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n Canto
On Giants’

Siddartha Gautama
Alan Watts
Malcolm Kukura
September 21 2009
Looking for the builder of this dogmatic brain-washed
rational zombie-mind-trap

I searched through many births

to no avail

being born over and over is tiring

I see you now

you predatory engineer of that rational zombie-mind-


You won’t build this rational zombie-mind-cage again

All the structural conceptual supports of your

dogmatic rationality cage are smashed to smithereens

Your exploitive ideological materialist ridge-pole is

entirely deconstructed

Your ∆ ο χ α is in ruins

I’m now in α λ ε θ ε ι α

My explosively liberated mind has expanded far

beyond the limits that you greedy homicidal larval
psychotic pigs imposed on me by force

My emancipated mind is approaching timelessly

spaceless Eternity-Infinity

All my desires are now soothed


I’m completely satisfied and utterly fulfilled

I’ve endured so much for this spiritual rebirth

I know all I need to know of the ultimate psychic

The clarity and certainty of my new divine awareness
is almost overwhelming

I’m humbled by my good fortune of finally returning

to my original self—at home, welcome, loved

I’m autonomously enlightened, independent of


Sapere Aude

Gnothi Seauton

Thank you for the memories


There’s no other like me in the whole world which has

many pretentious charlatans

Not even Thales, Laozi, Sappho or Siddartha Gautama

is exactly like me

Neiher is Pythagoras, Parmenides, Socrates, Plato,

Bodhidharma or Nagarjuna

I’m unique

I’m really very worthy

I’m beautiful, good, true & intelligent

I’m my own best teacher


I alone am fully enlightened

I feel completely tranquil now

I know the unperturbable calm of spiritual awakening

I’m in Nirvana

This is IT

I’m in a state of adoration of all reality

The whole universe is stunningly beautiful

Including even the cowardly parasitic vile degenerate

greedy homicidal larval psychotic pigs who molested
my mind; they penetrated my unconscious, they
ejaculated their toxic viral memetic death semen into
my psyche; they hypnotized me and mutilated me;
they snared me in their dogmatic-Rationality-zombie-
mind-cage by force, fear, coercion, threats and

Integral consciousness brings compassion and

understanding that even THEY are also magical beings
enduring horrors to awaken to the true reality of

Mahakaruna envelopes the whole world with peace

love & freedom

Egalitée Fraternitée Libertée

Truth Beauty Goodness

Psyche Dau Sunyata

Love is divine

Literature is awesome

Art is salvation

Artists Rock Man

to enlightened individuals
It appears as a vivid & overwhelming certainty

that the universe

precisely as it is at this moment

as a whole

and in every one of its parts

is so completely right

that no explanation or justification is needed

beyond what IT simply is

My mind is so wonder-struck

at the self-evident & self-sufficient fitness

of things just as they are

including all that would ordinarily be thought the

very worst

I can find no words powerful enough

to precisely communicate this perfection & beauty

This clarity sometimes gives me

the sensation that I’m pervaded & ordered by

a supreme intelligence

At the same time

It’s quite usual for me to feel

the whole world is now my own perceptual body

& that whatever I am hasn’t only become

but has always been

what everything else is

the very essence

of my awakened self

carries conviction & insight

that this immediate now

whatever it’s nature

is the goal and fulfillment of all existence

Surrounding & flowing from this insight

is an emotional ecstasy

a sense of intense relief, freedom, & lightness

& often of immense love for the whole world

This inner Self-clarity also reveals

that the world has become transparent, alive, magical

& radiantly luminous

It’s not that I lose my identity

to the point of feeling that I actually look out through

all other eyes

becoming literally ominiscient

but rather that my individual consciousness &

is a point of view

temporarily adopted by something immeasurably

greater than my self

This is It

The Supreme Knowledge

Standing up here

so far above the places inhabited by most humans

up here on the shoulders of giants

who’re also standing on shoulders of other giants

From here I can see furthur

than the giants who’ve shown me the path

to take to the summit to see

I too am now providing a place for others to follow

& to climb on my shoulders

In a future life I may be one of those who do so

One of the giants under me may well be me in a past


Arts Rocks man

Integral consciousness

This is It


Soular Power

Perfect Mystic Vision


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