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Pai-Da Therapy Terminulogy Pai: Patting Da: Slapping Pai-Da: A Chinese Medical method which utilize patting and

slapping of external s in areas to draw out and eliminate poisonous waste in !ody and restore health !y facilitating the smooth flow of "i throughout the meridians# Sha: poisonous !lood The principles of Pai-Da Pai-Da $ %limination of toxicant $ %limination of the poisonous waste in !ody S in is closely related to the meridians& our lim!s& fi'e 'iscera& six entrails and nine apertures (including the eyes& ears& nostrils& mouth& urethra and anus)* Pai-Da will launch one+s faith and mental forces& and will stimulate rele'ant meridians to dredge the "i* The running "i will in turn !ring out the running of !lood* The uno!structed meridians could cure diseases* The patted and slapped parts on the !ody will automatically gather "i and !lood& and then accelerate the circulation* As sweepers& the intensified "i could scan the !ody and dredge the o!structed meridians* As a result& the !ody waste& illnesses and e'en tumors will !e cleared* ,iewing from the perspecti'e of the western medicine& Pai-Da is a positi'e!rea ing therapy which will stimulate the central ner'ous system* Therefore& the inner !ody systems could !e acti'ated and help repair the damaged parts& and finally impro'e the immunity function of human !ody* -rder of Pai-Da .enerally spea ing& there is an up-down turn as fullows: (Step /) Pat the head Pat the top of the head with !oth hands Pat the sides of the head with !oth hands Pat the !ac of the head with !oth hands

Pat the !ac of the head with one hand (one hand is more con'enient& and could nicely co'er the head) (Step 0) Slap the !ac of the shoulder Pat the right side with left hand& and the left side with the right hand1 remem!er to pat all sides of the shoulder* (Step 2) Slap !oth armpits and the inner sides of the shoulder Patients with cardiac diseases& lung diseases and !reast diseases should do this step more* (Step 3)# Slap the inner sides of the el!ow 4oints 5ncluding all meridians of the inner sides which include the heart-channel of the inner sides and the lung-channel and the large intestine channel at the rims of the outer sides& as well as the pericardium channel in the middle* (Step 6) Slap the nees Pat the fronts of the nees with !oth hand and ma e sure that the nee is co'ered !y the whule palm1 pat the inner sides& outer sides and the popliteal spaces* This step could !e applied to cure all foot and leg diseases* 7a-8in as supplement will !ring !etter results* (Step 9) Slap the feet Pat the arches& insteps and the an les with power* This step can not only cure the foot diseases& !ut also !ring good curati'e effects for all internal organ diseases* (Step :) Slap any !ody-parts according to the need After all the six steps a!o'e& you may pat any !ody-parts according to your illness* ;hat if there is no enough time## Pat the fullowing important parts*# <or most chronic and acute diseases& the el!ows& nees& groins and feet are the focus& !ecause these parts ha'e the most toxins& and are the concentrated areas of meridians& !lood 'essels& ner'es and lymph* =ow to Pai-Da in a proper way# Pat and slap attenti'ely Concentration and faith will increase the positi'e energy in your !ody*

Distracting thoughts could !ring negati'e effects* Patand slap with power& as long as you can endure the pain 5t might hurt in the first& !ut the feeling will !e eased after a!out two minutes* 5f you feel the pain of slapping& that means you are on the right way* The pain will eliminate the illness* Pat and slap with your thought ;hen slapping the s in& you can imagine that you are in4ecting fresh "i into the !ody and !ringing out the tur!id "i out* >se your palms and fingers in a proper way ;hen slapping a larger area such as the front of the nees& use !oth palm and fingers1 if the area is relati'ely small& such as the popliteal space& you could mainly use the fingers with agile mo'ement of the wrist* ?etter recite or chant scriptures when slapping @eciting scriptures will !ring a !etter result1 you may choose your fa'orite scriptures* The time length of Pai-Da& the freAuency of Pai-Da Pai-Da can !e done at any time in a day* Bou can form a ha!it of Pai-Da and pat in the morning and at night or you can do this in the morning& afternoon and at night* <or healthy people& you can pat the head& shoulders& armpits& el!ows and nees for one to fi'e minutes each time* Bou should at least do this once or twice a day* <or su!-health cases& !esides slapping the parts mentioned a!o'e& you can pat the nidus for a longer time* .enerally the time length should !e !etween fi'e to thirty minutes for once or twice a day* Bou can also pat more times each day* <or those who feel under the weather or ha'e o!'ious nidus should rash-pat the nidus for at least half an hour each time* <or example& those who suffer from nee pains& frozen shoulder& cer'ical spondylosis& headache and insomnia can rash-pat the nees and el!ows more freAuently for at least once or twice a day* <or those who suffer from serious illnesses& such as people who are una!le to lift the shoulders or wal & or suffer from psoriasis& heart disease& high !lood

pressure& dia!etes or cancer should rash-pat top-down from the head to the feet with the focus on the el!ows& nees& feet and the nidus for at least one hour and at least three times a day* And the time length of each Pai-Da should !e reduced as the disease remises* After se'eral times of Pai-Da& it is not as easy to ha'e Sha as !efore !ut if you continue Pai-Da it can promotes !lood circulation& eep you fit and e'en treat the disease* The time length and freAuency of Pai-Da 'aries according to indi'iduals* ;hether there is Sha or not after Pai-Da& it can !e applied e'eryday to !oth the sic and the health* -ne Pai-Da can also !e di'ided into se'eral times with each time focuses on one certain part of the !ody* =ow to tell the health situation from the culor of the sha# Sha& i*e* poisonous !lood& is the culorful thing on the s in after Pai-Da* 5f you Pai-Da the healthy parts of the !ody with the same amount of force& there won+t !e Sha1 otherwise the unhealthy !ody will show symptoms on the s in after Pai-Da* Sha reflects the illness of the !ody1 otherwise the s in won+t ha'e Sha appearing after Pai-Da* More Sha means more serious of the disease* The dar er the culor of the Sha& the more poison& culdness& heat and other pathogenic factors are in the !ody* @u!eosis: healthy1 normal @ed: wind-heat1 usually can !e found with the su!-health group Purple red: stasis-heat and it is prone to feel pain### Cyan: phlegm-dampness and it is prone to feel tired Purple !lac : stasis1 shows the patient suffers from a large accumulation of !ody endotoxin and microcirculatory distur!ance ?lac : shows the patient suffers from chronic disease and has !een ta ing medication for a long time* According to the position of the Sha& one can tell the illness or the potential illness of the corresponding organs and the Sha itself also shows the !ody has started the reduction !ody endotoxin and the treatment* The Sha will come out within a minute after the Pai-Da with those who suffer from clogging !lood circulation and their Sha comes faster and the culor of

the Sha is dar er than usual* Some people will ha'e red Sha first and if eep Pai-Da the culor will turn dar purple or e'en dar masses* Some people won+t ha'e Sha until se'eral times+ Pai-Da& which means their fe'er lies deeper and it can only !e scraped away gradually and it also means the !ody endotoxin is !eing reduced* Some people will ha'e Sha the first time they ha'e Pai-Da and don+t ha'e Sha afterwards and may ha'e Sha again later& which means their !ody situation and mood are undergoing some changes* Cautions Ta e shelter from the wind when slapping Air-conditioner and electric fan should !e turned off !ecause the pores will open during 7a-8in which might ma e you catch culd Drin enough water after Pai-Da Drin ing a cup of water !efore and after Pai-Da could supply the consumed water during the exercise* 5t will also pre'ent fatigue and accelerate meta!ulism* ?athing after Pai-Da Ta e !ath three hours after Pai-Da with warm water* Treat s in diseases with Pai-Da >se all fingers and the whule palm when slapping a large area of s in& such as the front of the nees* <or s in diseases li e psoriasis& pat with power for longer time* Do not use Pai-Da to treat trauma or festering wounds* Treat dia!etes mellitus& 'aricosity and edema of the lower lim!s <or patients of dia!etes mellitus& slapping should !e light and slow !ecause their s in and 'essels are wea and fragile* <or patients with 'aricosity and edema of the lower lim!s& it is !etter for them to pat from the !ottom to top gently& so as to accelerate the !lood circulation*

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