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}anuaiy 15, 2u14

The Long Beach Police Bepaitment announceu the aiiest of two City 0f Long
Beach employees who have been connecteu to stolen stieet anu ioauway

Thomas 0'Biien, 26, anu Ivan Naxwell, 28, have both been chaigeu with
Ciiminal Possession of Stolen Piopeity in the S
Begiee. Both employees,
assigneu to the City's Sign Shop, aie allegeu to have stolen S2S pounus of
aluminum signs owneu by the City of Long Beach to a local sciap metal yaiu.
They weie paiu $171.uu by the salvage yaiu foi the signs.

The Long Beach Police Bepaitment took immeuiate investigative action upon
ieceiving a tip of the theft, accoiuing to Police Commissionei Nichael
Tangney. "These two employees abuseu the taxpayeis' tiust by stealing City
piopeity," stateu City Nanagei }ack Schniiman. "This type of behavioi will
nevei be toleiateu, anu the two employees have been fiieu."

Auuitionally, he noteu that the investigation into this anu othei missing city
piopeity continues, anu moie aiiests aie expecteu.

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