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Note: This was sent to me by a friend, Lewis Shupe, who in turn received it from a friend of his.

The original author wanted this information out so I am doing my best to help.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson
This is amazing. There are two parts. Be sure to read the 2nd part (in RED). Thomas Jefferson was a very remarka !e man who started !earning very ear!y in !ife and never

stopped. "t #$ egan studying under his %ousin&s tutor. "t '$ studied (atin$ )reek and *ren%h. "t +,$ studied %!assi%a! !iterature and additiona! !anguages. "t +-$ entered the .o!!ege of /i!!iam and 0ary. "!so %ou!d write in )reek with one hand whi!e writing the same in (atin with the other. "t +'$ studied (aw for # years starting under )eorge /ythe. "t 21$ started his own !aw pra%ti%e. "t 2#$ was e!e%ted to the 2irginia 3ouse of Burgesses. "t 1+$ wrote the wide!y %ir%u!ated 45ummary 2iew of the Rights of British "meri%a4 and retired from his !aw pra%ti%e.

"t 12$ was a De!egate to the 5e%ond .ontinenta! .ongress. "t 11$ wrote the De%!aration of 6ndependen%e. "t 11$ took three years to revise 2irginia&s !ega! %ode and wrote a 7u !i% Edu%ation i!! and a statute for Re!igious *reedom. "t 1-$ was e!e%ted the se%ond )overnor of 2irginia su%%eeding 7atri%k 3enry. "t ,8$ served in .ongress for two years. "t ,+$ was the "meri%an minister to *ran%e and negotiated %ommer%ia! treaties with European nations a!ong with Ben *rank!in and John "dams. "t ,-$ served as the first 5e%retary of 5tate under )eorge /ashington. "t #1$ served as 2i%e 7resident and was e!e%ted president of the "meri%an 7hi!osophi%a! 5o%iety. "t ##$ drafted the 9entu%ky

Reso!utions and e%ame the a%tive head of Repu !i%an 7arty. "t #:$ was e!e%ted the third president of the ;nited 5tates. "t -8$ o tained the (ouisiana 7ur%hase dou !ing the nation&s size. "t -+$ was e!e%ted to a se%ond term as 7resident. "t -#$ retired to 0onti%e!!o. "t <8$ he!ped 7resident 0onroe shape the 0onroe Do%trine. "t <+$ a!most sing!e=handed!y %reated the ;niversity of 2irginia and served as its first president. "t <1$ died on the #8th anniversary of the 5igning of the De%!aration of 6ndependen%e a!ong with John "dams. Thomas Jefferson knew e%ause he himse!f studied the previous fai!ed attempts

at government. 3e understood a%tua! history$ the nature of )od$ his !aws and the nature of man. That happens to e way more than what most understand today. Jefferson rea!!y knew his stuff. " voi%e from the past to !ead us in the future> John *. 9ennedy he!d a dinner in the white 3ouse for a group of the rightest minds in the nation at that time. 3e made this statement> 4This is perhaps the assem !y of the most inte!!igen%e ever to gather at one time in the /hite 3ouse with the e?%eption of when Thomas Jefferson dined a!one.4 4/hen we get pi!ed upon one another in !arge %ities$ as in Europe$ we sha!! e%ome as %orrupt as Europe.4 == Thomas Jefferson 4The demo%ra%y wi!! %ease to e?ist when you take away from those who are wi!!ing to work and give to those who wou!d not.4 == Thomas Jefferson

46t is in%um ent on every generation to pay its own de ts as it goes. " prin%ip!e whi%h if a%ted on wou!d save one=ha!f the wars of the wor!d.4 == Thomas Jefferson 46 predi%t future happiness for "meri%ans if they %an prevent the government from wasting the !a ors of the peop!e under the pretense of taking %are of them.4 == Thomas Jefferson 40y reading of history %onvin%es me that most ad government resu!ts from too mu%h government.4 == Thomas Jefferson 4@o free man sha!! ever the use of arms.4 == Thomas Jefferson e de arred

4The strongest reason for the peop!e to retain the right to keep and ear arms is$ as a !ast resort$ to prote%t themse!ves against tyranny in government.4 == Thomas Jefferson

4The tree of !i erty must e refreshed from time to time with the !ood of patriots and tyrants.4 == Thomas Jefferson 4To %ompe! a man to su sidize with his ta?es the propagation of ideas whi%h he dis e!ieves and a hors is sinfu! and tyranni%a!.4 == Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson said in +<82> 46 e!ieve that anking institutions are more dangerous to our !i erties than standing armies. 6f the "meri%an peop!e ever a!!ow private anks to %ontro! the issue of their %urren%y$ first y inf!ation$ then y def!ation$ the anks and %orporations that wi!! grow up around the anks wi!! deprive the peop!e of a!! property = unti! their %hi!dren wake=up home!ess on the %ontinent their fathers %onAuered.4 6 wish we %ou!d get this out to every

"meri%anB6&m doing my part. 5o 7!ease do yours.

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