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Study English Summary Matter Semester 1

Disusun Oleh : Name Class : Maslakhah Anggraeni : XI IPS 1

SMA N 2 OKU Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

Unit 1

I Very Pleased about

A" e!ort #e$t

e!ort Story

Re !rt te"t is a te"t t! des#ri$e the %ay things are& 'ith re(eren#e t! arrange !( natural)man*made) and s!#ial hen!mena in !ur en+ir!nment& ,ts s!#ial ur !se is resenting in(!rmati!n a$!ut s!mething& The generi# stru#ture !( the te"t #!nsist !( .eneral #lassi(i#ati!n - tells %hat the hen!men!n under dis#usti!n is it my in#lude a de(initi!n) #lassi(i#ati!ns !r $rie( des#ri ti!n& /es#ri ti!n - tells %hat the hen!men!n under dis#ussti!n is li0e in terms !( arts 1ualities) ha$its !r $eha+i!r& 2anguage 3eature !( Re !rt ,ntr!du#ing gr!u !r general as e#t Using #!nditi!nal l!gi#al #!nne#ti!n 4 %hen) s!) et# Using sim le resent tense Using general n!uns 5su#h as ele hants) sna0es) et#6 tehni#al terms 3!rmal and im ers!nal language 5a+!iding (irst and se#!nd r!n!un li0e ,) y!u) instead usingthird r!n!un li0e it) they6

%$am!le : Than0s .i+ing /ay Than0s gi+ing !r than0s gi+ing /ay is a #ele$rati!n !( har+est) than0 (ulness (!r ea#e ) and the attem t !( Nati+e Ameri#ans& ,t is usually #ele$rated in late autumn& ,n the ast) than0s gi+ing %as #ele$rated (!r their ri#h har+est in Ne% England& ,n N!rth Ameri#a) h!%e+er) it %as !riginally held t! trhan0 .!d (!r their sur+i+al in the ne% land

%hi#h %as n!t easy (!r them& 7!%e+er) in 8anada) it had $een #ele$rated as in Ne% England& Than0s gi+ing n!% is #ele$rated in United States !( Ameri#an and in 8anada& Than0s gi+ing (esti+als are held e+ery (!urth Thursday !( N!+em$er in the U&S and !n the se#!nd M!nday !( O#t!$er in 8anada& ,t is usually #ele$rated in (!ur t! (i+e days in the N!rth Ameri#an and (!r three days in 8nada& ,t is #ele$rated thr!ugh (amilies and (riends gathering t! eat and gi+e g!!d lu#0& Tur0ey is the main dish in the than0s gi+ing dinner& Than0s gi+ing arades are als! usually held& ,n thanhs gi+ing h!mes are de#!rated %ith %reaths) (resh and dried (l!%ers& 2am s are lighted t! $righten the en+ir!nment& Ta$les are de#!rated %ith $est #hina and anti1ue sil+er dishes t! mar0 the !##asi!n&

& " %$!ressing

ellie'( Pain( and Pleasure

a9 E" ressing Rellie( T! sh!% y!ur relie( %hen y!u (eel ha y $e#ause s!mething un leasant st! s !r d!es:t ha en& 'e #an say %ith the e" ressi!ns ;%hat a relie(<=4 Than0 .!d (!r>4Oh) that:s all right) then) et#&

$9 E" ressing ?ain T! sh!% e" ressi!n !( ain& 7ere are s!me t! e" resses ;ugh) it:s +ery ain(ul=4=,:+e g!t ains all !+er=)=Ou#h< That hurt4 et#

#9 7ere are s!me e" ressi!ns t! sh!% leasure E" ressi!n leasure ,:m ha y t! heart that Res !nse ,:d l!+e t!! y!u:re right , thin0 s!

,:m glad y!u thin0 s! That s!unds ni#e

, l!+e it

C " Announ)ement Ann!un#ement is a u$li# statement a$!ut s!mething that is ha ening !r g!ing t! ha en& The ann!un#ement a eared in the l!#al ne%s a er& %$am!le : Ann!un#ement T! - All (!!t$all #lu$ mem$ers& '!uld y!u li0e t! #!me and j!in us (!r regular (!!t$all training e+ery Thursday and Saturday at 02&00*0@&00 &m& Than0s (!r y!ur attenti!n& Students: Talent s#!uts Mr & R!$ert&

Unit 2
I am Interested about #elling this Story
Simple Past Tense
sim le ast tense (r!m !( the +er$ is a sim le %ay t! sh!% that an e+ent ne+er he ened and it has $een #!st!mary in the ast& Other than thet) this tense is als! used in i( #!nditi!nal ti e 2&

As (!r the (!rmula(!r the sim le ast tense senten#es !siti+e) negati+e) and intr!gati+e (!ll!%ing e"am les#an $e seen in the (!ll!%ing ta$le&

#y!es o' senten)e

%$am!le Sim!le Past #ense S B Cer$*2 A ast tense9 The hunter sh!t the $ear& !siti+e AB9 S B $eA%as/%ere9 , %as a stam #!lle#t!r& umus

The hunter didn:t sh!!t the S B did B n!t B $are $ear& negati+e A*9 in(initi+e S B $eA%as/%ere9 B n!t , %asn:t a stam #!lle#t!r& /id the hunter sh!!t the /id B S B $are in(initi+e $earD ,nterr!gati+e $eA%as/%ere9 B S AD9 'as , a stam #!lle#t!rD

Note :

8ange Cer$*2 A ast tense9 re(ers t! the rules !( regular and irregular +er$s& Cer$ used is transiti+e and intransiti+e& Ele#ti!n au"iliary +er$ in senten#e interr!gati+e re(ers t! rules !( senten#e negati+e& Eare in(initi+e #!nstitute Cer$*1 in a sim le (!rm An! additi!nal S !r ES e+er (!r a third ers!n singular su$je#t9&

Example Simple Past Tense :

S!me e"am les !( sim le ast tense %ith their (un#ti!ns are as (!ll!%s&
Example Simple Past Tense Fsh!rtG7e #l!sed the %ind!%& A/ia menutu jendela&9 Fsh!rtG/id he #!me !n timeD AA a0ah dia datang te at %a0tuD9 Fsh!rtGThe arty %as started at 10&00 a&m& A?esta dimulai jam se uluh agi&9 Sim!le !ast tense t! tal0 a$!ut the e#ti!n that Fsh!rt) gl!%GThe #hild run a#r!ss the yard then !##urs at a s e#i(i# time jum ed the (en#e& in the ast Al!ng !r sh!rt) AAna0 itu $erlari melintasi halaman 0emudian mel!m ati agar&9 single a#ti!n !r gl!%9& Fl!ngG/id y!u slee en!ugh last nightD AA a 0amu #u0u tidur semalamD9 Fl!ngG, studied #i+il engineering (!r alm!st @ years& ASaya $elajar te0ni0 si il selama ham ir @ tahun&9 Sim!le !ast tense t! , !(ten did e"er#ise in the gym %hen , li+ed in *un)tion

Eandung& ASaya sering $erlatih di gym 0eti0a tinggal di Eandung&9 tal0 a$!ut ha$its in the 'hen , %as a seni!r high s#h!!l student) , al%ays ast& g!t u at @ am t! study& AKeti0a saya sma) saya selalu $angun jam @ agi untu0 $elajar&9 ,( she studied hard) she %!uld $e ass& AHi0a dia $elajar 0eras) dia a0an lulus&9 Sim!le !ast tense used !n i( #!nditi!nal ti e 2& , %!uld $uy a s !rt #ar i( , had mu#h m!ney& ASaya a0an mem$eli m!$il s !rt ji0a unya uang $anya0&9

?ast 8!ntinu!us Tense 'e used the ast #!ntinu!us t! tal0 a$!ut a#ti!n !r situati!n that lasted (!r situati!n in the ast& ?ast #!ntinu!us is !(ten used %hen !ne a#ti!n in r!gress is interru ted $y an!ther a#ti!n in the ast& 'e usually use %hen !r %hile t! lin0 these t%! senten#e& 1" Senten)e in Past Continuous + ,hen + Senten)e in Past Sim!le -" .hen/.hile + Senten)e in Past Continuous + Senten)e in Past Sim!le

?attern AB9 - Su$je#t B %as/%ere B Cer$*ing B !$je#t A*9 - Su$je#t B %as/%ere B n!t B Cer$*ing B !$je#t

AD9 - 'as/%ere B su$je#t B Cer$*ing B !$je#t Time signal- > %hen) all m!rning) yesterday) %hile>

& " 0i1ing Ad1i)e and 0erund .i+ing Ad+i#e A" ressing ad+i#e) %e #an e" ress s!me ad+i#e t! !ther e! le %ith ;, thin0 y!u sh!uld #!nsider it again=4=y!u:d $etter tell y!ur arents s!!n=4 ;,:d j!in it i( , %ere y!u4 et#& And) %e #an say res !nse %ith ;y!u:re right=4 ;than0s (!r y!ur ad+i#e=4= , thin0 s!& Than0s a l!t=

.erund A gerund is a +er$) due t! a #ertain #ase) added $y the su((i"* ing A+er$*ing9& A gerund is als! 0n!%n as a +er$ that (un#ti!ns li0e a n!un& 'e use a gerund %hen 1& A gerund may !##ur in the (un#ti!n as a su$je#t * S%imming is my h!$$y 2& A gerund my !##ur in the (un#ti!n as an !$je#t/#!m lement * Mrs& 3arah l!+es dan#ing +ery mu#h 3& A +er$ #!mes a(ter a re !siti!n * 7e is interested in learning English @& A +er$ #!mes a(ter !ssessi+e adje#ti+e4 my) y!ur) his) her) !ur) their) et# * , hete Eudi:s %earning earrings

I& A +er$ #!mes a(ter the (!ll!%ing +er$s - +er$ that are n!rmally (!ll!%ed $y a gerund in#lude Admit Ad!re Anti#i ate A re#iate delay deny listen t! menti!n

des#ri$e mind disli0e/li0e enj!y es#a e (inish (eel miss

A+!id 8arry !n 8!nsider 8!ntem late

n!ti#e in#lude st! suggest)et#

J& ;T!= is (!ll!%ed $t gerund * !$je#t t! * $e ! !sed t!

* $e l!!0ing * $e l!!0 Aing9 (!r%ard t! * $e a##ust!med t! * $e used t!

C " Narrati1e Narrati+e te"t is t! entertain listener !r readers %ith a true e" erien#e !r an imaginary !ne&

The ur !se !( the Narrati+e Te"t is t! entertain !r t! amuse the readers !r listeners& There are s!me di+isi!n !( narrati+e te"t su#h as 2egend) 3a$le) 3airy Tale et#& T! understand the %h!le di+isi!n !( Narrati+e Te"t) , suggest y!u t! read a$!ut 2inds o' Narrati1e #e$t" The .eneri# Stru#tures !( Narrati+e Te"t are-

1& Orientati!n 2& 8!m li#ati!n 3& E+aluatin! @& Res!luti!n I& Re!rientati!n Narrati+e te"t .rammati#al (eatures1& Use s e#i(i# n!uns su#h as the name !( ers!n) la#e and $uilding et#& 2& Use adje#ti+es %hi#h (!rm n!un hrases 3& Use time #!nne#ti+es and #!njun#ti!ns su#h as then) $e(!re that) s!!n& @& Use ad+er$s and Ad+er$ial ?hrases I& Use a#ti!n Cer$s J& Use saying %!rds su#h as said) t!ld) r!mised&

%$am!le : The St!ry Sang0uriang and Tang0u$an ?erahu M!untain On#e) there %as a 0ingd!m in ?riangan 2and& 2i+ed a ha y (amily& They %ere a (ather in (r!m !( d!g) his name is Tumang) a m!ther %hi#h %as #alled is /ayang Sum$i) and a #hild %hi#h %as #alled Sang0uriang& One day) /ayang Sum$i as0ed her s!n t! g! hunting %ith his l!+ely d!g Tumang& A(ter hunting all day Sang0uriang $egan des erate and %!rried $e#ause he hunted n! deer& Then he th!ught t! sh!t his !%n d!g& Then he t!!0 the dug li+er and #erried h!me&

S!!n /ayang Sum$i (!und !ut that it %as n!t deer le+er $ut Tumang:s his !%n d!g& S!) she %as +ery angry and hit Sang0uriang:s head& ,n that in#ident) Sang0uriang g!t %!unded and s#ar then #ast a%ay (r!m their h!me& Kears g! $ye) Sang0uriang had tra+el many la#es and (inally arri+ed at %ere dis#ussing their %edding lans) the %!m%n l!!0ed at the %!und in Sang0uriang:s head& ,t mat#hed t! her s!n:s %!und %h! had le(t sere+al that she (elt in l!+e %ith her !%n s!n& She #!uldn:t marry him $ut h!% t! say it& Then ) she (!und the %ay& She needed a la0e and a $!at (!r #ele$rating their %edding day& Sang0uriang had t! ma0e them in !ne night& 7e $uilt a la0e& 'ith a da%n just m!ment a%ay and the $!at %as alm!st #!m lete& /ayang Sum$i had t! st! it& Then) she lit u the eastern h!riL!n %ith (lashes !( light& ,t made the #!#0 #r!%ed (!r a ne% day& Sang0uriang (ailed t! marry her& She %as +ery angry and 0i#0ed the $!at& ,t (elt !+er and $e#ame the m!untain !( Tang0u$an ?erahu Eandung&

Unit 3
I am 1ery Satis'ied ,ith 3our O!inion
A " %$!ressing Satis'u)tion and Dissatis'u)tion 2!!0 at the dial!gue $el!% < Ri0! -7!% d! y!u (ell a$!ut this (!!dD 8i0a -Wow I am very satisfied. ,t:s +ery deli#i!us&

Ri0! -Kes) y!u are right& '!uld y!u ha+e anym!reD 8i0a -Kes) !( #!urse& Ri0! -, %ill ta0e s!me (!r my y!unger sister& She:ll $e +ery ha y& 8i0a -Keah and , %ill ta0e (!r my m!m at h!me& Ri0! -OK& 2et:s g! h!me& I never feel satisfied before. 8i0a -S! am , & 2!!0 at the $!ld itali# senten#e) they e" ress %ith satis(a#ti!n and dissatis(a#ti!n& N!%) here are s!me !ther e" ressi!n y!u #an use t! e" ress satis(a#ti!n and dissatis(a#ti!n& E" ressing Satis(a#ti!n * ,:m #!m letely satis(ied * , #!uldn:t $e any ha ier * ,ts really satis(ying E" ressing /issatis(a#ti!n * ,:m n!t ha a$!ut it y

* , d!n:t thin0 this is %hat , %ant * , %ish , had an!ther ! t!n

E" ressing satis(a#ti!n * ,:m +ery leased %ith it * .reat< * 3antasti#< * Mar+e!leus<

E" ressing dissatis(a#ti!n * ,:m dis leased %ith it * ,ts n!t %hat , had e" e#ted * Ann!ying< * /isa !inting<

& " Analyti)al %$!osition Analyti#al is a the ans%er !( ;7!% is/%ill=& S!#ial (u#hti!n !( the analyti#al .eneri# Stu#ture 1& thesis A usually in#ludes a re+ie% argument& ,t intr!du#es t! i# indi#ates the %riter:s !siti!n&9 2& arguments A #!nsists !r a !int and ela$!rati!n se1uen#e& The num$er !( !int may +ary)$ut ea#h must $e su !rted $y dis#ussi!n and e+ieden#e9& 3& reiterati!n Arestates the !siti!n m!re (!r#e(ully in the light !( the arguments resented9

2anguage (uture * Em!ti+e %!rd su#h as - alarmed) %!rried * '!rd that:s 1uali(y statements su#h as - usual r!$a$ly * '!rds that lin0 argument su#h as - (irstly) h!%e(er) !n the !ther hand) there(!re& * Usual resent tense * 8!m !und and #!m le" senten#es * Using m!dals) general and a$stra#t n!un

%$am!le : 2a t! as students:s (riend 8!n+enenti!nally ) student need $!!0) en) eraser)dra%ing $!!0)ruler and su#h !ther

stu((&additi!nally )in this multimedia era) students need m!re t! re#h their r!gressi+e de+el! ment& Student need m!$ile 0ey$!ard t! re#!rd e+ery resented su$je#t easily !( #!urse it %ill need m!re #!st $ut it %ill di+erse (!r this (un#ti!n M!derns s#h!!l tend t! a ly (ast trans(ering 0n!%ledge $e#ause the s#h!!l need t! #at#h the target !( the #urri#ulum& E+ery su$je#t %ill tend t! $e gi+en in dem!nstrati+e meth!d& 8!nse1uently student need e"tra media #!+er the su$je#t& Sin#e there is a la t! !n e+ery students des0)this meth!d %ill hel student t! get $etter understanding&

C " 4etter 2etter is a %ritten message addressed t! ers!n !r an !rganiLati!n& There are 2 0ind !( letter $ased !n t! i#4 ri+ate letter Aletter t! (riend) (amily9 and $usiness letter Aa li#ati!n letter) !rdering letter) #!m laining) et#9&

%$am!le : 'ednesday A ril 2M)200M /ear (riend)

7!% are y!uD , am %riting this letter eangerly $e#ause , %ant y!u t! 0n!% %hat has ha ened t! me& Thr!ugh this letter) , just %ant t! say many) many than0s $e#ause y u ha+e gi+en me the $eans in e"#hange %ith may #!%& K!u 0n!%) the $eans gre% high a$!+e the s0y& , #lim$ed and #lim$ed it and (!und a +ery strange thing) a huge #astle& They had a hean that laid g!lden eggs and a hae that #!uld sing& N!% that they ha+e died) , #!uld ha+e all the trisure& 3riend) , #an:t say h!% ha y , am& My m!ther) %h! %as s! angry $e#ause , hadn:t g!t the m!ney %e needed) n!% $e#!me #!ntent $e#ause !ur li+es ha+e n!% $een mu#h $etter than $e(!re& ?lease d! #!me t! !ur h!use& 'e %ill sh!% y!u the ha+e hen and har &

Sin#erely) >>>>&

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