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The Mystical Chamber

of Imagination
A Quixotic Publishing Project
Bullion Grey
The Chamber of Imagination, found inside of every human,
sometimes gives way to seekers who try, effort themselves, of entry.
Though it be incased in worldly matters and trifles, where some are
lacking understanding; there are a few who know this untold quality
of its encasement.

Within lurks entities of spirit, who are entrusted to shoo away any
who dare approach this chamber. But they are only able to scare
without any ability to stop the seekers.

Some are fooled and run away, fearful and unable to withstand.
Others laugh and smile, sidestepping these entities. Deep inside they
are guided by unknowns, who no one knows why they guide some
and not others. They reveal this silly quality of the entities, and their

Enfolded over this Chamber lays a cross vexing of gratitude and

thankfulness, which if the seeker is to enter the Chamber, they must
posses these before they reach it. Else, they will be sent away,

Those with such possessions of gratitude and thankfulness are then

able to open the Chamber of Imagination. Once inside the Chamber
of Imagination, they must pass one final gap; the gap of where they
are from where they could be. Some present a thought to fly across,
that is denied, cause the gap cannot be crossed by seekers who wish
for wings. Others try and run and jump the gap, but they fall short
and descend into a place they have been again.

But for those few, those open hearted seekers, blessed they be,
know in some unexplainable way, that the gap is not to be crossed,
so they don't attempt too. Instead they ask the gap to cross them.

And great sounds winds and misty fog arises, a roar that would shake
even the most faithful plies across the entire area of the Chamber of
Imagination. Then the gap closes and invited are those seekers who
have passed all of the realms and tests.
Then, and only then do they realize they are within their own hearts
where they discover the Chamber of Imagination opens unbidden to

There, as if the last ounce of life lingers, yet a great power within
that life, bursts forth and the seeker in encased in the Chamber of
the unexplainable and carried off to all that is Imagination.

From there they are seldom heard of again. If they are it is in such
garbled code that none have ever been able to understand. But it is
certain the seeker is safe and remains their spirit's in the Chamber of
Imagination, which is the ultimate place of possibility.

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