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Definisi Shock, Klasifikasi Shock, Stadium Shock, Klasifikasi Perdarahan


Herman Tuah Sitohang 080100106

Definition of Shock
Reduced perfusion of vital organs leading to inadequate oxygen and nutrients necessary for normal tissue and cellular function. DO2 < VO2
Cellular level:

Reduction of mitochondrial oxygen Anaerobic glycolysis of ATP Accumulation of pyruvate lactate Lactic Acidosis

Klasifikasi Shock
1. Hemorrhagic Shock 2. Non Hemorrhagic Shock
Cardiogenic Tension pneumothorax Neurogenic Septic Anaphylactic


Body defense mechanisms attempt to preserve major organs Precapillary sphincters close, blood is shunted Increased heart rate and strength of contractions Increased respiratory function, bronchodilation Will continue until problem solved or shock progresses to next stage Can be difficult to detect with subtle indicators Tachycardia Decreased skin perfusion Alterations in mental status Some medications such as propranolol can hide signs and symptoms 5

Physiological response Precapillary sphincters open, blood pressure falls Cardiac output falls Blood surges into tissue beds, blood flow stagnates Red cells stack up in rouleaux Easier to detect than compensated shock Prolonged capillary refill time Marked increase in heart rate Rapid thready pulse Agitation, restlessness, confusion

Compensatory mechanisms fail, cell death begins, vital organs falter Patient may be resusitated but will die later of (ARDS, renal and liver failure, sepsis)

Estimated Fluid and Blood Losses Based on Patients Initial Presentation

Class I
Blood-Loss[ml] Blood-loss [%BV] Pulse-Rate [x/min.] Blood-Pressure Pulse-Pressure Respiratory Rate Urine out-put [ml/hour] Mental status/CNS ->750 ->15% <100 Normal N or increased 14-20 >30 Slightly anxious

Class II
750-1500 15-30% >100 Normal Decreased 20-30 20-30 Midly anxious

Class III Class IV

1500-2000 30-40% >120 Decreased Decreased 30-35 5-15 Anxious and confused >2000 >40% >140 Decreased Decreased >35 Negligible Confused and lethargic

EBV = 70 ml/kg
13/12/2013 8

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