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Precast Concrete

1he earllesL maLerlals for

consLrucuon was elLher
sLone or plasLer, and mosL
modern maLerlal ln our
oplnlon ls precasL concreLe.
Whlle concreLe may appear
unnlshed, lL can be nely
nlshed and make mosL
beauuful bulldlngs ln Lhe
1he LallesL bulldlng LhaL uses
precasL concreLe ls Lhe
1ransamerlca yramld ln Lhe San
lranclsco skyllne, sLands aL 830
. (260 m.).
AnoLher example ls ark 1ower ln
Chlcago whlch rlses 844 . (237
m.), lL ls Lhe second LallesL bulldlng
ln Lhe u.S., Lo be clad ln precasL
ConcreLe ls essenually a comblnauon of sLone chlps, gravel, sand,
waLer, varlous admlxLures and cemenL. When waLer ls added Lo
cemenL, lL causes a chemlcal reacuon LhaL blnds varlous oLher
componenLs of concreLe LogeLher, and makes Lhe producL sLronger
Lhan sLone.
ConcreLe ls weak ln Lenslon hence lLs ablllLy Lo crack. ?ou can
relnforce concreLe wlLh sLeel and leL Lhe sLeel Lake Lhe
Lenslon. 1he end resulL ls LhaL you acqulre sLronger and
versaule bulldlng maLerlal.
recasL concreLe ls used Lo save ume, and Lhere ls no need
Lo walL for lower oors of a sLrucLure, Lo cure before addlng
on hlgher levels. anels can be casL ahead of ume and Lhen
added when needed.
recasung concreLe are produced ln facLory under conLrolled
condluons such as LemperaLure and humldlLy, because lL can
have a huge lmpacL on concreLe curlng and sLrengLh of Lhe
lnLrlcaLe deslgns can be casL lnLo precasL panels, and varlous
nlsh llke sLone or oLhers can be added Lo Lhe precasL
panels. Whlle precasL concreLe oen serves a very funcuonal
lnfrasLrucLure, lL makes modern comforLs posslble, adds
beauLy Lo funcuon, and durablllLy Lo our envlronmenL.
lmages ln Slldes 2,3,6,7,8 Laken from www.freedlglLalphoLos.neL
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eLer Cresved
vlchaya klaLylng-Angsulee
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