural providers. Their competence is hardly ever disputed. They en/oy solitude and nature and would rather be left alone than invited to a party, but eager to please they always make e,ce""ent com any. ,ithout contradictory indications, they have the most e(+uisite social skills. The more e(troverted natives e(ude warmth and confidence. A good number have enough charisma to sweep any woman off her feet. Since these polite or cultivated people demand little, know how to be diplomatic or tactful, and are often born cooperators !so long as their strong sense of /ustice or ethics does not have to be compromi7ed", they

are easy ersons to "ive 'ith. Nonetheless, some of their shortcomings include a minor tendency to suppress emotions and a ma/or inclination to involve too many sentiments in their decisions. A lot of times, these less than ideal tendencies make their decision process slower than necessary. &ama natives usually love to do good and since they love themselves, they also love others without even thinking about it 0 and herein lies their only real problem3 They can be too to"erant or "enient and therefore think too little before loving some less loving person. They always prefer to see good, even when there is little of it to be seen. At worst, they constantly overestimate other people and suffer as a conse+uence. &espite their sometimes countless disappointments in dealing with the mostly unevolved people of this world, the natives of this yoga remain naturally forbearing and readily listen to the plights of other people. They are inclined to /oin social causes fighting for eace and (ustice . The opposite of timid, they can become militant if need be. A great number feel at home in the /udicial system and in the military, but as educated men and women of courage, they have a great many other avenues open to them. The most e(troverted natives of this yoga are e(tremely sensitive in every sense possible. Fn the upside, they can be particularly warmhearted and responsive to the feelings of others. Fn the downside, they are easi"y disturbed by lack of compassion, or by coldness, or hardness, or lack of consideration in those around them. They are also sensitive to noise, loud traffic, barking dogs, bad sights and smells, and all forms of in/ustice. All about love and very much about se( !often slowly and tastefully e(ecuted, rarely in a hurry to begin with and never in a rush to finish", these natives are not doing their /ob if they are not having it, but this does not mean they are all homose(uals. .nstead, the vast ma/ority of natives are predominantly neat and straight. The men are usually smart and the women generally cute. Together they are supposed to have many sons, some or all of which are likely to become as prominent as their mothers and fathers. .n general, this yoga indicates relatively little victimi7ation in childhood, but if other indications in the horoscope are supportive of this, there can be difficulties accepting less than ideal realities. Fther potential character flaws include corruption, adultery, infidelity, lewdness, oppression, hy ersocia" behavior and rest"essness as well as

complacency or tendencies to go overboard in militant love of /ustice. Any mental issues these natives might have should dissolve in good company, by themselves around the age of >2, or more immediately as these people commit totally to a spiritual life with full understanding of the law of karma. This yoga is highly dignified and associates all people involved in pursuit of good taste, /ustice, happiness, and tran+uility. These people are usually very good at what they do, and few people can argue with them. Some of their ideal and most natural roles in society include aristocrats, scho"ars, hi"oso hers, founders, administrators , i"ots, bankers, negotiators,mediators, di "omats, gardeners, coo ks, ainters, scu" tors, (udges,mi"itary men and 'arrior 'omen. See 'ama yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in Taurus or Libra as well as Saturn with .enus corroborate the typical e(pression of this yoga. These people come with an almost entirely cordial or social disposition. Small and often insignificant portions of their character reflect their less typical hypersocial or restless and indulgent or lustful traits, but with other indications in support, such as those mentioned further down, they can grow beyond insignificance. ,ith Saturn in Taurus, understanding is usually second nature. These natives are easy to live with because their deep ego centers do not bristle and writhe at imagined affronts or offences. They are secure if their bodies are secure< and are able to bring a great deal of idealism to bear on all of life9s other problems in which they !unlike most others" can be detached and gracious. Their most significant drawbacks include restlessness and fondness for other people. They can easily become too lenient or e(pect too much of others, which can cause them to lose security, either by taking it too much for granted or by not e(ercising necessary supervision. *ortunately, these people can be secure on little, for stretching money is their long suit. Needless to say, they are supposed to be pillars of society. Natives with Saturn in @ibra appear to have little need to defend themselves since their /ustification comes directly through others. They are capable of being the best ad/usted of mortals, living easily with their associates. They have tact and their deep intuition tells them how to win friends and influence people genially and agreeably, rather than through manipulation, collusion, and intrigue. They are supposed to have few significant shortcomings, but they can be conceited. They are also capable of fervent opposition. ?oth of these placements of Saturn are common among lesbians, with the one in Taurus being the most common of all. They are relatively less fre+uent among faggots !close to average but with @ibra having a slight edge over Taurus". A dignified 'enus supports the typical traits of this yoga and should make antisocial behavior !all forms of aggression but especially acts triggered by hate and /ealousy" e(tremely e(ceptional. This is especially true if 'enus is situated in @ibra for a man or in Taurus for a woman.

This highly dignified yoga can ease the inauspicious impact of less dignified indications involving lower planets. Since it strengthens 'enus !the planet of .I, higher education, sanity and /ustice, compassion and moderation, ethics and aesthetics, understanding and happiness", this yoga protects against psychosis and severe superiority comple(es, as well as all the various shades of madness and cra7iness the inferior yogas have to offer. This is the first yoga with the potential to +ualify a native to practise psychiatry. Fbviously, the chart for a well +ualified psychiatrist should not feature any of the worst supporting indications for the previous yogas nor this one. .f both Saturn and 'enus are dignified or the latter is strong and unafflicted in its primary sign !@ibra for a man, Taurus for a woman" and the former is unafflicted, this yoga offers e(ceedingly strong protection against craftiness and deception, madness and psychopathy, crudeness and /ealousy, incompetence and pseudo-psychiatry, megalomania and depression. .n general, the risk of addiction is very low< it is e(tremely low when it comes to the most self-destructive drugs !including alcohol and heroin". Unless Saturn is highly undignified, any severe addiction re+uires that 'enus is highly afflicted. The risk of addiction should be the greatest with 'enus situated in Aries and Saturn placed in @eo. ,ith a dignified Sun, 4ars, and 4ercury, there is no risk of reclusion, loneliness, or poverty. A strong and unafflicted Sun and 4oon is enough to rule out severe mental illness and narcissism. Fther character traits that are especially unlikely to reach significance, or show up at all, without any of the worst supporting indications for the previous yogas and provided 'enus is strong and not severely afflicted, include secrecy, manipulation, grandioseness, cruelty, (enophobia, la7iness, hastiness, senselessness, childishness, arrogance, pretence, idiocy, inferiority comple(es, and impotence or any other virile shortcomings. Fnly fully undignified indications !the Sun in A+uarius or :apricorn, 4ars in @ibra or Taurus, 4ercury in Sagittarius or %isces, and )upiter in Gemini or 'irgo" cannot be mitigated by this yoga. Nonetheless, with a fully dignified 'enus in its primary sign, this yoga moderates the influence of such e(treme indications by surrounding them with well above average courage and understanding or competence and geniality. So long as 'enus and Saturn are strong and unafflicted, these natives will mostly live their lives in the best possible manner, given the opportunities available to them. .t takes a sidereal @eo, :ancer, Aries, or Scorpio ascendant, an undignified Saturn, a weak or afflicted 'enus, and the Sun, a dark 4oon, or 4ars in the first house to significantly undermine the auspiciousness of this yoga and introduce an arrogant, selfish, deceptive, scheming, petty, base, hellish, or sordid character< and for any possibility of general stupidity, egoism, and neurosis, you still have to add )upiter or Neptune in Gemini or 'irgo. 8ven with all of the above highly troublesome indications, if the Sun or $etu is dignified, the character usually improves a lot with age. The )est .enus alone in the signs of this yoga emphasi7es its best +ualities. *or the following delineations to be fully relevant, the best supporting indications for the following yoga must also be present. .f the worst supplemental indications for Gola yoga, #uga yoga, or $edara yoga are present, the following delineations

may lack relevance. n ,ibra, there is love the way it is meant to be. These people are cultured, confident, warm, patient, and understanding. They are easily hurt, but they are not touchy about it< they cannot hold a grudge, or even condemn those who hurt them. They have a knack for thinking the best of people who reciprocate by thinking the best of these natives. Their sincerity and impersonality endear them to many and make them highly soughtafter companions< their air is sweet and e(hilarating. This placement of 'enus is slightly unusual among faggots, but very common among lesbians. To women, it is no doubt the most attractive indication to be found in the birth chart of a man. n *aurus, there is the ob/ect of the former. These people are competent, reliable, robust, and lustful. They love to touch, to hold, and be held. They are likely to be happy in love. %lenty of love addicts have this position, to whom love means physical en/oyment and little more. At best, natives of 'enus in Taurus understand love deeply< accept it with their whole beings, are content to e(press it wordlessly, and value love9s silences more than its speeches. They know both ecstasy and despair of love< and they cling to a love once given and received with unbelievable tenacity, even in the face of great obstacles. This 'enus placement intensifies all sense reactions< there is love of color, art, music and beauty in all its different forms. .t is very unusual among lesbians, but common among faggots. To men, it is no doubt the most attractive indication to be found in the birth chart of a woman. .oth placements are unusual in a group of 52B2 murderers, rapists, fraudsters, and registered se( offenders !when compared to their overall fre+uencies in the last century". @ibra shows up with 62 entries and Taurus with only 16 !the numbers e(pected by chance are closer to 61 and B1 respectively". The Worst -ars in the signs of this yoga strengthens its worst characteristics beyond their typical insignificance. The best 4artian +ualities are overtaken by the absolutely worst 'enusian traits. *idelity and loyalty fall below average and the full hypersocial and irreverent potential of the planet 'enus is available. ,ithout contradictory indications, these natives completely lack humility and restraint, passion and fame. They have no sense of reverence or presence. Sympathy and solidarity are scarce, to say the least. At worst, they can be obtuse, envious, irreligious, adulterous, temperamental, lewd, lethargic, fraudulent, domineering, brutal, corrupt, and infamous. They have great difficulty maintaining privacy in normally private matters, and a significant number of them are public fornicators. The e(treme weakness of 4ars invites victimi7ation. .f neither the Sun, the 4oon, nor )upiter is placed in Aries or Scorpio, there can be severe mental disability. .f there are no planets at all situated in these two signs, e(treme mental disability is almost guaranteed !the only ma/or e(ception is a Trine 4oon, but if the 4oon is situated in @ibra or Taurus, it 0 like 4ars in these signs 0 will still promote infidelity, adultery, and corruption". n ,ibra, social urges are powerful 0 usually too powerful. These natives are sensitive to what they call love, and one way or another will have a lot of it. They lack balance and alternate between full indulgence and total self-assertion. They need moderation in the social and love instincts which tend to run away with them, upset their lives and destroy their peace. This position of 4ars along with 4ars con/unct 'enus are prime

indications for infamy, fornication, and lewdness. They encourage inaneness, pure nonsense, and outright fraud. At best, they reveal people who totally lack privacy or have their privacy invaded. 4ost of them are clearly unintelligent. A few significant e(amples include Abraham @incoln, ,inston :hurchill, Adolf itler, and 4argaret Thatcher, but of these only @incoln9s birth chart features this dignified sankhya yoga. 4ore recent, popular e(amples include ?ill :linton, %ope )ohn %aul .., &alai @ama H.', Ted Turner, and %ope *rancis .. Fne e(treme e(ample is )osef *rit7l, born in the totally irrational and amoral 'irgo generation. n *aurus, there is hardly any financial restraint. These natives re+uire, and usually get, plenty of se( satisfaction. #et in this, as in money, their energies can run away into prodigality and e(cesses. They know how they want to do things and generally manage to do them that way. Their motto is, . don9t want to fight< /ust let9s do it my way, and with or without the consent of the governed, they generally prevail. This position of 4ars is number one for worldliness, and its natives tend to be powerless adulterers. A few ma/or e(amples include Adolf itler, )ohn *. $ennedy, and Flof %alme, but none of these turbulent politicians had birth charts featuring this highly dignified sankhya yoga. 4ore recent, widely popular and fre+uently idoli3ede(amples include *idel :astro, 4ichael )ackson, 4adonna :iccone, and Ale( )ones< all their charts, with an e(ception for :iccone9s, illustrate this yoga. An e(treme e(ample where 4ars also acts as the atmakaraka is )ohn :ouey, but $edara yoga along with the Sun and 'enus !especially the latter" in 'irgo and Saturn con/unct the 4oon are all necessary to e(plain his kidnapping, se(ual battering, and cold-blooded murder of a nine-year old girl. -ommon for both positions is the potential for e(treme mental illness, including Al7heimer9s disease, dementia, and A@S. *ew natives of these fully afflicted placements are religious in any authentic or sincere way. They suffer from mental disability and are weak, thoughtless, and restless or soft, stubborn, and lewd. .f there are no strong and unafflicted planets en/oying essential dignity in Aries or Scorpio, these people may completely lack capacity for genuine thinking and intelligent analysis. Their e(treme want of humility and modesty fre+uently precludes advancement in life. As children, natives of both placements might e(hibit some degree of innate education or competence as well as charm or tact, but without any of the contradictory indications mentioned earlier, they are e(tremely slow learners. ,ithout conflicting or at least mitigating indications of special significance, such as a dignified Trine 4oon, a highly dignified Sun, a highly dignified )upiter, or at least a dignified 4ercury, all natives tend to be mentally unbalanced, moody, or inane. This is especially true for those who are also natives of the previous yoga or one of its corroborating indications. .f the Sun is severely cusped or fully afflicted and there are no unafflicted planets in @eo or tightly con/unct the Sun, they can be utter cowards, completely devoid of sympathy and honor. They rarely show any consideration for other people, and the same goes for animals. %eople whose charts feature these 4ars placements in combination with 4ercury, Saturn, or 'enus in Aries or Scorpio indulge in antisocial behavior. ,ith 4ars in @ibra, they are dense, spineless, and fre+uently lewd. They often personify archetypical bullies. .n Taurus, they are envious, powerless, and often adulterous. 4any natives are perpetually switching between their &r )ekyll and 4r yde personalities.

Also a strong Sun in the signs of this yoga boosts its least auspicious traits. An above average number of these natives get legitimately labelled as drunks or drinkers, tramps or fags. *ew of them will ever be described as sympathetic, but most of them will regularly come across as contrary and unfriendly. n ,ibra, there may be plenty of love and understanding waiting in the high above, but the characteristics closer to home are weakness and envy. 4ost of the traits associated with 4ars in Taurus apply here as well. These people need to cultivate attention. .f they do not, their public image will erode over time. The same fate awaits their intimate relations 0 if they have any. @ibra Suns should not be e(pected to keep clean or think a lot. Their restlessness is likely to take over well before they have a chance to think anything through. @ibra is not a stable sign, but it always seeks to achieve a fair and /ust balance. Natives of the Sun in this sign value other people a great deal and will often please others before thinking of what they want themselves. At their best, they can be ideal companions, moderate in almost every way. At their worst, they epitomi7e bipolar disorder. They are selfless and democratic in spirit but are often thought of as aristocrats or snobs. 4any who have tried to force these apparently yielding people along a path counter to their principles have felt the iron hand in the velvet glove. Their .I is often above average and so is their physical strength. Although better educated than most people and at ease with abstract concepts, their education has obvious and significant gaps. n *aurus, lust has replaced thinking. 4ost of the traits mentioned under 4ars in @ibra apply here as well. These people have an unmatched singleness of purpose. .t is their need for security. Their instinct is to hold themselves to what they need and want 0 and they cannot by any force in the world be held to anything else. These people can be e(tremely social and highly reliable. .f you are willing to never go against them, they are the easiest people to live with, rarely ever losing their temper or sense of tact, raising their voice, becoming mad or aggressive, leaving you with a dismal or blunt remark, acting like a /erk or wuss. They are attracted to perfumes and often have prominent noses. ,hile it is common for the women to be strikingly attractive to men, the men are rarely attractive to women. Since the men tend to be se(ist and unattractive, they are often hated or at least implicitly disliked by women. This may be less of any issue than it may seem at first, since Taurus is the most fre+uent position of the Sun among faggots and these may not care much about women anyway. Natives of both genders have deep and sometimes dark subconsciouses. A prime e(ample is Sigmund *reud. Taurus is perhaps the most competent sign of the 7odiac and if you want to have a house built to stand the test time, both esthetically and otherwise, it may be wise to hire a builder with the Sun in this sign. )ust beware of the possibly wide cracks in their competence and supervise them carefully. n both signs, the Sun is highly afflicted. Since @ibra and Taurus are situated e(actly opposite Aries and Scorpio, the signs of thinking and analysis, the Sun in the former signs are unlikely to produce great thinkers or intelligent analysts. .nstead, these positions usually reveal unintelligent and irreligious people. At best, they are peaceful or unaggressive and sensitive or tactful. At worst, they can be oppressive or domineering and militant or brutal. The mental weakness or softness !also known as mental retardation" associated with these positions of the Sun also increases the risk of mental illness. A dignified sankhya yoga !such as this one" with a strong and

unafflicted ruler and a domiciled or e(alted Solar 4oon can greatly mitigate or even overshadow the effects of the solar afflictions. ,ith the Sun in @ibra, the 4oon is domiciled in %isces and e(alted in Scorpio as well as Gemini. ,ith the Sun in Taurus, the 4oon is domiciled in Sagittarius and e(alted in :ancer as well as 'irgo. Note that the 4oon itself always has some significant issues in Gemini and 'irgo. The combination of the Sun in @ibra with the 4oon in %isces may produce a born diplomat. These people can outguess almost anyone. .nitial findings support Taurus as the most common position of the Sun among faggots. .t is the least fre+uent position among lesbians. Neither is in anyway surprising, since Taurus is the motherly sign, and thus the most developed of all the womanly signs. 4ore surprising 0 to me at least 0 is to find @ibra as a close second for the same pattern. Surprising because @ibra is the fatherly sign, bringing together the most manly attributes, including confidence, /ustice, semen, warmth, and taste. Fne possible e(planation is that both of these highly undignified placements of the Sun substantially reduce faith and fortune !solar keywords", making childhood victimi7ation more likely and normal material development less likely. Another plausible e(planation is that someone with the Sun in one of the most e(troverted signs is less likely to hide his se(ual orientation than someone with the Sun in 'irgo, Taurus, or :apricorn. 4y guess is that the numbers of in-the-closet faggots in the 1arth signs should be a lot higher than in the Air signs. Among the 56J lesbians included in this preliminary study, the three most womanly signs all show low fre+uencies for the Sun3 %isces and Taurus with B each, and :apricorn with 55. Ff the inferior signs, only 'irgo lies low with the same figure as :apricorn. The most fre+uent position is A+uarius with A1 entries. The last result should be no surprise, since it emphasi7es the most e(troverted sign of the 7odiac. Also Jupiter in the signs of this yoga promotes its worst traits, but to a lesser degree. )upiter and the Sun in Taurus followed by 4ars in @ibra are indications of increasing daftness, rebellion, impureness, infidelity, and mental illness. .n the case of )upiter, the intellect is overcome by eroticism. These people are despotic, self-important, and uninterested in details. The same planets in @ibra followed by Taurus may be /ust as challenging, but they are more e(trovert and much more likely to start a conversation. )upiter in @ibra indicates restlessness and overconfidence. These people are often sweet and adulterous, but they easily get e(hausted. Contradictory %lanets in Aries and Scor io weaken the typical traits of this yoga. Saturn in either sign or 4ars con/unct Saturn e(actly contradict and can at worst completely negate the best +ualities. owever, these indications also add passion and attention, causing decisions to be made more +uickly. ,ith Saturn in Scorpio, these natives can be wasteful, unhealthy, heartless, touchy, and less than happy. .n Aries, they fre+uently reveal impatience, timidity, suspiciousness, delusions, and misunderstanding. Natives of both positions have reduced .I !compared to the average for this yoga". .f one of these indications is present with one of the previous yogas, the .I is clearly below average.

The worst supplemental indications for Sula yoga also reduce the most admirable +ualities of this yoga, but they bring very little or nothing good in their place. The same holds true for the corresponding indications for the remaining inferior yogas. All these indications weaken the typical warm, charming or genial characteristics of this yoga. So too does an afflicted or weak 'enus. An atypically low .I, antisocial behavior !including pseudo-psychiatry" and inferiority comple(es, all re+uire an afflicted or e(tremely weak 'enus, or a highly or fully undignifed Saturn, and either twice as many directly antisocial indications as strong and unafflicted superior indications or one directly antisocial indication that involves Saturn or 'enus !directly via own placement or indirectly via chaining". .n addition, for any severe mental illness, bullying or domineering tendencies, or pseudo-psychiatric practice, both the Sun and the 4oon must be undignifed and at least one of the antisocial indications must be highly or fully undignified, or 4ars and 4ercury must both lack essential dignity and at least one of them must be severely afflicted. The Sun in Aries or Scorpio reduces any hypersocial tendencies. .f the Sun is dignified, its natives should have especially few mental issues, and the otherwise typical symptoms of mental difficulties, such as weakness and restlessness, infidelity and lewdness, oppression and complacency, bullying and domineering tendencies should not arise. .f the Sun is highly dignified, it clearly reduces the risk of Al7heimer9s disease and other neurological illnesses. 8ven if the Sun is not dignified, it will still promote versatile thinking and intelligent analysis in the above signs.

Veena Yoga
'eena yoga reveals masters on path to become like God. These wise, strong, and selfless natives, are delighted to serve others and big enough to wash the feet of their disciples. They have potential to become God9s finest, but trying to describe them is really above my head. The more e(troverted natives are invincible in resistance and the more introverted successful also in submission. ,ithout contradictory indications, this yoga indicates individuals capable of grasping everything while being completely inscrutab"e to others. They are supposed to be happy as well as wise. This yoga is the first and only to come fully e+uipped for leadership. A number of its natives will have truly e(ceptional influence on the world. 'eena people are supposed to be elo+uent, of real knowledge, and interested in religious precepts and rules of life. They are capable of all austerities mentioned in spiritual scriptures, ski""ed in every kind of 'ork, very learned and shrewd. They often act as role models to their many friends and servants. ?arred a possibility of carelessness or cowardliness,samadhi is not far away.

@oving right things only, these people are always full of energy and have various kinds of wealth and lu(uries at their disposal. ,ith no shortage of talent nor lack of confidence, nothing ever over'he"ms them. They either ensure safety or know discipline. They have no fickle urges. Their health is usually robust, their longevity above average. 'eena natives rarely talk too much. They never speak ill of other people and they never use e(cessive force, whatever the situation. They are capable of infinite control and sacrifice. They have unmatched strength and endurance. They can easily master themselves and natives of both se(es are fully adept at leading lives of celibacy. They are never la7y nor busy. The more introverted natives can become +uiet builders and the more e(troverted great inventors. The name of this yoga derives from a lute with seven strings. 4any natives are literally fond of song, dance, and musical instruments. The number seven hints at all there is, and the most typical natives of this yoga are proficient in all areas of life. All natives value "one"iness and so"itude, since these are needed to tune skills as well as for invention and innovation. &espite this, most natives can usually be described as the most gregarious and social anywhere. The most introverted tend to be strikingly mannerly. 'eena yoga does not in itself impose any shortcomings of character or limits of fortune, thus all the other indications possible in a horoscope finally assume their full importance. ,ithout any indications to the contrary, these natives never te"" "ies, nor do they harbor arrogant thoughts. They have depth of feeling, but are wise enough not to be controlled by emotions. They know how to be detached from the material world and are always sober or wide awake. They represent the e(act opposites of fakes, liars, fools, and addicts. The best natives are fully mature adults by the age of ;2. This yoga is fully dignified and embodies the people we all turn to when there is nowhere left to turn, or eventually have to reckon with, usually happily, but sometimes grudgingly. .n a generic sense, they represent authorities or people who make life more endurable, including those most capable of filling the functions listed for the previous yogas. Their more specific and most typical posts are as statesmen, inventors, designers,managers, sages, riests, astro" ogers, mechanics, singers, musicians,dancers, and gods. See (eena yoga e!ample charts#


"ementa" Indications

Saturn in A+uarius or Ca ricorn corroborates the typical e(pression of this yoga. ,ithout contradictory indications, these people9s personalities consist entirely of e(cellent +ualities. .f Saturn is unafflicted and strong, these natives are anything but fools. ,ith Saturn in A+uarius, there is great concern for the welfare of other people and the society as a whole. This practical position also conveys great strength and knowledge, which can appear supernatural to more ordinary people. ,ith Saturn in :apricorn, success in life is almost guaranteed. This spiritual position also conveys great discipline and insight, which can appear otherworldly to more normal people. All the planets situated in their own signs yields the perfection of man !the Sun acting as atmakaraka in @eo, the 4oon in :ancer, etc." or woman !the 4oon acting as atmakaraka in @eo, the Sun in :ancer, etc." and the reali7ation of the truth ,e are all gods, as conveyed in the Gospel of )ohn, chapter 52, verse ;>. The Worst The Sun in the signs of this yoga brings forth the worst Saturnian traits and may reduce the Solar +ualities to 7ero. Saturn as atmakaraka presents the e(act same challenges. ,ithout contradictory indications, fully undignfied emphasis on Saturn, the hardest of all planets, points to an e(ceedingly hard life. .t starts with an unusually difficult childhood and continues with a great many agonies later on as well. Natives of these karmic indications, without strong contradictory indications, do not e(perience much fun in life, but they fre+uently do e(perience authority, leadership, prestige, success, and considerable standing in society. 4ost of them cannot en/oy life even if they tried. They usually lack bravery, and due to their troubled pasts, they may at an early point in life completely turn off their capacity to empathi7e with themselves and other people. .f this happens, it is very hard for them to turn it back on. ,hile there is plenty of bad karma shown here, these indications also reveal spiritual skills, universal know-how, and superior strength and endurance. ow they use their skillfulness and mastery of life depends on other indications. The only option available to these people is to gracefully or stoically endure whatever punishment life has to offer. 8ventually, they will learn to turn a blind eye to their seemingly never-ending maladies and sufferings, and instead focus all their energies on their penance. The sooner they do this, the sooner their lives will improve. Good faith, humility before God, and recitation of the maha mantra are essential remedies. Natives who lack empathy and faith in God tend to mistreat those who treat them with respect and please those who abuse them. %ut another way, they are more familiar with those outside their family and more engaged with those they are not engaged to. n A2uarius, the Sun reveals e(trovert and gregarious people. Dich or poor, great or small, deep or shallow, they always like folk. 4ore than a few of these people are social reformers and put their minds on the woes of humanity. They can be master problem solvers, poor astrologers, strong mechanics, disingenuous authorities, great inventors, wasted talents, aid workers, and lonely drifters. A+uarius is the wisest sign of the 7odiac, and people born with the Sun in this sign tend to value knowledge more than everything. .n love, they are loyal but not

faithful. 4ost of them tend to be far from rich if not outright poor, but they very rarely suffer from any inferiority comple(es. .nstead, they are much more likely to overestimate their own abilities. They are usually stronger !electrically and practically" than the average person, but unless both the 4oon and 'enus are unafflicted and strong, they are neither prudent nor competent. 4ost of them also lack perception and wit. They are very bad at relations, especially close ones. They tend to be very hard on their families and intimates !if they have any". A dignified sankhya yoga and ruler along with an unafflicted fate line can bring out their most convivial and ingenious sides. These people are as far from arrogant and greedy as you can possibly get. They make up mankind9s least selfish lot. An undignified sankhya yoga along with an afflicted fate line !especially if supported by antisocial indications, such as the 4oon in 'irgo and 'enus in Aries, or tactless indications, such as the 4oon in Sagittarius and 4ars in Taurus", is certain to reveal one of their most perverse habits3 they en/oy doing the opposite of what is e(pected of them. Degardless of all other indications, they are e(tremely unlikely to show any prudence and efficacy or bravery and magnanimity. At their worst behavior, these unkind people can be perfect %erks. They habitually return faith with faithlessness and care with carelessness. They are nearly impossible to teach anything, and they seemingly repeat the same mistakes ad infinitum. This is the most common position of the Sun among lesbians. n -apricorn, the Sun reveals ambition, learning, savvy, and great depth of character, in addition to an adroit sense of humour. 8arly in life, these people almost always suffer immense hardship, physical abuse, and even molestation. Although their background often is one of poverty and destitution, their focus on success rarely allows them to end up destitute as adults. :apricorn is the shrewdest sign of the 7odiac, and people born with the Sun in this sign tend to direct all their energy towards success. ,omen of this sign are the most unlikely spinsters. daring dreamers and disciplined studies. They can be sacred saints, focused students, futuristic builders, demanding managers, superb musicians, keen adulterers, tireless e(ecutives, and miserly wanderers.This is the most fre+uent placement of the Sun in the group of 52B2 criminal offenders referred to earlier in this document. .oth positions of the Sun increase the risk of neurological illness !Al7heimer9s disease and A@S may be the most obvious e(ponents". Since the Sun, which signifies brain and vitality, is fully afflicted in both A+uarius and :apricorn, the oldest signs of the 7odiac, the brain is not as +uick as optimal. Natives of the Sun in :apricorn often have a poor sense of balance and are the most eccentric of all people. Natives of the Sun in A+uarius are never normal and fre+uently outright odd. *u iter in the signs of this yoga promotes character traits similar to those of the Sun in the same signs, but material matters suffer less and intellectual matters more. These people e(hibit a notable lack of /oy, ease, insight, and growth. An above average number of them are intellectually, emotionally, and morally retarded. All natives should lack stamina and care little or nothing for athletics. n A2uarius, )upiter indicates castles in the air. Success in life is unlikely without a liberal dose of 8arth somewhere else in the chart. These people have a tendency to see things through the wrong end of the opera glasses< realities recede in favor of other things. Their aims may get broader than their capacities, and many natives will be drifters. They are supposed to be poor and given to controversy,

but also popular and sympathetic. This is the least common placement of )upiter among faggots, but it is not infre+uent among lesbians. n -apricorn, )upiter brings +ualities of daring and caution but also several low traits of character, including cowardliness, e(ploitation, and perversion. At worst, these people can be totally depraved. They do not know magnanimity and are supposed to have very little love for their fellow creatures. They are unlikely to be shy, but without contradictory indications, they lack bravery, compassion, and religious conduct. They are not very intelligent and have little sense of cleanliness. .f )upiter is the atmakaraka or dispositor of the Sun, they are prime candidates for narcissistic personality disorder. This placement is clearly more fre+uent among faggots than among lesbians. Contradictory Undignified planets in Leo or Cancer weaken the typical +ualities of this yoga. Saturn in these signs e(actly contradicts and minimi7es the best features. .n @eo, there is a risk of depression and arrogance. .n :ancer, there is great potential for defeat and failure. .n both signs, the health is a lot softer or more fragile than normally e(pected from this fully dignified sankhya yoga.

Credits and Feedback

Although most of the sankhya yoga delineations have stabili7ed recently, none of them are carved in stone. :onstructive criticism is welcome and greatly appreciated. .n case of astrological inaccuracy, please suggest a correction, otherwise, feel free to prove any statement wrong. . would be especially grateful for +uotes to lead and trail the still bare delineations. Fbviously, the supplemental sections also welcome all suggestions for improvement. 4any delineations borrow much of the wording from two te(tbooks by the most brilliant and greatly missed US astrologer Grant @ewi !5J2A09=5". Note that a few delineations in this document disagree with those published in Astrology for the )illions, si(th revised edition. *ull and proper credits and a web form for easy feedback submission should appear in due time< until then, please use the author email address. Thank you for reading this far !unless you have a Gemini Sun, in which case you have probably skipped over all the important bits". *o all of God=s chosen> God bless you all!
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