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Immunity : In biology, immunity is the state of

having sufficient biological defences to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion. (wikipedia)
Immune system: The immune system, which is made

up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. ( )

Review: Blood cells

Components Red Blood cells (Erythrocytes) White Blood cells 1. Phagocytes 2. Lymphocytes Description Biconcave disc No nucleus 1. Lobed shaped with nucleus 2. Round shape with nuclues Cell fragments Mostly water (90%) Functions Transport oxygen 1. Engulf and digest bacteria 2. Produce antibodies

Platelets Plasma

Clot blood Transport dissolved substances



Red Blood Cells

The immune system protects the body against the following

Antigen :An antigen is any substance that causes

your immune system to produce antibodies against it. Antibodies: An antibody is a protein produced by the body's immune system when it detects harmful substances, called antigens.

Source: ( )

How antibodies work

Antibodies circulate in blood If they detect antigens they recognize, they bind to

them They can they cause: -Pathogens to stick together -Allow t-cells to destroy antigen -Or neutralize toxins that pathogens produced

Antibody production after acquisition of active immunity

Slow buildup of Ab. Pathogen cause disease

Large amounts of Ab. made immediately . Pathogen is destroyed before it causes disease.

NB. After first infection with pathogen (naturally or

by vaccine), the lymphocytes learn to make specific antibodies. The next time the antigen (from pathogen) enters the body, specific antibodies are made immediately

Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is composed of lymph vessels,

lymph nodes, and organs. The functions of this system include the absorption of excess fluid and its return to the blood stream, absorption of fat (in the villi of the small intestine ) and the immune system function.
Lymph organs include the bone marrow, lymph

nodes, spleen

Lymphatic system
The spleen serves as a reservoir for blood, and filters

or purifies the blood. If the spleen is damaged or removed, the individual is more susceptible to infections.
Bone marrow contains tissue that produces

Lymph nodes are areas of concentrated lymphocytes

and macrophages (type of phagocyte)

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Quote from Edward Jenner

I hope that some day the practice of producing

cowpox in human beings will spread over the world when that day comes, there will be no more smallpox -Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
FACT: Smallpox was eradicated in 1980


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