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Introduction about diamonds.

How are diamonds born naturally and artificially ?


Natural diamond.
1. 2. 3. Initial conditions. Crystallization. Surface evolution.


Synthetic diamond.
1. Principle. 2. Imitation.


Sociological and economical impact.



Projet danglais STU Anne 2001-2002


DEUG STU 2me anne

Summary :

Carbon crystallizes in the cubic system, it generally contains some nitrgen and bore traces. The chimical composition of the diamond is simply made of carbon pure. Diamond is the hardest material on earth (according to the Mohs scale : 10/10) and its impossible to make stripes on it. This octaedric cristal is very searched and has such a successful reputation. That it stands for the symbol of beauty and of riches. Man dig everywhere all around the world (south africa, australian, bresilia, india) in very basic magmatic rocks such as kimberlit rocks and in the alluvium. This is why diamonds, have a very big renowm on the one hand in jewellers shop, on the other, in industry. In this report, we will try to understand how and where this fabulous mineral is created.


Diamond is the most searched of all the precious stones because it is the hardest substance. In value, it surpasses Ruby, Sapphir and Emerald. The biggest diamond found in the world weighs 3106 carats (or 620gr) ; this stone has therefore a priceless value Nevertheless, it has an industrial interest. We must know that only 20 % of diamonds are cut and the rest is used for an industrial purpose (hacksaw, abrasive). However, it simply concerns crystallized carbon. This is why man have tried to synthetise them. Gradually, they got closer to the real constitution of diamond. It will be interesting to know how diamond naturally and artificially born, and the consequent economical stake.


Natural diamond.
1) Initial conditions.

Diamond crystallize in the cubic system and they are majoritarly found under the octaedric form. In order to crystallize carbon, we must have temperatures around 1500c and pressures near 50-60 kbars ! This extreme conditions can be discovered in the superficial leayers of the mantel, that is to say between 150-200 km of deepth. As the eclogitic diamond are a let more common. We will focus our study on this type of diamond, that has always been found out near the subduction areas. Before all, what is the particularity of this zone, that give birth to diamond ?

2) The crystallization.
The oceanic plaque, which contain basalte and sediment (riches in organic material), bury under the lithosphere entel 660 km. Temperature and pressure increase and the basalt is transformed in eclogitic rock. For this transformation, the basalt needs to reach a temperatur between 1100 and 1600c, or between 150 and 200 km of deepth. But we found this eclogit included in diamonds. Thus, the diamonds Formation is linked with the responsible processus of the basalt transformation. Diamonds are caracterised by free development of his cristallographic side. Diamonds growth is there-for related to a fluid. With the depth, the slab warms up and is deshydrated. As soon as basalt transformes, the material (from the oceanic material) meets fluid riches in water and CO2 (from the organic material). If it encounters a silicate area, it is very likely that the diamond crystallizes. This fluid rises in the mantel and stabilizes at 1600c and 60 kbars. If these conditions are respected diamonds organize their carbon atoms. Because of the great pressure, they will be organized in a cubic octaedric form, that will have to be very compact. The growth of this diamond depends on its cooling down. Firsly, the diamond cools down while it is getting away from the magma and crystallizes in the eclogitic rock. Secondly, with the accumulation on the sides of the mantel, the eclogics leayer collapses and are brought to the stop of the subduction zone. As the eclogitic rock( is metamorphosed to resist such temperatures in that depth), it will preserve the initial state of the diamond.

But how come on the surface ?

3) Surface evolution.
At 660 km, is also created the kimberlitic magma. They have an essential role in the rise of the diamond to the surface. Indeed, the kimberlitic magma is lighter than its gluing environnement, begins a mouvement to the surface (thanks to a strong convection flow). The eclogitic rock stocked in this area, are brought with this mouvement to the surface. Here, none diamonds have ever crystallized in the kimberlit, as it is just a vehicle. Often in mouvement under the cratons, the kimberlitic mass hurts the weakest areas. It creates a gap and penetrates the craton. At 3 km below the surface, the kimberlitic mass explodes, provocating a violent decrease of temperature. This is why diamonds are not transformed in graphite. Lastly, the magma comes at the surface and made some outflows. After an alteration process, we can found the diamond near the river which drain the volcanic slope.

We have seen how do diamond born under the ground, but how human have tried to build them ?


Synthetic diamond
1) Principle.

The controlled carbon crystallization supposes that the diamond needs a simultaneous realisation, during a periode of time that is long enough that fits into 3 parameters, in order to be in the stable zone of the diamond : Pressures : It needs 50-80 kbars. This high pressures are obtained with a machine called belts. Temperatures : It requires 1500-2000c. These high temperatures are obtained with electric current or by a chimical reaction. The accelerator of reaction : It is necessary for promoted this crystallization. We use chemical element promoted like : iron, nickel, cobalt

As soon as the diamond crystallizes, it must be cooled down near the ambient temperature before decrease the pressure (to prevent the graphit from transformation). The crystal that can be obtained are very many, but small (0.2mm). To obtain big crystals, we must control precisely all these factors and particularly the decrease of the pressures ; in other words the half of the XX century.

2) Imitation.
Since 1831, there had been a lot of technical imitations like the verneuil process, the YAG, methode par tirage. With this process, we can obtain the same form, the same luminosity, and hardness of 8. They are more and more similar to the real constitution of the diamond. And nowadays they are used in jewellers shop and to cut some rejoint of the most important diamond as the Hope Diamond (50 carats).

III- Sociological and economical impact.

The search of cheap material can be fulfilled by their cut, their colors, and their purity, which led to the fabrication of the artifial stone. The real diamond are more and more difficult to identify as the new processes are sophisticated. This is why it is necessary to keep the synthetic diamonds trade-name. Even it artificial diamond are on the market, this synthetic diamond is still part of the experimental field, because of its high price in order to obtain a small 1 carat specimen. On the contrary, for the saphyr or the Emerald, the synthetic stone market is very interresting. But consequently like in south america or in Africa. Will it be the same for diamond soon ?


Today, there are as many hypotheses on the diamond forming than there are on the methodes for its artificial creation. They all turn around a high pressure, a high temperature and slow and gradual cool down. Even if the natural diamonds market is relatively protected, buyers are very distrustful and septical facing an interesting offer. It is high time for scientists to have made a real identify card of the diamond in order to legitimize their authenticity.

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