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cerRTArN Jews. 89 LETTER IIL IFhether it was impofible for Mafes to write the Pentateuch. Examination of the Rea- fas alledged in the (1) Note. Ip, in fpeaking of the Pentateuch, Collins, Tindall, and others, had been fatisfied with advancing that this Work, fuch as we have it, is not entirely of Mofes, that many Places may be obferved in it which feem to have been added by more recent Hands; or even that thefe Books were not compiled ’till after the Legiflator’s Death, by the help of regular Tradition and authentick Memorials: They would have faid no more than what many learned Men, both Jews and Chriftians, have believed; yet this Belief never invali- dated the Orthodoxy of thofe Books, either in our Synagogue, or your (2) Church. But (1 Mlledged in the Note. Mi is not cur Intent here to Prove that Mofes was the Author cf the Pentatcuch: Mary others have done it, and in a convincing Manner. See what Abbadic, Durin, and others, have {aid on this Subjeét. We fuppate this Point proved, and we con- fine curfelves merely to anfwer the Difficulties propokd inthe Note. Aut. (2) Your Church, That Mofes wrote the Pentateuch is a Faét, fupported by fuch folid Proofs, that no rea- fonable Perfon can doubt it: And yet it is not an Article of go LETTERS OF But your (1) Writers, Sir, do not confine themfelves within thefe Limits: Thefe bold Criticks attempt to prove not only that Motes was not the Author of the Pentateuch, but that it was impofible for bim to write it in the Circumpances be was in, The Nature of thofe Subftances on which they engraved their Compofitions at that Time; the Characters ufed in writing, Saftly, the State of Mifery of the Jews in the Wil- dernefs. Thefe are the three Reafons, Sir. which they alledge, Let us enquire into thci- Solidity. §re of Faith. "Therefore the celebrated Author of the Phi- lofophical Didtionary, that famous Book, is m.Raken, when he fays (in the Article, Mofes) that the Chureh bas decided that the Pentateuch was written by the Legeflatar, ‘The tearned Chriftian is but ill-informed in this Article of his Religion. Muft Jews be obliged to inftrua him in it? Whether the Pentateuch was written by Mofes, in the Form in which we have it now, or whether fucceeding Prophets have added fhort Notes to it, &c. &e. thele are merely Critical Diiqu.fiuons which affeét not the Grounds of Religion. The Fas which fupport the Truth of this Revelation, drawn from authentick Me- mevials, fupported by a Tradition, which goes back as rar as the Origin of the Jowith Nation, engraved in in- dehbie Charatters in their Civil and Religious Rites: ‘Thefe Fads, Lsay, are not the lefs clear and incontefti- nouwithilanding this Doubt. Aut, () eur Writers. We thall thew heteafter who arc the Winters whefe Authority Mr, de Voltaire can chal- henge. Fait CERTAIN JEws. gI gl. Whether the Nature of thefo Subflesces, 6n abich they engraved Writing in the Time of Mofis, could prevent lin from soriting the Pentateuch. Tn thofe Ages Men kad no other way of com- autting their Thoughts to Writing, but by en- graving them upon pelifhed Stone, Brick, Lead, or Weed, fay thefe Criticks, and in the Time of Mofos the Egyptians and Caldeans had no other way of Writing. Therefore Mofes could not write the five Books which are afcribed to him. Do you call this found Reafoning, Sir? As for our parts, we can fee nothing in it buta Conclufion ill-drawn from a very uncertain Principle: The Principle is uncertain, for what Proofs can thefeCriticks give of it? Have they fecret Memoirs which they have read, and to which the whole Body of the learned are Strangers? Men bad then no other way of coninitting their Thoughts ta Writing, but by engraving them upon polifhed Stone, Gc. Ge. Were Men at that Time ignorant or negledtfal of the Art of painting their Thoughts? What! Had they already invented Tools of Brafs or - Steel to engrave their Thoughts, altho’ 77 ¢-- der to forge Iron, or te fupply famethine iar Hee: of tt (1), according to you, fo many lucky Chavers '1) According to you, See the Phtleforky of F . f :

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