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NOTE: This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons
or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses any of its content
– it is shared for information only. When material translated into English is not available, Google Translate is used to
translate the original (indicated by “GoogEng”) – this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

Heavy losses of puppet army in Kandahar 10/9/09 (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

Mujahideen inflicted casualties on the enemy explicit in Kandahar province

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi
Ten soldiers were killed Asraleom customers (2009-09-10) when discharged from their position in the village of
Zkhan Department Dnd state Guendhariz were ambushed by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate. According to the
local Mujahideen: When you attack, infantry soldiers resorted to the destruction of old, surrounded the
courtyard, and the mujahideen resistance after a few dozen soldiers were killed and one of them managed to
escape. Mujahideen weapons and sheep deaths and some other equipment, according to witnesses: the remains
of the dead still remain at the scene until today’s Morocco. According to another report, at eight o’clock this
morning the mujahideen explosive device detonated in a tank of the occupying forces when they were in a
patrol mission in the province of Khanh Cardab Arghandab the state itself, killing all on board. In a similar vein,
Ranger car was destroyed by an explosion of the enemy that is similar to near Tel Kohec Directorate mentioned
and killed all those who were of their number (6) soldiers clients. According to another report, was killed and (5)
of the Joint Forces soldiers when they were walking on foot They have suffered a serious explosion by the
Mujahideen in the region of Siah Choy Directorate buttons that mandate. The blast killed (3) soldiers muhallas
and (2) clients were injured (3) other soldiers, and said that among the dead officer of the Army client.

A Martyrdom-seeking Attack Killed 6 soldiers and Injured 35 Others

Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:18 Q, Y. Ahmadi Helamand

A heroic Mujahid in Helmand, near Gereshk district carried out a martyrdom-seeking attack inside the Shurab
Base of the American forces, killing six foreign soldiers and injuring 35 others. The attack was launched by
Hafiz Juma Khan who is a resident of the Gereshk district. The Mujahid had entered the Base among a group of
labors who work in the Base. Then when the labors were delivering the goods to the invaders, the Mujahideen
affected the attack. A number of vehicles were destroyed in the attack besides injuring many enemy service

Another Martyrdom-seeking Attack in Gereshk

Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:17 Q. Y. Ahmadi Helmand

A heroic Mujahid Abdul Wali carried out a martyrdom-seeking attack against the military garrison of the
domestic hireling army in Gereshk district at the time of sunset. Twelve domestic soldiers including their
commanders were killed as a result of the attack implemented by using a motorcycle. Many others were injured.
The report adds, two vehicles have also been destroyed in the attack. This is the second martyrdom-seeking
attack in the same district. Yesterday, another heroic Mujahid carried out martyrdom seeking attack on the
compound of the military garrison of the foreign troops which caused great casualties to the enemy.

5 British invaders killed and wounded in Sangin (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

Deaths and injuries among the British at the Battle Sngen

1 of 4 10-09-2009 16:44
TALIBAN PROPAGANDA WATCH (RC South) – 102045UTC Sept 09 ...

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi

Killed and wounded (5) soldiers Englishmen at exactly six o’clock on the afternoon of today (2009-09-10)
Alimanm result of an attack in the district center in Helmand Sngen. The losses occurred spiritual enemy while
on foot patrol was ambushed by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate at the end of the market in the Directorate for
Eid prayer. Killed in the attack, three soldiers and wounded two Englishmen were by other severe. Add this
story with the attack, severe battle took place with the enemy, which lasted some half an hour, thankfully there
have been no casualties among the Mujahideen.

A Foreign Troops Tank Destroyed in Nad Ali

Thursday, 10 September 2009 06:18 Q. Y. Ahmadi Helmand

Mujahideen blew up a military tank of the foreign invading forces at Khushal Kali in Nad Ali district when the
enemy troops were patrolling the area. According to the report, all soldiers aboard the tank have been killed.
Similarly, as a result of other mine explosions, a military tank of the enemy has been destroyed in Marj district
of Helmand province.

Six Soldiers Killed in Shah Joy

Thursday, 10 September 2009 06:21 Q. Y. Ahmadi Zabul

In Sha Joy district, Zabul province, Mujahideen blew up a Serf vehicle by blasting a mine. This incident occurred
on Kabul –Kandahar highway in which six soldiers aboard the vehicles lost their lives. Mujahideen had no
causality in the explosion.

American Tank Destroyed in Naw Bahar

Thursday, 10 September 2009 06:21 Q. Y. Ahmadi Zabul

Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Naw Bahar district of Zabul province destroyed a tank of the invading
foreign forces by detonating an IED. The enemy forces were trying to launch operation against the Mujahideen
when they faced the mine explosion at Dang Kala naw Bahar district. Five soldiers aboard the tank have been
killed in the incident.

PDF version of this page also available at non-terrorist site here.

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Written by milnewsca Edit

10 September 09 at 16:44

Posted in Afghanistan, Kandahar, Taliban propaganda

Tagged with Abdul Wali, American casualties, British casualties, Dand, Dang Kala naw Bahar, Gereshk, Hafiz Juma Khan,
Helmand, Kandahar, Khushal Kali, Marj, Nad Ali, Naw Bahar, Sangin, Sha Joy, Shah Joy, Shurab, Taliban propaganda,

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