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ECR-Rus Message Implementation Guideline

Invoice message (INVOIC) Version 1.1 !ased on E"NCOM# $%%$ &'

1. Introduction $. Message &tructure '. (usiness )erms . &egments *escription +. &egments ,a-out .. E/amples

2 3 4 5 8 34

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

1. Introduction
The aim of the message implementation guideline (MIG) is to offer documentation describing the exchange of in oice data bet!een business partners" The basis of this elaboration is the international standard #$%&'M( 2))2" The message t*pe I%+'I& ),) is used to transmit rele ant data" -lease be a!are to .no! that the guideline does not replace the complete specifications in the original chapters or other rele ant instructions !ithin the #$%&'M( 2))2 documentation" Instead/ it deals !ith the description of segments/ data elements and codes to be used for a specific tas." The #$%&'M( subset of the 0%1M In oice claiming pa*ment for goods or ser ices supplied under conditions agreed bet!een the seller and the bu*er" $ seller ma* in oice for one or more transactions $n in oice ma* refer to goods/ items or ser ices related to one or more orders/ deli er* instructions/ call2offs/ etc""" $n in oice ma* contain references to pa*ment terms $n in oice for cross border transactions ma* contain additional information for customs and3or statistical purposes3ser ices $n in oice ma* contain transport details" )0e INVOIC Message Implementation Guidelines su!set contains onl- segments and data elements t0at 1ere agreed and accepted !- Ena!ling )ec0nolog- Committee (E)C) o2 ECR-Rus. )0e version num!er o2 agreed structure is 1.1$. #&424us than.s all experts !ho contributed significantl* to these guidelines !ith .no!ledge from their dail* business"

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

$. Message &tructure
M#11$G# T5-# 4#7#4#%&# 8I4#&T'45 #$%&'M( 1091#T +#41I'% #&424us( MIG +#41I'% Invoice 5eading &ection 0%: M 9GM M 8TM M 1G, & 477 M 8TM & 1G2 %$8 1G3 477 1G5 &T$ 1G< &0= & M & M & M & M 6 I%+'I& 6 8"),9 6 ),) 6 ,",2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Message header 9eginning of message 8ate3time3period 47728TM 4eference 8ate3time3period %$821G321G5 %ame and address 477 4eference &T$ &ontact information &0=28TM &urrencies ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 ?ine item $dditional product id Item description @uantit* $dditional information M'$ Monetar* amount -4I2$-4 -rice details 477 4eference T$=2M'$ 8ut*3tax3fee details Monetar* amount

, , 35 ;;;;; , 5 ;; , ;;;; , 5 , ;; ,

Invoice *etail &ection 1G2> M ?I% M -I$ & IM8 & @T5 & $?I & 1G2< & M'$ M 1G2; & -4I M 1G3) 477 1G34 T$= M'$ & M & M &

;;;;;;; , 2 25 2 ;; 2 5 2 5 2 ;; 2 , 2 25 2 , 2 ,) , ;; , 2 2 2 2 2 2

Invoice &ummar- &ection 0%1 M &%T & 1G5) M M'$ M 1G52 T$= M'$ 0%T & M & M

, ,) ,)) , ,) , ; ,

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1ection control &ontrol total M'$ Monetar* amount T$=2M'$ 8ut*3tax3fee details Monetar* amount Message trailer

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

'. (usiness )erms

Term Message number 8ocument name code In oice number In oice date 8eli er* note number 8eli er* note date 'rder number 'rder date -a*ment order number -a*ment order date G?% of seller I8 of seller assigned b* bu*er %ame of seller $ddress of seller 7iscal number of seller &ompan* executi e &ompan* chief account %ame and address of deli er* part* G?% of deli er* address %ame and address of consignee G?% of consignee %ame of bu*er $ddress of bu*er G?% of bu*er 7iscal number of bu*er G?% of in oice recei er G?% of pa*or &urrenc* Item line number GTI% of article $rticle number of supplier $rticle number of retailer $rticle description &ode if article is a returnable good @uantit* &ountr* of origin ?ine net amount ?ine amount 0nit net price &ustoms declaration number +$T percentage +$T amount Total number of lines Total %et $mount for I%+'I& Total +$T $mount for I%+'I& Total Monetar* $mount for I%+'I& +$T percentage +$T $mount Total segments amount 4ussian Term

#$%&'M 1egment 1#GM#%T 1G 0%: 9GM 9GM 8TM 477 1G, 8TM 1G, 477 1G, 8TM 1G, 477 1G, 8TM 1G, %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 477 1G3 &T$ 1G5 &T$ 1G5 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 477 1G3 %$8 1G2 %$8 1G2 &0= 1G< ?I% 1G2> ?I% 1G2> -I$ 1G2> -I$ 1G2> IM8 1G2> IM8 1G2> @T5 1G2> $?I 1G2> M'$ 1G2< M'$ 1G2< -4I 1G2; 477 1G3) T$= 1G34 M'$ 1G34 &%T M'$ M'$ M'$ T$= 1G52 M'$ 1G52 0%T

8ata element &8# &))2 &,)> &5)< &5)> &5)< &5)> &5)< &5)> &5)< &)82 &)82 M)58 M)58 &5)> &)5> &)5> M)58 &)82 M)58 &)82 M)58 M)58 &)82 &5)> &)82 &)82 &5)4 &2,2 &2,2 &2,2 &2<3 &2<3 &,8> &5,> &5,> &5); &5)> &243 &5,> &2<) &5,> &5,> &5,> &243 &5,> 8# ))>2 ,)), ,))4 238) ,,54 238) ,,54 238) ,,54 238) 3)3; 3)3; 3,24 3,24 ,,54 34,2 34,2 3,24 3)3; 3,24 3)3; 3,24 3,24 3)3; ,,54 3)3; 3)3; >345 ,)82 <,4) <,4) <,4) <))8 <)); >)>) 323; 5))4 5))4 5,,8 ,,54 52<8 5))4 >)>> 5))4 5))4 5))4 52<8 5))4 ))<4

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

. &egments *escription
Invoice 5eading &ection 0%: 2 M , 9GM 2 M , 2 Message header This segment is used to head/ identif* and specif* a message" 2 9eginning of message This segment is used to indicate the t*pe and function of a message and to transmit the identif*ing number" 2 8ate3time3period This segment is used to specif* the date or period of the in oice" It ma* also be used to specif* the date on !hich the goods !ere despatched/ deli ered/ or recei ed" 2 R66-*)M $ group of segments for gi ing references and !here necessar*/ their dates/ relating to the !hole message/ e"g" contract number/ import3export license number/ despatch ad ice number" 2 4eference This segment is used to specif* references !hich relate to the !hole in oice/ for example/ -urchase 'rder %umbers/ 8eli er* %umbers/ etc" 2 8ate3time3period This segment is used to specif* an* dates related to the references gi en in the pre ious 477 segment" 2 N"*- &G' $ group of segments identif*ing the parties !ith associated information" 2 %ame and address This segment is used to identif* the trading parties in ol ed in the in oice process" Identification of the bu*er and supplier of goods and ser ices is mandator* in the In oice" $dditionall*/ the issuer of the in oice and the in oicee must be identified if different from the bu*ing and suppl*ing parties" The consignee or deli er* part* needs to be specified if different to the bu*erls address" 2 R66 $ group of segment for gi ing references onl* rele ant to the specified part* rather than the !hole in oice" 2 4eference This segment is used to specif* reference numbers related to the part* identified in the pre ious %$8 segment" 2 C)" $ group of segments gi ing contact details of the specific person or department !ithin the part* identified in the %$8 segment" 2 &ontact information This segment is used to identif* the department and3or person !ithin the part* specified in the %$8" Invoice *etail &ection &G$. 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ,IN-7I"-IM*-8)9-",I-&G$:-&G$;-&G'%-&G' $ group of segments pro iding details of the indi idual in oiced items" There must be at least one occurrence of 1egment group 2> !ithin an in oice/ but not necessaril* in a credit note or a debit note" This 1egment group ma* be repeated to gi e sub2line details" 2 ?ine item This segment is used to identif* the item being in oiced" -I$ 2 & 25 2 $dditional product id This segment is used to specif* additional or substitutional item identification codes such as a bu*erls or supplierls item number" 2 Item description This segment is used to pro ide a description for the current line item" 3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2 5 2 3)"),"2))8

8TM 2 M 35

&G1 2 & ;;;;;

477 2 M ,

8TM 2 & 5

&G$ 2 & ;; %$8 2 M ,

&G' 2 & ;;;;

477 2 M ,

&G+ 2 & 5

&T$ 2 M ,


2M ,

IM8 2 & ;;

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 @T5 2 & 5 $?I 2& 5

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message 2 @uantit* This segment is used to specif* muantities related to the current line item" 2 $dditional information This segment is used to indicate special conditions or the countr* of origin of the current line item" 2 MO" $ group of segments specif*ing an* monetar* amounts relating to the products and !hen necessar* a currenc*" 2 Monetar* amount This segment is used to specif* monetar* amounts related to the current line item" 2 7RI $ group of segments identif*ing the rele ant pricing information for the goods or ser ices in oiced" 2 -rice details This segment is used to specif* price information for the current line item" 2 R66 $ group gi ing references/ relating to the line item" 2 4eference This segment is used to pro ide references specific to the line item/ and o errides an* global references pro ided in the heading section of the in oice !hen the same mualifier is used" 2 )"<-MO" $ group of segments specif*ing tax related information for the line item" 2 8ut*3tax3fee details This segment is used to specif* tax details for the line item being in oiced" 2 Monetar* amount This segment is used to specif* in monetar* terms the amount of tax due on the current line item"

&G$: 2 & ;;

M'$ 2 M , &G$; 2 & 25


2M ,

&G'% 2 & ,) 477 2 M ,

&G' 2 & ;; T$= 2 M , M'$ 2 & 2

Invoice &ummar- &ection 0%1 2 M , 2 1ection control This segment is used to identif* the brea. bet!een the message detail and message trailer sections" 2 &ontrol total This segment is used to pro ide message control information for on the message recei erls in2house s*stem" 2 MO" $ group of segments gi ing total amounts for the !hole in oice" 2 Monetar* amount This segment is used to detail prepaid amounts/ or total monetar* alues due for the entire in oice" 2 )"<-MO" $ group of segments specif*ing taxes totals for the in oice" 2 8ut*3tax3fee details This segment is used to specif* the total taxes or duties due on the complete in oice" 2 Monetar* amount This segment is used to specif* the tax amounts due/ for the tax rate specified in the T$= segment/ co ering the !hole in oice" 2 Message trailer This segment is a mandator* 0%3#8I7$&T segment" It must al!a*s be the last segment in the message"

&%T 2 & ,)

&G+% 2 M ,)) M'$ 2 M ,

&G+$ 2 & ,) T$= 2 M , M'$ 2 & ;

0%T 2 M ,

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

+. &egments ,a-out
Notes: ," The segments are presented in the semuence in !hich the* appear in the message" The segment or segment group tag is follo!ed b* the (M)andator* 3 (&)onditional indicator/ the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description" 4eading from left to right/ in column one/ the data element tags and descriptions are sho!n/ follo!ed b* in the second column the #8I7$&T status (M or &)/ the field format/ and the picture of the data elements" These first pieces of information constitute the original #8I7$&T segment la*out" 7ollo!ing the #8I7$&T information/ #$%&'M ( specific information is pro ided in the third/ fourth/ and fifth columns" In the third column a status indicator for the use of (&)onditional #8I7$&T data elements/ in the fourth column the restricted indicator/ and in the fifth column notes and code alues used for specific data elements in the message" 2", 2"2 (M)andator* data elements in #8I7$&T segments retain their status in #$%&'M (" $dditionall*/ there are fi e t*pes of status for data elements !ith a (&)onditional #8I7$&T status/ !hether for simple/ component or composite data elements" These are listed belo! and can be identified !hen rele ant b* the follo!ing abbre iations6 2 4#@0I4#8 2 $8+I1#8 2 8#-#%8#%T R " * Indicates that the entit* is remuired and must be sent" Indicates that the entit* is ad ised or recommended" Indicates that the entit* must be sent in certain conditions/ as defined b* the rele ant explanator* note" Indicates that the entit* is optional and ma* be sent at the discretion of the user" Indicates that the entit* is not used and should be omitted"


2 '-TI'%$? 2 %'T 01#8 2"3


If a composite is flagged as N= NO) >&E*/ all data elements !ithin that composite !ill ha e blan. status indicators assigned to them"

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

1egment number6 , >N5 2M 7unction6


Message header

This segment is used to head/ identif* and specif* a message" #8I7$&T ))>2 Message reference number M an"",4 #$% M 8escription 1enderls unimue message reference" 1emuence number of the messages in the interchange" 8# ))>2 in the 0%T !ill be exactl* the same" 1ender generated" I%+'I& nIn oice message 8 n 8raft ersion30%3#8I7$&T 8irector* ),9 n 4elease 2)), 2 9 0% n 0%3&#7$&T #$%),) n#$% ersion control number (#$% &ode) Indicates that the message is the #$%&'M ersion ),) of the 0%1M In oice"

1)); ))>5 ))52 ))54 ))5, ))5<

M#11$G# I8#%TI7I#4 Message t*pe Message ersion number Message release number &ontrolling agenc* $ssociation assigned code

M M an""> M an""3 M an""3 M an""2 & an"">


1egment %otes6 This segment is used to head/ identif* and specif* a message" 8#ls ))>5/ ))52/ ))54/ and ))5,6 Indicate that the message is a 0%1M In oice based on the 8"),9 director* under the control of the 0nited %ations" #xample6 0%:oM1G<<5oI%+'I&686),960%6#$%),)l

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment number6 2 (GM 2M 7unction6

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message ,2 9eginning of message

This segment is used to indicate the t*pe and function of a message and to transmit the identif*ing number" #8I7$&T &))2 ,)), 8'&0M#%T3M#11$G# %$M# 8ocument name code & & an""3 #$% R R 388 n Tax in oice (?&5E)-6"C)>R"?) 384 n &orrection in oice $ll references other than the document number 8# ,))4 are in the 477 segment" &,)> ,))4 ,225 8'&0M#%T3M#11$G# I8#%TI7I&$TI'% 8ocument identifier Message function code & & an""35 & an""3 R R R In oice %umber assigned b* document sender" ; n 'riginal , n 1torno 8escription

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to indicate the t*pe and function of a message and to transmit the identif*ing number" In case of 1torno in oice/ the muantit* on item le el has to be send !ith re erted (negati e) sign and as a result of this also the other amounts (e" g" total line item amount) ha e to be send !ith re erted (negati e) signsp #xample6 9GMo388o '$%;:o;l This example identifies the document as being an original tax in oice using the code alue 388" The document has the reference number 432);<" 1T'4%' I%+'I&#6 9GMo388o1$+.;o,q This example identifies the document as being an storno in oice using the code alue 388" The document has the reference number ,25>;" &'44#&TI'% I%+'I&#6 9GMo384o;4+.:o;q This example identifies the document as being an correction in oice using the code alue 384" The document has the reference number ;85><"

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment number6 3 *)M 2M 7unction6

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message 35 2 8ate3time3period

This segment is used to specif* the date or period of the in oice" It ma* also be used to specif* the date on !hich the goods !ere despatched/ deli ered/ or recei ed" #8I7$&T &5)< 2))5 238) 23<; 8$T#3TIM#3-#4I'8 8ate or time or period function code mualifier 8ate or time or period alue 8ate or time or period format code M M an""3 & an""35 & an""3 #$% M M R R ,)2 n &&55MM88 ,3< n 8ocument3message date3time 8escription

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* the date or period of the in oice" It ma* also be used to specif* the date on !hich the goods !ere despatched/ deli ered/ or recei ed" 8# 2))56 Identification of the l8ocument3message date3timel (code alue ,3<) is mandator* in an #$%&'M message" #xample6 8TMo,3<6$%% % $.6,)2l The document date is the $.t0 o2 "pril $%% "

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message 47728TM 4eference

1egment number6 < &G1 2& ;;;;; 2 R66 7unction6 2M ,2

This segment is used to specif* references !hich relate to the !hole in oice/ for example/ -urchase 'rder %umbers/ 8eli er* %umbers/ etc" #8I7$&T &5)> ,,53 4#7#4#%&# 4eference code mualifier M M an""3 #$% M C C R * ,,54 4eference identifier & an""<) R 8escription $#r n -a*ment order number (KIsDCtJGu HEvwFCJD) 8@ n 8eli er* note number $?' n recei ing ad ice number '% n 'rder number (bu*er) I+ n In oice number

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* references !hich relate to the !hole in oice/ for example/ -urchase 'rder %umbers/ 8eli er* %umbers/ etc" 7or the case that 1torno In oices or &orrection In oices are sent/ the segment 477oI+ is mandator* and has to be filled !ith the original in oice number to be corrected or cancelledp #xamples 7a-ment document num!er@ 477o$#r6 +.q *eliver- note num!er@ 477o8@6. +..:q Receiving advice num!er@ 477o$?'6;1+.$:'q Order num!er@ 477o'%6.:$.:q Original invoice num!er (used 2or storno and 2or correction invoice) 6 477oI+6 ..: +:q

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message 47728TM 8ate3time3period

1egment number6 8 &G1 2& ;;;;; 2 *)M 7unction6 2& 52

This segment is used to specif* the date or period of the in oice" It ma* also be used to specif* the date on !hich the goods !ere despatched/ deli ered/ or recei ed" #8I7$&T &5)< 2))5 238) 23<; 8$T#3TIM#3-#4I'8 8ate or time or period function code mualifier 8ate or time or period alue 8ate or time or period format code M M an""3 & an""35 & an""3 #$% M M R R ,)2 n &&55MM88 ,<, n 4eference date3time 8escription

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* an* dates related to the references gi en in the pre ious 477 segment" #xample (date o2 document)6 8TMo,<,6$%% %$$:6,)2q

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment number6 ; &G$ 2& N"* 7unction6 2M

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

;; 2 ,2

%$821G321G5 %ame and address

This segment is used to identif* the trading parties in ol ed in the in oice process" Identification of the bu*er and supplier of goods and ser ices as !ell as deli er* part* and seller of goods are mandator* in the In oice" $dditionall*/ the issuer of the in oice and the in oicee must be identified if different from the bu*ing and suppl*ing parties" #8I7$&T 3)35 -art* function code mualifier M an""3 #$% M M M M C C " M N R ; n #$% (International $rticle %umbering association) G?% 27ormat n,3 8escription 1# n 1upplier 3 aExDsByzv 95 n 9u*er 3 aEvwKsDCI{ &| n 1eller 3 \}w~EEDK}sBzDCI{ &% n 8eli er* -art* 3\}w~EKEIwsDCI{ I+ nIn oicee -? n -a*or

&)82 3)3; ,,3, 3)55

-$4T5 I8#%TI7I&$TI'% 8#T$I?1 -art* identifier &ode list &ode list responsible agenc* code -$4T5 %$M# -art* name -art* name -art* name -art* name -art* name -art* name format code 1treet 1treet and number 1treet and number 1treet and number 1treet and number %ame of to!n &ountr* sub2entit* details |I- code

& M an""35 & an"",< & an""3

&)8) 3)3> 3)3> 3)3> 3)3> 3)3> 3)45 &5); 3)42 3)42 3)42 3)42 3,>4 &8,; 325,

& M an""35 & an""35 & an""35 & an""35 & an""35 & an""3 & M an""35 & an""35 & an""35 & an""35 M an""35 M an"",<

M M O O O O O M M O O O M N M |I- code of to!n %ame of to!n in clear text 1treet and number in clear text -art* %ame in clear text"

I1' &ode of countr* &ountr* &ode 32)< M an""3 M 1egment %otes6 This segment is used to identif* the trading parties in ol ed in the in oice process" Identification of the bu*er and supplier of goods and ser ices as !ell as deli er* part* and seller of goods are mandator* in the In oice" $dditionall*/ the issuer of the in oice and the in oicee must be identified if different from the bu*ing and suppl*ing parties" #xample6 %$8o1#o4>)<)<<42;;;266;oo1upplierqs nameosupplierqs streetosupplierqs to!noo|I- codeo40q %$8o&|ooEJ tCq %$8o&%o4>)<)<828;;;<66;ooM#T4' &ash &arr* 1toreo?eningrads.o*e 1hosseoMosco!oo,25445o40q %$8o95o4>)<)<828;;;,66;ooM#T4' &ash &arr* ?tdo?eningrads.o*e 1hosse <, GoMosco!oo,25445o40q

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

,3 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment number6 ,, &G$ &G' R66 7unction6 2& 2& 2M

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message ;; 2 %$821G321G5 ;;;; 2 477 , 2 4eference

This segment is used to specif* reference numbers related to the part* identified in the pre ious %$8 segment"

#8I7$&T #$% M M


&5)> ,,53

4#7#4#%&# 4eference code mualifier

M M an""3


4eference identifier

& an""<)

5&,n$dditional part* identification (e"g" MG9 1upplier %o") M 7& n 7iscal number (I%%) M =$ n 4egistration number (r--) R

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* reference numbers related to the part* identified in the pre ious %$8 segment" #xample (internal I8 number is 5><8)6 477o5&,65><8l #xample (I%%)6 477o7&6<<,))2>8))l #xample (r--)6 477o=$6<<,)),)),q 1egment number6 ,2 &G$ &G+ C)" 7unction6 This segment is used to identif* the department and3or person !ithin the part* specified in the %$8" #8I7$&T #$% A 3,3; &ontact function code & an""3 R 8escription $8 n $ccounting contact 3 \IsBJGu wsIDC} MG4 n General Manager 3 UwvEBEHzDCI{ E}sJz~szz 2& 2& 2M ;; 2 %$821G321G5 5 2 &T$ , 2 &ontact information

&)5> 34,3 34,2

8#-$4TM#%T '4 #M-?'5## 8#T$I?1 8epartment or emplo*ee name code 8epartment or emplo*ee %ame

& & an"",< & an""35


1egment %otes6 This segment is used to identif* the department and3or person !ithin the part* specified in the %$8" The Global ?ocation %umber G?% 2 7ormat n,3 2 is particularl* suitable for this purpose" #xample6 &T$oMG4o6MzHE}EB YsvxzF YsvxzFEBzq &T$o$8o6aCD}EBs \sIzJs _BsJEBJsq

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment number6 ,> &G: C>< 7unction6 2& 2M

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message ;; 2 &0= , 2 &urrencies

This segment is used to specif* currenc* information for the complete in oice" #8I7$&T #$% &5)4 >34< >345 &044#%&5 8#T$I?1 &urrenc* identification code & & an""3 R M R 2 n 4eference currenc* I1' 42,< three alpha 3gQ[jPQ MNOPQ #xamples6 409 4ussia/ rubles >343 >348 &urrenc* t*pe code mualifier &urrenc* rate alue & an""3 & n""4 R N 4 n In oicing currenc* 8escription

&urrenc* usage code mualifier M an""3

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* currenc* information for the complete in oice" The &0= 1egment is mandator* for international exchanges" #xample6 here onl* the in oicing currenc* needs to be identified for national trade" &0=o2640964l 1egment number6 3< &G$. ,IN 7unction6 This segment is used to identif* the item being in oiced" #8I7$&T #$% ,)82 ,22; &2,2 ?ine item identifier $ction remuest3notification description code IT#M %0M9#4 I8#%TI7I&$TI'% & an""> & an""3 & R N * This composite is onl* used for the identification of #$%30-& codes" If another coding structure is remuired/ e"g"/ :I9&/ this composite !ill not be used and the code !ill be detailed in the -I$ segment" 7ormat n"",4" GTI% 2 this is the number of the article being in oiced" 14+ n #$%"0&& Global Trade Item %umber 8escription $pplication generated number of the item lines !ithin the in oice" 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2M , 2 ?ine item


Item identifier

& an""35

<,43 ,,3, 3)55 &82; 54;5 ,)82

Item t*pe identification code &ode list &ode list responsible agenc* code 1ub2line information 1ub2line indicator/ coded ?ine item number

& an""3 & an"",< & an""3


This group is used for sub2line identification & an""3 & n""> * * , n 1ub2line information ?ine item number of main item has to mentioned in this data element"

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

,5 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment %otes6

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

This segment is used to identif* the item being in oiced" If Global Trade Item %umbers are a ailable it is mandator* to use GTI% !ithin the ?I% segment" The detail section is formed b* a repeating group of segments/ al!a*s starting !ith a ?I% segment" #xample ( D}z2vEH)6 ?I%o,oo4>)>42>223),4614+l #=$M-?# 1092?I%#6 ?I%o4oo4>)>42>223),4614+o,63l

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

,> 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 &G$. 7I" 7unction6

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

1egment number6 38 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 25 2 $dditional product id

This segment is used to specif* additional or substitutional item identification codes such as a bu*erls or supplierls item number" #8I7$&T #$% 8escription 434< -roduct identifier code mualifier M an""3 M , n $dditional identification -roduct Id function coded has the follo!ing restricted coded functions6 , 2 $dditional Identification 2 To pro ide an additional identit* for the product identified in the ?I% segment" The additional identification can consist of 6 $ supplemental identification !hich pro ides more information complementar* to the main global trade number pro ided in the ?I% segment/ e"g" a batch number/ promotional ariant number/ product group number/ etc" $n alternati e identification !hich ma* be used instead of the main GTI% pro ided in the ?I% segment/ e"g" a bu*ers article number/ an :I9& code/ etc"

&2,2 <,4) <,43 ,,3, 3)55

IT#M %0M9#4 I8#%TI7I&$TI'% Item identifier Item t*pe identification code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code

M & an""35 & an""3 & an"",< & an""3

M R R O * ;, n $ssigned b* supplier or supplierls agent ;2 n $ssigned b* bu*er or bu*erls agent I% n 9u*erls item number 1$ n 1upplierls article number

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* additional or substitutional item identification codes such as a bu*erls or supplierls item number" #xample (BJwD}CJJzu vEH/ K}zxBECJJGu KEvwKsDCICF)6 -I$o,o$9&53436I%l In this example the -I$ segment is used to pro ide an additional identification to the GTI% pro ided in the ?I% segment" The GTI% 4)))8>2,4,4)4 pro ided in the ?I% segment refers to the internal bu*erls item number $9&5343" 1egment number6 3; &G$. IM* 7unction6 This segment is used to pro ide a description for the current line item" #8I7$&T #$% <)<< &2<2 <)8, ,,3, 3)55 &2<3 8escription format code IT#M &:$4$&T#4I1TI& Item characteristic code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code IT#M 8#1&4I-TI'% & an""3 & & an""3 & an"",< & an""3 & O O R O N ; n#$% (International $rticle %umbering association) Must be used if 8#<)8, contains an #$% &ode" " ,< 2 3)"),"2))8 7 n 7ree2form & n &ode 8escription 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& ;; 2 Item description

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 <)); ,,3, 3)55 <))8 <))8 3453 <383

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message & an"",< & an"",< & an""3 O O * ; n #$% (International $rticle %umbering association) 4& n 4eturnable container (#$% &ode)

Item description code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code Item description Item description ?anguage name code 1urface or la*er code

& an""25> O & an""25> O & an""3 & an""3 O N

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to pro ide a description for the current line item" It is recommended that this segment onl* be used for coded descriptions" 8ata element <))8 in clear text should onl* be used !hen no product code is a ailable or !hen free2form descriptions are remuired b* trading partners to communicate basic product descriptions" #$% International recommends that free text product description be pro ided in the #$%&'M price3sales catalogue (-4I&$T) and there after referred to using a GTI%" The mualifier & in data element IM8<)<< has to be used in combination !ith the flag for 4eturnable container in data element IM8<));p #xample (JszFCJEBsJzC DEBs}s)6 IM8o7oo666ksFKwJ{ vEvExEBGu/ 33) FIq IM8o7oo666SEC JsDw}sI{JGu dCFCJ FEvvE/ ,))) q IM8o7oo666SEC JsDw}sI{JGu _JHEJC~zL `Bs/ ,))) q IM8o&oo4&66;q 1egment number6 4, &G$. 8)9 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* muantities related to the current line item" #8I7$&T #$% &,8> >)>3 @0$%TIT5 8#T$I?1 @uantit* t*pe code mualifier M M an""3 M M 4< n In oiced muantit* 3 SX[_NOMPgX 58 n @uantit* of item to be corrected 5; n %umber of consumer units in in oicing unit (onl* in sub2line) 3 Ob_W_AQ _eYOUOW_` -&# n -iece (Dwv) rGM n .ilogram (vzIE}sFF) MT4 n metre (FCD}EB) MTr n smuare metre (vB" FCD}EB) 8escription 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 5 2 @uantit*

>)>) >4,,

@uantit* Measurement unit code

M an""35 & an""3


3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

,8 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment %otes6

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

This segment is used to specif* muantities related to the current line item" In case of correction in oice is send/ in @T5 segment of item to be corrected the mualifier 58 must be used in combination !ith re erted (negati e) signed muantit*" In case of storno in oice is send/ mualifier 4< has to be used and the muantit* in data element @T5>)>) has to be send !ith re erted (negati e) sign" #xample (5)) Dwv)6 @T5o4<65))6-&#l #xample (>) Dwv)6 @T5o4<6>)6-&#l #xample (25 v)6 @T5o4<6256rGMl #xample storno in oice6 @T5o4<62>)6-&#l #xample correction in oice6 @T5o5862,2)6-&#l #xample sub2line6 @T5o5;6>l 1egment number6 42 &G$. ",I 7unction6 This segment is used to indicate special conditions or the countr* of origin of the current line item" #8I7$&T #$% 323; ;2,3 4,83 4,83 4,83 4,83 4,83 &ountr* of origin name code 8ut* regime t*pe code 1pecial condition code 1pecial condition code 1pecial condition code 1pecial condition code 1pecial condition code & an""3 & an""3 & an""3 & an""3 & an""3 & an""3 & an""3 O O O O O O O > n 1ubect to bonus ,5 n %ot subect to discount 8escription 0se I1' 3,>> t!o alpha countr* code (MD}sJs K}EzxEtHCJzL DEBs}s)" 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 5 2 $dditional information

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to indicate the countr* of origin of the current line item" #xample (MD}sJs K}EzxEtHCJzL DEBs}s ]CI{zL)6 $?Io9#l 1egment number6 4< &G$. &G$: MO" 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* monetar* amounts related to the current line item" #8I7$&T #$% &5,> M'%#T$45 $M'0%T M M ,; 2 3)"),"2))8 8escription 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 2M ;; 2 M'$ , 2 Monetar* amount

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 5)25

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message M an""3 M M M 2)3 n ?ine item amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE C~ JsIEs ,>, n 8ut*/ tax or fee amount 3B DEF zxIC svz~ <; n Total line items amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE x wCDEF JsIEs

Monetar* amount t*pe code mualifier

5))4 >345 >343

Monetar* amount &urrenc* identification code &urrenc* t*pe code mualifier

& n""35 & an""3 & an""3

R N N I1' 42,< three alpha 4 n In oicing currenc* ,) n -ricing currenc* ,, n -a*ment currenc*


1tatus description code

& an""3

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* monetar* amounts related to the current line item" Item $mount n (@uantit* 0nit Gross -rice) o &harges 2 $llo!ances Item $mount n @uantit* 0nit %et -rice #xample6 ?ine item amount (xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE C~ JsIEs)6 M'$o2)3625,))l This example sho!s the line item amount as 25,))" This figure is deri ed from multipl*ing the in oiced muantit*/ 5))/ b* the price 5)"2)" 1egment number6 52 &G$. &G$; 7RI 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* price information for the current line item" #8I7$&T #$% &5); 5,25 -4I&# I%7'4M$TI'% -rice code mualifier & M an""3 R M $$$ n &alculation net 3ACJs (Ds}z ~s CHzJzw z~FC}CJzL) $$$ 2 The price stated is the net price including all allo!ances and charges and excluding taxes" $llo!ances and charges ma* be stated for information purposes onl*" &$ n &atalogue &T n &ontract 'nl* price units , 3 ,)) 3 ,))) are allo!ed" 3 Ob_W_AQ _eYOUOW_` -&# n -iece (Dwv) rGM n .ilogram (vzIE}sFF) MT4 n metre (FCD}EB) MTr n smuare metre (vB" FCD}EB) 8escription 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 2M 25 2 -4I , 2 -rice details

5,,8 53<5 538< 5284 >4,,

-rice amount -rice t*pe code -rice specification code 0nit price basis Measurement unit code

& n"",5 & an""3 an""3 n""; & an""3


3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

2) 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 1egment %otes6

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

This segment is used to specif* price information for the current line item" #xample (ACJs (Ds}z ~s CHzJzw z~FC}CJzL)6 -4Io$$$65)"2)@@@1@7CEl %et price of 5)"2) (excluding tax) to be used for calculation purposes" This price includes all allo!ances and charges" The price is a contract price" 1egment number6 54 &G$. &G'% R66 7unction6 This segment is used to pro ide references specific to the line item/ and o errides an* global references pro ided in the heading section of the in oice !hen the same mualifier is used" #8I7$&T #$% &5)> ,,53 ,,54 ,,5> 4#7#4#%&# 4eference code mualifier 4eference identifier 8ocument line identifier M M an""3 & an""<) & an""> M M R O $9T n &ustoms declaration number 3JEFC} \Pb 8escription 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 2M ,) 2 477 , 2 4eference

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to pro ide references specific to the line item/ and o errides an* global references pro ided in the heading section of the in oice !hen the same mualifier is used" #xample (JEFC} \Pb)6 477o$9T6$',,3>))23343,652l 1egment number6 >3 &G$. &G' )"< 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* tax details for the line item being in oiced" #8I7$&T #$% 5283 &24, 5,53 ,,3, 3)55 5,52 C+'' 528; ,,3, 3)55 +$4. 8ut* or tax or fee function code mualifier 80T53T$=37## T5-# 8ut* or tax or fee t*pe name code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code 8ut* or tax or fee t*pe name 80T53T$=37## $&&'0%T 8#T$I? 8ut* or tax or fee account code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code M an""3 & & an""3 & an"",< & an""3 & an""35 & M an""> & an"",< & an""3 M * O O * O O M O * O 2, 2 3)"),"2))8 +$T n +alue added tax < n Tax 8escription 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 2& 2M ;; 2 T$=2M'$ , 2 8ut*3tax3fee details

8ut* or tax or fee assessment & an"",5 basis alue

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 &243 +$:; 11'1 '%++ 52<8

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message & & an""< & an"",< & an""3 & an"",< " O O * R The actual rate of tax3dut*" JsIEEBsL xDsBvs

80T53T$=37## 8#T$I? 8ut* or tax or fee rate code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code 8ut* or tax or fee rate

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* tax details for the line item being in oiced" :I%T6 $rticles/ leading to ) +$T ha e to be sent separatel* in an in oice" 'nl* articles of ,) or ,8 +$T are allo!ed to be sent together in one in oicep #xample of ,) tax rate (JsIEEBsL xDsBvs ,))6 T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l 1egment number6 >4 &G$. 2 & ;;;;;;; 2 ?I%2-I$2IM82@T52$?I21G2<21G2;21G3)21G34 &G' MO" 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* in monetar* terms the amount of tax due on the current line item" #8I7$&T #$% &5,> 5)25 5))4 M'%#T$45 $M'0%T Monetar* amount t*pe code mualifier Monetar* amount M M an""3 & n""35 M M R ,24 n Tax amount 3 xwFFs JsIEs 8escription 2& 2& ;; 2 T$=2M'$ 2 2 Monetar* amount

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* in monetar* terms the amount of tax due on the current line item" #xample (xwFFs JsIEs)6 M'$o,24625,)l ,) (expressed in T$= segment) of 25,)) (expressed in M'$ (1G2<) segment) n 25,)" 1egment number6 <; >N& 7unction6 This segment is used to identif* the brea. bet!een the message detail and message trailer sections" ))8, 1ection identification #8I7$&T #$% M M a, 8escription 1 n 8etail3summar* section separation 2M , 2 1ection control

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to identif* the brea. bet!een the message detail and message trailer sections" #xample6 0%1o1l 1egment number6 8) CN) 7unction6 This segment is used to pro ide message control information for on the message recei erls in2house s*stem" #8I7$&T #$% 8escription 3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2 22 2 3)"),"2))8 2& ,) 2 &ontrol total

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 &2<) >)>; >)>> >4,, &'%T4'?

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message M M an""3 M n"",8 & an""3 M M M O 2 n %umber of line items in message

&ontrol total t*pe code mualifier &ontrol total alue Measurement unit code

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to pro ide message control information for on the message recei erls in2house s*stem" #xample6 &%To263l 1egment number6 8, &G+% MO" 7unction6 This segment is used to detail prepaid amounts/ or total monetar* alues due for the entire in oice" #8I7$&T #$% &5,> 5)25 M'%#T$45 $M'0%T Monetar* amount t*pe code mualifier M M an""3 M M M M M R O N N ,3 n 4ecipient local currenc* ,5 n 1ender local currenc* <; n Total line items net amount (sum of all M'$o2)3) ,25 n Total taxable amount (xwFFs C~ WbM) ,24 n Total tax amount (WbM) << n In oice total amount (xwFFs x WbM) 8escription 2M 2M ,)) 2 M'$ , 2 Monetar* amount

5))4 >345 >343 44)5

Monetar* amount &urrenc* identification code &urrenc* t*pe code mualifier 1tatus description code

& n""35 & an""3 & an""3 & an""3

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to detail prepaid amounts/ or total monetar* alues due for the entire in oice" #xamples6 M'$o<;6,)38))q M'$o,256,)38))q M'$o,246,>><>q M'$o<<6,2)4<>q 1egment number6 84 &G+$ )"< 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* the total taxes or duties due on the complete in oice" #8I7$&T #$% 5283 &24, 5,53 ,,3, 8ut* or tax or fee function code mualifier 80T53T$=37## T5-# 8ut* or tax or fee t*pe name code &ode list identification code M an""3 & & an""3 & an"",< M < n Tax * O O 23 2 3)"),"2))8 +$T n +alue added tax 8escription 2& 2M ,) 2 T$=2M'$ , 2 8ut*3tax3fee details

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 3)55 5,52 &533 528; ,,3, 3)55 528> &243 52<; ,,3, 3)55 52<8

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message & an""3 & an""35 & M an""> & an"",< & an""3 * O O M O * O " O O * R The actual rate of tax3dut*"

&ode list responsible agenc* code 8ut* or tax or fee t*pe name 80T53T$=37## $&&'0%T 8#T$I? 8ut* or tax or fee account code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code

8ut* or tax or fee assessment & an"",5 basis alue 80T53T$=37## 8#T$I? 8ut* or tax or fee rate code &ode list identification code &ode list responsible agenc* code 8ut* or tax or fee rate & & an""< & an"",< & an""3 & an"",<

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* the total taxes or duties due on the complete in oice" #xample6 T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l T$=o<o+$Tooo666,8l T!o repeats of the segment indicates that there are t!o standard rates of +$T included in the in oice" 1egment number6 85 &G+$ MO" 7unction6 This segment is used to specif* the tax amounts due/ for the tax rate specified in the T$= segment/ co ering the !hole in oice" #8I7$&T #$% &5,> 5)25 M'%#T$45 $M'0%T Monetar* amount t*pe code mualifier Monetar* amount M M an""3 M M ,24 n Tax amount per tax rate ,25 n Taxable amount per tax rate <; n ?ine item total net amount per tax rate (sum of all M'$o2)3 per tax rate) 8escription 2& 2& ,) 2 T$=2M'$ ; 2 Monetar* amount


& n""35

1egment %otes6 This segment is used to specif* the tax amounts due/ for the tax rate specified in the T$= segment/ co ering the !hole in oice" #xample6 M'$o,24625,)l 1egment number6 8; >N) 7unction6 This segment is a mandator* 0%3#8I7$&T segment" It must al!a*s be the last segment in the message" #8I7$&T #$% A ))<4 %umber of segments in the message M n""> M 24 2 8escription The total number of segments in the message is detailed here" 3)"),"2))8 2M , 2 Message trailer

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 ))>2

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message M an"",4 M The message reference number detailed here should emual the one specified in the 0%: segment"

Message reference number

1egment %otes6 This segment is a mandator* 0%3#8I7$&T segment" It must al!a*s be the last segment in the message" #xample6 0%To>4oM1G<<5q

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

25 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

.. E/amples .. 1. Commercial invoice

The follo!ing is an example of an In oice message sent from the seller identified b* G?% 4>)<)<<42;;;2 !ith a +$T registration number (I%%3r--) <<)>,;);)23<<)>),)), to a bu*er identified b* G?% 4>)<)<828;;;, !ith a +$T registration number <<,))2>8))3<<,)),)), " I8 of seller assigned b* bu*er is >>>" The Tax In oice !ith reference 432);< is sent the 2> $pril 2))4" It is in oicing goods ordered the 2< 7ebruar* 2))4 according to the purchase order !ith reference 45>" The ordered goods !ere shipped b* the supplier on ,< March 2))4 to the deli er* point identified b* the G?% 4>)<)<<4<;;;< " The deli er* note number for the deli er* !as >><" The in oicing currenc* is 4ussian 4ubles" The in oice consists of three line items6 The first item is identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>223),4 and article number of supplier ;8<>5" The article description in free text form is Coconut shampoo, 330 ml" The article is in returnable container" The countr* of origin is 7rance/ customs declaration number $',,3>))23343," 5)) units at a net unit price (contract price) of 5)"2) 404 are being in oiced" There is a standard +$T rate of ,) is applicable" The net line item amount is 25,)) 404" The second item is identified b* GTI% 4>)<)<,;4)),, and article number of supplier ),)), and article number of retailer ,23<<< " The article description in free text form is KOFE NATURALNIJ YEMEN MOKKO, 000 ! " The countr* of origin is 5emen/ customs declaration number $',,3>))2334<< " 5) units at a net unit price (contract price) of <,) 404 are being in oiced" There is a standard +$T rate of ,8 is applicable" The net line item amount is 355)) 404" The third item is identified b* GTI% 4>)<)<,;4))28 and article number of supplier ),))3 and article number of retailer ,23888 " The article description in free text form is KOFE NATURALNIJ IN"ONE#IA JA$A, 000 !" The countr* of origin is In%on&s'a/ customs declaration number $',,3>))2334;; " >) units at a net unit price (contract price) of <2) 404 are being in oiced" There is a standard +$T rate of ,8 is applicable" The net line item amount is 432)) 404"

The In oice pro ides message amount totals and tax subtotals for the three line items/ as follo!s/ %et line amounts +$T ,) +$T ,8 n n n 25,))o355))o432)) 25,)) x )", 355)) x )",8 432)) x )",8 n n n n ,)38)) 25,) >3;) <<<> ,4,>> Message total tax amount Message total monetar* amount n ,)38)) o ,>><> n n ,>><> ,2)4<> (@ualifier ,24 M'$ after T$=) (@ualifier ,24 M'$) (@ualifier << M'$) (@ualifier <; M'$ (+at #xclusi e)) (@ualifier ,24 M'$ after T$=)

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

2> 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

Invoice message e/ample 0%:oM1G<<5oI%+'I&686),960%6#$%),)l 9GMo388o432);<o;l 8TMo,3<62))4)42>6,)2l 477o$?'6 ;523l 8TMo,<,62))4)3,<6,)2l 477o$#r645>q 8TMo,<,62))4)22<6,)2q %$8o&|o4>)<)<<42;;;266;oo1ellerqs nameosellerqs streetosellerqs to!noo|Icodeo40q %$8o1#o4>)<)<<42;;;266;oo1upplierqs nameosupplierqs streetosupplierqs to!no o|I- codeo40q 477o5&,6>>>l 477o7&6<<)>,;);)2q 477o=$6<<)>),)),q %$8o95o4>)<)<828;;;,66;ooM#T4' &ash &arr* ?tdo?eningrads.o*e 1hosse <, GoMos.o!o o,25445o40qq 477o7&6<<,))2>8))q 477o=$6<<),),)),q %$8o&%o4>)<)<828;;;<66;ooM#T4' &ash &arr* 1toreo?eningrads.o*e 1hosseoMos.o!o o,25445o40q %$8oI+o4>)<)<<3<;;;)66;ooIn oiceeqs nameoin oiceeqs streetoin oiceeqs to!no o|I- codeo40q %$8o-?o4>)))),;;;;2;66;oo-a*erqs nameopa*erqs streetopa*erqs to!noo|Icodeo40q &0=o2640464l ?I%o,oo4>)>42>223),4614+q -I$o,o;8<>561$l -I$o,o,2345>6I%q IM8o7oo666 kQYaTWh SXSXMXgVd/ 33) Y[q IM8o&oo4&66;q @T5o4<65))6-&#q $?Io74q 3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2 Message header Tax in oice number 432);< 8ocument date 2>th $pril 2))4 4eference receing ad ice number ;523 each deli er* has to be in oiced for MG93M&&34eal 40" 4eference date ,<th March 2))4 -urchase order in oiced number 45> 4eference date 2<th 7ebruar* 2))4 1eller identified b* G?% 4>)<)<<42;;;2

1upplier identified b* G?% 4>)<)<<42;;;2

1uppliers I8 assigned b* bu*er >>> 7iscal number (I%%) of the supplier <<)>,;);)2 r-- of supplier <<)>),)), 9u*er identified b* G?% 4>)<)<828;;;,

7iscal number (I%%) of the bu*er <<,))2>8)) r-- of bu*er <<),),)), 8eli er* part* identified b* G?% 4>)<)<828;;;<

In oicee identified b* G?% 4>)<)<<3<;;;)

-a*er identified b* G?% 4>)))),;;;;2;

4eference currenc* is 4ussian 4uble (I1' 42,< three alpha) ?ine item , identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>223),4 1upplierls article number ;8<>5 9u*erls item number ,2345> $rticle description in free form &ode if article is a returnable good (5es) $rticle is a returnable container In oiced muantit* 5)) &ountr* of origin is 7rance (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) 2< 2 3)"),"2))8

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 M'$o2)3625,))q M'$o<;62<>,)q M'$o,>,625,)q

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message ?ine item net amount 25,)) 404 ?ine item total amount 2<>,) 404 #xcise amount 25,) 409 0nit net price of 5)"2) &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))23343, T*pe of tax for the line item is alue added tax ,) Tax monetar* amount 25,) 404 ?ine item 2 identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>223),4 1upplierls article number ),)), 9u*erls item number ,23<<< $rticle description in free form In oiced muantit* 5) &ountr* of origin is 5emen (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) ?ine item amount 355)) 404 ?ine item total amount 4,8;) 404 #xcise amount >3;) 409 0nit net price of <,) &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))2334<< T*pe of tax for the line item is alue added tax ,8 Tax monetar* amount >3;) 404 ?ine item 3 identified b* GTI% 4>)<)<,;4))28 1upplierls article number ),))3 9u*erls item number ,23888 $rticle description in free form In oiced muantit* >) &ountr* of origin is Indonesia (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) ?ine item amount 432)) 404 ?ine item total amount 5);<> 404 #xcise amount <<<> 409 0nit net price of <2) &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))2334;; T*pe of tax for the line item is alue added tax ,8 Tax monetar* amount <<<> 404 To separate the summar* section 28 2

-4Io$$$65)"2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6$',,3>))23343,q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o,24625,)q ?I%o2oo4>)>42>223),4614+q -I$o,o),)),61$l -I$o,o,23<<<6I%q IM8o7oo666 SXRO WQPTUQ[hWVd dOYOW YXSSX/ ,))) q @T5o4<65)6-&#q $?Io50q M'$o2)36355))q M'$o<;64,8;)q M'$o,>,6>3;)q -4Io$$$6<,)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6$',,3>))2334<<q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,8l M'$o,246>3;)q ?I%o3oo4>)<)<,;4))28614+ -I$o,o),))361$l -I$o,o,238886I%q IM8o7oo666 SXRO WQPTUQ[hWVd _WbXWOe_` `gQ/ ,))) q @T5o4<6>)6-&#q $?IoI8q M'$o2)36432))q M'$o<;65);<>q M'$o,>,6<<<>q -4Io$$$6<2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6 $',,3>))2334;;q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,8l M'$o,246<<<>q 0%1o1l 3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

&%To263q M'$o<<6,2)4<>q M'$o<;6,)38))q M'$o,256,)38))q M'$o,246,>><>q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o<;625,))q M'$o,24625,)q M'$o,25625,))q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,8l M'$o<;6<8<))q M'$o,246,4,>>q M'$o,256<8<))q 0%To>4oM1G<<5l

Total number of line items 3 Message total monetar* amount ,2)4<> 404 Message total line items amount ,)38)) 404 Message total taxable amount ,)38)) 404 Message total tax amount ,>><> 404 T*pe of tax for the total message is +$T ,) ?ine item net amount 25,)) 404 for +$T ,) Tax monetar* amount 25,) 404 for +$T ,) Taxable amount amount 25,)) 404 for +$T ,) T*pe of tax for the total message is +$T ,8 ?ine item net amount <8<)) 404 per for +$T ,8 Tax monetar* amount ,4,>> 404 for +$T ,8 Taxable amount amount <8<)) 404 for +$T ,8 Total number of segments in the message emuals >3

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

2; 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

1torno In oice message example 'nl* partl* to sho! the additional segments in contrar* to normal in oice 0%:oM1G8<3oI%+'I&686),960%6#$%),)l 9GMo388o4338><o,l 8TMo,3<62))4)5,>6,)2l 477o$?'6 ;523l 8TMo,<,62))4)3,<6,)2l 477oI+6432);<l 8TMo,<,6 2))4)42>6,)2l 3 ?I%o,oo4>)<)<,;4))28614+ -I$o,o),))361$l IM8o7oo666 SXRO WQPTUQ[hWVd _WbXWq @T5o4<62>)6-&#q $?IoI8q M'$o2)362432))q M'$o<;625);<>q M'$o,>,62<<<>q -4Io$$$6<2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6 $',,3>))2334;;q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,8l M'$o,2462<<<>q 0%1o1l &%To26,q M'$o<<6 25);<>q M'$o<;6 2432))q M'$o,256 2432))q M'$o,2462<<<>q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,8l M'$o<;6 2432))q M'$o,2462<<<>q M'$o,256 2432))q ?ine item , identified b* GTI% 4>)<)<,;4))28 1upplierls article number ),))3 $rticle description in free form In oiced muantit* >) &ountr* of origin is Indonesia (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) ?ine item amount 2432)) 404 ?ine item total amount 25);<> 404 #xcise amount 2<<<> 409 0nit net price of <2) &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))2334;; T*pe of tax for line item is alue added tax ,8 Tax monetar* amount 2<<<> 404 To separate the summar* section Total number of line items , Message total monetar* amount 25);<> 404 Message total line items amount 2432)) 404 Message total taxable amount 2432)) 404 Message total tax amount 2<<<> 404 T*pe of tax for the total message is +$T ,8 ?ine item net amount 2432)) 404 per for +$T ,8 Tax monetar* amount 2<<<> 404 for +$T ,8 Taxable amount amount 2432)) 404 for +$T ,8 Message header 1torno in oice number 4338>< 8ocument date ,>th Ma* 2))4 4eference recei ing ad ice number ;523 4eference date ,<th March 2))4 'riginal in oice to cancel !ithin this storno in oice 8ate of original in oice 2>th $pril 2))4

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

3) 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

&orrection In oice message example @uantit* differences as !ell as price differences can be corrected" 0%:oM1G8<3oI%+'I&686),960%6#$%),)l 9GMo384o434)54o;l 8TMo,3<62))4)52)6,)2l 477o$?'6 ;523l 8TMo,<,62))4)3,<6,)2l 477oI+6432);<l 8TMo,<,62))4)42>6,)2l 3 ?I%o,oo4>)>42>223),4614+q -I$o,o;8<>561$l -I$o,o,2345>6I%q IM8o7oo666 kQYaTWh SXSXMXgVd/ 33) Y[q @T5o58625))6-&#q $?Io74q M'$o2)36225,))q M'$o<;622<>,)q M'$o,>,6225,)q -4Io$$$65)"2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6$',,3>))23343,q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o,246225,)q ?I%o2oo4>)>42>223),4614+q -I$o,o;8<>561$l -I$o,o,2345>6I%q IM8o7oo666 kQYaTWh SXSXMXgVd/ 33) Y[q IM8o&ooI%66;q IM8o&oo&066;q @T5o4<645)6-&#q $?Io74q M'$o2)36225;)q M'$o<;62484;q M'$o,>,6225;q 3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2 ?ine item , identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>223),4 (item to be corrected) 1upplierls article number ;8<>5 9u*erls item number ,2345> $rticle description in free form @uantit* to be corrected 25)) &ountr* of origin is 7rance (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) ?ine item net amount 225,)) 404 ?ine item total amount 22<>,) 404 #xcise amount 225,) 409 0nit net price of 5)"2) &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))23343, T*pe of tax for the line item is alue added tax ,) Tax monetar* amount 225,) 404 ?ine item 2 identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>223),4 (item corrected) 1upplierls article number ;8<>5 9u*erls item number ,2345> $rticle description in free form This article is in oicing unit" This article is consumer unit &orrect muantit* to be in oiced 45) &ountr* of origin is 7rance (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) ?ine item net amount 225;) 404 ?ine item total amount 2484; 404 #xcise amount 225; 409 3, 2 Message header &orrection in oice number 434)54 8ocument date 2)th Ma* 2))4 4eferencerecei ing ad ice number ;523 4eference date ,<th March 2))4 'riginal in oice containing a !rong item to be corrected !ithin this correction in oice 8ate of original in oice 2>th $pril 2))4


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

-4Io$$$65)"2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6$',,3>))23343,q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o,246225;q 0%1o1l &%To262q M'$o<<622<>,q M'$o<;6225,)q M'$o,256225,)q M'$o,246225,q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o<;6225,)q M'$o,246225,q M'$o,256225,)q 0%To>4oM1G8<3l

0nit net price of 5)"2)/ from the contract &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))23343, T*pe of tax for the line item is alue added tax ,) Tax monetar* amount 225; 404 To separate the summar* section Total number of line items 2 Message total monetar* amount 22<>,q 404 Message total line items amount 225,) 404 Message total taxable amount 225,) 404 Message total tax amount 225, 404 T*pe of tax for the total message is +$T ,) ?ine item net amount 225,) 404 for +$T ,) Tax monetar* amount 225, 404 for +$T ,) Taxable amount amount 225,) 404 for +$T ,) Total number of segments in the message emuals >4

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

32 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

#xample of sub2line method 3 ?I%o5oo4>)>42>223),4614+q -I$o,o;8<>561$l -I$o,o,2345>6I%q IM8o7oo666 kQYaTWh SXSXMXgVd/ 33) Y[q @T5o4<65))6-&#q $?Io74q M'$o2)3625,))q M'$o<;62<>,)q M'$o,>,625,)q -4Io$$$65)"2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T6$',,3>))23343,q T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o,24625,)q ?I%o>oo4>)>42>5>8;<;614+o,65q @T5o5;6>q 3 ?ine item 5 identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>223),4 (Main item) 1upplierls article number ;8<>5 9u*erls item number ,2345> $rticle description in free form In oiced muantit* 5)) &ountr* of origin is 7rance (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) ?ine item net amount 25,)) 404 ?ine item total amount 2<>,) 404 #xcise amount 25,) 409 0nit net price of 5)"2) &ustoms declaration number $',,3>))23343, T*pe of tax for the line item is alue added tax ,) Tax monetar* amount 25,) 404 ?ine item > identified b* GTI% 4>)>42>5>8;<; (of consumer unit) is sub2line item referring to main item ?I%o5" -er each in oiced unit > consumer units are contained

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

33 2


E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

.. $. )"< invoice B &0et-6actura e/ample ..$.1 &0et-6actura la-out

SHET-FACTURA No _______________ Date ______________

(2) Seller: GLN + text (5) Sellers Address: GLN + text (6) ID Sellers number ( A! Number): text INN"#$$ (%) Su&&l'er and Address: GLN + text+ 'nternal ID (() Del')er* +om&an* name and address : GLN + text+ 'nternal ID (,) $a*ment -rder No______________ Date ___________ (./) (..) 0u*er1s +om&an* Name: GLN + text (.2) 0u*er1s Address text______ (.3) ID 0u*ers number ( A! Number): text INN"#$$ (.4) Goods L'ne net 4easurement 2Ser)'3e un't 5uant't* 6n't &r'3e amount Des3r'&t'on . 2 3 4 5 (.5) (.6) (.%) (.() (.,) !otal Amount +7- Name_______________ S'8nature ____________ (2()
..$.$ &0et-6actura e/ample
3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2 34 2 3)"),"2))8



+ustom A! !otal l'ne +ountr* o9 7x3'se A! amount De3larat'on amount or'8'n amount &er3enta8e Number 6 % ( , ./ .. (2/) (2.) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (2%)

+:'e9 A33ount Name _______________ S'8nature __________________ (2,)

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message

C- 432097 26 2005 !
(2) (3) (4) ;<=>?@AB: CDE FG?H? I?<J?K (5) D><AL: ..%42.M N=LJ@?M OPQ G=@?R=<=@ >=I % (6) S>ATRUVUJ?BU=TTWX T=IA< (SGG"Y;;) Z<=>?@B?: %%/6.,/,/2"%%/6/.//. (%) [<O\==RZ<?@URAP] U A^= ?><AL: =T _A (() [<O\=Z=PO`?RAP] U A^= ?><AL: EEE Fa=@?<W >Pb >=I?KM N=LJ@?M OPQ c=PbTJ?M >=I ,"5 (,) Y ZP?RA_T=d<?L`ART=IO >=JOIATRO No 456 =R 2%Q/2Q2//4 (./) (..) ;=JOZ?RAP]: EEE Fa=@?<W >Pb >=I?K (.2) D><AL N=LJ@?M OPQ c=PbTJ?M >=I ., (.3) S>ATRUVUJ?BU=TTWX T=IA< (SGG"Y;;) Z=JOZ?RAPb: %%.//26(//"%%.//.//. (.4) G?UIAT=@?TUA R=@?<? . .Q k?IZOT] J=J=L=@WXM 33/ IP 2Q Y=VA T?RO<?P]TWX lAIAT I=JJ=M .///^ 3Q QY=VA T?RO<?P]d TWX UT>=TA\Ub b@?M .///^ (.5) hLA^= J =ZP?RA (LR= >@?>B?R] RWLb` `ARW<ALR? LAI]>ALbR HALR] <OgPAX) cR=UI=LR] fAT? (R?<UV e>UTUB? R=@?<=@ h R=I `ULPA G?P=^=@?b Y=PU`ALR@= \? A>UTUBO U\IA<ATUb @LA^= ?JBU\ LR?@J? U\IA<ATUb) gA\ T?P=^? 2 HR 3 5// 5/ 6/ (.6) (.%) 4 5/Q2/ %./Q// %2/Q// (.() 5 25.// 355//Q// 432//Q// (.,) 6 25./ 63,/Q// %%%6Q// (2/) % ./m .(m .(m (2.) cOII? T?P=^? ( 25./ 63,/Q// %%%6Q// (22) .66%6Q// (26) cR=UI=LR] R=@?<=@ cR<?T? @LA^= L G=IA< [aj Z<=ULi=_>ATUb O`AR=I T?P=^? , ./ .. 2%6./ nAP]^Ub 52/326.,,% 4.(,/Q// 5/,%6Q// (23) .2/4%6Q// (2%) nAP]^Ub nAP]^Ub (24) 52/326.,,% 52/326.,,% (25)

oOJ=@=>URAP] =<^?TU\?BUU cU>=<=@ N?JLUI N?JLUI=@U` (Z=>ZUL]) (2()

0%:oM1G<<5oI%+'I&686),960%6#$%),)l 3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2 35 2

[P?@TWX gOi^?PRA< ;AR<=@? [?PUT? S@?T=@T? (Z=>ZUL]) (2,)

M#11$G# :#$8#4 3)"),"2))8

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1 (2)/ (3) (4) (,)) (,,)

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message 388 Tax in oice 1:#T27$&T04$ number 432);< The document date is the 2>th of $pril 2))4" 4eference pa*ment order number 45> 4eference pa*ment order date 2<th 7ebruar* 2))4 9u*erqs order number 4ecei ing ad ice number 1upplier and 1upplierqs address 1ee description of %$8 segment for correct use of data elements I%% of the supplier <<)>,;);)2 r-- of the supplier <<)>),)), MG9 supplier number &ompan* executi e 3 UwvEBEHzDCI{ E}sJz~szz &ompan* chief account 3 \IsBJGu wsIDC} 1eller and sellerqs address 2 1ee description of %$8 segment for correct use of data elements 8eli er* part* and deli er* part*qs address 1ee description of %$8 segment for correct use of data elements 9u*er and 9u*erqs address 1ee description of %$8 segment for correct use of data elements I%% of the bu*er <<,))2>8)) r-- of the bu*er <<,)),)), ?ine item , 1upplierqs article number $rticle description In oiced muantit* 5)) &ountr* of origin is 9elgium (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) 2)3 n ?ine item amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE C~ JsIEs ,>, n 8ut*/ tax or fee amount 3B DEF zxIC svz~ <; n Total line items amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE x wCDEF JsIEs -rice 3ACJs (Ds}z ~s CHzJzw z~FC}CJzL) &ustoms declaration number 3JEFC} \Pb 8ut* or tax or fee rate 3 JsIEEBsL xDsBvs B ,24 n Tax amount 3xwFFs JsIEs 3> 2 3)"),"2))8

9GMo388o432);<o; 8TMo,3<62))4)42>6,)2l 477o$#r645>q 8TMo,<,62))4)22<6,)2q 477o'%62>58;<q 477o$?'6<53>84q

(5)/ (>) (<)

%$8o1#o4>)<)<<42;;;266;oeQX Wss Fs}vs6,,<42,/ YExvBs/ wI"WEBsDE}EB6 HEF <q 477o7&6<<)>,;);)2l 477o=$6 <<)>),)),l 477o5&,625>8;q

(28) (2;) (8)

&T$oMG4o6MzHE}EB YsvxzF YsvxzFEBzq &T$o$8o6aCD}EBs \sIzJs _BsJEBJsq %$8o&|ooEJ tCq %$8o&%o4>)<)<828;;;,66;oXXX PEBs}G HIL HEFs6YExvBs/ wI" MEILJvs/ HEF ;35q %$8o95o4>)<)<828;;;,66;oXXX PEBs}G HIL HEFs6YExvBs/ wI" MEILJvs/ HEF ;35q 477o7&6<<,))2>8))l 477o=$6 <<,)),)),l ?I%o,oo43)4;844<,,)5614+q -I$o,o,258;61$q

(;) (,2)/ (,3) (,4)

(,5) (,>)/ (,<) (24) (,;) (2)) (23) (,8) (25) (2,) (22)

IM8o7oo666ksFKwJ{ vEvExEBGu/ 33) FIq @T5o4<65))6-&#l $?Io9#l M'$o2)3625,))q M'$o,>,625,)q M'$o<;62<>,)q -4Io$$$65)"2)666,6-&#l 477o$9T652)32>,;;<l T$=o<o+$Tooo666,)l M'$o,24625,)q

3 ECR-Rus $%%4 2

E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

ECR-Rus MIG Invoice message ?ine item 2 1upplierqs article number $rticle description In oiced muantit* 5) &ountr* of origin is 9elgium (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) 2)3 n ?ine item amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE C~ JsIEs ,>, n 8ut*/ tax or fee amount 3B DEF zxIC svz~ <; n Total line items amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE x wCDEF JsIEs -rice 3ACJs (Ds}z ~s CHzJzw z~FC}CJzL) &ustoms declaration number 3JEFC} \Pb 8ut* or tax or fee rate 3 JsIEEBsL xDsBvs B ,24 n Tax amount 3xwFFs JsIEs ?ine item 3 1upplierqs article number $rticle description In oiced muantit* >) &ountr* of origin is 9elgium (I1' 3,>> t!o alpha) 2)3 n ?ine item amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE C~ JsIEs ,>, n 8ut*/ tax or fee amount 3B DEF zxIC svz~ <; n Total line items amount 3xDEzFExD{ DEBs}EB BxCE x wCDEF JsIEs -rice 3ACJs (Ds}z ~s CHzJzw z~FC}CJzL) &ustoms declaration number 3JEFC} \Pb 8ut* or tax or fee rate 3 JsIEEBsL xDsBvs B ,24 n Tax amount 3xwFFs JsIEs To separate the summar* section Total number of line items in message 3 Message total monetar* amount ,2)4<> 404 Message total line items amount ,)38)) 404 Message total taxable amount ,)38)) 404 Message total tax amount ,>><> 404 T*pe of tax for the total message is +$T ,) 3< 2 3)"),"2))8

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E"NCOM# $%%$ &' INVOIC v.1.1

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