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Probabilities in Market Economics

Market* equals economy, economic,

In the last 20-25 years. the accelerated Globalization, the rising Productivity, and the Chinese Industrialization have accelerated the moving and outsinging of industrial roduction by the large transnational cor orations from the !ost "evelo ed !ar#ets have brought more com le$ Global economic situation of industrial over roduction ca acity, higher unem loyment, rising national debt, increasing income ine%uality, and etc negative develo ments that e$ceed the abilities of currently used economics to deal &ith it a ro riately. 'he (ncertainty Princi le), &hich changed Physics, in some degree a lies to *conomics bringing the Princi les of Probabilities2 to manage the com le$ity and the uncertainty of these ne& develo ments. +o&ever, unli#e in , uantum Physics in the ,uantum i.e. !ar#et *conomics the Plan# Constant does not a ly but a ne& . Constant should be a lied, &hich vary bet&een /2.......0.........021 from the lo&est to the highest ossible !ar#et

For centuries, scientists have gotten used to the idea that something like strong objectivity is the foundation of knowledge. So much so that we have come to believe that it is an essential part of the scientific method and that without this most solid kind of objectivity science would be pointless and arbitrary. However, the Copenhagen interpretation of uantum physics !see below" denies that there is any such thing as a true and unambiguous reality at the bottom of everything. #eality is what you measure it to be, and no more. $o matter how uncomfortable science is with this viewpoint, uantum physics is e%tremely accurate and is the foundation of modern physics !perhaps then an objective view of reality is not essential to the conduct of physics". &nd concepts, such as cause and effect, survive only as a conse uence of the collective behavior of large uantum systems.


)robability is a measure of how likely it is !or how probable it is" that a given event will occur. *he more likely an event is, the higher its probability. *he sample space is the set of possible outcomes within a given conte%t. *he sample space is e uivalent to the universal set. &n event is a subset of the sample space. *he elements in the event are referred to as favorable outcomes. *he word +favorable+ is not used to mean +good+ or +desirable+ in the normal sense. & favorable outcome means only that the event has occurred. *he probability of an event is the number of elements in the event divided by the number of elements in the sample space.

*he )lanck constant !denoted h, also called )lanck-s constant" is a physical constant. that is the uantum. of action. in uantum mechanics.. *he )lanck constant was first described as the proportionality constant. between the energy. !/" of a charged atomic oscillator in the wall of a black body., and the fre uency. !0." of its associated electromagnetic wave.. *his relation between the energy and fre uency is called the )lanck relation1

2ecurity3 !ar#et "evelo ment is a seasonal *ntro y4*%uity !ar#et Place. 'hrough a !ar#et 5ea rom ted by targeted in6ection of ca ital into a articular mar#et sector or 7atural !ar#et Investment an accelerated *ntro y4*%uity rocess could establish artificial accelerated mar#et activities, ho&ever if the !ar#et 2ecurity is higher than a /01 a !ar#et "evelo ment higher than /01 is ossible. 'he Globalization, &hich su orts mar#ets against Inflation in some mar#et sectors, allo&s !ar#et 5ea s /accelerated mar#et activities1. 'he general mar#et e%uilibrium evolves into art8s mar#et e%uilibrium a com licated structure of interde endence bet&een mar#et sectors in a Globalized mar#et lace in &hich some sectors are more globalized than others, and therefore mar#et sectors vary in their inflationary susce tibly. 'he overall loc# of inflation in the (2 *conomy, for this eriod of time, resents a rove for the o&er of these ne& forces. !ar#et 2ecurity is a fundamental !ar#et 9gent that could rom t !ar#et "evelo ment:. 'o succeed !ar#et 2ecurity over /01 a fair !ar#et Com etition is re%uired, &hereas !ar#et 9gents such as 5arge ;usinesses and Investors, and 2mall ;usinesses and Investors should be setu into a e%ual access to financing. 'here are t&o ossibility for such3 either the Government interfere into !ar#ets by roviding additional security to the small business8 loans, &hich is not mar#et related a roach if under a lo&er !ar#et 2ecurity, and in many cases are olitically motivated reversible actions , or &hen targeted !ar#et 2ectoral investments are in6ected into a higher !ar#et 2ecurity that &ould conse%uence into seasoned !ar#et "evelo ment /mar#et e%uilibrium &hen e$ anded business activities1. Current mar#et conditions are &ith very lo& !ar#et 2ecurity3 the large businesses and investors are given advantage in a a loc# of <ule of 5a&s8 ;usiness *nvironment, therefor, any ca ital in6ections under such condition could not boost !ar#et "evelo ment, these may stir tem orally business activities bit cannot succeed seasoned !ar#et "evelo ment /e$am le for this is the City of "etroit, &here for years many ca ital in6ections could not succeed !ar#et "evelo ment1= currently used *conomics tolerates lo& !ar#et 2ecurity, because such is considered hel ful to tric#le-u ca ital into the very fe&, &ho &ere su ose to tric#le-it-do&n into business activities and economic gro&th, ho&ever, the Globalization and rising Productivity have rovided Global o ortunities for such reinvestment, and the e$ anding &ealth ine%uality results of these ne& develo ments3 the large transnational cor orations and the direct international investment are the economic agents for these global o ortunities. *nhancing the <ule of 5a& in ;usiness3 5iability 5a&s, Contract 5a&s, Consumer Protection 5a&s, *nvironmental 5a&s, Insurance > ;onding 5a&s, Intellectual Pro erty 5a&s &ill im rove the !ar#et 2ecurity by marginalize the ine%uality in

See *able 1

the mar#et com etition. 'he . Constant &ill go above /01 and therefor if ca ital in6ections are ro erly done !ar#et "evelo ment could be succeeded. 'he Probabilities8 Princi le is to be used3 *to give the right levels for possible Capital Injections without prompting Inflation/Deflation. *To show the amount of possible such Capital Injections. *To oversee the possible results, *and if some emergences arouse the possible actions to be taken that would disperse the negative bubbles. 2imulations, historical and ro6ective by using Possibilities8 Princi le are in a &or#ing rocess.
Joshua Ioji Konov 2014 Table 1

Md = Market Development LIR = Lending Interest Rate En = Market Entropy Eq = Market Equity E = Market Equilibrium EE1= Market Leap

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