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Quasi & Non-Experimental Designs

Quasi-Experimental designs: Not quite true experiments because the different groups/conditions are not created by __________________. Groups or conditions are defined by _____________ variable or a ______ variable.
Non-Experimental designs do not allow you to rule out many threats to _______________.

Quasi & Non-Experimental Designs

Those using ____ group, compare behavior across _____: Time-series designs (quasi-experimental) One group pretest-posttest (non-experimental) Longitudinal design (non-experimental

Those using multiple, ____________ groups: 1. Pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design (quasi-experimental) 2. Posttest-only control group design (Static-group design) (non-experimental) 3. Differential (Causal-comparative) design (nonexperimental) 4. Cross-sectional design (non-experimental)

Summary of Quasi & Non-experimental designs

Time-series design (One group)

Differential/Causal comparative design (Multiple groups) Developmental: Cross Sectional design (Multiple groups) Developmental: Longitudinal design (One group) One-group pretest-posttest design (One group) Posttest-only nonequivalent group (Static) design (Multiple groups)

Pretest-posttest non-equivalent control-group design (Multiple groups)

When would you use a quasiexperimental design?

When you want to investigate a relationship but cannot create ________ assign groups It is not _________ to create randomly assigned groups

Pretest-Posttest Non-Equivalent Control-Group Design

Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent ControlGroup Design

Definition: A quasi-experimental design in which behavior in two _______________groups is measured pre and post-IV No random __________ and ___________ Because you measure behavior before treatment you can evaluate group equivalence - it reduces the threat of _______________ e.g., Effects of Flexible vs. fixed work hours on productivity in two factories e.g., Effects of Home-based vs. School-based treatment on problem behavior

Posttest Only (Static) Group Design

Posttest Only (Static) Group Design

No random selection and assignment 2 __________________, e.g., children in 2 clinics Groups should be ______ Susceptible to internal validity threats, e.g., assignment bias (selection threat) - group assignment is _______ Example: effects of peer tutoring in two classrooms

Time-Series Design

Definition: A quasi experimental design in which behavior in one group of participants is measured across time _______________ an IV is implemented. ___________________ control for multiple threats to internal validity Allows you to evaluate _________ across time Called ___________________ when the IV is not created by the experimenter Called a time series design with _______________if the treatment is repeatedly presented across multiple groups.

Intact Group of Participants Measurement of DV Measurement of DV

Measurement of DV
Experimental Condition Measurement of DV Measurement of DV

____________ Design


Time-Series Design
Example: Effects of anti-smoking campaign on smoking frequency
Smoking Frequency
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 45 40

Smoking Frequency
Before Campaign After Campaign

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


No ______ group hard to tell if campaign was effective

Smoking Frequency
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Time Series Effect was just part of periodic ____________

Smoking Frequency
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0



Time Series Effect was just part of downward ________

Time Series Effect occurs only after ____________


Developmental Research Designs study age-related changes in behavior

Group at Time 1 (e.g., 10 yrs) Group at Time 1 (e.g., 20 yrs) Group at Time 1 (e.g., 40 yrs)

Longitudinal design Measuring a variable in individuals over an ___________________ Like a time-series design with no _______________ Can determine how an individual _________ No cohort effects Very _____________, expensive Problems with _____, ________


One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

1 naturally occurring group Pretest and postest


One Group Pretest-Posttest Design

Observation made in ____ group before and after treatment No attempt is made to control for many threats to ________________


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