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[+] Report of Paper [+]

Cross Site Request Forgery [CSRF / XSRF]

Author: Tec-n0x;)
Date: 03/4/2008
Contact: Tec-n0x [at] hotmail [dot] com
[+] Index [+]




How does the CSRF / Small example
Code an application Vulnerable
Avoiding the CSRF

[+] Introduction [+]
Well, in this paper we will talk about what is CSRF / XSRF [Cross Site Request F
Try to explain everything possible on this vulnerability and most importantly ..
As prevent
these attacks.
Let's start .. =)
[+] How does the CSRF [+]
Well, the CSRF the attacker tries to "Forcing" some malicious code exploiting a
open or not expired for the victim to achieve that the victim do what we want.
[+] Fuller definition (Thanks C1c4Tr1Z): [+]
An attack based on the use of <tags> html performed by a petition HTTP GET direc
t action (eg <img src=>) or an indirect
action (eg <img src=>), using an HTML file pet
itions to conduct POST / GET, without the victim of this attack of its consent o
r approval, as it is an attack which operates silently. This attack can in turn
take advantage of cookies (active or expired) or while performing actions that a
re not used in any type of site.
[+] Small Example [+]
Well, let's say that we are currently logged in a forum .. and a user sends us a
private message telling us something like:
"Hello, that looks good tutorial C + + .. [Click Here <= Maliciosa URL]"
And let's say that when the user click on the link it will lead to a page more o
r less like this:
This would close the user's session .. but what would happen if instead of closi
ng the user's session may change any of its data as email / password ..
[+] Code an application Vulnerable [+]
This application will be an account .. Say it is a hosting of images called "MyH
osting" ... And if we change our data (Email / password, etc.) .. We have a form
as follows:
/ / Index.php
================================================== ================
<form method="POST" action="datos.php" name="datos">
User <input type="text" name="usuario">
Email <input type="text" name="email">
Password <input type="text" name="contrasea">
Email alternative: <input type="text" name="emailalternativo">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="cambiardatos">
</ form>
================================================== ================
/ / Index.php End
================================================== ================
/ / Datos.php
session_start ();
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'user']))
$ user = $ _REQUEST [ 'user'];
die ( "Fill the field User");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'email']))
$ email = $ _REQUEST [ 'email];
die ( "Fill in the email field");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'password']))
$ password = $ _REQUEST [ 'password];
die ( "Fill the Password field");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'emailalternativo']))
emailalternativo $ = $ _REQUEST [ 'emailalternativo];
die ( "Missing email alternative");
/ / Let's say this function called CambiarDatos
/ / Is the updating of data in our beloved premium account MyHosting
CambiarDatos ($ user, $ email, $ password, $ emailalternativo);

================================================== ================
Then, when change our data .. url would have a more or less like this:
http:// & @ gmail
password = mypass123 & emailalternativo =
So here is the danger ... What if we are currently logged on page .. and a user
sends us a link and we see .. which contains a code like this:
================================================== ================
Hi <title> </ title>
</ head>
<img src="http://
</ Body
</ html>
================================================== ================
If the user was logged in and the victim saw this page .. What? It
would send an HTTP request to MyHosting and change user data ..
[+] Avoiding the CSRF [+]
Well, let's use as an example MyHosting ..
We index.php (I have added a field called "actualcontrasea")
================================================== ================
<form method="POST" action="datos.php" name="datos">
User <input type="text" name="usuario">
Email <input type="text" name="email">
Password <input type="text" name="contrasea">
Email alternative: <input type="text" name="emailalternativo">
Actual Password: <input type="text" name="actualcontrasea">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="cambiardatos">
</ form>
================================================== ================
A file called "config.php" that will connect to the bd:
================================================== ================
<? PHP
$ bd_host = "localhost";
$ bd_usuario = "user";
$ bd_password = "pass";

$ bd_base = "bd";
with $ = mysql_connect ($ bd_host, $ bd_usuario, $ bd_password); mysql_select_db
($ bd_base, with $);
================================================== ================
And File datos.php "but .. Amended:
================================================== ================
include ( 'config.php');
session_start ();
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'user']))
$ user = $ _REQUEST [ 'user'];
die ( "Fill the field User");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'email']))
$ email = $ _REQUEST [ 'email];
die ( "Fill in the email field");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'password']))
$ password = $ _REQUEST [ 'password];
die ( "Fill the Password field");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'emailalternativo']))
emailalternativo $ = $ _REQUEST [ 'emailalternativo];
die ( "Missing email alternative");
if (isset ($ _REQUEST [ 'actualcontrasea']))
actualcontrasea $ = $ _REQUEST [ 'actualcontrasea];
die ( "Enter password");
if ($ actualcontrasea == NULL) (
echo "Enter your password Current";
else ()
$ query = mysql_query ( "SELECT user actualcontrasea FROM myhosting_usuarios wher
e username = '$ user'") or die (mysql_error ());
$ data = mysql_fetch_array ($ query);
if ($ data [ 'PASSWORD']! = $ actualcontrasea) (
echo "Actual Inavalida Password";
else ()
CambiarDatos ($ user, $ email, $ password, $ emailalternativo);
================================================== ================
What we do in this case would select the BD Since the current password in the ta
ble myhosting_usuarios from the field "PASSWORD" if different .. Do not change t
he data if the password matches .. this operation is performed .. in this case .

. make an update to the table "myhosting_usuarios" changing data user.

Obviously if they want to test code in localhost will have to modify and create
a bd
the changing role of user data ...
They can use this query ..
================================================== ================
Create table myhosting_usuarios `` (
`id` int (11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`` user varchar (15) NOT NULL,
Email `` varchar (15) NOT NULL,
`` emailalternativo varchar (15) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar (150) NOT NULL,
`` PASSWORD varchar (150) NOT NULL,
KEY `id` ( `id`)
) = MyISAM engine;
INSERT INTO `myhosting_usuarios` values (1, 'Tec-n0x', '', 'myma', 'mypass',' mypass');
================================================== ================
Another way to prevent these attacks .. would be using Captcha .. Here a code:
================================================== ================
<? PHP
/************************************************* **************************
* Filename: image.php
* Began: 2005/04/04
* Modified:
* Copyright (c) 2005
* Version: 1.0
* Written by: Mert T in istanbul / TURKEY
* You are encouraged to redistribute and / or modify this program under the term
s of
* The GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation
* (; any version as from version 2 of the License.
************************************************** *************************/
session_start ();
strrand function ($ length)
$ str = "";
while (strlen ($ str) <$ length) (
$ random = rand (48.122);
if (($ random> 47 & & $ random <58)) (
$ str .= chr ($ random);
return $ str;


text = $ _SESSION [ 'string'] = strrand (5);

img_number = imagecreate (47.17);
BackColor = imagecolorallocate ($ img_number, 244244244);
textcolor = imagecolorallocate ($ img_number, 0,0,0);

imagefill ($ img_number, 0.0, $ BackColor);

imagestring ($ img_number, 50,1,1, $ text, $ textcolor);
header ( "Content-type: image / png");
imagejpeg ($ img_number);
================================================== ================
We create a text field called code
================================================== ================
<input type='text' size='5' maxlength='5' name='code'> <img src="image.php">
================================================== ================
And verify that the code is valid ..
================================================== ================
if ($ _POST [ 'code']!=$_ SESSION [' string ']) (
echo "error in the security code"; exit ();
================================================== ================
[+] Farewell [+]
Well, I hope they have served this paper on CSRF =)
Gr33tz t0: Celciuz, You_kn0w, C1c4Tr1Z, NOX, M-Black, lEnergy, Syst3m-c0der, etc
. =)
Greetings, Tec-n0x;)
# [2008-05-14]

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