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ECLOGA EX PAPYRIS MAGICIS a Johanne Opsopoeo Liber I * * * Selections from Ma ical Pap!ri b!

John Opsopa"s #oo$ I Shall we write about the things not to be spoken of? Shall we divulge the things not to be divulged? Shall we pronounce the things not to be pronounced? - Julian, Hymn to the Mother of the Gods !"#$%&'" $! $rigin of the Magical (apyri )lthough most of the magical papyri were discovered in *gypt the nineteenth century and brought together as part of the )nastasi 'ollection, they were not completely published until +,-./ n fact, the first complete translation into *nglish had to wait until +,01 23et45/ t is 6uite likely that many of the papyri come from a single source, perhaps a tomb or temple library, and it is commonly supposed that they were collected by a "heban Magician/ n any case, they are one of the best sources of Greco-*gyptian magic and religion, comparable to the 7umran scrolls for Judaism and the !ag Hamadi library for Gnosticism/ 8e are e9tremely lucky that they have survived, since magical books and scrolls were often systematically burned 2)cts +,:+,; but not <ust by the 'hristians: )ugustus ordered -=== to be burned5/ 'ontents Here are the translations of a few spells, prayers, etc/ that thought might be useful or interesting/ "he information in >brackets? following each indicates the collection 2(GM @ (apyri Graecae Magicae, (%M @ (/ %emoticae M/5, the papyrus number and the lines where the spell can be found/ "he source for these translations is Hans %ieter 3et4 2ed/5, "he Greek Magical (apyri in "ranslation ncluding the %emotic Spells, 'hicago: "he &niversity of 'hicago (ress, +,01/ "he spells, prayers, etc/ are organi4ed by category: / (rotection / %ivination and Aisions / Self- mprovement A/ Health and Healing

A/ 'raft A / Miscellaneous (ronunciation of Magical !ames n general, most of the Bvoces magicaeB 2magical names5 are written in $ld 'optic, which used Greek letters, so you will do best if you think Greek/ "hus, C sounds between *nglish BuB and ByB, something like German umlauted BuB/ (ronounce 'H as in German BachB or Scotch BlochB/ "he symbol *D represents eta, so pronounce like a long BaB; $D represents omega, so pronounce like a long BoB/ "he diphthong B$&B is pronounced like *nglish BooB/ "he symbols (H 2phi5 and "H 2theta5 probably should be aspirated BpB and BtB, but may have been pronounced like *nglish BfB and BthB by the time the papyri were written/ "he symbol B!!B in a spell means Bfill in the blank,B generally with the name of the one on whose behalf the spell is cast 2thus, B!!B or Bthe !! manB5, or with the 6uestion or problem to which the spell is addressed 2thus, Bthe !! matterB5/ / (#$"*'" $! i/ (rotective Spell "aking Sulfur and Seed of !ile #ushes, burn as ncense to the Moon and say, B call on Cou, Eady sis, whom )gathos %aimon permitted to rule in the entire 3lack Eand >i/e/, *gypt?/ Cour name is E$& E$&E$& 3)"H)#"H)# "H)#*DS 3)"H )"H*#!*FE*DS 'H )"H*#!*3$&! *D 'H$M$D 'H$M$D"H sis Sothis, S$&*D# , 3oubastis, *&#*E 3)" 'H)M)# !*3$&"$S $&*D# ) *D *D$) $D) / (rotect me, Great and Marvelous !ames of the God 2add the usual >i/e/, the protection you seek?5; for am the $ne *stablished in (elusium, S*#(H$&"H M$& S#$D S"#$MM$D M$E$D"H M$E$!"H*D# (H$! "hoth/ (rotect me, Great and Marvelous !ames of the Great GodG 2add the usual5 B)S$D * $D ! S)$D"H/ Eady sis, !emesis, )drasteia, Many-named, Many-formed, glorify me, as have glorified the !ame of Cour Son HorusG 2add the usual5B >(GM A /H,=-.=H? ii/ #estraining Spell 8rite on a "in Eamella with a 3ron4e Stylus before Sunrise the !ames B'H#*DM EE$! M$&E$'H F)M(C 'H#*D $D(H"H$D M)SF*EE 2formula5 *#*DF S (H"H*D )3*I*3C"H/B "hen throw it into #iver or into Sea before Sunrise/ )lso write on it, with the others, these 'haracters: B>si9 symbols, see below? Mighty Gods, restrain 2add the usual, whatever you wish5/B >(GM A /H+J---? >"he si9 symbols are: 2+5 an K in a circle; 2-5 a

backwards capital *; 2L5 a I with a small circle at the end of each line segment 2four in all5; 2H5 draw a capital * on its side with the legs pointing down, add small leftward pointing feet to the first two legs, add two upward tick marks from the back between the second and third legs, e9tend the back to the left a little, and the first leg up a little to make a backwards E at the top-left corner, e9tend this upward from the left end to make a small MNM sign, then write a tiny & nested inside; 2.5 an K with a small circle on the end of the right leg; 215 a small epsilon or set membership sign/? iii/ Spell for #estraining )nger f you want Someone to cease being )ngry with you, write with Myrrh this !ame of )nger: B'H!*$DMB >probably *gyptian Fhnum?/ Hold it in your Eeft Hand and say: B am restraining the )nger of all, especially of him, !!, which is 'H!*$DM/B >(GM K /+J,-0+? iv/ )gainst *very 8ild )nimal, )6uatic 'reature and #obbers )ttach a "assel to your Garment and say: BE$DM) I)"H ) $D! )'H"H)S* M) / / / I)E 3)E)M)$D! *D* $C, protect me, !!, in the (resent HourG mmediately, immediatelyG 7uickly, 6uicklyGB >(GM A /LJ=-L? v/ 'harm of Hekate *reschigal )gainst Oear of (unishment f He >i/e/, a punishment daimon? comes forth, say to Him: B am *reschigal, the $ne holding Her "humbs, and not even one *vil can befall HerGB f, however, He comes close to you, take hold of your #ight Heel and recite the following: B*reschigal, Airgin, 3itch, Serpent, 8reath, Fey, HeraldDs 8and, Golden Sandal of the Eady of "artarosGB )nd you will avert Him/ B)SF* F)")SF* *#$D! $#*$D! $D# M*G) S)M!C*D# 3)& 2L times5 (H$3)!" ) S*M!*D, have been initiated, and went down into the &nderground 'hamber of the %actyls, and saw the $ther "hings %own 3elow, Airgin, 3itch, and all the restGB Say t at the 'rossroad, and turn around and flee, because it is at those (laces that She appears/ Saying t Eate at !ight, about what you wish, t will reveal it in your Sleep; and if you are led away to %eath, say t while scattering Seeds of Seseme, and t will save you/ >(GM EKK/H-+,? vi/ ndispensable nvisibility Spell "ake Oat or an *ye of a !ightowl and a 3all of %ung rolled by a 3eetle and $il of an &nripe $live and grind them all together until smooth, and smear your 8hole 3ody with it and say to Helios: B ad<ure Cou by Cour Great

!ame, 3$#F*D (H$ $&# $D I I ) )()#K*$&'H "HC"H* E) E)M )))))) $$$$ *$D *$D *$D *$D *$D *$D *$D !)&!)K ) ) )*$D )*$D *D)$DGB )nd moisten t and say in addition: BMake me nvisible, Eord Helios, )*$D $D)*D * *D *D)$D, in the (resence of )ny Man until Sunset, $D $D $D (H# K# I$D *$D)GB >(GM /----L+? / % A !)" $! )!% A S $!S vii/ %irect Aision Spell B** M "$ * M )E)E*D( 3)#3)# )"H M*!*3#* $ )#3)"H )$D"H $&*DE )*DE $&*D!*D * M*S$MM )S, let the God who prophesies to me come and let Him not go away until dismiss Him, $&#!)$&# S$&E I)S$&E $&G$" !$$&M3 )$& "H)3#)" 3*# )$& )'H"H # M)#) *E(H*$D! ")3)$D"H F #)S !) E)M(S$&#*D )3$* )3E)M)"H)!)E3) )F#)MM)'H)M)#* GB n a 3ron4e 'up over $il/ )noint your #ight *ye with 8ater from a Shipwreck and the Eeft with 'optic *yepaint, with the same 8ater/ f you cannot find 8ater from a Shipwreck, then from a Sunken Skiff/ >(GM A/.H-1,? viii/ #e6uest for a %ream $racle "ake a Strip of 'lean Einen and write on it the following !ame/ #oll it up to make a 8ick, pour (ure $live $il over it and light it/ "he Oormula to be written is this: BH)#M $&"H E) E)M 'H$D$&'H )#S*!$(H#*D (H#*D& (H"H) H)#'H*!"*'H"H)/B n the *vening then, when you are about to go to Sleep, being (ure in every respect, do this: Go to the Eamp, say J times the following Oormula, e9tinguish the Eight and go to Sleep/ "he Oormula to be spoken is as follows: BS)'HM$&!* >i/e/, Sakhmet? ()*DM)E G$"*D#*D*D!'H, the $ne who Shakes, who "hunders, who has Swallowed the Serpent, Surrounds the Moon, and Hour by Hour #aises the %isk of the Sun, 'H"H*"H$D! is Cour !ame/ ask Cou, Eords of the Gods, S*D"H 'H#*D(S: reveal to me concerning the "hings wish/B >(GM A /L.,-1,? i9/ Spell for #evelation >)ddressed to &rsa Ma<or 2Great 3ear5?: BF$M(H"H$ F$M)S "H F$M!$&! Cou who shook and shake the 8orld, Cou who have swallowed the *ver-living Serpent and daily raise the %isk of the Sun and of the Moon, Cou whose !ame is "H $$D *D )#3)"H )$D *D, send up to me, !!, at !ight the %aimon of "his !ight to reveal to me concerning the !! thing/B >(GM A/+L-L-L=? 9/ Saucer %ivination of )phrodite

Having kept oneself (ure for J days, take a 8hite Saucer, fill t with 8ater and $live $il, having previously written on ts 3ase with Myrrh nk: B*D $'H 'H (H) *E)M(S*D# I*DE ) * *D $ C $DB 2-. letters >in Greek?5; and beneath the 3ase, on the outside: B")'H *DE '!"H$! *D %#)K$DB 2+0 letters5/ 8a9 over with 8hite 8a9/ $n the outside of the #im at the "op: B *#M (H E$D 1 *# F$DM) %*#F$D M)E$DF G)&E*D )(H# *DE askB 2say it L times5/ Eet t rest on the Oloor and looking intently at t, say B call upon Cou, the Mother and Mistress of !ymphs, E)$'H $3# *D E$&'H "E$#; 'ome in, Holy Eight, and give )nswer, showing Cour Eovely ShapeGB "hen look intently at the 3owl/ 8hen you see Her, welcome Her and say, BHail, Aery Glorious Goddess, E)#) $&'H/ )nd if Cou give me a #esponse, e9tend Cour Hand/B )nd when She e9tends t, e9pect )nswers to your n6uiry/ 3ut if She does not listen, say, B call upon the E)$&'H who has begotten Himeros, the Eovely Horai and Cou Graces; also call upon the Ieus-sprung (hysis >!ature? of )ll "hings, two-formed, indivisible, straight, foambeautiful )phrodite/ #eveal to me Cour Eovely Eight and Cour Eovely Oace, $ Mistress E)$&'H/ con<ure Cou, Giver of Oire, by *EG !)E, and by the Great !ames $3# *D"C'H F*#%C!$&'H E*D(S ! ! $& !)&! ! $&"H$& "H# GK ")" $&"H G*#" )"H G*#G*# S G*#G*# *D "H* "H / also ask Cou by the )ll 8onderful !ames, $ S ) * * )$D *DC ))$D $D ) ) $D S$D"H$& 3*#3#$ )F"*#$3$#* G*# *D *D$C); bring me Eight and Cour Eovely Oace and the "rue Saucer %ivination, Cou shining with Oire, bearing Oire all around, stirring the Eand from afar, $D $D (H"H) *D "H$&"H$ (H)*(H / %o itGB (reparation: having kept yourself (ure, as you learned, take a 3ron4e %rinking 'up, and write with Myrrh nk the previously inscribed Stele >charm or amulet? which calls upon )phrodite, and use the untouched $live $il and clean #iver 8ater/ (ut the %rinking 'up on your Fnees and speak over it the Stele mentioned above, and the Goddess will appear to you and will reveal concerning what "hings you wish/ >(GM A/L-=,-.H? / S*EO- M(#$A*M*!" 9i/ Memory Spell "ake Hieratic (apyrus and write the (rescribed !ames with Hermaic Myrrh nk/ )nd once you have written them as they are prescribed, wash them off into Spring 8ater from J springs and drink the 8ater on an empty stomach for seven days while the Moon is in the *ast/ "his is the 8riting on the strip of papyrus: BF)M3#*D 'H)M3#* S K $D(H H)#($! 'H!$&(H 3# $!")"*D!$D(H# 3# SFCEM) )#)$&)I)# 3)M*S*! F# (H ! ("$&M 'HM$&M)$D(H

)F" $D(H )#"$DS* 3 3 $& 3 3 $& S(H*D S(H*D !$&S !$&S S *G$D S *G$D !$&'H) !$&'H) E !$&'H) E !$&'H) 'HC'H3) 'HC'H3) F)K $D 'HC'H3) %*D"$(H$D"H )) $$ CC *D*D ** $D$D/B )fter doing these things wash the 8riting off and drink as is prescribed/ "his is also the composition of the nk: Myrrh "roglitis, H drams; L Farian Oigs, J pits of !ikolaus %ates, J dried (inecones, J piths of the single-stemmed 8ormwood, J wings of the Hermaic bis, Spring 8ater/ 8hen you have burned the ngredients, prepare them and write/ >(GM /-L--HJ? 9ii/ )nother Memory Spell "ake a Silver "ablet and engrave it >with the &4ait Horu, or BSacred *ye of HorusB? after the God >i/e/, Helios, the sun? sets/ "ake 'owDs Milk and pour it >or, perhaps, heat it?/ (ut down >into?? a 'lean Aessel and place the "ablet under >it?; add 3arley Meal, mi9 and form 3read: twelve #olls in the Shape of Oemale Oigures/ Say >the formula? three times, eat >the rolls? on an *mpty Stomach, and you will know "he (ower/ >"he formula?: B3$#F) 3$#F) (H# K (H# K # K $D / / / )'H)'H )M K)G $&'H "H ( E) E) E)ME) E) E)M M) E )))))))) C *D ) $D$D$D$D$D$D$D M$&M$& $DC $D !)F !)F !)K E) !E MM E) E)M )*%) / / / E) E)M )*D$ $D)*D $D)*D *D$)D )$D*D *D$D) $D*D), enter, Master, into my Mind, and grant me Memory, MMM *D*D*D M"H(HGB %o this monthly, facing the Moon, on the Oirst %ay >of the month?/ (rostrate yourself before the Goddess >i/e/, Selene, the moon?, and wear the "ablet as an )mulet/ >(GM /H+=--L? 9iii/ Spell for Strength B(H!$&!*3**D 2- times5, give me Cour Strength, $D )3#)S)K, give me Cour Strength, for am )3#)S)KGB Say it J times while holding your two "humbs/ >(GM EK K/+-L? 9iv/ Cour Great !ame, for Oavor B*veryone fears Cour Great Might/ Grant me the Good "hings: "he Strength of )F#CSFCE$S, the Speech of *&$D!$S, the *yes of Solomon, the Aoice of )3#)S)K, the Grace of )%$D! $S, the God/ 'ome to me, Fypris, every dayG "he Hidden !ame bestowed to Cou: "H$)"H$*D"H)"H$$C"H)*"H$D&S"H$) "H "H*D"H$ !"H$D; grant me Aictory, #epute, 3eauty toward all Men and all 8omenGB >(GM K' /+-+1? 9v/ 3usiness Spell "ake $range 3eeswa9 and the <uice of the )eria (lant and of Ground vy and mi9 them and fashion a Oigure of Hermes

having a hollow bottom, grasping in his left hand a HeraldDs 8and and in his right a small 3ag/ 8rite on Hieratic (apyrus these !ames, and you will see 'ontinuous 3usiness: B'H) $D'H*! $&" 3 EM*M!$&$D"H )"#)& 'H/ Give ncome and 3usiness to this place, because (sentebeth lives here/B (ut the (apyrus inside the Oigure and fill in the hole with the same 3eeswa9/ "hen deposit in a wall, at an inconspicuous place, and crown Him on the outside, and sacrifice to Him a cock, and make a %rink $ffering of *gyptian 8ine, and light for Him a Eamp that is not colored #ed/ >(GM A/-L.,-J-? 9vi/ Spell for )ssertiveness BGreetings, Eord, Cou who are the Means to obtain Oavor for the &niverse and for the nhabited 8orld/ Heaven has become a %ancing (lace for Cou, )#S*!$(H#*D, $ Fing of the Heavenly Gods, )3E)!)"H)!)E3), Cou who possess #ighteousness, )F#)MM)'H)M)#* , Gracious God, S)!F)!"H)#), #uler of !ature, S)"#)(*#FM*D(H, $rigin of the Heavenly 8orld, )"H"H)!!$& )"H"H)!!$& )S"#)(H) )S"#)(H) ()F*("$D"H () / / / *D# !")SFE $&"H *D(H $D M)#M)#)$D"HG BEet my $utspokenness not leave me/ 3ut let every "ongue and Eanguage listen to me, because am (*#")$D >M*D'H 'H)'H? M!*D'H S)FM*D(H )$D$C**D $D*D$D $D*D$D *$C$D*D *D )*D) *D$DC$* , Give me graciously whatever Cou want/B >(GM K /+0--+0,? A/ H*)E"H )!% H*)E !G 9vii/ Oever )mulet B)3E)!)"H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)#)M)#)'H 3E)!)"H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)#)M)#) E)!)"H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)#)M)# )!)"H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)#)M) !)"H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)#)M )"H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)#) "H)!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H)# )!)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H) !)3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#)'H )3E)!)M)'H)#)M)#) 3E)!)M)'H)#)M)# E)!)M)'H)#)M) )!)M)'H)#)M !)M)'H)#) )M)'H)# M)'H) )'H ) B$ "ireless $ne, F$F F$&F F$&E, save "ais whom "araus bore from every Shivering Oit, whether "ertian or 7uartan or 7uotidian Oever, or an *very-other-day Oever, or one

by !ight, or even a Mild Oever, because am the ancestral, tireless God, F$F F$&F F$&EG mmediately, immediatelyG 7uickly, 6uicklyGB >(GM KKK /+--.? 9viii/ Spell for 'oughs n 3lack nk, write on Hyena (archment: B"H)(S)"* S"H#) "$DB - or as found in another: B"*&"H#) $D "H#) "*& "H#) "$D "H)3)#3)$D# >symbol: an K in a circle? E F#)E #*D") - deliver !! from the 'ough that holds him fast/B >(GM A /-=L-.? 9i9/ Spell for Migraine Headache "ake $il in your Hands and utter the Spell: BIeus sowed a Grape Seed: it parts the Soil; He does not sow it; it does not sprout/B >(GM A /+,,--=+? 99/ Spell for Scorpion Sting B$# $# (H$# (H$# S)3)$D"H )%$D!* S)E)M) ")#'H* )3#)S)K, bind you, Scorpion of )rtemisia, three-hundred and fifteen times, on the fifteenth day of (achon / / /B >(GM KKA a/+-J? 99i/ ) 'ontraceptive, the $nly $ne in the 8orld "ake as many 3ittervetch Seeds as you want for the !umber of Cears you wish to remain Sterile/ Steep them in the Menses of a Menstruating 8oman/ Eet them steep in her own Genitals/ )nd take a Orog that is alive and throw the 3ittervetch Seeds into its Mouth so that the Orog swallows them, and release the Orog alive at the place where you captured him/ )nd take a Seed of Henbane, steep it in MareDs Milk; and take the !asal Mucus of a 'ow, with Grains of 3arley, put these into a Eeather Skin made from a Oawn and on the outside bind it up with Mulehide Skin, and attach it as an )mulet during the 8aning of the Moon in a Oemale Sign of the Iodiac on a %ay of Fronos or Hermes >i/e/, Saturn or Mercury?/ Mi9 in also, with the 3arley Grains, 'erumen from the *ar of a Mule/ >(GM KKKA /L-=-L-? 99ii/ ) (rescription to Stop 3lood Juice of BGreat-!ileB (lant together with 3eer; you should make the 8oman drink it at %awn before she has eaten/ t stops/ >(%M 9iv/,.L-.? 99iii/ "he 8ay to Fnow it of a 8oman 8hether She will be (regnant Cou should make the 8oman urinate on this (lant, above >i/e/, BGreat-!ileB plant?, at !ight/ 8hen Morning comes, if you find the (lant scorched, she will not conceive/ f you find it green, she will conceive/ >(%M 9iv/,.1-1=?

A/ '#)O" 99iv/ Spell for (icking a (lant &se it before Sunrise/ "he Spell to be spoken: B am picking you, such and such a plant, with my Oive-fingered Hand, , !!, and am bringing you home so that you may work for me for a 'ertain (urpose/ ad<ure you by the &ndefiled !ame of the God: if you pay no Heed to me, the *arth which produced you will no longer be watered as far as you are concerned - ever in Eife again, if fail in this $peration, M$&"H)3)# !)'H 3)#!)'H$D'H) 3#)*$D M*!%) E)&3#))SS* (H)S(H) 3*!%*$D; fulfil for me the (erfect 'harmGB >(GM A/-01-,.? 99v/ (rocedure for $btaining Herbs )mong the *gyptians Herbs are always obtained like this: the Herbalist first purifies his own 3ody, then sprinkles with !atron and fumigates the Herb with #esin from a (ine "ree after carrying it around the (lace L times/ "hen, after burning Fyphi and pouring the Eibation of Milk as he prays, he pulls up the (lant while invoking by !ame the %aimon to whom the Herb is being dedicated and calling upon Him to be more effective for the &se for which it is being ac6uired/ "he nvocation for him, which he speaks over any Herb, generally at the Moment of (icking, is as follows: BCou were sown by Fronos, you were conceived by Hera, you were maintained by )mmon, you were given birth by sis, you were nourished by Ieus the God of #ain, you were given growth by Helios and %rosos >%ew?/ Cou are the %ew of all the Gods, you are the Heart of Hermes, you are the Seed of the (rimordial Gods, you are the *ye of Helios, you are the Eight of Selene, you are the Ieal of $siris, you are the 3eauty and Glory of $uranos, you are the Soul of $sirisD %aimon which revels in *very (lace, you are the Spirit of )mmon/ )s you have e9alted $siris, so e9alt yourself and rise <ust as Helios rises each day/ Cour si4e is e6ual to the Ienith of Helios, your #oots come from the %epths, but your (owers are in the Heart of Hermes, your Oibers are the 3ones of Mnevis >i/e/, Mr-wr, the holy bull of Heliopolis?, and your Olowers are the *ye of Horus, your Seed is (anDs Seed/ am washing you in #esin as also wash the Gods >i/e/, the cult statues? even as do this for my own Health/ Cou also be cleaned by (rayer and give us (ower as )res and )thena do/ am HermesG am ac6uiring you with Good Oortune and Good %aimon both at a (ropitious Hour and on a (ropitious %ay that is effective for all things/B )fter saying this, he rolls the Harvested Stalk in a (ure Einen 'loth 2but into the place of its #oots they threw seven Seeds of 8heat and an e6ual number of 3arley, after

mi9ing them with Honey5, and after pouring in the Ground which has been dug up, he departs/ >(GM A/-,1J-L==1? 99vi/ nterpretations of Herbs and $ther ngredients 8hich the "emple Scribes employed, from the Holy 8ritings, in translation/ 3ecause of the 'uriosity of the Masses they >i/e/, the scribes? inscribed the !ames of the Herbs and $ther "hings which they employed on the Statues of the Gods, so that they >the masses?, since they do not take (recaution, might not practice Magic, >being prevented? by the 'onse6uence of their Misunderstanding/ 3ut we have collected the e9planations from many 'opies, all of them Secret/ Here they are: ) SnakeDs Head: a Eeech/ ) SnakeDs 3all of "hread: this means Soapstone/ 3lood of a Snake: Hematite/ ) 3one of an bis: this is 3uckthorn/ 3lood of a Hyra9: truly of a Hyra9 >probably the rock hyra9, (rocavia capensis?/ "ears >Sleep Sand? of a Hamadryas 3aboon: %ill Juice/ 'rocodile %ung: *thiopian Soil/ 3lood of a Hamadryas 3aboon: 3lood of a Spotted Gecko/ Eion Semen: Human Semen/ 3lood of Hephaistos: 8ormwood/ Hairs of a Hamadryas 3aboon: %ill Seed/ Semen of Hermes: %ill/ 3lood of )res: (urslane/ 3lood of an *ye: "amarisk Gall/ 3lood from a Shoulder: 3earDs 3reach >probably )canthus mollis E/ or Helleborus foetidus E/?/ Orom the Eoins: 'amomile/ ) ManDs 3ile: "urnip Sap >probably 3rassica napus E/?/ ) (igDs "ail: EeopardDs 3ane >probably a variety of leopardDs bane in the genus 3oronicum, or one of the heliotropes?/ ) (hysicianDs 3one: Sandstone/ 3lood of Hestia: 'amomile/ )n *agle: 8ild Garlic >"rigonella foenumgraecum, but the reading is doubtful?/ 3lood of a Goose: ) Mulberry "reeDs Milk/ FronosD Spice: (igletDs Milk/ ) EionDs Hairs: "ongue of a "urnip >i/e/, the leaves of the taproot?/ FronosD 3lood: / / / of 'edar/ Semen of Helios: 8hite Hellebore/ Semen of Herakles: this is Mustard-rocket >probably *ruca sativa?/ ) "itanDs 3lood: 8ild Eettuce/ 3lood from a Head: Eupine/ ) 3ullDs Semen: *gg of a 3lister 3eetle/ ) HawkDs Heart: Heart of 8ormwood/ Semen of Hephaistos: "his is Oleabane/ Semen of )mmon: Houseleek/

Semen of )res: 'lover/ Oat from a Head: Spurge/ Orom the 3elly: *arth-apple/ Orom the Ooot: Houseleek/ >(GM K /H=+-HH? >Similar lists can be found in %e succedaneis transmitted among the works of Galen, 'laudii Galeni $pera $mnia 2Fuehn, ed/5, vol/ +,, J-+-HJ; adapted version in (aul of )egina, (aulus )egineta, 'orpus Medicorum Graecorum KP2Heiberg, ed/5, vol/ , H=+-0; and in %ioscoridesD Materia Medica/? A / Miscellaneous 99vii/ (rayer to Selene for )ny Spell >Since several aspects of this ritual are contrary to modern (agan and 8iccan ethics and practice, had some misgivings about including it in this collection, but decided to do so, because the hymn is so beautiful, so moving and so empowering/ t has been discussed by F/ Ferenyi, B%ie Goettin !atur,B *ranos-Jahrbuch +H 2+,HJ5, L,-01/? B'ome to me, $ 3eloved Mistress, "hree-faced Selene; kindly hear my Sacred 'hants; !ightDs $rnament, young, bringing Eight to Mortals, $ 'hild of Morn who ride upon the Oierce 3ulls, $ 7ueen who drive Cour 'ar on *6ual 'ourse 8ith Helios, who with the "riple Oorms $f "riple Graces dance in #evel with "he Stars/ CouDre Justice and the MoiraDs "hreads: Flotho and Eachesis and )tropos "hree-headed, CouDre (ersephone, Megaira, )llekto, Many-Oormed, who arm Cour Hands 8ith %readed, Murky Eamps, who shake Cour Eocks $f fearful Serpents on Cour 3row, who sound "he #oar of 3ulls out from Cour Mouths, whose 8omb s decked out with the Scales of 'reeping "hings, 8ith (oisDnous #ows of Serpents down the 3ack, 3ound down Cour 3acks with Horrifying 'hains !ight-'rier, 3ull-faced, loving Solitude, 3ull-headed, Cou have *yes of 3ulls, the Aoice $f %ogs; Cou hide Cour Oorms in Shanks of Eions, Cour )nkle is 8olf-shaped, Oierce %ogs are dear "o Cou, wherefore they call Cou Hekate, Many-named, Mene, cleaving )ir <ust like %art-shooter )rtemis, (ersephone, Shooter of %eer, night shining, triple-sounding, "riple-headed, triple-voiced Selene "riple-pointed, triple-faced, triple-necked, )nd Goddess of the "riple 8ays, who hold &ntiring Olaming Oire in "riple 3askets, )nd Cou who oft fre6uent the "riple 8ay )nd rule the "riple %ecades, unto me 8hoDm calling Cou be gracious and with Findness

Give Heed, Cou who protect the Spacious 8orld )t night, before whom %aimons 6uake in Oear )nd Gods mmortal tremble, Goddess who *9alt Men, Cou of Many !ames, who bear Oair $ffspring, 3ull-eyed, Horned, Mother of Gods )nd Men, and !ature, Mother of )ll "hings, Oor Cou fre6uent $lympos, and the broad )nd boundless 'hasm Cou traverse/ 3eginning )nd *nd are Cou, and Cou )lone rule )ll/ Oor )ll "hings are from Cou, and in Cou do )ll "hings, *ternal $ne, come to their *nd/ )s *verlasting 3and around Cour "emples Cou wear Great FronosD 'hains, unbreakable )nd unremovable, and Cou hold in Cour Hands a Golden Scepter/ Eetters Dround Cour Scepter Fronos wrote Himself and gave "o Cou to wear that )ll "hings stay steadfast: Subduer and subdued, MankindDs Subduer, )nd Oorce-subduer; 'haos, too, Cou rule/ Hail, Goddess, and attend Cour *pithets, burn for Cou this Spice, $ 'hild of Ieus, %art-shooter, HeavDnly $ne, Goddess of Harbors, 8ho roam the Mountains, Goddess of 'rossroads, $ !ether and !octurnal, and nfernal, Goddess of %ark, 7uiet and Orightful $ne, $ Cou who have Cour Meal amid the Graves, !ight, %arkness, 3road 'haos: !ecessity Hard to escape are Cou; CouDre Moira and *rinys, "orment, Justice and %estroyer, )nd Cou keep Ferberos in 'hains, with Scales $f Serpents are Cou dark, $ Cou with Hair $f Serpents, Serpent-girded, who drink 3lood, 8ho bring %eath and %estruction, and who feast $n Hearts, Olesh *ater, who devour "hose %ead &ntimely, and Cou who make Grief resound )nd spread Madness, come to my Sacrifices, )nd now for me do Cou fulfill this Matter/B >"r/: */ !/ $D!eil? $ffering for "he #ite: Oor doing Good, offer Stora9, Myrrh, Sage, Orankincense, a Oruit (it/ 3ut for doing Harm, offer Magical Material of a %og and a %appled Goat 2or in a similar way, of a Airgin &ntimely %ead5/ (rotective 'harm for "he #ite: "ake a Eodestone and on it have carved a "hree-faced Hekate/ )nd let the Middle Oace be that of a Maiden wearing Horns, and the Eeft Oace that of a %og, and the $ne on the #ight that of a Goat/ )fter the 'arving is done, clean with !atron and 8ater, and dip in the 3lood of $ne who has died a Aiolent %eath/ "hen make Oood $ffering to it and say the same Spell at the time of the #itual/ >(GM A/-J0.--0,=? 99viii/ Eove Spell )phroditeDs !ame, which becomes known to !o $ne 6uickly, is !*(H*# *D# >i/e/ !fr-iry/t, Bthe beautiful eyeB, an

epithet for )phroditePHathor? - this is the !ame/ f you wish to win a 8oman who is beautiful, be (ure for L days, make an offering of Orankincense, and call this !ame over it/ Cou approach the 8oman and say it seven times in your Soul as you ga4e at her, and in this way it will succeed/ 3ut do this for J days/ >(GM A/+-1.-JH? 99i9/ "o be )ble to *at Garlic and !ot Stink 3ake 3eetroots and eat them/ >(GM A /+JL? 999/ "o Eet "hose 8ho Have %ifficulty ntermingling >i/e/ Sociali4ing? (erform 8ell Give Gum mi9ed with 8ine and Honey to be smeared on the Oace/ >(GM A /+J,-0=? 999i/ "o be )ble to %rink a Eot and !ot Get %runk *at a baked (igDs Eung/ >(GM A /+0+? 999ii/ "o be )ble to 'opulate a Eot Grind up fifty "iny (inecones with - o4s/ of Sweet 8ine and two (epper Grains and drink it/ >(GM A /+0H-.? 999iii/ "o Get an *rection 8hen Cou 8ant Grind up a (epper with some Honey and coat your "hing/ >(GM A /+01? 999iv/ Eove Salve / / / HawkDs %ung; Salt, #eed, 3ele (lant/ (ound together/ )noint your (hallus with it and lie with the 8oman/ f it is dry, you should pound a little of it with 8ine, anoint your (hallus with it, and lie with the 8oman/ Aery Good/ >(%M 9iv/++..-1-? QQQ O ! S QQQ

*'E$G) *K ()(C# S M)G ' S a Johanne $psopoeo Eiber QQQ Selections from Magical (apyri by John $psopaus 3ook

D"is true : "hereDs Magicke in the web of it: ) Sybill, that had numbred in the world "he Sun to course, two hundred compasses, n her (rophetticke furie sowDd the 8orke: "he 8ormes were hallowed, that did breede the Silke, )nd it was dyde in Mummey, which the Skilfull 'onservDd of Maidens hearts/ -- Shakespeare, $thello, /iv/J= !"#$%&'" $! 'ontents "his is the second book of spells, charms, prayers, rituals etc/ from the Greek magical papyri and %emotic spells/ have selected items that seem interesting and useful/ &nfortunately, many of the papyri are very fragmentary and incomplete, and others make use of complicated magickal symbols and figures that are hard to represent in )S' , so have had to omit some otherwise worthwhile spells and charms/ Oor these suggest consulting 3et4 2below5, which contains nearly 1== spells, charms, prayers, invocations, etc/ "he information in >brackets? following each selection indicates the collection 2(GM @ (apyri Graecae Magicae, (%M @ (/ %emoticae M/5, the papyrus number and the lines where the spell can be found/ "he source for these translations is Hans %ieter 3et4 2ed/5, "he Greek Magical (apyri in "ranslation ncluding the %emotic Spells, 'hicago: "he &niversity of 'hicago (ress, +,01/ "he spells, prayers, etc/ are organi4ed by category: (rotection / %ivination and Aisions / Self- mprovement A/ Health and Healing A/ 'raft A / Miscellaneous (ronunciation of Magical !ames n general, most of the Bvoces magicaeB 2magical names5 are written in $ld 'optic, which used Greek letters, so you will do best if you think Greek/ "hus, C sounds between *nglish BuB and ByB, something like German umlauted BuB/ (ronounce 'H as in German BachB or Scotch BlochB/ "he symbol *D represents eta, so pronounce like a long BaB; $D represents omega, so pronounce like a long BoB/ "he symbols (H 2phi5 and "H 2theta5 probably should be aspirated BpB and BtB, but may have been pronounced like *nglish BfB and BthB by the time the papyri were written/ /

"he symbol B!!B in a spell means Bfill in the blank,B generally with the name of the one on whose behalf the spell is cast 2thus, B!!B or Bthe !! manB5, or with the 6uestion or problem to which the spell is addressed 2thus, Bthe !! matterB5/ / (#$"*'" $! i/ 'harm to 3reak *nchantment "aking a "hree-'ornered Sherd from a Oork in the #oad -- pick it up with your Eeft Hand -- inscribe it with Myrrhed nk and hide it/ >8rite:? B)SS"#)*E$S 'H#)*E$S, dissolve every *nchantment against me, !!, for con<ure Cou by the Great and "errible !ames which the 8inds fear and the #ocks split when they hear it/B >"here are seven Symbols to be written on the Sherd; they look like this: 2+5 a Greek capital upsilon 2like a C with sagging arms5, with small circles at all three ends; 2-5 an K with small circles on the ends; 2L5 a s6uared-off & with small circles at the ends of the arms; 2H5 a line inclined to the right, with a small right-angle bend to the right at the end, small circles at both ends; 2.5 a line inclined to the right, small circles on ends, but slightly to the left; 215 arc or rounded E from upper left to lower right, circles on ends; 2J5 )n ) with circles on its feet/ "he whole sign looks something like this: C K & PR 5 E ) ? >(GM KKKA /-.1-1H? ii/ 'harm to #estrain )nger and 'harm for Success 2!o 'harm is Greater, and it is to be performed by means of 8ords )lone/5 Hold your "humbs and repeat the Spell J times: B*#M)EE$D"H )#'H M)EE$D"H stop the Mouths that speak against me, because glorify Cour Sacred and Honored !ames which are in Heaven/B "o )ugment the 8ords: "ake (apyrus and write thus: B am 'H(HC# S >i/e/, the god Fhepri, the scarab?/ must be successfulG M 'H)*DE #)(H)*DE #$&3*DE !)# *DE F)"" *DE #$&M3$&"H *DE )I)# *DE $*DE $&*DE *I# *DE S$&# *DE !)# *DE M*"M$&# *DE )I)*DE )I *DE S)$&M *DE #$&3$&"H *DE #)3 *D*DE #)3 *D*DE #)3'HE$& *!)*I#)*DE, )ngels, protect me from every 3ad Situation that comes upon meGB >(GM KKKA /+1+JJ? iii/ Spell "o 'atch a "hief

>)lthough this spell is coercive, have included it because it is fundamentally defensive/? "ake a (lant 'helkbei and 3ugloss, strain them, burn what you strain out, mi9 well with Juice, and write B'H$$DB with it on a 8all/ "ake Gallows 8ood and carve a Hammer/ 8ith the Hammer strike the *ye >see below? while saying the Oormula: B con<ure Cou by the Holy !amesG Hand over the "hief who made off with itG 'H)E'H)F 'H)EF$&M 'H )M 'H)#'H#$&M I3)# 3*D# I3)#F$M 'H#*D F)# $D3 (H)# 3$&, and by the Shudderful !ames: ) ** *D*D*D $$$$$ CCCCCC $D$D$D$D$D$D$DGB >"his is the figure to strike:? ) $D >draw the ** CC &4at-*ye, *D*D*D the *ye of *D*D*D*D*D Horus, here? *D*D*D*D*D ****** ****** ))))))) ))))))) )$D $D ) $D) )*D$D *D$D) $D)*D BHand over the "hief who Stole itG )s long as strike the *ye with this Hammer, let the *ye of the "hief be struck, and let it Swell &p until it betrays himGB 8hile saying this, Strike with the Hammer/ >(GM A/J=-,.? / % A !)" $! )!% A S $!S iv/ n6uiry of 3owl %ivination and !ecromancy !ephotes to (sammetichos, mmortal Fing of *gypt/ Greetings/ Since the Great God has appointed you mmortal Fing and !ature has made you an *9pert Magician >Sophistes?, too, with a desire to show you the ndustry in me, have sent you this Magical (rocedure which, with 'omplete *ase, produces a Holy (ower//// 8henever you want to n6uire about Matters, take a 3ron4e Aessel, either a 3owl or a Saucer, whatever Find you wish/ (our 8ater: #ain 8ater if you are calling upon the Heavenly Gods, Sea 8ater if Gods of the *arth, #iver 8ater if $siris or Sarapis, Spring 8ater if the %ead/ Holding the Aessel on your Fnees, pour out Green $live $il, bend over the Aessel and speak the (rescribed Spell/ )nd address whatever God you want and ask about whatever you wish, and He will reply to you and tell you about )nything/ )nd if He has spoken dismiss Him with the Spell of %ismissal, and you who have used this Spell will be )ma4ed/ "he Spell spoken over the Aessel is: B)M$&!

)&)!")& E) M$&")& # ("$& M)!")& M)!"$& E)!"$& E)("$&M )!'H$DM)'H )#)("$&M , hither to me, $ !! GodG )ppear to me this very Hour and do not Orighten my *yesG Hither to me, $ !! God, be )ttentive to me because he >probably should be B B? 8ishes and 'ommands this )'H'H$D# )'H'H$D# )'H)'H)'H ("$&M 'H)'H'H$D 'H)#)'H$D'H 'H)("$&M*D 'H$D#)'H)#)'H$D'H )("$&M M*D'H$D'H)("$& 'H)#)'H("$& 'H)'H'H$D 'H)#)'H$D ("*!)'H$D'H*&B 2a Hundred >Greek? Eetters5/ 3ut you are not unaware, Mighty Fing and Eeader of Magicians, that this is the 'hief !ame of "yphon, at whom the Ground, the %epth of the Sea, Hades, Heaven, the Sun, the Moon, the Aisible 'horus of Stars, the whole &niverse all "remble, the !ame that consists of +== Eetters/ Oinally, when you have called, whomever you called will appear, God or %ead Man, and He will give an )nswer about anything you ask/ )nd when you have learned to your Satisfaction, dismiss the God merely with the (owerful !ame of the Hundred Eetters as you say, B%epart, Master, for the Great God, !!, wishes and commands this of CouGB Speak the !ame, and He will depart/ Eet this Spell, Mighty Fing, be transmitted to Cou )lone, Guarded by you, &nsharedG "here is also the (rotective 'harm itself which you wear while (erforming, even while Standing: onto a Silver Eeaf inscribe this !ame of +== Eetters with a 3ron4e Stylus, and wear it strung on a "hong from the Hide of an )ss/ >"he ass is the animal associated with SethP"yphon/? >(GM A/+.H-+1=, -----1=? v/ Aessel %ivination "o in6uire opposite the Moon: Cou should do it as a Aessel n6uiry alone or with a Couth/ f you are the one who is going to n6uire, you should e6uip your *ye with Green *ye-(aint and 3lack *ye-(aint/ Cou should stand on a High (lace on the "op of your House/ Cou should speak to the Moon when it fills the Sound-*ye on the %ay, you being (ure for "hree %ays/ >"he Sound-*ye is &4ait Horu, the wd4/t-eye or Sacred *ye of Horus; the Moon fills the Sound-*ye when it is full/? Cou should recite this Spell opposite the Moon seven or nine times until He >the Moon 2masculine in *gyptian5? appears to you and speaks to you: BHail, S)FS )moun S)FS )3#)S)FS, for Cou are the Moon, the Great $ne of the Stars, He who formed themG Eisten to these things which saidG 8alk in accordance with the 8ords of my MouthG #eveal Courself to me, "H)! "H)!) "H)!)"H), this is my 'orrect !ameGB !ine times of saying it until She >the Moon? reveals Herself to you/ >(%M 9iv/1,.-J==? vi/ Method of -, Eetters for #eceiving an $men

BGreat is the Eady sisGB 'opy of a Holy 3ook found in the )rchives of Hermes: "he Method is that concerning "he -, Eetters >of the 'optic alphabet?, through which Eetters Hermes and sis, who was seeking $siris, Her 3rother and Husband, found Him/ 'all upon Helios and all the Gods in the %eep concerning "hose "hings for which you want to receive an $men/ "ake -, Eeaves of a Male %ate (alm and write on each of the Eeaves the !ames of the Gods/ (ray and then pick them up "wo 3y "wo/ #ead the East #emaining Eeaf and you will find your $men, how things are, and you will be answered clearly/ >(GM KK Aa/+--.? vii/ 'harm of SolomonDs 'ollapse >"hat is, SolomonDs 'harm to produce a trance/? 28orks on 3oys and on )dults5: swear to you by the Holy Gods and the Heavenly Gods not to share the (rocedure of Solomon with anyone and certainly not to use it for Something 7uestionable unless a Matter of !ecessity forces you, lest perchance 8rath be preserved for you/ Oormula to be Spoken: B$&# $D# )M*D! M ")# 'H$D3 FE)M(H$D3 (H#*D (H#$D# (")# $&S # S) $D3 "*DE$D F)3*D M)!)")"H$D# )S $D# F$D# 3*D* !$D# )M$&! $DM M*D! 'H"H) M)'H"H) 'H"H)#) )M)'H"H) )$& )E)F)M3$D" 3*DS !$D# )(H*DS $D# (H#*D(H )M*D $&# E)M)S # 'H*D# $D3 ( "#*DM (H*D$D(H ! # ! )EE)!!)"H)"H 'H*D# $D'H $D!*D 3$&S # ! !$&!$ )M)!)E G)G$DS)# *D# M*D! )M "E*D# $$$ )) *"!*D $&S # $&S # $&S # $&S # M*D!*DM3 M!*DM 3#)3*DE "!*DF) $D3/ Hear me, that is, my Holy Aoice, because call upon Cour Holy !ames, and reveal to me concerning the "hing which want, through the !! Man or Eittle 3oy, for otherwise will not defend Cour Holy and &ndefiled !amesG 'ome to me, Cou who became Hesies and were carried away by a #iver; inspire the !! Man or 3oy concerning that which ask Cou: 3)#3*D"H M!$D# )#)# )F ")#*D# M $D)# "*D#$DF S)! $D# M*D! F (H)&*F %)(H$# $&M ! E)# $D# *D"! )M M F!$DS 'H)E)F"H # F#$D(H*D# (H*DS M$D" (#*D3 3 F!)E) *D# 3*D" M G!$D# G 'ome to me through the !! Man or Eittle 3oy and tell me accurately since speak Cour !ames which "hrice-Greatest Hermes >i/e/, Hermes "rismegistos? wrote in Heliopolis with Hieroglyphic Eetters: )#3)F$D# (H M*D! )M $D#)$D3 )3! $D3 M*D# M 3) )K 'H*!$D# (*D! M $D#) $D#*DS $& $&S # (! )M$&S # (H#*D$&S # H$D# $&S # !)* $D#$&S # M*D! M$&S # M!*DF$&S # (HE*DF$&S # (*DE*DE$&S # $D! $D #)3F$&S # )! $D3$&S # )M*D)$&S # )!$D#$&S # )M*D!D(H*D$&S # )M*D! $&S # K$D! $D# *D$&#$&S # G *nter into him and reveal to me concerning the !! MatterGB

)fter you have (urified the %esignated Man by keeping him from ntercourse for L %ays, you yourself also being (ure, enter together with him/ )fter you have taken him up to an $pen (lace, seat him on &nbaked 3ricks, dress him and give him an )nubian Head of 8heat and a Oalcon-8eed (lant so that he will be protected/ Gird yourself with a (alm Oiber of a Male %ate (alm, e9tend your Hands up to Heaven, toward the #ays of the Sun, and say the Oormula J times/ !e9t make an offering of Male Orankincense after pouring out 8ine, 3eer, Honey or Milk of a 3lack 'ow onto Grape-Aine 8ood/ "hen say the Oormula J times <ust into the *ar of the !! Man or Eittle 3oy, and right away he will fall down/ 3ut you sit down on the 3ricks and make your n6uiry, and he will describe *verything with "ruth/ Cou should crown him with a Garland of ndigenous 8orm-8ood, both him and you, for the God delights in the (lant/ %ismissal of the Eord: nto the *ar of !!: B)!)!)F )#3*$&*D# )**D $C$DGB f He tarries, sacrifice on Grape-Aine 'harcoal a Sesame Seed and 3lack 'umin while saying: B)!)!)F $D#3*$&S # )**D $C$D, go away, Eord, to Cour $wn "hrones and protect him, !!, from all *vilGB Cou learned thoroughly; keep it Secret/ "he )wakening is as follows: Stand away from the 3oy or Man, having your (alms spread on your 3uttocks, your Oeet together on the Ground, recite the following often until he is moved either toward the #ight or toward the Eeft: B)M$&! *D* )3# )"H F 'H$D( $D"*M ( "H/B "hen as a %og >i/e/, presumably, bark like a dog?/ >(GM A/0.=-,-,? viii/ Spell for #evelation Feep yourself (ure for J days before the Moon becomes Oull by abstaining from Meat and &ncooked Oood, by leaving behind during the prescribed days e9actly Half of your Oood in a "ur6uoise Aessel >probably faience, i/e/, blue-green gla4ed pottery, rather than actual tur6uoise?, over which you are also to *at, and by abstaining from 8ine/ 8hen the Moon is Oull, go by yourself to the *astern Section of your 'ity, Aillage, or House and throw out on the Ground the Eeft-$ver Morsels/ "hen return Aery 7uickly to your 7uarters and shut yourself in before He can get there, because He will shut you out if He gets there before you/ 3ut before you throw out the Morsels, fi9 in the Ground at a Slight )ngle a Aerdant #eed that is about "wo 'ubits long, tie some Hairs from a Stallion about the Mid-Section of a Horned %ung 3eetle, and suspend the 3eetle from the #eed by them/ "hen light a Eamp that has not been used before and place it

under the 3eetle in a new *arthen-8are %ish, so that the Heat from the Eamp barely reaches the 3eetle/ Stay 'alm after you have thrown out the Morsels, gone to your 7uarters, and shut yourself in; for the $ne you have summoned will stand there and, by threatening you with 8eapons, will try to force you to release the 3eetle/ 3ut remain 'alm, and do not release it until He gives you a #esponse; then release it right away/ )nd every day during the (eriod of (urification when you are about to *at and to go to 3ed, speak the following Spell J times 2you are to say them again when you return to your 7uarters after throwing out the Oood5/ Feep it Secret: BCou with the 8ooden !eck, you with the 'lay Oace, come in to me, for am Sabertoush, the Great God who is in HeavenGB "he (hylactery >charm worn for protection? for the foregoing: 8ith 3lood from the Hand or Ooot of a (regnant 8oman, write the !ame given below on a 'lean (iece of (apyrus; then tie it about your Eeft )rm by a Einen 'ords and wear it/ Here is what is to be written: BSH"*D " 'H *! "*!H), bind and loose/B "he dismissal: 8hen you release the 3eetle, say: BHarko, Harko is my !ame; Harko is my "rue !ameGB Guard these nstructions wellG "he #ite: an $nion/ >(robably means: &se the (rocedure involving an $nion/? >(GM A/.--0.? i9/ ) BGodDs )rrivalB of $siris > /e/, an nvocation of $siris for a #evelation? B$ sis, $ !ephthys, $ !oble Soul of $siris 8ennefer, come to meG am Cour 3eloved Son, Horus/ $ Gods who are in Heaven, $ Gods who are in the *arth, $ Gods who are in the (rimeval 8aters, $ Gods who are in the South, $ Gods who are in the !orth, $ Gods who are in the 8est, $ Gods who are in the *ast, come to me tonightG "each me about Such and Such a "hing about which am asking/ 7uicklyG 7uicklyG HurryG HurryGB Oormula: $n a (hoeni9 written with Myrrh 8ater and Juniper 8ater/ (ut a (ellet of Gum on your #ight Hand; recite these 8ritings to it in the *vening while your Hand is stretched out to the Moon, while you are going to Sleep; and leave your Hand before you/ Aery Good/ H times/ >(%M Suppl/+L=-L0? / S*EO- M(#$A*M*!" 9/ (rayer to Helios: ) 'harm to #estrain )nger and for Aictory and for Securing Oavor 2!one is Greater5: Say to the Sun 2Helios5 J times, and anoint your Hand with $il and wipe it on your Head and

Oace/ !ow the (rayer is: B#e<oice with me, Cou who are set over the *ast 8ind and the 8orld, for whom all the Gods serve as 3ody-Guards at Cour Good Hour and on Cour Good %ay, Cou who are the Good %aimon of the 8orld, the 'rown of the nhabited 8orld, Cou who arise from the )byss, Cou who *ach %ay rise a Coung Man and set an $ld Man, H)#(*!F!$&(H 3# !")!"*D!$D(H# 3# SSFCEM)S )#$&#I$#3$#$3) M*S !"# (H ! ("$&M 'HM$&MM)$D(H / beg Cou, Eord, do not allow me to be $ver-"hrown, to be (lotted )gainst, to receive %angerous %rugs, to go into *9ile, to fall upon Hard "imes/ #ather, ask to obtain and receive from Cou Eife, Health, #eputation, 8ealth, nfluence, Strength, Success, 'harm, Oavor with all Men and all 8omen, Aictory over all Men and all 8omen/ Ces, Eord, )3E)!)"H)!)E3) )F#)MM)'H)M)# (*(H!) (H$DI) (H!*3*!!$&! !))'H"H (/// $&!$#3), accomplish this Matter which want, by means of Cour (ower/B >(GM KKKA /-++-L=? 9i/ (rayer B call upon Cou who have )ll Oorms and Many !ames, %ouble-Horned Goddess, Mene, whose Oorm no one knows e9cept Him who made the entire 8orld, )$D, the $ne who shaped Cou into "wenty-*ight Shapes of the 8orld so that they might complete every Oigure and distribute 3reath to every )nimal and (lant, that it might Olourish, Cou who grow from $bscurity into Eight and leave Eight for %arknessB 2beginning to leave by 8aning5/ B)nd the Oirst 'ompanion of Cour !ame is Silence, the Second a (opping Sound, the "hird Groaning, the Oourth Hissing, the Oifth a 'ry of Joy, the Si9th Moaning, the Seventh 3arking, the *ighth 3ellowing, the !inth !eighing, the "enth a Musical Sound, the *leventh a Sounding 8ind, the "welfth a 8ind-'reating Sound, the "hirteenth a 'oercive Sound, the Oourteenth a 'oercive *manation from (erfection/ B$9, Aulture, 3ull, 3eetle, Oalcon, 'rab, %og, 8olf, Serpent, Horse, She-Goat, )sp, Goat, He-Goat, 3aboon, 'at, Eion, Eeopard, Oield-Mouse, %eer, Multi-Oorm, Airgin, "orch, Eightning, Garland, a HeraldDs 8and, 'hild, Fey/ B have said Cour Signs and Symbols of Cour !ame so that Cou might hear me, because pray to Cou,

Mistress of the 8hole 8orld/ Hear me, Cou, the Stable $ne, the Mighty $neG )(H* 3$*D$D M !"*D# $'H)$D ( I*(HC%$D# 'H)!"H)# 'H)%*D#$I$ M$'H"H $! *$"!*& (H*D#I$! ) !%*DS E)'H)3$$D ( ""$D # (H"H)M*# IM$M$'H$DE* * " *D%#)!"* ) $ S$I$'H)3*D%$D(H#)B 2add the usual5/ >(GM A /J.1-,H? A/ H*)E"H )!% H*)E !G 9ii/ (hylactery for Oever, (hantoms, %aimons, etc/ B , )brasa9, shall deliver/ )brasa9 am G )3#)S)K )3#)S 'H$D$&, help little Sophia-(riskilla/ Get hold of and do away with what comes to little Sophia(riskilla, whether it is a Shivering Oit -- get hold of itG 8hether a (hantom -- get hold of itG 8hether a %aimon -- get hold of itG , )brasa9, shall deliver/ )brasa9 am G )3#)S)K )3#)S 'H$D$&/ Get hold of, get hold of and do away with/// what comes to little Sophia-(riskilla on "his Aery %ay, whether it is a Shivering Oit -- do away with itG 8hether a %aimon -- do away with itGB >(GM EKKK K/+--J? 9iii/ Spell for %og 3ite "o be said to the 3ite of the %og: BMy Mouth being full of 3lood of a 3lack %og, spitting out the #edness of a %og, come forth from )lkhah >*gyptian Rr6-hh 2)l9ai5, a sacred place at )bydos, the cemetery where the mummy of $siris was buried?/ $ this %og who is among the "en %ogs which belong to )nubis, the Son of His 3ody, e9tract your Aenom, remove your Saliva from me alsoG f you do not e9tract your Aenom and remove your Saliva, shall take you up to the Oore'ourt of the "emple of $siris, my 8atch-"ower/ will do for you according to the Aoice of sis, the Magician, the Eady of Magic, who 3ewitches everything, who is !ever 3ewitched in her !ame of sis, the Magician/B Cou pound Garlic with Gum, put it on the 8ound of the %og 3ite, and speak to it %aily until it is 8ell/ >(%M 9iv/..H-1-? A/ '#)O" 9iv/ "his is the 'onsecration for )ll (urposes: Spell to Helios B invoke Cou, the Greatest God, *ternal Eord, 8orld #uler, who are over the 8orld and under the 8orld, Mighty #uler of the Sea, rising at %awn, shining from the *ast for the 8hole 8orld, setting in the 8est/ 'ome to me, "hou who risest from the Oour 8inds, benevolent and lucky )gathos %aimon, for whom

Heaven has become the (rocessional 8ay/ call upon Cour Holy and Great and Hidden !ames which Cou re<oice to hear/ "he *arth flourished when Cou shone forth, and the (lants became fruitful when you laughed; the )nimals begat their Coung when Cou permitted/ Give Glory and Honor and Oavor and Oortune and (ower to this, !!, Stone which consecrate today 2or to the (hylactery >charm? being consecrated5 for >or in relation to? !!/ invoke Cou, the greatest in Heaven, *D E)!'HC'H )F)#*D! 3)E M S"H#*D! M)#") M)"H)"H E) E)M M$&S$&"H S *"H$D 3)"H)3)"H )"M$D! )E* )3)"H )3)$D"H S)3)$D"H )%$D!) , the Great God, $#S*!$(H#*D $#G*)"*DS "$"H$#!)"*DS) F# "H 3 $D"H )%M$D )"M$DM M*"H *D E$!'H$$D )F)#*D 3)E M !"H#*D 3)!* 3) 2!5'H'HC'H'H $&(H# !$"H*$&S "H#) )#S $&"H *#$D!*#"H*#, the Shining Helios, giving Eight throughout the 8hole 8orld/ Cou are the Great Serpent, Eeader of all the Gods, who control the 3eginning of *gypt and the *nd of the 8hole nhabited 8orld, who mate in the $cean, (S$ (H!$&"H ! !"H*D#/ Cou are He who becomes Aisible each %ay and Sets in the !orthwest of Heaven, and #ises in the Southeast/ n the +st Hour Cou have the Oorm of a 'at; Cour !ame is (H)#)F$&!*D"H/ Give Glory and Oavor to this (hylactery/ n the -nd Hour Cou have the Oorm of a %og; Cour !ame is S$&(H / Give Strength and Honor to this (hylactery, or to this Stone, and to !!/ n the Lrd Hour Cou have the Oorm of a Serpent; Cour !ame is )M*F#)!*3*'H*$ "H$DC"H/ Give Honor to the God !!/ n the Hth Hour Cou have the Oorm of a Scarab; Cour !ame is S*!"H*! (S/ Mightily strengthen this (hylactery in this !ight, for the 8ork for which it is consecrated/ n the .th Hour Cou have the Oorm of a %onkey; Cour !ame is *!(H)!'H$&(H/ Give Strength and 'ourage and (ower to the God, !!/ n the 1th Hour Cou have the Oorm of a Eion; Cour !ame is 3) S$E3) , the #uler of "ime/ Give Success to this (hylactery and Glorious Aictory/ n the Jth Hour Cou have the Oorm of a Goat; Cour !ame is $&M*S"H$D"H/ Give Se9ual 'harm to this #ing 2or to this (hylactery, or to this *ngraving5/ n the 0th Hour Cou have the Oorm of a 3ull; Cour !ame is % )" (H*D, who becomes visible everywhere/ Eet all "hings done by the use of this Stone be accomplished/

n the ,th Hour Cou have the Oorm of a Oalcon; Cour !ame is (H*D$&S (H$D$&"H, the Eotus *merged Orom the )byss/ Give Success and Good Euck to this (hylactery/ n the +=th Hour Cou have the Oorm of a 3aboon; Cour !ame is 3*S3CF / >(rayer for gift omitted?? n the ++th Hour Cou have the Oorm of an bis; Cour !ame is M$& #$D(H/ (rotect this great (hylactery for Eucky &se by !!, from this (resent %ay for )ll "ime/ n the +-th Hour Cou have the Oorm of a 'rocodile; Cour !ame is )*#"H$*D/ >(rayer for gift omitted?? Cou who have set at *vening as an $ld Man, who are over the 8orld and under the 8orld, Mighty #uler of the Sea, hear my Aoice in this (resent %ay, in this !ight, in these Holy Hours, and let all done by this Stone, or for this (hylactery, be brought to fulfillment, and especially !! matter for which consecrate t/ (lease, Eord FM*D(H E$&"H*$&"H $#(H$ 'H* $#" E 3*'H$&'H *#'H* #$&M (*# ")$D C) G con<ure *arth and Heaven and Eight and %arkness and the Great God who created )ll, S)#$&S !, Cou, )gathon %aimonion the Helper, to accomplish for me everything done by the &se of this #ing or StoneGB 8hen you complete the 'onsecration, say, B"he one Ieus is SerapisGB >(GM A/+.,1-+J+.? 9v/ How to Say the Magical Sounds the B)B >alpha? with an $pen Mouth, undulating like a 8ave; the B$B >omicron? succinctly, as a 3reathed "hreat; the B )$DB >iota alpha omega? to *arth, to )ir, and to Heaven; the B*DB >eta? like a 3aboon; /// the B*B >epsilon? with *n<oyment, aspirating it; the BCB >upsilon? like a Shepherd, drawing out the (ronunciation/ >"his description, taken from a longer spell, does not specify the pronunciation of B B 2iota5 or B$DB 2omega5/? >(GM A/-H-L=? A / M S'*EE)!*$&S 9vi/ 3ear-'harm which )ccomplishes *verything >"he 3ear is the constellation &rsa Ma<or, which represents the soul of "yphon/? Oormula: B call upon Cou the Greatest (ower in Heaven, appointed by the Eord God to turn with a Strong Hand the Holy (ole, ! F)#$(E*DK/ Eisten to me, Helios, (hre >i/e/ Helios(re?G Hear the Holy (rayer, Cou who hold together the

&niverse and bring to Eife the whole 8orld, "H$DI$( "H*D *&'H)!%)M) $D'H# *!"H*D# $M!C$D%*DS 'H*DM $'HC!G*DS *$DCB 2perform a sacrifice5 B"H*#M$&"H*# (S (H # K (H#$S)E F)!"H M*$D I)!I*M ) $D(*# (*#$M*!*DS #$D"H *& *D! !%*& F$#F$&!"H$ *&M*! M*! F*D%*&) F*D(S*D$ B 2add the usual5/ (etition to the Sun at Sunset/ Oormula: B"H*D!$D#, $ Helios, S)!"H*D!$D#, beseech Cou, Eord, may the (lace and Eord of the 3ear devote "hemselves to meB 2while petitioning, sacrifice )rmara >for recipe, see B$fferingB, below?/ %o it at Sunset5/ 'harm of 'ompulsion for the Lrd %ay: B)!"*3*#$DC#"$D# *#*M!*"H*D'H$D# 'H!C'H #$)!"$D# M*!*E*$'H*& *D*SS ($ %$D"*D# *&)#*D"$D G$& ( (HCE)F*D $DM)E)M !G$# M)!")"$!'H) do the !! "hing/B "he Oirst Oormula in a %ifferent 8ay: B"H$DI$( "H*D, 3ear, Greatest Goddess, #uling Heaven, #eigning over the (ole of the Stars, Highest, 3eautiful-Shining Goddess, ncorruptible *lement, 'omposite of the )ll, )ll- lluminating, 3ond of the &niverse )**D $C$D 2s6uare >probably means arranged in lines forming a s6uare: ) * *D $ C $D * *D $ C $D) *D $ C $D) * $ C $D) * *D $ C $D) * *D C $D) * *D $ $D) * *D $ C ?5, Cou who stand on the (ole, you whom the Eord God appointed to turn the Holy (ole with Strong Hand: "H$DI$( "H*D 2formula5/B $ffering for the (rocedure: H %rams of Orankincense, H %rams of Myrrh, - $unces each of 'assia Eeaf and of 8hite (epper, + %ram of 3dellion, + %ram of )sphodel Seed, - %rams each of )momon, of Saffron, or "erebinth Stora9, + %ram of 8ormwood,/// of Aetch (lant, (riestly *gyptian ncense, the 'omplete 3rain of a 3lack #am/ 'ombine these with 8hite Mendesian 8ine >i/e/ from city of Mendes in !ile %elta? and Honey, and make (ellets of 3read/ (hylactery for the (rocedure: 8ear a 8olf Fnuckle3one, mi9 Juice of Aetch and of (ond-8eed in a 'enser, write in the Middle of the 'enser this !ame: B"H*#M$&"H*#*(S (H # (H ( S)E B 2-H >Greek? letters5, and in this 8ay make an $ffering/ >(GM A/+-J.-+L--? 9vii/ (owerful Spell of the 3ear which )ccomplishes

)nything "ake the Oat of a 3lack )ss, the Oat of a %appled SheGoat, the Oat of a 3lack 3ull, and *thiopian 'umin, mi9 all together and make an $ffering to the 3ear, having as a (hylactery Hairs from the same )nimals which you have plaited into a 'ord and are wearing as a %iadem around your Head/ )noint your Eips with the Oats, smear your whole 3ody with Stora9 $il, and make your (etition while holding a Single-Shooted *gyptian $nion/ Speak concerning whatever you wish/ Gird yourself with a (alm Oiber of a Male %ate (alm, kneel down, and speak the following Oormula: B call upon Cou, Holy, Aery-(owerful, Aery-Glorious, Aery-Strong, Holy, )utochthons, )ssistants of the Great God, the powerful 'hief %aimons, Cou who are nhabitants of 'haos, of *rebos, of "he )byss, of "he %epth, of *arth, %welling in the #ecesses of Heaven, Eurking in the !ooks and 'rannies of Houses, Shrouded in %ark 'louds, 8atchers of "hings !ot "o 3e Seen, Guardians of Secrets, Eeaders of "hose in the &nderworld, )dministrators of the nfinite, 8ielding (ower over *arth, *arth-Shakers, Ooundation-Eayers, Servants in the 'hasm, Shudderful Oighters, Oearful Ministers, "urning "he Spindle, Oree4ing Snow and #ain, )ir-"ransversers, 'ausing Summer Heat, 8ind3ringers, Eords of Oate, nhabitants of %ark *rebos, 3ringers of 'ompulsion, Sending Olames of Oire, 3ringing Snow and %ew, 8ind-#eleasers, %isturbers of the %eep, "readers on the 'alm Sea, Mighty in 'ourage, Grievers of the Heart, (owerful (otentates, 'liff-8alkers, )dverse %aimons, ron-Hearted, 8ild"empered, &nruly, Guarding "artaros, Misleading Oate, )ll-Seeing, )ll-Hearing, )ll-Sub<ecting, Heaven8alkers, Spirit-Givers, Eiving Simply, HeavenShakers, Gladdening the Heart, "hose 8ho Join "ogether %eath, #evealers of )ngels, (unishers of Mortals, Sunless #evealers, #ulers of %aimons, )ir"ransversers, )lmighty, Holy, &ncon6uerable )$D"H )3)$D"H 3)SCM S)F S)3)$D"H )$D )F$D( M)!)#) SF$#"$&# M$#"#$&M *(H#)&E) "H#**#S); do the !! matterGB "hen write on a (iece of (apyrus the HundredEettered !ame of "yphon, curved as a Star, and bind t in the middle of the 'ore with the Eetters showing/ "his is the !ame >Greek letters?: )'H'H$D# )'H'H$D# )'H)'H)'H("$&M 'H)'H'H$D 'H)#)'H$D'H 'H)("$&M*D 'H$D#) 'H$D'H )("$&M M*D 'H$D'H)("$& 'H)#)'H("$& 'H)'H'H$D 'H)#) 'H$D'H ("*!)'H$D'H*$&/ >(GM A/+LL+-0,? 9viii/ "o Feep 3ugs $ut of the House Mi9 Goat 3ile with 8ater and sprinkle it/ >(GM

A /+H,-.=? 9i9/ "o Feep Oleas $ut of the House 8et #ose-3ay with Salt 8ater, grind it and spread it/ >(GM A /+.=-H? QQQ O ! S QQQ

*'E$G) *K ()(C# S M)G ' S a Johanne $psopoeo Eiber QQQ Selections from Magical (apyri by John $psopaus 3ook ntroduction 'ontents "his is the book of love spells, charms, prayers, rituals etc/ from the Greek magical papyri and %emotic spells/ "hey are not suitable for public consumption/ "he information in >brackets? following each selection indicates the collection 2(GM @ (apyri Graecae Magicae, (%M @ (/ %emoticae M/5, the papyrus number and the lines where the spell can be found/ "he source for these translations is Hans %ieter 3et4 2ed/5, B"he Greek Magical (apyri in "ranslation ncluding the %emotic Spells,B 'hicago: "he &niversity of 'hicago (ress, +,01/

(ronunciation of Magical !ames n general, most of the Bvoces magicaeB 2magical names5 are written in $ld 'optic, which used Greek letters, so you will do best if you think Greek/ "hus, C sounds between *nglish BuB and ByB, something like German umlauted BuB/ (ronounce 'H as in German BachB or Scotch BlochB/ "he symbol *D represents eta, so pronounce like a long BaB; $D represents omega, so pronounce like a long BoB/ "he symbols (H 2phi5 and "H 2theta5 probably should be aspirated BpB and BtB, but may have been pronounced like *nglish BfB and BthB by the time the papyri were written/ "he symbol B!!B in a spell means Bfill in the blank,B generally with the name of the one on whose behalf the spell is cast 2thus, B!!B or Bthe !! manB5, or with the 6uestion or problem to which the spell is addressed 2thus, Bthe !! matterB5/ S(*EES i/ Eove Spell )phroditeDs !ame, which becomes known to !o $ne 6uickly, is !*(H*# *D# >i/e/ !fr-iry/t, Bthe beautiful eyeB, an epithet for )phroditePHathor? -- this is the !ame/ f you wish to win a 8oman who is beautiful, be (ure for L days, make an offering of Orankincense, and call this !ame over it/ Cou approach the 8oman and say it seven times in your Soul as you ga4e at her, and in this way it will succeed/ 3ut do this for J days/ >(GM A/+-1.-JH? i</ Eove Spell 8hich )cts in the Same Hour "ake a Seashell and write the Holy !ames with the 3lood of a 3lack )ss/ Spell: B ad<ure you, Shell, by 3itter !ecessity, 2M)SF*EE formula5 >i/e/, M)SF*EE M)SF*EE$D (H!$&F*!")3)$D $#*$3)I)G#) #H*DK 'H"H$D! H (($'H"H$D! (C# (*DG)!CK? and by those who have been placed in charge of the (unishments, E)F E)F $D E)F M$& M$&F E) F E)M$& $D# M$&$D# M$&%#) M)K"H) M$&S)"H): attract her, !!, whom !! boreB 2add the usual, whatever5/ B%o not be stubborn, but attract her, $&'H $&'H 'H)&!) M$&'HE M)E'H) M)!"$D# M$&#F)!) M$&E "H) M)E"H)E M$& *D *D CCC )*D ) *D C$$D )*D )*D )*D )$D) )$D) )$D) )$D $D) $D) ) $D $D) $D) )$D $D) , attract her, !!B 2add the usual5/ )s the Moon wa9es in )ries or in "aurus >add the usual, whatever you wish?/ >"his line may belong to another spell/? >(GM A /L==a-L+=? ii</ Eove Spell Oor Eove say while kissing passionately: B am "H)I ! *( 3)"H) 'H*$&'H 'H) am am 'H)# *M$&"H E) E)MB 2add the usual5/ >(GM A /H=.-1?

iv/ "o )ppear in SomeoneDs %reams f you wish to appear to Someone at !ight in %reams, say to the Eamp that is in daily use, say fre6uently: B'H* )M$D(S* *#(*3$D"H, let her, !!, whom !! bore, see me in her %reams, immediately, immediately; 6uickly, 6uicklyGB 2and add the usual, whatever you wish5/ >(GM A /H=J-+=? v/ *9cellent Eove 'harm nscribe by scratching on a "in Eamella/ 8rite and lay it down, walking over it/ )nd what is written is this: B ad<ure you by the Glorious !ame of 3acchiosB >i/e/, 3acchus? 2add the usual, whatever you wish5/ >(GM A /H.,-1+? vi/ *9cellent Eove 'harm nscribe by scratching on a "in Eamella the 'haracters and the !ames, and after making it Magically (otent with some Magical Material, roll it up and throw it in the Sea/ "he 'haracters are these: B>omitted? 'H)!)#M*!"H$D 'H)S)#, cause her, !!, to love meB 2add the usual5/ 8rite with a 'opper !ail from a Shipwrecked Aessel/ >(GM A /H1--11? vi</ Orom B"he %iadem of MosesB "ake the (lant Snapdragon and hold it under your "ongue while lying asleep/ )nd rise early and before you speak to )nyone recite the !ames, and you will be nvisible to *veryone/ 3ut when you say them over %rinking 'ups and give them to a 8oman, she will love you, since this Spell has (ower over *verything: B)#*SF EE $&S "H$&%)E*S) F#)MM)S 'H)MM)# M$&E)3$D"H E)&)3)# 'H$&(H)# (H$# (H$D#3)$D S)'H H)#3)'H M)'H M)S$D )$D S)3)$D"H )%$D!) /B Oor what you wish, say: BGet her, !!, for me, !!B 2add the usual, whatever you wish5/ >(GM A /1+,--J? vii</ 'up Spell, 7uite #emarkable Say the Spell that is spoken to the 'up J times: BCou are 8ine; Cou are not 8ine but the Head of )thena/ Cou are 8ine; Cou are not 8ine, but the Guts of $siris, the Guts of )$D ()F*#3*D"H S*M*S E)M $D$D$D *D ()")'H!) )))/B 2Oor the spell of compulsion: B)3E)!)"H)!)E3) )F#)MM)'H)M)#* ***, who has been stationed over !ecessity, )F$&3 ) )$D S)3)$D"H )%$D!) )3#)S)K/B5/ B)t whatever Hour Cou descend into the Guts of her, !!, let her love me, !!, for all the "ime of her Eife/B >(GM A /1HL-.+?

i9/ Eove Spell n 'onversation, while kissing passionately, say: B)!$F "H)#*!*( 3)"H) 'H*$&'H'H) )!$) )!$F 'H)# *M$'H"H E) E)M/B >(GM A /11+-1L? 9/ ) Good (otion "ake a piece of Hieratic (apyrus and write on it: B )$D $D *S")3 S)S*D "$&#*$DS)! )"H )'H $D$&*D!$& )'H*DM)'H$&/ Eet her, !!, whom !! bore, love me, !! when she has drunk this %rink/ >(GM A /,1,-J-? 9i/ Eove Spell of )ttraction (urify yourself from *verything for /// %ays and say this Spell at Sunrise: BHelios /// but come here to me, Mistress )F" $D(H S *#*S'H G)E (*#S*(H$!*D; attract to me and bind her, !!, whom !! bore, to the Man who is pining away with (assion for her; at this very moment, inflame her that she fulfill the !ightly %esires of !!, whom !! bore/ )ye Eord !*"HM$M)$D Helios, enter into the Soul of her, !!, whom !! bore, and burn her Heart, her Guts, her Eiver, her Spirit, her 3ones/ (erform successfully for me this 'harm, immediately, immediately; 6uickly, 6uicklyGB >(GM A /,0+-,L? 9i</ Eove Spell B)#M $C" S "H)! C"H)! )# )MCS S$3#")" 3 #3)" M S # "H)" )MS *"H)#M "H)", bring !!, whom !! bore, out of her )bodes in which she is, to any House, any (lace in which !!, whom !! bore, is while she love him and craves him, she making the Gift of his Heart at every momentGB Cou should write this in Myrrh nk on a Scrap of 'lean 3yssus and put it in a 'lean !ew Eamp, which is filled with Genuine $il, in your House from *vening until %awn/ f you find the Hair of the 8oman, put it in the 8ickG t is goodG >(%M 9iv/+=1L-1,? 9ii</ Eove Spell of )ttraction B ad<ure Cou, *vangelos, by )nubis and Hermes and all the #est %own 3elow; attract and bind Sarapias whom Helen bore, to this Herais, whom "hermoutharin bore, now, now; 6uickly, 6uicklyG 3y her Soul and Heart attract Sarapias herself, whom Helen bore from her own 8omb, M)* $"* *E3$DS)"$F )E)$&3*D"$D $D* $ /// )*D!/ )ttract and bind the Soul and Heart of Sarapias, whom Helen bore, to this Herais, whom "hermoutharin bore from her 8omb now, now; 6uickly, 6uicklyGB >(GM KKK /+-+,? QQQ O ! S QQQ

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