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The ZPoint Process

for Instant Emotional Healing

A Transformational Process

Grant Connolly, CHt

Creator & Developer of the ZPoint Process

Copyright 2006 by Grant Connolly All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reprodu ed! stored in a retrieval system! or transmitted by any means! ele troni ! me hani al! photo opying! re ording! or other"ise! "ithout "ritten permission from the author#

$hird %dition Revised & tober 2006 An Important Note: The techniques, processes, ideas and suggestions in this book are not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Any application of the techniques, processes, ideas and suggestions in this book is at the reader s sole discretion and risk. $his manual is dedi ated to the many "ho "ill use and benefit from this pro ess in the oming years# $his manual and the pro ess itself o"e mu h to the many "ho helped develop this "ork "ith no thought for personal gain# %a h of you played a part and added your gifts to the mi'# (y thanks and my profound appre iation go out to ea h one of you#

Table of Contents
)refa e#############################################################################################################################################* +ut ,t-s $oo .imple to /ork######################################################################################################* ,ntrodu tion#####################################################################################################################################6 Chapter &ne0 ,t-s All About %nergy############################################################################################### 1 Releasing ourselves from +ondage########################################################################################## 10 Releasing )atterns 2$he )ain3+ody4 ####################################################################################### 11 Chapter $"o0 $he 5)oint )ro ess################################################################################################ 1* $he 6ealing )rogram############################################################################################################### 1* 7ill in the +lanks###################################################################################################################### 16 %'er ise 3 Releasing Anger###################################################################################################### 18 Chapter $hree0 %rase the $ape 2%$$4###########################################################################################21 7o us your A"areness on an Area of Con ern######################################################################## 22 9ra" a ir le############################################################################################################################ 22 Count it do"n########################################################################################################################### 2: Che king in############################################################################################################################## 2: 7inal .teps################################################################################################################################ 2* An %'er ise ;sing %$$########################################################################################################### 2* .umming ;p %rase $he $ape################################################################################################## 2< Chapter 7our0 $he &pening $e hni=ue######################################################################################## 2> Conne ting to ?our )ersonal )o"er######################################################################################## 2> Chapter 7ive0 &ur @ives as %nergy###############################################################################################:: $he %nergy .ystem################################################################################################################## :: $he %nergy (odel####################################################################################################################:: &ur %nergy Centres##################################################################################################################:* Root hakra##########################################################################################################################:< .a ral hakra########################################################################################################################:< .olar ple'us hakra##############################################################################################################:6 6eart hakra#########################################################################################################################:6 Cro"n hakra#######################################################################################################################:8 Chapter .i'0 $he 7irst .teps to 7reedom###################################################################################### *1 %'er ises to +alan e the %nergy .ystem################################################################################# *1 Clearing the Grid######################################################################################################################*1 Clearing ;nbalan ed %nergy "ithin the +ody#########################################################################*2 Clearing Negative $hinking )atterns####################################################################################### *: %rasing the $ape on Negative thoughts####################################################################################** Clearing e )atternsB######################################################################################################## ** /hat to do if it doesnCt seem to be "orking#############################################################################*< Chapter .even0 Releasing .elf Agreements##################################################################################*8 .tatements for Releasing .elf Agreements############################################################################## *8 Chapter %ight0 6ealing )ainful Relationships############################################################################## <1 A )ersonal .tory#######################################################################################################################<1 (aking ?our @ist and Che king ,t $"i e############################################################################### <: Dennifer-s .tory######################################################################################################################## <: /orking "ith the )ro ess######################################################################################################## <*

: 6ealing @oveE6ate Relationships#############################################################################################<6 Clearing the Relationship "ith ?ourself #################################################################################<> Chapter Nine0 .et ?ourself 7ree###################################################################################################60 Clearing Criti al Foi es /ithin###############################################################################################60 Chapter $en0 Getting )ast a )ainful Childhood############################################################################6* )i k a (emory######################################################################################################################### 6< Cathy-s .tory############################################################################################################################66 Chapter %leven0 Releasing the 9aily Grind##################################################################################61 $he /orrier-s )roto ol#############################################################################################################>0 ;sing %$$ on /orry################################################################################################################>0 Releasing +ody $ension###########################################################################################################>1 Chapter $"elve0 Creating your life on purpose############################################################################>: 9eserving################################################################################################################################# >: %rasing the $ape on 9eserving################################################################################################ >: A Compulsive &vereater##########################################################################################################>> %ating for .elf3Comfort########################################################################################################### >8 ;sing 5)oint to Address a )oor +ody ,mage########################################################################## >8 Releasing 7ears around an &peration#######################################################################################81 Releasing 7ears using &pening .tatements############################################################################# 82 Chapter $hirteen0 $he Ne't .tep################################################################################################## 8> A )ersonal .tory#######################################################################################################################88 Creating A eptan e and Anti ipation#####################################################################################10 A epting the ;na eptable#####################################################################################################10 /hat /e Anti ipate################################################################################################################# 11 Additional Allo"ing .tatements############################################################################################## 1: Chapter 7ourteen0 )ulling it all $ogether##################################################################################### 1< Conventional /isdom .ays##################################################################################################### 1< /hat are you feeling N&/G####################################################################################################16 %'tending your Clearing########################################################################################################## 1> ,tCs all about you and only you################################################################################################# 1> %rasing the $ape on ?our +ad 9e isions ############################################################################# 100 Chapter 1<0 .tanding on 7resh Ground#######################################################################################10: @etting go of the +aloney#######################################################################################################10: Cons iously +urning Harma################################################################################################## 10< /hat "as , "orking onG#########################################################################################################10< And /here /ill all $his Get ?ouG #######################################################################################10> Appendi' A0 9ifferent /ays to 9o 5)oint################################################################################ 101 Fisual 5)oint##########################################################################################################################101 (irror GaIing ########################################################################################################################110 5)oint /alking ##################################################################################################################### 111 Appendi' +0 $he &riginal 5ero)oint )ro ess############################################################################ 112 $erms ;sed in the )ro ess##################################################################################################### 112 $he Clearing )ro ess##############################################################################################################11: Appendi' C0 5)oint on a )age####################################################################################################11< Appendi' 90 . ript for Creating Abundan e##############################################################################116 Appendi' 70 . ript for Creating @oving Relationships############################################################## 12*

Preface $his book "ill introdu e you to $he 5)oint )ro ess J a simple! proven te hni=ue to free yourself from the strong negative emotions and harmful life patterns that tie you to the past and limit your urrent health! "ealth and happiness# 5)oint is about making pea e "ith all the "ays that you are unhappy# ,t-s about be oming non3rea tive and pea eful# ,t-s about redis overing your Koy for life# $he purpose of my "riting this book is to tea h the basi s of 5)oint to individuals "ho "ish to transform themselves and through their e'ample! to everyone they may ome into onta t "ith# )ea e annot be legislated! it must be e'perien ed! one heart at a time# ?ou "ill learn0 ho" to use and tea h $he 5)oint )ro ess to help you and those you tea h feel rela'ed and entred under almost any ir umstan esL ho" to permanently release yourself from past failures! painful relationships! traumati memories! emotionally based physi al issues and moreL ho" to easily shift your fo us a"ay from those things you don t "ant to those things that you do! ho" to use this in redibly simple te hni=ue to lear a"ay all the "ays you "onCt allo" yourself to enKoy the in redible abundan e of love! "ealth and "ell3being that onstantly surrounds us#

But Its Too Simple to Work... $he very first thing people say "hen told about 5)oint is! A$his is "ay too simple to a tually "ork#B /e-ve all been taught by our parents and so iety in general that to be of any value! a thing must be diffi ult# ,t must take time# ?ou must suffer first# ?ou must pay your dues# @ife is hard and so on and so on# $hese are all Kust beliefs! and simply are not true# $hey may have been true before you pi ked up this book! but you are about to learn something that "ill toss these beliefs aside like a "ell "orn $3shirt# @ife is not meant to be hard# /e are not meant to suffer! although most of us do# ,t does not need to take years of traditional talk therapy to resolve seemingly insurmountable problems or issues# /hat if it really is as simple as reading a short healing program! dire ting your attention to an area of on ern and then repeating a ue "ord until you feel pea eful and rela'edG ,f you are looking for ompli ated! you "onCt find it here# ,f you e'pe t something that "ill disappoint you in the end! sorry! hate to disappoint you! but you "on-t find it here# ,f you "ant to prove! if only to yourself! that Athis energy stuffB doesn-t "ork! sorry! you "on-t find that here either#

< /hat you "ill find is that 5)oint "orks# ,t is simple# ?ou "ill feel great "hen you use it# ,t-s so easy that you an-t make a mistake# And! most importantly! your life "ill begin to hange for the better almost immediately# ?ou "ill a tually begin to take more pleasure from your relationships! from your Kob! from every part of your life# Dust keep reading and start repeating your ue "ord# .oon you-ll be "ondering "hy you didn-t start doing this years ago# ReallyM


,t is my belief that everything in life is a pro ess# 7or me! the pro ess that ulminated "ith the reation of $he 5)oint )ro ess began in the spring of 1111# At that time , "as "orking in the omputer department of .ir .andford 7leming College in my home to"n of )eterborough! &ntario! Canada# At that time , "as a very unhappy person and "as never satisfied by anything# , think ,-d been that "ay all of my life# , "as filled "ith anger! resentment! a deep disappointment "ith my life and a bottomless longing for something more that , ouldn-t define# , an re all either being up or do"n or s"inging some"here bet"een those t"o e'tremes# , an re all only a fe" times in my life to that point "here , an honestly say that , "as happy# &ne day , ame a ross a referen e to a book about a fello" "ho laimed to have a hieved C%nlightenmentC "hile serving a term in a 7lorida Kail for selling drugs# $he idea that this ould happen under su h onditions and ir umstan es intrigued me! so , immediately ordered the book# ,t "as alled #rom $nions to %earls! by .atyam Nadeen# $here "as something in that book that laid "aste to every idea! belief and herished notion that , had ever had# $hat book "as a hand grenade thro"n into a room filled "ith furniture! and the furniture "as everything , believed and held to be true# 7or some reason! the ideas in that book ompletely leared a"ay all of my old "ays of being and left me bereft and adrift# , didn-t kno" "hat to believe! "hat "as right! "hat "as "rong! "hat "as up or "hat "as do"n# , "as a ompletely empty vessel# 7or several months , "andered around ompletely oblivious to everything# , an re all spending many hours sitting on my ou h at home Kust staring off into spa e# Dust being# Gradually! , started rebuilding the furniture of my mind and my life began to make sense again# 6o"ever! nothing "as the same after that# , "as different# , had hanged# .ome months later , C han edC upon a "ebsite advertising an opportunity to be ome a Certified 6ypnotherapist# , immediately remembered "hen , "as a teenager! and the dreams , had for myself# $here "ere three things , "anted more than anything0 to "rite a book! to be ome AenlightenedB and to learn hypnosis# , read everything , ould about the latter t"o and trusted that one day , "ould "rite that book# $his is the book# , an re all buying a simple ho"3to book on hypnosis "hen , "as fourteen and setting out to hypnotiIe my friends! sometimes "ith hilarious results# ,n late 1111! , fulfilled the dream of be oming a 6ypnotherapist! "hen , be ame Certified by the National Guild of 6ypnotists# (y "ife! the handy person in our family! onverted our dining room into an offi e and , began seeing lients on a part3time basis#

> (y life ontinued to hange! often in "ays , ould not have imagined# ,t be ame in reasingly diffi ult for me to keep my mind fo used on my Kob# ,t Kust didn-t seem to fit me anymore# (ore and more! my thoughts be ame entred on be oming a full3time 6ypnotherapist# , started talking about leaving my Kob and devoting myself full time to my pra ti e# ;nfortunately! )eterborough is a relatively small pla e! and , "asn-t earning enough to pay my "ay# (y over"helming desire for hange led to a risis "ithin my marriage# Nuite often in our relationships "e have unspoken ontra ts! shared goals! dreams and "ays of being# /hen these "ays of being hange! as mine did so dramati ally! seemingly stable relationships an reveal diffi ulties that lay buried beneath the surfa e# &ne person "ishes everything to remain the same "hile the other is moved ine'orably along a different path! in a different dire tion entirely# $his is "hat happened to me# .ometimes love is not enough# ,n the summer of 200:! , "as sharing an apartment in a suburb of $oronto! earning a bare subsisten e living as a full time 6ypnotherapist! in orporating %motional 7reedom $e hni=uesO12%7$O4 and $apas A upressure $e hni=ue2 2$A$4 into my pra ti e# Although finan ially things "ere diffi ult! emotionally and spiritually , "as thriving# $he ups and do"ns "ere gone# 6aving said this! there "ere still deep issues , needed to resolve! and , "as looking for a means to do this# , felt that , had gone as far as , ould "ith %7$ and $A$ alone# Around that time! , read The %o"er of No"! by % khart $olle# $hat book had a huge impa t on me# , pra ti ed being in the ANo"B onstantly and! after a "hile! ould enter into the No" state at "ill# , vividly re all ho" magi al it "as to simply "alk do"n the street and "at h the flo"ers and trees and suddenly my a"areness "ould shift# %verything took on a life and a brillian e ,-d never noti ed before# ,-d "alk to the . arborough bluffs and spend hours sitting on a ertain park ben h overlooking @ake &ntario! Kust "at hing the louds! the birds and the trees and drinking in the in redible beauty , sa" spread before me# ,t "as! as ,-ve said! a magi al time# Right at this time! t"o things happened that hanged my life# 7irst! my flat3mate pur hased @arry Nims- +e .et 7ree 7ast: 2+.774 manual! and se ond! , read %o"er vs. #orce! by 9avid R# 6a"kins# , read @arry-s manual and tried using +.77! but someho" it didn-t feel right to me# ,t is a brilliant pie e of "ork! but it Kust didn-t resonate "ith ho" , thought and espe ially ho" , felt# ,-m very intuitive and approa h everything from a feeling perspe tive# .o , set it aside# $hen , read %o"er vs. #orce# ,n it! 6a"kins speaks about AAttra tor 7ieldsB or A(3fields#B As , understood it! these are simply energeti patterns ontaining all of the possibilities inherent "ithin an event! a ir umstan e or a ondition# (y life! for e'ample! an be vie"ed in these terms# ,t is a large attra tor field "ith my name on it# /ithin that field are all of the smaller patterns that go to make up my thoughts! feelings and ir umstan es# ,magine an energeti bubble! "ithin a bubble "ithin a bubble# And! taken in ever broader terms! the "orld itself and the universe and everything that e'ists! or has the potential of e'isting! does so "ithin its o"n attra tor field! one "ithin the other# A "heel "ithin a "heel "ithin a "heel# , "as sitting in the "ashroom one night! "here , often do my best thinking! and , suddenly put everything together# Attra tor fields! ho" to adapt the ue "ord and healing program from +.77
1 2

9eveloped by Gary Craig# 7or more information! go to """#emofree# om# 9eveloped by $apas 7leming# 7or more information! go to """#tat3intl# om# : 9eveloped by 9r# @arry Nims# 7or more information! please go to """#besetfreefast# om

8 and % khart $olle-s Apain3bodyB 2"hi h , "ill talk more about in Chapter 14# , sa" ho" everything fit together so perfe tly and so simply# /hole and omplete# , sa" it all in that one instant# , "as over"helmed! and immediately set to "ork translating "hat , had seen into a usable pro ess# , spent hours and hours trying this and trying that# , read a post on the +.77 e3mail list about the agreements "e make "ith ourselves! and added this to the pro ess# , read about the importan e of forgiveness! and this too "as added# 7riends "ould have an idea and "e "ould try it out immediately# $hese "ere very e' iting times# , spent many hours sitting on that park ben h filled "ith the possibilities for the on ept# $he result "as the original 5)oint )ro ess 2as , "as alling it then4 that you an read about in Appendi' +! of this book# As , said "hen , began this story! everything is a pro ess# Almost e'a tly a year later! after having used the original 5)oint )ro ess on many people and having "ritten the original manual! , had another idea# , "as "alking through 6igh )ark in $oronto! Kust enKoying my "alk and de ided to lear something that had been bothering me# , started going through the pro ess! "hi h at this time "as t"elve or thirteen steps! "hen , found myself saying! A, lear all the "ays ,PB , paused and ba ktra ked in my mind to "hat , had said to myself# , "as astounded# Again , sa" the on ept learly J ho" to simplify the pro ess and make it more effe tive at the same time# , didn-t have paper and a pen "ith me! so , "alked all the "ay home repeating A, lear all the "aysB over and over so , "ouldn-t forget it before , got home# And that is ho" the statement version "as born# &n & tober 8! 200*! , felt ompelled to reate a ?ahoo group! "hi h , alled sharingIeropoint! in order to share "hat , had found "ith as many people as possible# (embership has no" rea hed almost 800 from more than 2< ountries around the "orld! and is still gro"ing# Almost a year later! , had the idea for the latest version! alled &rase the Tape 2%$$4# ?ou-ll read about both versions in the pages that follo"# , am very grateful to be the bearer of this pro ess# , promise to al"ays do my best to bring forth that "hi h is given to me in trust for all of you#

Chapter One: Its All About ner!"

'(%oint is really about surrendering to the greater, "iser part of ourselves that kno"s "hat baggage "e carry and programming ourselves to replace the )little me ego patterns that have been ingrained into our subconscious minds "ith a broader, more free, e*pansive idea of ourselves, that helps us sync up to our true potential. I love %ierre Teilhard de +hardin,s oftused quote that "e are not humans having a spiritual e*perience but spirit having a human e*perience... and so I suddenly sa" ho" profoundly spiritual (%oint is, particularly &TT, in getting little me out of the "ay of one,s higher po"er. Thank you thank you thank you.- . /ue from +alifornia /e are! at our ore! beings of light! and self3a"are energy# At any given time! "e vibrate at a parti ular overall fre=uen y*! and that fre=uen y is determined by the predominant fre=uen y of the thoughts and emotions "e are e'perien ing at any given time# $his has been alled our Aemotional set point#B ,t is the main vibration "e send out to the universe# And! as has been so ably e'plained by many tea hers! "hat "e put out into the "orld is e'a tly "hat "e re eive ba k in the form of thoughts! ir umstan es and life e'perien es# /hen "e feel good! "hen "e e'perien e feelings of "ellbeing and onne tedness! "e are vibrating at a high fre=uen y and thereby e'perien e our onne tedness to the sour e of all things# /hen "e fo us our attention on feelings of anger! resentment! mistrust! blame! shame or unforgiveness! our onne tion "ith the sour e of our being is interrupted# /e pin h off the flo" of "ell3being! Kust like pin hing off "ater running through a garden hose J and "e do it to ourselves# No one does this to us# /e are no longer in the flo"! and all the good things that "e have "aiting in the "ings are held up or delayed# Again! "e do this to ourselves# No one stops or prevents the flo" of good into our lives e' ept us# /e say no to our good "henever "e atta h feelings of anger! resentment! Kealousy or fear to "hatever "e desire for our lives# $hese emotions stop or redu e the flo" of good in dire t proportion to ho" intensely "e feel them "hen "e think about "hat "e truly "ant# /hen "e feel good! "e are onne ted to the sour e of our being and offer no resistan e to the flo" of good into our lives# /hen "e feel bad! "e offer a vibration of resistan e! and thereby all into our lives thoughts! events and ir umstan es that have e'a tly the same vibration as those very things "e ons iously seek to avoid# $his is a book about hanging aspe ts of your life that seem to be un hangeable# /hile it presents a blueprint for releasing yourself from everyday issues su h as emotional pain! poverty! physi al dis omfort and many ve'ing problems! it also offers some very simple "ays to a tually

%verything that e'ists vibrates at a spe ifi fre=uen y# $his in ludes thoughts! emotions! beliefs and intentions# 7or a greater understanding of this subKe t! read %o"er vs. #orce or the Abraham36i ks series! "ritten by Derry and %sther 6i ks#

10 begin to bring you the very things that give your life meaning and pleasure# ,n this book! "e "ill deal "ith several aspe ts of the pro ess of personal transformation# 7irst! you "ill learn the simple pro ess to initiate the hange itself J the 5)oint )ro ess# $hen you "ill dis over "ays you an use the 5)oint )ro ess to bring yourself into a state of feeling balan ed! entred! rela'ed and pea eful by balan ing the energy system that runs throughout your body# Ne't! you "ill learn ho" to release painful issues# All you need do is follo" simple! step3by3step instru tions that "ill bring about a profound transformation of your life and alter your relationship to everyone and everything you ome into onta t "ith! in luding yourself# ?ou "ill begin to e'perien e a deep inner pea e that you may have thought "as impossible# 7inally! and perhaps most importantly! you "ill learn "ays to take the freedom from emotional upset and pain and begin the pro ess of mindfully and ons iously reating e'a tly the life you "ant for yourself#

#eleasin! oursel$es from Bonda!e

5)oint and other po"erful e'amples of the ne" energy modalities an help to release you from the bondage of the shared delusion that life must be diffi ult and filled "ith pain! disease! "ant and strife# ;sing 5)oint an free you to kno"! at the deepest level! that "hile you may be living in this "orld! you are not of this "orld and have a hoi e as to "hether or not you "ish to parti ipate in its madness# %a h time you use 5)oint! you "ill ontinue the pro ess of freeing yourself from the need to respond "ith anger or upset to life-s most diffi ult situations# 5)oint frees you of the need to do or say things unless those are the things you really "ant to do or to say# ,t brings you into the present moment! "here all good life3affirming de isions are made and "here life an be truly enKoyed rather than simply endured# All too often "e respond to life-s diffi ult situations out of a pla e of fear and upset# $he funny thing is! most of the time "e don-t even kno" "hy "e respond in the "ays "e do# /e only kno" that "e keep making the same AmistakesB over and over again and that life keeps ki king us in the butt for no reason "hatsoever# $here is an old observation that onstantly repeating the same thing "hile e'pe ting a different result ea h time may be the true definition of insanity# Generally! this is e'a tly "hat most of us do ea h and every day# /hen "e hange the "ay "e look at things and release un ons ious patterns and needs from the past! "e open up a "hole ne" "orld and an infinite ne" set of possibilities for the positive e'pression of our lives#


An Intention %ocusin! &e$ice

&ur intention is a very po"erful thing indeed# /hen "e set an intention to do something! "e are making a ontra t "ith ourselves at the deepest levels# /hen "e set a lear intention to a omplish anything! "e are saying to the reative for es of the universe that this is "hat , "ant# /e are lear and une=uivo al# And! in a ordan e "ith the @a" of Attra tion<! "hen "e "ant something and are very lear in our "anting and don-t blo k ourselves from re eiving it! ;niversal ,ntelligen e has no option but to give us "hat "e ask for# ,n essen e! 5)oint is a very simple me hanism for fo using intention# And! Kust as a magnifying glass fo uses the rays of the sun to burn a hole through a pie e of paper! 5)oint fo uses our intention to enable us to release feelings! beliefs and "ays of being that no longer serve us or that have gro"n harmful to us# ,n a "ay that is profoundly simple and elegant! 5)oint brings us to a pla e of pea e and a eptan e about "hatever area of life "e hoose to fo us upon#

#eleasin! Patterns 'The Pain(Bod")

,n The %o"er of No"! % khart $olle "rites about "hat he alls the Apain3body#B As , understand it! the pain3body is the a umulated e'perien e of an individual! feelings and all! stored like a re ording "ithin the sub ons ious mind# $here is also a olle tive pain3body representing the "hole of humanity# Carl Dung alled this the A olle tive un ons ious#B %verything "e-ve ever seen! heard! thought! felt or imagined is stored "ithin the sub ons ious! both personally and olle tively# )ortions of this re ording are triggered to play ba k "henever "e e'perien e or think "e are e'perien ing ir umstan es similar to the one stored in the re ording# /hen this happens! "e seem to get lost someho" and ompletely identify ourselves "ith that pattern or re ording# ,n effe t! "e be ome the pattern# $he pattern takes over and "e Kust go along for the ride# All too often! this happens "ith disastrous results# (any years ago , spent a "eekend in Canada-s apital! &tta"a! and opted to eat dinner one evening at ( 9onald-s 2this "as before , kne" anything about nutritionM4# ,t "as late and the pla e "as filled mostly "ith teenagers# .uddenly! one young man stood up and sent hairs and tables flying! thro"ing anything he ould find to the floor# , stood against the "all and "at hed as this young man trashed the pla e# , felt dra"n to "at h his eyes and the e'pressions on his fa e# ,t stru k me that that young man really "asn-t there# $he lights "ere on but learly! there "as no one at home# ,n other "ords! he "as playing out some of his patterns! but "as not truly present in the moment as he a ted# $he patterns "e delete are simply pre3re orded! horeographed responses "e have to ertain situations# .elf3destru tive behavior is a pattern! as are fears! phobias! body3image problems! finan ial diffi ulties! relationship problems and so on# And! like a re ording! these patterns play ba k "hen a tivated by some interior or e'terior event# /hen this happens! Kust like the young man in ( 9onald-s! AyouB are no longer present "ithin your body as the "itnessing ons iousnessL you are literally taken over by the re ording# $he result is that AyouB J the real you J is no longer making the de isionsL the pattern is#

$he @a" of Attra tion! simply put! states that like attra ts like# Read more about the @a" of Attra tion by visiting the Abraham36i ks "ebsite at """#abraham3hi ks# om#

12 A?ouB are not the pattern and never have been# ?ou-ve Kust given over your po"er to the pattern# 5)oint is simply a means of taking ba k "hat already belongs to you# ?ou are taking ba k your right to hoose for yourselfM ,n effe t! you are "aking yourself up from a long! long sleep# ,t is a simple matter! using 5)oint! to delete these patterns along "ith asso iated memories6 and emotions# After they have been deleted! AyouB J the real you J are ba k in harge# &n e you begin to lear these patterns! you "ill no longer be driven to overeat! pro rastinate! sabotage your o"n su ess or do "hatever it is that your parti ular pattern drives you to do# ?ou "ill be free to make your o"n hoi es! to make your o"n de isions# ?ou "ill be "ide a"ake to the possibilities of the present moment# $he purpose of this book is to give you enough information to be able to use this pro ess on your o"n and begin the task of freeing yourself from the bondage of these un ons ious patterns# And on e you begin deleting patterns! you "ill find it easier and easier to be fo used in the present moment and to make hoi es based on "hat you "ant! "hat serves you and "hat feels good! rather than follo"ing the AneedsB of the pattern and mindlessly repeating past anger! pain! disappointment! shame and blame over and over again# ?ou "ill be free#

/hile "e don-t a tually delete memories! "e do delete the importan e of painful memories in the s heme of our lives# /e all have millions of memories! but only a limited number are signifi ant in our lives# $he birth of a hild "ould be a signifi ant memory# /hat makes it signifi ant is the emotions "e have asso iated "ith the memory#


Chapter *otes


Chapter T+o: The ,Point Process

01e can thro" stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build "ith them.0 . 1illiam Arthur 1ard $he 5)oint )ro ess itself is =uite simple# ,n fa t! you need on ern yourself "ith only three aspe ts0 1# $he first is to install the healing or learing program! "hi h is a simple one3time pro ess# 2# $he se ond is to hoose a ue "ord to Aa tivateB the healing program# :# $he third is to fo us your a"areness on an issue! feeling or memory and lear it# $he healing program is simpli ity itself# ,n essen e! it is a very po"erful intention you set into your sub ons ious mind simply by reading or listening to a short paragraph of instru tions# After you have ompleted this one3time installation program! you then go through three easy steps ea h time you use the 5)oint )ro ess#

The -ealin! Pro!ram

?ou need only read the follo"ing healing program on e# After that! you "ill never need to refer to it again# ?ou "ill only need to remember your ue "ord! and even that an be hanged "henever you "ish! simply by saying A, hange my ue "ord to QQQQQQQ#B $o a tivate the program! first hoose a cue "ord# Cue "ords are like a flashlight-s on s"it h# ?ou point your flashlight in the dire tion you "ish to shine some light# $his a t of pointing or dire ting is the learing statement 2step 1 of the 5)oint )ro ess4# /hen you s"it h on your flashlight J say your ue "ord J the beam illuminates your target and the healing program does the rest# Any "ord "ill do as your ue "ord! but try to avoid using "ords that have a strong emotional ontent atta hed to them! su h as AmoneyB or Ase'#B .ome of the ue "ords people ommonly hoose are Apea e!B AfreeB and AshaIam#B ,f you are unsure of "hi h ue "ord to use! please use mine "ith my ompliments# Dust repeat the "ord A.haIamB# ?ou an al"ays hange it later simply by saying something like! A, hange my ue "ord to QQQQQQQQQB Again! if you are looking for ompli ated! you "onCt find it hereM No" read the follo"ing instru tions to yourself0

1< , hereby set a po"erful intention "ithin you! my sub ons ious mind! to effe t the best of all possible out omes by this learing! and that ea h time , noti e a pattern or patterns , "ish to eliminate! as , say or think my ue "ord! you "ill eliminate all su h patterns and omponents of patterns ompletely and safely! and ea h time , repeat my ue "ord in se=uen e! you "ill a ess deeper and deeper layers and all parts and all aspe ts of my being# And! ea h and every time , dra" a Cir le and pla e "ithin that Cir le "hatever thoughts! memories! beliefs! attitudes! emotions! assumptions! on lusions and asso iated energy patterns , intend to release! you "ill release all of these and bring me to a pla e of pea e and balan e#

Basic ,Point ( A Three(Step Process

No" you are ready to put 5)oint to use# Dust fo us on an area "here you are having diffi ulty and say the follo"ing three statements aloud or to yourself# At the end of ea h statement! repeat your ue "ord J aloud or silently J as if it "ere a mantra! until you e'perien e a shift# A AshiftB feels like a sense of release or rela'ing of the body# $his usually o urs "ithin ten to fifteen se onds# Step .. , clear all the +a"s that R, feel depressed! angry! resentful! Kealous! et #S# Trepeat your ue "ord U Step /. , clear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU Step 0. , clear all the emotions> onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU Step .. I clear all the +a"s1 6ere you are learing or releasing all the "ays that you feel a spe ifi emotion or group of emotions# /e often feel un omfortable in a spe ifi situation# ;sing this statement! you release and lear all of the possible "ays you feel that emotion# Remember that "e "ork from the general to the spe ifi so that the results generaliIe to as many areas as possible# ,t is often enough Kust to pla e your a"areness on this area of dis omfort and release it using this statement# Note: 7or the sake of onvenien e! throughout the rest of this book "e "ill usually repla e the "ords A, lear all the "aysB "ith A,CA$/#B /henever you see these letters! simply substitute A, lear all the "ays#B Step /. I clear all the patterns1 )atterns! as "e e'plained earlier! are pre3re orded! horeographed responses "e have to ertain situations# /e may have un ounted numbers of these stored "ithin our sub ons ious mind and many more stored "ithin the olle tive un ons ious of humanity itself that "e onne t to# Step 0. I clear all the emotions1 &ur emotions appear to be the engine that drives or po"ers our patterns# /hen you lear the emotions from any memory or pattern! it no longer has the po"er to ontrol you# As "e "ill e'plain shortly! emotions be ome stu k or atta hed to patterns

APall the emotionsB in lude any anger! Kudgment! riti ism! blame! shame! guilt! resentment! sadness! fear and unforgiveness to"ard yourself and others! in luding God 2or the universe! or "hatever "ord fits! a ording to your belief system4# No" that you have read this! it "ill be remembered by your sub ons ious#

16 and reate blo kages in the energy system# $he meanings you assign to the memories "ork in a similar "ay# Clearing these blo kages releases tremendous amounts of energy that an then be used by you in other more enKoyable areas of life# &n e leared! you literally begin to bloom as you attra t into your life those things that in reasingly bring you tremendous Koy and fulfillment# ?ou an also link A"aysB statements# @inking is simply learing a number of related emotions! one after another 2.tep 14! and then follo"ing "ith steps 2 and :# 7or e'ample! let-s assume that you hate being stu k in traffi ! and find yourself getting upset every time it happens# ?ou ould say0 , lear all the +a"s ,-m stressed# T ueU ,CA$/ driving in traffi auses me to be stressed# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m impatient# T ueU ,CA$/ , hate being stu k in traffi # T ueU ,CA$/ all of these issues have been held in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ all of these issues have been held in my energy field# T ueU

Add any other statements that fit your parti ular situation! and lear them as "ell# No" finish this set "ith steps 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

$ake a deep breath! let it out! and then take a drink of "ater#8

%ill in the Blanks

$he 7ill in the +lanks $e hni=ue gre" out of my desire to make 5)oint more effe tive "hen "orking "ith groups# &ne of the diffi ulties "ith groups is reating statements that are both general enough to lear a s"ath through the energeti patterns "ithin the sub ons ious and spe ifi enough to address the individual issues that ea h person brings to the table# (y e'perien e is that the 7ill in the +lanks $e hni=ue fulfills both re=uirements# $his te hni=ue takes advantage of a hara teristi of the sub ons ious "here it freely asso iates "ords! on epts and feelings "ith other "ords! on epts and feelings already stored "ithin it# $he original "ay of saying statements "ould be0 , lear all the "ays , feel angry "henever my boss yells at me# T ueU

$he healing program! "hen a tivated by the ue "ord! "ould instantly asso iate sub ons ious patterns "here you be ome angry "hen your boss yells at you and this is perfe tly ade=uate#

Heeping "ell hydrated by drinking plenty of "ater is one simple yet very important "ay to ensure that the "ork you do "ill be effe tive! and that any learings "ill ontinue to hold# %'perien e has sho"n that la k of hydration an dramati ally affe t the out ome of any energy "ork#

1> 6o"ever! a mu h more effi ient "ay "ould be to lear every pattern "here you be ome angry no matter "hat the ause# ?ou ould do this "ith the follo"ing 7ill in the +lanks statements0 , lear all the "ays , feel angry "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel angry be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel angry if### T ueU

?our sub ons ious mind "ill literally sear h through all the "ays you be ome angry "henever something spe ifi triggers that parti ular response# $here ould be many individual triggers for this parti ular rea tion or a parti ular set of ir umstan es# ;sing the Abe auseB variable! your sub ons ious "ill find and delete the many possible reasons you feel it appropriate to be ome angry under given ir umstan es# ,t also lears all the possible "ays you have be ome programmed to respond to a ertain stimulus by un ons iously a ting out ertain spe ifi behaviors# An e'ample of this is self3sabotaging behaviors# (any years ago! "hen , "as about ten or eleven! , entered my hometo"n-s @abor 9ay +i y le Ra e# , had a brand ne" ten3speed bi y le! and , ould ride like the "ind# , started off very =ui kly and soon "as leading the half mile ra e# 7or some unkno"n reason as , neared the finish line , slo"ed do"n and stopped pedaling# , "anted to "in and yet something told me that ,-d already rossed the finish line "hen a tually , hadn-t# ,n the ne't instant a doIen riders flashed passed me and , finished dead last# /hat "as it that told me to stop pedalingG , believe it "as my internal programming that ouldn-t see me as a "inner and so , distra ted myself into losing the ra e# ,f someone "ere to ask me to help them "ith a similar issue today! , might give them the follo"ing statements0 , lear all the "ays , sabotage my o"n best efforts# T ueU ,CA$/ , sabotage myself by### T ueU ,CA$/ , sabotage my efforts "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , sabotage myself be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , get something out of sabotaging myself be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me sabotage my efforts be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me sabotage myself "henever### T ueU

/e al"ays finish a learing session by saying statements 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU


2ercise ( #eleasin! An!er

Anger is an emotion that most of us arry "ithin us most of the time! although it is often not re ogniIed as su h# /e have been programmed to repress our anger! "hether Kustified or not! simply be ause "e have been taught that e'pressing anger is not a so ially a eptable behavior# .o! ,Cd like you to think for a moment about a situation or person that auses you to be ome angry# /hether this is a memory of being treated unfairly or a situation that is not to your liking! simply think about it for a moment# Allo" yourself to get in tou h "ith your anger as deeply as you an# /hen you an a ess your anger! estimate Kust ho" angry you a tually are right no" as you think about it# &n a s ale of 0 to 10! "ith 10 being intense anger and 0 being no anger "hatsoever! ,Cll ask you to estimate for yourself Kust ho" deeply you feel your anger in this moment# Remember! this is simply a guesstimate and need not be ompletely a urate# $he te hni al term for this estimation is alled a /ub2ective 3nit of 4iscomfort or .#;#9#s# $his "ill tell you ho" deeply you feel the anger Cin this momentC# &n e youCve ompleted the follo"ing e'er ise! ,Cll ask you to he k your .#;#9#s again to see if youCve released every aspe t of it# ,f not! simply go through the e'er ise again# No"! please repeat the follo"ing statements to yourself and follo"ing ea h statement! repeat your ue "ord silently to yourself for 10 to 1< se onds0 I clear all the ways , feel this anger# T ueU As you repeat your ue follo"ing the above statement! he k in "ith your body to see if you have any physi al manifestations of this anger some"here "ithin your body# $his ould be anything from a burning sensation in your stoma h to une'plained pains in seemingly unrelated parts of the body# )lease note that emotion is in reality energy in motion# %nergy is meant to flo" through the body and ideally "e "ould be ome a"are of it and simply allo" it to ontinue to flo" through us until it is gone# ?ou an think of our emotions as a river that flo"s through us# .ometimes that river of feelings may threatens to overflo" its banks ausing great destru tion "hile at other times it flo"s pla idly and pea efully# 6o"ever you vie" it! it is still Kust energy in motion# %3 (otion# +e ause "e have been taught that it is not a good thing to a kno"ledge strong emotions su h as anger or fear! "e try to stop them or repress them instead of simply a kno"ledging them and Kust allo"ing them to flo" through us# /hen "e repress our feelings! "hen "e push them a"ay be ause "e donCt like ho" they feel! that energy is stored in our body# A very good ase an be made that all illness is simply emotion that is stored in the body like food left too long in a upboard# At some point that food "ill spoil and begin to make itCs presen e kno"n in "ays that are often unpleasant# .u h is the ase "ith anger# 7or no"! simply fo us on su h areaCs and ontinue "ith the statements#

11 ,CA$/ this anger is e'pressing itself through my 2part of body4# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel this anger "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel this anger be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ this anger is onne ted to patterns of energy stored in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ this anger may be onne ted to other strong feelings "ithin me# T ueU No"! to finish "e al"ays omplete a series of statements by saying statements 2 and : like this0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU At this point it "ould be good to he k in Kust to see "here that anger is no"# %stimate your .#;#9#s to see if the anger has been ompletely released# ,f it has! you simply "onCt feel it either as an emotion "ithin you! or as a pain being manifested in your body# ,f your .#;#9#s is at 0 you are finished# ,f not! repeat the statements above like this0 ,CA$/ , feel this remaining anger# T ueU ,CA$/ this remaining anger is e'pressing itself through my 2part of body4# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel this remaining anger "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel this remaining anger be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ this remaining anger is onne ted to patterns of energy stored in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ this remaining anger may be onne ted to other strong feelings "ithin me# T ueU Again! to finish "e al"ays omplete a series of statements by saying statements 2 and : like this0 , lear all the remaining patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the remaining emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU At this point it is likely that your anger "ill be ompletely released# ?ou "ill feel pea eful! entred and rela'ed# ,f you try to a ess your anger you "ill find in its pla e an empty feeling or a feeling of neutrality# ?our anger "ill be gone# )ermanently#


Chapter *otes


Chapter Three: rase the Tape ' TT)

'I "ill publicly say that your session "ith me "as so empo"ering. I felt a great shift as "e &TTed a deep issue for me. Things kept coming up and "e "ould circle that too and &TT again. 5ast evening came a test6 and guess "hat7 The shift remained in spite of a trauma. In fact, I can t even feel any of the old energy, it is all ne". And the fact that it affected someone else through me is ama8ing. This has happened so many times to me "hen using &TT, so there is a key here for me to use to release myself, so "hatever I am connecting to that is connecting them, is transformed. I am in a"e every single time9 - :olene (y dear friend .tar Ale'ander1! Close3up (agi ian %'traordinaire! tells a story about ho" many years ago he "as performing his lose3up magi for a little boy and his friends at a birthday party# $he little boy a identally stru k his head on a door# +adly shaken! and rying out in alarm! he noti ed a large red bump begin to appear on his forehead# $he little boy-s mother and his guests "ere understandably very upset# .tar volunteered to help the little boy and turned to the mother for her permission# .he replied! A&kay! let-s let the magi ian do his magi #B .tar! a ting on impulse! put his hand on the little boy-s forehead and asked him to remember the event# 6o"ever! instead of remembering it as it had happened! he asked the little boy to remember the event ba k"ard in his mind from the end to the beginning# .tar "as amaIed to feel the bump get smaller and smaller! until it finally Kust disappeared# ,n fa t! "hen he took his hand a"ay! there "as no redness! no s"elling and not a single mark on the little boy-s forehead# About a month before .tar told me this story! , "oke up about t"o in the morning and ouldn-t get ba k to sleep# A senten e "as replaying over and over in my mind and Kust "ouldn-t go a"ay until , got up and "rote it do"n# $hat senten e "as A;se 5)oint to hange memories of past events#B At the time! , didn-t kno" ho" , ould do su h a thing! although , thought it "as a good idea# .o , Kust left it# $hen! t"o "eeks later! , had the onversation "ith .tar# As he told the story! , started getting goosebumps on my arms and immediately remembered my dream0 A;se 5)oint to hange memories of past events#B And that is essentially "hat %$$ does# ,t hanges memories of past events by releasing all of the thoughts! memories! beliefs! attitudes! emotions! assumptions and on lusions surrounding a urrent ondition or feeling in one-s life# ,n a very magi al "ay! it releases everything of any emotional onse=uen e that auses us to get lo ked into patterns of behavior that are self3 limiting# ,t hanges memories of past events by hanging our per eption of those events and! by hanging our per eptions! it hanges the events themselves#

.tar Ale'ander! reator of the "onderful A, Am (agi BO program for s hool age hildren! an be rea hed at http0EE"""#magi bystar# om#


TT Steps
$he %rase the $ape (ethod relies heavily on the po"er of intention to effe t positive hange "ithin the sub ons ious mind# /ith the %$$ (ethod! "e spe ifi ally use intention in a very dire t "ay# /e intend to release every thought, memory, belief, attitude, emotion, assumption and conclusion that does not serve our highest good as it relates to the area "e are focusing on. $o do this! "e simply ount ba k"ards from ten to Iero! "ith ten representing this moment in time and Iero representing the moment of our on eption# /e erase the tape of everything in bet"een as it relates to the area "e are fo using on# $his 5)oint %$$ method is simple yet in redibly effe tive# /e are learing Aall the thoughts! memories! beliefs! attitudes! emotions! assumptions and on lusionsB about a ondition in our lives that seems to have us stu k# 6ere-s ho" it "orks0

%ocus "our A+areness on an Area of Concern

+egin by fo using your a"areness on an area of on ern# $his ould be a relationship! a health ondition! a negative belief system! an addi tion J anything you "ant to "ork on# $ruthfully! there are no limitations on areas to "ork on# &pen your mind and allo" yourself the "idest possible latitude# ?ou an use %$$ on everything# +efore "e begin! you may find it useful to take a pie e of paper and dra" a large ir le upon it#

&ra+ a circle
$ake a pie e of paper and dra" a large ir le# $raditionally! ir les represent "holeness or ompletion and as "e all kno"! our sub ons ious mind is po"erfully affe ted by symbols su h as this# $he idea is to "rite "ithin your ir le every limiting thought! memory! belief! attitude! emotion! assumption and on lusion that omes to mind about that topi # +e reative and allo" your mind to bring up everything you believe "ould have an impa t on your situation# &verything you "ish to release goes into the ir le# ?ou no" have a AbundleB of information! "hi h helps to larify many the negative patterns your sub ons ious mind may be running about the topi # ?our ir le represents your onne tion to the infinite "ithin you# /hen you pla e items into the ir le for learing! you are making a ontra t "ith yourself to release everything even remotely asso iated "ith it#


Set "our intention to release e$er"thin!

6ereCs the really beautiful thing about this pro ess0 you donCt need to kno" e'a tly ho" to do "hatever it is you "ant to do# ?ou are not in hargeM ?our sub ons ious mind is# ,f you "ant to pi k up a glass of "ater from a table! you only need to have the thought that youCd like to take a drink# ?our mind and your mus les are very a"are of "hat steps need to be taken to a omplish this# ?our hand "ill rea h out! grasp the glass and raise it to your lips to take a drink# ,t all happens =uite automati ally and seems independent of your ons ious a"areness# ,n a similar "ay! you need only set your intention to lear "hatever you-ve "ritten or imagined "ithin your ir le# ,n other "ords! Kust setting your intention to release "hatever you "rite or pla e "ithin the ir le sets off a series of events "ithin your sub ons ious mind that results in your releasing "hatever youCve pla ed "ithin the ir le# $he %$$ pro ess itself takes over and ompletes the task for you# ?ou need only trust that it "ill be so! Kust like you trust your hand and arm to bring that glass of "ater to your lips#

Count it do+n
No"! having set your intention to lear everything you-ve pla ed in your ir le! you "ill simply ount do"n from ten to 8ero! repeating your ue "ord for a omfortable period of time after ea h number# Remember that ten represents this moment in time and Iero represents the moment of your on eption! and that in a very real "ay you are %rasing the $ape on every e'perien e! memory! emotion! and intention in bet"een# Again! the tri k here is to allo"10 the pro ess to "ork# All you need do is simply ount do"n and repeat your ue# %verything else is automati # ,f you be ome a"are of un omfortable or painful thoughts! feelings or memories! Kust allo" yourself to be a"are of them and do nothing other than ontinue repeating your ue and ounting do"n# %'perien e has sho"n that the pro ess "ill manage itself =uite ni ely and "ill release anything that needs to be released#

Checkin! in
9o you feel ompletely pea efulG ,f not! ount do"n again! this time mentally pla ing everything from your first ir le into a ne" one! and setting the intention that anything remaining "ill be released# )ay attention to any memories! feelings! body sensations or anything else that enters your mind during the ountdo"n# (any people report remembering events from hildhood in vivid detail# .ome also report past life memories or feelings# Again! don-t try to hange anything# Dust allo" the pro ess to release and balan e "hatever needs to be released#


5)oint takes full advantage of allo"ing# ,f you refer to the initial healing program! you-ll see the "ords A, hereby set a po"erful intention ### to effe t the best of all possible out omes by this learing#B /hat you are doing is simply allo"ing ;niversal ,ntelligen e to manage the pro ess for you# ?ou ons iously offer up your pain! your relationships and your dreams and allo" the sour e of all things to reate an out ome that "orks best for everyone involved# $rust in the pro ess#

2* ?ou may need to %rase the $ape several times before you have released all of the layers of the issue or topi you are "orking on! and that-s okay# Dust keep doing this until you feel that all layers have leared# ,f ne" information omes to you! reate a ne" AbundleB and pla e it into your ir le for learing# ,f you "ant! you an imagine tying the bundle "ith a ribbonL then give it a name and "rite that in the ir le# Go through the pro ess for present life! pre3life! past lives! generational patterns11! future lives! parallel lives# Go ba k"ard! for"ard! side"ays# $o do this! you simply set the intention to release everything in your ir le in your pre3life! past lives! future lives! parallel lives and through generational patterns as they relate to the area being leared# .imply ount do"n again "hile repeating your ue#

%inal Steps
$he goal of learing a"ay aspe ts of the pain3body that keep us prisoner to our past an be likened to the a t of taking our trash out to the urb and simply dropping it off# $o do this "e need to release "hatever emotions! memories or patterns that "e are holding in our bodies! our minds or our energy fields or any"here else# , lear all the "ays , hold any of this in my body! my mind! my mind or any"here else# T ueU , lear all the patterns onne ted to all these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all these patterns# T ueU

An 2ercise 3sin! TT
6ere is an e'er ise you an try! using %$$ to lear any un ons ious "ays that you may sabotage yourself or your best efforts# 7irst! be ome a"are of memories of o asions "hen you a tually sabotaged yourself! as in my bi y le ra ing e'ample# $hink about "hat happened be ause of "hat you did to yourself# 9id it ost you a relationship or a KobG 6o" did your self3sabotage make you feelG 6o" did it make those around you feelG 6as this happened more than on eG $ake a pie e of paper and dra" a large ir le in the entre# No"! either mentally or by a tually "riting do"n ans"ers to the above =uestions! fill your ir le "ith all the "ays! memories! feelings! emotions! assumptions! on lusions! imaginings and de isions you made on erning sabotaging yourself# .ome people "ill find it easy to imagine their ir le "hile others may need

Generational patterns in lude to any behavior! geneti disorder! family predisposition! et #! that is passed do"n through either side of your family from previous generations# An e'ample of this "ould be "here you may take on ertain hara teristi s of family members# A predisposition to an er or ertain geneti disorders "ould also be generational patterns# +eliefs may also be passed do"n through the generations! su h as the belief that A"e-ll never amount to anything#B .o3 alled Abad lu kB an be vie"ed in this "ay as "ell#

2< to a tually see the ir le dra"n before them# %ither "ay! you are simply impressing your sub ons ious mind "ith "hat you intend to release# No"! here omes the easy part# 6aving set your intention to release everything "ithin the ir le! simply trust and have faith that the pro ess "ill release everything "ithin the ir le as you ount it do"n and repeat your ue "ord# +egin your ountdo"n "ith ten and slo"ly repeat your ue four or five times# Continue until you rea h Iero! being a"are of any thoughts! feelings or memories that ome to mind as you do this# $ypi ally! most people have thoughts! feelings and memories ome up "hile they are ounting do"n# (any people often remember things that happened to them "hen they "ere infants or very small hildren# ,t also happens that "hile repeating their ue! memories of past lives are e'perien ed# $he important thing here is simply to be an observer# Dust allo" yourself to e'perien e and be a"are of "hatever omes up "ithout attempting to hange it in any "ay# ?our ue "ord and healing program "ill ontinue to "ork in the ba kground =uite automati ally and "ill resolve any issues that ome up#

Summin! 3p rase The Tape

@et-s revie" the steps0 Step . J 7o us on an issue or feeling you "ish to release# Step / J 9ra" a ir le on a sheet of paper and list all of your thoughts! beliefs! attitudes! situations! fears! imaginings! negative thoughts! relationships! de isions! upsets! dreams! affirmations! desires! personal goals! professional goals and so on on erning the issue# )ut do"n anything you an think of! both positive and negative! that tou hes on the issue# Step 0 J .et your intention to release everything# Step 4 J Count do"n from ten and to Iero! repeating your ue "ord bet"een the numbers# Step 5 J 7inish by repeating statements 2 and :# Check in J 9o you feel ompletely pea efulG ,f not! repeat the pro ess and don-t forget to finish your learing session by drinking a drink of "ater#


Chapter *otes


Chapter %our: The Openin! Techni6ue

,n early .eptember of 2006 , reated a ne" statement that is proving to be very effe tive in a number of important "ays# $his de eptively simple statement is A/henever , think about TblankU! , feel ### $his is follo"ed by a 10 to 1< se ond repetition of the ue "ord# 7or e'ample! A"henever , think about my father! , feel ###B! or A"henever , think about my Kob! , feel###B! or A"henever , think about my motherCs death! , feel ###B# Nuite literally you an plug anything you "ish into the statement and your sub ons ious mind "ill dutifully respond by allo"ing you to a ess your true feelings on erning "hatever it is you "ish to fo us on# &ne fello" "rote to me re ently that "hen he said the statement A"henever , think about my mum! , feel ###! he a tually heard the "ord CangryC spoken aloud in his mind# $hose "ho may be some"hat dis onne ted from their feelings "ill tend to hear "ords su h as this! so please do not be dismayed if something like this happens to you# &r! you may a tually feel anger or sadness or a host of other feelings# ?ou may even feel body sensations or remember long forgotten events from your past# /e are all individuals so your parti ular response may be =uite uni=ue# $he "ay , originally envisioned using this latest $e hni=ue "as as a simple means of opening the sub ons ious to a ess any and all feelings that may be onne ted to spe ifi thoughts! memories! beliefs! attitudes or "hatever else you may hoose to pla e your fo us upon# $hese feelings ould then be easily and gently released using simple 5)oint statements or the %rase the $ape (ethod# And! as it turns out! the very a t of saying the statement and repeating your ue "ord also has the effe t of releasing these feelings and anything else that may be asso iated to them#

Connectin! to 7our Personal Po+er

,n the follo"ing e'ample! "e "ill use the &pening $e hni=ue to better onne t you to your o"n sense of personal po"er# ?ouCll note that , use a ne" approa h "here you an literally plug in your o"n parti ular areas of on ern and reate your o"n &pening .tatements# /eCll begin by repeating the &pening .tatement and follo" up by saying very general releasing statements that "ill have the effe t of learing any feelings that the &pening .tatement stirs up "ithin you# )lease note ho" general the learing statements are# /hile ea h &pening .tatement "ill hange to refle t the fo us of the learing! the additional learing statements an be identi al for every learing# $his simplifies the )ro ess enormously and adds to its overall effe tiveness# .o! letCs begin### /hen , think about ho" , allo" others to take a"ay my po"er! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

, lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU

28 , , , , lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" , shy a"ay from e'pressing my true feelings! , feel### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" , anCt say "hat , really "ant to say! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

No" "eCll use the "ord AimagineB to add po"er to the statement### /henever , imagine myself speaking up for myself! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself doing the things , really "ant to do! , feel ### T ueU

21 , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about trusting my o"n thoughts and feelings! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about e'pressing my "ants and needs to others! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about beating myself up over my o"n mistakes! , feel ### , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU

:0 , lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU /henever , think about being a perfe tionist! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself a ting in "ays that make me look good to others! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

No" take a breath###and "eCll ontinue# /henever , think about ho" mu h , really donCt like myself! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" , am affe ted by the opinions of others! , feel ### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU

:1 , lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU , , , , , lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

No"! "eCll finish as "e al"ays do by saying statements 2 and :### , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions and feelings onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU


Chapter *otes


Chapter %i$e: Our 8i$es as ner!"

:ust as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther "hen the "heels are in perfect alignment, you perform better "hen your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals and values are in balance. - ;rian Tracy (ore than t"enty3five years ago! a psy hologist in the ;nited .tates made a dis overy that "ould hange the "ay "e in the "est "ould look at resolving emotional issues# 6is name "as 9r# Roger Callaghan# 9r# Callaghan "as "orking "ith a lient one day! attempting to release her fear of s"imming# $he previous day! he had been reading a book on a upun ture! the Chinese meridian3based energy system for healing# &n impulse! he asked his patient to simply tap t"o fingers above her eyebro" "hile relating ho" fearful she "as of a tually getting into the "ater# .uddenly she looked up at the do tor and! "ith a surprised look on her fa e! ried! A,t-s goneM (y fear is goneMB /hen she later reported to 9r# Callahan that she had gone for a s"im in her lo al pool "ith no fear "hatsoever! he kne" he "as on to something# .ubse=uent "ork by 9r# Callahan onfirmed that there appeared to be a onne tion bet"een ertain so3 alled meridian points on the body and the omplete alleviation of emotional distress# %nergy psy hology "as born#

The ner!" S"stem

,t has been kno"n for thousands of years that the universe and everything in it! "hether seen or unseen! is omposed of energy# And be ause "e are part of this universe and all that e'ists "ithin it! "e are omposed of energy as "ell#

The ner!" 9odel

%nergy is Kust energy# ,t "as designed to flo"# ,t is neither good nor bad# $his energy underlies and supports all that is# ,t is alive and reates all that "e see! or do or imagine from itself# A ording to Gary Craig! A$he ause of any dis omfort! disease or pain is a disruption in the energy system#B /hen your energy system is out of alignment or a blo kage o urs! su h a disruption takes pla e# $he belief is that our thoughts and beliefs themselves and the subse=uent build3up of emotions surrounding them are the prime ause of this disruption of the energy

:* system# ,f "e either lear the emotion surrounding the belief or transform the belief itself! "e free the trapped energy to flo" as it "as designed to do# ?ou an visualiIe this pro ess by imagining a logKam in a river# Clearing the right log "ill release all of the logs and allo" them to flo" freely again do"n to the mill! "here they are turned into useful items that you desire#

Our ner!" Centres

,t is "idely believed that there are seven main energy entres or transdu ers12 in the human body# ,n .anskrit! these are alled A hakras#B $hese energy entres transform spiritual energy into matter3based energy for our use to reate our lives and the physi al environment in "hi h "e e'press ourselves# $he hakra system appears to be the onne ting link or main distribution panel to allo" energy from the unseen sour e of our being to be used by our physi al selves# $hat energy is split into the general fre=uen ies that orrespond to seven main areas of our lives# $he energy is then further subdivided by fre=uen y along the many energy path"ays that run throughout our bodies# /e "ill speak about this distribution grid further in the ne't hapter# /hile an in3depth e'planation of these entres is beyond the s ope of this book! , have named ea h hakra here! along "ith its a tivating olor or fre=uen y and a general des ription of the areas of our lives "ithin "hi h ea h overall fre=uen y manifests as a thought! belief! emotion or ir umstan e# &ur fo us on the energy system and bringing it into a state of balan e has but one intent0 to bring us into a state of allo"ing! "here resistan e to Abeing in the flo"B is redu ed or eliminated for the time ne essary to make some deep adKustments to our overall state of being# ,magine s"imming in a "onderfully "arm and supportive river# ?ou look up and see that on the far bank is something that you-ve desired for a long! long time# .o you set out to s"im a ross the river to rea h it# ."imming hard! you struggle against the urrent only to find yourself moving farther and farther a"ay from your goal# .udden understanding da"ns and you realiIe your plight# .o! you rela' and give up the struggle! and noti e that the more you rela'! the more you find yourself moving effortlessly to"ard your heart-s desire# ,n fa t! the more you rela'! the faster you move# ,t seems that the river itself is arrying you s"iftly to"ard your most herished dream# /ith this realiIation! you rela' ompletely and allo" the river and the "onderfully supportive urrent to take you to "here you "ish to be# +alan ing and learing energeti blo ks in our energy system has mu h the same effe t# $he very a t of using 5)oint to pla e ourselves in a state of balan e allo"s us to Agive up the struggleB and Kust rela' into the flo" of life# ,n rela'ing! "e are borne ever loser to our true heart-s desire#

A transdu er is a physi al devi e that transforms one form of energy into another#


A 8ook at the Chakras

%a h of the seven hakras is des ribed here! to give you an idea of their lo ation and their role "ithin your energy system# ,n parti ular! pay attention to the issues outlined "hen that energy is blo ked or overbalan ed#

#oot chakra
Keyword(s): )hysi al survival# Color: Red# Location: $he base of the spine# Overall Issue0 All matters pertaining to physi al survival in our physi al bodies# Areas of Life Affected: Relationship "ith money! home! Kobs and! by e'pressing the "ill to live in this physi al e'isten e! the body and overall health# Also affe ts vigor! heredity! se urity! passion! feet! legs and trust in the pro esses of life# When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: Grounded! entred! belonging! pride! fully alive! able to trust! independent! determined! trusts in self and others! se ure! patient! onstant! ambitious! passion! ommitment! survival# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: Greedy! egotisti al! domineering! bossy! addi ted to "ealth or se urity! highly strung! hypera tive! and addi ted to self! violent! dishonest and unning# When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: CanCt rea h goals to"ard basi se urity! la k of onfiden e! feel unloved! not grounded! la ks onfiden e! ould be sui idal! "eak3"illed! se'ually inade=uate! fearful! frustrated! alienated! separate#

Sacral chakra
Keyword: .ensation# Color: &range# Location: Dust beneath the navel# Overall Issue: .e'ual identity and ho" e'ternal events related to this are per eived and framed# # Areas of Life Affected: .e'uality! pro reation! reativity! emotions! anger! fear! instin t to nurture! per eptions on erning food or se'# Also! issues on erning reative energy! "omenCs po"er! reative ability! se'ual health#

:6 When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: Con ern for others! friendly! reative! intuitive! good3 humored! balan ed! desire for pleasure! vitality! se'ual satisfa tion! dis rimination and prosperity# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: %'plosive! aggressive! manipulative! self3serving# .elfish! arrogant! lustful! overly proud or on eited! highly strung emotionally! onstant po"er seeking# When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: .hy! timid! hides emotions! overly sensitive! emotionally hurt! feelings of guilt# (istrustful of others! introverted! unable to e'press emotions! "orrying over "hat others think! anti3so ial! se'ually frigid.

Solar ple2us chakra

Keyword(s): %'pressions of po"er# Color: ?ello"# Location: $he solar ple'us! bet"een the sternum bone and the belly# Overall Issue: 6o" personal po"er is proKe ted out"ard into the "orld# Areas of Life Affected: $he "ays personal po"er! a omplishments! "ill! ego proKe tions! vital energies! sense of ontrol! Kudgments! intelle tual understanding and freedom to be yourself are used! misused or not used# .eat of self3esteem! po"er! dire ted "ill# When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: &utgoing! generous! respe tful of self and others! skillful and spontaneous# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: %' essively demanding of self and others! a "orkaholi and highly Kudgmental# When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: 9epressed! la k of self! blame others# $imidity and fear in general! anger and rage! isolation! Kudgmental and dogmati behavior# 7eeling deprived of re ognition! aloofness#

-eart chakra
Keyword(s): @ove and ompassion# Color: Green# Location: $he heart! entre of the hest# Overall Issue: @ove! ompassion and a eptan e of self and others#

:> Areas of Life Affected: Relationships! love! ompassion! healing! and sense of time! healing energy! innermost desires and dreams# When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: Compassionate! humanitarian! an see the good in others! balan ed! desire to nurture others! in tou h "ith o"n feelings and others! empathy! healing! individual! adaptable! generous! pure! gentle and inno ent# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: &verly riti al! over onfident! demanding! possessive andEor mani 3depressive# Could be deep anger or rage! Kealousy! blaming others for o"n failings! a miserly or stingy attitude to"ard giving "hile at the same time allo"ing oneself to be taken advantage of# When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: )ity self! afraid of letting go and getting hurt! self3 pitying paranoia! inde isive! needing reassuran e! needing onstant onfirmation of self "orth! un ertain! unable to enfor e "ill! possessive! self doubting! feeling unloved# ,mbalan e an ause attitude of oldness! being devoid of ompassion and morality! finan ial and emotional inse urities! Kealousy and possessiveness! mistrustfulness of life! self3doubt! blaming others for o"n short omings#

Throat chakra
Keyword(s): .elf3e'pression and ommuni ation# Color: +lue# Location: +ase of the throat# Overall Issue: Re ogniIing and ommuni ating likes! dislikes and desires to oneself and others# Areas of Life Affected: Creativity and ommuni ation of the things desired of life to find happiness# When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: Contented! entred! a fluent speaker! artisti ally inspired! omfortable in the present moment! meditative! have a good understanding of spiritual on epts! are sin ere! truthful! independent# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: Arrogant! self righteous! talk too mu h! dogmati ! may love to gossip# Could be domineering! dogmati ! fanati al! overrea ting! speak negatively or harshly! ling to tradition! be hypera tive# When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: . ared! timid! =uiet! "eak! unreliable! and devious# (ay find it diffi ult to e'press thoughts! be in onsistent and dependent on others# Could be a tenden y to suppress or s"allo" feelings# (ay surrender easily to others! resist hange! be melan holy and be slo" to respond and stubborn in dealings "ith others#


Third e"e chakra

Key Word(s): ,ntuition! inner sight# Color: ,ndigo# Location: +et"een the eyebro"s 2pineal gland4# Overall Issue: A epting inspiration and guidan e from "ithin# Areas of Life Affected: $hought and vision! parti ularly psy hi vision# Also said to be the hakra of spiritual love and onne tion# When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: Charismati ! have a ess to an inner sour e of kno"ledge and guidan e and be highly intuitive# Could e'perien e osmi ons iousness! telepathy and an a"areness of past lives# $his is the hakra through "hi h flo" the fre=uen ies of intuition! kno"ingness! "isdom and healing# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: An egomania ! overly proud! manipulative! dogmati ! authoritarian! old! mean! ungra ious and bitter# Could feel =uite alone in the "orld# When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: Non3assertive! undis iplined and over3sensitive# Could be an e' essive "orrier! be fearful! impatient! ACspa ed outB and need to belittle others to feel good#

Cro+n chakra
Key Word(s): .piritual onne tion# Color: )urple# Location: $op or ro"n of head# Overall Issue: Cons ious a eptan e and onne tion to the sour e of our being# Areas of Life Affected: Appears to be the onne tion to osmi ons iousness! messages from higher self! spiritual "isdom and aspirations# Channel for the kno"ledge of truth and divine a"areness# @ong thought to be asso iated "ith "isdom and integration of our eternal selves "ith our present physi al selves# When Ex ression of Ener!y is "alanced: %asily and onstantly a esses the "isdom and insights of the 6igher .elf# Allo"s the full e'pression of the inner nature# When Ex ression of Ener!y is Excessive: )ersonality an be destru tive or filled "ith unrealiIed po"er "ith no means of e'pression#

:1 When Ex ression of Ener!y is #eficient: Could be inde isive! va illating# 9epressed personality! no dire tion! lost#

Balancin! the Chakras

Go through the follo"ing learing e'er ise to bring yourself into a state of energeti balan e# Dust read the follo"ing statements! repeating your ue "ord for ten to fifteen se onds after ea h one# , lear all the "ays my root hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my sa ral hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my solar ple'us hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my heart hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my throat hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my bro" hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my ro"n hakra may be ongested# T ueU ,CA$/ my hakras may be ome ongested "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ my hakras may be ome ongested be ause### T ueU

?ou "ill note that the follo"ing t"o statements are some"hat different than learing statements# $hese are allo"ing statements and are very similar to affirmations# Repeating an allo"ing statement follo"ed by your ue "ord! effe tively plants that affirmation at the deepest level of your sub ons ious mind# , allo" my hakra system to move into balan e# T ueU , allo" my hakra system to move into alignment "henever### T ueU

$hen! finish up "ith0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

No"! take a deep breath! let it out ### and rela'# )lease take a drink of "ater# Noti e ho" you feel# Are you more rela'edG 9o you feel pea efulG $his is a very po"erful e'er ise to do "hen feeling besieged by lifeCs little problems# $o deepen those feelings of bliss and ontentedness! ontinue repeating your ue "ord for another minute or t"o# Dust let your thoughts "ander and go "here they "ill# Rela'#


Chapter *otes


Chapter Si2: The %irst Steps to %reedom

AI felt tingly and light for a long time and "ent to sleep, slept "onderfully and had great dreams. Need to bottle that9 <rant, could you give me the chakra clearing and balancing you did at the beginning so that I can add that to the beginning of all my (%oint clearings7- . <iovanna

2ercises to Balance the ner!" S"stem

$he e'er ises that follo" "ill serve to pla e you in a state of deep rela'ation and allo"ing# ,t-s a "onderful feeling# ?ou "ill also be a more entred and lear onduit for the "ell3being that flo"s freely to make your life Kourney far more enKoyable# $hese e'er ises! as "ell as several others that follo"! are based on the "ork of 9onna %den and "ere suggested by Carol Ann Ro"land! (./! R./1:! "ho o3"rote The (%oint %rocess . A Transformational <uide "ith me#

Clearin! the :rid

$he Grid refers to the inter onne ted path"ays or energy onduits that bran h out from the hakras in mu h the same "ay that the interstate high"ay system onne ts maKor urban entres in the ;nited .tates# ,n traditional Chinese medi ine! the grid system is alled the meridian energy systemL it arries the flo" of hi# ,t has been observed that sometimes! after people lear a"ay issues or emotions that ause them upset! the learing lasts for Kust a short time! only to return# %'perien e has sho"n that learing the Grid allo"s any learing "ork done to be ome more permanent# ,t should be pointed out that before learing the Grid! you should balan e the hakras to ensure that the entire system is fun tioning perfe tly# the previous hapter for dire tions on ho" to balan e the hakras#4 $o lear the Grid! Kust say ea h of the follo"ing statements! follo"ed by repeating your ue "ord like a mantra for ten or fifteen se onds0 , lear all the "ays my energy Grid system is out of alignment# T ueU ,CA$/ my Grid system is out of alignment be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ my Grid system be omes misaligned "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ any of my energy path"ays be ome misaligned be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ my energy path"ays be ome misaligned "henever### T ueU


Carol Ann-s "ebsite is """#energy"ork# a##

*2 , , , , , T lear any energeti lear any energeti lear any energeti lear any energeti lear any energeti ueU imbalan imbalan imbalan imbalan imbalan e bet"een my right side and left side# T ueU e bet"een my top half and my bottom half# T ueU e bet"een my front and ba k# T ueU e bet"een my inside and my outside# T ueU e bet"een my physi al! mental and emotional selves#

, allo" my grid system to be perfe tly aligned# T ueU , allo" my grids to be aligned to the grid lines of the earth# T ueU , allo" my grids to restore themselves to perfe t alignment! "henever### T ueU , allo" my energy to move and flo" freely "ithout disruption# T ueU , allo" my energy to flo" freely "hen , am under stress# T ueU , allo" my energy to flo" freely under all ir umstan es and situations# T ueU , lear all the "ays any disruption of my energy system is onne ted to patterns stored in my body# T ueU

No"! Kust finish up by saying statements 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

$ake a deep breath! let it out and take a drink of "ater#

Clearin! 3nbalanced ner!" +ithin the Bod"

?ou an do the follo"ing e'er ise any"here! anytime! and it "ill immediately allo" you to shift from a state of upset to one of being alm and entred# ,f you are upset about anything! it means that the energy flo"ing in your body is not balan ed# /hen you are in energeti balan e! the energy in your body flo"s up and rosses over some"here in the middle of your body! then ontinues to the top of your head# /hen! through habit or influen e! you allo" yourself to think thoughts that don-t make you feel good "hen you think them! this balan ed energy eases to ross over in the middle of your body# ?ou are no longer A entred!B and you immediately begin to feel upset! emotional or unbalan ed# ?ou noti e yourself be oming emotional# $o orre t this and return to a pea eful balan ed state! simply repeat the follo"ing statement0 &r0 , lear all the "ays that , am feeling upset# T ueU , lear all the "ays that , am energeti ally unbalan ed# T ueU

*: Repeating either of these statements is enough to shift you ba k to a pea eful and balan ed state# ,nitially! ho"ever! you "ill need to make this orre tion "henever you noti e yourself be oming upset for any reason# Remembering that it is negative thinking that shifts your energy into an unbalan ed state! you may need to do this simple e'er ise one or more times daily until you have eliminated enough of those patterns that ause you to begin thinking negatively in the first pla e# &r! you an "ork "ith the follo"ing e'er ise#

Clearin! *e!ati$e Thinkin! Patterns

A negative thought is any thought that makes you feel angry! sad! resentful! fearful or uneasy# $hinking su h thoughts is simply a habit and! like any habit! it an be released by be oming a"are of it and learing the energeti patterns that hold it in pla e# 5)oint an fa ilitate this "ith the follo"ing statements# ?ou may "ish to repeat them until you remain pea eful and entred mu h of the time0 , lear all the "ays , be ome energeti ally unbalan ed "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ thinking negative thoughts ause me to be ome energeti ally unbalan ed# T ueU ,CA$/ thinking these negative thoughts has be ome a habit# T ueU ,CA$/ , slip into thinking negative thoughts "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , am not a"are "hen , begin thinking negatively# T ueU ,CA$/ , am not a"are "hen , start thinking negatively! "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , am not a"are of my negative thinking be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , hold the effe ts of these negative thoughts in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ these negative thoughts are onne ted to patterns held in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ , speak these negative thoughts aloud# T ueU , release myself from the need to think negative thoughts# T ueU , allo" myself to be ome a"are of my habit of thinking negatively "henever### T ueU , allo" myself to be ome a"are of this habit every time ,### T ueU , immediately repla e a thought that feels bad by thinking a thought that feels good# T ueU , find it easy to repla e unpleasant thoughts "ith pleasant thoughts! "henever### T ueU

No"! finish up by repeating steps 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU


rasin! the Tape on *e!ati$e thou!hts

As an alternative to repeating the above statements! you an use the %rase the $ape (ethod to release patterns of negativity easily and "ithout effort# $o do this! set an intention to pla e all of the foregoing statements into your ir le# ?ou may either "rite the statements or simply imagine yourself doing so# ?ou may also "ish to add the follo"ing on negative thought patterns as "ell# $hen set your intention on %rasing every thought! belief! attitude! memory! et ! that has any onne tion "hatsoever to the trigger or triggers that ause you to shift from a balan ed state to an unbalan ed one# Note that you an effortlessly mi' learing statements "ith states of being or feelings that you "ish to e'perien e all in the same ir le at the same time# Remember! your intention is a po"erful thing "hen used "ith this )ro ess# , lear all the "ays , be ome energeti ally unbalan ed# T ueU ,CA$/ thinking negative thoughts ause me to be ome energeti ally unbalan ed# T ueU ,CA$/ thinking these negative thoughts has be ome a habit# T ueU ,CA$/ , slip into thinking negative thoughts# T ueU ,CA$/ , am not a"are "hen , begin to think negatively# T ueU ,CA$/ , hold the effe ts of these negative thoughts in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ these negative thoughts are onne ted to patterns held in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ , speak these negative thoughts aloud# T ueU , release myself from the need to think negative thoughts# T ueU , allo" myself to be ome a"are of this habit of thinking negatively# T ueU , find it easy to repla e unpleasant thoughts "ith pleasant ones# T ueU

No" pla e all of the above in your Cir le and ount it do"n# Repeat until you noti e yourself remaining entred most of the time#

Clearin! ;Space Patterns<

$ake a look around your home# ,t-s very likely that if you pull out a pie e of furniture you "ill find a Adust bunny#B ?ou kno" "hat , mean J those little pie es of fuII that gather under furniture! in orners! under arpets! et # A similar thing happens "hen "e set out to release an energeti pattern# /hen "e lear it! there seems to be a residue left behind that arries the basi vibration of the pattern! memory or emotion "e seek to release# ?ou an also think of this as an energeti residue similar to the ring left behind "hen "e forget to use a oaster on a offee table# $o release the energeti pattern ompletely! "e must take this into a ount# $his on ept of Aspa e patternsB "as introdu ed to me by Dolene Goens! a Certified 5)oint )ra titioner# Dolene re ounts her thoughts on this

*< $here "as a s ientifi study done 2, believe by NA.A4 and they had a beaker that they introdu ed random light into# Ne't they introdu ed 9NA into the beaker# $he random light aligned "ith the 9NA# .in e this "asn-t anything they "ere studying! they removed the 9NA and "hen they did! the light remained in the same shape as the 9NA# Ne't they removed those mole ules and introdu ed more random light# $hey immediately formed to the same 9NA pattern that had been in the beaker previously# ,t seems a so alled Aspa e patternB remains "hen something has ome into alignment! onne tion or agreement "ith something else! is removed# .o "hen "e have an issue that "e thought "e A learedB doesnCt transform or release as =ui kly as it should! the spa e pattern may be holding a residual alignment "ith "hat "e sought to release# /hile , annot onfirm details of the e'periment Dolene refers to! , can onfirm that "hen "e take these spa e patterns into a ount! our learing be omes deeper J often signifi antly so# $o apply this information! simply make an intention to lear all spa e patterns or dust bunnies from every learing you-ve ever done or "ill ever do# $hen! pla e that intention into your ir le and ount it do"n# 7rom this point for"ard it should ease to be a on ern and "ill be part of future learings "ithout you taking additional a tion# .ee ho" "onderful our intention isG

What to do if it doesn=t seem to be +orkin!

$here are different aspe ts or parts of ourselves that should be onsidered "hen "e seek to lear a habit or behavioral pattern# ?ouCve heard people say things like A,Cd really like to get ri h! but a part of me is afraid to####B $hese are simply different parts of us that may have a some"hat different agenda or game plan than our ons ious selves# $hese C)artsC may a t in "ays that are ontrary to "hat "e think "ill bring us the kind of life "e are seeking for ourselves# ,n effe t! "e are in onfli t "ith ourselves! or parts of ourselves# ,f "e donCt take these parts into onsideration "e may find that "e resist making the hanges ne essary for a omplete learing of "hatever it is that "e are seeking to resolve or release# ,t must be understood that these parts are simply re ordings or aspe ts of ourselves that have be ome stu k! Kust like a re ord that keeps playing the same part of a re ord over and over again# $hese parts are N&$ ;.# $hey are simply the energeti remains of old memories or painful e'perien es# $hey are a snapshot of our ons iousness taken at a time of stress or trauma# $his snapshot or re ording as be ome be ome energeti ally onne ted to a spe ifi thought or ondition in mu h the same "ay that a so alled ghost is tied to the physi al lo ation that it haunts# $hat ghost or energeti pattern is simply the re ording or snapshot left behind by our Cons iousness as it e'perien e life in the moment# ,t is not "ho "e are! it is a re ording left behind by our ons iousness# ,t is not ons iousness itself# &nly "e are ons iousness as e'perien ed in the present moment# ,n most ases! these energeti patterns are easily released using the )ro ess# 6o"ever! "hen a feeling or ir umstan e seems to be stu k! "hen it doesnCt seem to "ant to be released! "e may

*6 be dealing "ith a old snapshot of ourselves that "e identify "ith in some "ay# $o release our onne tion to this re ording and gain our freedom! "e an say statements like the follo"ing0 , lear all the "ays parts of me may not feel safe if , release these feelings# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me may not feel safe for others if , release these feelings# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me donCt "ish to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me may benefit from holding on to these feelings# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings be ause ### T ueU .imply saying the above statements an produ e a C"indo" of opportunityC "here anything "e "ish to be released "ill be released ompletely# Dust remember "hat , have "ritten here and use these statements should the issue you are "orking on not lear immediately#


Chapter *otes


Chapter Se$en: #eleasin! Self A!reements

'In all things, seek to touch that greater self of "hich "e are all a part.-- <rant +onnolly /hen "e are onfronted "ith a situation that auses great upset or pain! "e often make an agreement "ith ourselves not to put ourselves in a position "here "e "ould be vulnerable to feeling this "ay again# $hese sa red ontra ts remain tu ked a"ay "ithin our sub ons ious minds and a t Kust like a filter on a amera! letting in only e'perien es that don-t a t against or break the ontra t# $hese agreements are made and kept for our prote tion# 6o"ever! a diffi ulty arises sooner or later "hen a personality rea hes a ertain level of a"areness or gro"th# %motionally! "e are no longer in our spiritual infan y "here "e need to be prote ted from the onse=uen es of our o"n thoughts# /e finally rea h a point "here this prote tion stifles further gro"th and must be set aside# $his is the point ea h of you is at today# $here is a se ond type of sa red agreement0 these are the agreements made bet"een ourselves and others# Contra ts of this nature are essentially ontra ts "ith ourselves# /e agree "ith ourselves to honor a ontra t made "ith someone else# .o! for our purposes "e "ill treat them the same# &n a soul level! balan e is the most sought3after =uality# And balan e implies being at the A lear point!B "here there are no atta hments either "ay# ,f ,! as an individual! feel that , o"e you something! , "ill feel the pull of that obligation until it is fulfilled# $his an also be vie"ed as a karmi debt# ;sing 5)oint to lear this debt automati ally brings the issue into balan e and releases the debt# , "ill speak more about this in the final hapter of this book#

Statements for #eleasin! Self A!reements

;se the follo"ing statements to lear sa red agreements "ith yourself! and bet"een yourself and others0 , lear all the "ays ,-ve agreed to be anything less than my full self# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-ve agreed to take on responsibilities that are not mine# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-ve agreed to take on roles that are not mine# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-ve agreed to pay any debts that are not mine to pay# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-ve agreed to be less po"erful than , really am# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-ve agreed to be less po"erful be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , agreed to be less po"erful "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , brought for"ard ertain ontra ts into this life from before# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel obligated for any reason be ause### T ueU

*1 ,CA$/ these ontra ts made me feel safe# T ueU ,CA$/ they made me feel safe be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ they made me feel safe "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ they made me feel imprisoned be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ they made me feel imprisoned "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ these ontra ts made me feel prote ted be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , believe they prote t the "ell3being of others# T ueU ,CA$/ they prote t the "ell3being of another be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , benefit from keeping these ontra ts# T ueU ,CA$/ , benefit be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , re eive a benefit "henever### T ueU , release myself from everyone and everything that no longer serves my highest good# T ueU , release everyone and everything that no longer serves my highest good# T ueU , affirm to myself that everyone and everything that no longer serves my highest good no" releases me# T ueU , lear all the "ays , hold any of these thoughts! feelings! beliefs! attitudes! memories or agreements in my mind! my body and my spirit# T ueU

$hen say steps 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

No" take a deep breath###and release it# As you breathe out! anything remaining of these ontra ts "ill be released# $ake a ni e drink of "ater# ,f you "ish! you an dra" or imagine a ir le and release these statements using the %rase the $ape (ethod#


Chapter *otes


Chapter i!ht: -ealin! Painful #elationships

'This stuff is 2ust so ama8ing .... nothing in my life has changed in the last three days I have been doing this ... yet I feel different ... peaceful and content ... and "hat seemed like big problems no" don t ... it s like I have been able to separate from the problem .. take a step back ... get an overvie" .... instead of 'being in it,- if that makes any sense. Things 2ust don t seem so much of a big deal ... and today I noticed I kept smiling as I "alked through the street6 my life is the same for no" but I am not. I love it.-- /haron 6ealing relationships "ith 5)oint is a very simple pro ess that lears a"ay the debris of past anger! resentment! disappointment! hatred and other negative emotions that are often e'pressed through our everyday relationships# ,n this hapter you "ill learn ho" to heal and release those diffi ult feelings permanently and "ith surprisingly little effort or upset# $hen! amaIingly! you "ill find yourself able to hold only love in your heart! allo"ing you to move for"ard to e'perien e tremendous personal gro"th! love and self3e'pression# $he result "ill be that you "ill be ome very pea eful about the relationship you "ere "orking on. (ost people "ho have used 5)oint to heal relationships report that "hat previously got them upset Kust "asn-t all that important any more# $hey "ere no longer bothered by the deep anger! resentment or "hatever it "as that had previously aused them pain or upset "henever they thought about that parti ular individual# Clearing a relationship "ith someone you love! su h as a de eased parent! an bring perspe tive and loving a eptan e "hile releasing any residual anger! guilt or upset# Clearing a relationship "ith someone you hate an bring pea e! perspe tive and a eptan e as "ell# 7eeling strong emotions like rage and hatred to"ard another "ill imprison you in a vi ious y le of orrosive anger and self3Kudgment that an only attra t un"el ome situations and ir umstan es# &n e released! you "ill find that the energy it took to maintain those strong feelings an be redire ted in positive dire tions and allo" your life to flo"er in ountless "ays# /hile you may never hoose to be around that person in the future! he or she "ill ease to be important in your life and in your thoughts#

A Personal Stor"
, have a t"in sister "hom , love dearly# 6o"ever! sin e "e "ere hildren! if "e "ere in the same room together for more than five minutes "e-d be at ea h other-s throats# /e-d begin talking "ith the best of intentions! but someho" before long she "ould say something that "ould trigger me! and , "ould find myself responding to her "ords or even the look on her fa e in an unpleasant "ay! and then "e-d be into it#

<2 , "ould get angry! "hi h in turn "ould ause her to rea h do"n into herself and be ome even more infuriating# ,t "as a vi ious pattern on both of our parts! and "ould replay itself "ithout fail ea h time "e "ere together# Neither one of us ould find our "ay out of this nasty pattern to allo" true ommuni ation# (any years ago my father told a story of ho" he "as driving some"here "ith my sister and me in the ba k seat# , don-t think "e "ere any more than three or four years old at the time# As he re ounted the story! both of us spontaneously began telling him about our lives together in ,taly as a married ouple# ,-m fairly ertain the marriage "as not a happy one# After reating the relationships proto ol a fe" years ago , de ided one day to run the proto ol on the relationship bet"een my sister and me# , leared all the "ays , arried any anger to"ard her! any Kudgments! being riti al! and so on# ,t took me all of ten minutes to go through the entire list! and "hen , finished , felt mu h more pea eful to"ard her# , ya"ned and ya"ned as , "ent through ea h statement! espe ially the parts about being angry! riti al and unforgiving# $he ne't day she alled me and not on e during the onversation! "hi h lasted more than an hour! "as , triggered by her in any "ay# , remained alm and very ompassionate to"ard her# And! "hat "as most surprising to me! she "asn-t triggered by me in the least# $he very fa t that "e a tually spoke for so long "as in redible# +efore , ran the proto ol! a onversation like that "ouldn-t have lasted for more than a fe" minutes before ,-d find myself upset or "orse# .in e that onversation! "e-ve spoken many times and , an honestly say that , feel , have my sister ba k# Although , loved her before Kust be ause she "as my sister! , took pains to avoid her if , ould# No" , find myself a tually enKoying our onversations together! and she-s sin e told me many times ho" she enKoys our time together as "ell# $hat is a huge shift for both of us#

What happens +hen +e heal a relationship

,-m sure you-ve heard it said many times that "e are all onne ted# , believe this to be true! and not Kust in a metaphori al "ay# , believe there are energeti bonds bet"een people! and these bonds an be ones that refle t the highest as "ell as the lo"est attributes of the human spirit# /e an be onne ted by love or "e an be onne ted by anger! hatred and unforgiveness# , believe that my sister and , ame together in this lifetime to release those bonds that "ere energeti ally anything less than love# /here ea h emotion vibrates at a spe ifi fre=uen y! the emotions that tied us "ere de idedly of the lo"er order on the s ale of su h things# /e "ere tied together by diffi ult feelings that may have originated in a past life and found ourselves onne ted by the ties of family in order to "ork them out and release them in this life# Although , believe in rein arnation! , kno" that not everyone shares this vie"! and that-s okay# 6o"ever! assuming that rein arnation is real! an you imagine anything "orse than being tied to someone life after life! endlessly repeating patterns that refle t the strong negative feelings that my sister and , sharedG

<: , believe that learing the relationship "ith my sister means that "e "ill no longer be tied together by bonds of anything less than love# And take note that using the pro ess freed not Kust me from endlessly repeating these patterns# ,t also freed her! although she kne" nothing about "hat , "as doing# $he pro ess freed both of us to be more pea eful and loving and enKoy the time "e have together in this life! and isn-t that a "onderful thing in itselfG

9akin! 7our 8ist and Checkin! It T+ice

&ne of the truly "onderful things , did for myself "as to make a list of everyone in my life! past or present! "here , felt anything less than love "hen , thought of them# (y initial list in luded every member of my family! all of my friends! everyone , "orked "ith or had any dealings "ith on a day3to3day basis# , then e'panded the list to in lude anyone in my past "ho , had any kind of a beef "ith! in luding old tea hers! old o3"orkers! old bosses and espe ially old relationships# , then systemati ally "orked my "ay through the list and leared all of the feelings surrounding them# ,nitially there "ere thirty3seven people on that list# ,t took me the better part of t"o days to omplete the list! and "hen , finished , felt that , had let go of a part of my past that "as holding me ba k from truly enKoying my present# ,n a very real sense! , believe "hat , "as doing "as making pea e "ith my past and putting it "here it truly belonged J in the past# And after "orking my "ay through the list a very strange thing happened# , literally be ame a person "ho had made pea e "ith his past# , realiIed that all of those relationships in "hi h , harbored ill "ill or bad feelings "ere literally holding me prisoner to my past# /here before , "ould still be ome upset "hen , thought of ertain people! no" , had no need to think of them at all! and "hen , did! there "as no emotional harge "hatsoever# , an remember them if , hoose! but mostly , hoose not to# , am mu h more s=uarely fo used in the present moment! and that is a mu h ni er pla e to be#

>ennifers Stor"
,n late 200*! "ell before , reated %$$! , had four sessions "ith a lovely "oman ,-ll all Dennifer# Dennifer "as si'ty years old and looking for fulfillment in her life# , liked Dennifer as soon as , met her# 9uring the first session! she onfided that hers "as a diffi ult marriage! "here she felt ignored and abandoned# 6er husband "as very su essful in his field and had little time and patien e for her# ,n fa t! she felt that most of the people she kne" treated her this "ay! in luding her ninety3year3old mother3in3la"! "ho! a ording to Dennifer! radiated a very strong disapproval of everything Dennifer did# 6er original reason for alling me "as to get some help in her relationship "ith her husband! and for the first t"o sessions! "e fo used on learing the primary relationships in her life# /e leared her mother! father! hildren! mother3in3la" 2"hi h took a fair amount of "ork4 and! of ourse! her husband# /e also "orked on ho" these relationships made her feel about herself#

<* /e leared the "hole gamut of feelings and patterns! in luding anger! resentment! fear! being Kudgmental and unforgiveness# After the se ond session! Dennifer told me she sa" a big improvement in the "ay her husband "as treating her# A ording to her! he seemed more attentive and had more patien e for her point of vie"# .he "as absolutely thrilled "ith the result to that point# ,n the third session! "e fo used on relationships outside of Dennifer-s family ir le# /e leared everyone for "hom she felt anything less than love# And last! "e began "orking on learing her relationship "ith herself# /e finished this in the fourth and final session# , follo"ed up "ith Dennifer about a month after our last appointment# .he told me that she "as amaIed at the hanges in her life# .he sa" a maKor hange in the "ay she felt about herself# &ther than a brief time of upset! "hi h "e leared "ith an impromptu session! she ontinued to feel pea eful! rela'ed and loving# $he relationship "ith her husband has ontinued to improve! and the hanges she is e'perien ing are also being refle ted in him# Dennifer says that her mother3in3la" has remained the same! but Dennifer is no longer upset by her behavior in the slightest "ay# &ne of the most amaIing things , see! time after time! is that there appear to be invisible onne tions bet"een people# $hese onne tions e'tend from one person to another and don-t seem to be affe ted by time or distan e# Dennifer told me that four of the people outside her family that "e had leared alled her out of the blue Kust to talk to her! even though they had no idea "hat she "as doing# %a h of them spoke to her "ith kindness! respe t and onsideration# $hese are people "ho before the sessions "ouldn-t have had the time of day for her# .he "as astonished that learing all of those feelings of less than love "ithin her ould affe t ea h of those four individuals# +ut it did J and in a very po"erful "ay# $his is a big hange! and is "ell beyond the realm of oin iden e#

Workin! +ith the Process

,f you identify "ith Dennifer and "ould like to reate positive hange in your life! , an think of no better "ay of doing it than by sitting do"n and preparing a list of everyone for "hom you feel anything less than love# ;se the pro ess and "ork your "ay though that list# $hen Kust sit ba k! rela' and "at h ho" your a tions have affe ted everyone around you# ?ou "ill be astoundedM 9e ide on the relationship you "ish to heal# /rite do"n the name of the person you are "orking "ith# (ake ertain your sub ons ious kno"s e'a tly "hat you are learing#

<< &n a s ale of Iero to ten! "here Iero represents no upset at all and ten is the highest level of upset possible! ho" intense are your feelings asso iated "ith this relationship right no"G1* $aking a moment to rate your initial level of unease to"ard the person you are fo using on "ill tell you later ho" "ell you are doing as you pro eed "ith the pro ess# After setting your intention to heal the onfli ts "ithin the relationship! say the follo"ing three statements to yourself# Remember to stay tuned in to your body for signs of release0 , lear all the "ays , feel anything less than love for Rname of personS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel anything less than love for Rname of personS be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , onne t to these emotions and hold them in my body# T ueU

$hen follo" "ith steps 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

Check in0 ,f! after ompleting the three steps! you don-t feel ompletely pea eful to"ard the person you are "orking on! use the follo"ing statements0

,CA$/ , feel any anger to"ard Rname of personS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel any anger to"ard Rname of personS be ause###T ueU ,CA$/ , Kudge Rname of personS be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , Kudge Rname of personS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel riti al to"ard Rname of personS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel riti al to"ard Rname of personS be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , blame Rname of personS be ause of### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel ashamed "hen , think about Rname of personS be ause of### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel resentful to"ard Rname of personS be ause of### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel guilt "hen dealing "ith Rname of personS be ause of### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel guilt "hen thinking about Rname of personS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of Rname of personS be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of Rname of personS "henever### T ueU , ,CA$/ , feel sad "hen , think about Rname of personS# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel sad "hen , think about Rname of personS be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , annot forgive Rname of personS be ause of### T ueU , lear all of the loss , feel in relation to Rname of personS# T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid for Rname of personS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , "orry about Rname of personS "henever### T ueU

$his measurement is kno"n as a .ubKe tive ;nit of 9is omfort! or .;9s# +y monitoring your .;9s! you are able to determine your progress as you "ork through the pro ess# ?our goal is to rea h a .;9s of Iero# /henever you "ork "ith 5)oint! it-s a good idea to use the .;9s rating#

<6 ,CA$/ , "orry about Rname of personS be ause of### T ueU , lear all the an'iety , feel "hen , think about Rname of personS# T ueU

Remember to finish up "ith steps 2 and :# 6ere-s "hat Deanne! a member of the sharingIeropoint e3mail list on ?ahoo# om! has to say about learing relationships0 , "as feeling bad about a diffi ult relationship , kno" , have to hange and realiIing a fe" things after talking to a friend about "hat "as going on for me# /riting in my Kournal after the onversation! , "as feeling even more distress and suddenly re alled an in ident from hildhood "here a baby bird , tried to save died any"ay# .omeho" the t"o distressing events ame together and , had enough presen e of mind to ue on this "hile nearly doubled over in grief# ,t passed and indeed , then had a tremendous amount of energy 3 "hi h , used to do a maKor lean up on my bathroomM

-ealin! 8o$e?-ate #elationships

6ere are some additional statements to help you "ork through onfli ted relationships# $hese statements resolve onfli ts at a deep sub ons ious level "here "e feel "e AshouldB love someone or something! but "e find ourselves both loving and hating at the same time# $hese parti ular statements "ere provided by a member of the sharingIeropoint list# ;se any that you feel are appropriate for your situation! as "ell as adding to the list or hanging the person indi ated in parentheses# , lear all the "ays , both love and hate Ra parentS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate RrelativeEfamily memberS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra friendEe'3friendS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra "orkmateEe'3"orkmateS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Rmy bossEe'3bossS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra parti ular ra eS# T ueU , lear all the "ays that , both love and hate Ra parti ular religionS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra politi al philosophyEpartyS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra parti ular professionS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra parti ular type of musi S# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate Ra re urring problem behaviorS# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate the "orld# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate life itself# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate my life# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate being in love# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate relationships# T ueU

<> ,CA$/ , both love and hate myself# T ueU ,CA$/ , both love and hate my body# T ueU

$hen omplete the 5)oint pro ess by repeating steps 2 and :#

Clearin! the #elationship +ith 7ourself

/hen you lear the relationship "ith yourself! it an have the most profound and lasting impa t on your life# ?our relationship "ith yourself affe ts virtually every aspe t of your life! in luding your relationship "ith money and abundan e# $here is a dire t orrelation bet"een ho" "e feel about ourselves and ho" "illing "e are to allo" ourselves Koy! ease and finan ial se urity# $he more "e a ept ourselves! the more good "e "ill allo" to flo" into our lives# And it really is all about allo"ing ourselves to be in the flo" of life# As you play "ith this e'er ise! it is good idea to keep a pad of paper and a pen handy to Kot do"n the feelings! impressions and memories that "ill inevitably arise# ?ou an ome ba k to them later and reate statements that "ill take you even deeper into un ons ious patterns and onfli ts you may not have been a"are of# $his an be a true voyage of self3dis overy that brings you to a pla e of love! a eptan e and ompassion for "ho you truly are inside# Dust lear the follo"ing0 , lear all the "ays , am angry "ith myself be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , Kudge myself harshly be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , Kudge myself harshly "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , am so riti al of "hatever , do be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , am riti al of "hat , say be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , blame myself be ause of### T ueU ,CA$/ , blame myself "henever ,### T ueU ,CA$/ , am ashamed of "hat ,-ve done be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel guilty about### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t trust myself "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t trust myself be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , refuse to love and a ept myself ompletely# T ueU ,CA$/ , an-t love and a ept myself be ause### T ueU

7inish as usual by repeating steps 2 and :0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

3sin! TT on 7our #elationships

<8 As an alternative to repeating the above learing statements for ea h relationship! you may find it easier 2and more effe tive4 to %rase the $ape on ea h person on your list# ;sing the e'amples previously sho"n! dra" a ir le and! one at a time! imagine pla ing ea h person you have issues "ith in the Cir le and releasing all of the anger! Kudgment! riti ism! blame! shame! guilt! resentment! fear and unforgiveness you hold "ithin yourself for ea h one# 1< ,f you have a photograph of the person you are "orking on! all the better# )la e it in the Cir le along "ith everything else# ?ou may "ish to populate your ir le "ith everyone on your list at the same time Kust to see if you an release everything at on e# ,f! after ounting everyone do"n at on e! you dis over any feelings other than love and a eptan e for any person on your list! go ba k and ount them do"n individually# ,t "on-t take long#


,t is al"ays a good idea to use a photograph if you an# Dust look at the image of the person you are "orking on for a moment and then pla e it "ithin the ir le for learing# $he age of the photo is unimportant#


Chapter *otes


Chapter *ine: Set 7ourself %ree

'5ife consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold "ell.-- :osh ;illings /hen you listen to the riti al voi e in your mind! or take on roles that meet the e'pe tations of others! you aren-t being true to yourself J the authentic you# 5)oint an help you move beyond these barriers and set yourself free#

Clearin! Critical @oices Within

+elo" you "ill find statements to release the riti al voi e that most people have in their minds# ?ou kno" this voi e# ,t is the one that says! A?ou an-t do this!B or A?ou an-t do that#B ,t is that voi e that prevents many of us from fully immersing ourselves in our lives and simply enKoying ourselves# Remember! that voi e is not you# ,t-s Kust a re ording! and it may even sound like a parent or other person "ho you have set up as an authority over you in some "ay# ,t is important to realiIe that either "e make up our lives as "e go along or someone else "ill do it for us# , prefer to make up my o"n life for myself! and ,-m sure you do too# $ake a fe" minutes and go through the e'er ises belo"# ?ou "ill be amaIed at ho" =uiet and pea eful your mind "ill be after"ard# , lear all the "ays , seek to limit myself or limit my feelings# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel resentful to"ard anyone be ause of the hoi es ,-ve had to make in my life# T ueU ,CA$/ , fear my o"n po"er# T ueU ,CA$/ , fear my o"n being be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of being "ho , really am deep inside# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid that people "on-t a ept "ho , really am# T ueU ,CA$/ , "on-t forgive myself# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel responsible to others for anything# T ueU ,CA$/ , an-t nurture myself# T ueU ,CA$/ , hear this riti al voi e "henever , "ant to do something on my o"n# T ueU ,CA$/ this riti al voi e speaks up "hen ,-m unsure of "hat to do# T ueU , love myself# T ueU , love "ho , am# T ueU , a ept myself fully and ompletely# T ueU , a ept myself Kust the "ay , am right no"# T ueU , a ept my life ompletely# T ueU


#eleasin! Assumed #oles

, have strong reasons to believe that more than 10V of "ho "e think "e are and ho" "e identify ourselves are simply roles that "e "illingly! if unkno"ingly assume from the ulture "e live in! the Kobs "e "ork at and the people "e deal "ith every day# /e define ourselves a ording to "hat others think of us and "hat "e think is e'pe ted of us# (ost families reate roles for family members! and "e often a ept these roles unkno"ingly# 7or e'ample! (ary is the smart one of the family# .he is the one "ho is responsible and "ho "orks hard at everything she does# .he is unselfish and un omplaining about putting other family members- needs before her o"n# (ary a epts this definition of herself "illingly! be ause it gives her an identity and se urity "ithin the family# .he may also e'tend that role to her "ork and her relationships# .he may have assumed the role so ompletely that she an-t imagine herself not responding to life and everyone in it in this "ay# And this may "ork "ell for her J until she omes up against a situation that re=uires a different role# $hen she may re3evaluate herself in relation to this role and de ide that it is too limiting# 6o" often have you gone to a party and had someone asked you "hat you do for a livingG /hen they say! A6iL "hat do you doGB "hat they are really asking you is0 /hat is your role in lifeG Are you a tea her! taking on the Atea herB roleG &r are you a nurse! do tor or therapist! taking on the AhealerB roleG )erhaps you are a mother or a father and see yourself almost e' lusively through the lens of this parti ular role# $he more su essful among us re ogniIe these roles and allo" themselves to assume more than one role at a time# $he only problem is that "e are more than the roles that "e-ve de ided to adopt# /e are human beings! and at our ore "e rebel against assuming su h limited definitions for ourselves# /hen "e allo" others to define us! "e limit ho" "e see ourselves# No one does this to us# /e do it to ourselves# @ife is about hoi es# /hen "e limit our hoi es by mindlessly a epting the roles that others assign to us! "e limit our ability to hoose "ays that "ill move us to"ard our o"n happiness# ,f you live in a bo'! sooner or later you "ill run up against one or all of the "alls of that bo'# /hat if your happiness lies beyond the onfines of that bo'G $ake this opportunity to use 5)oint to lear all the "ays that you have assumed un ons iously limited roles from your mother! your father! your sisters and brothers! your un le and aunts! your grandmothers and grandfathers# Clear all the "ays that you are still onne ted to and e'pressing all of these roles in your life# /hen you do! you "ill begin to see your life in terms of "ho you are right no"# $oday# $his moment# And from that perspe tive! seeing "ho you really are and re ogniIing "hat you really need to be happy "ill free you to be able to move boldly in that dire tion# +eing happy is not a selfish a t# Anyone "ho "ould tell you that you are being selfish for hoosing your o"n happiness first is asking you to assume a role that is not your o"n#

62 ,t may also be the ase that you have assigned roles to others that are not in either of your best interests# 7or e'ample! if you have assigned the role of aregiver to someone! this may reate on erns for them "hile also preventing you from taking as mu h are of yourself as you other"ise might# (ake a list of everyone you may have assumed roles from or assigned roles to! plug in their names or your relationship "ith them and do the follo"ing statements0 , lear all the "ays , took on any roles that "eren-t mine from Rname of personS# T ueU ,CA$/ , unkno"ingly assigned any roles to Rname of personS that "ere not hersEhis# T ueU ,CA$/ , unkno"ingly assumed gender roles from the ulture , live in! or gre" up in# T ueU ,CA$/ , assumed these gender roles be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , am ons iously una"are of the roles that , assumed# T ueU

$hen omplete "ith steps 2 and three0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU


Chapter *otes


Chapter Ten: :ettin! Past a Painful Childhood

'I have no idea "here I "ent to to"ards the end of that call, but I definitely noticed a shift in /34s after your countdo"n. I "oke up this morning feeling quite separate from paranoia, my constant companion. Thank you very much, <rant.- . =ate %veryone J and , mean everyone J has memories they "ish they didnCt have! "hether they are memories of an abusive hildhood! an abusive marriage or simply memories of being embarrassed by ir umstan es seemingly beyond their ontrol# ,n addition to "orking "ith private lients! re ently ,-ve been holding tele3 lasses on this subKe t! and , have had feedba k from many of the parti ipants# $hey have onsistently said that the %rase the $ape (ethod has been parti ularly effe tive in ompletely releasing the diffi ult feelings ea h had around memories of abuse# /hile the pro ess does not erase the memories themselves! it does erase the signifi an e of those memories in the parti ipants- lives# $he memories are no longer bothersome or even espe ially important! and parti ipants are finding that their attitudes have shifted for the better in both large and small "ays# Dust for a moment! ,Cd like you to think about the lives of physi al! se'ual! emotional or mental violen e that many of us on this planet are for ed to endure# %very day "e read about murders! rapes! se'ual abuse! robberies! and personal violations of every sort# ,f that "ere not enough "e also have memories of personal failures! lapses in Kudgment! finan ial failures! or relationship diffi ulties# ;nfortunately! the list goes on and on# 7or most of us! the best "ay to deal "ith this litany of pain is by ignoring "hat "eCve been through# +y repressing painful memories or by ignoring the pain "ithin us! "e seek to live our lives as best "e an and fo us on the good things# +ut! beneath the surfa e! deep in our sub ons ious minds! these memories and feelings ontinue to fester! poisoning our relationships and our ability to truly rise above all of this grief and pain# /hether "e ons iously remember them or not! these memories! like de aying food left too long in a refrigerator! affe t us on many levels# ,n 111>! Child )rote tive .ervi es do umented almost one million proven ases of hild abuse or negle t in the ;nited .tates# ,-m reasonably ertain that! adKusted for the differen e in population! the numbers "ould be omparable in Canada# ,-m also reasonably sure that a maKority of ases go unreported both in Canada and the ;nited .tates# )eople "ho have been abused in this "ay are far more likely to suffer from emotional problems su h as depression and an'iety# $hey may also struggle "ith poor self3esteem! have diffi ulty sleeping 2or sleeping too mu h4 suffer from loss of appetite or "eight gain! onstant fatigue! hopelessness! restlessness! nightmares! diffi ulty on entrating or mus le tension and pain# Adult survivors are also more likely to abuse drugs and al ohol! as these an dull the pain of abusive memories and help es ape urrent life situations#

6< 5)oint-s %rase the $ape (ethod is a profoundly effe tive means of releasing these memories ompletely and safely# Dust as you "ould never onsider leaning your home "ithout leaning up the dust and dirt that have a umulated under the furniture! "hy "ould you onsider allo"ing these memories and the patterns and emotions onne ted to them to o3e'ist "ith the ne" life that you are seeking to reateG , am only no" starting to appre iate the true po"er of this pro ess to lear a"ay the debris from the past# ,tCs simple! elegant! fast and ompletely painless# /hy pi k a"ay at bits and pie es or go through years of traditional talk therapy and be re3traumatiIed by the past "hen you an simply fo us your a"areness on the memories themselves andEor the feelings they engender! put them in your ir le! ount them do"n and drop them off at the urb#

Pick a 9emor"
All of us have different memories olored by our per eptions of the event# (emories of trauma in its many forms J humiliation! blame! shame! fear or unforgiveness J may still be fresh after many years# (any of us have seen men or "omen "ho ry bitter tears "hile reliving an in ident from their past# /hile "e annot hange the past and "hat-s happened! "e an hange ho" "e feel about it and ho" "e feel about ourselves be ause of our remembran e of it# $his is ho" you do it0 1# $o begin! simply be ome a"are of an un omfortable memory you "ould rather be "ithout and pla e it "ithin the ir le for learing# ,t-s a good idea to take a .;9s rating at this point! to determine ho" intense your feeling of upset is# 2# .et the intention to release all the thoughts! beliefs! attitudes! onne ted or asso iated memories! imaginations and de isions you have ever e'perien ed on erning the memory# ,n addition! you may "ish to in lude any onversation you have ever had that a tivates these memories! as "ell as anything you-ve seen on $F or things you-ve read# As your sub ons ious y les through everything you-ve ever seen! felt! imagined or a tually e'perien ed! "hether you ons iously remember it or not! simply trust that everything "ill be leared as you intend# And it "ill# :# No"! ount do"n slo"ly from ten to Iero! "hile repeating your ue at least ten times after ea h number# Remember! you need do nothing other than say your ue and finish your ount# ?our sub ons ious "ill manage the pro ess and take are of everything for you# )ay attention to your thoughts as you pro eed# ?ou may remember events from your hildhood that you haven-t thought of for years# Dust "at h them and allo" them to be# Change nothing# $rust the healing program and your ue "ord to release everything that needs to be released or balan ed# *# %nd by saying! A, lear all the "ays any of these memories or feelings are being held in my body! my mind or my spirit!B follo"ed by your ue "ord# $hen finish! as usual! "ith steps 2 and :#

66 <# $ake a big breath and let it go# Che k in "ith your feelings and your body# Are you pea efulG Rela'edG +elieve it or not! many people lear so deeply they often forget "hy they "ere doing the learing in the first pla e# $hat memory or "hatever you "ere learing an simply ease to be a on ern# ,t no longer troubles you in the slightest# ,f it does! simply go through the pro ess again! this time setting the intention to go even deeper into the memory or feeling# After all! it only takes a minute# Che k your .;9s rating againL you "ant to get it do"n to Iero# ?ou an add anything you "ish to your ir le as you ount do"n# $here are no limits and no rules as to "hat you an pla e "ithin the ir le# Remember! your results are limited only by your imagination and ho" skilled you be ome in noti ing patterns that "eave their "ay through your life and your relationships# All are open for learing "ithin the ir le#

Cath"s Stor"
A short "hile ago , "as introdu ed to Cathy +u kly! a biologist from California# 6ere is an e3 mail she posted to the sharingIeropoint e3mail list on ?ahoo# om# ,t-s a "onderful e'ample of "hat an be done using %$$ on memories# Cathy "rites0 , mentioned in a previous post that , have severe astigmatism and am e'tremely nearsighted! so this "hole topi greatly intrigued me# , remembered that my vision got signifi antly "orse almost overnight! but , had a hard time re alling e'a tly "hen that "as# , do remember that my ophthalmologist ommented on ho" unusual it "as for someoneCs vision to get that mu h "orse so =ui kly! parti ularly "ithout any obvious medi al reasons for it# , de ided to do some dete tive "ork and determine e'a tly "hen this happened and ompare it to "hat had been going on in my life at the time# , got my re ords from my do tor and determined that it o urred sometime in the late spring of 1181# $his "as the maKor revelation for me# ,n the spring of that year! "hile , "as in graduate s hool in Colorado! , "as pulled over by "hat "as apparently an unmarked poli e ar! only to dis over it "as not the poli e! but someone mas=uerading as the poli e# , "as beaten and violently raped by this man# , "as alled in to a poli e line3up after a suspe t "as apprehended# ;nfortunately! , "as unable to pi k someone out of the line3up! sin e it "as nighttime "hen the in ident o urred! and , did not get a good look at him at all# %verything happened so fast! and , "as un ons ious for a time after"ards# , felt so horrible that , ould not make the ,9 and that this man might go free! all be ause , ould not remember enough about "hat he looked like# Not long after that! my vision "ent from 20E200 to 20E600 and my astigmatism developed# A6AM .o### , used a lot of suggestions given in the sharingIeropoint list about learing statements and %$$! and then Kust let my mind go "ild# , honestly anCt even remember most of the statements###they Kust flo"ed from me# , erased so mu h pain and guilt surrounding this in ident and its likely orrelation to my vision problems# , a tually fell asleep "hile doing this and didnCt "ake up until the ne't morning#

6> (y first thought "as! A9arn it# , fell asleep "ith my onta t lenses onMB but then , remembered , had removed them prior to starting my learing statements# , ould see and , "asn-t "earing themM Normally , "ould have to fumble around "ith my hands to find my glasses on the night stand sin e , anCt even see that far to find them# , ould see the lo k lear a ross the roomM $his is the most amaIing and po"erful thing that has ever happened to me# , sa" my ophthalmologist yesterday afternoon and he "as ompletely at a loss for "ords# , tried to tell him about 5)oint and "hat , had done! but this "as met "ith a lot of eye rolling so , Kust kept the rest to myself# , kno" the truthM


Chapter *otes


Chapter le$en: #eleasin! the &ail" :rind

'There is nothing that "astes the body like "orry, and one "ho has any faith in <od should be ashamed to "orry about anything "hatsoever.- >ahatma <andhi Dust "at h the ne"s or read a ne"spaper and you "ill be onne ted to "hat-s happening in the "orld today# %very"here there are "ars and rumors of "ars! rapes! murders! muggings! "ife abuse! se'ual abuse! theft J the list goes on and on# .eldom do you hear about the "onderful! kind things people do for ea h other# .eldom do you read about the positive! ompassionate and heroi events that don-t make the papers or the t"enty3four3hour ne"s superstations# An old ne"spaper saying goes! A,f it bleeds! it leads#B $here are more than si' billion people on the planet! and most of those "ho live in the so3 alled Adeveloping ountriesB e'ist in a state of poverty and la k# &ften they must do "ithout even the most rudimentary health are# (ost have little or no a ess to edu ation and suffer under despoti governments! indis riminate "ars and the daily threat of starvation and rampant disease# $hose in the Adeveloped ountriesB fare little better! although their la ks may be different# 6ere it is stress that is the maKor killer! "ith most of us struggling to make ends meet! raise our families! meet the mortgage! rent or ar payment or "orrying about getting si k and not being able to afford proper health3 are overage# 6ere too the list of "hat "e "orry about goes on and on# ,n the /est! "e "orry about the A"ar on terror!B natural disasters! global "arming! reeping so ialism! hild pornography or ra ial and religious intoleran e# $here-s al"ays something to "orry about! al"ays something to "at h out for! al"ays something to be afraid of# ,t never ever ends# ,magine for a moment "hat your life "ould be like if you dis onne ted from the ne"s! from CNN! CN+C! ne"spapers! CNN# om# ,magine "hat your life "ould be like if you made a pa t "ith the rest of the "orld and said! A%noughs enoughM $hat-s it# , =uit!B and you stopped listening to the ne"s# .topped aring ompletely about "hat "as happening in anything but the most immediate ir le of your friends! your "ork and immediate environment# /hat do you think "ould happen to your lifeG ,-ll tell you "hat "ould happen J you "ould be ome mu h more pea eful! rela'ed and entred# ?ou "ould stop "orrying about the pri e of things that you have no ontrol over any"ay# ?ou "ould stop "orrying about "hether or not our ountry should support this "ar or that di tator# ?ou "ould stop "orrying about the "eather! about the pri e of gasoline! about "hether the ?ankees "ill take the pennant# ?ou "ould stop "orrying about a host of things that you an-t do anything about any"ay# ,f you an-t do anything about it! "hat is the point of "orrying about itG


The Worriers Protocol

6o"ever! many of us are habitual "orriers# /e think "e an-t stop "orrying even if "e tried# $his is "hy ,-ve reated the follo"ing proto ol espe ially for "orriers0 , lear all the "ays , "orry# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel , need to "orry# T ueU ,CA$/ , need to "orry about### T ueU ,CA$/ , need to "orry about ### be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , need to "orry about ### "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , need to "orry about ### if### T ueU ,CA$/ my "orry is Kust a habit# T ueU ,CA$/ , get something out of keeping this habit of "orrying about ### T ueU ,CA$/ , get something out of "orrying be ause ###T ueU ,CA$/ , see myself as a "orrier# T ueU ,CA$/ , believe that "orrying prote ts me# T ueU ,CA$/ "orrying prote ts me be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , believe that "orrying prote ts me "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel safe if , "orry be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , onne t to the mass ons iousness of "orry# T ueU ,CA$/ , ,CA$/ , ,CA$/ , ,CA$/ , ,CA$/ , onne onne onne onne onne t to the mass ons iousness of doubt# T ueU t to the mass ons iousness of fear# T ueU t to these be ause### T ueU t to these "henever### T ueU t to these if### T ueU

3sin! TT on Worr"
$ake all of the statements above and either mentally or physi ally put them into your ir le# .et the intention "ithin yourself that you "ill release all memories! self3agreements! de isions! imaginings or anything else that may be asso iated in any "ay "ith any of the above statements# $hen simply ount them do"n# /hen you-ve finished! pay attention to ho" you are feeling in your body# ,f any tension remains! put everything ba k into your ir le and ount do"n again! this time learing even deeper# 9on-t forget to pla e any possible dust bunnies that may be onne ted to this issue by ons iously pla ing them into your ir le as "ell# ?ou an finish up "ith the follo"ing0 ,CA$/ , hold any "orry in my body# T ueU , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU

>1 , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns#

#eleasin! Bod" Tension

,f you "ere to do a =ui k s an of your body! you "ould almost ertainly dis over tension some"here# 7e" of us an say there isn-t some part of us that is tense# (ost of us arry this tension in our ba ks and ne ks# .ome arry tension in their Ka" and shoulders# /herever you arry your tension! it-s =uite likely that you are so a ustomed to living "ith it that it has be ome your onstant ompanion# 9o a s an of your body right no" and determine e'a tly "here you are arrying your stress# 9o the follo"ing e'er ise for ea h area "here you find it# ?ou "ill be amaIed to dis over that you an release this stress =uite easily and begin living a mu h more rela'ed and pea eful life# , lear all the "ays , arry this stress in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ , arry this stress in my Rpart of bodyS# T ueU ,CA$/ , arry this stress in my Rpart of bodyS be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , arry this stress in my Rpart of bodyS "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , arry this stress in my Rpart of bodyS if### T ueU , allo" myself to release all stress stored in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ this stress is onne ted to patterns stored in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ these patterns are onne ted to emotions stored in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ all of this may be stored in my### T ueU , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU


Chapter *otes


Chapter T+el$e: Creatin! "our life on purpose

,n this and the follo"ing hapters! "e "ill look at some of the many "ays you an use 5)oint to reate the life you "ant J the life youCve al"ays dreamed of#

All of us! "ithout e' eption! deserve the very best that life has to offer# /e all deserve to be happy! to be loved! to be fulfilled! and to have an abundan e of material goods and food# ,f "e la k in any "ay! it is only be ause at some deep level "e don-t really believe "e deserve to have these things# 6ere are some statements to begin the pro ess of releasing a umulated layers of self3doubt and "orthlessness# , lear all the "ays , don-t deserve to be happy be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t deserve to be fulfilled in my personal life be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t deserve to have "ork that , truly enKoy be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t deserve to get the things in life , really "ant be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t deserve to e'perien e love in my life be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , don-t deserve to feel appre iated for "ho , am be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , deserve to be unloved and unhappy# T ueU ,CA$/ , deserve to suffer be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , deserve to be "ithout the things others have so easily be ause### T ueU

rasin! the Tape on &eser$in!

9ra" a ir le on a sheet of paper and imagine pla ing all of the foregoing statements "ithin it# $hen ount do"n from ten to Iero! saying your ue "ord after ea h number# )ay attention to any thoughts or memories that ome to mind as you omplete your ountdo"n# After ompleting the first ountdo"n! set the intention to add these thoughts or memories to your e'isting ir le! and ount do"n again# Remember to finish up by learing any of the "ays you-ve stored this non3deserving in your body! your mind and your spirit! follo"ed by steps 2 and :# $hen take a deep breath and Kust let it go# $ake a big drink of "ater#


#eleasin! Procrastination
)ro rastination refers to a number of self3destru tive or self3sabotaging behaviors that affe t about t"enty per ent of the population# ,f you are onstantly late for appointments! AforgetB to pay your bills on time even though you have the means to do so! or put off important ommitments until the pressure be omes unbearable! then you are a pro rastinator# Remembering that the key to a behavior is ho" that behavior makes you feel! pro rastination is primarily about reinfor ing AbadB or Aless thanB feelings about yourself# $o release pro rastination in your life! use the follo"ing statements# As you pro eed through the list! pay attention to your body for physi al sensations and lear these as they arise# Also be alert for thoughts that pop up from the sub ons ious! indi ating deeper aspe ts of the issue# Create statements about these and lear them as "ell# , lear all the "ays parts of me need to keep this pro rastination# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me need this pro rastination be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me need to pro rastinate "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me get something out of pro rastinating be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me benefit from pro rastinating "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me feel safe "hen , put things off be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , identify myself as a pro rastinator# T ueU ,CA$/ , put things off be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , put things off "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ pro rastination makes me feel "hen , delay doing important things# T ueU ,CA$/ pro rastination makes me feel this "ay be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m hard on myself "hen , put things off# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m hard on myself be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m hard on myself "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , may see myself as a failure# T ueU ,CA$/ , see myself as a failure be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of making mistakes# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of making mistakes be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of making mistakes "henever### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel disappointed in myself# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel disappointed in myself "hen### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel disappointed in myself be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of feeling this disappointment "hen### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of feeling this disappointment if### T ueU ,CA$/ , hold this disappointment in myself in my body# T ueU

>< ,CA$/ this disappointment has reated emotional triggers "ithin me# T ueU ,CA$/ , hold these patterns "ithin my body# T ueU ,CA$/ these patterns are onne ted to emotions stored "ithin me# T ueU , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

.ometimes the reason "e pro rastinate is that deep do"n "e really don-t "ant to do the things "e put off# /e may be performing ertain roles or tasks against our true desires be ause "e "ish to please someone else or be ause "e simply don-t believe "e an have "hat "e truly "ant# $o address this! "e need to be lear "ithin ourselves as to "hat "e truly "ant# /hen "e are! the pro rastinating behavior "ill often drop a"ay# .ome possible statements to address this are as follo"s# )lease note that these address many universal areas of on ern# ,f you have spe ifi issues that you feel are not addressed belo"! please take a fe" minutes and reate your o"n statements# ,CA$/ , don-t kno" "hat , truly "ant to do# T ueU ,CA$/ , "on-t allo" myself to kno" "hat , truly "ant# T ueU ,CA$/ , "on-t allo" myself to be a"are of "hat , truly "ant be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of disappointing someone else by a kno"ledging "hat , truly "ant# T ueU ,CA$/ , take on roles , really don-t "ant to do so as not to disappoint someone else# T ueU ,CA$/ , take on tasks , really don-t "ant to do so as not to disappoint someone else# T ueU ,CA$/ , seek to hide "ho , really am from myself and others# T ueU ,CA$/ , seek to rebel against "hat others e'pe t me to do# T ueU ,CA$/ , have diffi ulty saying no "hen , really "ant to# T ueU ,CA$/ , have diffi ulty making good de isions# T ueU ,CA$/ , resist making de isions# T ueU ,CA$/ , hate making de isions# T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of making de isions be ause ### T ueU ,CA$/ , need to rebel# T ueU ,CA$/ , hide from myself# T ueU ,CA$/ , avoid fa ing diffi ulties# T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of su eeding# T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of moving on "ith my life# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me get something out of not su eeding# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me stop myself from moving for"ard# T ueU ,CA$/ , am afraid of failing be ause ### T ueU ,CA$/ , sabotage myself although , donCt really mean to# T ueU ,CA$/ , sabotage myself un ons iously# T ueU ,CA$/ , see myself as a failure be ause### T ueU

>6 ,CA$/ , am afraid to step into my o"n po"er be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , need to be perfe t# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of making mistakes# T ueU ,CA$/ , have unreasonable e'pe tations about my performan e# T ueU ,CA$/ , seek to avoid making mistakes "hen### T ueU ,CA$/ , arry this fear of making mistakes in my body# T ueU ,CA$/ , arry this fear of making mistakes in my energy field# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid to set goals be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , avoid setting goals by### T ueU ,CA$/ , donCt really believe that , an rea h my goals# T ueU ,CA$/ , an-t see myself a hieving my goals# T ueU ,CA$/ , hoose not to set goals be ause ### T ueU ,CA$/ , have diffi ulty a hieving goals# T ueU ,CA$/ , see myself as a failure# T ueU ,CA$/ , really donCt "ant to be in this life# T ueU ,CA$/ , didnCt "ant to ome into this life# T ueU ,CA$/ , dis onne t from "hatCs e'pe ted of me# T ueU ,CA$/ , Kust "ant to be left alone# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me Kust "ant to run a"ay# T ueU

When atin! Is a Problem

+e ause of the nature of the sub ons ious mind! "e asso iate that feeling of being full "ith memories "here "e found emotional omfort in overeating# ,f you "ere to pla e into the ir le all of the memories and situations "here youCve asso iated eating "ith omfort! , believe you "ould lear the need to overeat ompletely# 2$his prin iple should also "ork "ith al ohol! toba o and other Aaddi tiveB habits#4 +ut that-s only part of the solution# +eing over"eight and unhealthy also has mu h to do "ith the image you see of yourself "hen you look in the mirror# ?our physi al body is an e'a t dupli ate of ho" you vie" yourself inside# ?our image is saying! W$his is really ho" , feel about myself#B 6o" you look right no" is simply your body faithfully representing or reprodu ing that inner image or feeling# No"! hereCs the good ne"s# /hen you hange ho" you feel about yourself on the inside! your physi al body as a manifestation of your thoughts and e'pe tations "ill hange to mat h that inner vie"# /hile this may sound impossible! my e'perien e says it-s true# $hink about "hat you-re not happy "ith in your life at the moment# Are there issues you-ve been unhappy about for a long timeG (ake lists of all the things you are not happy about# )erhaps they in lude your marriage! or your hildren or money or your Kob# /hatever they are! make your lists! then put them into ir les and ount them do"n#

>> /hen you-re finished! you "ill not be the same person "ho de ided to begin# ?ou "ill hange! and you "ill let go of all those things that needed to be let go of# ,-d like you to see this for the great opportunity that it a tually is# $here are al"ays great gifts given "hen "e de ide to be more fully "ho "e really are! deep do"n inside#

A Compulsi$e O$ereater
, re eived the follo"ing e3mail from Danie! a Certified 5)oint )ra titioner0 , "orked "ith a lient "ho isE"as a ompulsive overeater# .he "as told by her do tor that she needed to lose <0 pounds for health reasons# /e "orked on the issue on e three days before Christmas be ause she "as going a"ay for a "eek for holiday festivities and "as really on erned about overeating during Christmas and Ne" ?ear and gaining more "eight# , sa" her a "eek after she returned from her holiday! and she had lost nine pounds 3 to date she has lost t"enty pounds# .he does not eat ompulsively at all anymore and feels "onderful and not deprived# .he said that the only thing that has "orked and has made hanges in her life is 5)ointM .he ontinues to do it on her o"n for anything that omes up# .ome of the statements "e used "ere0 o , lear all the "ays there may be parts of me un"illing to give up overeating be ause### T ueU o ,CA$/ parts of me benefit from overeating# T ueU o ,CA$/ parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe releasing this issue be ause### T ueU o ,CA$/ , need to bond "ith food be ause### T ueU o ,CA$/ , need to eat ompulsively be ause### T ueU o o o o o ,CA$/ , anCt stop eating ompulsivelyP T ueU ,CA$/ , need more and more food# T ueU ,CA$/ , use e' ess "eight to set boundaries "ith others# T ueU ,CA$/ , am safer at this "eight be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , use e' ess "eight to prote t myself from### T ueU

o , lear all the origins and ore issues "hy , have e'tra "eight# T ueU o ,CA$/ , use food for anything other than nourishment for my body# T ueU o ,CA$/ ir umstan es trigger my unhealthy eating habits# T ueU o ,CA$/ , need to be prote ted by a layer of fat# T ueU


atin! for Self(Comfort

, re ently re eived the follo"ing report from .ue! indi ating ho" mu h 5)oint has hanged her life# .ue "rites0 ,Cve found 5)oint to be a really tremendous tool in self3transformation# 6o"ever! there is usually a omfort fa tor in ho" mu h hange is omfortable at a time! "hat an be fa ed at on e! "hat needs to "ait! "hat needs to be dealt "ith slo"ly# , have done many of the learings in the manual! those suggested here Rthe .haring5ero)oint ?ahoo listS and on the C9# $here is mu h stuff for me yet to lear# ,f , suddenly leared all the dre k in my sub ons ious from over *0 years on the planet in this lifetime alone! , think a number of parts of me "ould freak out and sabotage things be ause it "ould be over"helming# , use 5)oint daily# .ometimes , lear a little# .ometimes , lear a lot# , trust myself# , trust the pro ess# )lease be gentle "ith yourself is "hat ,Cm trying to say#### ,f sleeping and Aother opingB gets you through the day and youCre not tempted to leave this plane by doing so J then ope a"ay# (y personal A oping me hanismB that ,Cve been "orking on is overeating# , have used %7$ and 5)oint on this but , am gentle "ith myself and "ork on self3forgiveness be ause , remind myself that this "as a good "ay to ope at the time it developed# ,t "as something that helped keep my feelings from over"helming me and shutting me do"n# No" , am able to handle my feelings better J but , still have lapses# And guess "hatG $his "eek! sometimes ,-ve been deliberately hoosing A omfort foodB "ithout overeating J but deliberately using it to soothe# /hyG (y boyfriend-s dad is in the hospital and "e don-t kno" "hi h "ay things "ill go# /e have a systems roll out at "ork# ,-m very stressed# .o , 5)oint to take it do"n a not h and then , deliberately soothe myself using food# ,-m not a tually overeating in a binge frenIy J but ,-m soothing myself# ,t "orks for me right no"# /herever you are is fine# ?ou start "here you are and move up# )lease take baby steps and Kust do a little 5)oint every day at least# ?ou-ll be surprised ho" it helps#

3sin! ,Point to Address a Poor Bod" Ima!e

/hen you look into a mirror! are you happy "ith "hat you seeG &ur so iety is ompulsively addi ted to looking young and looking fit# At the same time! statisti s sho" that a maKority of us are over"eight# 6ere are some &pening .tatements to assist you in releasing this issue# )lease note that ea h learing follo"s e'a tly the same format# /e bring the feelings up to ons ious a"areness "ith the &pening .tatement and then release everything "ith the regular 5)oint .tatements that follo"# $his format "orks e' eptionally "ell# 034 /henever , look at myself in a mirror , feel ### T ueU

>1 , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , ompare my body to those , see on $F or in (agaIines , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine ho" , must look to others , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , see myself through anotherCs eyes , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

80 /henever , think about ho" ashamed , am by ho" , look! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , try to imagine myself as being attra tive! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/hen , think about being deprived! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/hen , am feeling deprived! ,Cm also feeling ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

, lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU , lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU

81 , lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU /hen , am thinking about eating "hen ,Cm not hungry! ,Cm feeling ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

,Point for a Bod"s Acidit"

(aryam /ebster! %nergy $herapist! $ea her and 9ire tor of the Certified %nergy Coa h )rogram! solved a physi al problem using 5)oint# Read "hat she says0 $hanks for the reminder to use 5)oint on a idityM , am still a offee lover! but every time , drink offee! bad things happen# &okM , usually eat melon and alkaliIing u umber and lemon on those days but an-t al"ays do that# , Kust tried this morning and it "orked better than $umsM , did it "ith %$$ and installed healthy "ays of my body maintaining alkaline balan e in a number of different "ays# Hno" "hat , noti edG (y eyesight got sharper# ?ery interesting and makes a lot of sense sin e the vitreous humor is very sus eptible to p6 hanges through the day# , "ill ontinue to play "ith this#

#eleasin! %ears around an Operation

.ome time ago! my e'3"ife "as fa ing surgery to repair her bladder after a hystere tomy operation and she "as very "orried about it# /e spent about a half3hour on the phone and leared all the "ays she "as afraid# .ome of the statements "e used "ere0 , lear all the "ays ,-m afraid of this up oming operation# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of being in pain# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid something "ill go "rong be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid that be ause of my age , "on-t heal properly# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid be ause ,-ve heard the operation may not be su essful# T ueU

82 ,CA$/ my body seems to be letting me do"n# T ueU ,CA$/ ,-m afraid of being in the hospital# T ueU ,CA$/ , am "orried be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , hold these emotions in my body# T ueU

/hat , found really interesting is that from that point for"ard she had absolutely no fear about her up oming operation! and "as able to put it out of her mind# .he had very little post3 operative pain and no ompli ations "hatsoever# 6er do tor "as a tually surprised at the out ome! be ause she healed mu h faster than a patient normally "ould after having that parti ular operation#

#eleasin! Other %ears

6ere is "hat , "ould suggest if you have fears you "ant to release# $ake a blank pie e of paper and "rite do"n all of the things you an think of "here you are afraid# $hen! dra" a ir le around everything you-ve "ritten and set the intention that you "ill lear everything "ithin that ir le# As an alternative! pla e all of your thoughts! memories! beliefs! attitudes! emotions! assumptions! attitudes and on lusions in your mind on erning "hatever it is that you fear "ithin a ir le! either by "riting them do"n or by simply imagining that you are doing so# $hen ount do"n from ten to Iero and! as you ount! repeat your ue "ord# Remember to repeat the ountdo"n if any of the upset remains# ,f your belief system allo"s it! you may also lear on any past lives! bet"een lives! parallel lives or future lives "here this issue ould be a problem# %rase the tape on everything# Releasing fears around any situation an be a relatively simple task using %$$# ?ou an lear the fear of giving the big presentation! or a fear of driving on the high"ay! or almost anything else# +e reative# @ook for "ays that you find yourself limited any "ay by your fears or imaginings# .imply "rite do"n "hat you are afraid of and release it# $he hardest part is de iding to let it go#

#eleasin! %ears usin! Openin! Statements

6ere are a number of &pening .tatements one an say to release some general fears that most of us fa e at one time or another# /e say the &pening .tatement and then repeat our ue "ord for an appropriate length of time# $his has the effe t of bringing up "hatever feelings that need released "hi h are then easily and permanently released using the learing statements that follo"# /henever , think about giving a presentation in front of an audien e! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

8: , , , , , lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself standing on stage "ith hundreds of eyes "at hing my every move! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about holding spidersEmi eEsnakes in my hand! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine flyingEtaking offElanding in an airplane! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about startingErunningEpromoting my o"n business! , feel ### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU

8* , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU , lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU , , , , , lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about getting on the phone and alling those sales leadsEprospe ts! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about taking that e'am! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about asking himEher out on a date! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

8< /henever , think about herEhim to marry me! , feel ###T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

$here! , think you get the idea# Dust plug in "hatever your fear is and go through the rest of the statements# /hen you finish! your fear "ill be gone or diminished# ,f itCs not ompletely gone! make up another &pening .tatement and go through the statements again# .imple#


Chapter *otes


Chapter Thirteen: The *e2t Step

'1hat man really seeks is not perfection "hich is in the future, but fulfillment "hich is ever in the present.-- N. /ri @am
"Focus your mind, your energy, your spirit, your feelings and emotions on the most joyful and fulfilling scenario you can imagine. Suddenly and profoundly, your reality begins to change" ~Ralph Marston~

/e all reate our lives from the thoughts "e think every day and the hoi es "e make based on those thoughts# /e are reators# /e reate either by default! meaning that "e remain una"are of our tremendous po"er to reate our o"n personal versions of heaven or hell! or "e re ogniIe our true po"er and ons iously set out to reate e'a tly the life "e "ant for ourselves# ,f "e hoose to remain una"are of our true po"er! "e remain stu k in fear! doubt! suffering and la k# /e an reate hell on earth for ourselves or "e an reate a life filled "ith an abundan e of love! money and fulfillment# /e an ontinue as "e have al"ays done and blame life itself or God or others for our failure to find happiness! or "e an move into a different spa e "here "e trust life itself to provide all that "e need for our happiness# $hat hoi e is ours and ours alone to make# /ill you stay onne ted to the prevailing global feeling of la k! of not re eiving "hat you really "ant! or "ill you hoose to make the very best of your life and simply a ept the good that is already thereG $he follo"ing =uote! used "ith permission from Abraham36i ks16! outlines the possibilities here on erning fo using on "hat makes us feel good versus pla ing our attention on thoughts! memories and relationships that make us feel bad# ,f you-ve used the e'er ises in this book! then you are ready to take the ne't step! and be ome the person you "ant to be# No one else is keeping you from anything that you "ant# $here is not an agen y! not a parent! not an influen e! there is not another J nothing an prevent you from the fulfillment of your o"n desires J only you# And only you an do it through offering a vibration that is not in alignment "ith your desires# And! your emotions are telling you in every moment "hether or not you are allo"ing or resisting! "hether or not you are in alignment or misalignment "ith your o"n desires# ;nderstanding the @a" of Attra tion! and more importantly! understanding the "ay you feel! "ill give you reative abilities beyond your "ildest dreams# $here is nothing that you annot be or do or haveL there is nothing that you annot rea h for and a hieveXand there is nothing that needs to take a long time to ome to you#

Abraham36i ks J A very "ise voi e on spiritual matters# .ee """#abraham3hi ks# om for more information#

88 .our e %nergy is very fast3moving %nergy! and manifestation is mu h faster in these days than it has ever been before# And it is time for you to re laim your po"er by paying attention to "hatever you are doing that is ausing you to divert your po"er or to resist your po"er# )ay attention to the "ay you feel# And make your essential! determined stan e be that you-re going to make the best of things# $hat-s really the mantra that "ill put you on ourse0 ,-m going to make the best of this# No matter "here , am! ,-m going to make the best of itM 6ear "hat that means0 No matter "here , am! if , make the best of it! it-s gotta get better# And then if , still make the best of it! it-s gotta get better# And if , still make the best of it! it-s gotta get even better# # # # )eople are going to find you to be very ni e to be "ith# Children may be a little sho ked as they dis over you are not riding herd on their behavior so mu h# $hey "ill be delighted as they dis over you are giving them an up3 lose e'ample of someone "ho is Koyous# &ther people "ill dis over! through their e'posure to you! their o"n KoyXfor you "ill tea h through the larity of your e'ample#

A Personal Stor"
A "hile ago! , arranged to have dinner "ith some members of my family# /hen , arrived! , found everyone to be in a terribly bad mood# ,n fa t! Abad moodB fails to fully des ribe the ommon state of mind! "ith everyone moaning and groaning about this and about that# ,n this mood! "e set out to drive to the restaurant and dis overed that one of our ars had a flat tire# &h boy# +ig disasterM (e! , Kust "anted a pleasant evening "ith my family# .eeing that the o asion "as fast heading for the dumper! , de ided to set the intention that no matter "hat happened! no matter ho" upset they "ere and no matter ho" nasty they be ame! , "ould have a good time and enKoy myself# , pla ed the evening in my ir le and ounted myself do"n# +e ause "e no longer had the se ond ar! everyone be ame even more upset# , "as feeling alm and very serene after ounting myself do"n! and imagined my bubble of almness spreading to the others in the party# , then suggested "e "alk several blo ks to a small family restaurant that has great food and is very ine'pensive# .o "e set out amidst a pall of gloom and doom# +y the time "e rea hed the restaurant and sat do"n! my family "ere starting to visibly rela'# , talked to everyone! dra"ing ea h out in turn! and they rela'ed even more# /hen "e left the restaurant several hours later! everyone "as laughing and having a great time# , spoke to several of them the ne't day and all remarked on "hat a "onderful time they had# A year ago! , believe the out ome of our family dinner "ould have been far different# 7irst! , "ould have been disappointed that ,-d "asted an evening and "ould have been totally miserable along "ith everyone else# /hat "as the differen eG , de ided to make the best of the situation and to make a spa e "ithin myself "here , "ould trust that the best of all possibilities "ould be manifested# And it "as# , "as ompletely a"ed by ho" "onderfully everything "orked out#


The Best of All Possibilities

(aking the best of things in the traditional sense means to Agrit your teethB and Aput up "ithB life-s vi issitudes and itCs suffering# $his is the old paradigm "here you see yourself as a vi tim# $his is not "hat , mean here# (aking the best of things a tually means to stop resisting life and to truly allo" for the best of all possible out omes to every situation and ir umstan e# ,t means stepping aside and simply allo"ing your life to play itself out in the best possible "ay# ,t means giving up the need to be in ontrol of "hat you think "ill make you happy and allo"ing the good that is already there to flo" into your life# Remember! fulfillment doesn-t happen "hen you arrive at your destination! it happens as you take ea h step along the "ay# ,f you think about this for a moment! you "ill realiIe that you are the author of your o"n life and the situations and ir umstan es that you find yourself onfronted "ith# $hey truly are your o"n reations and to resist them or push them a"ay only serves to guarantee they stay "ith you# /hat "e resist persists# 6o"ever! our saving gra e lies in that fa t that "hat "e embra e! transforms# ,f you are "orking your "ay through this book as intended! and doing all the learings along the "ay! you "ill have noti ed by no" that you are be oming less rea tive to the drama and emotional turmoil of others around you# @ong3standing emotional triggers are being released! and it "ill be ome in reasingly lear that most of the drama that o urs "ithin your life really has no onne tion to you at all! unless you allo" it#

All Is As It Should Be...

Abraham36i ks "rites0 .ome things youCre not letting happen right no" be ause the timing isnCt perfe t for you# .ome youCre not letting happen be ause you are very a"are of "here you are# +ut all things! as they are happening! are happening in perfe t order# And! if you "ill rela' and begin saying! A%verything in its perfe t time# %verything is unfolding# And ,Cm enKoying "here , am no"! in relationship to "here ,Cm going# Content "here , am and eager for more!B that is the perfe t vibrational stan e# 1> /hat is being said here is that to be ome a vibrational mat h for "hat you "ant! you must first a ept "here you are right no"# And "e do get ourselves into some pretty pi kles! don-t "eG Again! remember that "hat "e resist persistsM /hat "e a ept transformsM


$o read more about aligning "here you are "ith "here you "ish to be! go to http0EE"""#abraham3 Kournal# omEinde'#phpE"eblogEmoreEmakeQpea eQ"ithQ"hereQyouQareE

10 No"! , an see many people shaking their heads and saying to themselves! A+ut if , a ept my urrent situation! "ouldn-t that be like giving up on my dreamG 6o" an , move for"ard if , don-t keep trying to move beyond "here , am right no"GB $he point is that vibrationally! you are out of alignment "ith your dreams and desires if "hen thinking about them! you fo us on ho" far a"ay you are from a hieving them# ,nstead! the perfe t vibrational stan e is to ompletely a ept "here you are right no"# $he ideal state of mind is "here you anti ipate the fulfillment of your desire as you "ould anti ipate a "onderful meal# ?ou kno" beyond a doubt that it "ill be served "hen ready! and you feel "ild "ith anti ipation# $hat is being in a pla e of vibrational alignment "ith your desire#

Creatin! Acceptance and Anticipation

$here are four main areas in life "here most people have diffi ulty0 Career @ove and relationships (oney 6ealth

?ou an use the follo"ing e'er ises to move yourself to"ard fulfillment in ea h or all of these areas#

Acceptin! the 3nacceptable

$he first step ne essary to release any limiting ir umstan e or situation is to a ept it fully# , an hear you thinking to yourself! A+ut , don-t "ant to a ept this situation# , "ant to release it and move on#B $his is not about a epting the situationL this is about a epting A"hat isB right no" in this moment# $o move for"ard "e must first a ept that "e are in this situation or ir umstan e and that it-s perfe tly okay to be here! for no"# ?ou an do this by reating a ir le and "riting "ithin it all of the things you don-t like about your urrent situation# ,f you have a boss you an-t stand! pla e his or her name "ithin the ir le# /rite do"n all the things you don-t like about your boss# )erhaps you are doing "ork that doesn-t live up to your e'pe tations# ,f so! pla e those e'pe tations "ithin your ir le# )erhaps you don-t have enough money to meet your finan ial obligations# ,f so! pla e those obligations "ithin the ir le and the reasons you are obligated# ,f it-s a relationship issue! first go ba k to the se tion on releasing painful relationships and release all of the painful emotions surrounding it# No"! set the intention that you "ill release everything "ithin the ir le that prevents you from a epting "hat you annot a ept# $his "ill bring you firmly into the present moment "here your true po"er lies# Count it do"n and pay parti ular attention to any thoughts! memories or

11 feelings that arise during your ountdo"n! as these "ill lead you deeper into the areas "here you may feel resistan e to full a eptan e of A"hat is#B ,f you an! "rite them into your ir le as you e'perien e them# $ake sto k of your feelings after ompleting the first round# 9o you feel pea efulG Are there any tight areas in your bodyG 9o you still yearn to run a"ay from your urrent situationG $hese are good indi ators that you have not rea hed full a eptan e of this situation# ,f so! reate a ne" ir le! pla ing everything from the first ir le into the ne" one# ?ou an do this mentally if you "ish! but you may find it helpful to physi ally "rite remaining feelings or memories into the ne" ir le# $hen! simply ount do"n again! making note of any ne" memories or feelings that pop into your a"areness# /rite or mentally add these to the ir le as you pro eed "ith the ountdo"n# Remember! the obKe t here is to rea h a state of full a eptan e of the "ay things are right no" in your urrent situation# /hen you a ept it fully! you "ill no longer be offering a vibration that differs from "hat you desire for yourself# ?our fo us "ill no longer be on "hat you don-t have! but "ill naturally shift to "hat you really "ant# And! surprise surprise! some"here along the "ay you-ll noti e that you "ill a tually begin to enKoy your present ir umstan es in a far deeper and more meaningful "ay# $his "ill open you to ne" e'perien es! ne" horiIons and ne" dreams# @et-s summariIe0 1# (ake the de ision to move on by a epting the una eptable# 2# /rite areas of on ern or diffi ulty into the ir le# :# .et your intention to release everything. *# Count do"n from ten to Iero# <# Che k in on ho" you feel emotionally and in your body# 6# Repeat until you feel pea eful about everything in your ir le#

What We Anticipate
Not long ago! , "as speaking "ith a good friend on erning her relationship diffi ulties# .he had been lo ked in a long and unfulfilling relationship for many years and only re ently de ided to do something about it# .he felt unloved! unappre iated! unattra tive and very mu h alone# , took her through the follo"ing e'er ise! and "ithin the "eek she noti ed t"o very a eptable men vying for her attention# .he "as sho ked by ho" "ell and ho" =ui kly this little e'er ise "orked# ,t simply onne ts you to a feeling of anti ipation for "hat you really "ant# Anti ipation is the a t of mat hing your vibration "ith the vibration of your heart-s desire#

12 $he first step is to de ide on "hat you "ant# ,f you kno" e'a tly "hat that "ill look like! pla e it in the ir le# ,f it is a feeling of fulfillment you seek! "rite do"n "hat you believe that fulfillment "ill look or feel like# @ist the reasons "hy you "ant "hat you "ant# )la e everything "ithin your ir le# No"! it is important to understand that "hen you set an intention and ount it do"n! it "ill surely ome to pass# &n e released "ithin the ir le! there is nothing J and , mean nothing J that "ill stop the boulder of your desire from being made manifest# ,magine yourself standing at the top of a very large hill# ,n front of you is a large boulder that represents the best of all possible out omes to the desire that you hold# ?our boulder is perfe tly balan ed and needs only the smallest nudge to send it ine'orably on its "ay# And! starting slo"ly! it "ill gain speed and momentum until it is virtually unstoppable# ,t must happen# +efore you begin! ask yourself if you really "ant "hat you are seeking# ,f the ans"er is an un=ualified Ayes!B then all that-s left to do is simply ount it do"n and send your desire on its "ay# ,f you find yourself in onfli t as to "hether or not you really "ant "hat you "ant! ,-d suggest you pla e all aspe ts of that parti ular onfli t "ithin the ir le and ount it do"n# &n e you-ve rea hed a state of pea e on erning e'a tly "hat you "ish to bring into your life! you an pro eed "ith releasing your boulder# (ost often you "ill feel a sense of anti ipation that you "ill manifest "hatever desire you-ve pla ed in the ir le# ,f you don-t feel that anti ipation! ount do"n again! pla ing everything from the first ir le into the ne" one# 9o it again if ne essary until you feel pea eful and kno" that sooner or later "hat you "ant "ill manifest in your life# %nKoy the feeling of e' itement in your stoma h18! kno"ing that your heart-s desire is on its "ay#

#e$ie+ Steps to #elease "our Boulder of &esire

1# 9e ide "hat you "ant to bring into your life# 2# 9ra" a ir le on a sheet of paper and "rite do"n e*actly "hat you "ant# :# ,magine yourself at the top of a hill "ith a large boulder balan ed perfe tly in front of you# *# Release your boulder and ount it do"n# <# %nKoy the feeling of anti ipation "hen you think about your desire# No" sit ba k! rela' and simply allo" ir umstan es and situations to manifest that "ill arry the vibration of your desires# )ra ti e "at hful anti ipation# Release any feelings of desperation or

,t-s an odd thing! but many people have a diffi ult time distinguishing bet"een a feeling of an'iety and one of genuine e' itement# $he reason for this is that "e-ve been programmed to e'pe t the "orst in most situations! so "hen "e a tually e'pe t the best! this an ome as some"hat of a surprise# ,f you are not sure "hat you feel! say A, lear all the "ays that , an-t distinguish bet"een fear and e' itement#B $hen repeat your ue "ord until you kno" the differen e#

1: "orry using the tools in earlier hapters# Hno" that fulfillment of your desires is as ertain as the sun rising tomorro" morning# /hen , "as a hild! Kust the smell of my mother-s ooking "ould often fill me "ith a sense of "onderful anti ipation for the meal as yet uneaten# Dust the thought of sitting do"n to eat her reation "ould ause my mouth to "ater and my taste buds to anti ipate the pleasure of fulfilling my desire# $his is the state you seek# &n e you rea h it! it-s only a matter of time before your true heart-s desire is laid before you J Kust like my mother-s meal#

Additional Allo+in! Statements

6ere are some Aallo"ingB statements that you an use to enhan e the learing pro ess0 , allo" myself to have "hatever , need to be happy and fulfilled# T ueU , allo" myself to feel that , deserve to be the person that , am and to have the "onderful relationships that make my life "orth living# T ueU , allo" myself to e'perien e fulfillment in every area of my life# T ueU , allo" myself to e'perien e ompleteness and Koy# T ueU , allo" myself to feel grateful for everything and everyone in my life# T ueU , allo" myself to feel emotions that resonate "ith my having my heart-s desire# T ueU , allo" myself a gentle patien e! kno"ing that having my heart-s desire is absolutely inevitable# T ueU

9onCt forget to say statements 2 and :! like this0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of those "ays# T ueU , lear all of the emotions onne ted to all of those patterns# T ueU


Chapter *otes


Chapter %ourteen: Pullin! it all To!ether

'&*perience is not a matter of having actually s"um the Aellespont, or danced "ith the dervishes, or slept in a doss-house. It is a matter of sensibility and intuition, of seeing and hearing the significant things, of paying attention at the right moments, of understanding and co-ordinating. &*perience is not "hat happens to a man! it is "hat a man does "ith "hat happens to him.( Aldous 6u'ley 2181*J116:4! +ritish author# ,Cve been using 5)oint! on a daily basis sin e the summer of 200:# ,n that time! ,Cve applied it to many different areaCs both for myself and for a gro"ing number of personal lients and others# ,n the follo"ing t"o hapters , intend to pass along as mu h of my e'perien e using the pro ess as , an# $ime and time again , have seen personal transformations from using this simple pro ess that leave me in a state of a"e and "onder# ,Cve seen people filled "ith anger "ho release that anger in a single session and literally be ome different people# $his happened re ently "hen a friend allo"ed me to lead him through a personal session# +efore the session he "as his usual angry! perennially hurt and distra ted self# After the session! "hi h lasted no more than <0 minutes! he "as alm! rational and filled "ith pea e# , visited him about 2 "eeks after our session and the anger had not returned# ,n fa t he noti ed that many areaCs of his life simply opened up! in luding a greater appre iation for more diverse kinds of musi and other artisti endeavors# 6e even looked different#

Con$entional Wisdom Sa"s...

/e have been led to believe that hange takes time# $his is Kust not so# (y friend hanged more in those <0 minutes "e spent together than he had ever done before# ,n releasing his long held anger! he opened himself up to be ome a person that he simply ould not have imagined prior to our session# ,n freeing himself from his abiding anger! he found that he no longer defined himself by that anger# 6e is finally free to e'perien e life from a totally different perspe tive! and a mu h more pea eful one at that# ,f you! like many! define yourself by the inKusti es in your life! by the anger or resentment or grief that you arry so deeply "ithin! then you are reading the right book at the right time# No" is the time to use this simple pro ess and release yourself from your burden and begin the business of enKoying your life to the fullest#

Start +ith 7our motions

$he longest Kourney begins "ith the first step! and in this ase the first step "ould be to release any strong emotions that ause you upset right no"# ?ou an start the pro ess to"ard a better

16 life for yourself by releasing all of that upset right no"# ,t is a tually a simple thing to release every bit of anger! fear! resentment or any other emotion that e'presses itself through you# ?ou need only do it using this simple )ro ess# , purposely "aited until this point in the book to outline the follo"ing simple approa h to self healing and self development# , did this be ause , "anted you to e'perien e 5)oint for yourself in a more stru tured "ay by giving you statements and leading you through the pro ess# 6o"ever! this approa h "ill take you only so far# /hat follo"s is an outline for a more intuitive approa h to self development that you an use any"here! anytime! and it al"ays starts "ith "hat you are feeling#

What are "ou feelin! *OWA

At any moment in the day most people an he k in "ith themselves and determine ho" they are feeling# ,f you do this right no" you may find that you are feeling good! or sad! or mad or pea eful or "hatever# %motions hange onstantly and are like an ever flo"ing river "ithin us# %motions flo"! they move and are not meant to be stu k "ithin us or held in our bodies# /eCve been taught to believe that if "e donCt like ho" a parti ular emotion feels! "e an simply ignore it or repress it and it "ill go a"ay# And it does seem to go a"ay for a time! but only for a time# $hat emotion "ill! if left une'pressed or unreleased! begin to fill our lives like trash fills an empty room# And like trash every"here! it "ill eventually start to smell# @ike trash every"here! it needs to be taken out to the urb and dropped off# (any people fall into the trap of believing they need to understand "hy they feel a parti ular emotion before they an release it# $ruthfully! for the purposes of 5)oint! su h understanding is ompletely unne essary# All "e need to kno" is that "e have some emotional trash that needs to be taken out to the urb# And that is e'a tly "hat une'pressed or unresolved emotions a tually areL trash "aiting to be taken out to the urb# .o! here is an outline of ho" to use this pro ess in the moment# ?ou an do this any"here! anytime# ?ou an do this in a ro"ded elevator! in your ar! on a plane! "hile "orking# Any"here! anytime#

The *e2t Time...

7irst! try this the very ne't time you noti e an emotion that doesnCt feel good "hen you feel it# ,t doesnCt matter "hat it is# ,f it doesnCt feel good! then itCs simply trash that needs to be taken out to the urb and dropped off# ?ou donCt need to understand it or identify "ith it! you Kust need to release it# 7o us on the feeling and say to yourself0 , lear all the "ays , feel this feeling# Trepeat your ueU

1> Che k in "ith your body# 6as the feeling been releasedG ,f not! say the statement again until that feeling has ompletely dissipated# 7ollo" up by saying statements 2 and :! like this0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of those "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of those patterns# T ueU .aying these three simple statements "ill help you release most of the un omfortable feelings that you feel# ?ou an do this in the moment! any"here! anytime# No one "ill kno" "hat you are doing# ?ou "onCt embarrass yourself in any "ay# ?ou are only taking your emotional trash out to the urb and =uietly dropping it off#

2tendin! "our Clearin!

After youCve be ome profi ient "ith taking your trash to the urb in this "ay! you may "ish to begin reating your o"n statements to use "ith the pro ess# Creating statements is simple# Remember! you are Kust dire ting your ons iousness to areaCs "here emotional trash has a umulated# ?our ue "ord and healing program do the a tual CremovalC "ork# As in our e'ample above "here "e dire ted our sub ons ious to lear all the "ays "e feel this feeling! "e an also be more spe ifi and say A, lear all the "ays , feel this feeling "henever###B $his "ill dire t the sub ons ious to lear all the "ays you feel this feeling "henever a ertain something triggers that feeling# ,n effe t! you are removing the trigger that results in your feeling that feeling# .eeG /e an also say A, lear all the "ays , feel this feeling because.##B $his "ill release all reasons "hy "e believe "e must rea t in su h a manner by feeling the feeling "e "ish to release#

It=s all about "ou and onl" "ou

Remember that most behavior is simply a prere orded pattern that happens "hen triggered by an internal or e'ternal event or feeling# Releasing emotions onne ted to patterns of behavior "ill normally allo" that behavior to simply disappear# /hat if! for e'ample! you are giving thought to getting into a ne" relationship! but you are having diffi ulty ommitting to your urrent partner in a meaningful "ayG /hat if you remember a string of bad relationships and a longer string of bad hoi esG 6o" "ould you go about resolving thatG 7irst! this is all about you and no one else but you# )erhaps this person disrespe ted you or that person took advantage of you! but at some level you allo"ed it# /hether you an admit it or not! you and only you are responsible for the life youCve been given and the hoi es youCve made# No one an make a fool of you "ithout your onsent# At some level youCve given your onsent# $his also means that you an be ome a"are that youCve given your onsent and ons iously take it ba k#

18 ,tCs Kust trash ready to be taken out to the urb# ,f you "ant to make spa e for something fresh and ne" in your life! if you "ant to stop reliving the same patterns and hoi es over and over again! then itCs time to release the story that you use to e'plain to yourself and others "hy youCve failed so far# ,tCs time to make fresh hoi es# ,f youCre ready to take your trash to the urb! youCll need to release all the memories you have of bad relationships and bad hoi es# ?ouCll need to release all the disappointment! all the doubt and the pain# @ump it all together as ,Bour &*perience, and re ogniIe that it is simply Kust another energeti pattern! albeit a very large and omple' one# And that pattern and onne ted emotions an be released easily and ompletely using the pro ess# Remember that "e al"ays "ork from the very big pie es to the very small ones# Clearing C?our %'perien eB is a big pie e "ith many smaller issues and feelings energeti ally onne ted to it# .o! "hy not lear it allG 6o"G $ake out your pen il and dra" a ir le# $hen imagine yourself pla ing thought after thought and memory after memory in the ir le# 7ill your ir le "ith memories of all the bad relationships and ho" those bad relationships affe ted you and those you love# Dust use your imagination for a moment and allo" your thoughts to fill your ir le# $hen ount it do"n! simply repeating your ue "ith ea h ount# Allo" your mind to "ander! donCt give it another thought# .imply fo us on saying your ue and ounting do"n# As you do so you may noti e your mind begin to "ander and thatCs &H# %very thought that passes through your mind "hile you are ounting do"n "ill have some onne tion to the issue or feeling that youCre "orking on# Dust be the passive observer and "at h your thoughts and pay attention to any feelings in your body# .imply be the observer# .ome people find it helpful to make notes to themselves about "hat they see or feel# &ften Kust the a t of learing brings larity and fresh understanding to painful issues# $he )ro ess itself is self regulating# , kno" from my e'perien e and from the e'perien e of many others that %$$ "orks by thro"ing up onto the s reen of our Cons iousness fleeting images of past trauma! onversations! feelings! body sensations and more# $hen! as you repeat your ue and ontinue ounting do"n! your initial healing program does "hat itCs designed to do and "orks ompletely in the ba kground# $he rest happens =uite automati ally#


#emo$in! An2iet" around a 8ife Choice

$o remove the fear or an'iety! simply allo" yourself to fo us on it for a moment# As you do so! estimate itCs .#;#9#s and make a note for yourself as to ho" intense it is in this moment as it relates to the hoi e you "ant to make# $hen repeat these statements0 , lear all the "ays , feel limited in my hoi es# T ueU ,CA$/ , feel limited in my hoi es be ause### T ueU ,CA$/ , feel limited in my hoi es "henever ### T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me have a different agenda than , do# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me may not feel safe by making this hoi e# T ueU ,CA$/ parts of me are afraid to move for"ard "ith my life by making this hoi e# T ueU After repeating the above statements make an estimate of your .#;#9#s after the first round# ,f your feeling of dis omfort is at a 0! you may find yourself able to move for"ard and make the hoi e easily# ,f not! repeat the above statements again paying spe ifi attention to any body feelings that a ompany the main feeling# ?ou an reate statements to release these as in the follo"ing e'ample# , lear all the "ays , feel Athis feelingB in my body# T ueU Remember to say statements 2 and : "hen you are finished Kust to be sure youCve released everything around this issue# @ike this0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of those "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of those patters# T ueU Again! the idea here is to ompletely release the emotion or emotions onne ted to the hoi e you "ish to make# ,f after ompleting the above e'er ise you still e'perien e an un omfortable feeling! try repeating the follo"ing statements#

, , , , ,

lear all the "ays , have this fear# T ueU lear all the "ays this fear ontrols my life# T ueU lear all the "ays this fear has the best of me# T ueU lear all the "ays , allo" the fear to be in harge of me# T ueU lear all the "ays , am ashamed of feeling this fear# T ueU

, lear all the "ays , am afraid be ause### T ueU , lear all the "ays , am afraid "henever### T ueU , lear all the "ays , hold this fear in my body# T ueU

No" say statements 2 and : like this0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of those "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of those patterns# T ueU

100 Che k your .#;#9#s again to see if your fear is gone# ,f so! you are done# ,f not! go through the e'er ise again until you feel free to make "hatever hoi e ?&; "ant "ithout feeling fearful in the slightest#

rasin! the Tape on 7our Bad &ecisions

All of us have memories of making de isions that turned out badly# .ome people are so "eighted do"n "ith these kinds of memories that they are literally paralyIed "ith fear that they "ill ontinue to make bad de isions and find themselves in trouble! again# $o release the memory and the signifi an e youCve atta hed to these CbadC de isions simply dra" your ir le and mentally pla e every de ision that youCve ever made "ithin ite# ?ou donCt even need to remember ea h one! simply de ide to release the ones you do remember! and set your intention to release similar memories even if you anCt ons iously remember them# ?our sub ons ious is a marvelous thing and "ill do as you ask it# $hen! set your intention to release all of the emotions surrounding these de isions! all of the "ays that youCve imagined yourself or others being hurt by your CbadC de isions! and anything else you an think of that may have an impa t on the de isions that you made# $hen ount do"n from 10 to 0! repeating your ue bet"een ea h ount# ,f! after rea hing 0 you donCt feel ompletely rela'ed and at ease "ith your past de isions! ount do"n again until you do# .imple isnCt itG

rase the Tape When 7ou Can=t &ecide

.ometimes "e Kust anCt de ide the best ourse of a tion in a given ir umstan e# ?ou may be able to narro" your possibilities do"n to several hoi es! but you Kust anCt seem to de ide bet"een them# 6ereCs something that "orks "ell and "ill resolve the situation in your o"n mind# ,f you find yourself in a very onfused pla e then this pro ess "ill seem a godsend# ,t "ill release those ompeting voi es that lo k you in a state of upset# .o! 1# 9ra" a ir le and "rite do"n everything you an about the proCs and onCs asso iated "ith the hoi es available to you# +e sure to list ho" ea h hoi e makes you feel and any possible reper ussions of hoosing badly# ?ou an also pla e "ithin the ir le all of the "ays that you donCt trust yourself to make a CgoodC de ision for yourself# $hink about all the times you didnCt trust "hat you "ere feeling# 2# .et your intention to release everything and anything asso iated or onne ted to these =uestions# ?ou "ill find yourself releasing all of the bad feelings! re riminations! and any feelings that are similar in any "ay# ?ou "ill also find yourself releasing all the less

101 than love feelings asso iated "ith any of the memories onne ted to this entire issue# And finally! you "ill find yourself learing any feelings being held or stored in the body# :# Count do"n from 10 to 0! repeating your ue as you do so# *# Repeat until you feel omfortable "ith "hat it is that you really "ish to do# &ne of the things ,Cve noti ed about this pro ess is that after learing a"ay un omfortable feelings "e are suddenly able to see possibilities and hoi es that "e "ere unable to see prior to using the )ro ess# ,tCs like "e are "alking do"n a long hall"ay "ith only one door visible at the end of the hall# After releasing all of the un omfortable feelings onne ted to an issue or a =uestion! "e are suddenly able to see doors or opportunities that "ere not there before# ,n a tuality! those hoi es "ere al"ays available to us! but are sometimes hidden beneath the un omfortable emotions atta hed to those hoi es# Releasing these so alled Cstu kC emotions opens and reates an open spa e to be ome a"are of the all the possible hoi es available and this my dear friend! is "here our true freedom and po"er lies#


Chapter *otes


Chapter .5: Standin! on %resh :round

It,s never too late to become the person you,ve al"ays "anted to be. - unkno"n 7or me! the above =uote puts the use of this )ro ess into perspe tive# , annot imagine anything "orse than lying on my deathbed! filled "ith regret that my life didnCt turn out the "ay that , "ished# , must tell you very honestly that up until a fe" years ago , ould never have imagined that , "ould be sitting here "riting the last hapter of this book# &r! that , "ould reate a )ro ess su h as youCve already e'perien ed# , ould never have imagined any of this# As , look ba k through the long years of unhappiness! itCs very mu h like ,Cm remembering someone elseCs life# Although "ith effort , an re all spe ifi images and memories! there seems to be no emotional ontent atta hed to those images# (y past no longer hurts to remember it# $his is not to say that ,Cve be ome this perfe t being# 6ardly# , have my hallenges! but for the most part they are ne" hallenges! not the same endless reliving of patterns of anguish! betrayal and loss that ,Cd suffered through for most of my life# , am living my life on fresh ground# And so an you#

8ettin! !o of the Balone"

?ouCve read this far and hopefully have tried the )ro ess# No" ,Cd like to point out some simple "ays to help send you on your Kourney to a better life# 7rom my perspe tive! after releasing the emotions and patterns that are literally Cin your fa eC! ,Cd like to suggest that you pla e your attention ne't on the relationships in your life# $his presupposes that you are truly fed up "ith the drama and upset that urrently hara teriIes mu h of your life and "ish to transform it in a po"erfully meaningful "ay# Constantly rea ting to the present through the lens of the past! is the surest "ay , kno" to remain unhappy and unfulfilled for all the days of your life# $hatCs not a very pleasant thought is itG Not pleasant at all# Are there parts of your life that fill you "ith anger! or regret or perhaps fear# ,s your memory alive "ith se rets hiding in dark losetsG 9o you find yourself living a life that Kust doesnCt seem right! but you feel ompletely po"erless to hange itG

10* , kno" , sure did# &ne of the first things , realiIed after reating 5)oint "as that , "as living mu h of my life tied to feelings of failure! humiliation! self3doubt and loss# (ost if not all of these feelings "ere tied to many of the relationships in my life! both past and present# .o! armed "ith an effe tive "ay to release these feelings! , set out to do so# Re alling my father to mind still brought up deep feelings of anger and resentment! "hereas re alling my mother brought up feelings of love mi'ed "ith feelings that she had let me do"n in some unkno"n "ay# Re alling other relationships both past and present "ith my e'3"ife! old bosses! girlfriends! tea hers and others led me to realiIe that , still arried a negative emotional harge on erning many of them# No "onder , felt tied to my past# $hese negative feelings "ere still alive "ithin me and "ere holding my attention firmly in the past# )ea e of mind e'ists in the present moment! not in the ontinual reliving of past inKusti e or trauma# , "ould like to suggest that if you havenCt already done so! you omplete the e'er ises in Chapter 8! and resolve similar relationships in your o"n life# $he differen e it "ill make in your life "ill astound you as most of the diffi ulties "e have in life revolve around the relationships "e form# And it is in this area you "ill =ui kly see the biggest hanges in yourself and your life# 6o" you "ill hange is not for me to say! but , an say that others "ho have used the )ro ess for this purpose! report feeling like a different person# $heyCve put A)A,9B to their pasts and find themselves rea ting to situations and people in a far more balan ed and nonrea tive "ay# $hey find it mu h easier to be omfortable "ith themselves "ithout being triggered by past issues "ith onne ted feelings of anger! resentment or fear# , have been fortunate to hear many stories from 5)oint users "ho have used the )ro ess to ompletely resolve deep seated relationship issues "ith brothers! sisters! mothers and fathers! husbands! bosses! employees et # $he possibilities are endless here! so if you havenCt already done so! sit do"n and arefully "rite do"n any names that o ur to you# ,f youCre not sure about a name! then may , suggest there is a nugget there "aiting for you# %a h person "ho does this e'er ise is astounded at the out ome# $here is a dynami that operates "ithin a family or a group# A set of unspoken rules# /hen you lear your relationships "ithin that family or group! you put CpaidC to many of these CrulesC# ?ou free yourself to be ome a"are that you have many more options than you thought you had# ?ouCve stepped onto Cfresh groundC "here your authenti self11 an flourish# ;sing the Relationship )roto ol "ill allo" you to move to C7resh GroundC "here you an finally be free of the past and make hoi es based solely on "hatCs happening in the present# And if you donCt already kno" it! being in the present moment is "here your true po"er lies#


$he authenti self 3 (u h has been "ritten about the authenti self over the years# $hey "ere des ribing a person "ho lives almost entirely "ithin the moment# A person "ho is part of life! "ho lovingly embra es every aspe t of it# A person "ho is no longer afraid#


Consciousl" Burnin! Barma

&ne of the more intriguing aspe ts of learing relationships is the idea that use of the pro ess may a tually release personal Harma# $he on ept of personal Harma is an an ient one that ,Cm sure most of you are familiar "ith! but itCs the eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth on ept# ,tCs the on ept of spiritual balan e and "e keep oming ba k until "e an balan e all aspe ts of our lives# %nergeti ally! balan e is the state of being pea eful about an issue "hen there is no emotional pull either "ay# ,t is a state of a eptan e and some "ould say Gra e# +urning Harma means "e are resolving deeply held emotional blo ks and differen es bet"een individuals and Cpaying ba kC debts in urred during su h soKourns# $he universe thrives on balan e and balan e is a hieved "hen the need to learn a lesson or repay a debt is finished# Any struggle on erning that issue is in the past and no longer has any signifi an e in your present life# % khart $olle spoke to this "hen asked if he thought he "as A%nlightenedB# 6e replied that he didnCt kno" if he "as %nlightened or not! but he did kno" that he no longer ared "hether he "as or not# , believe he is %nlightened in the traditional sense# 6is life e'perien es brought him to that state of balan e , spoke about and it ontinues to reverberate through everything he does or says# ,n our "ork "ith 5)oint! "e kno" "eCve rea hed this state of balan e about a parti ular issue! person or feeling! be ause "hen "e think of it again! if ever! "e do so "ithout being triggered in the slightest "ay#

What +as I +orkin! onA

,t may seem rather odd at first! but o asionally you may "ork on an upsetting issue and "hen finished! you "ill find that after"ards you have no ons ious memory of a tually releasing it# /hen this happens! and it happens more often than you think! youCll find that the issue you "ere "orking on eases to have any signifi an e in your life "hatsoever# ?ou simply annot remember even "orking on it# ,t feels like remembering a dream upon "aking only to have the memory of that dream fade ompletely from your "aking ons iousness "ithin a fe" se onds# ,tCs erased someho" from your ons ious a"areness so ompletely that you simply annot remember it# $his phenomenon happens =uite regularly "hen using the pro ess# ,n my e'perien e! and that of many others! this CforgettingC is nothing to be on erned about# ,n fa t! this forgetting is an e' ellent indi ator that the pro ess is "orking as it should# /hen this happens it appears that the issue is released so ompletely that it eases to be part of ons ious a"areness! and that is very po"erful indeed#


Where are "ou challen!edA

Any a tivity that you "ish to pursue an be enhan ed through the use of 5)oint# ,f you see a hallenge that you "ish to pursue! you an release all of the emotional impediments that may ause you to struggle "ith that hallenge# ,n other "ords! youCll find it easier to get "hat you "ant from life# ,Cm re alling a time a fe" years ago! Kust before , had the idea for 5)oint! "hen , "as struggling finan ially# )i kings "ere slim in the %nergy (edi ine field# $o pay my rent , took a Kob for a Real %state .alesman alling e'pired listings# (y Kob "as to speak to these homeo"ners and onvin e them to try again "ith the firm , "orked for# (y God did , have a problem "ith this Kob! but my ba k "as against the "all# , ouldnCt =uit# (aking those phone alls "as an absolute torture for me# $he strange thing is that , made an appointment on my very first all# +ut! , "ould literally run to the rest room after every all be ause , "as so emotionally distraught# At this time , used %7$20 and again it "as a godsend# ,Cd get off the all! rush to the "ashroom and =ui kly do a round of tapping# $hank God for stalls be ause ,Cd get in there and tap like a raIy person until ,Cd start to rela' and ould fa e getting on that phone again# ,t "as very unpleasant! but "ithin a "eek or so , found myself be oming mu h more omfortable getting on the phone and onne ting "ith the people , spoke to# +y the end of the first month , "as booking an average of 2 =ualified appointments per hour# ,n the Real %state business! most doing "hat , did average 1 =ualified appointment per hour# , "as amaIed that , a tually found myself enKoying speaking "ith those people# , used a s ript but someho" , ould really onne t "ith them and in response they made the appointments , needed to pay my rent# 6o"ever! no matter ho" hard , tapped! , never got over my feeling that , needed to leave that Kob Kust as =ui kly as , ould finan ially# And , did! after "orking there about : months# $he Real %state man "anted me stay! but### 6ad , kno"n 5)oint at the time , believe the out ome "ould have been the same! but , "ouldnCt have needed to visit the restroom every time , "as upset# $apping on oneCs fa e in a roomful of people does not inspire their onfiden e# /ith 5)oint you an lear on anything! any"here and at any time# No one "ould have the slightest idea "hat you "ere doing! theyCd Kust noti e you start to rela'# ,f you are hallenged! use the )ro ess# ,f you are triggered by someone or something! use the )ro ess# 9o it in the moment and on the run#

%7$ J %motional 7reedom $e hni=ue! reated by Gary Craig# 7or more info go to """#emofree# om

10> (ore than one person has told me that sometimes they "ake up "ith their ue "ord repeating in their mind# And believe me "hen , say that your ue "ord be omes a "el ome part of you! be ause it smooths a"ay the rough edges of any situation# ,t brings you ba k to yourself by releasing those parts of you that are rea ting to an unresolved issue or feeling#

And Where Will all This :et 7ouA

?ou find your entre again and start really enKoying the life that you have# /e do not need to suffer# $here is another "ay# /hen "e live our lives through the pain of our past! to a large e'tent "e are =uite un ons ious to the fa t that "e al"ays have hoi es and that "hatever happens! everything is going to be ok# $hat is the reality# /hen you live the maKority of your life in the present moment! you are ons ious of those hoi es and you HN&/ that no matter "hat happens! you AR% going to be alright# ,t is an inner feeling of safety and se urity# /hen you live primarily in the present moment you approa h people and situations differently# ?ou are nonrea tive to the slings and arro"s of outrageous fortune# ?ouCve removed all of the emotional triggers onne ted to those memories and feelings that may ause you to un ons iously interfere "ith the natural flo" of "hatever you are doing# ,tCs alled Cbeing in the flo"C! and being in the flo" of life is e'a tly the pla e "here you really "ant to be# 6ave you ever had one of those days "here everything Kust seemed to go rightG /here one moment flo"ed into the ne't and it seemed like there "as enough time to do and enKoy everything# $hatCs "hat ,Cm talking about here about being in the flo"# And pra ti ing 5)oint on a daily basis "ill help take you there#


Chapter *otes


Appendi2 A: &ifferent Wa"s to &o ,Point

@isual ,Point
A number of years ago! before , developed 5)oint! , used %7$21 almost e' lusively and "ith "onderful results "ith most people# 6o"ever! there are times "hen people have issues that seem to defy our ability to find "ays to rea h them! and one su h ase left me in a state of bafflement# , Kust ouldnCt seem to find a "ay to help this "oman past her problem# ,tCs said that ne essity is the mother of invention and so it proved in this instan e# As , "as pondering my ne't move! , started thinking about ho" the sub ons ious seemed to reveal itself in symbols# 7or e'ample! a friend told me a story about a dream she had "here she and her birth sister 2my friend is adopted4 "ere driving to a dan e# .he looked over and sa" that her birth sister "as dressed in the uniform of a NaIi offi er! omplete "ith ap and insignia# After meeting her birth sister for a offee! she "as debating "hether to establish loser so ial ties# .omething about her sister made her feel un omfortable! but she ouldnCt pinpoint "hat it "as# , suspe ted that her dream "as revealing her sisterCs true nature in symboli language# .eeing someone dressed in that parti ular uniform "as a po"erful symbol as to her sisterCs true nature# .he de ided not to pursue the relationship# &ur sub ons ious mind ommuni ates in symbols! and my guess "as that maybe it "ould be possible to ask =uestions of the sub ons ious and have it reveal its ontents and asso iations via those symbols# $his proved to be the ase! and , reated an adaptation of %7$ , alled Fisual %7$# ;sing the te hni=ue of eli iting symbols for ertain issues and emotions! ,Cd have my lient tap on those symbols until the symbols hanged or simply disappeared# $he te hni=ue proved to be very effe tive# A fe" years ago! , taught this te hni=ue to a 6ypnotherapist friend of mine in )hiladelphia! "ho has been using it su essfully in her private pra ti e# Although for some reason ,Cve never a tually "ritten publi ly about the method! , ontinue to use it in my o"n "ork as another tool in my toolbo'# ,Cve Kust adapted it for use "ith 5)oint# $he te hni=ue itself is really =uite simple# ,f the lient is having a problem "ith something , ask the lient to allo" their sub ons ious mind to reate a symbol for the entire issue#


%7$ or %motional 7reedom $e hni=ue# A meridian based emotional release system reated by Gary Craig# .ee """#emofree# om for more information on this highly effe tive yet relatively simple pro ess#

110 , an re all one lient "ho had a "eight problem "hi h , believed "as aused by her need to prote t herself emotionally from "hat "as happening in her life# , asked her sub ons ious to allo" an image that represented the entire issue# .he immediately replied that the image of an orange popped into her mind-s eye# /hy an orangeG , have no idea "hat asso iations her sub ons ious mind had "ith an orange and "eight issues! but then , really didnCt need to kno" to help her release the issue# , asked her to fo us on the orange and simply say her ue "ord# , instru ted her not to try to hange the image in any "ay or to for e it to hange! Kust allo" it to be and ontinue to say her ue "ord# $his is very important! be ause many people tend to try to manage or ensor the image to suit their e'pe tations# ,Cd he k in "ith her every t"enty or thirty se onds to see ho" she "as doing# ,nvariably! every time , he ked in! the image "ould have hanged# At first the orange gre" smaller! but then it seemed to stabiliIe# $he ne't time , he ked in! the orange had begun to form segmented ra ks around its ir umferen e# /ithin about a minute! my lient got a huge smile on her fa e and announ ed that the orange had begun to peel itself! revealing a soft inner ore# 7inally! the ore and peelings Kust seemed to fade a"ay to nothing! and all of her diffi ult and un omfortable feelings around the "eight issue seemed to go "ith them# &ften ,Cll ask a lient to reate an image to represent an issue and nothing "ill happen# $he person "ill Kust see darkness# $his is sub ons ious resistan e! and is usually easily over ome by asking the lient to fo us on this darkness and simply repeat his or her ue# ;sually "ithin a short time the darkness "ill fade and an image "ill appear# $hen ,-ll ask the lient again to reate an image to represent the entire issue being dealt "ith! and "e an ontinue "ith the pro ess#

9irror :aCin!
A fe" years ago! a friend suggested , try a little e'er ise "ith a mirror# .he asked me to simply look at my refle tion for five to ten minutes ea h morning and get omfortable "ith "hat , sa" there# , "as astounded at ho" diffi ult , found that simple e'er ise# ,t-s amaIing ho" staring at our refle tion in a mirror brings up feelings "e "ish "e didn-t have# And! "herever "e "ish "e didn-t feel ertain feelings! there are onfli ts buried "ithin the surfa e# 6o"ever! they an easily be resolved# $ry it0 look in a mirror and then! as un omfortable feelings ome up! simply repeat your ue "ord as you "at h your image# $his is not meant to be diffi ult or ta'ing in any "ay# ,t-s Kust another "ay to use your ue "ord effe tively#


,Point Walkin!
, love to "alk! and , dis overed not long ago! =uite by a ident! that saying my ue "ord "hile "alking "as an e' ellent "ay of bringing myself into balan e emotionally and spiritually# And! of ourse! there is also the benefit of e'er ising at the same time# Normally , "ill "alk bet"een three and five miles a day# , have found that saying my ue as , "alk puts me into a deep meditative state! and resolves any of the daily on erns that , may have had before beginning the "alk# $here are three "ays of doing this! and all three or a ombination of the three "ork e=ually "ell# $he first is to start the "alk "ith the intention of learing a spe ifi issue or diffi ulty# Repeat your ue "ord to yourself "ith every other step# ?ou an fo us on the three learing steps as you go! linking all the "ays statements together and finishing up "ith statements 2 and : at the end of the "alk# Another "ay is to set the intention that the issue you "ish to "ork on "ill be ompletely resolved by the time you finish your "alk# $hen Kust start "alking# 7o us on your ue "ord and enKoy the sights! sounds! smells and physi al feeling of being outside# ?our sub ons ious "ill be "orking in the ba kground "ith your ue "ord! resolving things as you "alk# $he third "ay is to set out "ith absolutely no intention of learing anything spe ifi # Dust repeat your ue as you "alk and allo" your mind to roam as it "ill# ?our mind "ill naturally go to the thoughts and memories it "ishes as you "alk and your ue "ord "ill easily resolve any issues that ome up in the moment# /hi hever "ay you do it! 5)oint /alking is an in redibly enKoyable "ay to spend some time outdoors# ?ou "ill feel great physi ally! mentally and emotionally and arry that "onderfully entred and grounded feeling "ith you for the rest of the day#


Appendi2 B: The Ori!inal ,eroPoint Process

$he 5)oint )ro ess has been evolving rapidly from its birth! "hen it "as kno"n as the 5ero)oint )ro ess and then as the 5)oint )ro ess and Kust re ently as the 5)oint )ro ess! , ontinue to refine the pro ess and tighten it up to make it even more po"erful and effe tive# $he original version is longer and more omple' than "hat "e usually "ork "ith today# 6o"ever! some people find that they still prefer to use that version o asionally J espe ially if they aren-t getting the desired results "ith the streamlined 5)oint )ro ess# 7or that reason! , am in luding it here#

Terms 3sed in the Process

9aster pattern: $he master pattern is the parti ular pattern you are "orking on# ,t sits atop an energy pyramid or ontainer that in ludes similar patterns! onne ted patterns! roots! et # 7or e'ample! if you "ere learing the pattern of abandonment! AabandonmentB "ould be the master pattern# Connected and?or like patterns: Remembering that our goal is to delete or lear anything that may an hor the master pattern in pla e! "e lear any patterns that are onne ted in any "ay to both the master pattern and any like or similar patterns# +e ause "e have no need to kno" pre isely "hat these are! "e an simply instru t the sub ons ious to lear these as re=uired# Self(a!reements: $hese are agreements "e make "ith ourselves during an emotionally harged period# 7or e'ample! you are in a situation that auses intense emotional pain and make a vo" that you-ll Anever do that again#B Agreements like this are =ui kly forgotten by the ons ious mind but are still fully in for e "ithin our sub ons ious# 3nfor!i$eness to+ard others: $o ompletely release the master pattern! "e lear all of the anger! Kudgment! riti ism! blame! shame! resentment and unforgiveness "e hold to"ard anyone 2in luding God4 for any a t or thought "e believe may have harmed us! as it relates to the master pattern being leared# $his is a very important ategory to lear# Nuite often people "ill hold resentment and unforgiveness to"ard others and need to release this before they "ill allo" themselves to move on# 3nfor!i$eness to+ard oursel$es: Ne't "e lear any anger! Kudgment! riti ism! blame! shame and unforgiveness "e hold to"ard ourselves as it relates to the master pattern being leared# Patterns that are held or e2pressed throu!h the bod" or the ener!" field: Nuite often! patterns are held or e'pressed through the body or the energy field# %'amples of this "ould in lude most physi al illnesses that have their beginnings as habitual patterns of thought#

11: Clearin! the back(up or failsafe mechanism: $here appears to be a me hanism that re3 establishes patterns if this parti ular vulnerability is not leared# .imilar to a ba k3up hard drive on a omputer system! this failsafe must be leared to prevent the original pattern from being re3 installed or brought ba k#

The Clearin! Process

$he learing pro ess begins by defining the master pattern you "ish to remove# +e as broad as possible "hen doing this# /rite it do"n# (ake ertain your sub ons ious kno"s e'a tly "hat you are learing# &n a s ale of Iero to ten! ho" intense are the feelings asso iated "ith the pattern right no"G As you go through the follo"ing instru tions to the sub ons ious! say ea h instru tion aloud or in your mind and then Kust on entrate on your ue "ord2s4! repeating it softly over and over to yourself# Remember to stay tuned in to your body for signs of release# , set my intent to ompletely lear the master pattern of P at every level of my being# T ueU , lear all of the self(a!reements holding the master pattern of P in pla e and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear all of the unfinished business holding the master pattern of P in pla e and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear any unkno+n factors holding the master pattern of P in pla e and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear any and all roots holding the master pattern of P in pla e and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear any and all patterns connected to or similar in an" +a" to the master pattern of P and do so at every level of my being T ueU , lear all of the an!erD Eud!mentD criticismD blameD shameD resentment or unfor!i$eness directed to+ard an"one 'includin! :od) holding the master pattern of P in pla e and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear all of the an!erD Eud!mentD criticismD blameD shame or unfor!i$eness directed to+ard m"self holding the master pattern of P in pla e and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear this master pattern and all of the patterns related to this master pattern bein! held in m" bod" and?or ener!" field. T ueU , lear an" mechanism or $ulnerabilit" +ithin me that "ould allo" the master pattern of P to return and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , lear an" mechanism or $ulnerabilit" +ithin me that "ould allo" the master pattern of P to return and do so at every level of my being# T ueU , install the master pattern of P to over"rite and repla e the pattern P and install any self3agreements! unfinished business! unkno"n fa tors! roots and similarE onne ted patterns ne essary to support the pattern being installed# T ueU

11* Check in: 6o" pea eful are you feeling right no"G ,f you aren-t feeling ompletely pea eful! go through the pro ess again if ne essary! andEor apply the drill3do"n te hni=ue22 for residual feelings andEor he k for related patterns you haven-t addressed#


7o us on any remaining emotion or body sensation! then breathe deeply and imagine yourself drilling do"n into the feeling "hile you think your ue "ord# Continue doing this until you feel pea eful#


Appendi2 C: ,Point on a Pa!e

The -ealin! Pro!ram $he healing program itself need only be read on e# After you-ve read it to yourself! you-ll never need to refer to it again# ?ou "ill need to remember your ue "ord ho"ever# 7or our purposes in setting out 5)oint on a single page! ,-ll assign a ue "ord to use "ith the pro ess# $hat "ord is A.haIamB# )lease feel free to use your o"n "ord remembering to avoid "ords "ith strong emotional atta hment su h as AmoneyB or Ase'B# No"! having hosen a ue "ord or phrase! read the instru tions belo"! aloud if possibleG I hereb" set a po+erful intention +ithin "ou m" subconscious mindD to effect the best of all possible outcomes b" this clearin!D and that each time I notice a pattern or patterns I +ish to eliminateD as I sa" or think m" cue +ordD "ou +ill eliminate all such patterns and components of patterns completel" and safel". AndD each time I repeat m" cue +ord in se6uenceD "ou +ill access deeper and deeper la"ers and all parts and all aspects of m" bein!. The ,Point Process $he pro ess itself is very simple# Dust fo us on an area "here you are having diffi ulty and say the follo"ing three statements to yourself! or have someone read them to you# At the end of ea h statement! repeat your cue "ord for CD to CE seconds 2ust as if you are saying a mantra# .haIam###.haIam###.haIam# 1# 2# :# , lear all the "ays , 2feel depressed! angry! resentful! Kealous et # Trepeat ueU , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of those "ays# Trepeat ueU , lear all the emotionsY onne ted to all of those patterns# Trepeat ueU

YAll emotions in lude but are not limited to any anger Kudgment! riti ism! blame! shame! guilt! resentment! fear and ;nforgiveness to"ard self! others and if appropriate! God# 2this too need only be read on e and "ill be remembered by your sub ons ious mind# ?ou an link A/aysB statements together and say statements 2 and : at the end0 , lear all the "ays , am angry# Trepeat ueU , lear all the "ays , am sad# Trepeat ueU , lear all the "ays , be ome angry "hen , think about you# T ueU ?ou an link as many of these A"aysB statements together as you "ish# $hen! you an finish up "ith0 , lear all the patterns onne ted to all of those "ays# T ueU , lear all the emotions onne ted to all of those patterns# T ueU %ill in the Blanks... ?our sub ons ious mind is a marvelous instrument for healing# ,nstead of thinking up all of the "ays "e do things or feel things or the ir umstan es that trigger us to a t in ertain "ays! "e an simply dire t the sub ons ious to A7ill in the +lanksB for us! like this### , lear all the "ays , am angry! "hen ### Trepeat ueU and your sub ons ious "ill literally y le through all the ir umstan es "here you be ome angry "henever AsomethingB o urs# .imilarly! you an say0 , lear all the "ays , be ome angry! be ause ### Trepeat ueU and your sub ons ious "ill lear on all the reasons "hy you be ome angry# ?ou an also use modifying "ords like AifB and AbutB or Aba k thenB or similar "ords# 5)oint an be used to improve relationships! in rease self esteem! heal emotional trauma et # &ther resour es are available by going to http0EE"""#5)ointpro ess# omE


Appendi2 &: Script for Creatin! Abundance

7ind a omfortable pla e to rela' and "eCll begin### /hat ,Cm going to do is to say an &pening .tatement that "ill bring your true feelings about being finan ially se ure to the surfa e# And most important! Kust rela' and let observe "hatever you feel or e'perien e and Kust let the pro ess and your sub ons ious mind do all the "ork for you# Ready#### /henever , think about "orking my "ay to finan ial se urity####, feel#### Trepeat your ue pleaseU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about allo"ing myself to manifest finan ial se urity! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself being free of money "orries! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

, lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU , lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU

11> , lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU /henever , think about "hat it "ill ost me to be finan ially se ure! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about turning into a "orkaholi ! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about my love ones going "ithout! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about myself turning into someone , "onCt like! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

118 , , , , , lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself having everything , ever "anted! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about myself being a failure! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about myself being "ildly su essful! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

, lear all of the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all of the emotions and feelings onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU

111 No"! Kust take a breath and rela'### No"! letCs ontinue### Dust imagine a large light filled ir le in front of you! and in that ir le "eCll pla e all the "ays you "orry about money! all the "ays you "orry that youCll never have enough! all the "ays you "orry that youCll never get to that pla e "here youCll be able to live omfortably and do the things "ith your life that you really "ant to do! all the "orries that someho" youCre not good enough or smart enough or attra tive enough# /eCll pla e all of these "orries "ithin the ir le! along "ith all the asso iated thoughts! memories! attitudes! beliefs! feelings and emotions onne ted to these# And no" "eCll ount do"n from 10 to 0! releasing all that "eCve pla ed there! starting "ith### 10 1 8 > 6 < * : 2 1 0 3 remember to Kust repeat your ue "ord as , ount you do"n 3 3 Kust allo" and observe "hatever thoughts or feelings ome into your a"areness 3 3 "eCll also pla e in the ir le "hatever parts of you that resist letting go 3 3 Kust repeat your ue "ord and rela' 3 3 release everything stored in the mus les and tendons of your body 3 3 thatCs good

No"! take a big breath and rela'### #######and "eCll ontinue by imagining that "eCre taking a broom and s"eeping "hatever remains of our finan ial "orries and on erns into our ir le# ,n a moment "eCll ount do"n again from 10! starting "ith ##### 10 1 8 3 Kust repeat your ue "ord as , ount you do"n 3 3 remember to allo" your thoughts and feelings

120 > 6 < * : 2 1 0 3 3 Kust repeat your ue 3 3 let everything go 3 3 easily and "ithout any effort "hatsoever 3 3 thatCs good! no" Kust rela' and take a big breath###and let it go#

,n a moment "eCll ontinue### /henever , think about being finan ially independent####, feel#### Trepeat your ue pleaseU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about having all of the money and su ess , may "ant###, feel### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" hard ,Cll need to "ork to earn more money###, feel### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU

121 , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU , lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU , , , , , lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about being ri h###, feel### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about "hat , must do to be ome ri h! , feel , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

No"! take a ni e deep breath####and let it out####and "eCll ontinue# /henever , think about allo"ing myself to realiIe my deepest dreams and aspirations! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU

122 , lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU /henever , think about sabotaging my o"n best efforts! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about "hether , deserve to be finan ially abundant! , feel ### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU , lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU , , , , , lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself a epting myself ompletely in every "ay! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself being kind and generous to myself! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

, lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU

12: , lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU , lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU /henever , imagine forgiving myself! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

, lear all the patterns onne ted to all of these "ays# T ueU , lear all the feelings and emotions and feelings onne ted to all of these patterns# T ueU No"! take a breath and Kust rela'###and ### /henever , imagine myself being finan ially abundant####, feel### T ueU /henever , imagine taking are of my loved ones! , feel ### T ueU /henever , think about ho" good that "ould make me feel! it makes me feel ### T ueU /henever , think about ho" grateful , am at this moment! , feel ### T ueU No"! Kust imagine! in "hatever "ay seems most appropriate! that you are finan ially se ure# Remember to ontinue to repeat your ue "ord as , speak#### ,magine that money is attra ted to you "herever you go and "hatever you do# ,magine "hat you "ould do "ith that money# ,magine it learly and ontinue to repeat your ue#### ,magine ho" grateful you are that life has blessed you so abundantly#### ,magine giving thanks for the blessings that ontinue to pour upon you#### ,magine ho" "onderful it feels #### ,magine ho" good you feel right no" ####as you ontinue to repeat your ue "ord ###


Appendi2 %: Script for Creatin! 8o$in! #elationships

7ind a omfortable pla e to rela' and "eCll begin### /hat ,Cm going to do is to say an &pening .tatement that "ill bring your true feelings about various relationships in your life to the surfa e "here they an be easily released# All you need do is Kust rela' and observe "hatever you feel or e'perien e and let the pro ess itself and your sub ons ious mind do all the "ork for you# /eCll start by having you think about a person that you are or "ere having diffi ulty "ith# ?ou an easily repeat this tra k for ea h person you donCt feel ok about# And! having that person firmly in your mind "eCll begin### /henever , think about this person! , feel#### Trepeat your ue pleaseU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about "hat ,Cd like to say to them! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" this person has affe ted my life! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

, lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU

12< , lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU , lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU , lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU /henever , remember the last time , allo"ed them to upset me! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" they make me feel about myself! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about Kust letting the "hole thing go! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

126 /henever , think similar issues , may have "ith other people! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine ho" ,Cd like our relationship to be! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

No"! take a big breath#### and let it out# $hatCs good####and "eCll ontinue#

12> Track III Dust imagine a large light filled ir le in front of you! and in that ir le "eCll pla e all the "ays you are upset by a parti ular relationship! all the "ays you are angry! all the "ays that you Kudge that person or ho" it makes you feel "hen they Kudge you! all the "ays they make you feel "hen they blame you or the "ays you blame yourself! all the "ays you may resent them! all the "ays that you Kust anCt forgive them for "hat theyCve done! or said or havenCt done or said# /eCll pla e all of these "ays in the ir le! along "ith any and all asso iated thoughts! memories! attitudes! beliefs! feelings and any emotions that may be onne ted to these# And no" "eCll ount do"n from 10 to 0! releasing all that "eCve pla ed there! starting "ith### 10 1 8 > 6 < * : 2 1 0 3 remember to Kust repeat your ue "ord as , ount you do"n 3 3 Kust allo" and observe "hatever thoughts or feelings ome into your a"areness 3 3 "eCll also pla e in the ir le "hatever parts of you that resist letting go 3 3 Kust repeat your ue "ord and rela' 3 3 release everything stored in the mus les and tendons of your body 3 3 thatCs good

No"! take a big breath and rela'### #######and "eCll ontinue by imagining that "eCre taking a broom and s"eeping "hatever remains of our finan ial "orries and on erns into our ir le# ,n a moment "eCll ount do"n again from 10! starting "ith ##### 10 1 8 > 6 3 Kust repeat your ue "ord as , ount you do"n 3 3 remember to allo" your thoughts and feelings 3 3 Kust repeat your ue

128 < * : 2 1 0 3 3 let everything go 3 3 easily and "ithout any effort "hatsoever 3 3 thatCs good! no" Kust rela' and take a big breath###and let it go#

,n a moment "eCll ontinue ##

121 Track I@ ,Cll ask you to think about the relationship you have "ith yourself as , lead you through the follo"ing statements# Dust remember to repeat your ue "ord### /henever , think about myself! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about ho" , relate to other people! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about people , donCt like for some reason! it makes me feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

1:0 /henever , imagine a epting myself fully and ompletely for "ho and "hat , am! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about fully trusting my feelings and my Kudgment about people and things! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself being the person ,Cd most like to be! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself surrounded by people "ho love and are for me! , feel ### T ueU , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU

, lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU

1:1 , , , , lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about the people , "ork "ith! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , think about my relatives! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

/henever , imagine myself responding to everyone , meet "ith love and alm a eptan e! , feel ### T ueU , , , , , , , , , lear all the "ays , feel these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings be ause### T ueU lear all the "ays , feel these feelings "henever ### T ueU lear all the "ays , may feel these feelings if ### T ueU lear all the "ays any parts of me may not "ant to let these and similar feelings go# T ueU lear all the "ays these parts of me may not "ant to release these feelings be ause ### T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me may benefit from keeping these feelings# T ueU lear all the "ays parts of me "ouldnCt feel safe by releasing these feelings no" T ueU lear all the "ays these parts "ouldnCt feel safe be ause ### T ueU

No"! take a breath and Kust rela'###and ### /henever , think about myself! , feel### T ueU

1:2 /henever , think about those losest to me! , feel ### T ueU /henever , think about ho" grateful , am at this moment! , feel ### T ueU ,magine ho" grateful you are that life has blessed you so abundantly "ith good friends and loving family and ontinue to repeat your ue# ,magine giving thanks for the blessings that ontinue to pour upon you#### ,magine ho" "onderful it feels #### ,magine ho" good you feel right no" ####as you ontinue to repeat your ue ###

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