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Mast head

The mast head is cleverly placed in the top left hand corner of the magazine. It is the biggest font on the front page as it is important as a popular magazine to grab the customers attention. It is red which is clever as nothing else is a dominant colour such as red to contrast with the yellow that can be seen so it makes it eye catching. Also there is a white and black border around the font making it bolder and bringing it away from the background, again making it stand out. The letters are capitals too, making them seem more important.

Colour Pallet
Yellow is a very outstanding colour and is commonly used in magazines for this reason such as this magazine. It works well as the background colours are quite dull so it is an explosive contrast. Three main colours are used, yellow, blue and white. These colours all very different, this may be to create a busy eye catching cover and this eruption of colour is powerful when drawing in a customer.

Layering in a magazine is very important. On the front cover of this magazine there are many images and text that is layered. This is to help certify the importance of each different thing.

Main image
The main image of the cover is a midshot of the band The Wombats. They are positioned so that the lead singer is in the middle of the band. This is important as the lead of the band is usually seen as the most important so they have been specifically placed like this to attract attention using the most well-known face in the band. They are wearing clothes that are fairly casual dull to fit the colour scheme of the magazine as they dont stand out too much, this is to help the mast head be more eye-catching. All of the band members are doing something slightly weird in their poses. This coincides with the subhead as it says Britains gone silly for them.

The banner contrasts the background image of the band as it is yellow which makes it stand out. It also matches the headline colour which runs with the colour scheme and makes it clear for the reader to see.

Cropping is used on this front cover to eliminate parts of the photo that are not needed as it is a mid-shot.

The headline is the second largest piece of the text on the page. The colour of the headline is important as it needs to be urgent and catch the readers eye. The headline is white and yellow. This is important as it follows the colour scheme of the banner at the top of the magazine front cover.

There is a short quote from Muse and Panic at the Disco on the right hand side of the magazine. This is to draw the reader in to read what the band has to say by using an effective or interesting quote that they have said.

The barcode is crucial on a magazine cover. It has information such as the issue number of the magazine and when it was published. The barcode is even a form of marketing as it has the website of the magazine so encourages you to view that. It also includes the price of the magazine which is important when selling as customers always want to know costs.

A smaller picture of The Cribs can be seen on the front of the magazine. This is to promote the article about them later on in the magazine and encourage people to read it.

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