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Vrei s obinei jobul mult visat sau s ocupai o poziie avantajoas n cadrul companiei? Suntei deja manager i vrei s v descurcai excelent n relaiile cu cei mai dificili clieni sau furnizori externi? Eurocor este alturi de dumneavoastr! Avei la dispoziie cursul Engleza pentru afaceri! n mediul de afaceri nu este loc pentru interpretri! Este vital comunicarea clar i rapid a solicitrilor sau propunerilor dorite! Studiai, ncepnd chiar de astzi, limbajul relaiilor economice internaionale! nvai comod! Primii acas, la oficiul potal sau direct la birou pachetele de curs, pe care le parcurgei cnd vrei! Studiai fr stres, n confortul propriului cmin, n weekenduri, dup program, vara sau iarna... cnd i unde dorii! nvai prin ascultare! Pe lng caietele de curs avei la dispoziie CD-uri nregistrate cu vorbitori nativi. Acestea v vor ajuta s dobndii o pronunie excelent! Putei asculta lectorii englezi n timp ce desfurai alte activiti gtii, facei sport, v plimbai, n pauza de mas, cnd suntei prini n trafic... cnd vrei! Opional, studiai i cu ajutorul Dicionarului Memoplus! Exerciiile de memorare, testare i autoevaluare din aceast aplicaie pe calculator v ajut s nvai fr efort noile cuvinte. Memorai rapid sau v reamintii peste 1000 de cuvinte. Este att de simplu, ca un joc! Studiul devine o form de relaxare! V vei bucura de o atenie deosebit! Beneficiai de sprijinul unui profesor personal, un specialist cu experien, care poate fi contactat prin coresponden potal sau online. Negocierile sunt ctigate de cei care i pot convinge rapid pe ceilali! Profitai acum de ansa de a intra n rndul profesionitilor care vorbesc fluent limba englez! Construii-v un viitor mai bun! Mult succes! LECIA DEMONSTRATIV v ajut s v familiarizai cu materialele de studiu EUROCOR. Din punctul de vedere al numrului de pagini, aceasta reprezint mai puin de jumtate din coninutul unui caiet de curs. V prezentm cteva seciuni teoretice, exemple, exerciii i un model de tem, selectate din diverse lecii, pentru a vedea exact cum sunt structurate caietele. Lectur plcut!




Studiul eficient al cursului nostru este garantat de structura unitar a celor 12 caiete de curs (fiecare avnd cte 2 lecii). Informaiile noi sunt prezentate ntr-un mod atractiv, iar procesul de memorare devine simplu i rapid! Caietele se parcurg uor, ntr-un mod relaxat, datorit semnelor grafice special concepute pentru a marca diverse componente ale leciilor. Scenariile unor situaii uzuale v ajut s v perfecionai uor vocabularul. V autoverificai imediat cu ajutorul filtrului rou. Textul scris cu rou se acoper cu filtrul din plastic. Dup rezolvarea exerciiilor propuse, comparai rezultatele dvs. cu textul corect. nregistrrile cu vorbitori nativi disponibile pe CD-urile aferente caietelor de curs v vor facilita nvarea pronuniei corecte.


La Eurocor, cursanii aleg unde s primeasc pachetul de curs! Dvs. ce alegei? 1. Acas, la cutia potal (Cutia potal trebuie s aib dimensiunile de minimum 22x30x1 cm.). 2. La serviciu. 3. La oficiul potal de care aparinei (Adresa declarat la nscriere trebuie s fie cea din buletin).


Fiecare cursant are propriul cont pe site-ul Aici gsii informaii despre stadiul trimiterii pachetelor de curs, plile efectuate i nregistrate sau calificativele obinute la temele pentru acas. Din contul de cursant se pot accesa i aplicaiile TemeOnline sau PlataOnline.
ABSOLVIREA Odat cu expedierea ultimului pachet de curs prin coresponden, vei

primi i testul de evaluare final. Calificativele obinute pot fi: foarte bine, bine i insuficient (n funcie de punctajul realizat). Odat promovat acest test, vei obine Certificatul de absolvire Eurocor. Opional, dup absolvirea acestui curs, putei participa la un scurt program de pregtire fa-n fa, de cteva zile, n urma cruia putei obine Certificatul de absolvire emis mpreun cu Ministerul Muncii i Ministerul Educaiei. Tradus i apostilat, acesta este recunoscut n peste 60 de ri, semnatare ale Conveniei de la Haga.



Programa cursului Englez pentru afaceri

Leciile 1-2: Engleza pentru birou Vocabular: conversaiile telefonice uzuale, poziiile manageriale n cadrul unei companii; Abiliti de comunicare: formule utilizate ntr-o conversaie telefonic, solicitarea/ oferirea informaiilor la telefon, stabilirea ntlnirilor de afaceri. Leciile 3-4: Recrutarea personalului Vocabular: anunuri privind oferte de serviciu, scrisoarea de intenie, CV-ul, interviul de angajare, contractul de munc, descrierea postului; Abiliti de comunicare: redactarea scrisorilor de intenie i a CV-urilor, conversaiile telefonice, prezentarea, formule de salut, solicitarea/oferirea informaiilor n cadrul unui interviu. Leciile 5-6: Tipuri de companii Vocabular: forme de ntreprinderi, tipuri de activiti, strategii n activitatea unei companii, contacte cu parteneri/companii strine, prezentarea companiei; Abiliti de comunicare: exprimarea obligaiei/ probabilitii/permisiunii/necesitii/ ndoielii, solicitarea/oferirea informaiilor despre o companie. Leciile 7-8: Relaiile cu clienii i furnizorii Vocabular: cererea de ofert, cotaii, oferte, comenzi; Abiliti de comunicare: formule folosite n introducerea/ncheierea unei scrisori comerciale, solicitarea/oferirea listei de preuri, a cataloagelor de prezentare sau a mostrelor, sugerarea termenilor de plat, realizarea comenzilor, refuzul ofertelor. Leciile 9-10: Negocierile Vocabular: negocierile, termenii contractelor: termeni de plat, reduceri de pre, condiii de livrare; Abiliti de comunicare: realizarea atmosferei de afaceri, schimbul de informaii ntr-o negociere, sugestii i stabilirea concluziilor n cadrul negocierilor. Leciile 11-12: Reclamaiile Vocabular: ntocmirea reclamaiilor, soluionarea reclamaiilor; Abiliti de comunicare: formule folosite n redactarea reclamaiilor i a rspunsurilor la reclamaii, explicarea problemei, sugerarea soluiilor, acceptul/refuzul unei soluii, responsabiliti, contrasoluii, modaliti de penalizare, pstrarea bunelor relaii de afaceri. Leciile 13-14: Plile Vocabular: facturi, cecuri, depozite bancare, condiii de plat; Abiliti de comunicare: modaliti de plat, formulri specifice pentru expri marea condiiilor de plat, redactarea avizelor de plat i a scrisorilor de solicitare a achitrii plii, solicitarea/acceptul/refuzul acordrii unui credit bancar. Leciile 15-16: Managementul companiei Vocabular: planul de afaceri, organizarea edinelor n cadrul companiei, procesul verbal al edinelor, tipuri de conversaii cu personalul (managementul resurselor umane): conversaii despre aspectele negative ale activitii, evaluarea personalului, negocieri salariale; Abiliti de comunicare: stabilirea prioritilor, descrierea evoluiei activitii folosind reprezentri grafice.



Leciile 21-22: Finane Vocabular: prezentarea rezultatelor financiare ale unei companii, relaiile firmei cu banca (negocieri cu banca); Abiliti de comunicare: prezentarea/ explicarea situaiei financiare/economice a companiei n faa bncii, formule utilizate n negocierile privind obinerea unui credit.

Leciile 17-18: Marketing i publicitate Vocabular: analize de marketing (4P, SWOT, AIDA), reclame, cercetri de pia, principiile publicitii; Abiliti de comunicare: prezentarea planurilor, inteniilor, luarea n considerare a posibilitilor i probabilitilor, formule pentru scrisori de marketing, chestionare adresate clienilor. Leciile 19-20: Export i import Vocabular: condiii i documente de transport i asigurare, negocieri, pli, reclamaii adresate companiilor de asigurri (pagube nregistrate, solicitarea despgubirilor); Abiliti de comunicare: solicitarea/oferirea informaiilor despre livrarea, expedierea i transportul mrfii, tipuri de asigurare i transport, formule de redactare a scrisorilor adresate companiilor de asigurri, exprimarea cauzei/inteniei/scopului.

Leciile 23-24: Relaiile firmei cu mediul exterior Vocabular: imaginea companiei n mass media, comunicate i conferine de pres; Abiliti de comunicare: interpretarea informaiilor despre companii din articole de pres sau tiri radio (fuziuni, falimente), analiza factorilor economici, sociali i politici i influena lor asupra imaginii companiei, exprimarea reformulrii/ exemplificrii/similaritilor/condiiilor i ipotezelor.






~n urm\torul dialog, directorul general [i directorul executiv al unei fabrici nou `nfiin]ate discut\ `n cadrul unei [edin]e despre posibilitatea angaj\rii unor noi persoane `n diverse departamente: General director Our factory grows larger and larger every month. I do enjoy watching this, but Id be much happier if I knew that we had enough young managers with drive and initiative. Thats true, but some of them have no university degree. I didnt say that! Executive director I think our staff is very competitive and we wont need any new people for the next year or two. As you know, they went through management training only three months ago. Do you think their factory operation knowledge is not good enough? I hope you will agree that we need a personnel manager. Do you think we should have one? So, lets start with the personnel manager. Lets find a man with a university degree in Economics.

Leciile ncep cu un dialog sau un text sugestiv.

You know well that I have done all the recruitment together with my secretary so far. We ought to have a personnel manager, because I dont have time to do this work in the future. Why not a woman? I prefer women for personnel recruitment. They usually have better communication skills. Its not easy to find a good personnel manager these days. Do you mean a company car and so on? Thats too expensive!

O.K.! Lets employ a woman or a man, preferably with experience in personnel management. It will be easy if we offer a competitive remuneration package. Nothings too expensive if we want to grow larger. A good personnel manager means a very good staff. He or she can show people interesting career prospects and make them work better. It is worth a good salary and a company car. and an experienced chief accountant.

As you know, we are going to change our technology this year. We will need a factory manager and some new workers. Youre right. But this will take several weeks. What we should do is to start with a good recruitment system. Yes.

Do you agree to start by employing a new personnel manager? Im glad you do. Ill take care of that.

(selecie din Lecia 3, pagina 1)



lec]ia 3

Engleza pentru afaceri

Citi]i cu aten]ie urm\toarele cuvinte noi [i ncerca]i s\ re]ine]i pronun]ia lor corect\: factory manager university degree technology > fEkt\ri mEnidj\r > iuniv\rsiti digri: > teknol\dji > Ek\nomiks > prefr\bli > mEnidjm\nt > nolidj > rimiun\rei[\n pEkidj > kamp\ni ka

director de fabric\ diplom\ universitar\, grad universitar tehnologie economie de preferat conducere, management cunoa[tere, cuno[tin]\ pachet de remunerare ma[in\ de serviciu perspective de carier\ manager al departamentului de personal recrutare, selec]ie (a personalului) contabil [ef (grup de) angaja]i, personal sistem

Cuvintele i expresiile noi sunt evideniate cu ajutorul unui semn distinct.

Economics preferably desirable management knowledge information remuneration package company car career prospects personnel manager recruitment selection chief accountant staff employees, personnel system organization

> k\ri\ prospekts


> p\rs\nel mEnidj\r > rikrutm\nt > t[if \kaunt\nt > sta:f > sist\m

Pentru a verifica dac\ a]i re]inut cuvintele noi, traduce]i dialogul anterior `n limba romn\; folosi]i filtrul ro[u: Gen. dir.: Our factory grows larger and larger every month. I do enjoy watching that, but Id be much happier if I knew that we had enough young managers with drive and initiative. Exec. dir.: I think our staff is very competitive and we wont need any new people for the next year or two. As you know, they went through management training only three months ago. >Dir. gen.: Fabrica noastr\ devine cu fiecare lun\ din ce `n ce mai mare. Observ cu mare pl\cere acest lucru, dar a[ fi mult mai fericit dac\ a[ [ti c\ avem suficien]i manageri tineri, energici [i cu ini]iativ\. >Dir. exec.: Cred c\ angaja]ii no[tri sunt foarte competitivi [i nu vom avea nevoie de oameni noi pentru un an sau doi de acum nainte. Dup\ cum [ti]i, ei au urmat un curs de perfec]ionare n management n urm\ cu doar trei luni. >D.g.: Este adev\rat, dar c]iva dintre ei nu au o diplom\ universitar\. >D.e.: Crede]i c\ nu sunt suficient de bune cuno[tin]ele lor despre activitatea fabricii? >D.g.: Nu am spus acest lucru!

G.d.: Thats true, but some of them have no university degree. E.d.: Do you think their factory operation knowledge is not good enough? G.d.: I didnt say that!

(selecie din Lecia 3, pagina 2)



Engleza pentru afaceri

Engleza pentru afaceri to meet a deadline feature

lec]ia 17 >tu mi:t \ dedlain >fi:t[\r >brEnd neim >pEkidjin(g) >fain\laizd t[Ept\r >kli\r distribiu:[\n sist\m >trEnspo: t f\silitiz

3 a respecta un termen fixat (pentru o lucrare) caracteristic\, particularitate marc\ ambalaj capitol `ncheiat/aspect finalizat sistem clar de distribu]ie facilit\]i de transport loca]ie, amplasament, situare puncte de vnzare/desfacere publicitate vnzare direct\ (`n mod) sincer, cinstit a lucra sub presiune

nd pictures of the pro-

O sgeat dubl introduce sinonime ay make customers ale cuvintelor t we cant attack your i expresiilor prezentate n vocabularul leciilor.

Crane. Confidentiality ple of our agency.

characteristic, attribute
brand name trademark packaging finalised chapter clear distribution system transport facilities location place, position, situation points of sale

point, but we have to ciple of fair competi-

>l\ukei[\n >points \v seil >pablisiti >p\:rs\n\l selin(g) >onistli >tu u\:rk and\r pre[\r

our potential clients suspicious. Advertisers help producers, well, e do should not destroy fidence in advertising. ur own idea for these or will you leave it

personal selling honestly


to work under pressure

At the same time, you we cant go too far with ment. As advertisers, aithful both to you and e cant afford to deceive besides, our ads have d legal. Putting all this ay understand that its k in advertising.

Aranja]i replicile urm\toare `n ordinea corect\ astfel `nct s\ reconstrui]i prima parte a dialogului; pentru verificare, folosi]i filtrul ro[u: >5 Its good we know that. However, we cant afford to lower the price to the level consumers expect. We have to make it a little bit lower so as to be attractive for them but profitable enough for us. It will be lucky indeed if we prepare its launch carefully. I suppose you have finished the market research, havent you? Yes. We have collected enough information. Most of it has already been analysed and we have determined the size of the potential market. As market segmentation shows, there is a large group of consumers looking for new types of cassette decks. They have almost unanimously complained that famous manufacturers as Nakamichi, Tandberg and Revox overprice their products. So, its clear, theyre looking for products at reasonable affordable prices. Yes, thats exactly what we need. It seems that our NV5 deck was born on a lucky day. Absolutely. At least, for the beginning. Later on, as demand increases, the price may go up slightly and be maintained at an acceptable high level to make it more profitable than other products of ours. Meanwhile, the sales people will maintain a permanent contact with customers trying to find out their reactions to the new deck. As you know, cassette decks are again in demand as the music industry is working hard to stop Internet-MP3 trading and all forms of digital copying.

eek. Good bye,



cerea lor `n limba romn\:

ampanie publicitar\

anale (de promovare, eclam\) >2 >6

oftim?; Ce a]i spus?


n plus, pe lng\ (acestea) >1

eclame audio [i tip\rite

(selecie din Lecia 17, pagina 3)



16 Compania noastr\ de asigur\ri ns\[i a reglementat contul, a[a nct ne putem rennoi stocul [i pl\ti furnizorii. A]i stabilit singuri ace[ti termeni de plat\.

lec]ia 13

Engleza pentru afaceri

> Our Insurance Company itself settled the account so that we can renew our stock and pay our suppliers. > You settled yourselves these terms of payment.

n urm\toarea scrisoare, domnul Alec Mackenzie cere furnizorului s\u, domnul Cliff Merton, s\ accepte amnarea pl\]ii unei livr\ri, oferindu-i n schimb o plat\ par]ial\ a facturii. Dear Mr Merton, We regret we were unable to send you a cheque to settle our account for the last quarter. The docks strike which has been going on for the past six weeks has made it impossible to ship our products, as our customers have not been able to clear our suppliers accounts yet. We will try to clear your invoice within the next few weeks. Meanwhile, the enclosed cheque for USD 200.00 is part payment on account. Yours sincerely, Alec Mackenzie

Un simbol special marcheaz modele de scrisori de afaceri.

n cazul n care domnul Merton este de acord cu cererea domnului Mackenzie, va ntocmi urm\toarea scrisoare: Dear Mr Mackenzie, Thank you for your letter concerning the balance on your account. I sympathise with the problem you have had and I am willing to extend the credit for another six weeks. Would you please confirm that the credit will be settled then? Yours sincerely, Cliff Merton

Iat\ [i r\spunsul domnului Merton n cazul n care refuz\ cererea care i-a fost adresat\: Dear Mr Mackenzie, Thank you for your letter explaining why you cannot clear your account for USD 200.00. I certainly appreciate your difficulty but we ourselves have to pay our own suppliers and, therefore, must insist on payment within the next ten days. We look forward to receiving your remittance. Yours sincerely, Cliff Merton

(selecie din Lecia 13, pagina 16)



Engleza pentru afaceri

lec]ia 23




~n una dintre cele mai citite reviste economice din Statele Unite ale Americii a ap\rut urm\ torul articol referitor la situa]ia economic\ dificil\ `n care se afl\ renumita firm\ de desfacere de confec]ii ROYAL Ltd.: Possible bankruptcy? Royal Company faces uncertain future On Wednesday, Royal Ltd. will announce its annual results for this year. Once again, profits are expected to be low. Royal built its first store in 1967. It now owns ten stores in the western region of the United States. All the stores are on prime sites in the high streets of major cities. The companys head office is in San Francisco. Recently, Royals performance has been disappointing. Today, Royals share price fall under $ 7 in anticipation of the results. Two or three years ago, the share price stood at $ 10 and pre-tax profits had fallen to $ 8.3m on a turnover of $ 225m. Similarly, profits are expected to be down yet again this year. The companys profits are expected to be around $ 6m. One of the companys biggest problems is that it lacks a clear image. Some of their customers seem to prefer other stores to the Royals. Royal is facing fierce competition from Lenson and Dox Brothers. Another of Royals disadvantages is that its merchandise does not particularly appeal to younger buyers. And we think that rising costs have been the main cause of Royals low profits. Also, in an important economic broadcast, a famous economist said that a lot of companies were conservative and not used to showing social responsibility, that means to protect the environment, to offer work opportunities and appropriate sales per employee etc. and he mentioned Royal Ltd among other companies as an illustration. In contrast, the competitors marketing is more aggressive and effective. They often cut prices and even offer goods at give-away prices to get people into their stores. Their stores attract people of all ages and from all income groups. Their image make us think of profitable organizations. Moreover, they advertise heavily in local newspapers and television. Their share price stands at almost $ 12 their highest rating this year. In order to compete more effectively, Royal changed its business strategy about eighteen months ago. First, it rented space to other firms on a concessionary basis. Unfortunately, this strategy has not been too successful. Several firms that have rented space from Royal complained that their sales have fallen. Afterwards, Royals stores were redecorated. This facelift has met with mixed reactions from its customers. The layout of the stores continues to create confusion to the customers. The clients have also complained that departments are not grouped together in a logical manner. As a result, shoppers get tired looking out for the goods they want. To conclude, at present it looks very much as if Royal has lost its dynamism and sense of purpose. Investors holding shares in the company might well be advised to sell. Unless Royals management takes action soon to revive the company, then its future seems to be uncertain. Could we speak about a possible bankruptcy?

Un alt simbol indic articolele specifice massmediei cu profil economic.

(selecie din Lecia 23, pagina 1)




Engleza pentru afaceri 2. Jane Winter: Hans Hoffman: Jane Winter:

lec]ia 17


>Jane Winter speaking. Who am I speaking to, please? Hans Hoffman from Frankfurt. Good morning. >Good morning, Mr Hoffman. Nice to hear you again. How can I help you?


CONCORDAN}A TIMPURILOR (SEQUENCE OF TENSES) (I) ~n limba englez\, exist\ reguli de coresponden]\ `ntre timpul verbului din propozi]ia principal\ [i cel al verbului din propozi]ia subordonat\. V\ prezent\m `n continuare aceste reguli:

Regulile gramaticale sau de pronunie sunt prezentate sintetic n tabele.

Main Clause (Verb) I. a present tense He thinks El crede He thinks El crede He thinks El crede II. a past tense He thought El credea (that) c\ (that) c\ (that) c\ (that) c\

Subordinate Clause (Verb) any tense they have left. ei au plecat. they will leave soon. ei vor pleca `n curnd. they had left long before the neighbours coming. ei plecaser\ `nainte de sosirea vecinilor. a. Past Tense (pentru ac]iuni simultane) they were there. ei sunt/erau acolo. b. Past Perfect (cnd ac]iunea din subordonat\ este anterioar\ celei din principal\)

He thought El credea

(that) c\

they had left before noon. ei au plecat/plecaser\ `nainte de prnz. c. Future-in-the Past (cnd ac]iunea din subordonat\ este plasat\ `n viitor)

He thought El credea

(that) c\

they would come to the party. ei vor veni la petrecere.

La cea de-a doua regul\ (`n care verbul din propozi]ia principal\ este la un timp trecut), exist\ cteva excep]ii: Dup\ timpul trecut din principal\ se folose[te prezentul pentru a exprima adev\ruri universal valabile: They all knew that water boils at 100 C. The teacher explained to us that the Earth is round. > To]i [tiau c\ apa fierbe la 100 C. > Profesoara ne-a explicat c\ P\mntul este rotund.

(selecie din Lecia 17, pagina 15)





lec]ia 21

Engleza pentru afaceri

~n negocierile de afaceri se folosesc modalit\]i lingvistice speciale prin care se exprim\ acordul/ dezacordul cu cele afirmate de c\tre interlocutor, se verific\ modul de `n]elegere a celor enun] ate, se schimb\ sensul discu]iei pentru l\murirea unor aspecte sau se exprim\ compromisul vizavi de o anumit\ situa]ie. Cele mai utilizate expresii pentru exprimarea acestora sunt: AGREEING/DISAGREEING

Vei aprofunda o serie de modaliti lingvistice speciale, evideniate n seciunea SKILLS.

Why not? Yes, of course Its out of the question Yes, thats fine, it does fit with our plans Certainly/absolutely Im afraid we cannot accept. CHECKING COMPREHENSION If I follow you correctly Are you saying that Sorry, do you mean that If Im not mistaken Correct me if Im wrong, but I understood that TURN TAKING/INTERRUPTING Id like to suggest How about May I interrupt you Sorry to interrupt you If I may add COMPROMISING If you , I could We might be able to make an exception... Well, considering the situation, I think we could accept

> De ce nu? Da, bine`n]eles > Este `n afara discu]iei > Da, este bine, se potrive[te planurilor noastre > Sigur/absolut > M\ tem c\ nu putem accepta

> Dac\ v-am urm\rit cu aten]ie > Vre]i s\ spune]i c\ > ~mi pare r\u, insinua]i c\ > Dac\ nu gre[esc > Corecta]i-m\ dac\ gre[esc, dar am `n]eles c\

> V-a[ sugera > Ce spune]i despre > ~mi permit s\ v\ `ntrerup > Scuze c\ v\ `ntrerup > Dac\ a[ putea ad\uga

> Dac\ dumneavoastr\, atunci a[ putea > Am putea face o excep]ie > Ei bine, lund `n considerare situa]ia, cred c\ am putea accepta

Identifica]i func]iile corespunz\toare urm\toarelor enun]uri; folosi]i filtrul ro[u pentru verificare: Absolutely. We can offer USD 80,000 in our company shares and USD 50,000 in local government bonds as part security for the loan... Sorry to interrupt you Correct me if I am wrong, but I understood from your written request you need only USD 250,000 for this project We prefer to observe the initial conditions, but, considering the situation, we might be able to make an exception. > agreeing

> turn taking/interrupting > checking comprehension > compromising

(selecie din Lecia 21, pagina 22)





lec]ia 21

Engleza pentru afaceri

Completa]i fragmentele din partea stng\ a tabelului folosind cuvintele [i expresiile noi. Stabili]i apoi care etape ale negocierii sunt reliefate prin aceste fragmente ale dialogului anterior. Pentru verificare, folosi]i filtrul ro[u: We have an established reputation as being a top electrical goods group, with the > head office in Minnesota, USA. It has > subsidiary companies in several European countries. Weve been in business some thirty years now. At the beginning, we made only > heating and ventilation units theyre still our main product lines actually. But recently weve moved into the field of > home equipment. () Oh, yes, were not > short of customers here. () Let me say something about the companys size now. Our turnover last year was close to USD 3,500,000 and our pre-tax profits around USD 500,000. Weve got a work force of approximately 300 employees. Were expanding fast, Im happy to say. Our > growth rate in terms of turnover has been almost 10% a year Sorry to interrupt youCorrect me if I am wrong, but I understood from your written request you need only USD 250,000 for this project Considering the fact that this business will be surely very profitable, I would kindly ask you to grant us a loan of about USD 300,000. From our latest financial analyses, this is the > appropriate amount for the successful development of our business. Ive read the presentation of your company, but Id like to hear more about this, especially about the present > companys size and the plans related to the > expected sales for your new product. Now, please give us a couple of days to make sure that the business has been doing as well as you said and we will consider the matter of your loan. Well > get back to you as soon as possible. Coming back to the aspect of expected sales... You see, were planning to produce 30,000 hair-driers next year. And we expect our > output to > rise to 60,000 or even 70,000 in two or three years time. In these conditions, we need more than USD 250,000 to buy additional equipment Before I tell you > a little about our company could I first thank you for seeing us at such > short notice it was very nice of you. Please, dont mention it. Its a pleasure for us to help you. You know the reason of our coming here is given by our objective to expand our business by launching a new product. () We like a lot the idea of bringing out an entirely new model something that would be a real breakthrough, technologically speaking. > exchanging information

Exerciiile diverse din seciunea PRACTICE contribuie la fixarea noilor cunotine teoretice.

> bidding

> questioning

> settling and concluding

> options

> relationship building

> agreeing procedure/stating objectives

(selecie din Lecia 21, pagina 18)




Engleza pentru afaceri

lec]ia 17


Traduce]i `n limba englez\ urm\toarele propozi]ii; pentru verificare, folosi]i filtrul ro[u: Am fost surprin[i cnd am aflat c\ firma lui a dat faliment. Nimeni nu anticipase c\ rivalul nostru va face o schimbare att de brusc\. {eful serviciului financiar mi-a spus c\ nu ne putem permite s\ cump\r\m echipament att de scump. Ieri nu i-am cerut directorului s\ semneze scrisoarea pentru c\ se va `ntoarce din deplasare cu suficient timp `nainte de termenul pentru aceast\ lucrare. {eful Serviciului Rela]ii cu Publicul vorbea spaniola mai bine anul trecut dect o face acum. N-am [tiut c\ b\rbatul care roste[te cuvntarea este directorul general al firmei rivale. Era trziu cnd am observat c\ secretara plecase f\r\ s\-mi spun\ un cuvnt. Paznicul a spus c\ ruptura `n gard ap\ruse `n urm\ cu dou\ zile [i c\ el raportase despre asta. > We were surprised when we found out that his firm had gone bankrupt. > No one had anticipated that our competitor would make such a sudden change. > The Financial Manager told me that we couldnt afford to buy such expensive equipment. > Yesterday I did not ask the manager to sign the letter, as he will return from the business trip in enough time before the deadline for this issue. > The Head of Public Relations spoke Spanish better last year than he does now. > I didnt know that the man who is delivering the speech is the General Manager of the rival company. > It was late when I noticed that the secretary had left without saying anything to me. > The watchman said that the hole in the fence had appeared two days before and he had reported it.

V autoevaluai rapid rezolvnd exerciiile cu filtrul rou.

{eful Departamentului [tie c\ oamenii muncesc > The Head of Department knows that sus]inut la acest proiect [i, cu siguran]\, people have been working hard on this va acorda cteva stimulente. project and, for sure, he will give some incentives. Ei ne-au promis c\ ne vor `n[tiin]a `ndat\ ce transportul va p\r\si fabrica. > They promised that they would let us know as soon as the consignment left the factory.

Exprimarea posibilit\]ii/probabilit\]ii se reg\se[te frecvent `n discu]iile de marketing. V\ prezent\m `n continuare cteva modalit\]i de exprimare a posibilit\]ii/probabilit\]ii: its (quite) possible/probable Its possible that the price may increase slightly. Its quite possible/probable for them to change the strategy. >E posibil ca pre]ul s\ creasc\ u[or. >Este foarte posibil ca ei s\ schimbe strategia.

(selecie din Lecia 17, pagina 17)




pentru afaceri

Engleza pentru afaceri

lec]ia 4


ew information.

Traduce]i `n limba englez\ `ncercnd s\ g\si]i dou\ variante (prin a[ezarea diferit\ `n propozi]ie a complementului indirect): Mi-ai dat o idee nemaipomenit\. > You gave me a great idea. You gave a great idea to me. > I forgot to give him the money. I forgot to give the money to him. > He sent me ten new customers. He sent ten new customers to me. > You didnt tell me your real reason. You didnt tell your real reason to me.

moment. Am uitat s\-i dau banii.

El mi-a trimis zece clien]i noi.

mnia. Nu mi-ai spus adev\ratul t\u motiv.

~nlocui]i cuvintele cu sinonime: He has hired a lot of young people in the last three months. produc]ie [i The costs will be reduced soon. We intend to have a good recruitment system in the future. I understood that you have excellent communication abilities. He >has employed a lot of young people in the last three months. The costs will be >cut (down) soon. We intend to have a good >selection system in the future. I understood that you have excellent communication >skills.

ui de func]io-



ompetitive (paserviciu, stagiu Marea Britanie, e).

Traduce]i `n limba romn\ urm\torul anun]:

n luna octom-

CHAPMAN Ltd. NAs a result of the continuing expansion of our company, we are presently seeking

>Ca urmare a extinderii permanente a companiei noastre, c\ut\m > >Cerin]e: fluen]\ `n englez\ persoan\ adaptabil\ abilit\]i `n domeniul PC-urilor educa]ie general\ bun\
>V\ rug\m s\ trimite]i CV-ul dumneavoastr\ la: D-l Philip Robinson, Personnel Officer, Chapman Ltd. str. Cosmonau]ilor, nr. 58

umneavoastr\ ie recent\ la:

tr. Iancului, 10,

plic: Pozi]ia nr.

Requirements: fluency in English adaptable person good computer skills a good general education
Please send your Curriculum Vitae to: Mr Philip Robinson, Personnel Officer, Chapman Ltd. str. Cosmonau]ilor, nr. 58

er bags ania.


n Technology rably both

(selecie din Lecia 4, pagina 33)




Engleza pentru afaceri

lec]ia 8


Traduce]i `n limba englez\ urm\toarea ofert\: Stimate domnule Smith, V\ mul]umim pentru cererea de ofert\ din 12 ianuarie 2001. V\ oferim urm\toarele cota]ii pentru produsele noastre: Model T 142 Ts 142 T 162 T 162 Cantitate (pe an) 400.000 350.000 300.000 200.000 Pre] unitar 20.000 18.000 25.000 22.000 > Dear Mr Smith, > Thank you for your enquiry dated January the 12th, 2001. We are pleased to offer you the following quotations of our products: >Design T 142 Ts 142 T 162 Ts 162 Quantity (per year) 400,000 350,000 300,000 200,000 Unit price 20,000 18,000 25,000 22,000

Dup\ cum observa]i la o citire rapid\ a cota]iilor noastre, pre]urile difer\ `n func]ie de calitate [i m\ rime, dar suntem dispu[i s\ acord\m 3% discount pentru comenzi mai mari de 500.000 de buc\]i, pentru fiecare model. Cele de mai sus sunt pre]uri franco fabric\ [i sunt calculate pentru livr\ri anuale pl\tibile astfel: prima livrare: print-un acreditiv irevocabil urm\toarele livr\ri: 30% pl\tibili `nainte de livrare 60% pl\tibili documente contra plat\ 10% pl\tibili la 30 de zile dup\ livrare. Livrarea imediat\ este garantat\, deoarece de]inem stocuri considerabile. A[tept\m cu ner\bdare ve[ti de la dumneavoastr\.

> As you can see from a perusal reading of our quotation, the prices differ in conformity with the quality and size of the products, but we are ready to allow you 3% quantity discounts for orders larger than 500,000 units for each design. > The above-mentioned prices are ex works prices and they are calculated for annual deliveries payable as follows: first delivery: by an irrevocable letter of credit following deliveries: 30 % payable before delivery 60 % payable documents against acceptance 10 % payable 30 days after the delivery. > Immediate dispatch is guaranteed, as we hold ample stocks. > We look forward to hearing from you soon. > Yours sincerely,

Cu sinceritate, Tan Baxter, Director de vnz\ri.

> Tan Baxter > Sales Director


Traduce]i `n limba englez\ urm\toarele propozi]ii: Ne-au spus c\ domnul Heart este un partener pe care te po]i baza. Mi-a spus c\ nu [tie cnd va fi livrat\ marfa. Mi-a promis c\-mi va telefona ct de curnd. >They told us that Mr Heart is a partner you could rely on. > She told me that she didnt know when the merchandise would be delivered. > He promised me that he would call me up soon.

Exerciiile frecvente de traducere v ajut s v nsuii limbajul specific mediului de afaceri.

Mi-a spus: Nu [tiam c\ lucra]i la aceast\ firm\ > He told me, I didnt know that you have de at]ia ani. been working with this company for so many years.

(selecie din Lecia 8, pagina 33)




lec]ia 9

Engleza pentru afaceri

Reface]i urm\toarele dialoguri, recurgnd la expresii [i cuvinte din text. Verifica]i corectitudinea r\spunsurilor folosind filtrul ro[u. 1. MP: Now > lets agree on the overall procedure. SB: > Certainly. MP: My > main objective is to find out more about your > product range. SB: > Thats fine > with us. MP: > Id also like to talk about possible > price, delivery and transportation terms. 2. MP: I think > I should start by explaining our > specific needs. (...) As you know, Mrs Bray, we have an > established reputation in the UK. (...) We have > recently got an important contract > which we want to start > as soon as possible . Therefore, we have >to acquire some new equipment and to make sure that we have a > reliable supplier. SB: (...) You have > found exactly what you need, Mr Parson. Thats > what we are! A > reliable supplier.


IF CLAUSES / PROPOZI}IILE CONDI}IONALE n limba englez\ exist\ trei tipuri de propozi]ii condi]ionale. Exprimarea condi]iei prin propozi]ii subordonate se face cu respectarea unor reguli de concordan]\ a timpului, referitoare la verbul propozi]iei condi]ionale. n tabelul de mai jos, pute]i urm\ri timpul verbului din fiecare tip de propozi]ie condi]ional\ raportat la cel al propozi]iei principale. Clause Type MAIN CLAUSE FUTURE/PRESENT I (shall) buy the car IF IF CLAUSE PRESENT I have enough money. it is not very expensive. it is very expensive. PAST TENSE if if unless if I had enough money. it were not so expensive. I found another one better. we improved its quality. PAST PERFECT


if if unless


Un semn distinct indic faptul c anumite idei se leag de teme prezentate anterior. n acest caz, le regsim i n Lecia 4, la pagina 25.

CONDITIONAL PRESENT should/would + short infinitive I would buy the car

They would accept the goods III CONDITIONAL PAST should/would + have + verb (-ed; 3rd form) I would have bought the car

if if unless if

They would have accepted the goods

I had had enough money. it hadnt been so expensive. if I had bought another one that was cheaper. we had improved its quality.

(selecie din Lecia 9, pagina 6)





lec]ia 10

Engleza pentru afaceri

Recapitulrile finale prezint pe scurt aspectele cele mai importante din fiecare lecie.

1. to alter at a discount to be spread over cash against documents expertise to get a discount to involve to let someone know about penalty clause Termeni [i expresii utile `n negociere: >tu o:lt\r >Et \ diskaunt >tu bi: spred \uv\r >kE[ \geinst dokium\nts >eksp\:rti:z >tu get \ diskaunt >tu involv >tu let samuan n\u \baut >pen\lti klo:z a modifica, a schimba cu reducere a se ntinde (ca durat\) incasso documentar competen]\ deosebit\ a ob]ine o reducere a implica a informa/ n[tiin]a pe cineva de ceva clauz\ referitoare la penalizare


Participan]ii la negocieri sunt deseori pu[i `n situa]ia de a convinge partenerul s\ accepte punctul lor de vedere, de a sugera anumite idei de ac]iune sau de a sus]ine o idee sau o sugestie.

Cteva modalit\]i de realizare a acestor func]ii lingvistice sunt: PERSUADING AND CONVINCING ... have to admit that ... ... have to agree that ... Dont forget that ... Lets not forget that ... Dont you think that ... MAKING SUGGESTIONS I suggest ... Perhaps, we could ... Maybe, you should ... You might ... I think you should ... Youd better ... Why dont you ...

(selecie din Lecia 10, pagina 34)




entru afaceri ro[u: tell us, what

Engleza pentru afaceri

lec]ia 9


e would also rgent as the

ne now. Its

me trimming

La finalul fiecrui caiet avei la dispoziie i o seciune de vocabular, ce sintetizeaz cuvintele noi folosite n cele 2 lecii.

acting agent actively additional amounts advertising affiliated firm after-sales services agency contract agreed agreement attractive to be liable to be down to bear brochure catalogue chemical industry to consider Consul contribution corporation covering credit terms currently day-to-day to deal in to deal with demand depending to develop drilling equipment > Ektin(g) eidj\nt > Ektivli > \di[\nl \maunts > Edv\rtaizin(g) > \filieitid f\:rm > a:ft\ seilz s\: visiz
r r


persoan\ care ac]ioneaz\ ca agent activ sume suplimentare reclam\, anun] firm\ afiliat\ servicii post-vnzare contract de agent convenit, stabilit accept, `n]elegere atractiv a fi responsabil a fi sc\zut, a sc\dea a suporta bro[ur\ catalog industria chimic\ a lua `n considerare, a ]ine consul contribu]ie companie, corpora]ie care acoper\ termeni de creditare `n mod curent de zi cu zi, zilnic a face comer] cu

h better. You pes of excamodels, so soil and size hats a good

> eidj\nsi kantrEkt > \gri:d > \gri:m\nt > \trEktiv > tu bi: lai\b\l > tu bi: daun > to be\r > br\u[iu\r > kEt\lag > kemik\l ind\stri > tu k\nsid\

es are much

quality, high



ou dont sell other to sell

> kans\l > kantribiu[\n > korporei[\n > kav\rin(g) > kredit t\:rmz > kar\ntli > dei tu dei > tu di:l in > tu di:l iD
u z

erience as a nk we could

d in having a s, according

d, so far, we the quantity working on

n also fix the

a se ocupa cu cerere `n func]ie de a dezvolta echipament pentru foraj

> dimand > dipendin(g) > tu divel\p > drilin


p is to have

ik ipm\nt

(selecie din Lecia 6, pagina 33)




Engleza pentru afaceri

lec]ia 21


Temele, pe care le gsii att n caietele de curs, ct i n cele de exerciii, v ajut s v fixai cunotinele.


A. Traduce]i `n limba romn\ urm\toarele propozi]ii: 1. It might be a good idea to price the product at the upper end of the market. 2. Our objective is to bring out an entirely new model - something that would be a real breakthrough, technologically speaking. 3. After five hours of negotiation, we finally came to an agreement. 4. Are you saying that your growth rate in terms of turnover was almost 10% last year?


Traduce]i `n limba englez\ urm\toarele propozi]ii: 1. O posibilitate ar fi s\ contact\m o banc\ care s\ ne finan]eze investi]ia. 2. Dup\ ce l-a ascultat pe directorul financiar, ofi]erul de credite i-a promis c\ va medita `n urm\toarele zile la propunerea lui. 3. Principalul nostru obiectiv este s\ convingem banca de necesitatea acord\rii unei sume mai mari pentru acest proiect. 4. M\ tem c\ nu putem accepta acordarea `mprumutului, `n condi]iile `n care nu pute]i oferi garan]ii [i nici referin]e.


Forma]i propozi]ii prin aranjarea urm\toarelor cuvinte, respectnd regulile gramaticale privind ordinea cuvintelor `n propozi]ie: 1. one, will, new, out, drier, bring, within, we, hair, the, month (.); 2. features, the, emphasized, manager, of, the, product, marketing, the revolutionary (.); 3. will, what, officer, to, meeting, the, credit, say, this (?); 4. suggestions, immediately, making, start (!).


Formula]i `n limba englez\ cinci recomand\ri unei persoane care se prezint\ la o negociere `n vederea ob]inerii unui credit.

(selecie din Lecia 21, pagina 27)




Cea mai rspndit limb din ntreaga lume, engleza, este folosit att n companii multinaionale, ct i n firme locale, instituii publice sau diverse organizaii. Managerii, asistenii, specialitii n marketing, reprezentanii de vnzri, specialitii PR se confrunt aproape zilnic cu situaii n care au nevoie de cunotine de limba englez. n plus, scrisorile i documentele comerciale uzuale, discuiile i negocierile de afaceri presupun utilizarea unui vocabular de specialitate. Dezvoltai-v abilitile de comunicare n limba englez specifice mediului de afaceri! Cursul Eurocor ENGLEZA PENTRU AFACERI este soluia ideal pentru dumneavoastr! Construii-v un viitor mai bun, investind n educaie! Spor la studiu!

Tel. 021 33 225 33




Temele se pot rezolva pe formularele speciale inserate n caiet (dac se trimit spre corectare prin pot) sau online, n contul de cursant de pe site-ul Un profesor personal v ndrum pe toat durata studiului.


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