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Turbulent Intensity in Bottom Boundary Layer over Rough Bed under Irregular Wave Intensitas Turbulen Bottom Boundary

Layer di atas Dasar Kasar Gelombang Irreguler

Taufiqur Rachman1 dan Suntoyo2
Ocean Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Univer ita !a anuddin, "a#a ar $%&2'() 2 Ocean Engineering Department, Ocean Technology Faculty, *n titut Te#nologi Sepuluh +ovem,er $*TS), -ampu *TS -eputih.Su#olilo, Sura,aya $/&111) email0 ocean1d2213yahoo4com

Abstract Bottom boundary layer under wave motion has role crucial importance in the analyses and modeling of nearshore sediment transport. Understanding of sea bottom boundary layer characteristics is an important step needed in sediment transport modeling for practical application purposes. This paper describes an experimental investigation to understand more properties of the bottom boundary layer over rough bed, especially turbulent intensity acting on the sea bed. Moreover, characteristic of turbulent intensity on the turbulent boundary layer over rough bed under irregular wave has been investigated by the baseline k turbulence model and validated by the available experimental data. The turbulence numerical models could predict very well the turbulent intensity under irregular waves. The prediction models qualitatively produce very good indication of the pattern of turbulence generation and it mixing. Keywords0 bottom boundary layers turbulent intensity irregular waves

Abstrak Bottom boundary layer a#i,at pergera#an gelom,ang memili#i peran yang angat penting dalam anali i dan pemodelan tranporta i edimen di perairan de#at pantai4 Pemahaman karakteristik lapisan batas dasar laut adalah tahapan penting yang diperlukan dalam pemodelan transportasi sedimen untu# #egunaan apli#a i pra#ti 4 "a#alah ini menya5i#an tin5auan e# perimental untu# le,ih memahami properti bottom boundary layer di ata da ar #a ar, #hu u nya inten ita tur,ulen yang ter5adi di da ar laut44 6e,ih lan5ut, #ara#teri ti# inten ita tur,ulen dalam lapi an ,ata tur,ulen di ata da ar #a ar gelom,ang irregular ditin5au dengan baseline k turbulence model dan divalida i dengan data e# perimen yang ter edia4 "odel numeri# tur,ulen dapat mempredi# i dengan angat ,ai# inten ita tur,ulen gelom,ang irreguler4 Secara #ualitatif predi# i model mengha il#an indi#a i yang angat ,ai# terhadap pola ,ang#itan tur,ulen dan pencampurannya4 Kata kunci0 bottom boundary layer7 inten ita tur,ulen7 gelom,ang irreguler



8 uch, over the year many tudie have ,een carried out to inve tigate the flo9 propertie in the ,oundary layer4 8 the pre ent tudy i concerned 9ith ,oundary layer flo9 under ocean 9ave , the revie9 on the tudie 9ould al o ,e concentrated on ,ottom ,oundary layer flo9 under 9ave $ ee Fig41)4 The earlie t of y tematic e:perimental approach to inve tigate ,oundary layer flo9 9a pro,a,ly made ,y ;on on <2= 9here he mea ured the velocity di tri,ution in the ,oundary layer 9ith a micro. propeller4 Recent e:perimental tudie , on the other hand, employ much advanced in trument to have detailed mea urement of flo9 tur,ulence and coherent tructure4 8 num,er of e:perimental tudie have made ne9 contri,ution to our under tanding of the tur,ulent ,ehavior of o cillatory flo9 over ,oth mooth and rough ,oundarie $!ino et4al4 <2=7 ;en en et4al4 <'=7 ;on on and >arl en <(=7 Sleath </=)4 From the e tudie , it i clear that tur,ulence i generated in the

vicinity of near.,ed region either through hear layer in ta,ility or the tur,ulence ,ur ting phenomenon4 Tur,ulent ,oundary layer have ,een tudied theoretically a 9ell a e:perimentally quite e:ten ively in recent year 4 -no9ledge of the ,oundary layer near the ea ,ed i important for e4g4 the prediction of ediment tran port and pipeline ta,ility4 Furthermore, the ,ottom ,oundary layer flo9 contri,ute to di ipation of urface 9ave 7 it play an important role in phy ical model, for predicting coa tal and ocean flo9 circulation 4 The accuracy of prediction of ediment tran port in real 9ave ituation largely depend on the under tanding of near ,ottom flo9 mechani m under irregular 9ave 4 *n order to calculate the ediment tran port, t9o matter are of pecial importance, namely the ,ottom hear tre and the vertical tructure of tur,ulence4 The e t9o matter have ,een tudied inten ively in the e:perimental 9or# ,y !ino et4al4 <2=), ;en en et4al4 <'= and Sleath </=, all three tudie ,eing performed in a clo ed U.tu,e in order to o,tain ufficiently high Reynold num,er for the development of the tur,ulence4 The main o,5ect of the pre ent paper i to demon trate the e:i tence of certain univer al velocity and pha e relation in o cillatory rough tur,ulent ,oundary layer 4 For thi purpo e it 9ill ,e ho9n that the output from the e:periment4

Figure 1 *llu tration of 9ave ,oundary layer and the tur,ulent ,ottom ,oundary layer under ea 9ave4


Turbulent boundary layer experiments

2.1 Experimental set up The e:periment 9ere carried out ,y Tana#a, et4al <1= in 9ind tunnel at 6a,oratory of Environmental !ydrodynamic Toho#u Univer ity ;apan $Fig4 1)4 Thi tunnel i e entially the ame a that de cri,ed ,y Suntoyo, et4al <%= and later ,y Sana <1&=4 The 9or#ing ection ha a length of ( m and the height and 9idth of the cro ection are 2& cm and 1& cm, re pectively4 The dimen ion of thi cro . ection of 9ind tunnel ha ,een con idered in order to the flo9 velocity 9a not influence ,y the ide9all effect4 The e:periment have ,een carried out in an o cillating 9ind tunnel connected 9ith the pi ton y tem 9ith air a the 9or#ing fluid and mo#e particle a tracer4 Thi i intended to ma#e an ea y treatment if it i compared 9ith 9ater a the 9or#ing fluid4 The e:perimental y tem con i t of t9o ma5or component , namely an o cillatory flo9 generation unit and a flo9.mea uring unit4 The o cillatory flo9 generation unit 9a made up of ignal control and proce ing component along 9ith pi ton mechani m4 The pi ton di placement ignal ha ,een fed into the in trument through a ?>4 The @ret chneiderA"it uya u pectrum 9a u ed to generate an input ignal in thi e:periment4 *nput digital ignal ha ,een converted to corre ponding analog data through a digital. analog $D8) converter4 8 ervomotor, connected through a ervomotor driver, 9a driven ,y the analog

ignal4 The pi ton mechani m ha ,een mounted on a cre9 ,ar, 9hich 9a connected to the ervomotor4 The feed.,ac# on pi ton di placement, from one in tant to the ne:t, ha ,een o,tained through a potentiometer that compared the po ition of the pi ton at every in tant to that of the input ignal, and u, equently ad5u ted the ervomotor driver for po ition at the ne:t in tant4 The mea ured flo9 velocity record 9a collected ,y mean of an 8BD converter 9ith 1B1&& interval , and the mean velocity profile variation 9a o,tained ,y averaging over (& 9ave cycle 4 8ccording to Sleath </= at lea t (& 9ave cycle are needed to ucce fully compute tati tical quantitie for tur,ulent condition4 The flo9 mea uring unit compri ed of a 9ind tunnel and one component 6DC for flo9 mea urement4 Celocity mea urement 9ere carried out at 21 point in the vertical direction at the center part of the 9ind tunnel ,y mean of 6DC4 The aluminum ,all roughne having a diameter of 1& mm $a roughne height, ! r D 1& mm), imilar u ed idea ,y ;u te en <11=, 9a pa ted over the ,ottom urface of the 9ind tunnel 9ithout pacing along the 9ind tunnel, a ho9n in Fig4 24

Figure 2 Shematic de cription of te t et.up and definition #etch for roughne

2.2 Generation o! irregular "a#es The randomne in ocean 9ave i due to the pre ence of numerou component 9ave of different amplitude and frequencie tho e are contained in 9ave pectrum4 The 9ave pectrum repre ent the preading of 9ave energy over different frequency range 4 *n the pre ent analy i the pectral den ity for irregular 9ave 9ater urface elevation, ha ,een computed u ing @ret chneider."it uya u pectral den ity formulation in the follo9ing Equation $1), ee Samad and Tana#a </=, 9here, !1 B 2 and T1 B 2 are ignificant 9ave height and period re pectively, and f i frequency of component 9ave 4

" ( f ) = &42(E ! 12B 2 T1 B 2 ( T1 B 2 f )


e:p 14&2 ( T1 B 2 f )


8pplying mall amplitude 9ave theory, follo9ing relation hip can ,e o,tained for pectral den itie of 9ater urface elevation and free tream velocity, a ho9n in Equation $2) and $2),
2 ( f ) " ( f ) "U ( f ) = !U

$2) $2)

!U ( f ) =

inh 2h B #

9here, "U ( f ) and " ( f ) are pectral den itie for free tream velocity and urface elevation re pectively, i velocity tran fer function, h i 9ater depth, # i 9ave length and i angular frequency of

component 9ave 4 Equation $2) repre ent that 9hen the frequency of component 9ave i increa ed, the 9ave length 9ill al o increa e re ulting in a maller value for velocity tran fer function4 *t mean that the velocity pectrum i le influenced ,y high frequency component 9ave than that from corre ponding 9ater urface elevation4 O,tained velocity pectrum ha ,een u ed to generate velocity time variation 9ith the appro:imation that irregular 9ave can ,e re olved a a um of infinite num,er of regular 9avelet 9ith mall amplitude and ramdom pha e , a ho9n in Equation $') and $(),

U ( t ) = $Ui co

( 2fit + i )

$') $()

$Ui = 2 "U ( f ) fi

9here, i in tantaneou free tream velocity, $Ui are velocity amplitude of component 9ave , are component frequencie , t i time, are component pha e and are frequency increment ,et9een ucce ive 9ave component 4 The definition #etch for irregular 9ave i given ,y !olthui5 en a ho9n in Fig4 2 $+iel en <F=)4 There are t9o po i,le of the 9ave height , namely Gero do9n cro ing height $mea ure from a trough to follo9ing cre t), ! d and Gero up cro ing height $mea ure from a cre t to follo9ing trough), ! u , and 9ave period , Td and Tu 4 The average are invariant 9ith re pect to the choice of up cro ing ver u do9n cro ing0 ! u D ! d and Tu D Td 4 The average Gero cro ing period for a record i often referred to a T% $D Tu D Td )4

Figure $ Definition #etch for irregular 9ave 4

2.$ Test condition Ta,le 1 ummariGe the te t condition for only one ca e are the flo9 ignificant velocitie under irregular 9ave 4
Table 1 E:perimental condition for irregular 9ave Experiment 1 U1/ %cm&s' 2%2 T1/ %s' 24& Re (4& : 1&

am/!s /%42F

" 1F4E2

Reynold num,er i calculated u ing Equation $/), to o,tain rough ,ed tur,ulent flo9 9a &e'()D(4&H1&( to reach a fully tur,ulent regime, and T'() D 24& a input 9ave in thi e:periment4


Re 1 B 2 =

U 12B 2 1 B 2
and 1B 2 =


U1 B 2 =

!1 B 2 1 T1 B 2 inh 2h B #

2 T1 B 2


9here, U'()0 flo9 velocity ,a ed on parameter of ignificant 9ave, T'()0 ignificant 9ave period, and 0 #inematic vi co ity4 "oreover, an e:periment 9ith &eD(4& : 1&( 9a carried out under inu oidal 9ave motion, to inve tigate the effect of irregularity, 9here the Reynold num,er i defined ,y Equation $F)4 Furthermore, am(ks i the roughne parameter, ks i the +i#urad eJ equivalent roughne defined a ks*)+%o, 9hich i a umed to ,e equal to the diameter of the roughne element $the aluminum ,all diameter of 1 cm), %o i the roughne height, and " ,*U'()(,-'() yh.. i the reciprocal of the Strouhal num,er, and yh i the di tance from the 9all to the a:i of ymmetry of the mea urement ection4
U$cmB )
2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& Free Stream Celocity





u $cmB )

2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& & 1&






Time $ )



Figure ( "ean velocity at everal elevation $yD&4/(cm to free tream velocity)4

The tati tical propertie of velocity $e4g4 the mean velocity and the tur,ulent inten ity) at a certain elevation and time 9ere o,tained ,y pha e en em,le averaging u ing the follo9ing equation ,

u ( %, t ) =

1 /

u [ %, {t + ( i 1)T } ]
i =1 ins

u K2 ( %, t ) =

1 /

[u [ %, {t + ( i 1)T } ] u ( %, t ) ]
i =1 ins


9here, / i the num,er of 9ave cycle , T i period of one 9ave cycle, i the angular frequency, % i the di tance from the datum, t i time, i in tantaneou velocity and U i the free tream velocity4 $. )esults and Discussion

The time.variation of mean velocity at variou mea uring elevation are pre ented in Fig 4' and ( re pectively, 9here U i the free tream velocity and u i the horiGontal velocity in ide and out ide the ,oundary layer4 The horiGontal velocity in ide the ,oundary layer mea ured at yD&4&2cm to yD24&cm, 9hile out ide the ,oundary layer mea ured at a,ove yD24&cm4 *t hould ,e that the time.variation in ide the ,oundary layer i remar#a,ly different from that out ide the ,oundary layer, a repre ented ,y the arro9 in Fig 4 ' and (4 Thi phenomenon i not een under the inu oidal 9ave and the other 9aveJ motion4
2&& & .2&& 2&& & .2&& 1(& & .1(& 1(& & .1(& 1(& & .1(& 1&& & .1&& 1&& & .1&& 1&& & .1&& 1&& & yD&4&2cm yD&42&cm yD&4'&cm yD&4(&cm


u $cmB )





$cmB )

.1&& /& 2& & & 2 / % 12 1( 1F 21 2'


$uK )

2 &4(

Time $ )




Figure * "ean velocity at everal elevation $yD&4&2.&4(cm) and tur,ulence inten ity4

"aruyama <12= reported that the tur,ulent ,oundary layer gro9 and i affected ,y the urface the urface roughne 4 E pecially the ,ottom roughne i complicated in the ,ottom ea area and i reflected in the

flo9 condition near the ,ottom $in ide the ,oundary layer)4 Furthermore, it i een that the horiGontal velocity di play greater fluctuation in mea urement of elevation near the ,ottom, e pecially at trough part and cre t part, re pectively4 Thi i cau ed ,y rough ,ottom e:periment4 "oreover, tur,ulence inten ity mea ured at yD14&cm i al o pre ented at the ,ottom of the Fig4 (4 *t i een that tur,ulence di play fluctuation in accordance 9ith the change in free tream velocity4 For e:ample, tur,ulent inten ity i very high at tD&.2 , tD1(.1F and tD21.2' 4 The fluctuating velocity i larger clo e to the ,ottom ho9ing higher tur,ulence in the near 9all region4
Time $ )
2 (&& 2 ' ( /

U $cmB )


, c

e f d

g h

ef d

.(&& a , a , c c dd 1& h h gg f f ee

G $cm)

& .'&& .2&& .2&& .1&& & 1&& .'&& .2&& .2&& .1&& & 1&&

u $cmB )

Figure + Certical di tri,ution of velocity at the fir t to third cycle of irregular 9ave4

Time $ )
1' (&& 1( 1/ 1E 1F

U $cmB )


p i 5 # m l i i mm nn n o i 5 # l m o n

.(&& l l 1& ## 5 5



G $cm)

& .'&& .2&& .2&& .1&& & 1&& .'&& .2&& .2&& .1&& & 1&&

u $cmB )

Figure , Certical di tri,ution of velocity at the fifth to eventh cycle of irregular 9ave4

The mean velocity profile at the fir t to third cycle of irregular 9ave i pre ent in Fig4 /4 8lthough the

ma:imum velocity i nearly imilar acceleration and deceleration pha e to the t9o 9ave in Fig4 /, it i clearly o, erved that the vertical di tri,ution of velocity i remar#a,ly different ,et9een the e t9o4 Furthermore, the velocity profile i clearly affected ,y the #e9ne 9ave in cycle of irregular 9ave4 8nother e:ample of thi ca e, under the 9ave motion at acceleration and deceleration pha e to the t9o 9ave in Fig4 E, the velocity i more uniform ,et9een the t9o4 Thi i due to momentum tran fer cau ed ,y tur,ulent mi:ing4 (. -onclusion

The characteri tic of the rough tur,ulent ,oundary layer under irregular 9ave ha ,een inve tigated through e:perimental4 Thi phenomenon i not een under the inu oidal 9ave and the other 9aveJ motion4 "oreover, tur,ulent propertie prediction for irregular 9ave from numerically tur,ulence model need to ,e done, and then 9ill ,e compared 9ith e:perimental data4 Ackno"ledgements Thi tudy 9a partially upported ,y Lrant of ?o t Doctoral Univer ita !a anuddin $+o0 2&/1BU+'42&B?64&%B2&12 ;une &', 2&12)4 The author 9ould li#e to gratefully appreciate the e financial upport 4 )e!erences <1= Tana#a, !4, SuGu#i, T4, Suntoyo and Mama5i, !4, Time0variation of bottom shear stress under irregular waves over rough bed, ;ournal of !ydro cience and !ydraulic Engineering, 2($2), 21E. 22(, 2&&24 <2. ;on on, *4L4, Measurements in the turbulent wave boundary layer, ?roc, 1&th >ongre of *8!R, 1, F(.%2,1%/24 <2. !ino, ", -a hi9ayanag, ", +a#ayama, 8 and +ara, T4, 1xperiments on the turbulence statistics and the structure of a reciprocating oscillatory flow. ;ounal Fluid "echanic, 121, 2/2.'&&, 1%F24 <'= ;en en, @464, Sumer, @4"4, and Fred Ne, ;4, Turbulent oscillatory boundary layers at high &eynolds numbers4 ;ournal Fluid "ech4, 2&/, 2/(.2%E, 1%F%4 <(= ;on on, *4L4 and >arl en, +484 1xperimental and theoretical investigations in an oscillatory turbulent boundary layer4 ;ournal of !ydraulic Re earch, 1'$1), '(./&,1%E/4 </= Sleath, ;4F484, Turbulent oscillatory flow over rough beds , ;ournal of Fluid "echanic , 1F2, 2/%.'&%, 1%FE4 <E= Samad, "484 and Tana#a, !4, /umerical investigations on irregular wave bottom boundary layer under laminar motion, >oa tal Engineering and "arina Development , $Ed4 @re,,ia, >484 and 8nagno topoulo , ?4), I*T ?re , pp4 1%2.2&2, 1%%%4 <F= +iel en, ?4, 2oastal and estuarine processes, 8dvanced Serie on Ocean EngineeringACol4 2%, Iord Scientific ?u,4, 2'2p4, Singapure, 2&&%4 <%= Suntoyo, Tana#a, !4 and Sana, 84, 2haracteristics of turbulent boundary layers over a rough bed under saw0tooth waves and its application to sediment transport , >oa tal Engineering, (($12), 11&2. 1112, 2&&F4 <1&= Sana, 84, 1xperimental and numerical study of irregular wave boundary layers on a rough bottom , >oa tal Engineering, 22, 22E.2(', 2&&'4 <11= ;u te en, ?4, Turbulent wave boundary layer, Serie ?aper +&4'2, *SC8, Technical Univer ity of Denmar#, 1%FF4 <12= "aruyama, T4, "urface and inlet boundary conditions for the simulation of turbulent boundary layer over complex rough surfaces, ;ournal of 9ind engineering and indu trial aerodynamic , F1, 211.222, 1%%%4

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