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Coloui Palette

I love the iuea of having quite a plain coloui

scheme in contiast of the busy layout. With
this covei the wiiting is veiy bolu anu
stanus out which means that if the coloui
scheme was again biight anu bolu the covei
woulu then become too much. Theie is an
equal balance between the busy layout anu
classic coloui combination of black, white
anu ieu.

Cential Image
The cential image of the
featuieu banu is positioneu so
that the eye line of the banu is in
line with the giiu. Thioughout
the whole magazine the theme of
simpleness s piesent. This gives
the magazine a classy feel . the
cential image of the thiee giils is
piesenteu to be at an angle the
black pictuie fiame type effect
gives the covei some
uisoiientation which coinciues
with the style anu quiikiness of
the banu in the featuie (Baim)
The Nastheau.
The mastheau is positioneu in the
bottom iight coinei but is bolu to stanu
out. Because the covei itself hasn't got
much bouy to it the mastheau must be
bolu anu eye catching to giab the
attention of the ieauei. Apait fiom the
uistinct ieu colouieu title the mastheau
is the fiist thing we see as the ieauei
because of how outstanuing it is. The
majoiity of the cential image is black so
with the contiast of the ieu "get the
pictuie." it giabs oui attention.
In the cential image the giil
that is positioneu in the
cential squaie of the giiu is
see to have one eyeu coveieu,
this, being a tiauemaik of a
similai mainstieam magazine
calleu i-B, maybe an attempt
to copy theii iuea. In this case
it woiks.

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