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The task given by Puan Khadzimah Sallip has been d ne in g! up my "!iends in e)pl !ing the numbe! patte!ns like Fib na''i# * lden !ati kn (ing the magi' " numbe! nine&

" " u! # and als

Raihanah# Eezah# Siddi$ and me %ishah& This basi' math ' u!se ( !k helps me and

The!e a!e many di""i'ulties I have g ne th! ugh sin'e this basi' math ' u!se ( !k (as given du!ing "asting m nth& The dis' ve!ing the in" !mati ns nly be d ne using inte!net sin'e (e all (e!e ti!ed and e)hausted& The in" !mati ns (e!e ' lle'ted alt gethe! and saved in u! lapt p& Then# my "!iends and I (ill use this in" !mati n ha!d ' py& In ve!' me this du!ing g! up dis'ussi n and (e (ill t!ans"e!!ed its int

p! blem# (e als (e!e de'ided that the dis'ussi n sh uld be d ne at night a"te! s lat ta!a(ih and I think that the!e is n t en ugh time " ! us t ' mplete this ' u!se ( !k be" !e the +a!i Raya h liday& I als have di""i'ulties in unde!standing this task at "i!st# but the p! blem (e!e s lved by dis'ussed (ith my "!iends& Ne)t# the b!ie"ing given by Puan Khadzimah als helps me in unde!standing this task 'lea!ly& The!e a!e many e)pe!ien'es n d ing this ' u!se( !k& Fi!st# I 'an make a tight !elati nship (ith my pa!tne! and lea!n h ( t handling the ( !k in g! up& ,e n time is ne " the p!in'iples that (e need n d ing the ' u!se( !k& The ' mmuni'ati n thly& bet(een pa!tne! is ve!y imp !tant t make su!e the ( !k !un sm ,esides that# u! g! up has its st!ength in te!ms

" attitude and '!edibility "

t (a!ds the task given& I think this is the "i!st g! up that gives the "ull ' mmitment and !esp nsibility t (a!ds the ' u!se ( !k& -y "!iends and I has sea!'hed a l t " numbe! nine& The s u!'es a!e taken "! m inte!net and als the edu'ati n b making u! ( !ks m !e e""e'tive# (e have divided the the task t g! up# Eve!y ne has t take pa!t in thei! ( !k and sea!'hing e)t!a in" !mati n& - !e ve!# the in" !mati n "! m di""e!ent s u!'es must be simpli"ied "i!st be" !e (e t!ans"e!!ed it in g!aphi' !ganize!& *!aphi' !ganize! has helped me t unde!stand in" !mati n ab ut numbe! patte!n# appli'ati n " patte!n in eve!yday li"e and the magi' ks& In " eve!y membe!

the numbe! espe'ially numbe! nine& ,esides that# the appli'ati n " numbe! patte!n in eve!y day li"e 'an be illust!ated in d!a(ing (hen I d this ,asi' math ' u!se( !k& I 'an unde!stand the ' n'ept " numbe! patte!n # Fib na''i# * lden !ati and als the magi' " numbe! nine& I "eel ve!y happy and an)i us in kn (ing the magi' numbe! " nine& This is the best pa!t (he!e I ' uld lea!ned and sha!ed the in" !mati n (ith my "!iends& The '!iti'al thinking 'an be applied du!ing ' mpleting this magi' " numbe! nine& Ne)t# I als p! ud " the in" !mati n ab ut Fib na''i numbe! and g lden !ati & N (# I kn ( that this t( ( !ds a!e !elated 'l sely (ith u! natu!e and 'an be applied in u! li"e& The time ' nsumed " ! this ' u!se( !k a!e !elevant and I "eel easy (ith it

e)'ept du!ing "asting m nth (he!e (e ' uldn.t ( !k p! pe!ly in the evening and at the night& Last but n t least# the!e a!e many bene"its (hen (e d the ' u!se( !k in g! ups be'ause (e 'an sha!e the in" !mati n t gethe!& ,esides that# by p!epa!ing this p! /e't the! than ' mputati naI skills # students (ill be able t unde!standing in basi' mathemati's& Ove!all satis"ied (hen d ing this ' u!se( !k& " the p! /e't# I devel p ' n'eptual (as ve!y happy and

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