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/* Adding 2 BCD nos without carry */

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 135 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M ! A" # ; Get lo$er % digits of no. 1 A&& ' ; Add t$o lo$er digits &AA ; Ad(ust result to )alid *+& ,-A %3../ ; ,tore partial result M ! A" / ; Get most significant % digits of no. % A&+ & ; Add t$o most significant digits &AA ; Ad(ust result to )alid *+& ,-A %3.1/ ; ,tore partial result /#; -erminate program execution

/* Adding 2 Hexa-decimal nos without carry */

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 105 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%.. M ! +" A ; 1nitiali2e counter ,3* A ; sum 4 . #51 /" %%.1/ ; 1nitiali2e pointer *A+67 A&& M ; ,3M 4 ,3M 8 data 195 / ; increment pointer &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; if counter . repeat ,-A %3../ ; store sum /#-

/* Adding 2 Hexa-Decimal nos with carry */

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 105 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ M ! +"A ; 1nitiali2e counter #51 /" %%.1/ ; 1nitiali2e pointer ,3* A ; ,um lo$ 4 . M ! *"A ; ,um=ig= 4 . *A+67 A&& M ; ,um 4 sum 8 data ;9+ ,61P 19: * ; Add carry to M,* of ,3M ,61P7 195 / ; 1ncrement pointer &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; +=eck if counter . repeat ,-A %3../ ; ,tore lo$er byte M ! A"* ,-A %3.1/ ; ,tore =ig=er byte /#; -erminate program execution

/*Block data transfer*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 10> of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M!1 +" .A/ ; 1nitiali2e counter #51 /" %%../ ; 1nitiali2e source memory pointer #51 &" %3../ ; 1nitiali2e destination memory pointer *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get byte from source memory block ,-A5 & ; ,tore byte in t=e destination memory block 195 / ; 1ncrement source memory pointer 195 & ; 1ncrement destination memory pointer &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; 1f counter . repeat /#; -erminate program execution

/*Multi lication of two ! "it nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 10? of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ M ! '" A M!1 &" .. ; Get t=e first number #&A %%.1/ M ! +" A ; 1nitiali2e counter #51 /" ..../ ; :esult 4 . *A+67 &A& & ; :esult 4 result 8 first number &+: + ; decrement count ;9< *A+6 ; 1f count . repeat ,/#& %3../ ; ,tore result /#; -erminate program execution

/*Di#ision of two ! "it nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 15. of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #/#& %%../ ; Get t=e di)idend #&A %%.%/ M ! +" A ; Get t=e di)isor #51 &" ..../ ; @uotient 4 . *A+67 M ! A" # ,3* + M ! #" A ; ,a)e partial result ;9+ ,61P ; if +A 1 (ump &+: / ; ,ubtract borro$ of pre)ious subtraction ,61P7 195 & ; 1ncrement Buotient M ! A" / +P1 .. ; +=eck if di)idend ;9< *A+6 ; C di)isor M ! A" # ; if no repeat +MP + ;9+ *A+6 ,/#& %3.%/ ; ,tore t=e remainder 5+/G ,/#& %3../ ; ,tore t=e Buotien /#; -erminate program execution

/*$o of negati#e nos in the list of hexa decimal nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1DD of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ M ! +"A ; 1nitiali2e count M!1 *".. ; 9egati)e number 4 . #51 /"%%.1/ ; 1nitiali2e pointer *A+67 M ! A"M ; Get t=e number A91 E./ ; +=eck for M,* ;< ,61P ; 1f M,* 4 1 19: * ; 1ncrement negati)e number count ,61P7 195 / ; 1ncrement pointer &+: + ; &ecrement count ;9< *A+6 ; 1f count . repeat M ! A"* ,-A %3../ ; ,tore t=e result /#; -erminate program execution

/*Maximum no in the list of hexa decimal nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1D> of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ M ! +" A ; 1nitiali2e counter 5:A A ; Maximum 4 Minimum possible )alue 4 . #51 /" %%.1/ ; 1nitiali2e pointer *A+67 +MP M ; 1s number F maximum ;9+ ,61P M ! A" M ; Aes" replace maximum ,61P7 195 / &+: + ;9< *A+6 ,-A %3../ ; ,tore maximum number /#; -erminate program execution

/*%&s com lement of a no*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1DE of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ ; Get t=e number +MA ; +omplement number ,-A %3../ ; ,tore t=e result /#; -erminate program execution

/*2&s com lement of a no*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no.1D? of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%.. / ; Get t=e number +MA ; +omplement t=e number A&1 .1/ ; Add one in t=e number ,-A %3../ ; ,tore t=e result /#; -erminate program execution

/*Adding the ' most significant "it to a hexa no*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1D? of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%.1/ ; Get t=e Most significant *+& digit :#+ :#+ :#+ :#+ ; Ad(ust t=e position M ! +" A ; store t=e partial result #&A %%../ ; Get t=e lo$er *+& digit A&& + ; Add lo$er *+& digit ,-A %3../ ; ,tore t=e result /#; -erminate program execution


ing the nos */

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 11> of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A M ! #&A ,-A M ! ,-A /#%.../ ; Get t=e contents of memory location %.../ into accumulator *"A ; sa)e t=e contents in * register %%../ ; Get t=e contents of memory location %%../ into accumulator. %.../ ; ,tore t=e contents of accumulator at address %.../. A"* ; Get t=e sa)ed contents back into A register %%../ ; ,tore t=e contents of accumulator at address %%../ ; -erminate program execution


in the hexa nos)much "etter rogram**/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 11> of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /"%.../ ; 1nitiali2e /# register pair as a pointer ; to memory location %.../ #51 &"%%.. / ; 1nitiali2e &' register pair as a pointer ; to memory location %%../ M ! *"M ; Get t=e contents of memory location ; 1.../ into * register #&A5 & ; Get t=e contents of memory location ; %.../ into A register M ! M"A ; ,tore t=e contents of A register into memory ; location %.../ M ! A"* ; +opy t=e contents of * register into accumulator ,-A5 & ; ,tore t=e contents of A register into memory ; location %%../. /#; -erminate program execution

/*(e arate the digits of a hexa decimal nos and store it in two diff+ locations*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1>. of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ ; Get t=e packed *+& number A91 F./ ; Mask lo$er nibble ::+ ::+ ::+ ::+ ; Ad(ust =ig=er *+& digit as a lo$er digit ,-A %3../ ; ,tore t=e partial result #&A %%../ ; Get t=e original *+& number A91 .F/ ; Mask =ig=er nibble ,-A %3.1/ ; ,tore t=e result /#; -erminate program execution

/*(am le rogram for su"routine*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1%% of book ; Microprocessor by A. P. Godse #51 ,P" %0../ #51 /" %.../ #51 *" 1.%./ +A## ,3* /#;,ubroutine program 7 ,3*7 P3,/ * P3,/ / #51 *" 0.E./ #51 /" 0.?./ &A& * ,/#& %%../ P P/ P P* :'-

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E1 of book ; Microprocessor and Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 ,P"%0.. ; 1nitiali2e stack pointer M!1 +" .E/ ; 1nitiali2e count $it= E *A+67 M ! A"* ; ::+ ; :otate * register contents rig=t M ! *"A ; ,a)e contents of register * ;9+ ,61P ; 1f no carry skip M!1 A".+./ ,1M ; 1f carry" send =ig= on , & ;MP 9'5,61P7 M!1 A"0./ ,1M ; 1f no carry" send lo$ on , & 9'5-7+A## &'#AA ; Gait for specific time &+: + ; &ecrement count by 1 ;9< *A+6 ; if count 4 ." if not repeat /#; ,top program execution

&'#AA7 #51 &"...1 *A+617 &+5 & M ! A"' :A & ;9< *A+61 :'-

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E1 of book ; Microprocessor H Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 ,P" %>FF/ #51 /" %.../ ; Memory pointer :1M ; :ead ,1& A91 E./ ; +=eck &> bit of Accumulator +A## &'#AA ; 1I% bit time delay for stop bit M!1 *" .E/ ; 1nitiali2e bit counter M!1 &" ../ ; +lear data register 3P17 +A## &'#AA ; 1bit time :1M ; :ead ,1& line A91 E. / ; Mask bits *DJ*. :A & ; : data bit $it= pre)ious bits ::+ M ! &" A ; ,tore data bit at appropriate position &+: * ;9< 3P1 :#+ ; ,=ift left to correct result M ! M" A ; ,tore result :1M ; :ead stop bit A91 E./ +< ':: : ; 1f not stop bit call error /#; -erminate program. &'#AA7 M!1 '".1 *A+617 &+: ' ;9< *A+61 :'':: :7 M!1 A".FF :'-

/*Addition of two hexa decimal nos including carry*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E0 of book ; Microprocessor and Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /"%.../ ; /# Points %.../ M ! A"M ; Get first operand 195 / ; /# Points %..1/ A&& M ; Add second operand 195 / ; /# Points %..%/ M ! M"A ; ,tore t=e lo$er byte of result at %..%/ M!1 A".. ; 1nitiali2e =ig=er byte result $it= ../ A&+ A ; Add carry in t=e =ig= byte result 195 / ; /# Points %..3/ M ! M"A ; ,tore t=e =ig=er byte of result at %..3/ /#-

/*,otate right a #alue ' times*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E5 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M ! A"+ :A: :A: :A: :A: M ! +"A /#-

/*,otate right and store the result*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E5 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M ! A"* :A: M ! *"A M ! A"+ :A: M ! +"A /#-

/*Addition of two hexa decimal nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 13. of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /" %.../ M ! A"M ; 195 / A&& M 195 / M ! M"A ; /#; ; /# points %.../ Get first operand ; /# points %..1/ ; Add second operand ; /# points %..%/ store result at %..%/ -erminate program execution

/*-o find the no of %&s in the "yte*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E> of book ; Microprocessor H Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M!1 *"../ M!1 +".E/ M ! A"& *A+67 :A: ;9+ ,61P 19: * ,61P7 &+: + ;9< *A+6 /#-

/*.n a set of nos add only the e#en nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1E> of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ M ! +" A ; 1nitiali2e counter M!1 *" ../ ; sum 4 . #51 /" %%.1/ ; 1nitiali2e pointer *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get t=e number A91" .1/ ; Mask *it1 to *it> ;9< ,61P ; &onKt add if number is && M ! A" * ; Get t=e sum A&& M ; ,3M 4 ,3M 8 data M ! *" A ; ,tore result in * register ,61P7 195 / ; increment pointer &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; if counter . repeat ,-A %%1./ ; store sum /#; -erminate program execution

/*.n a set of nos add only the odd nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page 1?. of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #&A %%../ M ! +" A ; 1nitiali2e counter #51 /" %%.1/ ; 1nitiali2e pointer M!1 '" .. ; ,umlo$ 4 . M ! &" ' ; ,um=ig= 4 . *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get t=e number A91 .1/ ; Mask *it1 to *it> ;< ,61P ; &o not add if number is e)en M ! A" ' ; Get t=e lo$er byte of sum A&& M ; ,um 4 sum 8 data M ! '" A ; ,tore result in ' register ;9+ ,61P 19: & ; Add carry to M,* of ,3M ,61P7 195 / ; 1ncrement pointer &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; +=eck if counter . repeat M ! A" ' ,-A %3../ ; ,tore lo$er byte M ! A" & ,-A %3.1/ ; ,tore =ig=er byte /#; -erminate program execution

/*store the nos in a memory loc+ .n the re#erse order in another memory loc+*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?1 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M!1 +" .A/ ; 1nitiali2e counter #51 /" %%../ ; 1nitiali2e source memory pointer #51 &" %3.?/ ; 1nitiali2e destination memory pointer *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get byte from source memory block

,-A5 & 195 / &+5 & &+: + ;9< *A+6 /#-

; ,tore byte in t=e destination memory block ; 1ncrement source memory pointer ; &ecrement destination memory pointer ; &ecrement counter ; 1f counter . repeat ; -erminate program execution

/*-ransfer / nos in memory ointed "y loc+ #alue in another memory loc+ */
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?% of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /"%%../ ; 1nitiali2e lookup table pointer #51 &"%1../ ; 1nitiali2e source memory pointer #51 *"%.../ ; 1nitiali2e destination memory pointer *A+67 #&A5 & ; Get t=e number M ! #"A ; A point to t=e sBuare M ! A"M ; Get t=e sBuare ,-A5 * ; ,tore t=e result at destination memory location 195 & ; 1ncrement source memory pointer 195 * ; 1ncrement destination memory pointer M ! A"+ ; +P1 .5/ ; +=eck for last number ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not repeat /#; 'nd of program

/*(earch for a no in the list if found store address where it is found else store 0000*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?0 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /"%.../ ; 1nitiali2e memory pointer M!1 *" 5%/ ; 1nitiali2e counter *A+67 M ! A"M ; Get t=e number +MP + ; +ompare $it= t=e gi)en byte ;< #A,; Go last if matc= occurs 195 / ; 1ncrement memory pointer &+: * ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not 2ero" repeat #51 /" ..../ ,/#& %%../ ;MP '9& ; ,tore .. at %%../ and %%.1/ #A,-7 ,/#& %%../ ; ,tore memory address '9&7 /#; ,top

/*Com lement the flag content*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?5 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 ,P" %>.. ; 1nitiali2e ,tack P3,/ P,G ; ,a)e flags on stack P P/ ; :etrie)e flags in L#K M ! A"# ; Flags in accumulator +MA ; +omplement accumulator M ! #"A ; Accumulator in L#K P3,/ / ; ,a)e on stack P P P,G ; *ack to flag register


; -erminate program execution

/*Decimal addition of 2 nos in 1 different mem+ 2oc+ And store in 1 other mem+ loc+*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?D of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /"%.../ ; 1nitiali2e pointer1 to first number #51 &"%1../ ; 1nitiali2e pointer% to second number #51 *"%%../ ; 1nitiali2e pointer3 to result ,-+ +M+ ; +arry 4 . *A+67 #&A5 & ; Get t=e digit A&& M ; Add t$o digits &AA ; Ad(ust for decimal ,-A5 * ; ,tore t=e result 195 / ; 1ncrement pointer1 195 & ; 1ncrement pointer% 195 * ; 1ncrement result pointer M ! A" # +P1 " .D ; +=eck for last digit ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not last digit repeat /#; -erminate program execution

/*(u"traction of 2 nos in memory */

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 13. of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /" %.../ ; /# points %.../ M ! A"M ; Get first operand 195 / ; /# points %..1/ ,3* M ; ,ubtract second operand 195 / ; /# points %..%/ M ! M"A ; ,tore result at %..%/ /#; -erminate program execution

/*Bu""le sort of %0 nos in memory*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?D of book ; Microprocessor H Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M!1 *" .? ; 1nitiali2e counter 1 ,-A:-7 #51 /" %%../ ; 1nitiali2e memory pointer M!1 +" .?/ ; 1nitiali2e counter % *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get t=e number 195 / ; 1ncrement memory pointer +MP M ; +ompare number $it= next number ;+ ,61P ; 1f less" donKt interc=ange ;< ,61P ; 1f eBual" donKt interc=ange M ! &" M M ! M" A &+5 / M ! M" & 195 / ; 1nterc=ange t$o numbers ,61P7 &+: + ; &ecrement counter % ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not 2ero" repeat &+: * ; &ecrement counter 1 ;9< ,-A:- ; 1f not 2ero" repeat


; -erminate program execution

/*Addition of 2 nos in 1 different mem+ 2oc+ And store in %0 other mem+ loc+*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?E of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /" %%../ ; 1nitiali2e memory pointer 1 #51 *" %3../ ; 1nitiali2e memory pointer % #51 &" %0../ ; 1nitiali2e result pointer *A+67 #&A5 * ; Get t=e number from array % A&& M ; Add it $it= number in array 1 ,-A5 & ; ,tore t=e addition in array 3 195 / ; 1ncrement pointer1 195 * ; 1ncrement pointer% 195 & ; 1ncrement result pointer M ! A" # +P1 " .A ; +=eck pointer1 for last number ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not" repeat /#; ,top

/*.n a list of /0 nos se arate the e#en nos and store the in different memory loc+*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?? of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /" %%../ ; 1nitiali2e memory pointer1 #51 &" %3../ ; 1nitiali2e memory pointer% M!1 +" 3%/ ; 1nitiali2e counter *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get t=e number A91 .1/ ; +=eck for e)en number ;9< ,61P ; 1f &&" donKt store M ! A" M ; Get t=e number ,-A5 & ; ,tore t=e number in result list 195 & ; 1ncrement pointer % ,61P7 195 / ; 1ncrement pointer1 &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not 2ero" repeat /#; ,top

/*con#ert the set of nos to odd arity if the no is e#en arity*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 1?? of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /" %.0./ M ! +"M ; +ounter for c=aracter :'P'A-7 195 / ; Memory pointer to c=aracter M ! A"M ; +=ar. in accumulator :A A ; :ing $it= itself to c=eck parity. ;P PA:'!'9 :1 E./ ; 1f odd parity place e)en parity in &>ME.N. PA:'!'97 M ! M"A ; ,tore con)erted e)en parity c=aracter. &+: + ; &ecrement counter. ;9< :'P'A- ; 1f not 2ero go for next c=aracter. /#; -erminate program execution

/*Block data transfer of %/ nos*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. %.% of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse M!1 +" .FF/ ; 1nitiali2e counter #51 /" %.FF/ ; 1nitiali2e source memory pointer #51 &" %10F/ ; 1nitiali2e destination memory pointer *A+67 M ! A" M ; Get byte from source memory block ,-A5 & ; ,tore byte in t=e destination memory block &+5 / ; &ecrement source memory pointer &+5 & ; &ecrement destination memory pointer &+: + ; &ecrement counter ;9< *A+6 ; 1f counter O . repeat /#; ,top execution ; For detail explanation of program refer page no. %.% of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 ,P %0../ ; 1nitiali2e stack pointer M!1 +" ?./ ; 1nitiali2e counter *A+67 M ! A" + ; A91 .F ; Mask =ig=er nibble +P1 .F ;9< ,61P M ! A" + ,31 .D ; ,ubtract D to ad(ust decimal count M ! +" A ,61P7 M ! A" + 3- .5 ; send count on output port +A## &'#AA ; Gait for ..5 seconds &+: + ; decrement count ;9< *A+6 ; 1f not 2ero" repeat /#; ,top execution &'#AA7 #51 &" ...1 *A+617 &+5 & M ! A"' :A & ;9< *A+61 :'-

/*Add 32& %1 "it no including a carry from D4 "it to D! "it*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 131 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #/#& %.../ ; Get first 1DJbit number in /# 5+/G ; ,a)e first 1DJbit number in &' #/#& %..%/ ; Get second 1DJbit number in /# M ! A" ' ; Get lo$er byte of t=e first number A&& # ; Add lo$er byte of t=e second number M ! #" A ; ,tore result in # register M ! A" & ; Get =ig=er byte of t=e first number A&+ / ; Add =ig=er byte of t=e second number $it= carry M ! /" A ; ,tore result in / register ,/#& %..0/ ; ,tore 1DJbit result in memory locations %..0/ and %..5/.


; -erminate program execution

/*Add 32& %1 "it no*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 131 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #/#& %.../ ; Get first 1DJbit number 5+/G ; ,a)e first 1DJbit number in &' #/#& %..%/ ; Get second 1DJbit number in /# &A& & ; Add &' and /' ,/#& %..0/ ; ,tore 1DJbit result in memory locations %..0/ and %..5/. /#; -erminate program execution

/*Add 32& %1 "it no including a carry from D4 "it to D! "it*/

; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 13% of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #/#& %.../ ; Get first 1DJbit number in /# 5+/G ; ,a)e first 1DJbit number in &' #/#& %..%/ ; Get second 1DJbit number in /# M ! A"' ; Get lo$er byte of t=e first number ,3* # ; ,ubtract lo$er byte of t=e second number M ! #"A ; ,tore t=e result in # register M ! A"& ; Get =ig=er byte of t=e first number ,** / ; ,ubtract =ig=er byte of second number $it= borro$ M ! /"A ,/#& %..0/ ; ,tore 1DJbit result in memory locations %..0/ and %..5/. /#; -erminate program execution

/*Decimal addition*/
; For detail explanation of program refer page no. 135 of book ; Microprocessor And Microcomputer by A. P. Godse #51 /" %%../ ; 1nitiali2e pointer M ! A"M ; Get t=e first number 195 / ; 1ncrement t=e pointer A&& M ; Add t$o numbers &AA ; +on)ert /'5 to )alid *+& ,-A %3../ ; ,tore t=e result /#; -erminate program execution JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

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