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Welcome to the 19th Edition of EpicMafia News, and Happy Holidays!

~~~ Congratulations to the winners of Comp Round 109! 1st place: Shacky 2nd place: chooksy 3rd place: bernin

In this 18th edition of EpicMafia News

Member of the Week, by Lady Welcome to the Sandbox Lobby, by Bgeas15 Mystery Member, by Zaychonek Around the World Photo Submission from LaurieRose, HighSpace Mentor Report, by Heisenberg Role Review of Mistletoe, by YOLO EM Tactics, by YOLO Around the World Map, by Melody Comp Lobby Scouting Report, by Eatos Christmas Trees of EpicMafia! Poll Results

Member of the Week!

By Lady
This Weeks Winner is Christopherzilla! Congratulations!
1.) How did you first discover EpicMafia? My bff Anny convinced me to play. Anny quit em because "training is too serious and the sandbox is full of idiots." RIP Anny. 2.) What is your biggest EpicMafia pet peeve? Petty fights, it's almost like this site is full of teenagers. 3.) What do you enjoy doing most? Doodling LuapNor, if you know what I mean. ;) I like to watch old movies and listen to old music. Oh, and I'm just about the biggest Nintendo fanboy you'll ever meet. 4.) If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why? Godzilla, he's more of an anti-hero or even a natural disaster, but that's my answer. Fighting other monsters and destroying Tokyo seems like a good time. And he doesn't afraid of anything. 5.) What is your favorite part about the Holidays? My favorite part of the holidays is the sense of superiority I get from watching all the sheeple bend the knee to their capitalist overlord's propaganda and offer up their hard earned money all under the false pretense of love, family, and good will.

Please submit all nominations for MOTW to Lady! You can nominate yourself or a friend, but be sure to say why!

Welcome to the Sandbox Lobby

By Bgeas15
Hello readers and welcome to the Survivor Lobby section of the Epicmafia News! Im sure there are many of you who havent heard of the lobby before and I urge you all to check it out. It is unlike every other lobby, where the purpose of a game isnt to wor k with other members of a team in order to beat another team, but to ensure your own individual win. The games played in the lobby are heavily influenced by a few popular reality TV shows. For a look at which shows that our community has adapted into EM form, check out this page. ( ). As a member of the community myself, I have seen many new players enter the lobby out of curiosity and end up becoming long-term players. The community itself is very welcoming to new players and our hosts are almost always willing to explain the rules for a new player. From time to time, hosts will post in the forums for a really organized game, but as of late, there will be games that are hosted by some of our best hosts at random times, usually at night. With that in mind, dont be afraid to drop down and play a game. If you have any questions regarding any of the rules or any questions about the gameplay, be sure to send me a PM and Ill get back to you as soon as possible!

Mystery Member
By Zaychonek
Last week's mystery member was Fruitoftheloom!
Favorite memory on EpicMafia? I randomly pop into sandbox from time to time. One day I flipped Clockmaker. I won the game on N1. It was the best ever. Favorite role and setup? Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! My favourite role is anything that lets me spam erotica anonymously. Which mod, in your opinion, deserves to get demodded? Sachy >=] If you were a superhero, what would your super power be? The powers of a genie! Do you have any pet peeves? 1. People's inability to use Google 2. Voluntary ignorance 3. Extremely obnoxious behaviour 4. What do you want for Christmas? 70 degree weather, please. Money and perfume are always the best gifts. :) Complete the sentence: "I could not live without ___" Bacon. What's your best trait? Hrmm... that's a tough one. There's so many to choose from! LOL. I'll go with my sense of humor/sarcasm. If you were granted a free trip to any destination, who on EM would you bring and where would you go? I would bring Peta to the heavenly Kingdom of God so that he can finally meet his Father and creator the God Almighty Any shoutouts?

Around the World with EpicMafia!

Thank you to LaurieRose for submitting these pics from Seattle, Washington, USA!

View from the Metropolis in Tacoma:

Pike Place:

Also, thank you to HighSpace who sent these in from Montreal, Canada:

Think you know the Mystery Member? Post in the comments!

The Mentor Report

By Heisenberg
Previously on the Mentor Report, A tikur formed an all girl alliance now called the "flower power bitches" with runwithfire, beccaecca, Fruitoftheloom, LaurieRose, and Ucklar. Heisenberg and soda17 were on the opposite end of the spectrum and formed an all guy straggler alliance consisting of Dogma, godofdarkness, projectmatt, and Giga. Leaving the two hot heads, MafiaGod and Arc bell, by themselves. After the first tribal council was over, it was revealed that projectmatt has flipped on the straggler alliance, and is now with the flower power bitches. 13 Mentors remain, only 1 can win in the end, who will it be? Let's find out! Immediately returning back to camp, Heisenberg and soda17 go u p to projectmatt and ask him why he flipped. projectmatt refuses to answer them or look them in the eye. This infuriates them to the bone. Neither can understand why he would go with an all girl alliance because they are going to drop him off as soon as the rest of the guys are taken out. projectmatt proceeds to ignore what they are saying, and heads over to the flower power bitches to laugh and giggle abou t cooking and cleaning. Meanwhile, Arcbell is completely beside himself knowing he is absolutely by himself. He calls for a tribe pow wow next to the fire. Everyone huddles closely to get warmth and to pre pare for the little show Arc bell is about to put on for them. Arcbell starts off by saying how he self declares himself the new leader of the tri be. He goes on about him being the hero this tribe needs, bu t not the one it deserves - and other garbage of the sort. After abou t 3 hours of chanting, Arcbell closes his speech by saying from now on everyone will report to him before they make any kind of decision. The grou p as a whole do not like this one bit. A tikur and her flower power bitches decide to overthrow A rcbell once and for all. One by one, they pick up stones and begin to throw them at Arcbell. As Arcbell is crying and screaming for them to stop, they begin to throw them at him faster and harder. This continues into the night, until finally, his screams are no more. Arcbell is the second person voted off the tribe. Dog ma, godofdarkness, and Giga go looking for coconuts in the jungle, once they get out far enough where no one can hear them, they begin talking about how they are obviously the characters no one cares abou t on this show right now. Giga tries to make an argument that people care about him because he won the first challenge and he makes big deals abou t himself leaving and then coming back. But both Dogma and godofdarkness quickly shut down his ego stroking by telling him that no one cares. On their way back to camp, they see two suspicious figures behind the bushes by themselves. They slowly creep up to the bu shes to see who it is, and to their surprise, they find Heisenberg and runwithfire rol ling in the hay. Heisenberg quickly tries to explain that they were just warming the new hay u p for the fire, and that two provides more friction than one. But it's too late. Dogma, godofdarkness, and Giga immediately run off to the others to tell them what they witnessed. Atikur and soda17 are the two who are most u pset about this occurrence. Atikur feels threatened by Heisenberg that he is infiltrating her flower power bitches alliance. And soda17 doesn't trust Heisenberg to remain loyal to him for the entire portion of this game. Heisenberg tries explaining to soda17 that he is u sing runwithfire as leverage to get information on the flower power bitches. soda17 seems ske ptical, but decides to give Heisenberg the benefit of the dou bt for now. runwithfire on the other hand is not so lucky, Atikur and the rest of her flower power bitches are absolutely disgusted with runwithfire for warming up the hay with the enemy. Wrapping up this week's report, the mentors compete in their second immunity challenge. This one is teaching their mentees how to properly "NL" in the Best Reverse Mafia setu p. It was definitely a struggle, bu t eventually the mentees learned how to swiftly NL and end those reverse mafia games faster than brownpimp's sex. In the end, Ucklar won the challenge with a close 20 point lead over everyone else. Going into tribal council, runwithfire is afraid that it will be her leaving knowing that her alliance is not happy with her. She goes to Heisenberg for help, but he re plies "sorry babe, but your sandwiches just weren't good enough." With that, runwithfire is the third person voted off the tribe in a unanimous 11-1 vote. 11 votes being on runwithfire, the 1 vote being on Heisenberg out of spite from her.

Well that's all for this week's edition of The Mentor Report, tune in next time to find out what happens in week number 3!

Role Review of Mistletoe



For a quick overview, this role made by Logan is third-party, meaning it wins alone on its own. It acts as fool, as well, receiving less points for siding with the town. Each night the mistletoe picks two players to fall in love. If the two players are the same alignment (i.e. town-town, mafia-mafia) they will fall in love and be alerted to the fact, just as the lover mechanic works. If the mistletoe gets hooked, he becomes converted to a vanilla mafia 2. Overall, great role. Definitely a good choice for the Christmas season and I think it is something everyone would enjoy. It would undoubtedly thrive in the sandbox, whether in the mass mess games of closed roles, or in games with people testing the mechanics. 3. From a competitive standpoint, this is indeed and interesting role. I see it as a chef/lover/3rd party mix and it is definitely appealing. The town-siding option is quite curious as well, because, when the mistletoe matches a town and a mafia, if he chooses to town-side, he can out this to the town, narrowing the mafia down to two players. I also like the rarely-experienced love it brings to the EM community, something much needed these days. I look forward to trying this out in future games, of course if lucid creates it.

EM Tactics: How to be a spy in Spy n Cry

Welcome to the comp lobby. Youve come here and want to win a trophy. Now what? Its time to learn the tactics. This week, we asked our mafia expert YOLO to tell how to be a spy in the popular comp setup Spy n Cry! Thank you, YOLO! Now, here are his tips! Firstly, DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, contact any town roles with your messages. The spys function is to find his mafia partner on day 1. Turn off your bubble when you send your message and organize some sort of subtle sign for your mafia partner to show his identity. This simply gives the town information to find you. If someone is bubbling when your message is sent, they are confirmed non spy, or if you mysteriously dont talk during the time you send the messages, you are much scummier. Secondly, you need to IMMEDIATELY find the town PRs, importantly the governor. Try to recognize people genuinely being pro-town and trying to find mafia (as opposed to people clusterfucking and leading random meta lynches on people), otherwise the governor is most often the one lurking and sheeping. The town crier on the other hand, is incredibly easy to find, despite the numerous efforts made by players to hide his identity. Those who seem to show little interest in what the crier has to say most often are the crier themselves. People who make crier lines are usually non-criers as well. And, naturally, those bubbling when the crier speaks are non-crier. Use this information to find the PRs. Finally, and most importantly, TOWNTELL, for the love of god

Comp Lobby Scouting Report

By Eatos

Did someone scream encore? Round 109 proved to be just as unforgettable as the round before. With runners throwing against each other and overall mediocre play, we concluded Day 10 with 10 players in trophy range. One by one, the runners choked and raised some curious questions to how they ever made it to the top of the scoreboard. There were surprisingly little number of cheating allegations this round, which I personally attribute to the fact that everyone is cheating. In the end, here are your trophy winners for Round 109: Gold: Shacky After a break from competitive, LetzShake has returned to trophy running in the recent rounds. As if it isnt ridiculous enough that he is referred to as Shacky, he literally makes an account named Shacky. However, with his pretentious manner and egotistical personality, he is the paragon of a trophy winner. After a silver in Round 95 and a bronze in Round 77, he finally takes home the gold. As his trophy progression demonstrates, the competitive lobby is getting worse and worse, because Shacky sure hasnt gotten any better. Silver: chooksy The only times I have ever seen chooksy play, hes absolutely horrible. Through caps spamming, shitty AtE and other bizarre methods, he managed to stay near the top of the scoreboard before sniping the silver by speed gaming in the final hour of the competition. The only remotely beneficial aspect to this silver is that bad players will continue to keep hope that one day they will be able to trophy too. Bronze: bernin Having played half decently in the recent rounds, bernin finally broke through and came away with a trophy this time around. Along with fellow family member chooksy, they combine for silver and bronze. His calm demeanor and frequently random reads will likely doom him as a lucky bronze winner and nothing more. His avatar casts a cautious warning to us all, do not feed the bernin.

Riddles, Riddles, Riddles!

By MonsterMess

1. The more you make the more you leave behind. 2. A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, and I'm the torment of man.

Answers to last issues riddles were: 1. He was sleeping on the job! 2. Bell 3. Scent, cent, and sent Find the hidden objects! A bunch of EM role icons are hidden throughout this news edition. First person to post the correct number wins! (FYI, Comics dont count!)

Christmas in EpicMafia! Comic Corner

By MeIody with thanks To Pranay

By Melody

Reasons People Suicide(For no reason)

Last Weeks Poll Results:

In-forum News or Linked News? 11 votes (19.3%) for In-Forum News 46 votes (80.7%) for Linked News

Thank you so much for reading this edition of EpicMafia News! Please vote in our poll and comment in the thread.

-EpicMafia News Staff P.S. dont make me do this ever again, epicmafia:

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