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I haven't done much today just thinking about what do i have to do next with my life so that things be easier

for us and for our kids. I didn't succeed to

t a! " answers because i denied thinking that

much about th# now. $% by now we have two kids and we rea!y &end lots of time 'laying

with them and leave them to (nd their o)

real valu%. $ou are that warm 'erson that mak% me be a be*er 'erson + your

ama,ing smile eras% a! my wee's+ my thoughts and

tears when things go wrong. I see myself that sim'le as that 'oor indian 'eo'le i met in India that use to smile no ma*er what to lif-

.o why am i w/ting you today # because i feel that i 0ould be

thankful for a! that you have done du/ng a! th# time with a! that ex#tence 'ut you on your way. I want to thank you for your

'atience+ for your tolerance and a! those ha1y moments you 'lanted

in my lif- 2or taking care of yourself and of me in " same time+ and for a! those moments when you dealt and confronted with


those hard ex'e/enc%. I thank you for being a war/or+ a

bitch+ a mother+ a wife+ a f/end and a cruel enemy when i cheated

your ex'ectanci%..thank you for being so im'erfect as me+ so human as m-

$ou were to good to me even if i didn't d%erve it+i thank you for

being as you ar-

I love " way you 'lay with my hair every morning+ how you s3ue4e

under " blanket united to my body when it # cold. I love " way you are mad on me and don't &eak for half an hour+ how you try to seduce me every time you feel bad a5er doing something si!y. I love the way you wa0 my back and my ch%t when we make 0ower to

for yourself.

ther. I love that you sing when cleaning " house+ or dance just

I love waking u' and having " breakfast on my bed with thousands of k#s% from you. I love when we take a walk without &eaking at a! just holding our hands. I love you when you hate me+ when you car%s me and when we make 'lans to

ther. I love every single moment

close to you. I love you as you ar- 6ank you 7x#tence for as 0e #.

are there somewhere waiting for

Is 89 december 8:;8 sti! in <a=id+ raining but i feel that you

you yet but i know you ex#t as i do for you.

me as i do wait for you every single day of my lif- I haven't found

6anks to my unkno) beloved by 82ac

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