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The Use of phrases ‘ουχ Οµόφυλου γένους’ and

“Αλλόφυλον γένος” in ancient sources

One of the usual arguments being raised by the few supporters of the alleged non-
Greekness of ancient Macedonians mention references by Isocrates in his letter to
Philip II of Macedon. Specifically the usage by Isocrates of the phrases “Αλλόφυλον
το Γένος”, “Ουχ Οµοφύλου γένους”. We are going to examine the validity of this
argument and whether it constitutes an indication of non-greekness of Macedonia.

Firstly we should consider the previous usage of these phrases in ancient sources
regarding other Greeks.

We find the following cases:


µάχῃ µὲν γὰρ µιᾷ πρὸς ἅπαντας Ἕλληνας δυνατοὶ Πελοποννήσιοι καὶ οἱ ξύµµαχοι
ἀντισχεῖν, πολεµεῖν δὲ µὴ πρὸς ὁµοίαν ἀντιπαρασκευὴν ἀδύνατοι, ὅταν µήτε
βουλευτηρίῳ ἑνὶ χρώµενοι παραχρῆµά τι ὀξέως ἐπιτελῶσι πάντες τε ἰσόψηφοι ὄντες
καὶ οὐχ ὁµόφυλοι τὸ ἐφ’ ἑαυτὸν ἕκαστος σπεύδῃ· ἐξ ὧν φιλεῖ µηδὲν ἐπιτελὲς

[Thuc. 1.141.6]

Therefore Pericles is refering to members of Peloponesian league as “ουχ οµοφύλου

γένους” pointing out the difference of the Ionic Athenians with some Doric

Thucydides also uses the phrase “Αλλόφυλος” in:


δείσαντες τῶν Ἀθηναίων τὸ τολµηρὸν καὶ τὴν νεωτεροποιίαν, καὶ ἀλλοφύλους ἅµα
ἡγησάµενοι, µή τι, ἢν παραµείνωσιν, ὑπὸ τῶν ἐν Ἰθώµῃ πεισθέντες νεωτερίσωσι

[Thuc. 1.102.3]

In this reference, Spartans decided to sent away the expedition force of Atheneans
under Kimon who came for their help during the revolt of Helots, not just because
they consider Atheneans as agitators but also because they were “Αλλόφυλοι”
(=different tribe). Hence the difference here consists between the two different
tribes of Ionian Atheneans and Doric Spartans but again it doesnt hold anyway
the meaning of ‘non-greek’.

We are receivers of the same message in:

γε πάλιν καθ’ ἡµᾶς αὐτοὺς λόγοις κοινοῖς χρώµενοι· τοὺς δὲ ἀλλοφύλους

ἐπελθόντας ἁθρόοι αἰεί, ἢν σωφρονῶµεν

[Thuc. 4.64.4]

In this reference, The Doric Syracusian Politician Ermocrates states the war against
Atheneans is war against “Αλλόφυλων”.

In another quote of Thucydides we find:


πάτριόν τε ὑµῖν στρατὸν ἀλλόφυλον ἐπελθόντα καὶ ἐν τῇ οἰκείᾳ καὶ ἐν τῇ τῶν πέλας
ὁµοίως ἀµύνεσθαι. Ἀθηναίους

[Thuc. 4.92.2]

Pagondas spoke to the Boeotians, a little earlier before the battle of Delius and
distinguished the “Πάτριον” (Boeotian) from the “Αλλόφυλον” Athenean army.

Α Similar case is found on Demosthenes while he addresses Philip he calls him

“Αλλόφυλον” [Demosth. Peri Stefanou 18.185]. Furthermore in [Thuc. 4.86.5] the
Spartan Brasidas refers to Atheneans as “Αλλόφυλους” (..τῆς ἀλλοφύλου ἀρχῆς)

Conclusion: The phrase “Ουχ οµοφύλου γένους” is not used solely to refer to
foreigners (non-Greeks). The aforementioned examples prove the phrase was used
intensively in the ancient literary sources to distinguish between two Greek tribes.
Similarly in our case, Isocrates distinguish “το γένος” of Makedones to the one of the
ruling dynasty that claimed Herakleid/Argive descent. Even from a skeptic’s point of
view it will be absurb, Isocrates to propose a PanHellenic expedition which would be
based on… non-Greeks.

The difference between the Royal house of Macedonia versus Macedonians is similar
to the difference between the hereditary kings of Sparta (paternal side) versus the rest
of Lakedaimonians, or the Neleids and Gephyraians versus the rest of Athenians, etc.

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