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• Health seeking behaviors related to special care
necessary during ante partum period as evidenced
by: (what are the subjective and related objective
data which are indicative of a health seeking
behavior? Eg: frequently asks questions, not
being able to follow instructions, the need for one
with one supervision)
• Knowledge deficit on progress of labor (see
Health seeking behaviors for related matters.)
• Altered Health Maintenance related to (self-care,
nutritional needs, sleep etc) secondary to false
• Altered nutrition, less than body requirements
related to standing order of NPO OAL
• Anxiety related to perceived threat on progress of
• Ineffective coping related to (anxiety being
experienced by the patient, unmet needs,
inadequate coping methods or support systems)
• Alteration in comfort: abdomina/ lumbar pain
related to progress of labor and delivery
• Sleep pattern disturbance related to (discomforts
in labor/ new environment)
• Energy field disturbance related to (increase
anxiety or pain)
• Difficulty adapting and coping with stress related
to labor (false or true)
• Risk for complications (identify the complication
and put evidences)
• Risk for maternal injury related to response to
therapeutic intervention or adverse effects of
• Risk for altered urinary elimination related to
reduced fluid intake
• Alteration in comfort: (identify the site-
abdominal radiating to the back, lower back or
lumbar pain) related to the progress of true labor
• Risk for fluid and electrolytes imbalance related
to maternal fluid loss during delivery
• Fatigue related to labor and delivery
• Risk for reduced tissue perfusion related to
maternal bleeding (only if with profuse bleeding
during delivery)
• Ineffective bearing down during delivery related
to inappropriate techniques used
• Risk for altered skin integrity related to laceration
of cervical or perineal tissues
• Fatigue related to delivery process
• Risk for infection related to presence of perineal
(laceration or incision) (if incision- put secondary
to episiotomy)
• (Risk or Actual) Fluid volume deficit related to
fluid loss during delivery
• Alteration in comfort, pain at the perineal area
related to episiotomy and episiorraphy
• Risk for constipation related to reduced fluid
• Sleep pattern disturbance related to (anxiety,
demands of NB care, etc)
• Ineffective breastfeeding related to (poor sucking
reflex of infant, inverted nipples, etc)
• Knowledge deficit on (maternal care or child care)
• Body image disturbance related to the physiologic
changes of pregnancy evident after birth
• Personal identity disturbance related to new
parental role
• Impaired parenting related to (new parental role
or lack of knowledge related to parenting)
• Risk for impaired parent infant attachment
related to adjustment to new parental role
• Sexual dysfunction related to post partum trauma
• Ineffective family coping related to the delivery of
a new family member

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