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3urday v|jay T|re, 11 1ure 200
We weIcome your feedback. You may send your comments to tbemeQvi[ or # 40, )aya Sai Towers, Sa[[an Rao CircIe, V V Puram, angaIore - 04
HL NUMBLB oI people Ih IhdIu
dIspluced by developmehIul
ucIIvIIIes such us dums, mIhIhg
uhd cohsIrucIIoh oI IhIrusIrucIure sIhce
Ihdepehdehce Is esIImuIed uI 33 mIl-
lIoh. The lohg hIsIory oI IorcIble dIs-
plucemehI uhd IhudequuIe reseIIle-
mehI uhd rehubIlIIuIIoh oI Ihe projecI-
uIIecIed people huve creuIed huge
problems Ih our socIeIy.
The spuh oI opIhIohs oh dums ruhge
Irom Ihe NehruvIuh IuIIh Ih Ihem us
"Iemples oI moderh IhdIu" Io Ihe well
khowh crIIIcul sIuhd oI orguhIsed move-
mehIs uguIhsI specIIIc lurge dum proj-
ecIs, lIke Ihe Nurmudu Buchuo Ahdoluh
or Ihe TehrI Buhdh VIrodhI Suhghursh
SumIII. These movemehIs huve
emerged Irom Ihe cohIIhuous heglecI oI
Ihe socIul, ecohomIc uhd ehvIrohmeh-
Iul Iull-ouIs oI lurge dum projecIs. Ih
spIIe oI wIdespreud problems IhvolvIhg
rehubIlIIuIIoh, Ihe couhIry sIIll does hoI
huve u NuIIohul BehubIlIIuIIoh luw.
RehabiIitation and 5tate Iaws
Ohly Ihree sIuIes Ih IhdIu huve ehucIed
sIuIuIes Ior reseIIlemehI oI Ihe projecI
uIIecIed people. MuhurushIru, wus Ihe
IIrsI Io ehucI u luw Ih 1076. AIIer u legul
chullehge oI some oI IIs provIsIohs Ih
courIs oI luw, II wus recusI Ih 1086
receIvIhg PresIdehIIul ussehI Ih 1080.
Mudhyu Prudesh Iollowed suII uhd
pussed u luw Ih 1085 wIIh u luw spe-
cIully desIghed Io upply Ior IrrIguIIoh
projecIs, exIehduble Io oIher devel-
opmehIul ucIIvIIIes uI Ihe dIscre-
IIoh oI Ihe sIuIe goverhmehI. The
KurhuIuku GoverhmehI pussed
The KurhuIuku BeseIIlemehI oI
ProjecI DIspluced Persohs AcI,
1087 Ih 1087, buI obIuIhed Ihe
PresIdehIIul ussehI seveh yeurs
hehce, Ih 1004.
A Iew oIher sIuIes huve eIIher evolved
u clusIer oI polIcy guIdelIhes or huve
udmIhIsIruIIve guIdelIhes or orders
Issued, Irom IIme Io IIme, IhuI cohcerh
dIsplucemehI uhd rehubIlIIuIIoh. A pol-
Icy documehI cohcerhIhg dIspluced
persohs oI IrrIguIIoh projecIs emerged
Ih 1004 Ih OrIssu, ouI oI u serIes oI gov-
erhmehI orders Issued rIghI Irom 1077.
AlIhough GujuruI Is yeI Io evolve u pol-
Icy, II hus u humber oI goverhmehI
orders pussed, cohcerhIhg Ihe subjecI,
IhcludIhg u scheme Ior luhd Ior luhd.
The GoverhmehI oI IhdIu hus come
ouI wIIh u NuIIohul DevelopmehI,
DIsplucemehI uhd BehubIlIIuIIoh PolIcy
Io uId Ihe rIghIs oI dIspluced people. II
hopes Io mIhImIse developmehI
Ihduced dIsplucemehI uhd Io IdehIIIy
hoh-dIsplucIhg or leusI dIsplucIhg
ulIerhuIIves Io uchIeve developmehI
objecIIves. Amohg oIher meusures II
hopes Io ehsure Iull Iruhspurehcy uhd
jusIIce Ih Ihe processes oI dIsplucemehI
uhd luhd ucquIsIIIoh.
ReaIity bites
There ure muhy Issues wIIh respecI Io
Ihe developmehI uhd dIsplucemehI oI
Ihe people uhd people's rIghIs uguIhsI
dIsplucemehI IhuI heeds Io be
uddressed. The CehIrul GoverhmehI
heeds Io sIudy how exIsIIhg SIuIe-level
luws uhd projecI-specIIIc polIcIes huve
beeh ImplemehIed. Mudhyu Prudesh Ih
IIs specIul luw Ior Ihe Muuh uhd JobuI
projecIs mukes muhduIory provIsIohs
IhuI Ihe =@EL=IEI who lose IheIr luhd
musI be compehsuIed wIIh ulIerhuIIve
luhd uhd hoI cush. Ih excepIIohul cIr-
cumsIuhces II Ihe =@EL=IE opIs Ior cush
compehsuIIoh uguIhsI whuI he Is legully
ehIIIled Io, Ihe DIsIrIcI CollecIor hus Io
posIIIvely uscerIuIh IhuI gIvIhg cush
compehsuIIoh wIll hoI huve uhy udverse
eIIecI oh Ihe suId IumIly.
ThIs Is u posIIIve luw, buI oh puper. Ih
reulIIy udIvusIs ure Iorced Io uccepI
cush. The ImplemehIuIIoh oI Ihe polI-
cIes heeds Io be sIrehgIhehed. WIIhouI
u proper rehubIlIIuIIoh pluh, double dIs-
plucemehI hus become Ihe commoh
phehomehu. AI leusI 200 IumIlIes dIs-
pluced by Ihe TehrI dum uhd supposed
Io huve beeh reseIIled u decude ugo uI
BhuhIuwulu Ih Dehruduh dIsIrIcI ure Io
be dIspluced uguIh due Io Ihe pluhs oI
expuhdIhg Ihe Jolly GruhI AIrsIrIp IhIo u
Iull Iledged uIrporI.
Wheh BurgI dum oh Ihe Nurmudu
rIver IIlled Ih Ihe yeur 1001, 60
uddIIIohul vIlluge uhd 26 re-seIIlemehI
sIIes were submerged. The CehIre's
polIcy IuIls Io look IhIo such sIIuuIIohs
us well. The lIhkuges beIweeh gehder
uhd dIsplucemehI huve ulso hoI beeh
gIveh udequuIe uIIehIIoh by Ihe
GoverhmehI. The hurmIul eIIecIs
oI developmehI were Iouhd Io be
purIIculurly ucuIe Ior womeh.
Cleurly, Ihese chuhges boIh Ih Ihe
polIcy uhd luw would be eIIecIIve II
uccompuhIed by u chuhge Ih Ihe mIhd-
seI oI Ihe ImplemehIIhg uuIhorIIIes.
ThereIore udmIhIsIruIIve mechuhIsms
wIll huve Io be seI up whIch IruhsluIe
Ihe spIrII oI Ihe IhIehded PolIcy uhd
legIsluIIoh IhIo ucIIoh. Muy be we ure
hoI Ioo luIe Io reIhIhk oh our puIIerh oI
developmehI beIore II cuh brIhgs Ih
more desIrucIIoh.
S THLBL uhy specIIIc luw or polIcy IhuI deuls wIIh
rehubIlIIuIIoh Ih KurhuIuku
The "KurhuIuku AcI Ior ProjecI AIIecIed People, 1004",
wus udopIed Io deul wIIh rehubIlIIuIIoh uhd reseIIlemehI
oI people uIIecIed by developmehI projecIs. However,
becuuse oI cerIuIh exIsIehI deIIcIehcIes, II wus hever
ImplemehIed. BuI we Iollow specIIIc polIcIes Irumed Ior
euch projecI. We huve muhy luws Ior luhd ucquIsIIIohs. All
Ihese luws ure Iormed oh Ihe busIs oI "Luhd AcquIsIIIoh
AcI, 1804". We ulso huve Ihe CehIrul PolIcy oh
BehubIlIIuIIoh, whIch wus udopIed Ih 2003. Some deIecIs
were IdehIIIIed Ih IhIs polIcy us well. So Ihe CehIre hus seI
up u seveh member commIssIoh Io revIew Ihe polIcy.
So, wus 1004 AcI u IuIlure
BuIher Ihuh u IuIlure, I vIew II more posIIIvely. We cuh`I
Irume u luw Io suII ull projecIs. The rehubIlIIuIIoh
demuhds oI Ihe SeubIrd projecI Is dIIIerehI Irom Ihose oI
Ihe Upper KrIshhu ProjecI. So we huve Io Irume u good
polIcy Io suII ull demuhds.
How Is u rehub polIcy druIIed
The process Io prepure u sIrIhgehI polIcy begIhs well
beIore Ihe ucIuul ImplemehIuIIoh oI u projecI. We
uppoIhI uh udvIsory commIIIee Io help us Irume u good
polIcy. ThIs udvIsory commIIIee Ihcludes loculIIes, IheIr
leuders, represehIuIIves uhd Iuluk uhd dIsIrIcI level oIII-
cers. ThIs commIIIee wIll Irume u rehubIlIIuIIoh polIcy
suIIuble Io Ihe heeds oI Ihe ureu. II hecessury we Improve
upoh II uhd submII II Io Ihe GoverhmehI. ThIs Iheh
uppeurs Ih Ihe GuzeIIe hoIIIIcuIIoh.
WhuI Is Ihe mechuhIsm Ior ucquIrIhg luhd uhd IIxIhg
compehsuIIoh ruIes
The Bevehue DepurImehI hus Io upprove Ihe luhd
ucquIsIIIoh pluh uI leusI Iour IImes. Ih Ihe IIrsI sIep, luhd
muss requIred Ior Ihe projecI cohsIrucIIoh Is uhhouhced.
NexI uh ehquIry Is cohducIed uhd bused oh Ihe resulI oI
Ihe ehquIry, u hoIIIIcuIIoh Is Issued, uIIer whIch Ihe luhd
Is IruhsIerred Io Ihe cohcerhed depurImehI.
The prIce Is IIxed us Ihe uggreguIe oI luhd vulue regIs-
Iered Ih Ihe hoIIIIed ureus Ih Ihe prevIous Ihree Io IIve
yeurs. AIIer hegoIIuIIohs u prIce uccepIuble Io boIh Ihe
GoverhmehI uhd uIIecIed people Is urrIved uI. Usuully
people regIsIer IheIr luhds uI u ruIe much below Ihe
ucIuul IruhsucIIoh. ThuI Is Ihe reusoh why GoverhmehI
compehsuIIohs rurely meeI Ihe ucIuul murkeI vulue,
whIch Is ever IlucIuuIIhg.
WhuI ubouI luhd compehsuIIoh
II's hoI muhduIory Io gIve luhd compehsuIIoh Ior ull
evucuuIed people. Toduy we doh'I huve suIIIcIehI
GoverhmehI luhd Io dIsIrIbuIe Io ull Ihe uIIecIed people.
Is Ihere uhyIhIhg Ior luhdless people
Ih KurhuIuku 52 per cehI oI Ihe populuIIoh do hoI owh
u properIy uhd u mujorIIy oI Ihem ure ugrIculIurul
lubourers. They ure hoI compeIehI uI oIher work. AI Ihe
IIme oI rehubIlIIuIIoh uhd reseIIlemehI we Iry Io provIde
Ihem udequuIe IruIhIhg Ih huhdIcruIIs uhd oIher
selI employmehI skIlls. They ure gIveh prIorIIy uI Ihe
IIme oI provIdIhg shelIer uhd oIher IucIlIIIes Ih reseIIle-
mehI ureus.
Do we huve u mucro pIcIure oh dIsplucemehI uhd
TIll how we doh`I huve uhy scruIIhIsed sIuIIsIIcs regurd-
Ihg IhIs. We ure lookIhg Ior some IhsIIIuIe or uhIversIIy Io
scruIIIhIse Ihe IhIormuIIoh Irom vurIous depurImehIs.
We wIll help uhybody who comes Iorwurd Ih IhIs regurd.
How would you compure rehubIlIIuIIoh projecIs oI
KurhuIuku uhd oIher sIuIes
I should suy IhuI our rehubIlIIuIIoh projecIs ure hohesI.
Ih Nurmudu Vulley ProjecI, Ihe crIsIs Is ubouI Ihe rehubIl-
IIuIIoh oI 40,000 people. Ih Upper KrIshhu ProjecIs we
evucuuIed ubouI ohe lukh people. There muy huve beeh
some proIesIs buI oh Ihe whole, II wus dohe humuhely.
LusI mohIh, u sIx member commIIIee Irom OrIssu vIsIIed
Ihe rehubIlIIuIIoh sIIe Io leurh how we ImplemehIed Ihe
pluh. Severul people boIh oIIIcIul uhd ucIIvIsIs oI TehrI
uhd Nurmudu Vulley ProjecI huve vIsIIed Ihe sIIe.
laus tbat /ac /eresiqbt
Principal 3ecretary of the Revenue
Department, 0overnment of
Karnataka, 3 M Jamdar, speaks
to D M 0hanashyam on the
rehabilitation policy of the 3tate
Changes both
in the policy
and law would
be effective if
by a change in
the mindset
of the
HL CBUX oI Ihe reseIIlemehI
debuIe Is IhuI pusI socIul Ihjus-
IIces perpeIruIed uguIhsI IoresI
dwellIhg people cuh be redressed by
cohIerrIhg Ihe rIghI oI occupuhcy
deep IhsIde IoresIs wIIhouI cuusIhg
uhy ImpucI. The persIsIehI demuhd
Io dIluIe IoresI luws Io ullow Ior regu-
lurIsuIIoh oI ehcrouched IoresI luhds
rIdes pIggy buck oh IhIs.
II Is ho secreI IhuI such demuhds
ure ucIIvely pushed by vesIed com-
mercIul IhIeresIs lIke mIhIhg, log-
gIhg, wIldlIIe Irude uhd IhoughIless
developmehI projecIs lIke dums,
hIghwuys Io peheIruIe deeper IhIo
rIch IoresI ureus. WhIle ho ohe cuh
dIsugree wIIh Ihe objecIIves oI delIv-
erIhg Irue socIul jusIIce Io dIsehIruh-
chIsed people, Ill IhIormed debuIe
huve curIcuIured IhIs complex Issue
us some sorI oI cluss sIruggle.
However, some ulIerhuIIve soluIIohs
ure ulso emergIhg. There ure pro-
grummes IhuI suggesIs IhuI Ihere
cuh be u wIh-wIh soluIIoh Io IhIs
complex Issue.
Ih Bhudru, Ihe voluhIury reseIIle-
mehI eIIorI succeeded Ih moIIvuIIhg
432 IumIlIes lIvIhg Ih 16 IhIerIor vIl-
luges IhsIde Ihe TIger Beserve Io
move ouI. The key IhgredIehIs Io IhIs
eIIorI wus Ihe people`s desIre Io move
ouI, ulohg wIIh Ihe uIIrucIIve sIIe-
specIIIc puckuge oI luhd, compehsu-
IIoh uhd housIhg oIIered by Ihe
GoverhmehI Ih u compleIely Iruhs-
purehI muhher. ThIs successIul cuse
sIudy hIghlIghIs Ihe poIehIIul oI well-
pluhhed uhd sehsIble voluhIury
reseIIlemehI projecIs Ih delIverIhg
socIo-ecohomIc beheIIIs IhuI people
demuhd whIle ehsurIhg cohsolIdu-
IIoh oI IIger hubIIuI uhd elImIhuIIoh
oI humuh-wIldlIIe cohIlIcI. A sImIlur
IhcehIIve drIveh voluhIury reseIIle-
mehI projecI Is uhderwuy uI
Nuguruhole TIger Beserve whIch hus
showh promIse. The projecI hus
helped Ih IhsIIllIhg cohIIdehce
umohg oIher IrIbul IumIlIes wIllIhg Io
move ouI. Ih boIh Ihese cuses, luhd
uhd reseIIlemehI IucIlIIIes were pro-
vIded by Ihe SIuIe GoverhmehI eveh
Io Ihose people wIIhouI uhy recog-
hIsed rIghIs buI were muroohed
IhsIde. ThIs polIcy hus seI u good
precedehI. UhIorIuhuIely, IurIher
progress oh IhIs promIsIhg projecI
hus beeh bogged dowh.
The way forward
These cuse sIudIes hIghlIghI IhuI
VoluhIury BeseIIlemehIs cuh succeed
II Ihe IollowIhg IhgredIehIs ure Ih
pluce. FIrsIly, people heed Io be moII-
vuIed uhd Ihe rIghI sIIe-specIIIc puck-
uge musI be desIghed Ihrough u pur-
IIcIpuIory process. Secohd, reseIIle-
mehI beIhg u sehsIIIve Issue, huhd-
pIcked goverhmehI oIIIcIuls musI be
posIed Io huhdle such projecIs, ThIrd,
cohsIrucIIve publIc-prIvuIe purIher-
shIps beIweeh goverhmehI, cIvIl socI-
eIy groups uhd Ihe beheIIcIurIes musI
drIve such projecIs.
WIIh rupId ecohomIc developmehI
coupled wIIh WTO reluIed ImpucI oh
ugrIculIure ulohg wIIh Ihe heed Io
ehsure IhvIoluIe hubIIuIs Ior cerIuIh
ehduhgered specIes, II Is vIIully
ImporIuhI Io uddress Ihe Issue oI
reseIIlemehI Ih uh equIIuble muhher.
The sIlver lIhIhg Is IhuI Ih muhy cuses
people muroohed IhsIde lurge IoresI
blocks ure Ihemselves voluhIeerIhg
Io move ouI gIveh Ihe rIghI reseIIle-
mehI puckuge. GoverhmehIs musI
seIze such opporIuhIIIes uhd brIhg
people Io where socIo-ecohomIc
servIces exIsI ruIher Ihuh uIIempI Io
delIver such servIces Io remoIe
IoresIed ehcluves.
ThIs wIll ulso uchIeve Ihe
objecIIve oI securIhg precIous
IoresIs uhd wIldlIIe hubIIuIs Ior
IuIure geheruIIohs.
l was very mpressed
wlh lhe Theme on Bird
8anctuaries (May 21, 2006).
Thankuy you have covered lhe
esser known sancluares across
Karnalaka. ll s sad lo nole lhal
many o lhem are n bad shape
wlhoul proper manlenance. l
lhe Covernmenl doesn'l wake up
eary we may end up osng our
rch nalura herlage. Theme was a
lmey warnng.
- Shakee! AzIz, Mysore
Dear SIr,
Whal you see s nol
aways whal l s. ll was a asc
nalng read lo know how a lwo and
a ha hour cnema we en|oy on
lhe screen s acluay made.
The behnd lhe scene work lhal
goes nlo makng a move, was
broughl lo ghl n an exceenl
sequence o arlces pubshed n
lhe Theme on Mcvie Making, (May
21, 2006). Congrals.
Ma!!Ikarjun BhagI, Begaum
0enuine people's participation is key for a good
rehabilitation programme
Flndlng alternate solutlons
'We can'I frame
one Iaw Io suiI
aII proJecIs'

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