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2B Hartin a. arnstron| Armstrong Economics * Princeton Economics International, Led, the Last throes i OF A 26 year e so ccsnwainn a ECONO MIC, De pression a i 2olG Copyright Martin A. Armstrong ALL Rights Reserred Septenber ‘13th, 2009 Comante Welcowe: Arnstrongiconomics@GMail.COM (Intoraationally) ACKNOWUSDGENENTS T would Like-to thank the aany people who have beer writing fron around the world. Tt is encouraging to know that there are so many people who are intereste: in uncovaring the truth, I have also special thanks for so many providing valuable insight into trends around he world from China, Soviet Ropublics, South Africa, Brazil, Australian, and India, I believe we can suxvive the folly of govarnments’ ven if they xefuse to listen. ‘Tae key is understanding the nature of events, and that allows us te correctly make the decision to bo on the opposite side. 1 would like to also thank all my old friend and former clients for their support and to know that they have continued to gather information thak sexves us all in times of crisis” We are standing on the precipice of a nev era in global-sociel-economics. ov we enter this new aga is of critical importance. Gavernnent is incapable to doing anything for any refora of ita ow abuse of power is not up for negotiation, We must weather the storn, and to do, so we need to understand its naturs. Just as the 1930s Great Depression set in mption profound ‘changes that vere even manifest in geopolitical confrontations, we have Tow zeached sucha crossroads. A debt crisis has its tentacles Geaply embedded into-every sector right inte government This is the distinction fron a rete stock market crash that never alters the economy long-terni. We are seriously still over-Leveraged end some hanks are still trying to be hedge funds and have te speculate to make a profit. That is a key warning sign that the worse is yet to come. Comments, Suggestions & Questions: Please mail tot Martin A. Artstrong FCL Fort Dix Camp, 12518-0950 FO Bex 2000 Fort Dix, NJ 08640 PLEASE REGISTER YOUR EMATL ADDRESS FOR FUTURE DPSMIED NEWS CRUETOML 70 OG SURVIVAL CGpeight; Nertin A Anistrong, all eights reserved ‘This feport may be Foswardod 2¢ you like without charge to indiuléuals of governments srand the world, Tr is pracided es e fblin Service at this tine ulthovt cest becator of tha eniticel farts that we now f2c2e aconumically. The cavdsnts end deeigna of the systens are in fact capyrichted. Rea fulute dete, a raw seition of £ha 1096 The Greatest Pull Market In tistory vill be released ‘ant a nen book will. econ ce published on the nodel itsaif = The Gametry of Tins, T+ 3 that uz do not farget This is 2 world sconcmy and the arrogance that any nation can dictate to te world ip just incanity. Every nation affests all othars no eiferent thar if on astior were to poor 23d HOE toxic vaste inta the scsan. Everytning 43 inverLinksd ené solutions axe never iselsted evmnts, - Thpan & He Rudtuee, Atta the LDP/ my “the Last throes, oF 9 26 year Economie DePheession 2O1G by: Uartin a, ametrong Former Chairman of Princeton Boosomies International, Ged. and_the Eoundation For the Study of Cycles TIME is truly the next frontier. Tt is a whole new dimension that can no longer be ignored. ‘There are powerful forces that. seek to stop any attempt to explore time, There ara the traditional investtent banks who are desperate to keep things as they are, for they have the vested interest in keaping government addicted to borrowing so they can remain as the sellers no different than the dug dealers, and they are dastroylng our future for their ow self-interats. Because the New Yor‘t investments kanks control the courts, the very federal government and have infiltrated cantral banke, World Rank, and the IMF, they have a lot at stake to ensure that the status quo remiins intact. They will curse m= no doubt just like the manufacturers of horse whips and busgy manufacturers were cursing the fanggled automanufacturers who ware robbing them of thair nanoply. Government is also desperate to step ‘the exploration of time just as the Catholic Church was against science and Galileo for daring to claim that the earth revolved around the sun and imprisoned him for life for making such claims. vondratieff vas imprisoned for his exploration of cycles ard vhen his prison term was up, they just cate up with nev charges, sentenced him one wora_time,_but. thay. took him out back. ard. shot kim to solve the problem of ever having to deal with releasing hin. and then there was Socrates who had the courage to even question the existence of all these gods of the state, and they ordered him to be just executed for corrupting the minds of the youths. Soverment, no matter what its pretended fon, is always tha same be it a Democracy, Communistic State, Dictatorship, or sare magnaimous monarchy, as Thrasymachus pointed out, all states‘ only enact Jaws in their own self-interest. Therefore, justice they claim is the prosecution of anyone who disecrees with than, So justice is the sane everywhere and Jn all forms of covernmant. It is only the. self-interest. of the. state —cothing- mores The exploration of ‘IME exposes perhaps a new way of approaching society. One that actually allows its to retain kncwledga rathac ‘that discard it and start over each and every time making the same mistakes perpetually.

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