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The Pocket Guide to

C COj))'rtght LO$ANGE - 63400 Chamall!}rt!'I - france
M,maglng Editor: Chaumeton
Pro)l'Ct Coordinauon: Mu"eI Bresson
Oe5ign ar.d Layout: Nathalie Lao:haud, Laurent. Isabelle Veret
Typesetting, $t!}phaJlle Henf)', VerOOlQue Ja,.,."er, Chantal Mlaion
The author and the editorlillteam WO\.IklIIKe to acknowledge the kInd il5S1Stance of Ren!}-
JiKques Bouteville of lhe Avvergne Natural SOCIety, who IS also a member of the Soci
My<:oIoglque de fraoce, and thank hIm for h>s help and <KMce.
Orl9l1'1i1l tItle: Le mJllI-<}ulde de champ.gnorrs
ISBN of the German J8331-13146
CopyrIght C 2005 for th>s English ed,tron;
Tandem Verlag GmbH
KONEMANN is a trademark and an Imprint of Tandem Ve!1ag GmbH
Translatron from french: JOSephIne BiKOO, Chanterelle Tran'ilalions, London
Adilptatron of the English editlOll : Jo5ephIn. BOKon
Typesel1lng: Chanterelle Tran'llatIOrlS. London: OMs. Cologne
PrOject coordinatIOn: Morkraml!f
Pnnted In SlovakIa
ISBN ]8]] 1- 1809- I
X IX \1111 Vr1 VI V IV IU I
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The Pocket Guide to
Jean-Marie Polese
his is a field guide to wild mushrooms, also known as fungi. It does not
include all of the species, of course, because there are several thousand
of the macrofungi, those which can be seen with the naked eye, but you
will find the most frequently found species in this book.
The mushrooms featured here are generally found throughout the
temperate zone of the nonhern hemisphere, though there may be slight
variations from one continent to another. A few species have a more
restricted habitat but are quite common in those areas in which they grow.
A certain number of species which are especially frequent or which are
of particular interest due to their edibility or toxicity are dealt with in
greater detail and are more extensively illustrated.
This book will be of interest to the amateur mycologist as well as to
the novice mushroom-picker who wants to be able to identify fungi
precisely and accurately, and even to the more experienced picker who
would like to extend his or her knowledge to other species, whether they
are edible or nol. In order to give the reader some idea of how mushrooms
are classified, we have used the method adopted by French mycologists
who are the European authorities.
Shape, color, odor, taste, and habitat are all properties that are unique
to each species. It is rare to be able to recognize a species on the basis of
one of these faaors alone. It is usually a combination of several
characteristics that enable identification of a specimen with certainty.
All this makes mycology, the study of fungi, a discipline which
increases powers of observation and exercises the critical faculties. It also
arouses a sense of wonder and increases feelings of humility when faced
with the extraordinary diversity of nature and the amazing creative genius
of which the kingdom of the fungi is proof. We hope that this book wi ll lift
the veil from certain aspects of the strange and fascinating world of wild
Anatomy of a fungus 10
What is a fungus? 12
Ecology 16
Mushrooms and Man 19
Picking and eating 21
Key to identification 26
The Ascomycetes 32
The Phragmobasidiomycetes 58
The A[lhyl lo[lhorales 64
The Tricholomatales 106
The Aqaricales 178
The Entolomatales 230
The Cort inariales 240
The Russulales 284
The Boletales 316
The Gasteromycetes 352
The Wusmtions and descriptions of
spe:cics in this book have Men p r o u ~ e
with the greatest ClIte.
If you an in the slightest doubt, however,
as 10 the edibilily of ~ mushroom, do not
eat it, and consult an identi6eation txpert.
H: height
L: length
0: diameter

n IH OA m .M--- -t
Convex Umbooate
Downy Reticulate

SlI"II.IOUS O,l!).wped Bulbous Thin

r::efal -
Smooth Enrolled

Undulating Of 5inuous

SUialed V OLVA
Sac-like Sheath-like Ridged bulb
Fungi were ollCe classified as plants. but
today they are 10 be in a class of
their own, neither vegetable nor animal,
inhabitants of the fungal kingdom. Unlike
plants, they do not have siems, leaves, or
rool$. Fungi contain no chlorophyll, the sub
stance that enables plants to manufacture
their own food, w they are fOlced to find
food from their environment, in the same
way as animals
The mushroom that is visible is actually jusl
the largest part of an organism most of
which lies in the soil. embedded in leaf litter,
humus, de<ayiflg wood, and similar habitats
A fungus looks like a network of very fine Iii-
aments, which are called hyphae, and which
are invisible to the naked eye when found in
isolation. Howev!'!, hyphae often cling
together and their density makes them visi-
ble in the form of a white, feltlike wbstance
or as thin strings. The mass of hyphae is
(ailed a mycelium. My<:elia (an often be
found in early fall beneath the moss which
grows on the forest noor, Some mycelia (an
be found growing over sevefal dead leaves
which they dump together. This is the case
The fall is {he liesllime of year
101 finding and picking mushrooms.
with certain species 01 Cl itocybe. A particu-
larly thick mass 01 mycel ium can sometimes
be seen on the pine needles thaI carpel the
Hoor of coni ferous forl'Sls, l'Specially spruce.
The real function of a fungus is 10 produce
spores, its minute dispersal organs. That is
why mycologists cali the visible mushroom
the fruiting body or w(X.Jphore (from the
Greek karpos meaning "fruit" and p/l!:Jm;
"support" or "bearer "). The fruiting body is
also known as a sporophore (from the
Greek spora meaning "seed").
life cycle of the fungus
A fungus produces spores which, once in the
substrate, germinate into a very fi ne, white
filament which branches out in all direc
tions. This primary mycelium is incapable 01
producing a carpophore on its own. In order
for this to happen, the mycelium needs to
encounter a filament from another spore 01
the same species 01 fungus. but one which is
genetically different. The two types of fila
ment merge to create another type 01 fila-
ment, the secondary mycelium, which is ler-
tile and is capable 01 producing a
mushroom. Very often. it takes more than
Mycelium has caJ.JSed the /edves IlrI
this brarlCh /0 Clump logether
two types of genetically different spores to
produce a fruiting-body; as many as four,
may be required, which makes procreation a
rather complicated process!
Fungi produce a huge number 01 sporl'S. The
champion in this respect is the Giant Puff-
ball. a real spore' making factory. This fungus
can exceed 16 inches (40 em) in
diameter. According to an eminent mycolo-
gist. a single specimen is capable of releas
ing 10billion spores into the atmosphere!
Despite the amazing number of spores pro-
duced by fungi, they clearly have nO!
invaded the planet. In facl, in nature, sporl'S
very rarely develop a mycelium. ftIr instance,
groups of Marasmius oreades. the Fairy Ring
Champignon, are to be found every year in
abundance in certain meadows, wh il e
neighboring meadows, which have the same
agricultural. physical, and chemical proper-
ties. never have a single specimen, even
though spores must have drifted over from
the neighboring field and landed there
countless times over the years.
Although certain mycelia are known to live
for centuries (an example is the abovemen-
tioned Fairy Ring Champignon) the
mycelium of other specil'S die every year. The
cycle then starts over in the 'opOres which
germinate in the substrate, producing new
filaments and new mycelia, and eventually
new carpophores.
How mushrooms are
At a (enain moment in the life
of the filaments, under condi-
tions which are still a mystery,
they start to dump together
instead of growing in all direc-
tions. A little lump then
appears on the filaments. a
ball of hyphal threads the size
of a pinhead. This is called a
prifrl()(dium and it is the start
of what will become the car-
pophore of the mushroom. So
the carpophore consists of a
grouping together of filaments
which in other organisms
would be comparable to a group of cells
combining to form tissue.
Only when the frui ting body is fairly well
developed (an the species be identified.
Mycelium on its own is very hard to attribute
\0 a spe<ies. especially with the naked eye.
Although it is often said that mushrooms
only grow if they find themselves in a favor-
able environment, the reverse is actually the
case. If mycelium is grown in the laboratory
under ideal conditions, it never produces
fruit ing bodies. Mycelium needs a form of
stimulation which will cause it to react and
emerge from its vegetative state. If it
believes that its survival is under threat, it
will produce a response to ensure its (ontin
ued existence, and this takes the form of a
sporophore. The fruiting body will enable the
fungus to survive in adversity and germinate
Several species 01 wild mushrooms lIlal grow irt
woods are rrow cufljvated commercially These
irtClurJe the Oyster Mushroom. the Blewil (pic-
tured here). aJ1(/ the Shaggy Irtk cap
as soon as condi tions imprO'v'e. This pheno-
menon has been successfully explOited by
mushroom-growers. To produce the store or
Portobello mushroom. growers (O'v'er the
substrate which is impregnated wi th the fun-
gus mycelium with a layer 01 sandy soil, se\'.
eral inches thick, stimulating the production
of frui ting bodies. In the case of Blewits, a
wild variery that has only recently been culti
vated, the triggering fador is a sudden drop
in temperature.
A lovely lorest in glorious fall weE/her is an
invilaiioolo go mushroom-hurtling.
Fungi afl' normally divided into three cate-
gories depending on where they find their
food and their behavior in the growing
- Saprophytic fungi feed on dead
organic vegetable mailer (leaves. twigs,
logs, etc.) or animal remains (carrion, exc-
reta), This is the case, for instance, wi th all
the fungi that grow on dead trl'e trunks or
logs, such as the Honey Fungus, those which
grow on dead leaves, such as the Blewit, or
the weird-looking Ear-pick Fungus. which
grows on fallen pine cones. Fungi playa vel)'
important role in the decomposition 01 all
types of waste and in the formation of
humus which enriches the soil. Some micro-
,",opic fungi are valuable aids in
lhe fields of medicine and food preparatfon,
The 81ewe1 is a saprophyte which
grows 01/ oalr or beech leaves.
Penicillin is extracted from a Penicillium
nota tum; yeast, used in brewing and bait.
ing, is also a type of fungus.
- Parasitic fungi grow on living
plants and animals and thrive at their
expense. The most frequently encountered
species are Polypores or the fungi that form
a lichenlike crust on the trunks or brarxhes
of living lTees. The spores find their way into
a wound where they germinate or they
Sapropftylic lungi play an ifTX)ftant role in
nature, by cleaning up dead trees and plant
allack a host in a weakened state and kill it
Numerous spe<les 01 lungi are both
parasites and saprophytes, be<i:luse they con-
tinue to feed 011 a host e\'en afte( they MV1!
it. This is the case with two tree para-
sites, the TInder Fungus. also known as the
Hoof Fungus (Fames fomentarius) and the
Honey fungus (AImillaria melleaJ. Such fungi
are eV1!n capable of living an entrrely sapro-
phytic existeoce, only invading wood when it
is dead. The microsc:opic fungi Of molds which
cause plant diseases. such as rust, smut, wilt,
and mildew to such devastating effe<t are
also parasites. Fungal diseases of animals are
called mj'{oses. The commonest in humans
are Athlete's Foot and Ringworm.
- The mycorrhizal fungi . These are
fungi that live in symbiosis with a plant,
generally a tree, Symbiosis is a system in
which two living beings live ofl each other
to their mutual advantage. The my<:elium
combines wi th the rootlets of the plant,
which take on a swollen appearance. The
resulting combination of root and my<:elium
is called a my<:orrhiza, a latin word which
literal ly means "fungus-root " 1\ is in the
my<:orrhiza that the exchange of nutrients
takes place. The plant supplies the mush
room with carbohydrates resulting from
photosynthesis. In exchange, the fungus
feeds the green plant with water and min
eral salts, especially tho!>e which the plant
finds hardest to convert from the
soil. such as nitrate!>. it is able to do
this because of il5 den!>e
of my<:elial filaments which are in
closer contact wi th the soil than the
rootlets of plants. It thus creates a
sort of extension of the rootlets,
increasing the area of contact
between the soil and the rootlets.
Symbiosis is not confi ned to trees
but is practiced by many other
plants, including heather, orchids,
and even cereals. In fact, three-
This strange. long, Ihin fungus is a
species of CordyCepS. COfdyceps
ophiogI05S(lil1eS. It parasilizes other
fungi. in this case a subterrane.lI1 truf
fle-like fungus called Elaphomyces
muricalus Of Deer Truffle
quarters of all green plants benefit from a
mycorrhizal asW{iati on. Some. such as
orchids. al l' even incapable of life without it.
The system of exchanges enables the green
plants that benefit from it to grow quickly
and strongly. Experiments conducted by
many research organizations show that
saplings, in part icular, derive great advan
tage flam a symbiotic association with a
The fungi evl'l1 participate actively in pro-
tecting the tree by releasing chemicals into
the soil which prevent attack by predators
and pests. Some fungi have even been
shown to create nets of mycelium in which
Myr;orrhyzal fungi ate ~ i m s associaled
with a single species. such as lhe Elegant
Bolele (Suillu$ grevillei) which only lives unrJer
to trap and destroy the nematodes (tiny
worms) and other insect pests that gnaw
away at the rootlets of plants and seriously
damage, stunt, or kill them.
In exchange for the great service rendered
by the mycorrhizallungus, the plant or tree
supplies the lungus wit h mgank matter
which it is incapable of producing by itself.
Man has alw<I)'S been cur ious about and
fascinated with fungi. The mystery surroond
ing their growth. the way they appear so
suddenly (Shakl'Speare's "midnight mush-
rooms"). the strange circles which are
formed by some spe<:ies in meadows or for-
est dearings. and the violent reactions they
can cause to the human organism, including
serious poisoning and even death, have
inspired fear and superstition. Even loday,
many people have a phobia about wild
mushrooms, despite the fact thai fungal
Fly Agaric (Amanita musraria), for instance
has been used since at least the eighteenth
century in the rituals of native peoples of
Siberia, Nonh America, and Lapland.
Fairy rings 01 mushrooms have given
rise 10 many lales and beliefs.
Some mushrooms, such as this Liberty Cap
(Psilocybe semilanceata) afe hallucinogenic.
Nordic tribes
have taken
of tile
SiJlJslances found
!n Fly Agaric
(Amanila muscaria)
In central America and Mexico, hallu-
cinogenic fungi of the genus Psilocybe
were used by the priests of pre-Columbian
civilizations. They may well have been sacred
or even deified, as certain figurines and rep-
resentations of the mushroom would appear
to indicate.
Mushrooms must have pfayed quite an
important role in the of early man. They
are still eaten in abundance, but generally as
a flavoring or delicacy, though vegetarians
appreciate them as a meal substitute.
The Tinder Fungus and similar woody
species probably enabled our ancestors to
po-eserve fire and carry il around with them.
This fungus burns very slowly
and retains an incandescent
spot. At a later date, it
used in tinder boxes. hence
its name. The Styptic Fungus (Panel-
Ius stypricus) was used in staUf\(h-
ing wounds. as the name implies.
Fungi have also been harnessed to
industry. They are indispensable in
If mixed with poIasslum mlrate.
Ille Tinder Fungus will burst inlo flame
when struck 10 produce a S(J8rk.
The decoIallVfJ (Jfoperlies of Corio Ius
versicolor ale used in lIower-amnging
making bread, cheeses, alcohol, penicillin,
and many other useful items. The corky flesh
of the Birch Polypore (PiptOPOM betulinus)
was used to make a leathery substance on
which barbers sharpened their cut-
throat razors, hence it s old-fashioned
name, the Razor-Strop Fungus.
Thus quite apan from their food value.
fungi are employed in various areas
of human e!1deavor, including the
arts and flower-arranging, The
Many-ZOfled Polypore ((orio-
Ius versicolor) is often used in
dried flower arrangements. as
are some members of the Pleu-
rotus family which are cultivated
for their bfighl colors..
Fungi also have many negative aspects, in
that they can ravage crops. cause illness in
humans and animals, and destroy any type of
vegetable fThll1er that is not carefully stored.
The mold which is used 10 make blue cheese
is /he mycelium 01 a fungus called
One of the best-known properties of fungi is
the edibility of certain mushrooms. In some
parts of the world, including (emral and
eastern Europe. Turkey, and North America,
fungi are assiduously collected for Ihe table.
Whether they are to be eaten at home or
picked for salt! \0 markets and restaurants,
the number of wild mushrooms currently
picked has reached a tonnage that ddually
surpasses that of cultivated mushrooms such
as the store or PortobeHo mushroom, the
Paddy Straw Mushroom, and Shiitake Mush-
rooms consequently play a Significant part in
the human diet. They are &lIen throughout
the world from the cold countries to the trop-
ics of Africa and Asia.
Mushroom consumpt ion is patchy, however,
depending 011 the country or region and
local tradition and custom. tn Southeast
Asia, for instance, especially Indonesia, the
Philippinfls, and China, mushrooms have
been eaten lor centuries. In these countries.
mushroom-growing is a cottage industry.
Indonesia is the world's biggest produ<:er of
Paddy Straw Mushrooms (Vo/varieJ/a
valvae",a). In China. many fungi are use<! in
Chinese medicine. In Africa, the most popu'
lar edible mushrooms are of the species Ter-
mitomyces, wtl ich grow on termite nem.
Europe is divided into two camps. the coun-
tries which rejeo wild fungi and those that
eat them with relish. The former group COf!'
sists mainly of the United Kingdom and
Scandinavia, as well as parts of Spain
(though the Spanish eat the Saffron i l ~
Cap). The latter group includes several west
ern European countries,
especially France, Italy, Ger
many. and Switzerland, as
well as the countries of cen-
lIal and Eastern Europe. In
France, for example, con
sumption amounts to sev-
eral kilograms of wild mush
rooms per per!oOn per year.
Eastern Europe has a very
Every fall, an abundance
of wild mushrooms
appear on markel
slal/s in Europe.
ancient tradition 01 gathering wild mush-
rooms and a large number of spe<ies is
eaten. Some, such as the Peppery Milk Cap
(UK/ilriu5 piperilllJ5) considered inedible
elsewhere, are used as seasonings.
Rules for picking wild mushrooms
For eating purposes, o n ~ pid those wild
mushrooms that yoo have idenlified with
certainty. It is best to pick them before they
are lully mature, but beware of those which
are very young, whose shape and color
could be interpreted in various ways.
Young sperimens, rKognizable by the firm
ness 01 their I ~ s h are much tastier than older
ooes. Yoonger mushrooms stay firmer during
cooking and are less likely 10 be worm-eaTen.
A IunglJS foray in Ifre (ores)
in search of chanlerelles.
Some spe<ies must be removed whole from
the grOUnd. with their stipe and base. in
ordef to avoid any dangef of mlStakffi iden-
tily (such as confusing the Blusher with tile
Panther Cap). OthelWise. fungi should be
cut away at ground level with a knife. In the
case of fungi which are easily recognizable
but whose stipe is tOO tOugh to eat. such as
the Parasol Mushroom (Maaolepiora pro
cera). only the cap should be
BeIOl'e placing the mushroom in )'OUr bas-
ket. remove any dirt or debris dinging to it.
Try and bring home a harvest of mushrOOfTlS
which are as and dean as possi
ble. be<ause as WIll be explained iatl'l'. it is
best to avoid washing mushrooms before
cooking them.
00 not scratch around or dig up the dirt
around a mushroom. or root around disturb-
ing moss or dead leaves to find specimens.
In p/acts tnat only they CN/ tw. Children love
to go looking fix rrvshtooms.
Th! tMhioom-pdets I!q/Jrpmetl/ /$
It!fY $/_ COiISISJlng merely 01 a
SlICk. a sharp knife. a bifsk!I
and shJrp eyes.
or you will be disturbing the
medium 00 I'I'hidlIhe myceIitIn
grows and may kill the
fungus. II you are careful to
pick mushrooms wilhom disturb-
ing their growing medium, you will
not compromise their future growth.
Mycelium present in the soil could produce
anothl'l' speCImen during the same glOwing
season or in the followrng year.
Try not to mix differem species in the same
basket. Those with fragile flesh should be
separated from firm, fleshy speties which
might crush them and reduce thl!m to an
inedible pulp.
Mushroom cui sine
Mushrooms ought to be eaten as soon as
possible after they have been picked. Most
species can be stored in the refrigerator for
several days, however.
It is not advisable to wash mushrooms, as
this may remove s.ome of the flavor. For
those species which do not need much
cleaning, it is best to pid: them as cleanly as
possible and scrape off any dirt with a knife,
then wipe them with a damp cloth.
If washing cannot be avoided (as in the case
of the Horn of Plenty, and other species that
grow in sand), this should be dOlle as
quickly as possible, and above all do not
leave mushrooms to soak in water. Drain
them on a kitchen towel or kitchen paper.
Cooking methods
As regards the best way to cook them, opin
ions are very divided. Some cooks simmer
wild mushrooms for an hour or so, while
olhers consider lhatthey should be cooked
quickly over high heat. It is all a matter of
taste, though it also depends on the texture
of the mushroom itself. Fleshy species. such
as Ceps and Chanterelles, can withstand
loog cooking, those with thin, fragi le flesh,
TIle next scene after a lruirfullungus foray In
the forest is set in the kitchen.
such as the Ink Caps, the Blusher and the
Griseue should be quickly fried in very hot
oil; if subjected to long, slow COOKing, they
will turn into an unappetising mush.
As a general rule, the first stage of cooking
consists in making the mushrooms release
the water they cO!ltain by heating them in a
skillet or pan that is large enough to ensure
even (ooking, simply to allow the water to
evaporate. This operation does n01 require
the addition of fal, but a tablespoon of oil
could be used to prevent the mushrooms
sticking to the pan. Mushrooms releaS<!
varying quantities 01 liquid, depending on
the species and on whether or not they have
been washed. The Cep. for example, is a
fleshy fungus which does not need to be
washed, releases very little liquid.
The S<!cond stage consists in ~ u t i n g mush-
rooms over high heat in a mi xture of oil and
butter. Some people used a strongly flavored
oil, such as olive oil, and in france duck fat
These Ceps have been driOO and stored in
Mason jars. They will keep 101 several monlfls.
is sometimes used. Another method of cook-
irlg the mushrooms is to braise them in a
covered pan.
Gastronomy is not an exact science and it is
up to the individual to discover the best
ways to cook their favori te species of mush
room. Now that wild mushrooms are
becoming so popular on restaurant menus,
and spedes once only to be found in the
wild are now being cultivated, it is becom
ing easier all the time to find recipes for
cooking fungi. Perhaps the only rule is that
they should not be cooked with any food,
such as cheese, wIlien masks their subtle
flavors. The reduction in price also makes it
easier to experiment. Furthermore, those
who are nervous about not washing speci-
mens found in the wild will prefer the culti
vated versions, wIlieh are always grown on
a sterile substrate, and thus are free of con
Spherical or globular mushroom, Not Globular
sometimes dMloping into subterranean
diverse forms
.. Phallus-shaped


Fungi in the shape of cups,
antlers. or
'" ...
Clubshaped fungi, bfaoched.

bum, fungi. neither viscous !lOr
Vis(Ous Of gelatinous fUngus

Fungus spreading in a oust or
fans-shaped fungus.
Puff-balls (fragile skin),
Scleroderma (leathery skin)
p. 356 to p. 361
p. 363 to p. 364
Geaster anthurus
p. 354 to p. 355
p. 364 to p. 365
p. 56 to p. 57
Xylaria hypoxylon,
Bisporella citrin a, Peziza spp.
p. 34 to p. 45
p. 99 to p. 105
Exidia, Auricularia, Tremella ...
p. 60 to p. 62
Stereum, Trametes, Polypores ...
p. 66 to p. 85
Fungus with pores in place 01 Central. diller-
gills entiated stipe.
ground grower.
Lateral or
absent stipe.
growing on
wood or O!l the
I ground
0 Gelatinous flesh
fungus with spines in place 01
0 ,
Fungi with a pitted or deeply
;J: lobed cap
Trumpet-or funnel-shaped
fungus. underside smooth or
(overed in de<urrent veins
Mushroom with flesh separable
from the cap and de<urrent i l l ~
Boletus, Suillus, Xerocomus,
p. 318 to p. 344
p. 80 to p. 85
Hydnum gelatinosum
p. 86 to p. 89
Helvella, Verpa, Morchella
p. 46 to p. 55
Cantharellus, Craterellus
p. 90 to p. 98
Gomphidius, Paxillus
p. 345 to p. 348
Mushroom whose gills are Brittle stipe
not separable from the lIesh
of the cap

Fibrous stipe Spores white or cream,

gills the soame color
but sometimes yellow,
orange, or violet.



Spores pink, gills

pinkish at maturity.
'" ...
Spores sepia brown or

black, gills bla(kish
at maturity

Spores ocher brown,
IlIst or brown-violet,
gills the same color
at maturity
Russula (no milk), Lactarius (milky
substance appears when damaged)
p. 286 to p. 315
Hygrophorus, Pleurotus, Lentinus,
Lentinellus, Clitocybe, Tricholoma,
Lepista, Armillaria, Melanoleuca,
Collybia, Marasmius, Mycena
p. 108 to p. 177
Clitocybe nebularis, Pleurotus
ostreatus, Clitocybe aurantiaca
p. 349 to p. 351
Agaricus, Lepiota, Amanita
p. 190 to p.229
Clitopilus, Entoloma, Pluteus (no
ring or volva), Volvaria (volva but
no ring)
p. 232 to p. 239
Psathyrella, Coprinus
p. 180 to p. 190
p. 281 to p. 283
Cortinarius,Hebeloma, Inocybe,
Pholiota, Stropharia, Hypholoma,
Psilocybe, Agrocybe
p. 242 to p. 283
--- --------------------"
Club-shaped Cordyceps
DESCRIPTION: H:l'/.-]'/, in (4-8 em).
Shaped like a club with a $wollen, granulos!!!
Scarlet Ncctria
DESCRIPTION: 0:0.080.4 in
(0.2-0.5 em).
This fungus has two distinct
forms. that of smooth,
and blackish tip, which when mature is cov-
ered with a whitish powder.
HABITAT: de<kluous or coniferous woods
in the fall. Fairly frequent but often passes
CordycfpS art aU fotmidable parasites.
In some specirs, the develops
in the bodies of insectS or their larvae,
Cllusing them to die. The bright-red
C",dJ'rtps mililllris kills flirs in this way.
Club-shaped Cordyceps parasitizes
a type of tl'1.lffie with a yeUow mycelium.
The same family includes crop pests
such as ergot of rye (Cla,,'u!,s I""I',/r(,,).
pink pillows or cinnabar red, hard, granu!ose
pustules. The two forms are frequently found
HABITAT: on the dead branches of a
ety of deciduous trees. Found all
year round, but mainly in the fall.
Very common.
Candle-snuff Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: '10-3 in
Fruiting bodies resemble little
stag horns, almost cylindrical
at first, then fl allened, black
at Ihe base and white al the
top. l ~ has a corky con-
HABITAT: logs and the dead
branches of deciduous
trees. Found all year round,
but mainly in wintel'. Very
Strawberry Hypoxylon
(0.5-1 em).
Small granulose globule\
brick led at first thefl black-
ening. Blackish-brown, rod-
aceous flesh.
HABITAT: on bark or dead
branches of beedl t r ~ Dif-
ferent stages may be PfI?SeI'lt
at the same time. Found all
year rOOM, but mainly in
winter. Very common.
Burnt Uni lina
0: '/.-4111 (210 em),
Grayish when young. 1hef1 <level
oping rnto black. ganulose. bnnle
~ 'f.., 10 '10 in (2 to 5 fTIIl) thd.
HABITAT: on decomposing beech
logs. Common. lives lor several
years. The pale gray areas of
growth appear in lale Spllng 01
wmmer, then bladen and per-
SISt from OIl(> year to the next.
Tuberous Sclcrotini a
DESCRIPTION: H:l 'r-4 In (410 em), 0: '/,-
,'1. in (1-3 em),
Receptacle at f i ~ deeply cup-shaped lhell
mallow!!r, brown 01 tlazelnut. Stipe smooth
ami narrow, brown, long but panly embed-
ded in the soil, sinuous and attached to a
black scleiohum. No charactefistic odcw
HABITAT: damp woods. hedge!ows., and
meadows aloogside wood ar.emones arid
Ranunculaceae such as lesser celaOOmt'.
This 1U1'lp5 anuhrs i ~ l f ru a Kit
rotium to tht dead roots of lht host
plant. It is a hard, bbck splltrial mass
mruuring about 'I. in (1 em) and rtprt-
nllling .. rt'SilaD! form of tht fungus.
Bachelor's Button
DESCRIPTI ON: 0: '/.-1 '11 in (O.54 em).
at first, then widening and
be<oming slightly cup-shaped, the center
become smooth and shiny with hluish high-
lights. It (overed with a black dust
(the black spores of the lungus) which stains
The 5olm1' species of tree is host to the
TruncalI'd Bulgaria (Bulgaria rruNClulI),
which is a dose relative of Jl.achelor But-
ton but its spores do nOI stain the fin-
Fl eshy Ascocorync
the fingers. The outer parI is brown, velvety
and granulose. The lIesh is ocher-brown,
elastic, and rubbery.
HABITAT: grows in patches on bark or
branches of oak, chestnut. and beech that
have rffMl1y bet>n cut down. Fall and win-
ter. Common.
0:'/, '" in (0.5-1.5 em).
The fruiting body is cup- or fun-
nl'!-shaped with a flattl'ned or
top, which becomes con-
cave. Violet-pink or purple-red
gl'latinous flesh, margin often
lobed. St ipe absent or very short.
HABITAT: in large, tight ly packed
clumps on rotting dead wood,
esPl'{iaHy bel'ch. but alw fir. Fall
and winter. Common.
Pale Bachelor's Button
DESCRIPTION: 0: 'I .. , '{, in (14 em).
Conical. fleshy, and almost
translucent. The upper side is smooth
with a slightly raised margin. The
underside is smooth, beige or
HABITAT: on the bark of branches of
deciduous trees that have died re<enlly.
espedaliy beech. Grows in light dumps.
From summer through late fall. Fairly
DESCRIPTION: 0: '/,'" in (0.51 em).
A small, wide shallow cup with a wavy mar-
gin, 0!1 a short stipe. The fungus is entirely
blue-green in color, with a slightly paler
exterior; very often the wood around it is
stained blue-green.
HABITAT: grows in colonies on dead
wood with no bark (oak, hazelnut, beech).
Found all year round. The fungus fruits
quite rarely, but the blue-green mycelium
forms large distinctive patches on tref!
trunio::s or branches. It once used for
Yellow 8isporella
DESCRIPTION: 0:0,04 " in (0.1-0.3 em).
looks like a tiny. shallow (UP al first; la\er,
the lOp becomes Bright sulfur yel-
low in color, turning orange as il ages.
HABITAT: in large on brandies
Wipped of bark, espe<ially beech and hazel
nut. Suml'llef through !.ate fall. Common.
Yellow Nail Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H:l 't.-2'1, in (3-6 em),
e:!I"" in (1-2 em).
This fungus Is completely (OVefed in
and is the shape of a nail. The edge of the cap
IS inrolled, nregular, '\Offielimes de-pressed
in the or
turning fainl/y olive with age. Stipe finely
granulos!. sometimes fluted, pale yel.
low 10 ochef. Flesh and rubbery.
Suspected of being poisonous.
This limps (ould b<.' confused with a
young specimen of the Tubular
Chantcrdlt, which is similar in shapt
and color.
yellow, devoid
ci o:b tnhasle.
Singly or in
groups on moss or
leaf litter In damp
wood, Found in
summer through
fall. Fairly
Chantcrelle EDIBLE
Acorn Elf Cup
DESCRIPTION: H: '/,'I. in (1 -1.5 em),
0: '/,. 11. in (1 -3 em).
looks like an acorn (Up. and is sometimes
half-buried in leaf liner. Remains semicircu-
lar even when mature. The interior ollhe
cup is smooth and shiny, bluish-white 10
gray-while. then pale o c h ~ Tht> exte1iof
and margin are covered WIth thick, dense
reddish Of brown hairs lNhich are dafter al
the edge. The f ~ is pale and pef!>lSlem.
HABITAT: grows on the ground. on (Ouing
wood in cool. shady urodefgrowth. From
!>Ummel through early fall. Quill' common.
Shieldshaped El f Cup
DESCRIPTION: 0:0.2-'1. in (0.41 em).
A fairly regularly shaped shallow cup willi
OtJt a Sfipe. The inside is bright reddim-
OIal'!)e and the outside beige and velvety
The margin is covered in blackish-brown
!lairs ',,."J.. in (110 2 mm) long. The cup is
folded inward al first, then flattens out wilh
age. The flesh is reddish, with flO particular
odor or laste.
HABITAT: in dense clumps on wood, some
times on SOil riCh in humus; in very humid
places. ohefl beside waler. from spI"ing
Ilirough fal l. Common.
Crucible Elf Cup
DESCRIPTION: 0:'1._2 in (2-5 em).
Another elf cup that looks like an acorn cup,
though in this one the edge is curlPd over
until maturity. and when it opens it exhibits
tiny rounded indentations on the margin.
This is rhe largest fungus in the genus
Tar:tlliI. Another common species, the
Cup-shaped Peziza (far-dla (ll,,,,/aris) i5
less than ',. in (2 em) in diameter.
The interior surface is smooth and ochla-
(faUS. The outer surface is paler. sometimes
almost white, and covered with a very fine
down. Short, thin stipe. usually buried in the
substrate. Flesh thin and brittle.
HABITAT: 00 bare ground in deciduous or
coniferous woods and in gardens. Usually
grows in groups. the specimens may be sep-
arated or tightly packed together. Frui ts in
summer. Fairly com moo.
DESCRIPTION: H:2'lr 41_ ill (6-12 em),
0: 4-7 in (1018 em).
Globular al first and half-buried. Ihe Crown
Elf Cup Ihen opens al Ihe lOp wi lh a wide
crownshaped aperture, wilh saw-loothed
Scarlet El r Cup
DESCRIPTION: 0:'/.2 ill (25 em).
This cup with liS irregular margin is in
placK. The mner surface IS bl"ight red. The
outer surface is palei' and covered with a
fif"le while down. Stipe /r'/. in (\2 cm) long,
and the same color as the outer wrface.
Thin, leathery. flesh; no particular tasle
or odor,
HABITAT: grows in large colooies 00 dead
braMhes and twigs. sometimes halfhidden
rn moss. often In hedgerows, on bramble or
Crown Elf Cup
edges.. The interior is pinkishviolet, soon
turning brown. Outer surface whitish.
Whrtish flesh/. in (0.5 cm) thick and brittle;
no particular odor or flavor.
HABITAT: under beech or pine trees,
espe<ially al the edge of woodland paths Of
roods. Frurts in spring. Uncommon 10 fal/Iy
Vtry poiSOIlOUS when r;tW, ptrhaps r,'tn
dradly. Ediblc if thoroughly cookcd, but
in or its toxiciry, it is not to
try uling iI , C"CII cooked.
blackthofll !Wigs. and in the undergrowth
of dKiduous woods. Fruits from spring
U'llough \0 winter. Fairly common.
0: 1 .. 4 in (110 an).
This Elf Cup has no Stipe The edge
is imolled when young. f1auening
oot wilen older and bKomlng
wavy Ot" lobed. The inner sur-
face is bright Ot"ange, and the
outer surface is pale
orange. and (Ollerro
with a line down. The
nesh is thin and friable.
with no parucula. odor
or taste
HABITAT: on bare
ground, dirt r o d ~
embankments and
freshly turned earth. Found
mainly on day soil.
Sometimes grows in tightly packed dumps.
fall to early winter. Very common.
This is the only Elf Cup Ihal is edible
raw. All the 1'CSt, \\-ith a couple of
uccplions, r t poisonous r.lW and mIlS!
bt; coolctd 10 bt; uttn. However, the
Or.lngc Pecl Fungus il not particularly
bSt)'. 11$ m.lin inltrdt lies in il$ brilli"nl
color lhat looks good in salads and C\'fn
in desserts.
Bladder Elf Cup
DESCRIPTION: 13:1 '/,-4'/, in (4 12 em).
Globulose al first, ohen compressed side-
ways. It opem out into a wide cup with an
inroDed, toothed edge. The smooth innef
surface is ocher or fil'Nfl. Theft dll! often tiny
bladders in the bouom of the cup, hence the
name. The outer surface is the same calOf as
Ihe inner, though often paler and finely
Poisonous wIIm TlIW. Quite good to flit
whm thoroughly cooked.
Juicy Elf Cup
DESCRIPTION: 0:'1 .. 2 in (1 5 em).
An inegular!Jiaped cup with an incurving
margin. There is no Slipe. The inner !>Uriace
is smooth, ocher Of hcl2elnut in color. The
outer surfa<:e is paler, sometimes even
cream-colored, lightly granuloS!! and
pruioose. The flesh is wtlite and lough,
exuding a while, milky liquid. The f\esh
and milk tum yellow a few minutes
alte. (ulling.
HABITAT: under de<idoous trees, beside
paths. on damp, clay Summer and
lall, Failly common.
granulose. The flesh is fragile. brmle arld
whitish, without dfly spedal odor Of taste.
HABITAT: on rich soil and burnt Qfound,
old compost, and rotting straw. Grows is0-
lated or In light from sp!'lng through
fall. Fairly common.
Black E.l r Cup
DESCRIPTION: 0: '/,-3 In (2-8 cm),
This Elf Cup no and an irregular,
wavy edge. The interiof is reddishbrown,
then gleef1ish brown. The also
reddishbrown and finely granulo5e. The
is thin. brownish red, and contains a
watery liquid,
HABITAT: On bare soil, paths, in
clearings and very damp places on acid
DESCRIPTION: H:l ' ... -4 in (3-10 em).
Shaped like the ear of a donkey or a
hare. The inner surface is ocher or
pinkishyellow. The outer surface
is velvety, bright yellow or orange
yellow. and acquires rustcolored
or brown spots with age. Very
short stipe covered in white
down. Very thin, elastic flesh.
HABITAT: In small groups under
de<iduous Vet'S, or somet'mes
conifers in late summer and fall.
Fai rly common in places.

Cup-Shaped Srain Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: 1-'.-2'/. in (37 em).
0: I',,-2'/. in (3-7 em).
The fungus is shaped like a chalice, with a
broY.'nistHed intefior. The OIlier SUfface is
paler and Slightly The Stipe is short.
though il can be as Ioog as 2 in (5 em). 11
is thickly veined, and sometimes the veins
ale ramif ied, right up to the cup. Flesh elas-
tic then brittle; faint odor and mild navor.
Sometimu known as the VllItgOlr Brain
Fungul (lit ROlNlnl art said 10
lIave u,rd il like a vinegar boldt.
Common Brain Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H:l l.-41: in (3-12 em).
0: ,'/.-3/. in (38 em).
This fungus considerably in size. The
cap is very irregular. then but wIVed and
curled. It is cream to pale ocher in color.
Stipp !Mute and hollow, deeply funowed.
Fie!.h elastic and thin; faint odcr.
HABITAT: decidUOltS Of woods,
especially borders, footpaths. dealings, and
in meadows beside wood5. On calcareous
Lale summer and fall. Fairly common.
HABITAT: in groups in well.lit deciduous
woods beside paths. on plains and moun-
tains. Prefers non-acid sandy soil. found
from spi"ing through early summer. Fairly
Elas tic Brain Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H:2't,-4 in (6-10 emL
0:',.- ,'/, in (2-4 em).
Undulating, saddle-shaped cap, often con-
sisting of two lobes. cream !O pale ocher
underside smooth and whitish. Stipe
smooth, whitish, elongated and thickened
at the base, often compressed and hollow,
1 '/, to 2 in (3 to 5 mm) in diameter. The
elastic f l ~ has no odor or flavor.
HABITAT: under dedduous Irees, on the
PoisonoLl$ when r;lW. The Brain Fun-
guses generaUy make poor cating,
and Iheir Resh is clastic and lough.
Elfin Saddl e or Black Bra;n Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: l /.-4 in (3-10 em).
Very variable in mape, looking very much
like the Common Brain Fungus but with a
gray-brown 10 blacI:. cap <onsisting of two
or three lobes. The un6erside is pale gray.
HABITAT: grows in the same places as the
Common Brain Fungus, but may persist into
the fall. Common and widespread through
the temperate and (001 lones of both
ground sometimes on rotten logs. Calcare-
ous soil. Fall. Fairly common.
False Morel
DESCRI PTION: H:2-4'/, in (5-12 em), 0:2-
4in(5 IOcm).
Irregular, heavily convoluted cap, looking
l i ~ a brain, wider Ihan il is lall and reddish-
brown in color. The shorl thick stem is
swollen allhe base. whilish and ooUow.The
Ihin white flesh has a rather fruity odor.
MOld EDlIlLf
Boheml.tll Veipol E01IILf
HAB ITAT: the false Morel is rarely
lound at heights 01 less than
1,700 It (500 mI. It p p e r ~ from
late March through May, and as
late as June at high altitudes. It
lives in coniferous woods. espe-
cially well-lit ones, such as clear
ings and beside paths; rarer
under deciduous trees. Prefers
cool, damp, rather acid soil. Com
mon in eastern Europe.
There are other species of Cyromitra
(False Morel) which are ran in Europc
but more common in Nonh America.
The Turban Brain Fungus (C)TO",;/r4
;"fulll) is a large mountain species with a
brownish-yeHow to reddishbrown cap
whkh ran reach a height of 8 in (20 em).
I! groW$ in the fan in coniferous or
mixed woods. The cap consists of two
or three IObt5, making it look more like
a Brain Fungus. The Ciant False Mord
(G)"rom;/r4 gig4S) is another large species
that grows at high altitudes. The cap is
reddish-bro .... n to dark brown and icss
convoluted than that of the False Morel.
It can measure 8 in (20 em) in diameter
and gro\\'5 in late spring.
Although the False Morel has long bten
taten in many countries, especially those
of eastern Europe, it can be deadly. lis
toxicity is extremely variablc, however.
Some people bave been poisoned who
had uten the mwbroom for years
without incident. Sometimes, the poison
docs not manifest itself the first time the
fungus is eaten, but only produces
symptoms the next time;t is consumed,
especially if this is soon ahefWilrd. Chil
dren arc particularly wlnerable. When
dried, the mwhroom is much less toxic,
and may C,'cn Ix harmless. Caution is
strongly advised, however.
The Glove-Finger Morel
IS (m), eU-! ',. in (1-3 em),
The cap is shaped a trun-
cated (one, and is reminiscent of
a thimble on a fingf!r. II is wrin-
kled and coovoluled, sometimes
slightly umbilic:ate at the top. The
colOI' varies from hfGWni!.hodlef
to reddish-brown. The stipe is
cy1mdrKal, !oOOIl'times thickened
at the base, II is short al first,
then e\oo9ated. somellilleS
exceeding 4 " in (12 em)
in ler,gth, with a diame
tfr of '/' in (1 em). I! is
white, somelimM
with a pinkish
IlIlgt, and may have wavy lines of hairs
iKross II at inlerval5. The interior is filled
with a COllony fiber at first, later be<oming
hollow. The flesh is soft and fragile with a
laint odor and mild flavor.
HABITAT: grows in tr<XJpS in In
hedgefows and unOO bushes. wch as
bla<ktholn and hawthorn and beneath wil
low and ash. FiIYOfS sandy or gravely lime-
stone. Fairly uncommon.
Poisonous when raw, not particularly
good to eat when cooked.
Rohemian Verpa
DESCRIPTION: H:2-8 in (5-20 em),
0: '/._2 in (2-5 em),
Conical cap rounded at the top, entirely
free (only the top of the cap is attached to
the stipe), It consists of thick, longitudinal,
fibs. folded into shallow, narrow, irregular
honeycomb, The color is ocher to reddish
brown. The stipe is short at first, then
eKlending, sometimes to more than 8 in
(20 on}, "..;m a cDneter d. III jess than
>Um mra/ked ra "r-/ "'1' __
'I. in (2 ern), It is fragile and cylin
drical, stuffed with conony fibers
at first, then hollow. It is whit!',
tinted with ocher In places and
may have bands of whitish down
encircling it. The flesh is
thin and fragile with
a slight odor,
that becomes
HABITAT: in groups in groves 01 ash,
hazelnut or poplar, !'spedally at mid-moun-
tain height, and often alongside Morel!>.
Grows from mid-March 10 early May.
Uncommon 10 common.
Miniature Morel
DESCRIPTION: H;26 in (5-15 em),
0; '/,... 1'/. in (1 -) cm).
Cap conical and pointed, rather ~ a l l (II,
to <I em) tall. The lower third or half of the
cap is not attached to the stem. It i5 pit-
ted with deep ocher-bl"OWIl pockets,
separated by thin, darker walls which
b l a c ~ with age. The hollow, cylindri-
cal stem expands slightly undef the
cap. The white color ~ lIOOletimes
tinted w!lh pale ochef. 1\ is finely
grained and often funowed at the
top, The flesh is hagile, slightly
elastic, with a faint odor and
mild taste,
HABITAT: glows in spring
hom late Malch through May
in (001, damp groves of elm,
poplar, aldel and hombedm,
often among lessef Celandine,
00 clay and cakafeous soils..
Poisonous when nw, but good to rat
when (oohd. Only the cap tastes as
good as a Mord, according to SlIme
cxpcns. Because it is so small you need
a lot of them to mah a meal. Miniature
Morels should ~ eatcn right ann
picking, al it IkteriorattS quidly.
Tall Morel
DESCRIPTI ON: H:2'I.-5 in (7-1] em),
0: 1'f.2 in (3-5 em),
Conical cap. aboot twice as lall as i\ is
wide. The honeycombing is more or less
vertical. the cross-ribs being thinner than
the vertical ones. The cap is browni5h-yel
low to dark brown. Stem is short and
while. wilh a small ofrolar depression
between the stipe and tile cap.
HABITAT: coniferous 'M)()(\s and
mixed mainly in the mountains.
March and Apfil, but sometimes as early as
from mi<HebfUary, Fairly uncommon.
__ illl1ft "IA-

This Morel VoiIrie!l in shajH' on
SlXciu of ute under ..... bich it grows.
and othtr tnvironmental factors.
Tnt Ribbed Morel {.lIorcltt/l" (MIllIa)
grows mort frequently on detritUS and
gubage hups. The ribs afe more veni
cal with crossribs at right angles to
them. It is often consiclered a men
variery of (/)fr;el!.
DESCRIPTION: The stipe and the cap are
hollow and form a continuous cavity.
Thi5 fungus vants widtly in $hapt'.
mycologislli dillid(d it into
KVtnl ",,-ntb" or , .. but the
while 51em and honeycomlKd cap arc
Vtry distiMlivf.
HABITAT: Very varied. Damp, cool decidu-
ous woods. especially under aih, but also
under poplar. willow and hazelnut. Also in
hedgerows of these trees, in neglected
orchards. old bum! patche. suub, dis-
turbed wiL April and May. until late June at
high altitude. Fairly common, found in tem-
perate zones throughout the WOI'Id.
False Morel DEADLY
'"Oft (Jf' 1m gllli'"/11St
Poisonous when raw, but delicious when
cooked. Mords are a valuable and
expensive foodstuff, sold at gourmet
foodstorcs. Fresh specimens are from
the U.S. or imported &om Europe and
Turkey; dried Morels are imported from
southeast Asia.
/"'" .. ,/I .. " "'"
The Pale or Round Morel (ll/orcbil/n
rolm,dll) may grow larger. The cap is
rounded, sometimes wider than it is tall.
The honey tombing is also more rountkd,
with narrower ribs. The cap is straw
colored or pale ocher, and may be tinged
with 0151 color on the ribs. The stipe is
thicker and shorter but;t has almOSt the
SlIme habitat as the Common Morel.
Black Truffl e, Perigord Truffl e
0: 1 '/.-]'/, in (3-8 em).
Rounded, often irregu-
lar, lumpy shape, black
covered with flattened
pyramid-IDaped warts.
The flesh is firm and pale
al first, then turning violet-
black and heavily marbled
with white veining which red-
dens when exposed to the air. The odor
and taste are powerful and fragrant.
HABITAT: grows underground a few inches
below the surface, and may sometimes
5wion of rm{fl,
break through. Found in clearings in
wooded areas, mainly under evergreen oaks
on well-drained, caicarel)Us soil. Found in
southern France. Spain, Italy, and Portugal.
Ripens from November through March,
Rare, and has suffered from changes in the
environment. Cul tivated in evergreen oak or
h<lzelnut plantations.
The Black Truffle is famous throughout
the world for;1:$ delicious flavor. No
other mushroom has such prestige or
can match its p<lwcrful odor. The prices
m ~ t h the g r ~ t demand and sho" sup-
ply, making il one of the most expensive
foods in the world.
Burgundy Truffle
DESCRIPTION: 0: )/.3/, in (28 em).
The BurgundyTruffle is closely relolNl to the
Black or Perigord Truffle, but its warts ale
larger and the flesh is brown, also
veined with white. It has a strong odor but
not as aromatic as that of the Black Truffle
and smells a little like ether.
Ahhough Burgundy Truffie is not
particularly demanding as to tcmJX'ra-
ture, it is mon: sensitive to rainfaU. In
order to Bourish, it needs to have plenty
of rain in July and August.
underground in
woods of oak,
hazelnut, beech,
hornbeam, birch
and pine. 1\ is
more of a wood-
land variety than
the Black Truffle,
growing on lime-
stone soil, matur-
ing from D<:tober
through January. 1\
is probably the
most widely dis-
tributed and com-
monl'St truffle in
continental Europe.
Very good to tat. The slightly
odor disappears during cooking. It
a bettcr flavor than the Summer
Trume, though il has a lower Slatus. It
fetches high prictS, nevertheless, cOSling
around S200 a kilogram (211 Ib). There
are plans to grow Ihis trume in areas
which are too cold for the Black T rume.
Wit ches' Butter
DESCRIPTION: 0:'1.-2 in (2-5 em).
A soh, black gelatinolls mass. irregular,
sometimes lobed and !.Oflletimes globulose,
often folded and convoluted, growing alone
or in groups of two or three attached to
each other. Sometimes $el't!ral individual
frui ting bodies mass togethef. The under-
There is a morc rounded form, &idjl/
,rllllralll, which is extremely common,
especially on oak branches and twigs.
Gray Brain Fungus
DESCRIPTION: 0: up to 6 in (15 em).
This crust-like fungus sometimes grows in a
ring of fruiting bodies. It is '10 to ',. in (OJ to
0.5 em) thick. The upper side is grayish with
(Ol)(eolri( zones, some (overed in gray
hairs. others folded and darker, The under
like the jelly funguses, thc brain and ear
funguses arc able \0 dry out and shrivrl
during dry spells, When rhey reabsorb
warer, rhey sweU up again ro r('$ume
rheir normal shape.
covered with small conical papillae.
Grayish flesh. odorle!.S and
HABITAT: on dead logs and Ilfan<hes of
de<iduous Present all year round, but
especially in winter. Common.
side is gelatinous and cOflvoluted; it is gray
violet to purplishbrown in color. Flesh is
leathery and gelatinous.
HABITAT: on the dead wood of de<iduous
trees. especially ash. Present al l year round,
but especially in winter, Common.
Jew's Ear
DESCRIPTION: 0:1 '/,. 4 in (4-10 em).
(up-shaped, no stipe, irregular Of in the
!.hape of an ear. Interior surface is reddish-
brown, al fnt, foldirlg like the
inside of an ear. The outer surface is velvety,
reddishbrown, darl::.enlllg WIth age, grayish-
violet or grayish-olive. The flesh is gelatinous
or elastic, almost translucent. coriaceous
and shriveled when dry. No particular flavor
or odor
HABITAT: On the dead branches of de(idu-
ous trees, elder, sometJmes on
other de<iduous trees. such as the walnut,
and on the willow in damp pla<es. such as
This is ""u-CIT, the "Ooud Eilr" ' which
the Chintw have Men uring for em-
IUrits, mainJy in its dried form, is an
ingrtdicnr in many prtp.lnltions or as a
thickener for S<lU(ts.
ChincH medicine also claims therapeutic
properties for this fungus. In order [0
met'l the demand for il among oriental
popl.llalioM, the Ear is cultivated in
Chil\.ill and c\sf:v.-htrc in SOl,lthcut
on logs of wood or, more r(untly, on
,lrtifici,ll SUbSlf,ltn. Most Europuns
rq<Ect this fungus fllr nUng, u thty 6nd
it 100 insipid.
beside wJde rivers. Grows in groops aligned
vertically or horizontally on branches. Pre-
sent all round. espedally winter and
spring. Common to fairly uncommon,
depending on climatIC zooe.
Yellow Brai n Fungus
DESCRIPTION: 0: 1 '/ ... 3'1. in (3-8 em).
Convoluted ITIiISS shaped like 11 txain, flaccid
and gelatinous, oembling to the slightest
touch. Generally sulfur yellow, but some
speomens may be pale yellow Of even
white. The fungus be<omes orange. tough,
and brittle upon drying out.
HABITAT: on the dead txanches of decidu-
ous uees that Mve fallen on the gound. All
year round. Common.
Pale Coral Fungus
H: l '1.-4 in (3-10 em),
0:2-6 in (5-15 em),
lool:s like a branching
{Of ai, with white or
whitish vellical branches.
FIe>h gelaliflOus but
on the ground in
the deciduous or
mixed forests of North
Amefica. Summer and fall.
Jelly Tongue
DESCRIPTION: H:l 'I.l'h in (36 em),
0: 1 '/.-3',. in (38 em).
Spatulate or semicircular, very soft, gelati
nous, and wobbly. Upper surface velvety,
dirty white, gray blue, turning brownish
with age, and almost
translucent. Urlderside
covered in soft,
gelatinous projec-
tions like blunt
spines, white with
bluish reflections.
Stipe excenuic, very
short, and SOO'letimes
Yellow Stagshom Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: 1". -4 in (310 em).
The fungus is shaped like tiny stag's antlers
or coral, ramified and viscid. the ramifica
tions end in a point. The color is bright,
golden to orange yellow, be<oming darker
as the fungus dries out. The flesh is rubbery.
The siagshom funguses arc erect, some
times branched fungi with tapering tops,
reminisctlll of the Clavaria.
Their consistency may be gelatinous and
tlastic or leathery.
Averagt. Somrtimes lainltd ... ilh a sUghl
laste of resin. Can be uten raw.
absent. The gelatinous fiesh is
almost translucent.
HABITAT: on rotting conifer stumps,
often pine, sometimes buried in the
ground. Fall and early wimer. Fairly fre
quem, especially in the mountains. Does
not grow outside the temperate lOnes.
HABITAT: firmly attached to the stumps
and branches of the rotting wood of vari
ous species 01 (onifer by a wrt of whitish
"root: All Yl!af round, but especially in late
fall and early winter. Very (ommon.
Dry Rot
DESCRIPTION: 0:up to 20 in (50 em).
The fungus takes a variety of forms depend-
ing on the stage of its developmenl.The SUI-
face is \If!!vety, olivaceous or illS! brown,
swollen and alveolate; the margin is velvety
and whil e. The underside is covered with
dirty yellow or brownish irregularly shaped,
polygonal or labyrinthine pores, which
release droplets 01 water at the edges
(hence the epithet "'acrymans). It has a
pleasant ~ e l l wt1en fresh, but becomes
unpleasant as it (t9es,
HABITAT: under floorboards and carpets, in
the walls. cupboards, cellars and damp
unaired places. All year round.
This is the fearsome destroyer of older
buildings, whith eats ilWily at the wood
work in damp constru(rions, especially
those that arc airlcss or uninhabited.
Dry Rot requires a fairly damp almo-
sphcn for if fO fake hold. It subse-
quently spreads by decomposing the
wood and mortar, using the water in the
materials and transporting it to the dry,
inedible parts. It un thus thrive even in
places which arc not partio,]arly damp,
providing they remain airless ~ n .. ndis-
turbed. It is the scourge of stately homes
and mansions.
Common Schizophyllum
DESCRIPTION: 0:'1.-2 in (2-5 em),
A tiny fan-shapM OJ kidney-shaped fungus..
from to 'I. in (2 1a 4 mm) thick, and a very
sinuous 01 lobed edge. The uppe! wrfact is
whitish 10 grayish-beige and woolly. The
underside has darK pink gitls. radiating from
a central point where it is aHache<! 10 the
!.Ubsl rate. These unusual gills afe joined
togedlef In pairs and seem 10 be splil
lengthwise The flesh has a faint odor ,mel
the flavor is mild.
Many-capped Phlebia
DESCRIPTION: multiple frui ting bodies
from 2 to 8 in (S to 20 em) in diamelef.
Ineguiar cwange CIlJ51 with darker, even viC)-
let. (enter, very veined and swollen, falde<!
with a thick, fr inged margin. The underside
HABITAT: the dead wood 01 any
raref on conrfefs. All year round. Com-
mon from temperate regions to the equator.
is pleated with radiating Soh gelati-
nous flesh in young becoming
leathe!y in the dry slale.
HABITAT: on slumps or of de<id
uous !lees (mainly birch and bee<h) more
rarely on conifers. All year rOOM. but less
frequent in summer.
T mnbling ReI: tlltnlliln -hsJ, which
is., rommoa, is \'tf)' ht",iyfokied on
the folds rtKmbinggills. lt
is soh and gelatinous and dt\Idops on the
wne wood as the Phkbia.
Tobacco Brown Hymcnochactc
DESCRIPTION: 0:4- 16 in (10-40 em).
A fungus that forms a leathery Clust on
wooo, with small patches at first which
spread and merge to form a large sheet.
Velvety, tobacco or rust-brown surface,
paler when the weather is dry. The sinu
ous margin is golden yellow then orange,
IUlning brown with age. leathery flesh.
HABITAT: on the dead wood of decidu
ous trees, mostly willows and hazel.
whether standing or having fallen to the
ground. Often localized at the edge of
woods or in hedgerows. Present all year
round. (ammon in temperate zones.
Mougeo!'. Hymrnochaete de
(II)'MtlUK/UWt M4Iugr4lIii}, which is
widely distributed throughout the
world is usy to recognize dut to its
bright red tolor. It grows on dud
branchu of fir Ireu. 1I)'",uIIII(II
fubigiN4I$1I is a common speciu which
grows on the trunks of old oak
chestnut trtu. It forms little l uptrim-
posed and caps of i Inth
cry con,islcncy, which art vtlvcty in
young . petimens. The edge of the
caps is reddish-brnwn, btcoming
duktr with age.
Silverleaf Fungus
DESCRIPTI ON: 0:'1..2 in (0.55 em),
This funglJS may foml a crust on wood or be
attached to it at one side, leaving the edges
of its cap free and undulatlng.The upper
!>tI'face is white to reddish, hairy and with
various parallel bands of colaf WIth a paler
edge. The undefskle is smooth and slightly
undulating. It is lilac-mlored, turning brown-
ish-violet with age. The flesh is thin, gelati-
I'IOIJS at first, then cOfiaceous.l t has no par-
ticular odor, and a mild fIavoI.
HABI TAT: the individual fungi grow in large
patches, one on top of the other. sometimes
welded together, on the brandles or trunks
of lumber, mainly dec.iduoos trees. Present
all )'f!ar round. Very common.
The Silver-tuf fwlgus INIY aJso ~ r ; l
sirize living but weakened !fees. It
CilUS4:S SilvcrlufDisusf in fruit trees.
Hairy S!en:um
DESCRIPTION: 0: '/.4 in (2-10 em).
Multiple imbfi<ated Of superimposed
caps. barely 10/ ... in (lor 2 mm)
thick, with an undulating or lobed
margin. upper surface. colored
in parallel yeHow, orange, Of reddish
stripes which are much darker al the
point where the fungus is attached to
the wbsuclle. Undefside smooth and
orange. (Ofiaceous.
HABITAT: in dense colonies on dead or
felled de<iduous trees, from to large
Rough Sicreurn
DESCRIPTION: 13: ',.4 in (1-10 em),
Forms a ems! '/" to 'I ... in (1 to 2 mm) thid::,
attached 10 wood on the upper SlJiace, with
a margin that is somelimes fref!. Upper SUI '
face (see below) grayish wilh a white
edge. white through ocher,
smooth or bumpy, turning blood red
when rubbed. The flesh is coriaceous,
bf.:mches, sometimes on pinewood. Present
all year round. Very common.
pale ocher in fresh young spe<imens. turn-
ing darker, and be<oming tough and bfinle
during dry spells.
HABITAT: on the dead t.anches and trunks
of dedduoos trees. especially hazel and birch.
Pr!Senl all year round. Very (ommon.
r ersinen! Coltricia
DESCRIPTION: 0:'/d'l. in (2-8 em).
f unnelshaped cap wilh thm, often undu-
lating margin, 01 den-
tale. Several caps may be welded al the
edges. The underside is velvety, covered
in cinnamon or rust-colored concentric
circles. The tiny pores on the underside of
the cap are yellowish-white al lim, then
becoming coarser and wming brown,
except al Ihe edge, which slays while, as
there are no pores there. Shoft, thick,
(entral Stipe ('1.-2 in _ '".',. in (lS em x
0.]-0.7 em)), wider at the base, velvety,
paler al first, then blackening. Flesh, rust
brown, Ihin and coriaceous.
HABITAT; grows on Ihe ground in small
groups. usually under conifers, in dearings
Of buml, ground on sandy soil. I'!rsists all
year lOund, for sevtral years
on end. Common.
fungi form a crust on wood art said
10 be ThOSl' to the
gro .. ing mcdhull on onc $UK ud grow
ooc 00 top of the ntbn- said 10 be
dimidute. Some, such;J.S tht Rough
Sicreum (SltrtUm rJlg<1fum), maY'PJIC,r
in cithu of these forms.
Schwcinia.'s Polypore
DESCRIPTlON: @:6 12 in (15-]0 em),
Round Of lan-shaped fungi, ohen imbri-
cated Of welded together. imprisoning twigs
Of plants within their growth. Upper surface
hairy Of downy, sulfur yellow with concen
triC cirdes of ochef. orange, or cinnamon,
tuming brown from the center. The margin
stays yellow for a long time. The underOOe
is labyrinthine, yellowish-green at first, turn-
ing reddish, and browning to the touch. The
stipe is more or 155 developed. short and
thick. Brown, tender, and fibrous flesh, with
a slightly biner flavor,
HA8ITAT: 00 the ground, growing in sym-
biosis (mycol'lhiza) with the roolS of living
Of dead cOillfers. pille, spruce, and larch.
From early summer through late fall.
Urt(ommoo but widespread and 100md In
many cDuntlies in thl' temperate lone,
Reddening HapaJopilus
H:'/,- l 'I, in (14 em),
0:2-4-/, in em),
Fan-sl\apPd or kidnPy-shaped
foogus. flXl'd 10 the substrate
CM'I' a large area, isolated 01
in groups. specimens s0me-
time together. The
side is of a uniform color, yel
Iowher ullough dnnamon,
'o'!M!ty al fJS\, then r.mooth.
The underside is russel and
COYefed in round, polygonal,
Of eIcln9aled porK. Flesh soft
ard spongy then corky, ocher
or rilnamon-<Olored.
HABITAT: dead braoches of
de<:idliOus oak,
beech, birch, chestnut. as well
as on ((lf1ifefS such as fir.
Spring through fall. Common,
Birch Polyport
0:4-10 in (102S em).
Roood 01 kidney-shaped cap.
'I. to 2'" in (2 to 6 em) thick, stifle
absenL attached to the sub5uale by
a sweHing. The upper surface is cof-
fee-c:olored, somellfnes matte,
smooth, or vetvety, cfiKking with age. The
margin is inrolled forming a ridge on Ihe
pure white underside. 'Ntlich is covered with
rounded pores that ale barely visible. The
flesh is white, soft and spongy. then {Ofky.
Ediblt only in tht rollng state, and Dot
very good to eat.
This fungus has been put to various
uses, for example, to sharptn the cut-
!hroat raZOR once used by ba"wn.
HABITAT: 00 the branches afld trunks of
living Of dead birch trees. Annual but may
persist for years. commOfl.
Burnl Polypore
DESCRIPTI ON: 0: 11,.4
in (4-10cm)_
Tllls fungus grows in tletS
or imbricated dumps, in
lan-shaped specimens 01
in a Vf!ry thin layer only
',. in (6 mm) thid:. at the
maximum). The upper side
is gray-brown and veiwty
with a margin that is white
at bIadrelirg with age.
The undefside is cindef
gray, then turning darker
gray, with tiny pores. The flesh is soft and
elastic, then hard. whitish. and clearly sepa-
rated from the pale gray
lUbes by a black. line
('>t'E'f1 irl transverse sec-
tiOll); fungal odor and
slightly acid taste
HABITAT: on slUmps or
on the dead or living
trunks of deciduous
trees, especially beedl,
lT10Ie rarely on conifffS.
Present all year fOund,
especially summer and
fall. Very common.
Blushing Bracket
DESCRIPTtON: OJ'I.-6 in (8-1 em).
Kidney-shaped cap, no thkker than 2 in
and with a thin margin. Upper surface
reddish, decorated with darker concentric cir-
des and sprinkled with little brown wans.
Pores are dirty white, rounded and 01 slrghtly
elongated, 01 lormlng a maze. They redden
when tOt.Khed, turning darker red with age.
HABITAT: 011 the dead and liv-
ing braoches of deci<Iuous trees. and in
damp places. Grows mainly on willow and
e\def, but also on popular, birch and hazel_
Present all year round. Very common, rare at
higher al\lludes.
Bulbous Polypore
DESCRIPTION: H: ".2 in (25 em).
0: 3",-8 in (8-20 em).
Fan-shaped, Upper surface vel
vety, swollen at the point 01 fixation,
whi te or cream, but very ohen greenish
due to the growth of microscopic algal'
on the surface of the cap. There are it
few concentric bands of color on the
margin. The underside is creamy white,
wilh large. elongated pores which may
even take the form of short gills near the
point of fixation. Flesh white and corky.
HABITAT: singl(> Of in tiered groups on
branches and trunks of living or dead
deCiduous trees. Present all year round,
and may persist for one or two years.
Very (ommon in the north, rarer in
southern regions.
This fungus an grow 10 an imprcssi,'c
sizt, and is mort 3 h
(\ m) in diameler!
Many.zoned rolyporc
DESCRIPTION: 0:11,2 in (410 em).
fanshaped caps. tiered and bonded
together. very thin with a very undu
lating margin. The range of colors
i n l u d ~ while. gray. beige. black..
blue gray. and russel. These are
aflangM in parallel bands, but the mal'
gin is always pale!. belllg white 01 pall'
Yf:l1ow. Velvety patches alternate with
smooth ones. The minute pores are white
at lirst. lurniJ'lg Yf:11ow with age.
The fungus is used in Chinese medicine
is a Il'medy "gaim;! cancer of the Uver
"nd (ena;n Iyptl of jaundice. In the
W"t it is used as a decorative elemeot
in Howerarranging and on hats.
P",1llk1 hllNl$ ~ \'/lnoors {DIers
IlR dillllllll'lS litIS {ltttgJIS 10
Hairy Tramctc
DESCRIPTION: 0:2-41, in (5-12 em),
Fan-shaped fuJ'lQus when growing on an
upright medium, rosette-shaped when
!pawing on a hofizomal medium. Superiof
Birch lenl!i te
DESCRIPTION: Iarge:l-4 in (5-10 em).
Thin ('f, in (2 em) maximum),
cap. ohen imbricated. Upper surface hirsute
and covered in while, gray, or ocheI
concentric paraliel bands, often colonized by
algae which give it a greenish color. Thefe
are pale gray or ocher crowded gills on the
undefside. some 01 which are faked.
The flesh ii pale. coria-
CKJUS, eIastJC. ex
HABITAT: on vari-
ous living or dead
face decorated with paraliel bands of white,
cream, or orange and with
Ioog. sldf hairs. Underside vAli!e, turning
gray, with very small poi'ts. Flesh white and
faint odor and flavor.
HABITAT: on dedduous trees. All year
round. Fauly common in many countries.
In T!<Imtta thm is no Kp-
amion bMI.'ft'n flesh and rulwt,
tuba boIlowed out of 1M IIesb.
deciduous lreer--not confined 10
birch-and felled Iog5. in cool
places. All )'f'ilr round. Quilt
common and fo.n:I in
many countries.
Hoof Fungus; TInder Fungus
DESCRIPTI ON: H:1'I,.8 in (420 em).
0:4-16 in (1040 an).
The upper surface is odJef Of rl!ddiVlbrown,
This fungus probably played an impor.
ranI role in the Life of prehistoric II1<In,u
it wu ctrtainly of pre:-
Krving and transporting Iire,sinct it
bunu very slowly.
Beefsteak Fungus
DESCRIPTI ON: 0:4-10 in em).
The fungus is elongated like a tongue Of
semi-circular, It sometimes has it short Slipe
by whidl it is anached to the wood. The
upper surface is brick red, 5l1cky, and densely
covered with little papillae. The pores 0f11he
underside are cream 031 first, then
reddish-pink, staining darker red
when lOiKhed. The fiesh is soh and
spongy. red with pal{'f patches, and
oozing a red juice when CUI. The
lUbes are 1"101 bonded logelhef and
are easily separable. Acidic taste
HABITAT: atlhe base of living
oaks Of chestnut!.. Late summer and
turning gray with
semi.orculaf stripes Of
folds. The l.I'IdeIside is
aeam to gray-brown with
tiny poI'e5 whICh darkM
.....tlen toudled. The red
dish-bmwn flesh is as hard
.3$ wood.
HABITAT: on the trunks of living Of dead
deciduous beech and birch.
All year round, Fairly common.
fall. Common in certain places and found in
many countries in the temperate lOfIE!.
Ani 51's Fungus
0:4-16 in (10-40 an).
The fungus fan-shaped Of
semi-cifcular and is allached
to the substrate ovt'f a large
area on one II is qui ll'
thin ('I. to )'/. in (210 8 em)).
The upper surface is knobbly.
and furrowed, ocher- brown or
cinnamon wnh a very thin.
white margin. WIlen the
spores alt! e,e<ted, the sur-
face is covered with a powdery. ocher layer.
The ul'ldefside is ....nitI', turning russel, and
browning 10 the louch. 1m! flesh is corky.
brown with some white streaks.
la<:quered Bracket
DESCRIPTION: 212 in (S-JO em),
0:2-8 in (S-lO em).
Circular or kidney-shaped cap. Upper sur-
face reddish-brown, knobbly. and hard with
a brilliant glaze. Margin yellow-Ofange in
young ij)edmens. Undefside white. turning
Th( fungus is highly pnz(d in ChinH(
medicint, and is 10 (urt a n ... mbtr
of infe<tions and iUnesSCll .
HABITAT: on S!lImps and dead or living
tree trunts of decidoous [lees Of ffiOfl' rarely
on conifers. Persists for Com-
mon and found in many countries.
brown. Shiny
Stipe lal(!fal or
excentric, vertical,
fai rly twisted. and the
same coo or darter than the
cap. Flesh elastic but coria
ceoos. Not edible.
HABITAT: on W'TlpS and dead
trunks of decidUOltS trees,
someumes on buried roots.
Summ(!f and fall. Uncommon.
Fir Bracket Fungus
0:'"...1 '/" in (13 em).
fungi WIth imbri-
cated on bonded
caps, often in fO'M.
The Uppef surface is gray-
brown, hairy, sometimes green-
ish due to the growth of and
violet or purple on the margin. The under-
side has small, violet, rOUl'lded, or angular
pores of I.II'IeVeO size,
in a labyrinthine
paltern, which 1001
brCJMl WIth age. flesh
thin and coriaceous.
HABITAT: on the !Junks of
dead or felled sometimes
on living trees. Grows from sea level
10 the tree line, Present all year
round. Common in temperate zones..
Vari able Bracket Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: l '/.-2'1. in (]7 em),
0: 24 in (510 em),
Irregular, circular, or fan-shaped bracket,
sometimes lobed, OJ wi th a sinuous mar-
gin,hollow at Ihe stipe end, yellow ocher
or reddish, with fine, darker radial stria-
tions. Underside white then browning,
lubes mOle or less decurrl'nl, vl'ry small
porl'S. ExCl'ntric or cl'ntral stlPI',
tapering at the typically black
base. Whitish or yellowish fll'sh;
pll'asant odor and mild flavor.
HABI TAT: on dead wood and stumps of
dl'Ciduous Irees. soml'timl'S on livinglretS.
From spling 10 latl' fall. Common and
found all OVl'r the tl'mperate lonl'S.
Dryad's Saddle
10 cm), 0:4-20 in (10-50 cm).
Kidney-shaped or circular cap,
straw to ocher in color, covered
with large reddish or bfown
scales. Underside whitish, with
decurrent tubes and large
pores, from 'm. to '/0 in (1 to
3 mm). Very short, thick stipe
(up to 3'/. in (8 em) long and
2 in (5 cm) wide). lateral or
excentric, rarely (entral, white
except al the base, where it is
black. Firm white flesh. Flavor
and odor of flour.
HABITAT: grows in tiers on stumps or at
the base of the trunks of deciduous trees,
such as willow, poplar, walnut, and maple, in
welHi t woods, parks. roadsides, and beside
Spring through fall. Fairly common.
Bay Polypore
DESCRIPTI ON: resembles P. lepto-
cephalus. but larger. The surface of the cap
is very shiny and pale at first, later becoming
dark brown, with a paler border.
HABITAT: on dead wood and deciduous
treestumps, often in groups of two or three.
Spring through fall. a i ~ y common.
DESCRIPTION: 0:2-16 in (10- 40 em).
Cap forming voluminous, large, thin, fan-
shaped tufts, with a sinuous, lobed margin.
Surface rough, ocher, reddish or dark
brown. Pores whitish, to the
touch and on maturity. Stipes bonded
together at tilt! base into a single point of
allachmentlO tilt! substrate. flesh soon
be<omes coriacoous, white, turning pink
then black wllt!n cut. Strongly fungal but
pleasant odor and slightly add flavor.
HABITAT: on stumps or at the of
de<iduous trees. late summer through early
fall. Fairly common.
Stlme dumps of proportions.
They may weigh dOlen pounds
and In up 10 40 in (I m) in
Marginate Polyporc
DESCRIPTION: H;I '/, 4 in {3 10 em), 0:4
16 in (1040 em).
Fan-shaped lungus without a stipe. The
upper surface has a resinous crust of palf!r
yellow turning reddish brown, and finally
grayblacK. ThiCK. yelloworange margin.
Underside whit ish or cream,
secreting large drops of color
less liquid a\ the margin while
the fungus is growing.
HABITAT: mainly on Slumps
and logs of dead or living
conifers. Present all year
round, perennial. Common in
places and in many countries.
Shaggy Polyporc
DESCRIPTION: 0:3/.-12 in (8-30 em).
Fan-shapM cap. up to 4 in (10 em) thick at
the base. Grows singly or in tufts. Cap red-
dish, turning brown outward from the point
of attachment. The surface is thickly (overed
with stiff hairs. The pores are orange-red,
then brown. The flesh is wft at first and yel-
low then COlldceous and rust-colored. Pleas-
ant odor and mild flavor.
HABITAT: on living deciduous tre1!s, where
they have been damaged, or on old trees.
including apple, pear, aspen, and mountain-
ash. Summer through fall; it disappears
when the weather turns cold, but reappears
annually. Fairly common and widespread.
DESCRIPTION: l:2-12 in (S3Dan). thick-
ness: ',,'/.. in (0.3-0.S em).
White to cream patches. dispersed at first
but growing together 10 form a large sheet.
Shan tubes at the margin, lengthening
toward the center and looking like spines
Wi th age. Tiny white pores. stained wi th
ocher, varying in shape from circular, elon-
gated, angular, or labyrinthirn!, absent on
the margin. Flesh :4 in (1 mmlthick, whitish,
leathery, toughening when dry.
HABITAT: on deciduous trees. espKially
hornbeam, ash, and oak, in forests and
parks. Present all year round. Common and
widespread throughoullhe temperate 20ne.
Shriveled Polyport:
DESCRIPTION: l: '/,-'I.. in (1-2 em).
h ~ linle fan-sh.1ped caps arl! borne on a
very short stem. The upper surface, is velvety
and varies from yellow through fawn, some-
DESCRIPTION: 0:2-4 in (5-10 em).
The fungus actually consists of numerous
indiVidual fruiting-bodies bonded together
at the base and of unequal size, tiered,
spread out, or funnel -shaped_ The
marge is fringed. Twigs and
pine-needles are often
enousted in the flesh.
The upper surface is
reddish-bfown then
paler at the edge and
covered in stiff hairs. The
underside is paler, irregularly
warty or wrinkled. The flesh is
coriaceous and spongy.
times with alternate bands, paler at the mar-
gin, often undulating and turned under al
the edge. The underside has radial whitish
folds which look like shriveled gills. The flesh
is soft and elaslic when fresh, hard and brit-
tle in dry weather. The fungus is odorle!>S and
has a mild flavor.
HABITAT: grows in large numbers on the
dead branches of various deciduous trees,
especially ~ c h and hazel. Summer and fall.
Fairly common but easily passes unnoticed.
HABITAT: on the ground, on
pine-needles. or half-buried
twigs. in coniferous or mixed
forests. Dry, acid soil.
All year
round but
mainly in
the fall.
Sheep Po!ypore
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'1,.2 in (410 em),
0: 2'/.6 in (7-15 em).
Cap has a !IW1 rn,ygil. sometme5lOOed. mte at
-MIen old. Small rcml JXlIes 01 the s.:rne o:tlt
Sho1. thick, ceotral a excentric simla i'1
cola to the cap. Flesh pale 'Nith mild flavor,
Good 10 ut wbcn young, but OntO
wonn-uteD, with firm flesh iM:coming
COlUcto\lll iilnd bitter with Igt.
HABITAT: in groups, with stipes or caps
sometimes welded together. 00 moss In old
IOfests. From late sumlTll'f thlough late fall.
Fairly common in mountainous regions. fall'
in the lowlands.
This fungus MUS $Orne rntmblance to
the common Hedgehog fungus, but the
sbttp pol)'POrc Iw no spines.
Hedgehog Mushroom, Wood Hedgehog
The RedMning Hedgehog Mushroom
.. ",(aw.s) is JOmClimes
confused wilh Ihe Hedgehog Fungus,
bUllhe IifilM' iii (enlnl Ihinne.
Ihe fungus is smaller and redder. 801h
arc edible.
4 in (510 em), 0:1 1."
The irregularly shaped
undulating cap is
sometHnes lobed and
bonded to other caps.
The margin is iorol led
in young specimens. 11
is creamy whi le,
slightly velvety. and
reddens Slightly. The
of the cap
is covered in solt
!opines the same (olor
as the cap which are
easily detached. They
are -J, in (1 em) long
in older
Slipe central or excet1-
trk, shcwt and up 10
1 'I. in (3 em) thick
fleshy and full, irregu
lar, oft en WIVed and
swollen al Ihe base,
deeply embedded in the soil and the same
coo as the cap but reddenlllg when llan
died. Flesh firm and brittle. white, bomlng
orange-red when exposed \0 the air 101 a
few hour!>. flaYOf mild or sligtltly peppery.
slightly bitter in older specimens. Often
glom alongside the Reddening Hedgehog
Mushroom (Hydnum rufescens).
HABI TAT: forms rings in the moss of
fOlem of oak, beech, or chestnut, mixed
foresls. and coniferous foresls in fall
and early winter. Its fie!.hy consis-
tency enables It 10 resist minor
lrtlll")' M'hi/t (I( sligJlliI
rtllJislt f/tsb)\ 'Thl'l)'
Although some people find it 10 be of
~ n l e inlerUt, the Hedgehog Mushroom
is olttn considered good 10 cal . The
firm, crunchy nesh has a slightly spicy
laSIC, reminiscent of that of the
ChantertUc. The Hedgehog Mushroom
should be eaten )'ollng, because it
becomes bitter as it ages. To rrmovc any
bitterness, it is advisable !O throwaway
any liqllid given offby the mushroom 011
the start of cooking, instead of kning it
evaporate. II should bt si mmered over
low hUI. The finn Desh makes it possi
ble 10 pickle small specimens in vinegar
and serve them iI.5 condimcnu.
The Hedgehog Mushroom is 100 d;sl;nc-
ti\c to be confused with any poisonous
varicty, since none of h ~ mushrooms
v.ilh spines in place of gills arc poi
sonous. Seen from above, the Sheep
rolyporc (Albm,rl/us O,1HUS), which;5
good 10 cal, looks very much like Ihe
Hedgehog Fungus, bUI il has portS
instead of spincs on the undersidc of the
cap and;s more likdy to be wonn-catcn.
Ear-pi ck Fungus
DESCRIPTI ON: H:l ',.-4 in (3-10 cm),
0:',,-'1. in (1-2 cm),
The cap Is kldneyshaped, bfown or reddtsh
brown, covered in fine, dense hairs. The
spines are 10119 and large in relatioo to the
size of the cap, and are dirty white, then
turning brown. The stipe is thin, lateral,
darker than the cap and also hairy. The flesh
is thin, (oriaceous. arld white. The
species is easily identifiable due to it beil'lg
the only variely of hedgehog fungus to grow
on pinecones.
HABITAT: mostly grows on pinecones
which are hallburied in the soil. All year
round, especially in spring and fall. Com
mon, but difficutt to spot due to its size and
color. tr.edible,
AU rungi with spines inttud of giLk
wrrt oner included in the genU$ Urallll'"
and the br.pick f\lnp' the boWli
wllilme of /lp/IIIIIII
Today the genU$ has bun into
different genera bufd on rcolop.
nl differences and microscopic cham:
teristks. Thrst wngi have bern
placed in different families.
White Coral Fungus
DESCRIPTI ON; H:3 ',.,6 in (815 em).
0:410 in (1025 em).
lva)' v.tIite or cream, ~ 'Nim age. The
hr1gus is attaehed to the substrate try a mid:
SIJpE!. wIldl brandles lOlO fruiting-bodies to
The ConI Fungu' (Uerid"," ((Jr/dIoiMS),
II r d l ~ d 5pt'ciu, grows on (onfers; the
spinu au of YlnOUS lengths Ind art
gflltraUy ranillifd and art found at the
fnd of bl'ilnchu only.
which the spines are attached. The spines are
arranged in (CONS on the sides or underside. The
flesh is fragile and 'My friable, wtlite, with a faint
aoo pleasant ocb; and mikl flavor.
HABITAT: gems at the base of dead deOOJ
ous nees. especially beech Late surnmef and
fall. Uncommon and rather localized.
Goodla UI when young, boming
s1ighlly 'ONceD"'! and bitter with age.
j'lo rn of Plenty
DESCRIPTION: H:, ',, 4'f, in (4-12 em),
0: 1/. ]'/. in (lS em),
Trumpetshaped fungus whose margin is
curved outward and becomes brown,
streaked with darker lines which turn black
in damp Wf'alhef. The exterior surface is
gray, plumose, smooth, or slightly veined.
then rough or swollen, and also black when
wet. The stipe is sometimes sinuous, becom
ing thinner at the base and i/regularly
swollen.The lIesh is thin and elastic, the fla-
vor mild and the odor fruity. The flesh is
nevI.'! wormeaten,
HABITAT: in very large colonies in lowland
forests of oak, hombeam, and hazelnut.
Rarer on high ground ur.der conifers. Prefets
very damp soil, clay. limestone, or neutral
Two other snullu, rarer spuits of
Cratrrtll us II rc dosdy rtl.ud 10 the
Horn of Plrnty which the French call
the Trumpet of the Dnd, no doubt due
to ils black color. They are:
the Sinuous Chanlcrcllr
S;ftUflSUS), which is
paler in color, ocher-brown or gray,
and decorat ed with brown fibrils and
with II very sinuous, lobd margin. The
utcTn;d surfact of the Ifllmp(:1 is
ochnctous and also covered in II whitt
bloom. It grows in the same type of
foruls, bUI on more acid soi ls.
- the Gray Chantutl1e (PSfudocrllttrtl
lu! ci"trrus) has a strong odor of
mirabelle plum and by the presencc of
strongly marked, gill-like folds below
the up. II grows in the same habitat liS
the Horn of Plenty.
(non-acidic). from late
September through
lale November, occa-
sionally appearing in
June if Ihere is enough rain,
bUI such growth is very local-
ized and short-lived.
The fungus seems 10 grow in
cycles. which would explain why
il is abundant in cerlain years and
absent in other!.. However, il may
be abundant or rare ill the !>ame
season, depending on the
The Horn of Plenty maku ncellent
eating. II can M !!cwd and made into
3 sauce to be nten with venison,
jugged harr, and olhtr types of game.
It is also added to stews, pites, and
other types of chareuterk These
trumpet-shaped fungi have the
advantage of drying u sily and the
flavor is even enhaned by
dessication. Once dried, it can even
be crushed to powder and uled as a
condiment, to flavor sauces. Befort
duning the fungus, it should be split
lengthwise because the holl ow interior
of len contains earth, insect laf'lae, and
even slugs.
DESCRIPTION: H: ,'/.-4'11 in (3-12 em)
0: , '/.4 in (3 10cm). '
The whole lungus is entirely bl'jght Yi!lIow.
The cap is at first, with an inrolled,
regular margin. 11 lalef sinks into a funnel -
shape, and the margin becomes more sinu-
ous and undulating. The folds or veins under
the cap look like gi lls. They are thick and
de<:urrefl l, straight at first, then forked and
then more sinuous and mOle heavily forked.
A very mushroom, IUghly
soughl Jetr and sold cOllUMrcilolly in
lIWIy COIlIImes. It is worm-u rn
and it to slore and The
C!u.ntfftUC . hould be l immtud Ovtf
low hu t. II is used .u In a((omjWIi
IMllt 1(1 pouluy, fish, or p me and an
enD be eaten Til W.
With transvef5e, interconnecting veins.. The
stipe slightly toward the base. The
whitish flesh betomes more fibrous in the
stipe and with age. The flavor is mild and
slightly peppery. and the pleasant fruity odor
is often compared to apricot Of plum.
HABITAT: Grows in groups in foresls,
grOVt!s, Of plantations of deciduous trees,
principally oak, hazel, or chestnut, as well as
under conifers. Appears in late May through
October on acidic soil. The Chanterelle
appears in the same places every year after
heavy rain followed by several days of warm
weather. It is common in many regioos. bul
is lending to become rarer, espedally in
Eastern Europe.
Thefe are several varieties or fOfms 01 the
Chanterelle. When it grows under hazelnut,
it is smaller, fleshy, and appears later in
the year. When il grows under bee<:h and fir.
il is morl! fleshy and mum paler.
The variety can be found in the
undergfOwth under deciduous tree$. It is
quote large {0: 24'" in (Sll em)). and has
violet scales in the center of the cap.
The bicoIot variety. which is also found
under deciduous trees, is very pale yellow
beneath the cap. The other part5 are identi
cal to the classic form.
Camharellus friesii. is only 'I, to 1 'I, in (I to
4 em) in diameter and is br;ghter orange.
Olive tru PleutOM POISONOUS
False Chamtrelle POISONOUS
Yellowing Chantcrcllc
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4'1, in (5 12 em),
0: 1'/,2'1, in (3-6 em).
The thin cap funnel -shaped cap is often
pierced in Ihe center.lhe margin is often
curved downward, but later flattens and
becomes undulalir.g, curly, and sometimes
lobEd. The surface is (overed in brown fib
rils 00 a 'ff!lIowishbrown background. The
undl:!rside of Ihe cap
is lightly Cfeased
and brightly col
ored orange or
salmon pink.
whidl con
trasts With the
brown upper
surface. The stipe is
long and thin, up to ii '/, Ifl (12 em) long for
a diameter of less than '" in (1 em) . It is
cylindrical or often slightly co
plessed, and may haY(!
a central furrow 1\ is bright
yel low. even when old. Ve!'j
thin flesh smelling of plum,
HABITAT: deciduous or coniferous forests,
espedaUy under pines, from the lowlands 10
Ihe mountains. on acidic soil. Absent from
certain regions. but very common in othe!;.
Grows in large colonies. fall and early win
ter. ln warmer climates. such as the South of
France, it grows in wintl'f (until February),
Although the fl"h is vcry thin, the Yel-
lowing Chanlerdlc panicularly
good eating, II is ol'ttn confuftd wirh
the Tubular Chanttrel1e and both fungi
are called tht Gray Chanrerellt, but the
flavor i5 much stronger and the consis-
ttncy 1"5 rubbery. [t an also be dried
very n sily. All ChanrelcUe, Un be iden_
tified by the ribs or veins on thc under-
side of tbe cap, instead of gills.
Tubular Chanterelle
DESCRIPTION: H: H'" in (5-12 em),
13: '/.il. in (27 ern).
When young, the fungus is nail-shaped, with
a tiny cap 00 a long, narrow st ipe, The cap
expands gradually and becomes corn:ave,
eventually becoming deeply hmnelshaped.
The center 01 the cap is ohen pierced with a
small hole which leads to the hol low stipe.
The margin is imolled in the young speci
men, becoming !>inuous and urxlulating. The
upper surface of the cap is ocher through
QUilf good {O tal, rhough not strongly
Oavored, arid of a rather l'\Ibbery consis-
teney. It ill never worm-catcn and
grows in large colonics, so 11 basket is
soon filled. It can thus be prepared like 11
wgctablt. [I dril'!l vtry well, as long as it
is not waterlogged when picktd, a con-
dibon thai should Ix avoided when
picking illly m ... shroom.
gray-brown and the undetsi<!e is covered
thick, widely spaced, decurrent, forked
folds Of veins instead of gills.
are /'i!ilow, then turning gray or gray-
ishviolet. The stipe is very Ior.g in
relation to the cap. often (om-
pressed and hollow, It is golden, then
ocher and finally grayish like the folds
The Tubular Chanttrdlc i.sometimes
confuscd with othcr typu of
ChilRlucll c bUI rhis i. nOI important
Mcause all of them art edible.
Howcvu, thue is iI dangu tlll,l some
Imall varieties of Cortinariul, Ilich is
the Cinnamon Cortinatiu. (COrtiltll,;UJ
ciN''''",OlflCIlS) may grow in the midst
of a colony of Chanlcrelln and may
accidentally be picbd along with
them. The Cinnamon Cortinniu. dots
nOI have a funnelshaped cap and it
has true gill. which art nOI decurrent.
It is Ihudort vcry important 10 lorl
the harvest careful ly.
There is yellow form of thc
which i, goldenyellow
",II over a UP. with a
of no more tbn I ', in
(3 em). In thi, variety, tbe margin
unrolls vcry Ind the nuh is
thicker. The variety is commoner
undcr deciduous trtCS th n it is under
d((urrtw, (oMs, rtStlllbliwg lilt
gills 11{ "it "&drils, t'tJ/IIW l/tt .. 8'''t'
al the top. The flesh is thin, rather elastic,
with a faint odor and mild flaV()(,
HABITAT: grows in colonies.
consisting of tightly
packed speci-
mens. on moss
or pine-needle
liner In comfer-
ous forests. mainly
under ScOI5 pine aod
sp-uce, more rarely under
de<idu0IJ5 trees. It ohen hides
under heaps of k>pped
branches or beside sllCh
heaps, as ~ as near old,
rotten stumps. II normally
appears In fall and early win-
ter. but it is not uncomlTl()(l to
find il growing in midwinter. The
winter !>pe(imens usually remain
small. The fUl1<}uS persists well inlo
the cold weather and can withstand
a certain amoon\ of frost. The fun-
gus freezes but thaws out wilen
the weather turns
Scaly Gomphu5
DESCRIPTION: H:2'I.7 In (7-18 em).
0:2-6 in (5 15 em).
The fungus is cylindrical at firsl. expandIng
ill the top and funne!sllaped and hollow at
11M.> bottom. The ytliow 10 Ofangl!red mal-
gin is undulalH'Ig and lobed and covered in
scales that ale nat at the margin and erect
in the center. The (ream, yellow, Of ocher
f.[)JBILI rv
Although occuionollly nltn, rhi, fun-
gus and ils relativn should bt
,1. voided, siner they .Ie indigutiblc
and 50mclimu himr.
DESCRIPTI ON: H: l 'I,. 4 In (4 10 em),
0:',,,,'4 in (0.2- 0.'1 em),
This fungus often grows In tufts, and II may
be upright, ()'Iindrical, 01
becoming shghtly 01 wlIh aver
heal furrow, often twisted, hollow, and b!"it-
tie, WIth a pointed 01' rounded top. It is pure
while, yellowtng WIth age at lhe lip. The
HABITAT: In grclSS 01' Ofl bafe soil. Spring
through fall. Uncommon but widespread.
outer wrface is wrinkled and folded. The
stipe is thick and tapering at the bottom,
bet:oming hollow, smooth 01 fibrillose, yel-
low to orange. The flesh is whitish.
HABITAT: under mnilers or in forests
in summer. Quite common.
Ash-gray hiry Club
DESCRIPTION: H: 11.4 in (3-10 em).
The fungus look.s like a tiny buoch of antlefs
with natleoed, cuNed, bfanches.
the liPS are tapering and rounded, and of
uneven lengths. They are ash gray, s0me-
times tinged WIth lilac. '!hi! stem Is about 'I,
in (1 (m) in diameter. The soft flesh Is
bitter and odorless.
HABITAT: beneath c\e(lduous on the
ground, more rarely under coollels, often in
colonies. fall. fairly common.
Crtsled fairy Club
H 1 '1 .. 4 in (310 em).
This Fail)' Club is J
shaped like a bush or,
when the branches arl!
lighlly packed. liKe a
cauliflower. Ills usu-
ally pure while, bill
sometimes il is pale
gray_ The ups of the
llIaoches ale flattened
and dentate or lobed i.
like a coxcomb The is
willie, odcJffes.s. and mild.
HABITAT: On bare soil or
decomposing wood, along
paths. In ruts,. and under de<idu
0I.tS and COOliefOus trees. SUrnmef
10 early winlel'. Very common.
Somt pfoplt tal Ihi5
fllry Club and
10 ha,c a pluliInl navar,
but ;1 is not (Of" a1110lSttS.
Fiery Coral Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4'" in (5-12 un). 0:
" in (3-7 em).
This Coral Fungus Is thickly bfafl(hed abovf!
the and hl'ight red or scarlet, th(! tips
be<oming to yellow. The base is
wt1lle or yellowish-while. The stipe is
short or absent, 11. in (3 em) long at the
most. The flesh is thick and fibrous.
HABITAT: gOM in the fan I.IxIer 'M!Stem hem
kxk(Tsuga in NonhAmerica.
Good to t at, and harvMltd in large
qu.anliliu in !he northwCSltm United
Flacci d Coral Fungus
DESCRIPTION:: H: 1'1.-V. in (3-6 on).
YelloN ochefto 1x"0MIish ocher tv;n:hes '" to '"
in (1 10 3 mm) thick. Color does not charge
when tooched. lIrancheseryj ina.e or two paler
teeth. Stipe " lOb in (0.5 10 1 on) thid: with
....nile base. 'Mlite ftbrcus flesh, titter taste.
HABITAT: grows on the ground in lines or cil-
des. under conifers,l!Spe(ially Norway spruce,
in mountainous regions at altitude. Summer
and fall. Common.
Bcauuful Coral fungus POISONOUS
Beautiful Coral Fungus
H: 4-12 in (10-
30 em), In8
in (5-20 em).
thIS handsome
cOIal fungus has
eftct, cylindrical
branches, which may be
slraight or bent and have
ramifications at the lips.
It is an allractlVE! !oalman pm!:.
except at the tips which all! brillianllemon
yellow. As 11 glows older, the fungus
becomes ochraceoos orange all 0Yef. The
Erect Coral Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'1,-4 in (4-10 em).
This (oral fungus has V!rtlcal, densely
packed. straight arxl Yee-shap!d brandies.
In young specimef1s the color valles from the
narlOW, pointed lip which is pale yellow and
the lower part of the branches which Is red-
dish ocher Of pinkish ochef. The whole fun-
gus reddens WIth age and turns brown
when rubbed. It has no stipe; the lower part
forms a short trunl:: whidl txtends into the
whitt filaments of the mycelium tmbtddtd
in the wMtrate. The nesh is wtilte Of pale
ytllow, coriaceous. with a pleasant odor but
bitter, peppe'Y taste.
SUp! is short, MUlish then turning
pinkish. The pinkish-gray flesh is brit-
tle when cut. The flavor is fairly
HABITAT: de<:iduous fOfests, espe-
cially under beedl, also found in
mixed woods. Summer through fall,
HABITAT: on the
dead and rotten
branches of de<iduous
trees (especially beech)
or on conifers. some-
times embedded In the
found on
sawdust or wood
mer througtl fall.
Fairly common.
Kunze's Coral Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H 11.-4 In (4-10 em),
0; I I,-n in (H an)
ThiS bushy (Olal fungus has few bul dense
ramificatIOnS, endif"lg In !ohoft lorks. The
Stipe is absent 01 only I. 10 ',.111 (1 \02 (m)
long and '4 in (4 mm) wide Fragil e lIesh.
HABITAT: on lhe ground or ITIOi'I! rarely on
101\109 wood, In woodland, meadows. or at
the edge 01 fiekk. $umrrtef through lall.
Cauli flower Fungus
0:4-16 in (1040 em).
A globulose mass of densely
pa<:ked, wrinkled fronts, loolcing
like a cauliflower or a spooge,
creamy white at Ii!;!, then
ocher. The brarl(hes are flattened
and sinuous, divided and very
numerous, splitting at tips when
old. Very short thick, white stipe.
flesh smelling slightly of drma-
mon, lender but slightly {oria-
CellUS when older, lasting of
HABITAT: Almost always on 0.-
near conifer SlUmps or living
trunks. especially pine, sometimes
spruce. Oiten grows again in the
&autrNt Coral Fung\ls POISONOVS
Good 10 ut )'oung. Flavor of older
specimen, less pleasant. and Ncoming
rubbery and slightly laxative. It is often
cooked with cream and good Karoning.
II needs long and urerol washing.
same places. Fall, sometimes summer. Fairly
common in mountainous regions.
Some Sp('cimens of the CauliDower Fun-
gus can weigh up 10 22lb (10 kg)! A
vel)' bUI much rarer species, Ihe
leafy Fungus bm;/",s), is only
found nur or allht base of ook IfftS.
The art flalltr, wider and Dop.
pier. It smeUs s1ighlly of bleach and;s
$,lid 10 slightly 10xic.
Giant Fairy Cl ub
H 4 10in(1025eml.
0: '/. 2 in (B em).
This club!Jlaped fungus
can take on very diverse
appearances. Jt may be tall
or !Jlort, WIth a swollen
rounded trp, Of rather puffy
and bloated. The surface
is smooth at first, bec:om
ing deeply wnnkled or
folded. Yellow at first,
reddelling when mature
The flesh is soli in young
specimens, later becom
ing hard and fibrous. It is
while, changing 10 red when cut.
Faint odor, billet taste
HABITAT: singly 01 in
groups uncler deciduous
trees. tspeCially bee<h, on
lintstone SOil. Late SOO'fTlef
through fall. Uncommon.
Tht Truneated Fairy Club (Clal'llr;/IJd
, tllllf looks very ' ;lIIi11(, but
the top is not rounckd, but &'t, as if
Not good to ut dut 10 the biller flavor
and fibrous tuture. In lome platn,
notably eastern it is picked
young, pidded in vineg;u
and uttd as I tondiJMnt.
DESCRI PTI ON: H: ]'1.6 in (815 em),
0: '/.-l'b i1 (2-4 em),
This fungus i$ shaped li ke an upturoed cone,.
The top is swollen and the margin extl'nds over
the edge. forming a ridge. 11 is pale yellow,
turning ocher and final ly re<Xlish. Stipe indis
tinct. The lower part is ocher and slightly wrin-
kled. The flesh i$ firm, soon be<omrng spongy,
....nIle or pale ocher, witll a faint odor aocl
sweet taste.
HABITAT: forests of fir and mixed forests in
the mountains, oolimeslone soil and in cool,
humid regions. late summer and fall . fairly
Yellow Fairy Club
DESCRIPTI ON: H:l ".-2'h in (36 em),
Tall narrow, founded spi kes or clubshaped
fungus without branches, often bent Dr
wrved, and may have a vertical furrow.
Golden-yellow, paler toward the base. Flesh,
pale yellow aod Ilblou!" Odorless but wilh a
mild flavor.
HABITAT: i!>Olaled or in groups. in the grass
or moss of lawns or in woods. Fall.
Widespread but uncommon.

Meadow Wall .eap
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 '1,,3',. in (48 em),
0: 1".-3'1, In (38 em).
Cap convex at first but soon flattening and
ending Wlth an upturned margin and a
lafge central umbo. Flesh thick in the cen-
ter, thin <l I the edge. Slightly greasy to the
touch, aprKO\ or salmon pink. Thick, wide,
cream-colored gills.
wide apart, slightly
dKurrenl. Thid supe
narrowing toward tile
base and often
curvt'd, smooth and
bfif1ll', paler in color
than the cap. Flesh
thkk in the center of
r the cap. pale orange.
Pleasant odor and
mild flavor.
HABITAT: In well
drained meadows.
beside paths. espe
cially at an altitude of over 1,670 ft
(500 m), Fall . (ommon to uncommon btll

Snow-white Wax-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 '1.-3'1. 111 (48 em), odIef or reddish s.pots. WhIle gills
0: '/r 1'/, In (1 -4 em).
Cap (olllcal aod umbonate at lirst. then flat-
tening, often Wi th a central depression;
fleshy under the cent er, pure whi l e,
' 09
very wide apart and
decurrent. Stipe and
sinuous. white "',"'" wi,h
pink or red al the base.
FleVi white
HABITAT: meadcrovs
and pastures. mossy
lawns, grassy moors. and
damp, glassy woods
where it is frequently con
"arrQI Wax-cap
DESCRIPTION: H:I'/,. 2'/. in (4 7 em),
0;)/.-, '1, in (24 em).
Hemispherical or campanulate (ap becom-
fined to the edga From fall
through early wintef. Common
and widespread.
Whitt Cbtocybcs POISONOUS
iog COI'M!K or IlaUened, umbonate, with
striated margin. Very viscid, blue-green dis-
(010(109 with age 10 yellow orange; the cap
may be multkolon!d. Gills ~ i h t t y emargl!late,
yellowi!oh-green or orange. Stipe solid al
first, thef1 hollow, and with the same viS-
cosity and coloiallon as the cap. green at
first, then yellowing from the base. Yellow
green IIesh thin, odorIm and Oavorlm.
HABITAT: meadows, pastures, roadsides, in
lowlands and highlands. Summer through
late faiL Uncommon.
Thr I/JI""t'w ~ brightly colored
Will ups which grow in grutWId.
~ y of thrm appur 10 br brcoming
Ie" nu.mcrolli.
Lemon Wax-cap
DESCRIPTION; H: "J..3 n (37 em),
(l jj, .. 3 in (3-1 on).
CorM!)( cap. 1LattefW'g. retan"g a cecllrallJ:'J'lOO
"" be<oow>g s>j>""""""" ....... "",,,
striated. vised. p1en !hen w yeIow Pale
,..,. "" """" ""'" "" _ . S"'"' ""'.
_ ,..,.. hoi_ "" s>j>!Iy _ . TOO.
pale yellem IIeVi aoo oOOr\ffi, mild flavor.
obnr!StJli is mother solMn-
ye:Uow hygrophoNS, bul the "P
conical and the stipe is nOI ,;,ad,
Scarlel Wax-cap
H: 1 "._3',. In (4-8 em),
I: '1.-2 In (25 (m).
CQf1vex cap. blood-re(j at
first, theflturning pmk as it
ages. Widely-spaced gills. red
dish orange men turning yel -
lower, alw.lys yellow al the
edges, Stem hollow, slightly
often With a longi-
tudinal furrow, or<lf'lge-red but
yellow <l It he base. Flesh Ihln,
HABITAT: !1O\4l'S" and the edge of
'NOOdIaod and beside hedge!> in wmmef
Ihroujl fall. UI'I(OITlmon but widespreild
golden-yellow to
red: falll! odor
and mild flavor
whkh Is hard to
HABITAT: grows in Ifoops
on gr;ml,md and <lIthe
edge of forests. Summer
and lalL Uncommon, mom
frequently found al higher
altitudes. Widespread.
Vermillion Wax-cap
DESCRIPTI ON: H: ".-1. in (2-5 em),
0: 'h- l 'I. in (1-3 em).
Cap hemispherical at first, then corwex or
flattened, more or less dePfessed in the cell-
ler, with striated margin {overed in liny
tightly-packed scales. vermillion then lUmir.g
yellow. Gills the same color. Hollow, br ittle
stipe wlth smooth, matle, dry surface, red with
an orange-yellow \0 pale yellow base. Flesh
orange and odo!less. mild flavor.
HABITAT: lawns and heaths. on add soil,
especially in the mountain!>. Fairly (ommon
and widespread.
Stinking Wax-cap
DESCRIPTI ON: H:24 In (510 un),
0: 11.-3'1. in (3g em),
The cap is hemispherical and conical, Ihefl
flattened, wi th a smooth, viscid surface.
whi te to cream, turning yellow or brown-
This Wax-cap resembles the 1\'01)' Wax-
cap bUI is more slcndrr; the unpleasant
odor of cooked Jerusaltm artkhokes
makes it distinctive. The botanical epithet
O S S I / S ~ comes from the name of a moth
whose caterpillar has the same unpleas-
ant odor as the mU5hroom.
ish-ocher iflthe
center with age. J
Gills broad aod
<ream-<olored. Stipe narrowing at
the base, viscid. with flakes adher-
ing at the top, aeamy white. yellow
Ing with age. Thkk white fle!J1 With
unpleasant smell and mild
HABITAT: deciduous
for em, especially oak
ami mixed woods. (om-
moner in warmer dimates. on limestone
soils. Fall.
[yory Wa)( -cap
1t-4',. in
(612 em). 0:4'/,..4 in (4-10 em).
Hemisphel'ital or conical cap. bec:oming
flattened and more or !eM undulalll'lg.
WIth margm which remains imolled !Of a
long lime. Vefy viscid, pure while, then
cream-tinted. Thick. white, widely
spaced gills, slightly decurrent.
long. while, viscid slipe, thinner at the
base, often WNlng, granuiose or
floccose al !he lop. Flesh thin and
Yellow-gill ed Wax-cap
DESCRIPTION: H:il,-4 In (6 10 em),
0:1'/.2'1. in (3] em).
Cap or campaoulate at filst, then
HABITAT: often glows
in colonIeS In de<iduous
lareslS, especially beech
woods. on non-aodic
soil. Early through late
fall. Fairly (ommon.
flallemng and become slightly in
the (!Oter, wuh or without an umbo, malgln
remaining inrolled for a long time. Cap fib-
rillow. very VIKid, oIive-brcmn palll'09 to yeI-
Iowhel as il dlies. Gills S9iK1!d.
de<urrenl, white turning progressively bright
yelloworange. Stipe long and thin,
very viscid, eKcepl allhe top, while
then yeliowis/H) Flesh
thick, I'filite, yellowish-orange
under !he cutJCk!. ododes\ with
mild fIavcw
HABITAT: coniferous forests, mainly
pinewoods. on acidic wil!>. It appears late.
alter the first frosts. in late fall and early
wrntel'. Fairly common and widespread.
March Wax-cap
DESCRIPTION: HI I,:3'/. in (4-
8 em). 0:24/, in (5-12 em).
Cap thick, hemispherical at firs!
then convex or ilallened, or
slightly depressed. umbonate,
with a margin thai remains
imolled for a long time. White
when VOUng. turning grayish and
eYef1llially blackish. Gills thiel,
stJa'9ht. slightly de<Ullent. while
then graYIng. becoming wider
apafl with age. Slip!! thick and
short, lull, while then wrning gray
like the 16! of the fungus. flesh
thick and white, odorless With a
mild flaYOl'.
HABITAT: In small groups in
coniferous forests, mainly fir, pine,
and spruce, 1\ is often hidden by
moss or puW!-needle hilI!!'. On
limestone soil at mid-mountain
a!!Jlude, but also in the lowlands
in ITIOI'I! northerly rtglOl'lS- late
WInter, lin9l'flng on into spnng In some
Some ptoplc find if is nOI
lall)' and claim th,lI ils only virtue is thai
il in early winter
whrn eclible mushrooms Ire al their
regions. Fairly common \0 rare, depending
on the reglOll,
Edibk, though Ihere it some clisp"te al
to whether il is wonh eating.
Oli ve Wax-call
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 46 in (10-15 em),
0: 2-tl. in (5-8 em).
Hemispherical 01 campanulale cap, becom-
ing convex 01 flattened with an umbo, 'li!ry
viscid, olive-brown, darl:ening in Ihe cenler.
Gills decurrent and bow-shaped, waxy.
Not partiruLuty good, and the viscid
cuticle should N pt'dtd off.
white to pale gray. Stipe lall and slender
(46 in (IO IS em)), very viscid, (overed in
olivf!bwwn stripes. except at ~ lOp which
is while and dry, the two zones being sepa-
rated by a fairly distiIX\ ring. WhiTish lIesh,
thick only in Ihe center; odor and lIavor not
HABITAT: under spruce, glowing among
bilberries. blueberries, and moss, on add
soils. Common in the late summer and fall.
Modest Wax.cap
DESCRIPTI ON: H: )'/.-4'/ .. in (812 em).
0: l/.S in (8 13 em)_
Cap hemispherical then convex WIth inrolled
margin, fleshy, very viscid in damp weather,
malle and silky In dry weather, pale odIIa
ceous-orange to fawn, in the center
and oumy pink at the margin. Gills broad
Some specimen, lIave such a strongly
resinous Ibvor that they art intdiblt .
Others arc mtffly of poor edibility.
and WIdely spaced, bowshaped and only
shghtly decullent, wtllle at then of a
color Similaf to that 01 the cap. Stipe
bulbous. thicl: (up to 1 J. in (3 em)), slightly
viscid al first, the same coo as the gills and
brOWfling Slightly at the base, doned Wilh
pinkishwhite granulations <lIthe top, Flesh
while, pinkish ul'lder Ihe wIKle of Ihe cap.
wllh a resinous odOf. Flavor mlkllo slightly
CKrid or strongly resinous.
HABITAT: urder conifers. especially spt'uce
and Ilf, on noo-acK!i< soil. and even lime-
stone Commoner on high ground.
Russula Wax-cap
DESCRIPTION: H:3'/.-6 in (8-15 em).
0:3'-'-6 in (8-15 em).
Cap hemispherical then convex, neshy, can
analn 8 in (20 em) in diameter, viscid al lirst,
Branched Oyster Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: ',. -4 in (2 10 em),
0:1 '/,.4'" in (4 12 em).
funnelshaped tap, 01 unHOfm color, oeamy
wilile or beige, dail::ening with age Creamy
gilk vel)' decurrent, bonded \ogethef al the
base of the stipe to form a n e l ~ Stipe cen-
Ira! Of extentri(. CldoJ pleasant, flavor mild.
then dry, pinkish, rapidly becoming cov-
ered in dark pink spots. Gi lls tightly
packed, wide, nonde<urren1.
while Of pale pink. becoming
spotted with darker pink. Stipe
thk\:, up \0 1 in (4 em) in
diameter, the same color as thl'
cap. covered in longitudinal purple
fibers, graoulose at the lOp. flesh
pale or spoiled with dark red spots,
pleasant fruity odor, mild or Slightly bitter
HABITAT: often in groups under deciduous
trees such as oak and beh, on limestone
soil. Summer and fall. Fairly common in
more southerly regions,
HABITAT: singly 01 more often in tufts on
stumps or the dead branches of various
deciduous trees (elm, WIllow, poplar, oak,
beh, etc.), May throogh August. Fairly com-
mon in the south, rarer in the flOIth.
Eryngo Oyster Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H:l '/.-3'I. in (3-8 em).
0:2/1 '1, in em).
Cap then flattening, margin almost
always inrolled, smooth, beige 10 brown.
Gills quite widely spaced, decurrent, creamy
white or reddening. Stipe excenllic or (en
tral, usually wrved, white and velvety. flesh
white, quite firm, pleasant flavor and odor.
HABITAT: in dry. meadoY.ts on poor soli and
and fallow land. Dewlaps on the dead roots
of eryngo and sea-holly, coasts. Spring
through fall. fairly commoo along the coast
and in soolhem regions.
Oyster Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H:l'/.-4 in (l
10 em), 0:2-6 in (5-15 em).
Cap spatulate al first, extend
ing to look mo;e like a mollusk
shell, wi th a margin whkh
remains inrolled for a IOrlgllme
and a smooth surface with a
(OIOf that varies but is uniform,
ohen slate gray or gray-brown.
be<oming paler with age. The
very decurrent gills are ivory in
color. Lateral stipe, more or less
curved, generally very snort,
velvety althe base. Flesh while
with a pleasant odor and
HABI TAT: forms compact lults
01 tiered specimens on klgs or
the dead trunks of various
diduous trees, such as poplar,
wi llow, walnut, oak, and beech,
from fall through early wimer
and during the wimer in
!>OUlhefly regions. Filllly (Om-
mon and widespread.
Coocl lO a l Should b.e picked young as
il often bccomd worm-tillcn and coria
(COlIS with agc.
The oyster mushroom;s now rultivated
aU over the world. It;s grown inten
sivdy in a manner similar to that of the
Cultivated Mushroom.
Spiral lcntinus
DESCRIPTION: H:l/,4 in (410 (m).
0:1 ',.-3". in (38 em).
Thi! cap is continuous
with the stipe, giv-
ing the mush
loom the shape
edged and cream to browni!>h.
The stipe is (enual or eKceo
tric and the same color as the
cap at the top, darker at the
base, The flesh is thick and
coriaceous, whitish to beige,
with a mild aniseed odor and of a (ornel(hat is
notched on one
side, The mar-
gin is inrolled and
is fawn or reddish
bfOWf'l in color. The gills
are strongly decurrent, saw-
Striped lcntinu5
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'1,-3',. in (4-8 em),
0: " "-4 in (4 10 em),
Cap globose at firs!, be<:oming convex, and
finally depressed in the center, with a thin,
sinuous, inrolled margin that is often split;
the backgroorld color is cream, covered with
brown or black scales arranged in a fairly
regular pattern, more densely in the (emer.
Gills decurrent ar.d lightly packed. with an
irregularly emarginate edge, creamy white
then tinted orange. 5upe rnOfe or excen
llic, thinning toward the base, whitish and
brown toward the bollom, scaly like the cap.
Flesh whi tish, elastic. Odor fruity, "avor mild
at first, becoming acrid.
HABITAT: in dense, tiered
tufts on stump$ and at the
base of trunks of de<;iduous
trees. lale summer and fall .
HABITAT: often grows in tults on willow
and poplar, frequently beside water. From
spring through fall. Uncommon but
good to tat whn young, 100 (ori
3((OUS whn older.
Winter Pancllu$
DESCRIPTION: in (liO em).
Shell -shaped or spatulate fungus.
with a yellow-green or brownish cap.
velvety but very viscid in wet
weather with a margin which is
inrolled at first Gills tightly packed
and forked, pale yellow then pale
ocher. Stipe la teral, very shon, ochla-
ceous orange and cO'Iered in small
bfown scales. Whitish flesh thick, oft,
and elastic; faint odor and mild flavor.
HABITAT: in tiered clumps. on branches
and dead or living tree-trunks, especially wil
DESCRIPTION: 0: '"., '" in (1-4 em).
Semicircular cap. where attached
10 the stipe, with inrolled, striated or lur-
low and alder, in damp places. especially
beside waterways. late fall and winter. Fairly
Styptic Mushroom
rowed margin, ocher Of pale !>fawn. Felted
suriace, cracking with age. Russel gills
crowded and ohen forked. Stipe excentric or
lateral, very shoIt ('I. in (2 em) at the most)
ar.d thinning toward the base, paler than the
cap, soft and elastic, whitish or pale
yellow, aromatic odor but bitter, acrid flavor,
HABITAT: in dense, tiered clumps on dead
wood, fallen branches. and the slumps of
de(idllOUS trees. mainly oak. All year round,
but mainly in the fall. Common.
Moss Omphalia
DESCRIPTION: H '1.-2 in (l-S em).
o /.,',. in (0.7-2 em),
cap. SOOIl becormng funnel-shaped
in the center, undulating Of margin;
!oUrface stJialed to the cente!' or WIth darker
bands over the gills. White-beige, to
Thi, is one of Ihf COmmOnH! fungi in
tbf no"ht m htmisphtrt . It lives in
mon, in .ymbiotis with an alga.
pale ocher Of re11owbI'own in coo. Gills
decuutm. widely spaced and thick, but thin
ning toward the edge of the cap, oeam to
pale yellow. 511pe thin and short ('I, to 11. in
(1 10] em)), pale blown, darker at the lop.
Flesh thin and pale, and flaVOfI6s.
HASITAT: in coldel' regions. especially in the
mountains, on damp. clCidic soil, heathland
and beside bogs. Summer through fall.
Common aod widespread.
Cup-shaped Clitcx:ybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 2%-47\ in (7-12 an),
(I : 11'-27\ in (37 em).
Cap cup-shaped, with small limbo and
inrolled margin, darK brown, almost black
when wet, becoming much paler as il dries.
Gills de<:urreot and forked, with crenelated
edges. white turning pale grayish-beige ..
Very long STipe thickening toward the base,
brown ar.d striated with
paler !jmils. Base
felted with white
fibers. Flesh thin
and spongy; pleas-
ant odor and mild
grassy paths,
ground or on rotten tree
slumps. late fall. Common.
\ ""-'''. 51riilrtd
y';rh Mwilish plori/5.
_ _ inS(rr(a i'llll'tin kmg OIl'S
The PscudodilOCYbcs differ from
CliuxYMI due 10 Ihtir forlccd gills.
White Clitocybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 '/,-1 /' in (H em), 0:'/.-
1',. in (23 em),
Cap convex theJ'l flattening and slightly
depressed, pure v.t'iite, later dirty v.tlite or SIXll '
red with ochef or brO'Ml. Margin infoUed for a
Ioog time. 'Mlite gills crowded and slightly
decurrent lNhile stipe elastic, often bffil. cr/II'
!!fed in while flakes on the lW' third. Flesh
th4n and wIlile; pleasant odor and mild flavor.
HA8ITAT: lawns, grassy clearings, undef
deciduous trees or in copses. Summer through
fall. Fairly common.
HOII!), Clitocybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 24 ill (5 10 em),
0: l /d'1. In (3-8 em).
Cap (OIM!K then "anening. eventually
slightly depressed, margin imol led for a
1009 time. Silky surface with a whi le
COOlir.g liu IloarfrOSI, dispersing with
\0 reveal a pinkish 01' ocher ground.
ClOwded, slightly decurrent, white or cream
gillS. Stipe while, ohen tuNed. solid then
holIaN, wider al the ba!.e which is (overed
with a while down which holds the leaf hl-
lef around the base. Flesh blanche . slightly
floury odor, mild flavor.
HABITAT: coniferous forests from summer
through early fall. Fairly (ommon.
I'II,'IIfl,lIIilll is simibr in ever')'
rupcCl , but groW$ unoo dccidllOUI
IrttS, and hilS been c1usificd as a
spedts, [, is cIlngcrwf.
Ivory Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H:, '/.-2f in
(3-6 on), 0: '1.-2 III (2-5 on).
Cap COI1Yel, soon Oatleflif"IQ.
and evt'Il be<oming sHghtly
depressed. margin inrolled.
White, matte and silky, (eN-
eled in a cootWlg like hoof
frost, marked III places With
beige or pale brown, !>haded
with pink, Gills crowded,
slightly dKurfeflt, whitish
lhefl reddentng Stipe
Dilen slightly bent at the
base emd elastic. whitish or
beige. flesh thin and while,
slightly floury odor, mild
HABITAT: in Uoops or rings
in paStures. on lawns. beside
hedgerows. and on playing-
fields. Stirnmel' dvoogh fall.
Tht while 5pc'rirs of are very
bard (0 ttll_p.o."_ ril"lIloS1l is
more distinctive, in tbt it is 1m whitt ,
talItr, and bas no odor of Hour.
Striated Ag"ric
DESCRIPTION: H:2-l/. in (58 em),
O: , ',. 2'/, in (36 em).
Cap convex with Inrolled mal'gtn, slightly stri
aled when mature; smooth, gray-brown
v.tIen wet, discoloring \0 pale gray as it dries,
star\Ul9 in the cemer, Gills slightly decurrenl,
pale gray or brO'Ml. Stipe soIKl then hollow,
Funnel-shaped Clitocybe
DESCRIPTION: H:24 In (5-10 eml.
13:11,- 4 in (4 10 em),
Umbonate cap with illlolled margin. then
flay. WIth lorqtudinaI....n.te ~ I r i . , while 001-
tony fibers at the base. Flesh thin, gay to
brown. lainl fIcuy or rancid ~ mild ftayor,
HABITAT: o:nferous,y(\ mixed Iorem. from
mid-faH tIYOJgh ~ winter. FairlycO!M\Oll .
funnel -shaped in !he ceIlter with faintly 5111 -
aled margin, becoming more or less sinuous.
May retain slight umbo. Cream-
colored, beige or pale White.
crowded gills, very decurrent. Stipe fairly
In (4-8 em), 0:1 ',.g in
Cap convex, with an umbili-
cus in the center, sometimes
becoming funnel-shaped.
Graybrown when wet,
beige to pale brown during
dry spells. but very often
with a darker patch in the
center. Gills more or less
decurrent, yellow-gray or
pale brown. Stipe twisted
and rigid, paler, with while
fibrils. turning dalker gray a(
(he base. fleih thm and whitiih; faim odor,
mild "avOf.
thin, lull\hen hollow, whitish Of pale russet,
the base is surrounded by leaf litter felted
together With a fl uffy white mycelium. Thin,
white fiesh, faint but pleasant odor, mild
HABITAT: In troops in deciduous and conif-
erous in lowland or al altitude. Sum-
mel through fall. Very common.
Qu.iIC good 10 eal , as long as the librou,
stem is discarded.
HABITAT: deciduous or coniferous woods.
from fall through winter. Very common.
Club- footed Agaric
DESCRIPTION: H:2'ir4 in (610 em), 0:
1'1, 2',. in (47 em).
Cap convex then flattened, with a slighl
umbo, be<:omir19 funnelshaped in older
specimens. gray-brown with a darker center
and paler at the margin. Gills decurrent.
widely spaced, {[earn or palE' y(!lIow. Stipe
swollef1 al the base, twice as thid as at the
lOp, ocher \0 brown, striated. Flesh spoogy.
espe<ially at the center of the cap and base
of the Stipe. Sirong odor and mild flavor.
Aniseed Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'/,-4 in (4 10 em),
0 :1 '/ . 3'/. in (48 em),
Cap convex allirst with an lnralle<! margin,
~ m l i m s umbonate, then flattening, with
an undulating, slightly retracted margin.
Mane blue-green in young spe<imens. turn-
ing grayish-green or gray-brown in others.
Gills very slightly decurrent, dirty wtllte, then
gray green. Stipe whitish, fibri llose, then tak-
iog on ttw cob of the cap, and with a white
down around the base. Flesh white and solt,
SHang aniseed odor and flavor.
HABITAT: coniferous forests, on acid soil, in
the plains or mountains. late summer and
fall. Very com moo.
HABITAT: in deciduous forests (mostly
beech and birch) or under conifers (mainly
spruce) from plains to mountains. Summer
through fall . Fairly common.
Clouded Agari c
in (7-1 5 cm), 3:3',.8 in (8
20 em).
Cap convex then flattened may
become depressed. with or with-
out a small umbo and a margin
which remains inrolled for a long
time. Surface gray or gray-brown.
dark at first. paler. (ov
ered in a sort of cottony veil.
Gills crowded. slightly
decurrent, whi te to pale yel
low. Stipe thick. soon
becoming hollow with age. gray-
ishwhite. covered in gray fibrils, base
swollen. but hidden in leaf littef. White
Monk's Head Agaric
DESCRIPTION: H:4-IO in (10 ...
2S em), 3:2'1 ... 8 in (6-20 cm).
Cap more Of less nat and umbonate, then
becoming funnelshaped while retaining the
central umbo. pinkishbeige Of fieshcoIOfed.
Gills very decurrent cream or beige. Stipe
thick and smooth, thickening from top to
Good 10 UI when young; the flem is too
fib""" and , haWd be disarded.
mycelium accumulates leaf
littef around the stipe. flesh
white and soft, strong but In
definable odor. flavor mild or slightly
HABITAT: often grows in rings in decidu
ous or coniferous forests. sometimes in
parks. In fall and often late into the win-
ter. Very common and widespread.
A1rhough considtrHI the species
should be rtj'd as it tJlI ause: smOld
digestive problems.
bouom, same COIOf
as the cap. Flesh white, thick in
center, thin at the edge of the
cap: strong odor of bil1er almonds.
mild flavor.
HABITAT: in circles Of rows in well
lit deciduous woods, clearil'l9s,
wooded pastur(>$, in hilly Of moun-
tair.ous country. on nonaddk Of lime-
stone soil. Fall. Fairly common.
Inside Out Agaric
DESCRIPTION: H:24 in (5 10 em), 0:1 'lr
4 in (4 \0 em).
Cap rapidly becoming funnel-shaped, bul
wi th a thin, HghUy inrolled margin. orange
or reddi!.h, often sprinkled with
brown patches as it ages. Gi!ls very crowded
and decurrent. cream then orange. Shorl
Sn-tnI species once IYd the bot.aniaI
rwne Ltpisbt irn-, .uch as lM )YDow
u/isM pn'/l and the dalttr ttd
f/ata.u. wbidJ grows undn- duiduous
ttm or in mimi woods.
stipe 2 in (S em) maxi -
mum), the same color as the
cap, with a white downy base
surrounded by leaf liner.
HABITAT: in dense
dumps in (oniferous
wood in lowland and
highland. Sommer through
lale lall. Very frequent and
Cloudy Tricholoma
DESCRIPTI ON: H:l 'I .. 2'I. in (4-7 em), 0:
1 '/.-4 in (3-10 em).
Cap thick, convex, with a slight central
depressioo. soon flanening and long retain-
ing lhe inrolled margin; gray-beige, with
small round, darker oily or waxy scal1ered
at random Ot' in rings around the edge.
Gills white then grayishpink. Stipe shOt' t,
Good 10 Cil, wilh a spicy IhVOf whcn
cookrd, bul oftcn wonnCilcn.
2 in (5 cm)
maximum, dirty
white. Flesh thick.
whitish, smelling
stlongly of flour,
flavOt' mild bot not
particularly pleasant.
HABITAT: In small groups in mountain pas'
tures. Fall. Fairly common.
Wood Slewi t
DESCRIPTION: H:2'b-4'h in (6-12 em), 0:}-6
Cap thick and smooth, becoming depiessed
in Ihe center, margin imolled for a long lime,
blue-violet allil51, but may lose all trace of
violet color with age, Gills crowded,
amethyst cob', darker than Ihe cap. Stipe
thick \0 4 in x '.4 10 I'A in (410 10 em x
1.5 to 3 em)), wider at the base, the same
color as the gills. covered in fibrils.
Flesh thick, friable, slightly fibrous in the
stipe. paJe liJac; strong, fruity odor, smellmg
slightly of aniseed and mild fi aVOf.
HABITAT: in groups or drcles in deddu-
ous woods (beech, chestnut, oak) or
among conifers. from lale rail to early
winter, but appearing earlier a1 altitude.
Very common, but requiring low tempera-
lures. The species grows alrrlO$\ throughout
pes' - hi!
the year, especially in spring
and from lale
Vfry good 10 n l, bul rt quir birIy pro-
longt'd cooking at tht Ba h is lovgh. Tht
Wood 81rwil can 1K: d.
Lesser Blue-Foot
DESCRIPTION: H:l "r 2'h In (46 em), 0:
1 /. l '/. in (J.7 em),
Cap sI.gllt/y dep!'essed in the Ctfltef, With
II !>ITIa1l umbo, tllln, slightly inrolled
margin, dark bluish violet, darken-
ing Wlttl age Pale lilac gills. Stipe
no more than in (1 em) in diam-
eter, the same (alar as the cap.
smoky places. conilet
plarll<llians, gar-
dens, avenues.
lale summet' and
fall. Uncommon.
Bl cwil
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4'h in (512 an), 0;3/.-6
in (81Scm).
cap, bKOO'ling convex, then
ftanened, coffee or betge color, smooth, matte
su1i1Cl'. Stipe short .nI tf*:k. !tom '.10 10 1 /. If)
(2 10 3 em) in diamet swollen at tht base.
fillliliose. blue-violet. contrasting With the
darker rob 01 the gills and cap. Flesh thick.
white, or p!fIkiVl-be!ge; fainl bul pleasant
1Xbr, mild fiaVOf.
HABITAT: in circles in meadows and parks, on
rlf!leS10111! soil. from liite fall to early vMle!'.
Fairly common II pIa(es.
Honey Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H:2'1.-8 in (720 em),
0 : 1 ',.-4 in (l-IQ (m).
The cap is hemispherical and scaly at
be<oming flattened and wavy with
scales that ale widely separated or
absent. The color is wry variable, honey-
(olor or yellow-brown. The gills are white,
slightly decurrent, with reddish spots. The
stipe is long and smooth, except al
Ihe whitish, striated tOp. It tlas a
(ottOrlywhile ring. Strong. unpleasant

HABITAT: forms large lUtts on stumps or
fallen branches of deciduous trees. espe-
cially beech. Sometimes parasitizes living
!lees. Fall. Very commoll.
The Honey flmgus is a pMa
sile which attacb living or
trees, causiDg hem-rot . It pfOlNIptn by
means of .unified blIck liWnmu which
I1In bc-ne.1Ith the IwIo: of the InInU or
branches. Thnc libmenu, which
merely bIInehcs of mycr6um, look 6kt
thin roots and for this they are
caUed rhizomorphs or psruclorrhiu.
The Honey Fungus is nOI nt ensMily
tdiblt , older or unckrtooked
spmmtnl Iuovt produced poisonings.
for the ublt should be vcry
)'OWl8 the fibrous Itml mUSI be di,-
urdtd. Onpilt these prU41iution5, fOtm
peopk CoIMO! digcst the Honey Fungul
which is wickly rilCn in Wltm Europ:,
IWy, and SjNin.
Darkening Armillaria
DESCRIPTI ON; H:2'I.-6 in (7-15 em), 13:
, ',,.4 in (4-10 em).
Cap cooical or convex. then iI.lneoed and
lKIdulating. The surface is ooYefed with dark
brown scales. crowded in the Cl'I1tl'l,on a
or reddish-brown background. Margin Striated,
paler than the rest of the cap. ard with more
widely spaced scales. GiIs ....nil! or cream,
bewniog spotled WlIh paldlK
bnttIe. solid, beooming hoIow, ocher bot toward the base. SlrIated aIxwe the
v.tUte ring edged.,..;m flakes.
HABITAT: in tufts on tree-stumps 01 the roots
of SjWCe or fro Summer and fal l. Common.
Bulbous-stemmed Armillaria
DESCRIPTI ON: H:2'J.6 III (7-15 an), 13:3'1.
ConV(!x cap dry and smooth, whitish or pale
gray. Gills decurrent, whitish or pale
brown. Thick stipe (1 \0 2 in (2.5 to 5 em)),
deeply buried in the soil, while to yellowish-
brown Wl lh a characlerisuc IbJble ring, the
ont membranous, the
upper one dOWlly. Flesh com
pact, thick and white.
HABITAT: isolated 01 in
groups under (omlers. espe-
dally fils, in North Amellca.
late summer and lal l.
Ouilr lood 10 lOll. A Jim&or species
which it a1so t diblt is found in EIlfOpt',
tht Impnial AnniIbN. (CtdllllKhmfNI
i_ptn.lis. II is WJtT with iI dMktr up.
Amet hyst Deceiver
DESCRIPTION: H:H'/, in (5 12 em). 0:',._
21, in (26 em).
Cap convex then thin WIth an
inrolled margin, then undulatlllg
and sometimes slightly
crenelated. often umbilICate
in tile centef. Amethyst.
turning 10 pale lilac,
almost whi te or ochla-
ceoos whef1 dry;
Ille surface is maUe.
granuw, or (OV-
ered WIth fine
scales toward the
centl'f. The wide,deep vio
let gills are thick and widely
spaced, Inlefspersed
Wl lh shofter gills.
They all! spl'in-
kled WIth white
"""" -
SI' J (JAt 1'1 All rRl'S
The deep amethyst violet color in young
specimens !lab it easy 10 rOpliu the
Amethyst DenNer growing on moss or
1uili", . The up is pod 10 ut but the
6broullinn Ihould be disankd. AI ont
rime the Amnbyst I)c,(rivtt _ rntrtly
cont.ickrtd to be I YWI)' of the
Dtcrivtr (iAwI,u '-'(011"')" dOKIy
rtlmd .penes.
mature. The Slipe is long, thin, sinUOllS and
fibrous. !he same color as the cap, often
COOSISling of whitish fibrils and With lilac
felling at the base. The thin, viOlet flesh is
elastic in !he stipe, and has a mild odor
and flavor which are not characteristIC.
HABITAT: coni ferous or deciduous
fOlests, on acid or limestooe soli, mainly
in hilly or mountainous regions. from late
!.Umtnef thfough lall. Very common.
10 em), 13: '1.- 1'1, in (24 em) ,
Cap domed then convex and
depressed In 1M cenlel'. The edge
remains culVed downward fOf a
long ume. Coo is russel, pinkl!oh.
OIangt'. Of brownish-orange, paling
whef1 dry or with aging. Surface
mattf, smooth, or slightly grainy.
Gills wide, pinkish-brown. Stipe
thin and elastic, reddish-brown
with white fibflls. Flesh
whitish to brownish,
depending on the
degree of humid-
ity. Odor faint and
flavor mild.
HABITAT: decid-
uous or conifer
ous forests and
copses. Lale summer
through lalL Common
and widespfead .
El egant Tricholoma
DESCRIPTION: H:l3',. in (58 em).
0:2-6 in (5-15 em).
Bright yeHO'N or yellowher <ap Wlth fine
gray-brown scales or fibrils. denser in the
center. conical at first then (()IIYeX or flattened.
The margin remaiflS inroUed for a klng lime.
Gills bright yellow with while l'dges. Stipe
long and thin, often I'Xce!ltrk or CUrvM, fibril-
lose, the same color as the cap or paler. Flesh
bright yellow, no panicular 000r Of flavor.
HABITAT: singly ex f1 tufts, Ql conifell:os
cr tree tnris mairIy n the root.fI-
tans.l..:ue soowner !hn:lugllate laI.l/ncOrmlon.
Pl ums and Custard
DESCRI PTI ON: H:2'h-4'/, in (6-
12 em), 0:24'h in (512 em),
Cap conical or domed, then
flattened, velvety aod covered
with fine. brick-red or purplish
scales ()f1 a yellow background, hence the
name. Gills crowded and egg yellow; stipe
thrlening at the base, sometimes cuiWd, yeI.
Dtspitt irs name this fungvs is no! ronsid
em! edibk in watrm Europe, though il is
uttn in muin pam of tilSttm
1. !.IrIIIIt.l and T. fIRm_it! an: snWler fungi
with rtddisb-brown 5C3Ies.
km ""
""" ..
with red
scales less
dense than
those on the cap. Pale
yellow flesh, !.lightly bitter, or mild.
HABITAT: in tufts on the rotten stumps of
(pine trees) or on tile Hunks. From
late summer through fall . Fairly common and
Dove-li ke Tri choJoma
H:3'1.-S in (813 em), 0:2-4 in (5-10 em).
Cap convex or cOllical at first, soon
flattening, then becoming
more or less undulating,
sometimes with a cen-
tlal swelling. Ohen
indined, and pure
wllile in color,
sometimes spoiled With tiny, red-
dish-pink or blue-green mark!.. The
center may be pale ocher, The silky
and surface is covered in line
radial fibrils and is slightly viscid when
weI, ohen becoming covered in traces of
soi\' Gills oowded and wIlile, toothed al the
edges, Slipe sturdy, slightly spindle-shaped.
full and firm, fibrillose. flesh firm and white,
with an odor and laste of flour.

'. 4-, '
woods, mainly under
oaks. sometimes under
conifers, on I'IOn-acidic
or sandy soil. Summer
through fall. Fairly
common in places.

Dwroymg Angel
Spnng Amanita Df.ADIY
While Dealh Cap Dt.AllIY
White Trichaloma
DESCRIPTI ON: H:2'I,- 4 in (6-10 em),
2'l, in (4-6 (m).
Cap domed Of conkal, then nanened, mane
chalky white. wide and GIn be seen in V('f-
tkal sedion 10 be of unequal width, wtllte
then pale ocher. Stipe white, elongated and
solid, slightly swollen at the base. Of
tapefing. Flesh thin and white, with a faintly
acrid odor and flavor.
HABITAT: under de<:iduous trees, espe<ially
birch, in acid soil. lale summer through fall.
The Off.white Tricholorna (frilbl1loma
/1Stu,/oolbr",,) can mUSUft up to 6 in
(15 ern) in dMeler. The margin is
fluted. It is complclfly whitf, browning
slightly 10 the touch and emiu a sirong
and disagreeable odor. The navor is vcry
acrid. It grows among oaks and hom-
bum. TricblIJIfIIlIIlS(jnlll' has a beige or
ocher cap and smdls pltas.a.ndy of
Fawn T richoJoma
DESCRI PTION: in (8-13 em), 0:2-
4 in (5-10 em),
Cap conical or convex then flattened,
umbona!e or slightly depressed, with an
inrolled, striated or flul ed margin. Smooth,
viscid in the young state or when wet red-
dish-brown with a paler margin and yellow
tints. Gills bfighl yellow becoming tinged
which tends
to i ppcar uno:kr conifers, nor luve
i RUled margin and the gill, ate ..... hitish
spLuhtd wilh 1'\151.
wilh dirty rust with age. Stipe of the same
color as the cap, 01 yellower. Flesh whi te in
the cap bUI cilaracteli51icaHy yellow in the
stipe, smelling of flour and wi th a slightly
biner 1aSle,
HABITAT: In small groups of deciduous
or mixed woods, especially under birch, on
very damp, acidic soil. On lowland and
highland. late summer through fall. Very
common and widespread.
Bitter Tricholoma
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4 in (510 em), 0:1" ,
3'1. in (48 em).
The Tawny Tricholoma (TrirhQloma
us,,,lo;Jt.s) the Burnt Tri
cha lama, bUl lhr cap is brighter russrl ,
and the twocolored stipe has two clear
areas or color, while II the lOp and
RISse! btlow. II exudes a strongly
fl oury odor.
Cap hemispherical or conical then or
flattened, with an inroUed, sinuous margin,
reddish-brown then paler at the margin.
Gills white then spotted with red. Stipe
white and larger at the base which turns
brown with age. Pale colored flesh, darker at
the base of the stipe; faintly floury odor and
!.lightly bitter taste.
HABITAT: decidllOus woods (bee<:h) on
damp, flOn-addic soil. From late summer
through fall. Fairly common.
Brindle Trkholoma
DESCRIPTION: H:2'1,..4 in (610 em), 0:
l 'I.--l/. in (4-8 em).
Cap domed 10 coni<al, then flattening to
slightJy umbooate, (overed with reddish-
brown, woolly Of filxillose, dense, crowded
scall'S, thinning oul at the edge:againsl a
pale ocher background; Margin woolly and
slightly mrolle<!. Gills wide, toothed. cream
then splashed with pink. Stipe hollow, laller
than the diameter of the cap, swollen at the
base whkh (an anain ',. in (2 em) in diam-
eter, and the same color as the cap. flesh
(hill and whitish, except at the base of the
stipe where It is red<!ishbrown and under
the cuticle w h n ~ it is pinkish. Rather
unplea$ilnt floury smell, biuer flavor.
HABITAT: under conifers, rarely under
deciduous trees, mainly in the mountains.
Fall. Common.
Pretenti ous Tricholoma
2'1,4'1: in (6-12 em),
0:24'/, in (5-11 em).
Cap (onical or
umbonate, then nat-
telling. mouse-gray or
slall'-(olored, shiny
and very fibrill ose,
with typical yellow
I'lighlights, sometimes
wilh violet Gills
wide, white, or slightly
yellowing. Stipe white,
tinted lemon yellow in
places. Flesh white,
sometimes yellowing
00 the surface. Floury
odor and fl avor.
erous forests.
pine, In
the low-
lands af'ld
but most frequent al
al !lludes of 1,670 10
3,330 II (500 \0
1,000 m), more rarely
under de<iduous trees;
prefers sandy !iOil. Appears late.
from mid-fall 10 early winter, and
does nOI fear frost. Uneven distribution,
very common in places.
In the in which this mushroom
is abundant, it is sold 10 taoncrirs.
There arc a number of varittiu of tht
sptciu, one of which grows under
deciduous trtC! and is larger.
Tiger Tri choloma
DESCRIPTION: H:2-6 in ~ - 1 ~ em),
0:2',(nin (618 ern).
Cap domed then eonvel(. with a thick, ~
margin, covered in fine gray scales arranged in
tigef-stripe pattefn, against a pale gray bad
ground. Dinywtlite gills oowded and slnuate.
Stipe can be as large as 1 ~ in (4 em) in diam
eter at the ~ wtIite or reddening. Flesh
thick with floury odor and mild navar.
Poisonous, causing severe gll5lro-
t ntcritis.
Dirty Tricholom8 EDIBLE
HABITAT: in groups in fir or beech woods, in
the mountains on limestone soil. SUmmer
through fall. Common in places.
, ..
Saddl e-shaped Tricholoma
H: in
(7-10 em), 0:24 in
(S10 em),
Hemispherical Of
conical cap, margin
inrolled al first
then flanening,
with or withe'J\ an
umbo. Surface vis-
cid when
dening in the
center, covered in
scales scattered
with red or brown-
ish ocher. Gills bright yellow. crowded,
paler al lhe upper part Stipe solid, and
bright yellow. firm, bright yellow,
with mild floury odor and f1avOl.
HABITAT: in groups in lowland or moun-
lain deciduoos woods. Fall through early
winter in southern regions. Fairly common.
Sulfur Tndloloma
Death Cap DEADLY
A species iI found in pine forests on
sandy soil (upcdally along the SOUlh -
Wl'!Ilcm Atlantic tour of Europe) whith
some mycologist differentiate from Tri-
(!wIomll E'1l1l.lrt. 11 i5 aII(d thc Golden
(Tri(holom" "lIfll'lI m). ]t is
largeT, the up !,ting up 10 6 in (15 em)
in diamtttr and the stipe up 10 ] II in
(3 em) widc, with a cap that is more
golden or nddish. The stipe is paler )'cl-
low and the nuh whitish.
Sulrur Tricholoma
4'/, in (6-12 em),
13: 1/.4 in (310 em),
Cap (onical 01 hemispherical, then
depressed, sulfur yellow, sometimes slladed
with Mset, with a depressed or slightly
umbonate (enter. Sulfur yellow gills thick
and widely spaced. Stipe thicker al the base,
Dirty Tricholoma
DESCRI PTI ON: H:l ,.4 in ()IO em),
0:1 'lrJl.ln (48 em).
Cap (ooical at first then more or Jess ilanened
with radial striations, fTlOlM-gray or gray-
brO'Ml, often umbonate. Gilfs ve!Y wide, wnite,
turning gray. Stipe short and thid. fibrous.
or thmning al the
baSl', solid then hollow, white or dirty white,
flesh firm and thin, whitish, almost odorless,
with a pleasant odor becoming biner with age.
HABITAT: grows in large groups in coniferous
woods (pine and SJ)'UCe), on limestone soil. Fall
and even early winler in the south. Common in
""'" ",,"
striated with
reddish fibfHs
00 a sulfur yel-
low ground,
bul ....nite al
the base. FIe!.h
thin, also
yellow. wim a strOl'lg gaseous or 000r
and unpleasant fIava.
HA8ITAT; de<idllOUS or coniferoos woods. On
fairly acidk soil.frOOl sea IeveIIQ mountains.
Fall . Very commoo and widespread.
TIger T ncholoma POISONOUS

Acri d Tricholoma
DESCRIPTI ON: H:il.-4 in (7- 10 em), 0:
1'/,.3'/. in (48 em).
The: vtry simili\r Cray Tricholoma (fri-
rh%mt! sciojdts), groW$ undcr deciduous
trees. [I is distinguished mainly by its
gills of which the edges arc spotted
with black. Thr is thinner al the
base, and all of the mushroom can
b.ecomc tiRled pink.
Cap conicallhen flattening and umbonate,
or cinder-gray. with more or less
visible grayish or black radiating fibrils or
marKs, sometimes slightly scaly. Gills pale
gray With crenelated edges. Stipe slightly
bulbous at the base, whitish and fibrillose.
white or pale gray with a faint odOf of
radish or of earth and an auid or peppery
HABITAT: under conifers or in mixed
woods. Fall. Fairly common and widespread.
Burning Tricholoma
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4 in (5-10 em),
0:,'113',. in (48 em),
Cap conical or convex then umbonate, cov-
ered in radial fibrils, bright sulfur Of lemon
yellow, reddish-bfOwn in the center, with an
almost white margin. Pale yellow gills with
eroded edges. Stipe thickened at the base,
bright yellow with reddish-brown I,bfjls.
sometimes sp1ashed with dirty pink at Ihe
base. Flesh Ihin and pale, thickening under
Ihe umbo. Famt odor, biuer then acrid flavor
.. TRICHOLOJUA EQUESTRE HABITAT: coniferous forests, especially
Saddle T n(holoma EDI8LE spruce. in mountains or (ooler zooes of
Ihe nonhero hemisphere. Uncommon.
5<:aly Tricholoma
DESCRIPTION: H:2',,-4 in (610 em), 0:
, '1.-3'1. in (3-8 em).
Cap ari:aI ex then flanened, often with
a rentIallJl'lbo. coYeIed in c\af'K scales on a
paIef Gills wkIe ard white with
or SjXItIed tkd: edges. Stfle soIK:l (I hol-
low, fiOO:lu5, pale 'Pi or with black scaies, and
me<! fl white lll')Iium at !he base. Flesh
'l>'hjtish. mIkI flavor and spicy or peppel)' odor.

HABI TAT: de<iduous Of conifelOUs woods, .
on limestone soil, in the moun-
tains. Fairly common.
Soap-scented Trichol oma
DESCRIPTI ON: H:]".-6 in (815 em), 0:
2'1,-5 in (6-13 em).
Cap then lIanened, fleshy, very
variable, from gray through gray-green,
whitish, brown, and yellowish, some-
times covered in thin scales. Gills
widely spaced and brad, white
to yellow, sometimes spotted
with red. Whitish 10 dark
gray stipe, sometimes scaly
and often shaded pink at the
base. Flesh firm and white, reddening at
the base of the stipe; slIong odor of soap.
HABITAT: solitary or in colonies in decid-
uous or coniferous woods, in lowland and
highland. Summef through fall. (ommon
and widespread.
Vtl)' variable mushroom taking on vari
0 115 forms, which differ ITom nch other
mlinIy in the color of the sript or cap
and the pr&enn or abstnce of scales.
AU vmcticii a $uongly soapy odor.
Tiger T ntholomi! POISONOUS
DESCRIPTION: H:I 'f, 2 In (4-5 em),
0:2 4 in (SIO em),
Cap convex at first then slightly umbonate
or Hat. sorneumes inegular, eveo capabie of
l)e(omlng depressed. WIth a soon,
inrolled margin SUrfCKe smooth, mouse
gray to grayrs/lbrown, darker in the center,
paling with age as as in dry weather
Warty.foolcd Mclnnolcuca
Gills crowded, wide. Sinuate hut deo.JJlent
along a narrow Strip, pale then grayish.
Stipe shorter than the diameter of the cap,
often With a thick btrlb at the bast'. of the
same color as the cap btrt slriated with
fibrils. flesh thin, fibrous In the stipe, pale
btrt darkening toward the bast'; no
odor, mild or slightly biller flavor
HABITAT: forests, IawM. parks.
SUmmer and fall. Fairly common.
- - '
- : - -- -- , ":' '
Cap flattened,
depressed, ueam or pale
'PI wl1h a dall:er
cef\\ef. GIs light, some-
trnes slitjltiy sIoprng Of
deo.rI'ent, v.t.iush,
thd:erung toward the
base. whte. but OOIted
With black Of brown
flakes, excepl al the top.
Flesh v.tule, odor
and mild flavor.
',I ... ,
DESCRIPTION: H:2'!.-4 'I, in (7 12 em),
024 in (S 10 em).
HABITAT: lawns, mead
ows, and on bare gOllld, on tn::Ier decid
uous trees or on bu'ied wood. Uocommon,
Distincti\le Melanolcuca
DESCRIPTI ON: H:3 ',.-6 in (815 un),
0:24 in (510 em),
Cap Ihen fla ttening, wilh a
large umbo, yeliow-brOWfl, fawn ocher or
copper color, Gills crowded, pale oeam or
pinkish (f@am. Stipe thickened or slightly
bul00u5 al Ihe base, than the cap.
Flesh whitish; no particular odor or flaVOf, or
smelli"9 and tasting of floor.
HABITAT: wooded meadow$, edges of
forests. Spring through fall. Fairly (ommon in
the mountains, rarer in the plains.
Black-and-white Mclanolcuca
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4 in (510 em),
0:24 in (510 em).
Cap CQ"I'IeX al firsl thef1 fianemrog and bec0m-
ing slightly depressed in the center, with a cen
tral umoo; gtay-brown v.t.eo damp, pale ochef
in dry wea\hef, Vefy crowded white gills. con
trasting IYith dark color of tOe cap. Stipe
gay-broNn, with darker longitudinal striations.
FieYl while inside the cap. datkelloward the
base of the stipe. No special cdor a flavor.
Despite its (ommon name, this speOl.'S is
not particularly easy 10 discinguish from
similar spedes of MdurrlI/tIKIl.
HABITAT: grassy woods,
grass Yefgl'S. Lale summer through fall. Fairly
Tufted Lyophyllum
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4 'II in ~ - 1 2 em),
0:1 ".3'/. in (48 em),
Cap SI rorrvex for a long time. then Rauen-
iog. maue or silky ....tute surface, Tightly paded,
white gills. [lining cream or pale yellow. S ~
thinoef al the ~ , the same color as !hi:' cap.
Flesh wh!te. smelling slighttt 1My, mild fIa\oof.
HABITAT: !1OWS II tufts. sometImeS illafge
!1Ol4lS on IaYm5, II weIHit, rp<1 woods iWId
road!.des. late SlIMlef and fall. Fairly com-
mon in uplands.
Gray,cllpped l.yophylJum
H:2-6 in
(S15 em). 0:].6
in (5- 1 5 em).
Cap (OIlV1!X !1Ien
expandiAg, may be
umbooate, UndUlating, smooth and shiny,
gray or graybrown,lhefl palel 0fI the margin.
striated with whitish fibfils. Gills crowded,
dirty while. Stipe Is cylindiical, thickening or
felracted at the base. The Il!sh is MIiC.
white, thick in the tef1tl.'l', without a typiCal
IIavof or odcw.
HABITAT: grows in tufts in de<iduous
woods, mamly confined to clearmgs.
grass wrges, aVef1ues, and parks. Fall.
Common in places and widespread.
SI George" Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H:2-4 in (5-10 em),
0:1 'Ir 4'/, In (4-12 em),
Cap remaining hemispherical lor a long
lime, with an imolled margin, becomir.g
irregular and lumpy. very fleshy, with a SUI-
face as smooth and velvety as chamois
lealhef, Clearny while, sometimes tinted with
rust. Vtfy crowded, emalginale. very
narrow gills. Stipe thkl:., 'b to
I'/. in (I 10] em) in diame-
ter. lull, the same (ob as
rOll Nll AI ( O NI US ION
Uvid EmoJoma POlSONOUS
Rcd-mrnu'l& lnocybc POISONOUS
I nd sood-Some people (OMider
it to be the IH:st edible mushroom, but
for othen the Jtrong flolIl')' Ibvor i5 nO!

the cap. Flesh while and firm, very !hide
at the center 01 the cap; very strong
odof and f\avo! of flour.
HABITAT: 9fows in
groups or aIdes in
meadows and grassy
hedgerows. especially
under hawthom and
blackthom, and in
parks. Favoo non-acidic
and limestone soil.
Spfing, especially April
and May. someumes
thtoogh to early !.Um-
mel'. Uncommon in
some places. frequent
in others, especially on
high ground.
M'''1t gills
J' lcsh-colorcd Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: l '/..-2'/, in (3-6 em), 0:'1._
1 'I, in (24 em).
Cap nol very fleshy, convex then flattened,
with an imolled margin, f\ more Of
less brown in the center. Gills white, not
aowded. Stipe the same colOI' as the cap.
Flesh white, faint odor aod mild naYOl'.
HABITAT: in small groups in meadows. 00
lawns. in parks, and beside forest paths. fall.
Sl8r. bclI ring Nyctali s
DESCRIPTION: H: '/, I'/. in (1 -3 em),
O:'lr 1 'I. in (1-] cm).
6Iobo!.e. white cap 1umlO9 chamois
color due to the acrumuiallOll of a
thICk layer of
spotl'5. whICh
are deposited 00 the cap when the fungus
matufei. Gills white. ,educed 10 widely
!opaC.ed thick folds. !oOI'Ilel imes absent. Stipe
shcwt and wiHf. white. Flesh thid:. and
whitish. rancid odor.
HABITAT: often in groups or
tufts growing on Blad:efling
Russula (Russula nKJn-
cans) and IllOfI! rarely
on othef RuS!>ulas,
which it causes to
t Summer and
I, especially after
heavy rain. Fairly
Parasitic Nyctalis
DESCRIPTION: 0:'11-1 '/. in (1 -3 em).
Cap hemispherical or conkallhen flattened
and umbonate; surface silky, smooth or stri
ated, dirty while, turning g.ay. Gills thld and
widely spaced, pale gray. Stipe thin and
white, about 'I. to I'/, in (2 to 4 em) long.
flesh thin, whitish; strong, rather unpleasant
ocb. mild flavor.
HABITAT: parasitiZes certain rowng speci-
mens 01 Russula. sIKh as the Slackening
Russula, sometimes found on Milk Caps.
Fall . Uncommon.
J'orce!ain Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H:l 't.4 in (3-10 on). 0:
, ',.-] '{. in (J-B em),
Cap hemispherical then convex, brilliant
whill' or slighlly russel with age. especially
in the center, (overed with a \hkk mucus.
Gills widely spaced, wide, and white. Stipe
!hid or bulbous taward the base, stllilled
above the ring, smooth and viscid below.
The W{!II-developed ring is si tuated quite
high on the Stipe Flesh thin and white, with
a pleasant odor and IlaYCll'.
HABITAT; in groups or dumps on recent
wour.ds in the tlllnks and branches of beech
trees. from lale Stlmmer through late fall.
Very common.

Rooting Shank
DESCRIPTION: H:48 in (10-20 an), 0:1'b-
4 in (4-10 em).
Cap convex but soon Ildtlenll19. with a cen-
tral umbo; Viscid, smooth then very 'Min-
1:100, ocher, russet, 01 hazelnut. Gills wide
and wnll!!. StJpI! while al the top, the same
color as the cap toward the bottom, not viS-
cid, but coriaceoos and very long, often
IWisted. thickening at the base aod
extended downward by a rhi-
lomorph run'
ning deep into tile soil.
Flesh soft, thin, and while;
faint odor, mild or slightly
biller flavor.
HABITAT: on Uet! UOOU and
stumps of de<idoous trees. especially
beech. thlOugh fall. Common and
Saffron Parasol
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 '1, -Z'1. In (3-7 em). 0: '{.
1 'I, in (24 em),
Cap coricaI then tlanl!lW'lg and 1.IT1bonate. .,eI-
km-orange ttvoucjllawn, garUose a poN-
defy, 'MilkIed in the Ce!ltel, with a ffirqed. vel
W'ty margn Gil!. otJMIed and oMVte then
pale yellow. Stipe hollow,
smooth al the top. else-
where (CM!red in
!ions or red tlakes, up 10
, t.. . ...... -.-H,
. --- ''':,-
. 'r
... "
the scaly ring v.t1idl is
often poI)tj defined. Flesh
thin, or3rlQeyellow; un
pleasant ocb. mild
. -' .. / ..... i
..,. "JiI' t"...
,.. ... -.,1-
r! '/I}'
'" "., ' . (",' . .
" t - - .
.' .:". ......... : : '. ,. ." '" . ' /. . t., 'J
r ,

HABITAT: on the gOllld
in deOOJous 01 memus
woods. on rathe! aci!ic
soil. late summer and
fall. Common .
Velvet Shank
Quile good to til, bUI the lIe$h is gelati.
nous Of Tht fibroUl .ript
should disankd, .. dlould the dimy
DESCRIPTION: H:rh4 in (410 em),
0:1'1 ... 4 in (3- 10 em).
Cap convex then flauened and be<oming
undulating, orange 10 reddish. often red-
dish-orange on the margin and reddish
10 reddish-brown in the center,
smooth, mdd when Gills white
aoo wide, then pale orange-yellow,
dotted wilh rust as the fungus ages.
Stlpr often curved. soon becoming
hollow, coriaceous, yellow .11 first
then IUrning brown 01 black from the
bottom, and covered in the dlaracter-
istic: thick, coal.
Flesh soft and while,
pleasant odor and
mild flavor,
HABITAT: growing in (lumps. occa-
sionally alone, on tree Slumps. dead wood,
wounds in living llees. or on the roots of
deciduous trees. as well as on broom. late
fall and winter, frosHMtant. Common.
10 Japa.o, the Vdnt Shank is cuJtiVltrd
on ""\r. The JlIp;tnC1lC prodllCC
KVtl'lll tent of thOUJallds of tOilS of it a
yur. The mushroom is nOI popuW in
!he Wnl, bul i, O(usioD.llly uten in
Ullelll Europe.
DESCRIPTION: H:4-6 in (10- 15 em),
0:'1 .. 1'" in (24 an).
Cap (Jearn th"ough somebmeS fawn
ttvOlJ!il ocher, remaining COI'lVeX for a long
tlllll!. Matgln has long stnatlOnS when weI.
Gills wtlite. Stipe very long (up to 8 in (20 em))
and slender, thkkening at the base, hoIkIw
but IIgk!, brownish-black, palei' at the top.
and felted with rnycehlXll .11 the
base, often rooting deep into the soil.
Strong $melt and garlic: flavor.
Horsehair Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 1.-2'/, in (3-6 em), 0: 'I.-
'/rlo (0,5-1 em).
TIny cap, soon flattening, se<:11Ot1ed like a
HABITAT: solitary, on lea-m and
rotting litter in beh woods. on
hmeslOOl! SooImef through fall.
parachute, sometimes depressed In Ihe cen-
let", reddish-pink or blown. Gills very widely
spaced, the same color as the cap. Thread-
like slem, very rigid, blackish and shmy, like
hcwsehair. Very ttlin, odorless fleVl, and mild
HABITAT: In groups on plant debris on the
ground, especially prne-needles, leaves, 0/
twigs. Spring through fall. Fairly common,
Sf'1 (I AI FfATl JRI'
Muy tpkt of IfOW on
woody ckbm, but to thtir lIUlI
sile, they often
fairy Ring Champignon
DESCRIPTION: H;1',.-4 in (310 em),
0: )/..2'1. in (2-7 em).
Cap cookal or campanulatl' at first. then flal-
tening OUt, becoming undulating and slightly
striated on the margin; center always raised
into a large umbo. when
waterlogged. creamy while when dry. Gills
wide, wide apart and separating furthef as
the cap expands. (ream or pale grayish-
whi te, on a color similar to that of the
cap. Stipe thin, fi brous, aJ'ld firm but remark-
ably elastic, IDlOOlh, sometimes twisted,
becoming hollow with age, pale at the lop
and reddish toward the bilse, deeply
anchored in the soil. FJeYl thick. in the cen-
ler, whitish; odor reminisceot of
bitter almoods. mild flavor.
HABITAT: meadows, pas-
tures, Iavms, roadsides, golf
courses and any grassy plot ;
often forms circles or lines, on
any type of soil. Spring
through fall . Very
good to Cil; coracOUS stipe:
should bt disankd.
Hill Marasmius POISONOUS
What Chtocybe speciu POISONOUS
stipe: of the Fairy Ring Mushroom is
txtTaordinary and an bt wound
f1)IUId several timtS arQl,lnd itstlf with-
out it breaking.
Branch.gilled Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H:", I ',. in (1 3 em),
e: ',.\,\, in (0051.5 em),
Cap eOl1vex then flallened, shghtly wllnkled,
(learn through pinkishwhite, Of redder. Gills
of the same color. Stipe short, no longer
Ihan 1',. in (3 em) aoo '" m (1 em) wide,
elastrc, wtlnish at the top, reddish and spot
led WIth white fibers al the base. Flesh
white, odorless and navorifss.
HABITAT: in I.1rge groups, on branches and
dead twigs and stems of bramble bushes.
Summer through lall. Common.
Liule Wheel Fungus
III (3 5 em). 0:/0-'1. In
(OB I.Scm).
Of convex
cap, m Ihe IOfm of a
parachute. typiCally fur
rowed, wllh a dentate
margin, always With a
well-marked central
depression. Ivory, some-
times ocher or gray Gills
cream, Wide apart. not
allached 10 Ihe Sllpe oot
to a membrane erKirciing
the top of the stipe. Stipe
"} , 'r

, :
.. '
, '
.,. " .
' ...... ', '\:' " ..
' ;' '. .. '
.. "."
\' .,
long and very slender.
IIgid. black or dark
brown. whitish al the top.
Flesh white in the cap.
brown in the Sllpe. WIth a
laml cxb" and 1Iavor.
HABITAT: in dense
clumps 011 fallen twigs
and branches of deddu
ous trees. late spring
through to early winter.
Very common.
Hairy Marasmius
DESCRIPTI ON: H: ',.- l / .. in (24 em),
0: '/,.1/. in (1-2 em).
Cap o n ~ e x or slightly depressed, sometimes
with a liny umbo, CMred in reddishbrown
silKy hairs on a pale background. Gills pale.
The stipe is shon, sometimes wider al the
lOp. rigid, undulating. often furrowW. russet
and covered in tiny, stiff hair!>.
HABITAT: grows on dry twigs. thatch, poor
Edibl e Tough-shank
DESCRIPTION: H: ",-2 in (25 em),
0: '/. 1/. in (0.53 em).
Cap convex then f1anening. ocher or reddish-
brown viscid, sometimes slighllycreased. Gills
while, turning gray, fairly crowded. Stipe thin,
CQfiaceous. and smooth, often undulating,
orange or brown, paler toward the top. with
white filaments althe base. Flesh while, thin,
rather CoriiKOOIJS. Faint 000f, fungal navor.
Dupitt its nlmt, thil Tough.shanlc is
not partkuJarly talty, and it if tJltrt mtly
smaU. Its inltrest IitS in the bct that it
appean at a time of yur whtn olhtr
mushrooms irc raf t .
grassland and grassy moors, in summer
through fall. Fairly common and widespread.
HABITAT: in groups. on spruce cones that
have fallen Of are buried beneath moss,
sometimes on fir cones. From ~ t e wimet
through early spring. Fairly common.
DESCRIPTION: H: '/.-2'h in (2-6 em).
0'1.- 1 in (1 -25 em).
Cap smooth, reddish brown or date-brown.
Mouse-tail Tough.shank
DESCRIPTION : H:'/. I'I, in (24 an). 0:'lr
1'/. in (I ] an).
Cap then SOO'IeIimes with small
lITlbo; 5nIIXlth. odler. brown or
hazelnut, paler at the margin. Gills very
Tenacious Tough-shank
with paler or redder center. Gills white, (on
trasting with darker (olor of the cap. Stipe
smooth, rooting, white or yellow at first, then
taking on the color of the cap from the base,
passing through orange brown. Flesh white
and very thin; faint odor and binet flavor,
HABI TAT: on Scots pine cones. which maybe
buried in the soil. sometimes on other cones.
Spring. Fairly common.
aowded, white or beicJ.'. Stipe the (II:llI' cola as
the cap. doMri. erdirg fl a Ioog rhCzornorjjl
covered fl ....t1ite which digs deep fl to the
sOOstrale. FIeh thin arxl beige; fungal oeD;
rrikl RaYor.
HABrTAT: on cones, fallen on the
or buried. or on their detached scales, in
forl!51S and parks. From fall tlYOO'Jl early winter.
Pr/:t)a/)/y conmon but often urnoticed.
Many spKifl grow on pine conn.
Thest incll.ldc the SIrO"i/u",s and some
specits of Myccna and Collybia. They
can be idcnti6ed mainly through their
microscopic char.llclcristic:s.
Perforating Marasmius
DESCRIPTION: H:' ... 1'I. in (1.s-l em),
0: '1.";10 (0.5- 1.5 em),
Cap convex to Aattened. beige to pinki91-
brown, with a furrowed margin and center
l'JlO(e or less depressed. \0 pinkish
brown. Stipe barely '1,," in (1 mm) in diameter,
and blad:ish, except allhe lop. where
it paler. The flesh has a fetid odor.
HABITAT: olte!1 in dense colonies on spruce or
fll' needles. SUmmer through fall. Common.
Bell Omphalia
DESCRIPTION: H: 'I.-2 in (2-5 em),
r:n,.',. in (1-2 em).
Cap umbilical from the start, With inClJrved
margin, smooth, !>lIghtly striated up to
the umbilicus, orange to reddish-brown. Gills
bowed ar.d very de<.urrenl, widely spaced
and with some interveinil19. pale yel
low to ochraceous orange. Stipe (Of I
aceous, yellO'Nish-orange al the top,
reddish-brown toward the base wilh
suff, fawn hairs. f lesh thin and coria-
Ceo\IS, reddish-brown, odorless. mild
flavor turning slightly billet
HABITAT: in dense clusters, some-
times attached at the base of the
stipe. mainly on the rotten S\llmps
and branches of conifers, on high
grour\d. Spring through fall. Fairly
common \0 rare.
Shredded Tough.shank
DESCRIPTION: H:il.-S In (7- 13 em),
0:24 in (510 em).
Cap hemispherical Of campanulale al first,
often umbonate, soon Hattenirrg, sometimes
depressed in the center, gray or gray-brovm
covered in dart-gray radial fibrils; when
older ar.d in dry the surface
cracks and showing the
while fiesh underneath. Gills
very wide, white then pale ocher.
Sl ipe thidening toward the
Buttery Tough-shank
DESCRIPTION: H:2 4 in (5 10 em). 0: 1'1,-
3'1, In (48 em).
Cap domed then with a large umbo,
base, very fibrous. slightly pater Ihan the
cap, extended at the base by very long.
thiel:, brittle, wtlitish, cottony mycelial cords.
Flesh brillle, while and (oriaceous, mild or
slightly biat! flavor.
HABITAT: on halfburied pial'll maller, near
deciduous or stumps. Spring Ihroll9h
fall. Very common.
reddish brown or graying depending OIl the
be<oming markedly paler when dry,
margin often paler than the rest of the cap,
and with a darker umbo; typically smooth
surface wnich feels greasy 01' buttery 10 the
[ollCh. Gills crowded and white. Stipe gradu-
ally expanding toward Ihe base inl0 a
spongy, very fibrous bulb, which be<omes
hollow and is similar in cOklr \0 the cap.
Pleasant odor and mild flavor.
HABITAT: deciduous Of coniferous fOfests
on iKidic soil. From fall lhrough early winter.
Very common and wide*read.
Clustered Tough-shank
DESCRIPTION: H:2 '1 .. 4 in (6 10 em),
0:",-1 '/, in (2-4 em),
Cap convex then flattening, whitish, yellow-
ish Of gray.beige. Gills very crO'Nded, Ihe
!.arne color as the cap. Stipe long and thin,
the same color as Ihe cap at first, com-
pressed, sometimes with a (entlal furrow
along its length., becoming darker and red-
dish-bI'own, and covered with a fir.e whitish
down. Flesh cOI'iaceous arid thin; pleasant
odor and flavor.
HABITAT: in dense tufts on pine-needles OJ
leaves. often in lines or rings. on acidic soil.
tate summer and fall. Common.
Iii,,,, M'hi,t, wend
.lirhnm __ _
Oak Tough-shank
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 '11" 2'/. in (4-
7 em), 0:1 '/. 2 in (3 5 em).
Cap convex then itauening
and sinuous, smooth, yellow-
bfown 10 russet, WIth a pale, margin
and faint striations. turning almost white in
dry weather. Gills crowded and white. Stipe
hollow. very fibrous. same color as the cap
or orange-brown. paler toward the top. hairy
base embedded in the leaf liUer. Faint odor,
mild fiavor.
Twi sted Tough-shank
DESCRIPTION: H:2'lr 4'1, in (6-12 em), 0:
1 '1.-3'1. in (4-8 em).
Cap conical or campanulale, then convex and
umbonate, smooth. reddish-brown, mar-
gin inrolled for a long time, becOO1ing wy
undulating. Gills very crowded. white. redden-
ing. Stipe oMlite. splashed 'Nith rust, co...ered in
Iongitudiroal striations in a broad spiral pallern,
giving a twisting odor ard
mild flavor.
HABITAT: in small groups in coniferous
woods. somet imes among de<H:luous trees.
on the ground or on rotten buried branches
In summer and fall. Fairly common.
HABITAT: often In large groups on
the forest floor amid deciduous or conif-
erous \lees. Spring through early winter.
Very common.
DE5CRIPTlON: H:2't.-7 III (718 em), 0:
1 'b- l/. 11 (4-8 em).
Cap convex, then flallenmg. and
rounded, sometimes WIth a large umbo;
smooth, reddish brown wnh darker spiam
of color, tumlllg pal@!' wllh age. Gills widely
spaced, whiush then reddefling. Slip! spin-
dle-shaped, f1auened and deeply fUllOwed,
very (Ofiaceous and eiaslK, the same color
Fonntrly cOlUickrcd tdibk when young,
this mushroom Iw r r ~ aousc:d Slom-
Kh upsoet:s, pnhllps dut 10 tilt tOIIlUlDp-
rion of spimml WI ww: 100 old.
The symptoms QII pnsiM for 5t'Ycnl
as the cap but
paler <lIthe top; all the stipes
in a single tuft ale fused
together into a SOft of bIaOOsh-brown rhi
lOITIOfph whidl is buried deep In the sub-
strate. flesh coriac:eoos and wtlrlish, odof
~ s Of slightly randel, mild flavor.
HABITAT: in dense tults on tree-trunh Of
slumps 01 deciduous t r ~ especially oak
and beech. SuR'UTlef through fall. Commoo.
Red-stemmed Tough-shank
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 11, 2'1. in (4-7 em). 0: '1.-
2 in (2-5 em).
Cap convex thef1 flattemng. often with an
undulating margin; beige to pale fUS5e1.
When !he cap is damp, the gills Ylow
through the uansparefll culide, which
minkles In dry weatller. Gills whitish
Of beige. Oark red slipe paler at the
top. very thin and 1009, cylir.drical,
!>OfJletimes Ihickel' at the top, compressed,
and may have a longitudinal furrow. Hairy al
the base. Pleasant odor.
HABITAT: Singly or in dumps on the rOiling
slumps and buried branches 01 de<idUOl.l5
trees. Fall. fairly (ommon.
SpoIled Tough-shank
DESCRIPTION: H:2'/.-S',; in (7 14 em).
0:1'/,4 in (4-10cm).
Cap al first then CO/lW!X,
smooth and completely matte white al first
but soon spotted with rust-red patches. Gills
Ihm and very oowded, o!'am, finely !>inuale.
Stipe long. very tough and fibrous. l'I'oOI'e or
165 rootmg, c/I!amy whlle lik! the cap, but
may be spotted WIth Mlloward the base.
fleh while, thid::: in the (ente!', coriac:eous..
and bille!'-tasting afte!' a lew seconds.
In groups or
wfts.. lings or
lines in cOf1llefOus
forests.. mainly pines.,
or in mixed
forem on ac:id
soil. late wmmer
Ihlough fall.
Fairly (ommon.
Wood woolly. foot
n. in (5-8 em), 0:
1'/.-2'/' in (36 em).
Cap convex then flattening ,
with a small umbo ....tlich be<omes
wrinkled with age, ocher, fawn, Of
brown. Gills widely spaced,
yellowish at firsl,lheo cin
namon. Stipe thin, bul
thickening laward the
base, covered in long
whitish or yellow
hairs over one third of
the lower part Flesh
coriaceous: odor 01
Fern Mycena
DESCRIPTION: H:l 'fr-J't. in (48 em), 0: '''-
',. in (12 em).
Cap conical Of striated almost to the
center, with a denticulate margin. ocher or
cream, (overed with a detachable gelati
nous layer. Gills pale in color, Stipe long and
slendef, 'A. in (2 mm) wide at most, viscid,
bright yellow at the lop. The base is some
limes dis<olored or reddish. Flesh very thin,
yellowish, with faint odOf and mild flavor.
HABITAT: in on moss or leaves in
deciduous or coniferous forests, where the
vinegar when rubbed, very
peppery HiM)(, which bums the
longue in a few seconds.
HABITAT: in smallgfOUps on damp leafliller
in deciduous woods, espe<i.llly beedl, or
conifers. From lale summer thlOUJh fall. Very
soil is acidic and damp.
Summer through fall.
Common and
dClluhabk ,;S(kl
"",Itt fill'
Orange Milk Mycena
DESCRIPTION: H:2'I.4/. in (711 on),
0: "1 1'1. in (I.] em),
Cap cooi<al then convex al'ld umbonate. stri
ated over the whole diameter, wtlitish or
grayish, spotted with orange. Gills the same
color. Stipe brownish-orange, paler or yellow
at the top, covered in white or yellowish Iii-
aments at the base. Flesh thin, safflon ~
low, exuding af1 orange-colored mill: when
stem or cap are broken. Odor-
less WIth a mild flavor,
HABITAT: 00 lea/-litter espe
clally of bee<h. Fairly
certain places.
Red-milk Mycena
DESCRIPTION: H:2-3'/. il (58 Olll
0: '11 in (1 an),
Cap a::nicaI, sometrnes flattenng will a CI.'fItraI
~ r ~ cr pIlkish.tmNn, darker i1
tI'e <entel; striated Of ~ ~ the gis sro.v.
ing tIYou;t1 the cap. Gills wk:IeIy spaced. pale
with pale 1:K0Ml eO;Jes. Stipe YeIY kJlg and very
slendel;the same cOO or <:\.:ri:er th<rl the cap.
IMlen In*en a little pale red or pill:; mill: is
exuded. Flesh very thin and reddish, laint ocb'
and mikI fIao..ty,
HABITAT: Ql nm; a ~ in decid.oos cr
corilerous forests. SlmneI' tlYOltjI Iall. Very
ISl eeding Mycena
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4'h in (S-12 em), 0:'1.-
1'/. in (23 em).
Cap conkal or campanulate. striated 10 the
middle in damp weather, pink or pink ocher
and powdery. Gills pinkish-white, the same
color as the cap. Stipe exudes a bklod-red
These two myunas IAlJ'ftNOI 54lfgui"o-
1''''1/), arc Ihe only fungi which n ude a
red milk. M)'tttlll (TllCtllII uude$ an
o r ~ g milk.
mi lk whef1 broken. Flesh blood-red, no typi-
cal odor and mild or slightly biller lIavor.
HABITAT: In lufts 00 the stumps of deciduous
trees. Summer and fall. Fairly common \0
UllCommon. Widespread.
Indi ned Mycena
DESCRIPTION: H:3'l.-4'/, in (8-12 em), a:
1/._ 1'/, in (24 em).
Cap Cilmpaf'lUlate, with a striated mar-
gin to the middle of the cap. and a toothed
edge, gray but darker in the cellIe!'.
Gills creamcOOed then fIesh-roiored.
often curved, hollow and brittle. while al fil'1t, HABITAT: in dense IUfts on old deciduous
then clearly reddefling from the base, finally stumps. mainly oak and cheslllUt Fall and
reddish-brown ard whitish at the lop, Flesh early winter. Very (ommon and widespread.
thin, smelling strongly of greasE!. Mild flavor.
Milk-drop Mycena
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4 in (510 011), 0:'J. -l'/'
in (23 em).
Cap hemispherical or coni<a!. often downy,
striated OYer almost all the surioce, beige
through gray-brown, darker in the C{'nlef.
Gills widely spaced, .....nile to gray. Stipe very
slender (about (2 mm)), smooth and
hollow, the base covered in grayish down,
and exuding a while latex when broken,
which is abundant in young specimen!>. flesh
This vuy common mushroom hu a
...tW variety caDed Ill". or raJiU and
black _ ,""""coaAIkted by
__ 10 be I IqIInItt
... .,.,..
thin and white,
without any par-
ticular odor or
on woody debris
in de<iduous or
cooiferous Ioo!sts.
SUmmef and
lall, until the
beginning of
winter, Very
common and
widespread .
DESCRIPTION: H:3 'I.-4'J, in (8-
12 em), 0:1'I. t l.. in (] 7 em).
Cap conical al filsllhen shaped like
a pith-helmet, striped up to the
umbo, gray-beige through gray-
bfown. Gills whitish, may turn pink in
older specimens. Stipe very {oria<eous and
hollow, the ~ m e COIOf as the cap but paler
A1thwgh one of the IMgnt lny(tlW in
the Itlllpmltt wne, ;1 is rarely ~ r
than 2'/, in (6 em) in diuoeler.
Striped Stem Myccna
DESCRIPTION: H:2-6 in (5
15 em), 0:'/..2''' in (2-6 em),
Cap conical then slightly flat-
tened with a central umbo,
wrinkled or deeply striated,
gray-brown wilh a pruinose
surface. Gills white 0/ pale
gray then IUmiog pink. Stipe
amy attain 8 in (20 (m) in
length but is a fraction of an
inch thick. Silvery-gray and
heavily striated along its
length, hairy at the base.
Flesh whitish at the base.
al the lop. Roots into the sub-
strate by means of a rhi -
lomorph. Flesh while and
: I ~ .... _ thin with a floury odor and
HABITAT: grows ill clumps or
groups on roUing stumps or
brafl(hes of deciduous trees. In
summer and lall. Very common
and widespread.
Flesh whitish, odor-
less, navor mild.
small tufts on
buried dead
wood, old stumps
0/ tree trunks. In
summer arid fall,
and late in the
year. Common arid
Conical Mycer.a
I'f.- tl, in (36 cm).
0: '1,. 1 in (1-2.5 crn).
Cap conical. faintly
striated along
three'quaner 01
the pruinose
area, beige to
pale brown
with a paler
margin tim-
ed yellow or pink. Gills whitish, with refle<-
tions turning pink with age. Stipe long and
slender, smooth and bfown, hairy at the
base. Flesh thin. smelling of iodine. the
Thin-capped Myccna
DESCRIPTION: H:l ',,i/, in (37 cm).
0:'/,,'/. in (t 2 em).
Cap ovoide then campanulate. striated to
the center, grayish. Gills pale gray with white
edges. Stipe long and thin, thickening
slightly al Ihe base. covered in long, white
li!amems. f lesh very Ihin. paJe in colO/.
smelling of bleach, and with a mild flavor,
HABITAT: grOOM singly 0/ in groups. txrt
without forming clumps. in coniferous or
deciduous forests. Summer through fall. Very
common and widespread.
becoming stronger when the is
dessicated. Mi!d fla'Xlf.
HABITAT: in troops on leaf lillet or pine
oeedles.lale summer through late fall. Fairly
Another of Mytella, tlfJ1't""
{i/o/1ft (" ,II. ilHloltlls) which is jusl as
fragile, POJKsJ6 Ihis same odor of
iodine. The species are orten confun d,
as il is hard 10 distinguish berwren them.
Strong-stemmed Myccna
Tbi$ fungus is similar 10 the Sniped
Stem MycrM (M)wra l'oJrgra ...... a), and
;1 , har the same habitat, but thcn: an:
no sl ripn on its stem.
H:2"j'S in (613 em), 0:
'/0.1'1. in (1.5-3 em).
(ono;ex or cooical cap.
sometimes umbonate,
with a slightly viscid
surface aod faintly SIIi
ated or smooth, SO thin
that lhe gills can be
seen through it. Dirty
yellow in <olor, paler at
the margin. Gills broad,
whi tish then pale gray.
Stipe very long and
slender {about ',.. in
(2 mm) in diameter),
hollow but very rigid
and brittle, white OJ
gray-beige, slightly vis-
cid when ~ \ f lesh thin
and pale: no particular
odor or flallQr.
HABITAT: under decid-
uous trees, on the
ground or on twigs,
usually isolated. Summer and fall. (ommon
and widespread.
Olive.edged My.::cna
DESCRIPTION: H:2-2'.4 in (5-7 em), 0:"r
I'/. in (I .] on).
Cap conical or campanulate. then expanding.
with furrowed margin, tIw! color 01 oat straw
Oight bfownish-yellow). Giis WIdely
spaced. whitish with an oIive<oIoIed edgt.
Stipe ',I, in (3 mm) thick at most, al50 yellow-
ishbn:mfl, paler al the top. Flesh very min,
light or dark odor of and mild ftawr.
HABITAT: lawns and StJmfTlef
through lall. Fairly common.
De Scync. Myccna
DESCRIPTION: H:1 'h-:n . ln (4-
8 em), 0: '/,. , '" in (1-3 an).
Cap campanulate then expand
ing, striated margin, pink.ish
bfown 10 biOWflrsh violet Gills
pale pink with a brown edge.
Stipe sIendef, the curved
base covered WIth a white down
and Mding in a bulb.
HABITAT: ooly grows on pine
woes. espially on OOslef- Of
sea-pine. Uncommon.
I'ure Myccna
DESCRIPTION: H:l ',.-3'f, in (39 em), 13:
1'1.- 1'/, in (3-4 em).
Cap COIM!J( then flattening. margr'l striated in
wet we<lther, pOOsh-vioIet CK ptnkJsh and 1)1)"
icaI in !ohape but can adopt a vallely of coicn
from white through and )'@low. Stipe
smooth, rigid, hoIk:r.v ard bnnle, pinkish-violet
or lilac, with whitish !\aIrs or down at the base.
Flesh vnelling quite strorv:JIy of radish.
HABITAT: often grows In
groups on leavt'S in de<:id-
uous woods. espe<ially
beech, !.OIlM!llffieS under
conifet's, Sumtnef lluough
fall. (ommon and
Tbtrt UC' KYmJ varittits of tbt PuTC'
101M of which ;arc COClJickred
10 be ItJMl1IIC spccia. The commonUI
is the Pink (M,n'" _.) whith
is '-xcr (the ap an amin 2'.( in (6 em)
in dWnelCt) ilIId which is J, uniform
bria:hl pink color.
Cone-cli pped Agaric
DESCRIPTI ON: H:4-6 in (10-15 em),
0: (24cm).
Conical 01 cap, 5ITIOOth 'Ni!h a stJi.
aled margJl, re<klish1Jrw,n (date-brl:w.fl), Iei'd
JIg toward ochef as 00es. f'net1 Slriated
or dotted v.ith bIad. \'ftoen seef1 L.f1der a
IIf<:rM'I gills WIth redcish reIIe<ticIm
.nl whte edges. haloN ard brittle,
straII'jltCM gON I.4lIO 8 ... (2Q on) k:r'g. ttldef
at the base. smooth and -MlitISh, Sjn1k1ed with
\'Jtlte at the top. Flesh thin, odorless. mikll\awr.
HABITAT: on buried plant debfis,
ground. in light copses. at the edge 01
W()()(h, in parks and galdens. Late !>Ummer
thlOugh lall. Fairly common and widespfead.

Crumble Tuft
DESCRIPTION: H:l 'lr 4 In (4 10 em),
0: 1'/.-3'1. in (3-8 em).
ConICal CiA then bKomlng con-
vex. orange yellow or ocher, mane,
soon turning pale in dry weather
and becomlf"l9 cream WIth a darker
center and fringed margin, splil1ing
at the end. The gills afe broad and
very crowded, pinki!Jl.....tlite but soon
darl:ening in stages to lilac brown or violet
brown. Stipe smootf1 and white, soon becom-
ing hollow and fragile. Flesh thin, grayISh.
with a pleasant oOOr and mild flavoI.
HABIT AT: Singly or lTlOI'e frequefllly
in lullS on rouen wood or near old
stumps. In parks. forest paths. and
grassy clearings. Spring through fall.
Common and widespread.
Weeping Widow
DESCRIPTION: H:H4/, in (6 12 em),
0: 1 ",- 4'/: in (4-12 on),
Cap domed or conical, then convex. fawn or
russel. covered in woolly fibers. Filaments,
the remains of a Vi!iI which (overs the gills
in young specimens. hang from the margin
Gills bfOlYl'l. exuding copious "'ears' 01
Ifansparent liquid when young. turning gray
in Siages. and finally blackening. Stipe frag-
ile, fibnllose. whitish. russet at the haw,
H: 3'H in (8-15 em).
0: 'Jr. 1', il (1-4 on).
cap with a
sill:y. fibrillose
surface, reddish-brown or
grayishbrown, paling tD
()(hef as it dries. Gills crowded,
gray-beige. then dark bfown,
wl\h white edge. Slipe long and
slender, hollow and bllttle, smooth
turning blad: al maturity due to befog
rovered In spores.
HABITAT: !lingly or in tufts al road-
00 forest paths, In gardens and
meadom. late summer through fall.
fairly common .
and s.lky, while and powdery al
the top. thm, reddlsh-
brown through beige.
mild flavor
HABITAT: Ifl compact tufts,
COInpri!oing dozens 01 specimens
in grassy woods and parks. late
summer through l all. Uncommon,
__ m/llmUiOU$ rll(is
Slltin, temmed Agark
DESCRIPTION: H: 24'/ .. in
(5 12 an), 0: (25 em),
Conkal then campanulate
cap. mote or less
expanded; the edge 01
the cap is laced with
the white remains of the
changmg from yellow
ocher In the dry stage to
dark reddishbrown when wet
Both shades may be present on the
same cap. Gills crowded, pale. then
tLtfniog gray-brown and fill(lily dark
brown WIlli a
white edge. Stipe
smooth, hollow,
and britt!.!,
then turning brown,
colored black by the spores.
Flesh thin, brown, paling to
beige as it dries; faint odor, mild
HABITAT: in deose tufts on rot
111'19 !oILrT1PS or in the ground
ilfound an of trunt.. Surrvnef
d'vough fall Common and widespread
Gray.brown Psathyrclla
DESCRIPTION: H 24 in (5 10 em),
o 1 'f..v, in (36 em).
Cap o:rQ th!n o:xMX, 'M1t1 a Icrge I.ITOl
fnett striated l4l1O the IJTlbo. espeOatj as it
ages; odYaceous.bwMl, fa'Ml a
tl.mng grh oot palng to ocher or dirty
cream wflen cr,.1he fari1
oOMled giIs ill! 00m
<Jt1Of deo.rJe1 CI'I a lil-
lie SIi1l.n:l remail pale
<J<lY b a blg trne,
tfw:on timing don vdMt
brO'Ml. slightly
thickened at the base,
""" _ hoIow
and brittle SITIOO!h
and v.tutiSh. Flesh

HABITAT: 00 the gro.rd or on
rotten 'MXld, on turus, along
paths. I.I'Idef deOOJous
trees. Malllly III
I"" I\ril ......
tm!S in the fat
Fairly ctmTKJl
Fairies' Bonnets
DESCRIPTION: H: '4- 2 in (2-5 on),
0: 'Ao,'!. in (O.S-I.S em).
Cap ovoid Of campanulatl', with finely woolly
surface, cream vmen young. tI'K!n ocher, light
brown, Of gray, the center remaining ocher,
wilh a smooth surface, deeply striated to
the center. Gills whi le, blackefling, but not
dehqlll'SCent, wllh while edge. Stipe hollow
and thin, very fragile and wflile. Hardly any
flesh, odorlm and
HABITAT: in huge. densely-packed dooIps
on or near and rotting wood. Spring
through fall, Vefy common.
Domesticated Ink-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (510 em).
0: '1.-2 in (2-5 em).
Cap 0Y0id at first then cOlUcal.latt'll'xpand-
ing and slightly convex. ochef WIth a reddish
(eflle!'. In young speclmeM it ii covered in
dense, whitr!>h granulalion\ whidl subse-
quenlly disappear (' Keepl at the lop. the SUI-
face is then str iated or furrowed almost \0
the center. Gills whitish then dark bfOwn.
Stem velvety in young specimens, with a
scaly bulb at the bollom whldl sometimes
displays the bright red mycelium. Pale flesh,
not very deliquescent, faint SllM!II and mild
HABITAT: On stumps and cut branches of
de<iduous tlees. and eYefI foul'd in the cel-
lars of houses. Late spl'ing through early fall
Fairly common
Glistening Ink-cap
fI: 2-4 in (5-10 (m),
0: If-
1 '" in (2-4 un).
Ovoid then conical cap.
striated almost 10 the centl'l;
with a saw-toothed edge.
brown through ocher, darkef
81 the center, and sprin
in young spe<imens
with shiny specks like
mica. Gills white then
purple-brown. black and
finally deliquescent, with
white edge. Stipe 1009,
Snow Whi te Ink-cap
H: 24 in (510 em),
0: 1" 2 in (2-5 em).
Ovoid cap, opening like
an umbrella, ending in an
upturned margin which Is
ohell ragged, pure white
pure and floccose a1 fbI,
the flakes tending subse-
quemly to disperse,
revealing a pale gray
Gills while,
blackening and eventually
dellquescing, with a white
hollow and fragile, brittle,
slightly wider toward the
base, white and silky.
Flesh thin, odorless and
HABITAT: in tufts or
groups on Of near
Jotting deciduoos
wood, stumps. half-buried
branches, in copses and
woods, beside paths,
Spring throogh fall.
edge. Slipe hollow and
brill Ie, slightly thitkening
al lhe base, pure white,
also floccose in young
specimens. Flesh thin and
gray; flO characteristic
odor or flavor.
HABITAT: singly or in
small groups, on buffalo
chips, COWpal S, or h()(se
dung, in pastures. from
spring throl>Qh fall. Fairly
Hare's-foot Ink-cap
DESCRIPTION: in (612 em).
0: '1.- ,'" in (24 em),
Cap cylindrical or ovoid, eventually lIat
and With an upturned edge, entirely cov-
ered with whi le wooly down which even-
tlJally disappears. revealing a mouse-gray
background, bul persisting in Ihe cenler
when Ihe cap is fully expanded. Gills
widely-spaced. narrow, whitish [hen black-
ening quickly, Stipe cylindrical, thickening
at the base, hollow and brittle, covered
like Ihe cap wilh whitish wooly down
which is very dense at first. Flesh while,
odorless, flavor mild.
Magpie Mushroom or Magpi e Cap
DESCRIPTION: H;48 in (1020 em),
0:'/.- 2'/. In (2-6 em).
Cap (l'.'()id and ....nitM at first, later campanu-
late and reddis/1-brO'Ml, sprinkled with ....nite.
Gills crowded, free, ....nile then reddening.
befOfe tuming black, I.WfIttlally liquifying. Stipe
hollow, rigid arid thickening toward ttle
base, ...mite and fibri llose. Flesh thin arid gray-
ish, with an uopiea5anl odor arid flavor.
HABITAT: singly Of in small groups in
tered or in groups
of several individu-
als in cool places.
under bustles aod
in grassy places in
woodland. Summer
through fall. Fairly
common and
deciduous woods, in shady places. l.;lIe sum-
mer through fall. Uncommon.
6 in (515 em), 0:"','
2'/, in (4-6 em).
Cap ovoid al first,
with liule broWl1
flakes al tile top. then
opellil'l9 into a bell
shape and cracking,
(Jearn through
mouse-gray, striated
almost over
whole surface. Gills
very crowded, while,
starting althe edge
and melting into a black
liquid. Stipe hollow and
fibrillose, while,
marked at the base with
a reddish annular
deeply embedded in
the substrate by means
of a rooting base.
fle!Jl thin and while,
with faint odor and
pleasant flavor.
HABITAT: in large dense
clumps. rarely singly, on
rOiling wood, some-
times in the 9fOUJ'\d,
althe foot of
old stumps,
in open ground. such as the edge 01 woods
and roadsides. Spring through fall. Com-
mon and widespread.
Whcn very yo ... ng it is edible, but
alcohol must not be drunk during the
mcill or it will intcrotct with (aprint,
producing symptoms such iS hUrl
paipititions, nausu, flIcial congestion,
and n'tn disl'\lpcions 10 vision. Thtst
dfem !\\iy n'rn manifest themselves if
alcohol is consumed StVtril WlYS ahtr
consu.mpcion of tht mushroom since tht
principle brem down very slowly in the
hunwt body. Coprint is n'tn used as 01
rure for akoholism.
Sha.ggy Ink'ca", Lawyer'. Wig
DESCRIPTION: H; 48 in (1020 em),
0: 'J.-l'J. in (27 em).
In young sp!Cimens. Is elongated inlO a
sheath surroundll'lg the Slip!. It is wh,te
and enlnely (overed In Ioog, upturned
scales WIth Of reddIsh lips. except at
the top which is
dearly defined by
a round ocher or
redl:iishpatch; it
"'" ""'"' ""
QUickly into a
bell and st3ftS to
liquefy from the edge, turn
ing inlo thick black inl:. The
gills are free. very crowded,
while but soon turning
pink, then black from the
edge of!he cap. The stipe is
long (sometimes more than
8 in (20 un)), cylindrical
and hollow, slightly bul
o o ~ becoming dirty gray or
brown upon maturity. it has
a lillie ring whid'l eventually
bKOIl'oPS detached aoo falls
off. The fleY1 is while and
soft, WIth little. odof 01 flavor.
Vtty good 10 UI, tvl'n when DW.
Howewr, h ~ ShaaY Ink.Up abtoluttly
mUM M picktd \'tf)' youna, whik the
JiIh ~ still whitt, or..n you will be ltil
with in the ~ is u ~ thick,
blat:k liquid. For the smM: rusoa, it
mUSI be utrn ~ $00II .., pouibk after
picking. Cannol be dmd or pickJed.
HABITAT: in groups. sometimM 01
tightly packed individuals on lawns, waste
land and all types 01 recently disturbed
earth, 100Mt paths. and roadsides. From
spring through fall. Very common and
gills /rltdlwillS from tbt bottom
II hiS bun pMsiblt 10 grow SNogy Ink
Cilps (OmtntrciaUy for 5l'Vcral yun now,
eithtr from mylium or from
impregnaled compost. Howcvtr, since
theft is no mcthod of
fungus, evm by frtezing, snWI sule and
large.sule growers of the CllItivalcd
Mushroom Ind wild mushroom. Nove
been n:luctant to produce il.
Pleated Ink-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 ',,- il. in (4-
7 em), 0: ',,- I 'I. in (2-] em),
The cap is elongated at fir$1 into a
cylinder Of egg-shape, and reddish-
brown, but it subsequently expands
inlO a furrowro grayish umbrella,
like a parachute. though the center
remains smooth and reddish. The
gills ale white, turning gray hut first
becoming pinkish. The stipe is very
sk!nder and long, hollow and brittle, smooth
and while. There is hardly any f ~ and no
odor or flavor.
Sidewalk Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 24 in (5 10 em),
0: 1'11-4 in (4-10 (m).
Cap convex, $OOn flattening,
HABITAT: on lawns. in pastures, at road-
sides, among grass or on bare soil. Spring
Through fall. Fairly common.
round the stipe likE' a volva. Flesh thick and
and firm turning faintly pink when cut.
smooth Of fibrillose, white _ ~ ..........
or pale gray, splashed
wi lh ocher, often
soiled wilh particles
of earth. Gills pale
HABITAT: on packed earth, ~ n
breaking through asphalt, in
parks. gardens. footpaths.
around trees in cities. In groups.
sometimes fused together at
the base of the stipe. Summer
and autumn. Uncommon.
pink tllen lilac-gray
alld final ly dark brown.
Stipe white. full. short and
thICk, narrowing to a point at
the base, with two distinct
rings. the lOWe!" one wrapping
- '.

Field Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1'/,4 in (4-10 em),
13: 1 '/,4 in (4 10 em).
Cap thick. globulose or hemispherical al
ihl, be<omiflg almost flat toward the eM,
smooth aod silky, often with white shreds.
the remainder of the veil, haflging 110m the
margin, white, slightly yellowing or turning
brown, somi!times with small grayish or
brownish flauened scales. Gills narrow and
crowded, pale pink and gradually darkening
to take on a final brownish-black color.
I-Dl811 lTV
Very good to tal and can caltn rlIIW
or cooked. The Field Mushroom is bett
uttn when the ''''p i$ while
the gills stiD pink.
Yellow-stllNngMushroom I'oIsoNous
Stipe shorl and full, Ixiule, slightly narrow-
jog but rounded al the base, white, brown-
ing with age, fibrillose or slightly floccose
beneath the ring. Ring thin and single, not
well developed and withering quickly to
leave only a slight trace. Flesh white, thick at
the center, thin at the edge, turning very
slightly pink when cut; pleasant odor and
mild flavor.
HABITAT: meadows grazed by canle,
shef!p, or horses, from late summer
to midfal l, sometimes in spring;
often after showers following a
very hot summer. Very common and
found all over the world. Grows in groups
and may suddenly appear en masse from
one day 10 the next.
Tht common Fit ld Mllshroom J.ctllJ!ly
conSilts of a number of difftrent fOrD1$
md va.rittitl, which vary nWnIy in tht
of the .umct of CoIp.
caps au in gtoI)', brown,
or 6brib or 1b1101tl.
Cultivated Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 em),
0: 24'/, in (5 12 em).
Excellml nUn, mel un be uten
nlW. The artl\d wlution of wild
spfcilntllS bs contributtd 10 ilS
commcrcUI production. It WII first
cultivattd in mnft mort lI\,.n 300
ynn Igo in old Slonc quarriel Ind
disused mint workings around Paris,
which i, why it it known in French as
"Ownpignon ck pm.," It is !lOW grown
aU ovcr the worid ud altboII,h il is 1M
most popWu mU$hmom in 1M Wn;I,
ItIt Padely 51n1w Mu.ihroom, ellten in
lOuthtut Milo, is the lII0I1 wickly
Cap hemisphefical at flfSl
WIth a flattened (erne.,
becomng depressed WIth
age. and undulatlll9 bor-
def. Surlace smooth and
fibrillose, 01' slightly scaly,
especially at the mal-
gin, pure while, browniro;!
slightly to the tOlJ(h.
Gis oowded and J'IOOOW,
pale plIlk. lhefl brown
and fmally bIaO:. Stipe
5hcJt. lady 1 'lrl" in (410
7 em)). thicker or thinner
al the base, while, staining blown when
toochedring ascendant (not pendant), faint
and fugaceoos. striated on the uppef WI -
face. flesh firm and white, turning pink
when exposPd \0 the air, especially in the
base 01 the Sllpe. and bfowning WIth age;
pleasant odoi and mild f1aYOf.
HABITAT: manured meadows and gardens.
parks, and on old (ompos!. SPlHlQ through
fall. Not common in the wild bot occurring
tllfougnout the nonhern hemisphere.
Ydlow'SI.ollnLng Mushroom
H: i/.-5In (713 em),
0: t Ir4'/, in (6- 12 em),
The (ap is COWIe<! in dark
gray scales on a pale gray
background. the Scales are very
dense in Ihe (enter, mOl"e widely
spa<ed <lIthe edge, imitating the
plumage of the guineafowl. Gills
crowded, white then pink, and
finally blackish-brown. Slipe
slightly swollen arid bulbous
at the base, becoming hollow
and brillle; whitish, staining
Brown-capped Agaric
DESCRIPTION: H: 2 4 in (5 10 em),
13: 2-3'" in (5-8 em).
Cap hemispherical th{'(l expanded, with
vermillion scales and fibrils on a pinkish
background, reddish-brown althe (en-
ler. Gills crowded, lurning
dark brown. Stipe thickening inlO a
bulb al the pink above
ring, whi te below it, yellowing at
Ihe base. Fragile, while, yellowing
when loudled. then brown-
ish. flesh thick and white, soon
lIJrnlng yellow, especially al the base
of the stipe; odOf of phenol. mild flavor.
HABITAT: groves. parks. gardens.
meadows, the edges of forests. Summet
and autumn. Fairly common 10 uncommon.
Appears in large numbers locally,
ring. Root ,like filamenlS
(rhizomorphs) arf' wmf'-
trmf'S viSiblf' wheo
mushroom is
whilf', yellowing
mainly around
the ba$l:' of the
stipe; odor of biltf'r almonds
HABITAT: undf'r decidLiOUS
Iref'S, in forllSls. parks. gardf'ns.
and hedgf'rows. Summef
through fall. Uncommon.
Prince MushrOQm
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-8 in (10-20 em),
0: 48 in (10-20 em).
Cap globulose or trapezoid, then expanded
or fleshy, with russet O!' brown
scales on a pale!" background and shreds of
the veil hanging from the margin. Gills nar-
row and crowded, remaining pale pinkish
gray fOf a long time, then Illrning purplish
bmwo. Stipe \hkk (up 10 , '/, in (4 em))
especially al the base, smooth above the
ring, with while or orange behlw iI,
to the touch; ring large and
white floccose underneath. Flesh white, yel .
lowing in the cap and
reddening in the slipe;
strong odor of biller
almor.ds, mild flavor.
HABITAT: de<:iduous
or (ooiferous woods,
verges, parks. and grass-
land, somelimes in meadows.
Summer through fall. fairly
common and widespread.
Alben's Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'1.-7 in (7-18 em).
0: 3'/.8 In (820 em),
Cap very fleshy, hemispheficai at first and
up 10 12 In (30 em) In diameter, while, yel-
lowing very slightly, becommg slightly ocher
WIth age. silky or scaly. Gills pinkish-
white, turning gray llIen chocolate bfown.
SlJpe very thick. 1'1. \0 2 in (3 10 5 em) in
diameter, slightly swollen in the middle or
toward the baS!, while splashed WIth
ocher and bfown, very 00wny below the
nng, especially In young spKrmerl1; ring
inegular afld downy, floccose undeflleath in
young specJmens. Flesh thick, white, yellow-
ing very slightly, tlIming blown al the base
of the supt. Faint oc\oI of aniseed, becoming
an unpleasant ammoniacal odor when old.
HABITAT: in pastures. on lawns. in parks.
on non-aadic soil. Summer through early
fall. Fairly common to fairly rare.
Good 10 UI, b\Jt mUSI be Ulm vtry
you"" Wbtn older, il tmds to 5mtU like
urine, hencr its othn I\iIIIlC, Ag.riCl11
Brown Wood Mushroom
H: i l.- s In (7-13 em),
e: 24'/, in (5 12 em).
Cap conical then Hanening,
00\ very thiel:., sprinkled with
reddish-brown scales, that ale
fairly numerous and widely spaced,
on a whitish background, Gi lls flesh
pink, turning dark purplishbrown
when mature. Stipe slightly bulbous
and while. becoming hollow and red-
demng with age; ring membfanous
ample and white, Flesh white, quickly
wming red when cuI. especially in young
spe<imens. Pleasant odor and mild flavor.
Yeliow-sUlini ng Mushroom
DESCRI PTI ON: H: 2",-5 in (7-13 em).
I: 24'11 in (5 12 em).
The cap is trapezoidal In thi! young speci -
men, then convex \0 flallefled wi th a
smootll surface, silky while, becoming bright
yellow when rubbed. The gills are narrow
and crowded, white at first, then turning
grayishpink then purplish-brown. Stipe
thick or slender and sinuous, with a small
HABITAT: on the !iller 01
conifers. especially spruce,
rarer in deciduous woods.
Late summer through
fall. Common. Found all
over the world.
All the edible mushroom" but
Field Mushloom EOIBI.E
Horse Mushroom EOIBI.l

The YeUow-staining Mushroom has a
fairly characteristic odor of iodine or
phenol, ilnd is even more retognizable
by the pronounced yeUowing of the u p
and base of the stipe whn touched. The
varieey dtKribcd here iJ the classic cypc
and the most fnquently encountered,
recognizable by its while tolor.
Howevu, there are other varieties in
which the cap is gny, gray.brown, with
thin Kales, or . plit intO
AU art equaUy indigestible.
white bulb. turning yellow
when rubbed, especially al
Ihe bulb; thkk, membra-
nous, pendanl while ring.
The while flesh l urns yel-
low when cut especially
in Ihe bulb; unpleasant
odor of ioclirlE!, or phenol.
HABITAT: in groups in fertilized
meadows. wellli l decidu
ous or conrferous woods,
sand on lawns. Summer
through fall. Fairly (om-
A sl ightly di fferent form is
found on lawns in North America, which is
called the Califomian Mushroom (.Agancus
califolnlCUs) The cap is fairly scaly,
browning in the cenler. It is often con
fused with with the f ield Mushroom
(.Agaricus campestris).
Slightly toxic. The odor, whkh is
unplea$ollnr when the mushroom is
picked, bccom foul wllrn it is rooked.
Although some people art able to eat
this mushroom without the
problem, in most people it causes
symptoms typical of mild food
poisoning; vomiting, diarrl!u ,
headaches, etc.
Horse Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 47 in (IO18cm),
0: 4.6 in (10 1 5 em),
Thid;, firm cap, hemisp/1elkal then expanding
to flat, with a margin thaI remains inrolled fOf
a long lime, Surface smooth, white and
oacking and boming stained wilh ochef,
yellowing slighl to the touch. GilJs III!ry
crowded, graykh pink, very pale in young
Death Cap DU.DlY
Ycllow-slallling Mushroom
specimens. then pur-
plish-brown and
blackish. Stipe thick (3'1.-
6in x It.- I '/. in(8-1Sx 2-
3 em)), espe<i.lltt al the
base. be<oming hollow
with age, white, yellow
ing \0 the toucher,
slightly floccose in
young specimens below
the ring. The white ring
is membranous and
double, the lower one
taking the !.hape 0/ a
gear-wheel Of slar, dear-
ly visible in the young
spe<imen. Flesh thick al
the Cefl lef, vtIite, yellowing slightly, especially
in the stipe. Fairly marked odof of aniseed and
mild flavor.
HABITAT: pastures, grassy clearings. parks.
From lale summer to mid-fall, sometimes from
the sprill9. Uncommon to fairly common;
widespread. found 00 fflfY (oo!inent.
Very good 10 (aI, enn when I1IIW. To be
talen young, prdcl1IIbly when the gills
atc still pale becaU$r the spottS MVt nOI
matured yd.
Wood Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2'/.-S'" in (1-14 em),
e: 24'/, in (512 em),
Cap ovoid or conical. with a fla\lened then
widely expaJ'lded lop, whilE! to cream, stain-
ing yellow when tOl.lChed, silky ()I' slight
Iy fibrillose. Gills very C1owded, pale gray,
turning pink am! finally sepia. Stipe flexible,
Death Cap DEADLV
Spring Amanita
Destroying Angel
fairly bulbous. while or
above the ring,
white becoming stained with
lemon yelklYl below il. Ring
thin, full, floccose on
the underside. Flesh thi<k at
thE' center, thin al the edge,
while, turning yeHow when
WI, strong odor of
Of cooiferous
woods. Summer
through fall.
Pointed-scal e Parasol Mushroom
H: 2'1.-4 f. in (7 12 em),
0: 3'/,-5 in (813 em).
Cap (onicallhen coovex and
more or less umbonate, densely
COVf!red with cooical reddish-
Ixown scales, which are more
numerous at the cenler, show-
ing an ochraceous-gray back
ground in between. Gills broad,
very oowded and forked. white
then cream. Stipe bewming
hollow with age, downy. thi!
same color as the cap. thicken-
ing ;010 a small bulb al the
base; ring futl, pendant, and
membranous. edged with mown Oakes.
Flesh Ihin 31 the edge 01 the cap, whitish;
odor strong and unpleasant; flavor faint
but also unpleasant.
HABITAT: found in fertilized soil,
such as copses. verges, as well as in
deeidl.lOU5 or coni ferous woods;
prefers nitrogen-rich, limestone soil.
Summer through fall. Common and
Chestnut Parasol Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: I-t: 1 '/,. ]'/> in (46 em),
0: 1/._ 1 '" in (24 em),
(ap conical at first then fl auening and
umbonate, cheslnullo russet. Gills whi le,
slightly reddening. Stipe downy on the lower
half or two-thirds. reddisl1-brown; ring
absent or fainl. Flesh pale ocher, faint odof.
HABITAT: copses and deciduous forest$.
Summer through fall. Uncommon.
Stinking Parasol Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: , '/. 2'1, in (3- 6 em).
0: ',,-2 in (2S em).
Cap conical at first, soon flanening, wilh a
marked cenual umbo and margin remaining
inrolled for a long time, sprinkled with red
dish-orange concentric scales on a white
background. but uniform red on lhe umbo.
Gills wide, while, with toothed edges. Stipe
smooth, hollow, and briule, whil e or slightly
pink or reddish toward the base, with a
fugaceous white ring. Flesh thin and
whitish; sHong. unpleasant odor, flavOf mild
but also unpleasant.
HABITAT: in medium to large groups. at
the edge of woods, on lawns, and in welllit
conifefOus or de<iduoos woods. Summer
through fal!. Common and widespread.
Red-stemmed l'ar3so1 Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'/,-411 in (6-12 an),
0: 24 in em).
Cap hemispherical and umbonate.
tllen convex and umbonate, red-
dish ocher or reddish b!'own at the
center; elsewhere Ihe cream back-
ground Is punctuated with small beige to
reddish scales regularly spaced; the margin
is long imolled and fringed (remaining from
the hanging veil); The gills are wide and
whit!!. The stipe is full then thicken-
ing from top 10 bottom, with one Of two
oblique ridges in Ihe center, edged with
orange or reddiSh-brown, and arranged in
a ring which is sometimes broken; smooth
surface at the top. downy underneath; base
turning pink or red with age or from being
rubbed (not always noticeable). Flesh
white; stroog aoo unpleasant odor, mild
but very unpleasant !laVOI.
HABITAT: conifef5 or mixed and woods
(comlers and deciduous
trees), 00 limestone
or neutral Late
summer through
fall. Fairly (om-
,illg rtiLli.h. cbJrqut
Shield-shaped Parasol Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2'1,.. 5 ill (613 em),
0: "/1" )/. in (48 em).
Cap hemispherical al first , then expanding
and umbonate, covered in beige or ocher
scales on a cream background, paler on the
frayed margin. The cenler is clearly marked
by a smooth redrli!.h-brown patch. Gills
crowded, whi le Of cream. Stipe swollen
The yeUo .... ing Shield-shaped ral11sol
Mushroom (Lq;ow ,ulrH>wsI'Orll) is
similar bUI its woolly stem is yellowish.
False Brown Parasol Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 2n in (59 em),
e: ".-1 'I. in (23 em),
Cap conical for a long time, then becoming
convex and slightly umbonate, with dark
pinkishmown or sepia scales on a pinkish
white background. Gills white. Stipe long
and slender. pinkishwhile 10 pinkishmown;
ring fairly well developed, ridged, wf1ilish,
pinkish or grayish brown underneath. Flesh
Slightly pink. faint odor.
toward the base, rigid
but hollow and brittle,
the lower two thirds are
covered in white woolly
flbefs; ring downy at first, fairly
full, but disappearing quite soon.
HABITAT: I.flder deOO.oos trees (oak,
a o:.nlIm. SI.mner \IJto;tl
fall Failti commoo and widespread.
HABITAT: under deciduous trees, especially
in warm regions. Summef lhrough fall. Fairly
common .
Red-brown Parasol Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: , '/._2'/. in (3-7 em),
0: ,'/.-2'1. in (3-7 em).
Cap convex then expanded. covered in red-
dish or reddish-brown scales, sometimes
very densely. on a pale background tinged
with pink, darket' brown in the (enll'!'. Gills
crowded, while then $1ighlly yellow. Stipe
shorl (2 in (5 em) maximum). while at the
top, also covered in russet or brown scales
on a pink background. Ring qUill' faint,
often a mere ridge on Ihe stipe. The while
flesh reddens slightly when cut; mild flavor.
HABITAT: lawns. gardens. verges, grassy
woodland, beside hedgerows, on rich soil.
Lale summer through fall . Fairly raIl', but
may be relatively common in certain
Mediterranean or Atlantic regioos,
This is of the gTOUp of small brown
Par.lSo] Mushrooms onu aU c.illcd
Lt/,;otll hd.'toIll. AU these mushrooms
are lC$$ than 4 in (10 em) tall, and
colored in shades of pink. Their ring is
faint or absent. should be taken to
dUtinguish them &om edibk Parasol
Mushrooms bceroust Ihey can caU5C
srriOU$, and n'en faul, poisoning. The
main difftrenu is th" they arc much
smaller than Ihe edible species.
The Off-whi te I'arasol

Good 10 till, but tht risk of confusion
with the dtlldJy sptciu of is
K riOIlS.
Death cap Df ..... DlY
Spring Amanita
I)cstroying Angel
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 em),
0: 2-4 in (510 em).
Cap hemispherical then convex, smooth,
while. and Silky. Gills remain while for
a long time, lurnir.g pink or gray-
ish-p1nk when old, Stipe whi te,
swollen at the base into a mall 91000-
lose bulb, with an underdeveloped ring,
which slides eaSily up and down Ihe stipe.
Flesh while and firm. thick in the cap; no
characteristic odor or flavor.
HABITAT: in meadows. park.s. gardens.
and by roadsidM. Summer through fall.
fairly common.
This mushroom is ont of complu
group containing many spears and
varirties which aK difficwt 10 idrnrify. It
is said to be a roH livr species.
Parasol Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 612 ill (1530 em) (up
to 16 in (40 em)), 0: 4-12 in (1030 em),
Cap ovoid al first, then and
eventualty flal, oot almost always retaining
a central umbo; while or cream back
ground l'mlrely with grayi$h !.(ales
and broWll platelets. reddish-brown or
darker brown, fairly well spaced toward the
edge, more crowded toward the center and
uniformly reddish brown. The gills are
crowded and Vf!ry thick, fret! and elastic,
remaining white for a long lime, eVef1tually
darkening \0 dirty (Jearn. The stipe is
longer than the diameter 01 the cap,
VtnomouJ Parasol POISONOUS
All the little Parasol Mushrooms
no WIer Ihn";n (10
must be avoided,
Scarlet-brown Parasol DEADI.Y
Crested LepiOta POISONOUS
lIlacbrown DEADLY
straight. thickening slightly toward the bo1-
10m, fibrous and soon becoming hollow,
but rigid. The surface is (overed
with zigzag striations like a snakeskin, the
pattern being larger toward the base. The
ring is large and double, very thick and
woolly, and can be slid up and down the
stipe; the bulb is large
and whi le. The while
flesh is thin and soft;
faint odor but mild
hazelnut flavor.
HABITAT: in small
groups in neglected
meadows and pas-
tures. fallow land,
among heather and
macken, althe edge
of wood!. Of
hedgerows, and in
forests. tate summer
1hroogh fall. Very (om-
mon and widespread.
Vtty good to u,t.OnIy the ColIp is edible,
the king 100 conaccous. Whcn
the up is txpandtd, the flesh trnds 10
bome MOI'C' cwtk In some pbcn, it
is then in b.1ttt. or lmadcrumbs
The large Parasol Mushrooms is one of
the most populu of edible mushrooms,
it is dislinctivt and so
u$)' 10 recognize. hs size mUM Ihat jt
can bt spoiled even from a moving
vrhiclt! The young, dOKd capped
sptcimcns art known as Drumsticks.
CIlp 0I"Oid in )'Cung
. -r-- hclll1tl.,
Konrad's Par/lsol Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-5 in (10-13 em),
0; t,.-4", in (7-12 em).
Cap ovoid, then cooical. flanened in the
end, with a wide, shallow umbo; the center
is reddish-brown, wrth a Cfeam margin
covered in small brown spots.
Between them, a seriM of
large brown scales form
circles radiating from the
center, The gills are
large wide and whitish,
The hollow stipe is rather
bulbou$, smooth or finely striped
with reddish-brown, and has a thick,
sliding white ring, edged with gray on
the underside, The flesh is soft and pale.
reddening sHghtly when cut, e ~ i l l y in
the stipe; no panicular odor and fiaVOf.
HABITAT: singly or In groups at the edge
of forMt5- beside hedgerows. and In clear-
ings. Summer through fall. fairly common.
Thm an: KYCr.lI similar specits of
Parasol Mushrooms, including me Frilly
Parasol (lllarroltJ"'*' tX{oriatR), the
Umbonate: Par3WI (/tIlKroIqW Jrta5/OiJtIl),
the Crxcrw rara$Ol (AIIICrok/1ioIII rid:m),
and Kow's ransol (l.tjoioM konrtldU}, but
aD of thnn an: fdlbk.
Snu88)' Parasol Mushroom
Good to tal. Somt minor probltm'
rtported but they OUt prob.1b1y due
10 conMion with olha, wry limibr
vantlits of p.1Insol mu,hroom, sU(h as
the 1Nmt",;CII vaneI)' or tht rectnlly
apdy.namtd 'potdes Lf/fiQI<I ''tll(",,'''.
DESCRIPTION: H: 4'1,8 in (1220 em),
0: 21.,.6 in (6-' 5 an)
Cap globulose then remaifllng hemi-
spherical or COI1YeX 'Of a long [lilli!,
!\as no umbo. fringed marg,n, red
dish and smooth in the cenler,
covered in large brownish, well-
spaced brOWTlish scales. making it
look hirsute. Gills whil e or oeam,
reddening to the touch and when
mature Slip!! brittle, hollow and smooth,
'NhitiYi, reddishbrown to the touch and
wIth age, ring thick and sliding, wtutl! MId
sMggy; 'MY large marginate bulb, often
oblique due 10 cUlVawre of the stipe at the
base. Flesh lending to turn carrot or red-
dish when CUI, then turning brownistHed;
pleasant odor, mild flaVO!'.
HABITAT: In small groups in welH\
woods and under (olllfer5, fSj)e'
(ially spruce, Douglas fir. atld
beside hedgPS and in gardens, Summer
through fall. Fairly common arid
Fri lly I'ara, ol Mushroom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 812 em, 0: 512 em.
Cap domed Qr conical, umbo small 01'
absent, almost entirely pale brown in the
young specimen, subsequently cracking
into large scales on a whitish background.
except a! the center whkh remains unl
formly pale brown; the margin is shaggy.
GlI!s broad and whitish. Slipe smooth and
wllile, no longer than the diameter of the
cap, With a ba!>e swollen Into a WlaU bulb;
Good 10 tiI.I, tboup t b ~ 6brou. I.
Jhoukl ~ ~ Ofttll cOnNlfd
with Iht r amol Mushroom.
Venomous Puuoi POISONOUS
ring single, white but tinted With pale
mown atlhe edge, conical and ascendent,
then sliding along the stipe wilh c1gf. Flesh
white, ulKhanging; faint odor, mild ilavOf.
HABITAT: in groups In well-drained
meadows, pastures, and the edge of
woods. Lale summer through fall. Com
mon in certain rtgions; widespread.
Hy Agari c
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-10 in (1025 em),
G: ] 1,8 in (820 em).
Cap globu!ose al first
and entirely covered
with a white
membrane, then
flallening com-
pletely, bfighl
red dotted With
wt'lite Of yellow-
ish-white pus-
tules wnich in the
younger specimens
cover most of the suriacE!.
They become more spread out with
age and can easily be detached. They
lend \0 disappear with age, and the
color turns paler. and may even become
pale orange. The gills ale crowded, free
and broad, while or cream. The stipe is
Hunlcrs of the Ctp or Penny Bun
Mushroom (8oIt1US l4ft/is) lind thai the
Fly Apric libs the umt habiu! as their
favorite food. Thai is why, whtn
hunting for the ckliciOU$ boltlt, Ihey
Snl SW1 looking for pliicts in which the
Fly Apric grows, al it is so easy 10 spot
dUl to irs bright (olon.
white, very dowfly at !.OIid then hoIk1N,
WIth a large. fTagile. pendant ring which turns
and whose thick border may
be crenelated; the bulb is topped wnh two
or three floccose 01 warty ridges. The whne
flesh is yelk:m under the OJli(Ie, it has a
odor and mild f1aVCH.
Fly Ag ... ric takt on difftrrnl
fonns. The Illlrtoin v ... ritl)' ill !alIer ..... d
h ... s an o"""gc tlIIp devoid of pustul". II
prrfcn [OIIifnoll5 woods. Tht for-
IIilricl)' has iI u p wllich Vilri" in color
from yellow 10 brigllt orange, bu.t the
w;aru on the ''''p, ring, and slipe ... re
lemon yellow. This particular form ;,
found mostly in North Ameritlil . AU the
IIilricti" arr poiS(lnous.
TIt( formosa mntl)' h,TS (SlN1trtimN
a!IStIll), /I ri"g. 11",1 II Shiv M,bifh arr ,!lI/(mc"
HABITAT: glom in groops Of rings. in
deciduous or coniferous fOlem, maiflly
under birch and spruce; il is ohen to be
found on verges. on acid or siliceous soil.
lal e summer Ihroll9h fall. Very common
Mrywhere, espe<ially in lhe mountains and
grom in a wide variety of climates.
The symptoms of poisoning
of an hour afttr ingestion,
through stomach upsets and
hallucinations, which may C;1U$C hilariry
or extreme depression. The Lapps of
Siberia have long exploited the
haUucinogcn propl'rUn of the
mushroom in thw riles. II
would appear dun most of the toxic
substances art contained in rht wIkle of
the (,lp. This would explain why, in
some regions, the mushroom is petlcd
befort uting. In the Middle Ages, il was
used as a oy-saUer, A pieces of the
cap so.:akrd in sugan:d milk 10
auract the mes which were thus killed,
hence the common name of the
Caesar's Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H 4-7 in (10-
18 em), 0: 3",-7 in (818 em).
When very young. tile whole
mushroom is encased in a thick
white membrane. The cap is
globulose at then hemi-
aod evemually flat -
tened It IS thKk. wllh a clearly
striated margin, and a bfilliant
orange color, sHghl1y Viscid in
weather, smooth but some-
times a few shrem of Ille uni
versal veil still cling 10 it. Gills
very thick, crowd@(! and broad,
pale yellow then deep gold.
Stipe \hkk ('I. \0 1 I. In (2 10
3 em)) bemming bulbous
loward the base, striated
the ring, and the same coo as
the gills. The ling is large and
yellow, often slJialed. The vo/va
is large, thick, and wtlile, flared
at the lOp. Flesh thick and
white, yellowing at the peflphery; pleasant
odor, mild rIavor.
HABITAT: de<:iduous f()fest$, especially oak
afld cheslnut, ()f1 add. W!II-drained soil.
From late summer through early fall. Fairly
common in southern Europe, and rarely
north of the 4soN latitude, though in warm
years ilglows as far north as Gef -
many and 8e\gilJm.
u(tDmt, whm raw. Vtry popuLIr
in IWy.
Panther Cap
DESCRI PTI ON: H: 3'/.-6 in (8-15 em),
0: 211-4/, in (612 em).
Cap domed, tllen convex alld finally Oal,
with a finely striated bfown to gray-bfown
margin, shiny and dolled witlliittle white
flakes arranged in more 01' less concentric
circles. Gills uowded, broad and whill'.
Slipe pure whi te, fibrilw, WIth a floppy,
fug.Ke0u5 white ring toward the center
which !\as no striations on the upper Wf-
lace. The bulb is large and caf1 grow to 1 'I:
in (4 em) in diameter, with a dearly marked
IIppe! ridge margillate bulb) lopped WIth a
helicoidailloccose ridge wmding once Of
twice around the Slipe. while, thick .11
the center; !>light smell of radish, mild fIavoI.
HABITAT: grO'M in small groups on grass
velges and decidu-
ous 'NOOds. more
rarely under cooilefS.
Summer through
early fall .
but fairly
The- 81uwr ED1IIU "---"',-
hlr.e P.nthtr Dp [oIBLf
A b ller v.rid)' (Vat. grows
Wldu mountain coniffn, of which the
ap, which is cborittr in color an "ttain a
diuMlu of 7 in (II em).
The 81usher
DESCRIPTION: H; 3/.7 in (818 an),
0: l'/.6In (8-15 an).
Cap domed Ihefl convex. wnn a margin thaI
is not 5111a1OO, beige through pale brown,
often shaded with dark l!d, COYeIed in small
whrlJsh pink or pale gray detachable Rakes.
which are usually vefy dense In young ~
imens, more Wldely!opa(ed and more or less
concentJiC at later stages. Gills bmad and
crowded, wtHte and spoued WIth pink, turn-
ing pink to the loocn. Stipe thick, becoming
hollow, thickening toward the base into a
bulb with a pomted end; while and striated
or smooth a ~ the ring, plnl:ish while and
Slightly downy under the ring, clearly
marked with crimson on the bulb. Ring wide
and pendant. wiated and perSistent. Flesh
wMe, ~ reddening when cut and when
damaged, reddish-brown undef the cutJdt;
odoiless but with mild flavor.
The Blushtr (A ... ,,,,i/II I'HKsce"f) is vel)'
v. ... iable sperits, I)f which 5tVenl
Vlrieti are rfcogniud. The
"""IIIoJlli,lifurlll v";ety hu a pale sulfur-
yellow ring. All varieties retain the
future of reddening or blushing of tht
flnh when CUI, tUmagcd, or faten a w ~ y
by inlllal'\'ae.
HABITAT: singly or in
small groups at the
edge of welllit
dedduous or conif
erous forests. in
highland and low-
lands, on acid or
slightly calcareous
soil. Summer through
fall. Very common and
Poisonous raw, edible well cooked. The
fibrous IIm should bt disaorded.
False r 3nthcr Cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 3", -7 in (8 18 em).
0: 2",_4'1/ in (7 12 em),
The cap is glQbulose. then hemispherical
and finally nat, spfinkled with pale gray
plaques against a blown or olive brown
The stipe is thick, fi rm and full,
striated above the ring. and marked with
grayish zigzag bands below it; Ihe ring
lull and striated; the bulb is nOt very
marked. flesh white, thick althe
center; it has a faint odor of
radish and a mild navOf.
HABITAT: coniferous
dally pine) or deciduous (espe-
cially oak). 011 acid
soil. Summer through fall.
Widespread bul uncommon. moll!
frequently found at altitude.
This mushroom I"C$CIIlblrs both the
Cap ;md me Blll5hu but il dOl'll
nOI tum pink or crimson when d'
(I' t ul and IIC no clurly marlccd
ridgn ovcr the bulb.
Edible but not wonh caling, and should
M avoidrd anyway, dur to its clost
rrstmblance to the Panthtr Cap.
Panther cap P01SONOUS
The Blusher EDlBI.E
Jonquil Amanita
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'lr 4/J in (612 em),
0: 2-4 In (5-10 em),
Cap domed and soon flattening, no! very
neshy, Wllh a fleshy, yel!ow-to-ocher cap and
sUiated margin, ohen decorated with a few
white plaqlleS 01 Hakes. Gills white. Sttpe
slightly thickened al the base, becoming hol-
low wilh itC}I!. v.iUte and floccose; ring while,
median and thin, undevelopPd and vef'J fuga-
ceous; the votva disappears fairly quidly,
leaving a ridge above the buh
Flesh while, pale yellow ooder the cutICle,
odorles.5 and with a mild fIawr.
HABITAT: coniferous 01 dKidU0U5 forests,
pine and beech, 011 fairly acid soil.
Spfing IhlOU9h fall . Fairly common in south
em parIS of the northern hemisphere.
Somt COIIIMItr it poisonous, oWn
tcL'bIt. 1M bet IhII il Iw JO 111m)'
vwOons may IMM Wol ;1 is $imply ..
Wititt)' of anothtt spia. To M avoidtd.
Death Cap
H: 3'lr 6'h in (91] em),
Cap ovoid or globulose.
l'nlirely (overed in a
white membrane, then
hemispheti!;al, aod
finally lIattened; color
fairly variable, rypically
yel!owish-grffil. bul also
bfownish'yellow, olive
brown, gfet'f1ishbI'own,
and entirely pure while
In the alb.) varlely, with
fine, darker, radial fibril
and sometimes the
remains of the whi le
veil. The wrface is Silky
when dry, !>lightly vis-
(OtIS in wet Wl'ather.
Gills crowded and
broad, while. tulning
cream with age. 511pe
elongated. firm, ~ o
H19 more or less hollow,
slightly thickened toward
tile base, (O\'eted in hof-
Izontal, gray-green
zigzag bands on a while
background. NOfmally
very ample but capable
of disappearing and
appealS to be s!naled
on the upper surface, whilf'
Of Slightly greenish;
valva oitf'n large,
KIlled aM whi te, sur
rounding a large bulb.
Flesh while, yellow undl'1 the {utlde; faint
odD( which is unpleasant in older spe<i-
mens, mild flavor.
Greeo Cra,kmg Russula ED1HI f
Wood Mushroom EDI8U
Prncnnous TrKholoma \:;0181.
1'hi$ mushroom is deadly
arwIlIas been the uuse 01
more de. than all thr
othrr poisonous IiIIIgi PUI
logelhfr .
Thert is an mtirely white .... riety of the
Duth Up, which looks ... ery limilar 10
1M Spring ArnJniu clmribtd btlow.
HABITAT: forests and
plantations 01 varioos
de<iduous Uef!S
(oak, beech, hazel
nut, birch, etc.)
and occMional1y
Linder conifef\
from midwmmer
thlough fall. Very
common, espe<ially in
the lowland!.. Found all
over the world.
The ArnJniw Ire rnpotUibie lOr more th.m 90'10 of flu.] poiloninp by
wild mIMI'OOIIII. The "riouinw of the poisonina: it in MCI relatioMhip with the
weichl of the victim. lbil is why children are the mOlt vulner. ble md whm whole
familie. are poisoned they art the first 10 suffer. About 1 'I. 01. (50 g) of <kadly . pean
of """,nil. is tnough to kill . n adull, .boot the weighl of" SINGLE MUSHROOM.
Symptoms do nOl lppcar until bttwttn six and 48 hours .fter ingestion. There is.
rlpid hlltt of digestive disorders with nlusta, shivering, vomiting, dWThu , and
JtomKh The symptoms IDly IIJI _en! clioY'. " I!1edicaI rumination wiD reveal
more IItnou. prograaive dntruction 01 the lint.Treatment requirtl
hospiuJiution may tvCn involve s1.iCh writ mtuurts u I Iivtr ITIrIspiant.
Although thac Iw betn sipiSunt progrHI in Ihe tre&tmtnl of poiJonings ClUiItd by
thellt m1.rShrooms, (.lIltS of death art Chltlndy rtported by the media in the fall, the
htisbt of the picking "ison, npiaUy in Clltem Europe.
Fal se Death Cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'/.-5'/: in (7-14 em),
13: 2-4 in (5- \0 em).
Cap domed then flallening, lemon yellow
wi lh whitish or ocher plaques. entirely
while in the alba varif!ty. Gills whi te or pale
yellow. Stipe slightty thickening toward the
base, pale yellow, with a wide. striated
ring. also yellow, and a large bulb (up to
1 ',. in (3 em) in diameter) marginate,
whitish, and more or ........
(overed with frag-
ments of the yel-
low volvO'. The
flesh smells
cally of raw
potato or
HABITAT: under deciduous
lIees or cooilels., especially
on sandy, acid soi l. lale
summer through fall. Very
bulb glcbulcu: __ _
I ,.""m", "P
Not vcry good 10 till; it WlIS once
(o05Wkml toxic, throvgh confusion with
Spri"g Amanita
Thil mUlhroom is iusl as dudly as
Duth Cap, but Ins WtU known MeolU"
it isleS! common, at lUll in It is
mort fnqutnt in tht Unittd SUo,".
DESCRIPTlON:H: 2'/.4/. in (7
1 1 (m), 0: , 'I
4'1 .. in (4 12 em),
Cap OVOid or globulose. then hemi -
spherical, eventually flattening.
pule while, sometimes aeam or
beige, smooth, rarely COWIe<! In
debris of the white veil, mane, VIS'
cid when Gi lls white. Supe
smooth or my shghtly floccose,
while; ling while. pendan\ <md per -
Sistent, but often 10m. VoIva YOIu-
and widl>, also while. Flesh
while; odorless or Wllh a 1<1'nl,
rather unpleasant odor, mUd lIa\lOl'.
HABITAT: copses and airy forests
01 deciduous 1Iees. espe<ially undef
oak, rarely under conifers: inditfer-
entlo soil type. Mainly found in the
sprifl9. but may be encountered In
!>Urnmet', and even early fall . Fairly
rare, and mainly found in southern
pailS 01 the northem henuspOtre.
Wood MUihroom EDIBU
Off-whne r'ruo! Mushroom fJ)lRII
Destroying Angc:1
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 4-7 in (l0
18 em). 0: 2-l/. in (5-8 em)_
Cap domed 11'11 conol, with a
wide umbo, ollen assymtuical or
inClined, pure while and silky, viS-
cid when weI. Gills bl'oad and
white WIth Kaly edges. Stipe
white, very downy, becoming hol-
low and Sluffed with (ouony
rlbefs in ok\ef specimens.. The ring
is very high upon the stipe, some-
times even anaclled \0 the gills.
but It disappears fairly sooo; the
bulb al the base is enveloped In a
whi le. sac-like vowa. The lIesh Is
while and Ihkl: al the center;
young s!l(!Cimens ha'X! a faint
odor which becomes unpleasant
in older ones. The lIa'o'Or is mild.
HABITAT: often undef conifers.
espe<ially spruc!, ~ m t i m s
undef decidUOLtS uees well as
beech Of birch, on damp, acid SOi1.
From ~ m m r IhlOiJgh early fall.
Fauly common in northern regions
aoo at altitude, raIl! elsewhere.
Wood Mushfoom EOIIU
OFf-wllllc Parasol EDlW
Ovoid Amanita
DESCRIPTION: H: 6-10 in (1525 em),
0: 4/'10 in (12-25 em).
IvOry GlP vef'/ thid; and fleshy, remaifling
ovoid fOf a long tUTle. smooth, sometimes
WIth a few thick scales and a shaggy mar-
g,n. Gills wtlitlsll, shilggy at the edge. Stipe
thick (up 10 2 in (5 em) white and
floccose; ring very floccose, becoming
det<lChed; ocher voIva wide and full. high Ofl
the stipe, thick. flesh white and thid:; dis-
tinclM! odor, mild and pleasant in young
specimens, unpleasant in older ones.
HABITAT: under de6duous trees. e'SpeCia11y
oak, or under (ol'llfefs, pme, in
well-l it, grassy woods. on limestone and
saody soil, in warm, sunny locations. Fairly
ComfTlOf1 in the Mediteffaneall region. rare
elsewhere. Summer through fall.
NO! Vfl)' good to u.t; it musl bot Ulcn
young, U oldn sptrimcns prodlltf
DESCRIPTION: H:47 in (1018 em). 0'
l /r4 in (4 10 em).
Cap conical al f i ~ then expanding, always
fairly umbonate; margin covered in long,
deep s!Iiauons; gray to brun, maue, smooth,
and generally without while plaques. Gills
cra.vded, bfOad and whitt. Stipe long and
slender (up to 8 in (20 em)), be<oming hol-
low, thickening slightly toward the base
where it is about ~ in (1 em) in diameter;
pale gray, bare or slightly floccose, no ring.
bUI with a narrow, white volva aroon<! the
base, eXleoding 1 'b. 10 2 in (3 10 5 em) up
the stipe. Flesh very thin under the cap mar-
glO; odorless but wllh a mild lIavol.
Poisonous rolW, good to U I when
cooked, but t h ~ Beth is Ihin lnd & .. gilc.
HABITAT: Deciduous forests, lOOfe rarely
undef conifers. Summer through fall. FaIrly
common and WIdespread.
The Grisettc is typical of I group of
mllShroomJ which have KVcral forms or
varieties, the difference being the
color of the ClIp. 1M commonest of
thtrQ is mf Tallt'llY Crist-ttl d (A",,, .. ;r,,
fjd .. ,,) which hu an oT3ngl or fawn cap.
The stipe and volva art srained
IIoith thf 5IJIIC color u me Clp. II gl'OWl
mainly wtdtr chestnut utes 011 acid
5Oils. Anodlcr future of the Cristll" i,
Ihat they have no ring.
Tawny GriseHe
The Tawny Griseue has the same character
istics as the Griset1e, bot it differs in thaI
the cap is oral'lge or fawn, darker in the
centef ,smooth and shiny. The voIva and
Saffron Griscnc
H: 48 in (10-20 em).
0: 2'1,4'/, in (6 12 em).
Cap I'IemlspOefi(al at flfst. then flat,
ollen umbonate, WIth a de.lfly Striated
ITliIfgin; yelloworaf"l9l! 10 reddish OIaf\9t'.
paler althe margin. Gills crowded and
whitish. Stipe thickening slightly toward the
base, bflUIe, bewrTllng hollow, the same
cob as the cap and StIiped with flaky
stipe are also
sponed with
fawn or orange.
HABITAT: (\e(id.
UOlIS or (ooifer'
ous woods. espe-
cially under
chestnut on acid
or slhce0u5 soil.
Appears in early
summer and lasts
through fall. Fairly
Large votva, wtme on
the outside, pale yellow Inside.
FleYl while, orange ur.def the; no pilllicu!al odor 01 navor.
HABITAT: mainly under
deciduous trees. often on grass
verges on acid soil. Summer
through fall. Fairly (ommoo
in climates,
unusual elsewhere.
Gray Griseue
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'/,-41 .. In (6-12 eml.
0: 1 'I, rldn (4-7 an),
Cap deafty striated OYer aI m half !he area
of the racius of the cap, aIM! tJO'Ml often WIth
one (W f'M) metrbaroos shreds c:ilgIng to it,
!he remaI'6 01 the Yl'iI. Gis v.tlIte and otMded.
"" " ... edge It,. _ "'Ittly
10WiIfd the base, hollow, -Mlilt tIvough pale
!1a'f. marked with zigzag strialicns. VoIva lobed,
faifty frag-
ile. pale fPllO p<*
broMt. Flesh thick al
the Cl'IlIer only; cxb
"" ""'''''''
collifetS, espedally
spruce. On acid soil.
SUtTvnef ttvcujl fall.
Fair1ycommon inthe
mon in
H: 4-6 in (10-15 em),
0: 21, 41 In (6-12 em),
Cap conical sooo expandon9.
wuh a central umbo SUfroundfd by a
slight deprMsion, striated over coe
third of the radius, yellow ocher
then turning brCMll'lish-yellow. marked
WIth a dali:er cirde in !he Cef11er.
Gills blood, aowded and while.
Stipe gradually thiCkening toward
the base, long aod hoIkm wl1l1 age
spotted Wl th!1ay on a pale back
ground; while sheathli ke volva,
deeply embedded in the
soil. flesh white, thick in
the center, thin elsewhere,
odorless and mild in flaVOl.
HABITAT: coniferous forests.
espe<ially fir al'ld spruce, in the
mountains. Rarer under de<iduous trees
arid in mIXed woods in tnt lowlands.
Summer through fall. Uncommon.
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-6 in (10-15 em).
0: 2-6 in (5-15 em),
Cap conical 1hef1 f1anened. often wl\h a
shallow umbo; variable in colof. faWfl
through very dark gray-brown, oflefl darker
Admirablc Plutcus
DESCRIPTION: H: 1',.-2',.' in (36 cm).
0 ; ',1'" 1'J. in (,-] em).
Cap col'\yl!x then smooth and flat. except in
the center where II is ...... unkled. orange-yel-
low 10 ocher, Gills broad, pale yellow then
pinkish. Stipe frag,le, smoolh al'ld yellow.
HABITAT: Singly or In groups on rOiling
wood. Summer Ihrough early fall. In North
America only.
in lhe cenlef. Gills free, aO'Nded and wide,
while at first. then pink. Sllpe solid, thicken
ing toward the base-, with brown fibrils
against a pale background. easily se-parable
from the cap. Flesh Ihi<k and whi te. smelling
slightly of radish. mild flaYOf.
HABITAT: Singly 01 in smalilults on the (lit
side of logs, sawdust, rotting wood. decidu-
ous forests or in park!. From $piing thfOUgh
fall Very frequent and wrdeipI'eitd
The UO'Holored MUleus (Plurtus
kOlli"IIJ} il anolher spedcl of
Pluleu, with a smooth cap and white
Pink-$porcd Criscnc
DESCRIPTION: H: 47 in (10.18 em),
0: 2'/o-4/,in (1-12 ern).
Cap ovoid then comcal, later convex or
expanded, white mouse-gray or gray-brown,
smooth, Vliny wtlen dry and viscid wflen
damp. Gills crO'Nded, bfOad and bowed, free
from the stipe, pinkiSh-white then rusty pink
or pmkish-brown. Stem thmnll'19 toward the
Anolhu species of VolvMiOI is rultiv,lIrd
throughout $Outht,UI Asi.l on VlIIrious
renuins or trops, KpttWIy rice.
top, fibrillose and white, browmng at the
end, with a very I.1rge, very "agile whilt to
gray-brown vo","a. Flesh whitish, !offielling
faintly of radish, mild flavor ..
HABITAT: open spaces rich in organIC mal-
tl'f. on lOlling vegetatlOfl. Summer through
fall. !>OC11elrmes as late as De<embef. Fairly
common and widespread.
DESCRIPTION: H: 1',,] '/, III (48 em).
0: 1 '/,-4 in (4 10 em).
Cap COIM!X at WIth a IIghtJy inrolled
margin, then expanding wllh a Idrge umbo,
01 depressed in the (enter. the margin
boming wNf and lOIn in place!>; com-
Good 10 U I, never wo rm-Ul t n
MiUer ofttn grows otIonpidc or
Penny Bun Mushfoonu (&llluS
50 it is a good indiurIK of their

pletely while, velvety 0/ pruinose,
rarely pale gray-whitE!. Very decur -
rem gills, crowded, very supple
when pressed with the fingers, !asily
detachable WIth a flAgefnail, willie 01 pale
beige, be<omrng pinl: upon Stipe
soli and short, often (urved alld may some
urnes be slightly swollen at the base. Flesh
thick in Ihe center, very thin at tile edge.
whil e. fragile and soft; very prOOOlJf)Ced
odof and flaVO!' 01 fresh fl our, hence the
common name
HABITAT: In gfoops in welllil coruferous
or deciduous woods.. La te summef through
lOlli, mainly on acid soil. Very common and
",lute Oltocybes wluch
Shield-shaped Entoloma
DESCRIPTION: H 2'f,-4'J. In (6-11 (m),
0: 1',.-4 in (310 an).
Cap (oni(al then convex, margin often
undulating and splrwng In piacM. flesh is
film with a very pronounced umbo; the silky,
fibrillose surface is beige through gray-
bfown aod very pale when dry, becoming
uVld Enlolon\,l POISONClUS
dark. gray-bfown when wet. Gills broad and
well-spaced, white then dirty pink.. Stipe fib-
rillose, whitish Of grayish. flesh wtute, lurn
ing gray when wei. Rancid odcw, flavor mild
and Ibuy.
HABITAT: in scattered groups under thorn
(hawthorn and blackthorn). hedger-
ows. In parb and on grau Yl!rges. SPllng-
lime. ComlTlOf1 and widespread .
wvi d Entoloma
DESCRI PTION: H: 4 /.-8 in (12-20 em),
0: 1 J..6 in (8- 15 em).
Cap hemispl\eucal or conical, be<omill9
convex and !'lfnlUally lIattening, thick and
lumpy, with a margin that remains inrolled
for a long lime, and is then flalteoed and
sinuous. The stJ/fiJ(e is fibrillose and Silky,
silvery-gray, ocher-gray, or gray-brown. The
gills are very smuate, pale yellow lilefl
salmon pIIlk, Slip! thick, swollen at thf
base, rlblillose, aeamy-wtlnl!, graymg
WIth age. Flesh white, thickening in
the Cl'flter; odor and flavor of
freY! flOtH,
HABITAT: grows in rings or
small groups. Sometimes two or
three individuals ale fused 011 tile base.
found on grass Yefge5 and well-lit
deciduous woods. especially under oak,
beech, and on clay 0100 lime-
stooe soil. Late summer through early
fall Uncommon but WIdespread.
The Livid EntololTUl is responsible for
many poisonings due 10 its
10 two edible specics, the Clouded
Apric (Clirocrw I'/tut..ris) and Millcr
(ClilOjoi/is '>nil/II/liS). It rewmblrl thr
bur r in thr IIrong smtU of llour.
Ocelot Entoloma
DESCRIPTION H: 2-3/. in (5-8 em),
Il '/.1 'Ii in (2-4 an).
Cap ctncaI then Ranened. Wldl a striated m.;r-
girl. a re<kl6h-br0Ml, bectrnrg
ocher vhn dry, WIth a dirkef stain " the centet
Gis the same a:b as the cap, then samon-
pnk. SIIpI! bottle aOO I'dlow, al the
base. coYefed II Uule rbils on a dad: bad-
!1o.rd. Iljltly v.n.te al the tql FIe5il
ro p.naAaf odor or fI.M:x.
Star-spored Entoloma
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 J..] J. in (J.8 an),
o '/. 1 'I, in (2-4 em).
Cap conKa] then convex and umbonate.
dirty berge 'Nfl!!n dry, gray-brown and stri
ated on lhe margin when wet. Gills beige
then pinkish. Stipe hollow and brittle, often
slightly thickened at the base, strongly stri
ated with silvery fibrils a9,lIn51 a beige then
brown background. flesh pale gril)', Wllh
fainl odor and flavor.
HABITAT: under conifers, undef
de<idl.l!M on humid, acid SOIls, moor
land and Summer through lall.
HABITAT: pastures and Jawns. very
wet clKiduous or corllferous
forests. marshy pinewoods,
especially in the moolllain!.
Summer through fall. Com-
mon and widespread.
Stinking EnloJoma
H: 3 J..4 ~ in (812 em).
0: 11.2'1. In (J.7 em).
Cap conical, then flat
tenlng with small
POinted umbo. silky
and reddish-bfown or
dark bfown when
damp, becormng pa!el
when dry. WIth a sui-
ated margin. Gills
broad. while to pale
brown. StJpe long ai'ld
slender (4 in x 'I. in
Silky- n cm Entoloma
DESCRIPTION: H: 3'/.-6 in (8 15 em).
0: 1 'Ir 4 In (4-10 em).
Cap convex then expaoolng, dePfessed Of
umbilicate in the center. beige in dry
weather, turning graybrown when wet,
with a margin that becomes uooulating WIth
(10 em X 0.6 em))
expanding at tile bul
boo, graybfown base
sprinkled WIth white
powdef at tile top.
Rancid odor of I!sh oil.
Flesh gray or pale
brown, mild and
floury flavor.
HABITAT: In (onlfl'f-
OIlS Of mixed woods
on l i ~ l o n soil
Spring. Fairly common.
age, and wtlich is somellmes sUlo1tl'd, Gills
creamywtllte then dark pmk. Stipe fr<lgiie,
thmning shghtly toward the base and at
the top, smooth, si llcy, and whitish. Flesh
thin and white: no particular odor Of flavor.
HABITAT: in groups in deciduoos woods,
especially beech, somellmes undef corrifl'ls,
late summer through lall, frequent, but
COIn!TlOl'lef on hrghef ground, Widespread.
Silky Enloloma
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'/,-4 in (410 em),
0: 'f.-] in (2-5 em).
Cap conical then convex with a small umbo,
margin with lon.g striations ~ n wet, siltt
gray when dry, dark brown almost black
when we\. Gills sinuate, dirty white then
dirty pink. Stipe thin, hollow, and friable,
grayish with while fibrils Flesh gray; strong
odor and flavor of flour.
Blue Entoloma
DESCRIPTION: H: ,'/,-2'/. in (4-7 em),
0: '/,-l'/J in (1-4 em).
Cap CDflical then convex but very often
umbilicate or depressed in the center, felt ed
or fjbrmose, dark bille-gray or blue-black.
Gills very broad, pale blue then violet-
brown, with saw-toothed e d g ~ Stipe ~ i d
then hollow, smooth and silky, the same
color as the cap, felled with white mycelium
at the base.
HABITAT: In meadows. on lawns, at road
sides and on verges. in highland and HJw
land. late summer through fall. Uncommon.
HABITAT: lawn$ and welldrained grass-
land, from lowland \0 highland, late sum-
mer through fall. Common.
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'/,-4'/ .. in (6-12 em),
0: 1",-3'1. in (3-8 em).
Cap bell-shaped, then convex, finally
expaoded, with or without a central umbo.
The margin be<omes sinuate and splil. Sur
face fibrillose Of finely granulose, bright red
dish-orange or reddishbrown. Gills widely
spa<ed on broad, yellow-orange then bright
red. Stipe sometimes slightly bent and nar-
rowing at the base, the same color as the
cap or paler, sometimes displaying yellow
filaments of the cortina. flesh golden; odor
of radish or potato, slightly acid lIavor.
HABITAT: de<iduous forests, espe<ially
oak, sometimes under conifers (pines). on
dry, add soil. In mO\Jntains and plains. From
late summer through fall. Generally
uncommon but may be abundant in some
This mll5hroom WM caUed tht
Mountain Cortinarius, because it was
thought that the name of the species
(/lTtllllHU5) came from oros muning
"mountain" in Greek. In fact, il is found
in the plaifl$ as well as in Ihe mountains.
The name is an allusion 10 a tropical
shrub tropical named Annatto (lli,nn
orr/II"",) whose $Ceds are exactly
tht same color as this Cortinarius.
Deadly. The symploms of poisoning do
not manift'lll until thtte days
after inge1uon, and in certain cases the
first symptoms do not appt'ar unUl twO
weeks !<lter.
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'Ir 411 in (612 (m),
e: l /r H in (4-8 em).
Cooical or beIlshaped cap exp<JIdiIg late!; ..... th
a IXlilted IJTbo, cbMTt orange brown, fa'Ml.
or re<tjslt Gis wdety spacEd. the same coklr
as the cap. StJpe /arty Ioog. tIlcIr.emg at the
base I:trt ttming i'lthe !JCU1d; noQish with a
fe.v faI'lt )doN cicLAar mats. Aesh or
red, fiWll O!b d r.dsh ard mikl tliwoc
Stinking Cort inllrius
DESCRIPTION: H: l/.41 in (812cml,
0: 24/. in (Soil un).
Cap _"" """ _ ..."" "'"
sillcy bbsh1iIac: V!iI thM city ........ te, more or
less mixed ....,th tb. Wdet1
brqIl saffron gills, n.ming rust-<Clklred. Studt
The Camphor ConinariU$
(IIJf1/_alus) i. vcry lIS stronger
odor it fJltrcmdy unpkuant, and the
Htsh is tinted bllW: or violtt. Tht giI1s arc'
prior to III.lIlurity.
Ilumid and acid late summer through
mid-fall UllCommon.
stipe, tIickefwlg toward
the base, bulbous and
_ .... "'" .. ""
FI!sh the same CDb as the
gills.. darkef dart.ef In the stipe.
Tht ocb is In.I!>UaI but hard
10 define, though rather
but sorneumes
frullY; biter 1IaYor.
HABITAT: deciduous
or corull'l'OUS Iorem,
usually i'I the IllOlI'ltainS.
on acid soil. Su'nrrM!r thrOlJl'jl
mld-Ial. Common.
Abnormal Cortinarius
DESCRIPTION: H ]/,4'/, in (812 em),
o l 'J,. ]'.10 111 (H em),
Cap COIWeX !hen expanded. WIth or WIthout it
large umbo. with a regular then undulalrog
margn gay.!oh-oche!. yt\Ic7N-brown, or red-
dish, someumes viOlet on the margin, and
5pfinkled with brilliant specks hke miCa. Gills
violet. soon turning rust-brown. Slipe ohen
rwiCe as long as the diamelef of the tap,
bending. thidefUAg toward the base, blue-
violet toward the top. while Of reddish......t1ne
!ow;vd the bottom. '!hefe are reddish ringS on
the stipe v.tJidI disawear with age. The IIWI
Is whlttsh-viOlet 111 the cap. viOlet al the lOP of
the stipe; faint odor, mild 1Iavor.
HABITAT: IfI groups in detiduoos f f ~ t s
(bum) or beneath conifers (pinel. in the low-
lands ard highlands.. Late summer through
fall. Very common.
Mauve- tinted Cortinariu5
DESCRIPTI ON: H: i l.5'/, in
(7-1 4 em), 0: l"r3',. in (4)8 em).
Cap campanulate then flattening,
often with a very large umbo,
pale lila< or pale covered in
a white vei l al first, then (N-
ered in fibrils, but never viscid. Gills vio-
let-gray then (wning reddish-brown. Stipe
fairly thick, very swollen al the baM!, often
slight bowed, the same color as the cap,wi th
a white cortina becoming rust-spoiled
toward tht! lOp. Flesh thick in the cenler of
the cap, thin at the edge. pale violet or
bluish, al the top of the stipe;
odorless. mild fl avor.
HABITAT: often in
groups in deciduous
forests (oal:, beech,
chestnut). some
times under conifer$.
Prefers acid soi l!..
Summer through
fall. Very common.
Semi-sanguine Cortinarius
DESCRIPTION: H: 1-4 In (S-10 em).
0: l ',.2'I,in (37 em).
Cap campanula!!! then flauemng with a
small umbo, surface shiny and covered in
cinnamon or yellow-bmwo fibrillose granu-
lations, somel rmM darker in the center.
Slipe long and flexible, pale yellow, with a
few reddish fibrils. sometimes pinkisll-
orange at the base; thin, yellowish cortina.
Flesh golden yellow or ocher olive; odor
and flavor
of radish.
coniferous or mixed
lowland and moun
tain forests. In the
fall. (ommon.
Cinnamon Cortinari us
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 em),
13: 1)\-21' in (J.6 ern,
Cap convex then flattened. often umbonate.
donamonroIored, olive Of reddish-brO'Ml. Gills
yellow-orange, IIJming rust when mature. Slipe
flexible, thickening toward the bonom, hollow,
~ I o w 10 reddish. scaly Icmard the txmom.
~ lemon yellow; faint odor and bitter flavor.
HABITAT: in groups in cooiferous forests
(mainly spruce and pine), rat"l'I under deciduous
t r ~ 00 acid and very humid, MIl boggy
ground. late surrroer throogh lall. fairly (om'
moo and widespread.
Red-banded Corti nari us
DESCRIPTION: H: 46):; in (10-17 (m),
0: (5-12 (m).
Cap flattened bell-shape, neYly, reddish and
COYefed with very small, slightly darker sca!.s.
often beanng the remaInS of the red on
the margl1l. Beige gills soon be<oming rust
roklred. Stipe firm, full, Wlth a large bulb,
ringed with brick-red. oblique elr-
ell's. (oulna while, abuodanl but ephemeral
Flesh pale brown, odor of radish, mild Of bit-
ter flavor.
HABITAT: In grCMJps under de<i<Iuous trees.
mainly birch on heathlaod and very acid and
humid soil, in highlands or lale
SlJrnmer through fall. Fairly common.
Curved Cortinarius
(8 14 em), 0: 2-4 in (S-10 em).
Cap hemispheficalthen convex.
fleshy, wl!h line bfown or
bfown flbfils. sometimes $lightly viO
leI. Gills thick and very widely
spaced, gray-violet then fUst Stipe
thickening al tile base, ohen curved.
vioielloward the top. covered under
fleath WIth a whitish meath the top of
which is incurved to 101m a ioOIt of ring.
FIWI gray and thid: in the centef, violet at
the top of the SlIpe; Strong and unpleasant
odor and mild RaYOf.
Fawn Cortinarius
HABITAT: deciduous
forests, mainly
bee(h. Summer tJwough
fall. Very common.
d insk sJrrnlh r-'wg
nwg Itt'" II.( lop c(
rl!t Ulrt
DESCRIPTION: H: In (7-12 em),
0: 2-3;( in (5-8 em). nenl OOlbo;rod ll\ill'gi'llruwd lor a long
tiTle. yeIow ocher to reish-l:raMl, r.t:rlo5e.
Gills and wKIe. violet 011 first then
the same roIor as the cap. Stipe ochef, COYl'Ied
In rings 01 whrtiSh veil forming a wNte ring
aro.m the ITIIddIe 01 the stipe. Flesh ......tNtrsIt.
ooged WIth violet 011 the lop of the Sbp@;odorol
eanh or mold. mild flavor nming t:.tter altef a
few IIlOIllI!fIIS 01 dlewJ1g.
HABITAT: 1Il all types 01 forest and on all types
01 soil, in plains and mountair6. Summer
through fall . Common.
Straw Corti narius
DESCRIPTION: H: (48 em),
e: (23 em).
Cap C(lmpanulate 01' coni
cal, then flattening, with
a large brownish-gray
pointed umbo, be<om-
ing much paler when
dry, COVf!re<\ with fine
poillted ....nite scales which
become scarcer with age. Gills
cream then turning brown.
Stipe long and sinuous, brownish-gray
striped with white, sometimes with ~ white
ring which is more Of less apparent Flesh
fl exibl e-stem Cortinariu5
H: I%J:,4in (4-8 em),
0: \':.1'/.(24 cm).
Cap conkalthen flat-
tened, with a poinlPd umbo
and slightly fibrillose sur face,
blackish-brown when weI.
paler in dry wealhet. The paler
margin is covered wi th the
remains of the white veil. Gills
grayish to rust bfown wi th lilac
highlights. Stipe thin, pale gray-
brown, sometimes tinged with pale
lilac at the top, and carrying while flakes
thin, dark brown when wet,
ocher in dry conditions, with a
strong odor of geranium.
HABITAT: on mo!.S in coniferous Of
mixed forests of birch and conifers. on
~ y wet ground. Fall. Ul'lCommon to
fairly common.
arranged in rings except at top. Flesh
brown or violet-brown,
lilac at the top of the
stipe; odorless and fla-
HABITAT: in small tufts or
singly, under spruce, often
in moss, alongside birches
or in very humid soil. late
summer and fall. Fairly fre-
quent in places.
Multirorm Coni narius
DESCRIPTION: H:2'I.-4 in (6 IO em). 0:2
4 in (5-10 em).
Cap fleshy, COIM?X f a 00g time, then flat-
tened, with a margin thaI remal/'lS nolled fa a
00g time. VISCid at first. fc1'Ml ocher. relish-
oc:hef, later darkeni1g to Striated
with ~ fbiIs an:! with an op<qlE! Yl'ill'<tlich
rna9.:s the tr 01 the cap. Gils v.flnJsh or beq.
then rust-I:JO'Ml. Stipe ....nile 0' beige. ~
This is a (olllive sp ies, consisting of
several fonns and varieties.
erw.g ., a more or less
marginate u ~ ~ 10
HI in (2 \0 3 011)
in diametef. Flesh
white. yellowing.
faint in 'fO'JI9 specinens, bKcm-
iN;! more or less fruity Of m ling
of honey 'Nith age ood mild in
HABITAT: under decidllOUs or
coniferous trees in lowland or
mountains. Summer and fall.
Blue Cortinarius
DESCRIPTION: -==--......... ""
H: 2'.4 il1(7-10
0: 2 ... 4'. i'I{6-12 011),
Cap hemispherical, very
fleshy, gray blue or gray-vio
let, discolOfing in ochef j
patches. and striated with
well-defined fibflls. Gills
crowded, blue-viole! then
more or less rust-colored, with
an irregular saw-toothed edge. Stipe fibfll
lose, the same color as the cap, with a
very swollm bulb measuring up to 2/, in
(4 cm) in diameter. flesh pale blue-violet,
pale ochef on the surfa<e; odorless.
HABITAT: under
various de<iduous tlees
and on limestone soil.
Fall. Fairly common bul
Purplish Cortinari us
DESCRIPTION: H: 2iH); in (612 em),
0; 26 in (515 em).
Cap hemispherical then expanded and
lumpy with undulating margin, fleshy, viscid,
reddishbrown with margin Illat is some-
limt5 violet and fibrillose. Gills violet then
lust becoming violet when IUbbed, Stipe vio-
let, very fibrillose, even striated, turning
del'pe:r viOll't; bulb falrty large. VIOlet flesh,
the (olor intensifying when l'xposed to ~
air. faint odOf, mild flaVOf.
under conifers
and somellmM under
deciduous trees on
limestone soil. Fall.
fairly (ommon.
DESCRIPTION: H: 1[2:4 in (47 em),
0: 22:4 in (S7 em)_
Greenstemmed Conin:lrius
DESCRIPTION: H- 24',. In (512 ern).
0; 24 in (5 10 ern).
Many.colored Cortinari u5
Cap convex soon llattening. pale lemon to yet.
k:m doned Wlm red in the CeI'lll!!'. Gills
-"'" -,..
or rust-wloled, Wlm saw-toothed ed:jes. Stipe
in (1 em) r1 14l to 1;( to 2H'I (3:1
4 an) at the bull IMlite theo yeIkMo or ochef;
bulb v.tl1l1Sh and ITIaIglnate; COllII'I(I ocher and
abundant. Flesh v.tlite, lilac. at the top of the
oO::IrIe!.s and with a mild 1IaYor.
HABITAT: undef beeches, but SOITIe\llTleS i'I
rrned woods on irnestone soil. Fall. fairly
Cap convex, verv firm, Wlm an inrolled mar
gin, yellow orangeor fawn, With redd"M, well
defmed fibnls. Gills pale blac at
first then rust<olored. Slope short
and mid::. bluish or lilac. at the
top, yellowisl'!white toward the
base, With a narrow, conical.
marginate bulb. Flesil firm and
v.tlltl!.h, bluISh at the top of the
Stipe; farn! odor and mrld flavor.
HABITAT: in groups or circle!. in
coniferous at all ailitudes
on limestone soil; summer
through early fal!. Common,
DESCRIPTION: H: in (7-12 em),
0: 2'h-4 in (6- 10 em).
Cap convex then eKPlding, though the mar
gin remains inroUed, viscid in wet weather. bfil
liant sulfur yellow, reddening ffom the center.
Gills brig1t yellow, tIl!f1 arM!. Stipe ending in
a vel)' lafge yellow bulb, which later turns
broYm. Flesh pale violet at !he lOp of !he stJpe,
SI.ifls yeIow in the bull. v.fute 10 pale yellow
eIseoMlefe; plmanl ab. mild ftawr.
but therr is I KnoU5 rUk of
pOlrntial confusion with the
Ru plrndrnt Cortinarius whkh is dudly.
Resplendent Cortinari us
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (510 em).
e 1 H'ldn (4-7 em)
Cap hke that of Ihr Elegant COftinarius but
more golden. Gills bright yellow then rust
HABITAT: beech fOIesl5 on limestone SOil.
fall. Fairly common.
colofed upon malUlity. Stipe has a large
margInate, wlfur yellow bulb, tinged with
Mt toward the bottom, COflina lemon yeI.
low. The flesh is bright yellow all over and
unifOfm. Odorless, mUd flavor.
HABITAT: In small groups in de<iduous
forests. 00 limestone soil. f all. Url<ommon.
Reddish-olive Coninarius
H: 2'/..-4YO in (612 em),
o in (712 em).
Cap IIemispheriCal
then convell, 'lisdd,
brownish-red or russet,
violet Of olive al the edge.
Gills very crowded, olivaceottS
then cinnamon. Stipe yellow-
green, violet at the top, but often
el'Ulrely vioIi!l due \0 lhe abundan\
cortina; bulb marglRiite and
leddening. Flesh firm and
thid:, Mly pm!:: in the
bulb, purplish'ItoIet; lain!
odor and billef laSU!_
HABITAT: in small groups in
deciduous forMIs, especially
oak and on limestone
SOiL Fall. Fairly commoo.
Glulinous Cortlnarius
DESCRIPTION: H: in (712 em),
0: 3-8 em.
(ap convex tllPn eKpaAded, very viscid,
lemon to golden. Gills violet then orange to
cinnamon. Stipe elongated, thlCl::erung into a
bulb at the base, whitish, somelllTle5 bluish
at the lop. edged wnh filaments tinted
orange yellow. tilac flesh in young sped-
mens. turning whiush but often the top 01
the stipe retams ils violet color; famt odor,
not partICUlarly charactensuc. mild or b.lttf
HABITAT: In groups in de<iduous for-MtS
often with birch and bee<h and in mixed
fOlests in the plainS and mountains. Late
summer through fall. Common.
DESCRIPTION: H: 3'.'-71' in (8- 14 em),
0: 1,/,.4 in (410 em),
Cap conical and convex then fi anened and
more or less lumpy, very viscid, yellow ocher,
fawn or brownish-yellow. Gills grayish- oche!'
or grayish-viOlet, $00I'I turning rusty, hicldef1 at
first by a .... sed cOIlma Stipe very rigid and
very long. up to 6 in (IS em), INnner al the
base, very visOO, nnged with cilculaf ridges.
flesh pal! veJIow, ocher brOMl in the Iowef
part of the SlIpe; odorless, mikl flavor.
HABITAT: in large groups in deciduous
woods beh, birch). Late wmmef
Ihroogh lall. Common.
Poison Pic
DESCRIPTION: H. 24 in (5-10 on),
0: 2 4 in (510 em),
Cap convex then llattening. margI'I remaining
"oiled fOf a long bme, often LITIbonate,
Slraw-<Olored, ocher or red, darl:er in the cen-
ler, Igh&1 viscid when 'oWl Gills the same
color, weeping tlITj Bws II yooog specimens
which dry leaving a brfNKI maR. Stipe :4- h in
(1 10 2 an) in ciamete., !>lightly bullous and
flocco5e at the top. flesh thick and white;
IT(Ife Of less stroog CIder 01 radish. bitter taste
HABITAT: 111 in damp places If\ decid-
uous or cOfIiferous forest$. Summer through
fall. Very common.
Brown-centered Hcbeloma
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 24 in (S-IO em).
0: 1 "A2% in (3-7 em).
Cap convex then flattened often umbonate,
$lightly viscid in wei .....eall\er, typically two-
colored. The centl.'f is reddi$h-brO'M1 arod the
outer part paler due \0 the presence of the
remains of the whitish veil (cortma). Gills pale,
subsequently turning brown. Stipe whitish,
latl.'f reddish-brown al the baw. with a flbril-
w annular ZOIle al the base. Flesh white,
ochef 10 brown at the baw of the stipe:
strong odor of radiVi, biner flallOl,
HABITAT: in groups on lawns, in parh. In
grassy clearings in deciduous or ()(literou!>
forests, mainly in the mountains. lale sum-
mer through fall. Fairly common,
Mustard Hebeloma
H: 4-8 in (1020 em),
e: 2'/.6 in (115 cm).
Cap convex then expanded. red-
dish-ocher IOOX \0 pale brown, paler
<l t lhe margin. Gills befge or adler,
then rust bra-NIL Stipe whitish and
long, up \0 8 in (20 em), swollen at
Looks li ke Poi$on Pie (IItbflomR
r rustj/iHi(ormr) but larger. The cone
of fibers visible at the top of tht
stipe in vertical section,
is vt ry dininctivc in this species.
(he base and
becoming hoi
low. flesh whitish; a
cone of libels descends
from the center 01 the cap
into the top 01 the hollow
stipe; ocb of radish. very
peppery taste.
HABITAT: in large groups undef
bee<h. oak. or hornbeam. or in parh
Summet and lall. Common.
Rooting HebeJoma
DESCRIPTION: H; 21'8 in (720 em).
e: 2-4% in (Sll em).
Cap convex, fleshy, visrous. reddish ocher .
slightly scaly. Gills crowded, pale al first then
browning rapidly. Stipe ~ to 1 in (1 to 2.5 em)
t h i ~ INith a scaly, .....tlite ring aocl powdery at
the lop. the same coo iK the cap and coy-
efed with scales belatv the ring, swoHen at
the base 001 with a thick pseodorrhiza ....tlid1
roots into the soil. flesh white
with a very Stfong odor of bit-
ter almonds, mild flavor.
forests, mainly beech.
Summer through fall.
Fairly common.
Yell owish NaucQria
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-3'0' in (5-8 em),
0: IH.4. in (1-3 em).
Cap convex then flat, sometimes umbonate,
the margin becoming striated then urldulat-
ing, yellowish-red or dirty ocher when dry,
reddish-brown when wei, darker in the cen-
ter. Gills crO\Yded, ocher al first then taking
on a dark brown coloralion. Stipe long and
slender (about n;x 'A. in
(7 x OJ em)), the same
color as cap, but darken-
ing from the base with
age, and covered with
very fine down at the top.
The small bulb is paler at
the base. Flesh odorless.
slightly bitter.
HABITAT; in large groups
011 mo!.S in damp shady
areas with alder or willow
on r i ~ e r banks. Summer
through fall. Common.
Bittersweet lnocybe
H: 1'102 injlS cm),
0: % 2 in (2 5 em),
Cap (onvex. eventually flat
tened, nol fleshy fibrillose and
scaly, yellow ochef or laWfl, at first
<overed with a while cortina. Gills
ocher then brown. Stipe cylindri(al
and Ylorl, the same (00 as the tap,
and IiI! It, octasioflillly bealing the
remains of a <O(tina when young,
and sometimes a faint (0'
lony ring. Flesh pale brown; faint odm
and mole 01 less biller flavor.
HABITAT: in thinly wooded areas,
bare ground, fallow land, afld laWflS.
Summer through fall. Common.
Hoarfrost Inocybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 1\( 2'/0 in (37 cm),
D: lH'IO in (38 (m),
Cap conical, then more expanded with a
large pornted umbo; the surfa<e is ~ r y fib
rillose. (ra(ked, straw colmed, pale yellow m
ocher, and the margin crads deeply with
age, Gills crowded, yellowgreen or yellow
gray, then turning brown, with white edges.
Stipe paler, stained with ocher at the base,
pruinose or slightly s<aly at the top. White
flesh, with a faint but unpleasant odOf. mild.
slightly biller flavor.
HABITAT: deciduous forests, sometimes of
conifers, especially on grass ~ r g s 0( forest
(Iearings, on welldrained sandy or limestone
soil. Summer through fall. Common.
Red-Staining Inocybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 23'h in (59 em),
0: 1',<:-2 ".' in(3-8cm),
Cap conical, umbonate arrd fibrillose, ~ t
ting at the margin,
whitish to strawcol -
ored, reddening to
the touch and with
age. Gills pale, then
brown, reddening
when damaged Of
rubbed. Stipe sturdy,
'II to %in(l to2.5cm)
in diameter, white
and red. Flesh white,
reddening in the
stipe when CUI, and
mild flavor.
HABITAT: in well-lit
woods, footpaths.
clearings. and parks. late spring through
early fall. Uncommon to lairty common
depending on Ihe year
and the location.
This mushroom can he identified by the
way ('\'cry part of il turns red cithu 10
the touch or naturaU), with age. It is
vcry poisonous and has ullSed dUlhJ.
51 CWIj!C'S Mushroom EOIBLE
Sprmg Emolomas EDIBl.I:
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1'II-3'.1i In (4-8 cm),
0: 1 ''':-2'11 in (38 em)
Cap cooical then flaner, WIth pointed umbo.
and reddish-brown fibrils ()1 a oeam bad::.
ground, deeply oacked in pla<es, sometimes
Crimped Inocybe
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2-3'11 in (58 cm),
0: 23'.1i in (5-8 cm) .
Cap campanulate or coovex, dark brown,
covered in upturned dark scales, gills broad,
whitish but soon lurning reddishbrown,
stipe often lWiste<J, dark bfown like the cap,
covered in ere<t scales, ohen with darkblue
base. FI<!sh white but pink when cut, blue
green in the base 01 the stipe; odor unpleas-
ant, mild flavor.
HABITAT: under de<idoous or coniferous
trees. often birch or spruce on very damp
soil. Summer and fall. UncomrTlO/'l.
Spotted lnocybe
right to the centef. Spotted with white in ~ n g
spedmens.. Gills turning oIive-gray . Stipe thick
ening at the base. sometimes bulbous and fib-
rillose, white bul reddish in the center. brcmn
ing wim age and from the top. Flesh has a
specifK: cxb" thai is hard to define.
HABITAT: under deciduous trees (horn-
beam, beech) on damp, limestone soil, on
paths and in ~ glO'les. fall. Fairly common.
Green-capIXd lnocybe
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 3'-'-5'1: in (8-13 (m),
0: 1110-2% in (4-7 em).
Bell-shaped then flattened, umbonate, fibril
lose cap. cream at first tt-..!n turning brown,
with a pale green umbo. Gills white, turning
gray. Stipe long, the base swollen into a bulb,
white al iirst, then striated with brown f j b r i ~
very strong, unusual fruity odor, mild f1aVOf.
HABITAT: singly in deciduous forests 0f1
limestone or non-acid soil. late summer
through fall. Fairly common.
Dwarf Inocybc
H: 110 in (25 em),
0: 'h- l'-' in (1 -3 em),
Cap very fibrillose Of
streaky with a wide umbo,
brownish, with a filac margin.
Gills pale gray then gray-
brown. Stipe plumose at the
extremity, especially in young
specimens, with a small bulb
at the base, ochef OJ violet
al Ihe lop in young spe<:i -
The odor i5 5imilar to that of Corydalis
a spring Bower from which it has
receivrd its botanial tpithcl.
mens, with a few reddish fibrillose fiI
aments. Flesh lila<-colored at the top
of the stipe; odor unplea!>ant.
HABITAT: under dedduous trees or
spfuce on very humid soil. Summer
through fall . Common.
Torn-cap lnocybc
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 -2'-' in (1I6 em),
0: %-1'h in (2-/1 em).
Cap conical, and dov.ny, 'Nith an
iflrolled, split margin. reddisld:rown 01 grayish-
brO'M'l. sometimes gayishyellow. Gills rust-co!-
Ofed, with v.t1ite edges. StipeatnJI '" in (4 mm)
wide, $lightly bulb0u5. devoid of down, with a
cortina in the )OOO!l !.p@dmen, odlet bIad:en-
log al the base. FIWI pale in the cap, darker in
the stipe; mild fla..I:lr. unpleasant odor.
Gooey's lnocybe
DESCRIPTION: H: In (/I-7 em),
0: 1'- 1 'rS in (2-4 (m).
Cap conical then flattening IYilh a central
umbo, fibrillose or streaky. often spHt along the
margin, cream or beige. l)e(omif"lg reddfsh
orange. Gills the same shade as the cap, Stipe
with marginate bulb. while then striated WIth
red. Bulb remaining ....nile. flesh while, redclefl
ing in contact wIll the air; strong and unpleas-
ant odor. acrid taste.
HABITAT: deciduous forests. mat\ty beech. 00
limestooe soil. FaR. Fairtj ccmmon WI the south.
HABITAT: moorland, on bare soil
beside paths. on sandy, poor soil. Fall. Fairly
Common White Inocybc
CCIIIlftlll lflliu
IrIOCJw, lilacina
This sptcies contains many "arietiu, the
commonest of which i5 the lilllciwa
varifly, which is purple cxctpr for the
umbo, which remains ocher.
DESCRIPTION: H: l Id '/. in (306 em).
0: 'lr 2'h in (1 -4 on).
Cap conical and then flanen
ing with a prominent umbo and
smooth, whi le, si lky surface, sometimes
al first and ocher on the umbo. Gills
crowded and swollen, cream or pale gray,
then brownish-ocher. Stipe long and slen
der, swollen into a small bulb at the base.
At first covered with a lar!je tortilla, then
fibrillose and wi th a downy lop. Flesh white
or <ream, unpleasant odor aod mikl flavor
or slightly acrid flavor.
HABITAT: de<:iduous forests, especially (I(l
clay and limestOlW soil. Summer through
fall. very common.
Scar-spored Inocybc
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'/.-4 in (610 em),
a: I'I.-2'/. in (3-6 em).
Cap conical then flatlened and umbon-
ate, split up \0 the umbo, reddish Of
reddish-brown, bul with white flesh
showing through the cracks. Gills dirty
beige then cinnamon. Stipe slender,
entirelv pruinose and striated, reddish,
orange or brownisll-red, ending
abruptly a1 thl' base in it flauened
white, turnip-shaped bulb. Flesh pale
reddisll, in the stipe; no particu-
lar odor.
Wrinkled Razites
DESCRIPTION: H: 3"::.6 in (8-15 em),
0: 2'/' 4'/.in (612 em).
Cap gioIJUose then camp<wuAate, very IWrj in
the centet; ....,th a wrinkled or Unpy M.xe.
except in the centel; or ocher; the
striace is oovered 'Ni!h a v..tlfte or bIuish.....tUte
Good to ral bUI onu wormralrn.
Thr fibrous sopt' should br disc"nkd.
HABITAT: under
dedduous trees.
I! appears to
show it preler-
ence for hazelnut
and beech. fall . Very
bulb and
da.Yn 1'I)0J09 specinens arxI this persisl5 in the
center 01 the cap in mattxe spedmens. Gills pale
men ocher, with ragged edges. Stipe wlbous or
ttxkeoed at the base. slightt,o 00wny
abcM! the striated arxI persiste!ll ring. Flesh
v.tVtish; pleasant 000r ard mild /Iayor,
HABITAT; in in coni:ferous woods (pine.
5pIlKe) or deOOJous woods (oak., beech) on
acid or sandy soil. late summer through fall.
Fairly common in midmountain.
Penetrating Gymnopilus
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'-'"4 in (7-10 em), the (1tUld: also on the cooes. SUnmer ttw.ql
0: 1 ''' 2% in (3-7 em), fall. Vefy amron.
Cap COIM'X then ~ r ~ yeikm-
cxange to rust, paler at the eOJe. Gis yeik:HJ then
brc.v.nistHlrar. ~ thickenirg from top to
Ixmom, .....tIitish to yebN with c:Iarm fiOOIs, arxJ
base OM'I'ed i'1 v.t.ite ibMl; small. fragile, faint
mg. Flesh wtlitish. 00criess.n:l very D'ner.
HABITAT: ':i'gty IX in tufts on rotti'g t:.anches
a twigs of conifers, scmetrnes pooiatj 00ried i'1
Fiery Agaric
DESCRIPTION: H: 47" in (10-18 an),
0: 2-6 in (5-15 on).
Cap COO'o'eX, aange-yeiow to fawn. With fed
ti!.h fibrils. Gils !.i'wte. tQ;;It yebY, then
f\/SHoIored, brOWl'WlgIO the 1OI.dI. Stipe thick.
'Nidef al the base, With a Mg.
IUS! to yeIbN; flesh did: and fim. v.fIittsh 10
pale yellow, faint odor and bitter 1LMlr.
Poiwnous and
Su,pcClcd of bring responsible for fOmr
srrious caStS of poisoning.
HABITAT: 11 smailufts
or snjy, at the base

_ ...
""" """ 01
cII!cdJous Irees,
fare!' on cavffn. Sum-
Soft Crepidotus
DESCRIPTION: 0: in (2-7 em),
Cap bell-shaped 01 expanded into shell
or whitish to beige
whefl dJ)'. ocher to brownish-glay when
damp. Surface coYe\'ed wuh a very viscid
detachable film. Gills crowded, whitish then
brown, radiatil"lg from the point of attach
ment. Slip! or very W>rt and !;lIefal
Flesh ge\atlflOOS.
HABITAT: in imbriCated or tiered groups on
dead wood, SlUmps or fallen branches of
variOus dr<iduous !fees.. Pfesent all yeal
fOUnd. Very common.
Variable Crepidotus
DESCRIPTI ON: 0: '.'-1\0\ in (O.S-3 em).
Cap pure white and kKloey-shaped, felted;
upper surface anached to the support. so
that the fungus has its gills uppeonosl. The
gills radiate from the point of anachmenl and
change from cream to pinkish-red, and finally
to cinnamon. The stipe is abseil!. The flesh is
thin.white. and odorless. This species is inedi-
ble mainly due to its small size.
HABITAT: in tiered groups Of aligned along Very common in the fall, though il occasion-
branches and twigs of deciduous tretS, espe- ally perslsls throughout the year.
cially in mushwood or in maS5ed branches.
Smooth Caleri na
DESCRIPTION: H: in (2-4 em),
0: in (0.5- 1 em).
Cap remaining (OO\Ielt for a k:log time, yellow
ocher in dry weather, tlXJ'ling red:lish-b'own in
the wet. The gills can be seen through the
transparent cap. due to the thinness of the
flesh. Gills spaced, ocher yellow. Stipe pale yel-
low with si lky white fibrils, a maximum of :a: in
(2 mm) thide. very thin.
HABITAT: On mossy lawns. Summer through
fall, Very common.
Mushrooms of the Galcrina genus are
difficult, if not impossible, to idtnrify
with the naked eyt .
DESCRIPTION: H: 1 %-3'.4 in (4-8 eml.
0: (2-7 em).
Autumn Galera
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'1,.3'.4 in (H em)
0: %-2'''\ in (H em).
Very similar to the Marginate Galela
described above, different mainly in thaI ill
cap is viscid.
HABITAT: on the dead branches of
coniferous or decidl.lOus Ire(!s. t ate
summer through fall. Uncommon.
Marginate Galera
Cap hemis!flerical then eoovex, smooth.
yelloN ....t.en tty, brownish-c<her 'Net
with a dearly Slriated margin. Gills aeam then
cilnarroo. Stipe slender. often thid.ened al the
base. ocher QIilY,radiated with Dngitudinal fitr
n!s, arK! with a small riN;I mat with
age. Flesh stroogtv of 1Iour.
HABITAT: often in large groups on the
dead wood of conifers. sometimes on decid
uous trees. summer through fall. Common.
Verdigris Agaric
H: 211-4 in (610 em),
Q: l \OAin(J.8cm).
Cap coovex Ihen
very viscid,
green or blue-green,
with shreds of white, espe-
dally around the edge. Wilh
age, the shreds lend to disappear and
the cap takes on a pale )'1!lIow to yellow-
ocher tint. The gills are whitish at first,
then violet, bul the edge remains white,
The white or blue-green stipe has mlKh
denser while shreds Ihan those 01 the cap.
1\ has a membranous riog. which SOOI1
turns violet-brown from the spores. White
my<elial cOfds are visible al the base of the
stipe when it is uprooted, flesh while,
bluish at the base of the stipe; practically
odorless and mild in tlavor.
HABITAT: in groups in dedduou5
and coniferous forests on soil rich in
Blue .... garic (SIrof,llIIrill clltrNka) is
similar but the ring is much less marked,
even in young specimens, and is often
absrnt. The Gills do not have a white
edge when malurie, and the cap is less
Ofgtlnk malter,
where animals
have been and
in well-fertilized
paS\Ufes. Summer
fall . Very com-
ami widespread.
'\ .,,,,,,,h nilS
r -- cords
Suspemd of being poisonous. This
mushroom was long considered edible
but poor, bUI il would be wise to avoid
eating il.
Scaly Cap
DESCRIPTI ON: H:2A-4h in (6 12 em).
!il:ll.-2'J, in (3-6 em).
Cap hemispherical men COlWeX, sligltly viscid.
yelloY.ish-red or fol'Ml, with COOO!Iltric ...mitish
scales on the margin in )OOIlg spedmens. Gills
broad pale then tUfning via-
'Nith white edges. Stipe IoN;! and sIen-
da hoIk:7.v and r9d. white WIth a shaggy, stri-
ated ring. edged with white scales ltIder the
ring. at)ainst a brO'Ml backgroond. flesh pale
and SI'I'lE!!ling of humus; mik! f\ao.n,
HABITAT: on debris in decidL()US or on
leaves. Fall. Fairly common.
Crowned Strophari a
Cap hemlsphencal then convex and
fleshy, pale to bright yellow or ochef,
silky In dry weathei, viscous 'Nhefl
wet, margin sometimes Gills
pale brO'Ml at first then violet brown.
edges remaining white. Stipe sturdy,
'Nith a white, striated ring, IUlning
brownishblack., Flesh thick and
white; slight or:k:lr, mild flavor.
HABITAT: dry meadows. grazing
land, flE!lds. roadsides, clearings and
DESCRIPTI ON: in (3-5 cm). 13:1.'- edges of forests. Suml11E!f through fall. Fairly
2'.' in (3-6 em). common and widespread,
Round Cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 1%4 in (410 em),
0: 1 \( in (24 em).
Hemispherical then concave cap, straw<Olored
or yellow ocher. viscid 'Nhen wet. shiny and
silky when dry. Gills Vf!fY broad, pale gray then
violet gray, with a wtlite edge. Stipe sIeocier
and long, hollow. rigid and brittle,
swollen at the base or ending in oil bulb. vkdd,
pale yellow with a ring quite !em on
the stipe which tums brown when fall
00 it. lNhitish fJesh, thin in the cap; ododess,
mild flavor.
horse-manure in pastures. late spring
HABITAT: on cattle dung, and especially through fall. (ommon and widespread.
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2%8 in (620 em),
0: 2-4 in (5-10 em).
Cap hemispherical then convex. typically
brick red at first, paler later, with a margin
that is always paler and edgfd with white
scales in young specimens. Gills crowrled,
wtlitishyellow then violet-gray. Yellow stipe,
reddening at the base and with fine scales.
Flesh pale yellow. reddening in the stipe;
more or less biuer ffavor.
HABITAT: in thick tufl5 00 old stumps of
dedduous or cooiferous trees. Fall. Fairly
DESCRIPTION: H :2)1-511 in (6-t3 em),
0: %-2% in (27 em).
Cap globulose, soon be<oming convex, then
smooth and expanded, lemon yellow wilh a
rustcolored (enter; the margin is thin and at
first bears the remains of the yeUow (Oflina
in the form of small shreds. later, il becomes
smooth and turns pale yellowishgref!n.
Gills are very narrow and crowded, lemon
yellow bul eventually grayish-green or gray
i!.hviolet. Stipe long and flexible, yl'lIow at
the top. reddish or browllish at the bottom.
When spor!'!i are emined, a grayish ring
appears morl! or less distinctly on the upper
part of the stipe. Flesh thin, bfight yellow,
reddish at the base of the
stipe; fungal odor, very
biller flavor.
Sulfur Tun is onr of the commoneJt
mu, hrooms, appearing wi lh the firsl
rains of Ihc fall and Lasting unlil the firsl
Changmg Pholiota Emllu
HABITAT: Generally in very crowded tufts
on dead stlJmps of deciduous or coniferous
trees. as well as on the rDOls; sometimes
s r n g ~ or in small tufts of IWO or three spec-
imens, Spring through e r ~ winter. Very
common and widespread.
Conifer Sul fu r Tuft
DESCRIPTION: H: n-s'-' in (6-1] em),
0: lH'/. in (3-6 em).
hypholoma pos!.ese5 lhe same charac-
teristics as Sulfur Tuft. The difference is
mamly in lhe gills which are pale gray ailirsl
before bKoming glayish-violet.They are
never IInted yellow or green, aocl the lIavor
is mild
Not vny lood 10 tal ;and it is
10 noid it 10 Iht possibility of
COIIN,ion with Sulfur Tuft.
Long-.temOled Hypholoma
DESCRIPTI ON: H 2-4'" in (5 12 on).
0: '6-Ydn (1-2 an).
Cap convex or campanula!e. then yOOOth
and ltauened,lhe margIn slightly Wlated
when weI. pale ocher or yellow, greenish In
wei wealller, ochef brown in dry weather
Gills pale yellowi!J1 then brown-viOlet wilh
while edges. Stipe thin and very slender, up
to 6 in (\S em) Ior.g and in (2 mm) Wide,
flexible. the color of Ihe cap or paler, with a
redd,shbrown or orange base. Covered in
white venical fibrils. sometllTle5 arranged in
bands giving it a stripy appearance, the
lower end covered in while down. Flesh
HABITAT: in IUfts on conifer stumps. maillly
pine Spring through fall emd in mild wmlefs.
Fairly common. especially in the mountains.
thin, wh,tlshyellow:
faint fungal odor,
mild for !.lIghtly billet
HABITAT: grows in
dense dumps on
moss or sphagnum
moss on very damp
ground. Summer
through lall. Fairly
Coprophilou, Psilocybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 1.'-2110 in (3-4 em), (Ill' tIC,," ro (1lM"II
O. ''' 1 in (\ -2.5 em).
Cap hemlspllellcal or campanu
late, ohen umbonate, ()(hel or
leddishfawn, covered in a vis-
cous, elastic and detachable film.
Gills crowded and broad, pale gray
then VIOlet-brown. Stipe often flexible,
elastIC and hollow, the same color as
the cap. Flesh thin, ocher, with faint
odor and Iloury taste.
HABITAT: on cattle dung In pastures in
summer and fall.
common in some
parts, and Ihe most
widespfead member ,.jill" gil/$
of the Psilocybe genus
in North America.
F,lIlY Rlna Champ.gnon EDIBLE
libcrly Cap!
Most haUucinogrnic mushroom. of
5jKciu rtbtcd to libtrty ups "rC' to bt
found in the tropics, in p!.cu such.,
Muico, when they arc' uud in rC'ligious
rile, by the native people .
H: 2-41' in (512 an),
0; h-I' in (1-2 em),
Cap conical 10
jXWlted.lJTlbonate. 001
expanding, brownish-
yellow or oIM-gray.
suaw or cream when
dry, covered with a
viscid film, and with
a Slrjaled margin.
Gills gray then dart:
purpiistHMown wllh
wnlte Stipe
very 1009 and slen-
def (24'; x 'f.. in 2-
4)1;In (5-12 em x
0.2 em), Ihe
color as the cap,
sometllnes !JIaOed
WIth blue-green at
the base. Flesh pale,
brownish when W(!I
Slight odof of radish,
mild flavor.
HABITAT: in groups in damp meadows, at
on fairly acid soil. late SUIMIeI
through late fall Uncommon.
Changing Pholiota
/. in (4 12 em),
0. , '/ 3'1. in (38 em).
Cap convex then Ilanened, often umbonate,
!>mOOth surface; reddlShblown when wet.
Th! cap bec:omes in dry
wt'atl\ef, except in the center which is a dif-
ferent (olor. Very fine, transparent margin,
through which the gills show. Gills slightly
decurrent, yellowish, then lusHolored. Stipe
often curved, striated above the ling, else-
where covered in pointed or small
uptumed scales. betge then turned Ixown
with the spores; faint reddlshbrown ring.
FIMh aeam, soft in the cap. very fiblous in
ttle stipe; odOf plNsanl, mild flaVOI.
Good to UI, pluwlf nF"nu. The
fibrous .hould be diKardfd.

. ,' W ",',.
-, . .

'. -

. "'"
.. '
. .... :

','f ' -
. \ !.
HABITAT: In thick. dense tults on old
slumps or dead de<iduous trees, especially
bee<h, lart! on conifer!.. Spring through fall.
Very very common.
M.uglnllte Galenna DW)lY
Alder Pholiota
DESCRIPTION: H: H-6 in (815 eml.
0: LH.4. in (38 em),
Cap COI'NeX then eKf)anded, smooth. brilianl
arxJ viscid, then red:lish In the
center. WIth it few slYeds OIl the margin. Gills
pille yeIow beaming rust brown. SIlpe IMIdu-
Iallll9. fib<J11ose, pale then reddish-
brO'Ml from the base. Flesh yeUaw in the cap,
rust al the base of the stipe; strong. pleawrt,
am aromatil:: rrWId Of slit;tltly blltff fIao.u.
HABITAT: in lults on dead or dying alder,
somelilTle$ on birdIes, in damp places. SUm-
mer through fall. Uncommon.
Clutinous PholioUl
DESCRIPTION: H: in (6-12 em),
0: U.-3.4 f1 (4-8 an),
Cap hemisphericallhen expanding, very vis-
Cid in wei weather. yellow, beige, Of reddiSh,
with a few white shreds at the edge of the
margin on yoong specimens. Gills whitish-
yellow, then odlef through 1161 blown. Stipe
...rolle, reddish toward the base, densely COY-
'I'M Sticky PboIiota (1'ItoI;. p_..-),
is sma1kr and found in
5Jmts i the cap is .:bIrker.
StvmJ spWrs of Pbolil)U oicdiutrd
to particular gencra of tne, for t'lLlmplr,
1'II00iolll SIllkitolir only grows on "illow,
ered in the)O\J'lg spec-
Imen With oole scales.
'MIlle flesh, russet aI the
base d the Sflle; riel f\ao.u
HABITAT: !lOONS in small
!JCK.fIS ex only on t:ulfd
branches oYId I'oY9S II b!s(s
01 deOOJous trees.
beedl ex cooifers;
in \h@ fal, ewn
late II the Farij
' .
Shaggy l'holiota
DESCRIPTION: H: 4/8 in (12-20 em),
0: 24 III (5-10 em).
Cap hernis;lheOcal or campanulall! at first.
then CCIO'Il'X and Hauening, with an inrolled
margin, totally WYefed in reddish scales 'Mth
upturned tiPS against a yellow badgroood,
densef in !he Cefller. Gilts aowded, paler
then darker yellow. Stipe king, nanO'Nef
toward the base, coriaceous and (.ltv
like the cap except at the top which is
)'fIbN and smooth. fle!.h thid: and libfous,
yellow, vneUiog of celery-rool, mild flavor.
HABITAT: in large tufts. on the lcoB 01
Milk-white Conexybe
DESCRIPTION: H: 24 in (S10 em),
0; I" in (12 em).
aging trees. sometimes on the Slumps of
deciduous and COfll/efOUS 1Jees. fall through
eally winlet'. Failfv common,
Cap shaped hke the linger of a glove. bell-
shaped or conical, often POInted,wlth a sui
ated margin, slightly viscid when wet.
whitish or oeam-colored, becommg pale
ocher With age. Gills crO'Nded and broad,
pale ocher then bright lust-red. Stipe 1loI
low, 'I.- 1 :4 in (2 or ] mm) thiCk, thidPnrJ'IQ at
the base or WIth a small bulb, while and
linely striated, slightly powdery at the top.
Flesh very thin, fragile and whi te WIth a
faim odor and bitter afterta\t@.
HABITAT: lawns and roadsides. Summef
through fall. Fairly common and widespread
Popl ar Pholjou
H: 3\/,.6 In (8-1 5 on),
0: 2-4 in (510 an),
C." -... """
concao.1!, flanened ., older
specimens. mane hazel
rn.JI to chemul color,
turning cream WIth age. at
first at the edge. 1hr cen-
ter often femaflS darker;
the surfiKe is slightly wrirr
~ I e d or LW'Idulating at the
edge. and has a tendency
to oad: in the centef of
the cap. G,lIs crowded,
pale. then dnnalTlOrKoI-
ored. with wtuU! edges.
Stipe long and flexible. fibrous, pale in color,
IlrownrY:I when the spores are deposited; ling
implanted t.jI on the stipe. \WII dMIoped,
and fleshy. Flesh white, except at the base of
the stipe wilerI.' 1\ is brown, pleasant odor and
Tht Popllr Pboliou hilS long bern
rulti'llIltG on I Jinllil WIlt in Italy, on
thin slicn or split lop of popll.r. 1t UJ1
now Itt g'own on an lIrtilicw lubsUlItr
like the OyIIH Mushroom or tht
Cwti ... ,ttd Mushroom.
HABITAT: in IUfts on
stumps or at the base of
lfee UIJf1I:: along the line
of the tap-OOts. mainly
on popular but !lOme-
times on Other species 01
deciduous trees such as
the elder and MIl the
oak. late spring throoo;,i1
lall, may appeal" seyeral
times in one year on the
same stump if Ihe
weather is mild and
damp. It is a w.vmth-Icw-
iog speoes. fairly com-
mon in soothem regions,
much rarer In the north,
WKiesplead, Highly pOred in southern France
and Italy,
,\-__ C"OKi n ~
Very good to cat, with linn, crunchy
Brsh tasting of hudnut.
DESCRIPTION: H: 2"4',4, in (711 em),
0: in (6-10 em).
Cap CO"CiM!, becornirg 11m' (J less flattened.
fleshy, oearTrf ....t'II\!! or pale yelloN, VIS-
00. sIiriltly ....mkled or oackilg with age. W15
"" ""'" "" "'" """". "" """"'"
IwJby as it ages, wNte fa' lag tine, Il.rrW'g
InwlIroo1Ih1! bottom. Rflg ()'! the I4JPI!I' p.Yt
oIlh1! bJt not consistent and disap- 'MY soon. flesh II'Md;, lim and ....nil!;
"""" """ _ t;n" fIouy .....
HABITAT: ., troops, YI:r;h, or fused t(XJether II
GraS! "grocybc
DESCRIPTION: H: 1\42 in (3-5 em),
O: )I- l )lin (24 cm).
Cap hemispherical then yellow
ochef, smooth. Gills WIdely spaced afld
. - (
. '\
. . .
, .
M()5 and IIYees at the base d!hl! ., nwd
OM and at roadside5. 00 I'O'I-acidic soiI.Etf
SI.IT'III1eI' tIv't:Juril wt 1aI. l.OOlmmon rut
_ ...
bowed, beige then brown With a while
edge. Stipe whitish, solid then hollow, WIth
OUt a ring Flesh pale, slightly biller or mild
and floury flavor.
HABITAT: grassland and lawns. Summef
and early fall. fairly common in places.
The Hemispherical Agrocybc (AgrO()'bf,
"IfIiMlritlllliri$} is simibt', but has a
viscid up. Somf mycologisu consider
thtm to be VilrirMs of I single '!'fein,
Early PhoJi ota
DESCRIPTION: H: H4%in (812 em).
0: y..21' in (2-7 an).
Cap hemlspherKaiItlen smooth, rus
sel to brown in weather, pale broYm.
beige or dan: yellow dtJ'ing dry spell$. Gills
whitISh then brOM'l. Stipe long. thickening
and sometimes bulbous at the base.
whitish, Wllh a ring very high up. whict1
disappears quite soon, whitish but
soon turning brown I:rt betng CfN
ered WIth $pOfes. flfsh whitISh.
brownish ochef brown at
!he base of the S\4lf. odor
and flavor of b.
Harvest Paneoius
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2h-3A in (48 em).
0: %.\',4, in (23 an).
Cap hemispherical, soon flanening, red-
dish-blown, paling \0 pinkishbeige as it
dries. often with a darker margin. Gills
widely spaced, swollen, pale brown then
purplishbrown, with a white edge. Stipe
hollow, smooth, shiny and silky. pruinose
at the tOp. whitish, except 0111 the base
which is reddish-brown-with whilt! fibrils.


woods. or in parks.
Lale spring thlOugh early summer. Com
mon and widespread.
flesh thin and
brown; fruity
odor, pleas-
ant, and
mild flavor,
the grass. on lawns.
on fairly rid! soil. SUm-
mer through early fall.
Common and
Sheathed Paneolus
DESCRIPTION: H: 46 in (1015 un),
0: \1,1 \!. in (24 em).
Cap ovoid then hemispherical 01 ogival.
dark gray-brown, becoming pale gray
when drying, smooth, with a dentale mar-
gin al lus\ hung with !>mall white shr!ds.
Gills gray then shaded with darker and
paler patches. finally completely black,
except on the edge wllkh is white. Stipe
long and slender, up to 5 in (15 em (long
and only 'Ii in (2 mm) wide, and Ihe same
color as Ihe cap, pruinose along the upper
half, especially at the lOp. Flesh thin, pale
9ray; odof famt, mild lIavor.
HABITAT: on or near callie dung, wt!1I
fertilized meadows, and where animals
have been. Early summer through fall.
fauly common and widespread
Coprophilolls r ancolus
DESCRIPTION:H: H in (515 em).
0: 'A-2 in (2-5 em.
Cap campanulate or ogival, not expanding,
whitish through grayishocher, with a darker
center, surface smooth but wrinkled, shiny
and silky in dry weather, viscid when wet.
Gills soon be<:om1n9 dark gray, with white
edges. 51ipe thin, perpendicular and slightly
bulbous. rigid and brittle, short or very looQ.
smooth, with a linle white ring in the middle
or upper third which blackens with age.
Flesh white, thick in Ihl' center of the cap,
thin elsewhere; faint odor, mild flavor.
HABITAT: on cow-pats or horse-dung in
pastures, from tate spring through fall. Quill'
(ommon and widespread.
Blackening Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: l/r 4 in (4 10 em).
(I in (1 20 an).
gray with age. Stipe tough, shart and
thick, about 2 in (5 em) in diameter, wnlte
then darkening like me rest 01 the mush Cap convex and vt'ry
walled at firs\.. soon
bKomlng depressed in
the center, and with a
margin tMI is inrolled
for a long time,
........ _ _ room_ firm, thick, wnlte but
or from the out-
Sf\.. soon be<omlng dark
gray or marbled with gray
brOY/R Gills WIdely spaced
aM thick. with numerous
fragile gills of varying
lengths. whi te but redden-
Ing then blackening to
the touch and turning
reddening before turning
bIad: when CUt, flaVO!'
mild, acrrd In the

odorless. or
grows under
either dedduoos or
cOf1llerous trees. on low and high ground.
Summer through lall. Very common.
Crowded-gill Russula
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2-4 in (5-10 em),
0: 1:,{-]% in (l9 em).
Cap convex, becoming quite deeply
depressed with a very inrolled margin, often
lobed with age, velvety. be<oming
tinged with ocher from the center. Gills Vf!ry
crowded, thin and narrow, of unequal
lengths. pale cream then dark cream. Stipe
shorl. 2 in (5 em) maximum, full, pale then
tuming brown 01 red. Flesh tough and
while, faintly and slowly reddening when
cut. then turning gray, navol mild or acrid.
HABITAT: under deciduous or coniferous
DESCRIPnON: H: 11'-4 n (4 10 em),
0: Hi in (S-IS 011).
cap that 01 a first ((lI"M'.l;
then long rE!l'nailing
iYoIIed. often oMth earth. creamy white
trees, 00 acidic !.Oil.Summer through fall.
Milk-whitt Russula
ae.YIl bearril;I her a reckish. Gis 'I'f !hid
.., ""'" """ ""'""" "'" "'" ,..
Stipe 5hcrt Flesh v.tite.lI'dIirq-
i"g.1Ia\o' mid or acrkl, <Xb fRity, beccm-
i"g il dder spe<Inens.
HABITAT: I.I'def decrl.oos or a:rVIeroos trees in
d Earlj t!vco:jl fat Very
ivrragr edibility, fbvor rather
unpluSMl l
Common Yellow Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2"'4 in (6-10 on),
0: lJ'-4in(410cm).
low under Ihe WIlde, very fragile There is
no odor and tile flavor is faintly acrid, but
HABITAT: In large groups under
de<iduous or cOI'Iiferous trees, ComlTlOllef
in pine woods on sandy Of .Kidic soil.
Cap COIlVeII alfirst, then flattening and
bKoming undulated and slightly
depfessed; the cutICle is <100 shiny,
easily detachable from half or two-thirds of
the cap, firslluminous lemon Ihen
becoming tinted wlIh ocher or olive late SlA'M1eI
With age. The oowded gills all!
Sinuated or swollen and adhere
10 the stipe. They are while at
first but are eventually tinted
pale yellow. The stipe Is more or
less cylindrical, often Ihldened al
the base, solid then spongy. rough
Of striated. II is while in young specimens.
graying progresSiYtIy. The flesh is .....tIlle, ye-
fall. Com-
-/-___ Ufpt dllt
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4/, in (5-12 an),
13: 2-4,4 in (5-12 an).
Cap then WIth a shallow depresslOll
in the center, bright yellow all over and
shiny, slightly viscid in damp weather. Gills
'Nhite then dirty ocher, graying to the touch.
Stipe pure wtme sUiated length-
wiS!!, graying with age. Flesh white tenchng
to gray a few minutes alief culling.
HABITAT: deoduous trees in marshy
ground (mainly birch and alder), SOITIftlrnes
among sphagnum moss. Mainly in IIOI1hern
regions. Fairly common.
Gcranium-.ccntecl Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2K-3Y. in (4-8 an),
o 2-4 In (5-10 em).
Cap convex but soon HanerW1g. no!
vy depressed. lawn orange or ocher
il the cent@!" and often pale ocher at
the edge. Gills the same color as the cap
but paler. Stipe the same color as the gills,
often swollen toward the cent@!" or at the
base. Flesh white and firm, odor fruity
smelling 01 stewed apple, flavor acrid.
HABITAT: under beech, uncIef
COI'IllefS (spruce), in the plains and mountains
fall. Common.
Stinking Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: in (815 em),
0: 3'J..7'/.in (818 an).
Cap globulose in young then
f1anening and becoming depressed, viscid,
WIth a deeply and extensively striated ochef
10 reddish margin, more or less spotted wnh
darker red, thin, undulating margin, de1!ply
fluted. Gills spaced and Ihkk, whitish thefl
rMdish, exuding drops of liquid in young
!opKlmens. StJpe robust, lough, narrowing al
the lop. some1imes bulbous, while then dot-
ted WIth red, full at first, then containing
uregular cavities. firm and reddis/1,
wongly rill'l(id odor, flaYOl' very acrid.
Seeeh Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2:.'4 In (6-10 an),
o 1!1i4rn(4 10cm).
Cap tonCave al first. wllh an
inrolled margin, then
be<oming depressed in
Ihe center; cuticle
detachable oYef a tlllfd
of thl! radiUS 01 the cap
al most, scarlet discol-
OIlng In patches. Pale,
crO'Mled gills. whitish
Wllh a bluish'green tinge in young
Stipe firm and may
be thkkened at the base, wtlite
HABITAT: deciduous and coniferous
woods. Summer through fall.Common.
then graying at tile base. FIe9l tough, thid:.
and wtHie, pwlkish under tile
cuticle, !>lightly frlif!y or
honey odor, flavor very
Mainly in bI!Kh
forests, SOOII!lImes
undi!f oak, on lather
acidiC SOil. In plams and
moontains. fall. Common.
Black-and-purple Russula
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1%-2% in (4-7 em),
G: 2/-4 in (6-10 em),
Cap then flallened and slightly
Fragile Russula
DESCRI PTI ON: H: I'A-2% in (3-7 em),
0: %-2 in (25 em),
Cap convex then flattened 01 depressed,
depressed in the centet; fIestr,o and shif'T1. moo
in wet weather. dark PIJ1)Ie aIroosl bIad in the
center; discolomg with age. marg;" not striated,
urdulatirv;J. Gills v.+aite ex aeam,
crowded. Stipe shrtt and cylinOOcaI
....rute often 1T\iICUIa1ed wilt1 ocher.
with age. Flesh firm.
I'Jtitish. sligltly acrid. Cl!b faint aoo
HABITAT: ....::\ef detiiJous trees
(man 001:) or pine trees. on g;assy
in 1'dk1M. Stmner and fall.
viscid when wet, Vf!ry variable in color, dirty
pink, purple, or violet with a darker center,
but the colors soon fade and the shade of
the cap often tends toward greenish as
il getS older. Gills white 01 Cfeam, with
toothed edges. Stipe whi le, fragile.
sometimes swollen at the base. flesh
white. fairly firm, buttle in the stipe,
very acrid. fla'lOJ, !ruity odor.
HABITAT: in groups in
woods among birch, oak, etc., and more
rarely under COnifers. Late summer
through fall. Very commoo.
Olive Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2:6-6 in (1-15 (In),
0: 3',(-7'1. in (818 an.)
One of the largest 1US5(J1as. Cap hemispherical
then f1auened 'Nith a margin thaI remains
irtolled II)' a Ioog time, sometimes with a shaI-
k7.Y depres.slon at the erv:I.lhe surface Is rough,
malte, ....,Ih ttny (oocentoc 'NIi1ll:1es; the rob" is
YefI/ variable, rargio;J frOOl olive geell shaded
with purple, rpf. and broY.on. Cuticle sepalabie
1M'! one third of the radius of the cap. Gills
aCM'ded, bunel-oolored then orange. Stipe very
thid 2-4'hx:41%- (S-12x2-4), white, o ~ e n
tinged with pink. Sometimes the pU1k is con-
filled to ude at the lop of the stipe. Flesh very
flf1l1 and v.tiile, IIaYor mik!.
HABITAT: under deciduous trees (beech, oak,
etc.) or I.I1der trees in plains and
moontains up to 6SOOO fI (2000 m) (spu;:e,
f ~ . Summer through fall. (ommon, except
in northern Europe.
This Russula has been l'fsponsible for
minor poisonings, especially in Itlly.
Once considered edible, it is now
Jxolicved to be wise to refrain from
eating it.
Vinous Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2'.-'4\'1 in (6-12 em).
0: 21(4 in (6- 10 em).
Cap soon eKj)anded and depressed
in the center, fleshy, purplishred or darl:
burgundy, often darker in the center. Cuticle
separable OVl'r two lhirds of the radius of
the tap. Gills (learn or pale ocher, blacken-
ing on the margin. Stipe white, sometimes
splashed with yellow toward the base,
blackening with age. Flesh white. reddening
then blackening In the air, With a mild flavor.
Entire Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4'..s in (512 em),
0: 2-4\'1 in (512 em).
Cap hemispherical 011 first, almost globu-
lose, then expanded or evell depressed a1
the end, shiny. viscous in we! weather, of
variable color but generally brownish
sometimes mixed with viole!, purple, yel -
low, or green. Gills thicK and well spaced.
friable. white then bright yellow. Stipe up
!O I/. in (3 em) thick. white then splashed
Fairly good to rat. Not to be
wilh Ihf Bay R ... ssula (Rllss,'!" b"dia)
which becomes extremely after
bdng chcww for .. few momfnts.
HABITAT: coniferous trees, espe-
cially spruce, on damp or marshy ground, in
the mountains. Summer through fall. Not
very common.
wi th yellow or red. Flesh while and very
firm, mild flavor.
HABITAT: in large groups in coniferous
I()(ests in the mountains. Summer through
early fall. Very common.
Marsh Russula
DESCRI PTI ON: H: H in (5 15 em),
0: 2-6 in (5-15 (m).
Cap convex then flat tened, undulating or
deformed, depressed. firm and shiny,
viscid in wet bIoo:I red to pink&Hed,
or orange-red. Cuticle sepa!"abie 0YeI' naif or
three-qoarters of the radius 01 the cap. Gills
cream thef1 ocher, tinted with red on the mar-
gin. Stipe thickening toward the base or centef,
white or pink-tinted then lTMXe or less grayish.
HABITAT: on high. marshy ground, under
espe<ial!y SumnlE!J and lall.
Fairly common in its habitat.
Dead-leaf Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 2)\ 4Y< in (6-12 em),
0: in (6- 12 em).
Cap convex then !lanened and slightly
depressed i'l the center, margo IIYOIIed for a
bN;J time, very dark reddlSh-!)JrpIe. <XheI or
with a dalt.ened center v.tIich can become
<iscoIored, rutide separable OYer a qJarter at
most of the Jadius of the cap. Gills turn-
ing ochef. 1" in (3 an) thid:. MIl' tinted
good to eat, but with a rather
with pinkish red,
to the touch.

""'" rubbed; 000r of
cooIaI shelffish. espeQally i1
HABITAT: (onilers (pinel, on
acidic or siliceous soil. Late su:nmer
through fall. Very common.

Charcoal Burner
H: 21'-4% in (612 em.)
0: 2-6 in (515 em),
Cap then
flattened and slightly
depressed in the center;
tough, ohen violet in
young !.pe(imens. later
becoming shaded wilh variety
of (0101"5- pink, purple, gray, and
green-and cO'Iered ill radiating fibrils,
Stipe whit!!, sometimes tinted pink. narrower
at the base, Gills thick and white, flexible
and nO! briule, crushing to pulp unde; the
pressure of a finger, of a greasy consistency
to the touch. Flesh whitish, graying wtlen
exposed to the air, pink under the cutkle;
mild hazelnut or slightly auid HallQr.
Gills M"bilr Imd
HABITAT: under de<iduoos
tfees (beech, oak, birch),
sometimes under conifers.
Summer through fall. Very
Good to eat \\;Ih I fb\'or lib hazelnut
The Charcoal Burner is one of the rasti.
I ru$SuLu. Allhough it cannot be con
fuscd casily with a poisonolls sptdu, it
is sometimes hud to differentiate it
from other ru$5I1IaS btcallSt of the nllm
bcr of colors that the cap can adopt. The
btSI lesl is 10 crush tht giUs with a fingtt,
10 He if they feel grusy to Ihe louch.
Edibl e Russula
H: in (7-1) an),
0: 24 in (5-10 em).
Cap color very vari-
able, I:A.rt often viIoos pA:
or reddish-brown and
sPOl1ed with red marks. The cuti-
cle ohen seems to be too short
and does not entirely (over the
margin of the cap. Gills very
forked near the stipe, white
spotted with small patches
ci rust IYith age. v.tme and
very firm, sometimes tinted with pink or
Grl! cn Cracking Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: in (512 em),
0: in (6-15 em).
Cap gklbuklse or
"""""",,,'. ""
f1anl'Oed and very
firm, often
lumpy, the margin
always craded,
fk>ury, the cuticle
splits into scales
I'.tlich can take on a
variety of colors.
such as brown,
ocher, aro:j rust. Gills
rust. Flesh white and firm.
Odor faint. not typical and
mild hazelnut Havor.
HABITAT: de<iduous or conifer-
ous woods. on acidic, welldralned
soil, in the plains and mountains. late
spring through fall. Very common.
crowded, creamy wtlite. Stipe thO: aro..t 2 in
(5 em) in clametl'l) v.tIite. SOO'Ieomes sliljltly
stained with red at the base. Flesh thid 3"Id
white, 3"Id with a mild hazelnut
cxb faint. \qlIeasant in the end.
HABITAT: deOOJous woocIs (ook, beech, chest
nUl, birch). Fairly common in the waHlIE!I
regions. Iale SUfMlE!l throocj1 fall.
Very good to cat, raw, but the AtSh
i5 oftrn wormtatrn.
Pretty Russul a
DESCRIPTION: H: 214-4 in (4-10 em).
0: ~ H ~ in (412 em),
Cap identical to thai 01 other russulas, first
convex then expanded and sometimes
slightly depressed; the cuticle cannol be
separated from the ftesh and it is velvety.
malle and bright red, often discolored into
pink or even yellow in places. Gills
crowded, white then cream, !oOmetimes
with a pink edge. Slipe often thicker at the
base where it can reach a diameter of 1'" in
(3 em). The flesh of the cap. like Ihal of the
slipe. is exuemely lough and compaC1; it is
white. graying Slightly when broken, but
pink under the cuticle. The odor and flavor
are quill.' dearly minty. 5(!veral varielles of
this spies are recognized.
HABITAT: mainly under beeches. as well s
other deciduous trees, on any type of soil.
Summer through fall. Common.
Pink Russula
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1}l.4!' in (4
12 em), 0: 1'.'4 in (4 10 em),
Cap then Battened
and slighlly depressed in
the center, pink or red.
fairly pale. ohen ocher in
the center. Gills white aod
deeply forked, crowded or
spaced. Stipe white and
firm, pruir.ose at the top,
Turco's Russula
H: 1'.'4'1. in (48 em),
0: 1)\4 in (410 em).
Cap convex, soon
expanding with a cen
tral depression;
matte in dry weather to
very depending
on th humidity. remain
ing slightly in the
central depressioo which
is amethyst in color. often
Wl ttl a darker circle
around the center. Gills
swoHen at the base and
ohell narrowing just
under the gills. Flestl
film and white. flavor
mild alld odorless.
HABITAT: under decidu
ous trees (beech, oak,
Ilornbeam, etc.) or
conifers, in weH
drained soil. Slimmer
through early fall.
Fairly common.
cream then fairly rapidly ocher. Stipe pure
white. sometimes In places.
Not "fry good to cat and thr bur of thr
stipe should be
Flesh white. Iodine odor. especially notice-
able at the base of the sUpe. mild.
HABITAT: under pines or other conifers, in
lowlands or highlands. Summer Ihrough fall .
Fairly common.
Sanguine Russul a
DESCRIPTION: H :1%4 in (4-
10 cm), e: 11,1; -4 in (4-10 cm).
Cap fleshy, convex al
first and expandmg
without becoming
depressed. or only
Vf.ry slightly. The
thin margin
remains inrolled
for a long time,
the carmine cutiCle
pales or discolors into
cream or pink scales. It looks
finely granulose and dry but is
slightly viscid when II rainio The
gills are crowded. slightly decur-
rent. cream to pale ocher, The stipe
is cylindrical or slightly spindle-
shaped. full and firm. whi te or
tinted with the same color as the
cap, or faintly yellow. but graying upon
malllrity. The Oesh is thick. firm and
whi te. red urxler the cuticle, and with a
bitter, acrid flavor
.,. ........ HABITAT: under pines in
the mountains. up to
the tree line. and
also in the low-
lands. Summer
5ri/lt iIkD 5Minrd

through fall. Com-
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4'hin (5- 12 em).
13: 1%4 In (4 10 em).
Cap convex then flauened and slightly
depressed, sometimes umbonate. violet,
dark purple, or (Iimson lake. sometimes
yellowish ocher or green. Gills cream at
first then rapidly turning lemoo yellow
and finally golden yellow. Stipe pruioose or
powdery, usually purple, lilac, or violet,
palef than the cap, ocher althe base,
somewnes entirely white. Odc:w sllQhtly
MycoloJisb likntify this 'peatS without
difficulry, due to the brillwlI
coloration it adopb in the prut'ncc of
ammonia vapor.
frUitY, tasle very
iKrid. Flesh compact
and v!IY firm, white
or lemon, pinkish
under the cullde.
HABITAT: in large
colonies exclusively
under pine trees, in
lowland, on sandy soil.
Fall . Very common.
auele!'! Russula
DESCRIPTION: H: 211O4 in (610 un),
0: ' '''Hin(Hcm).
Cap (onvt'l then depressed, slightly viscid,
shiny, pinkish purple Of crifTOOll lake, WIth iI
dalkel' ernie!' 01' sometimes greenish like the
edge, paling 10 dirty odlef sale with age;
cutICle separable rNef ill least half the
radius. Gills cream, faintly greenim. Stipe 2
x 1-2 em). Fauly soft
and regular, oimson lake and very pruinose,
white at the very bottom. Flesh while and
purplish-pink on the surface, thick and Ixll-
tie. strong odor of apple or stewl!d apple,
acrid !laVOl.
HABITAT: spruce, l'SpeCially on limestone
soil. lale summer through early fall. Very
common ill the mountains.
Peppery Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 3'47J. in (8-18 em),
0: 2-6 In (5-15 em).
Cap lightly in the center with a
tightly ir1folled margin, becoming funnel
shaped, matte creamy wtlite, becoming stained
WIth r!d. <>iUs very thin,crowded and narrow,
Not ,ood to Ut, btUust ir is mucb
100 bltr\ IU' and boiltd in
nSltm Europt and RlI$sUo. Dmd and
powdmd it ill/Std u a substitllir for
Fleecy Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H. 48 in (10-20 em),
0; 410 In (1025 em).
Similar 10 the P!ppery Milk-cap.
abow, but often larger. wlIh a
YelYety surface to the cap
and less crowded gills.
HABITAT: under
de<idllOus trees,
mainly at the edges,
in highland and low-
lands" Fall . very
wMe or cream. Slipe rathef
short. nanO'Ning at the base,
FJesh thick and wtlite,
becoming slightly gteenish
yellow when bro-
ken. AlxJndant
milk whiCh is
also .... tllte, tool-
ng pale green
in one or two very PI!JlIlI!IY fLMlr.
HABITAT: In groups or ,ides in damp
detib:Ius or mixed woOOs. St.mner and fan.
e"""", .
Woolly Mil k.cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 24 in (5-10 em),
0: 2-4 in (S- IO em).
Cap hghtly depressed In the center flom it
young age, but very imolled OIl the edge.
pinkish-orange (l( pale orange, often with a
few darkel', concentric circles. and covered
in a 'NOOtly fleece in young Gills
aeamy pink. Stipe till! same color as the
gills, sometimes slightly PItied. Flesh firm
and while, milk whIle WIth a very acrid
Burning Milk.cap
DESCRIPTION: H:2'.'4% in (612 em).
0:2-4 in (5-10 em).
Cap convex Of flattened. sooo becoming
depressed and funnek,haped with a thrn,
wavy margin, almos\lobed. Grayi$h,
shaded WIth betge, ocher, Of green,
slightly viscid, somelJIIll'S with a few
concentric Circles. Gills slightly
dec:unent, wIdely spaced, first
(Jearn then rapidly turning lurninoos
ocher. Stipe cylindrical or
tapering al lhe base, while \0 gray-
ish, smooth or striated. Flesh
whr te, containing an abundant
whi te mill: which turns yeliow-olNe
upon drying. More or less frUity
odor, but veI'f pefSistent, acrid na-
vor, espedally in the mill:.
HABI TAT: deciduous
woodl, especially under
birch. SumrTlff Ihroogh fall.
Quite common.
HABITAT: groups of varying sizes In
hazelnut groves, more rarely under other
deciduous trees. late summer through
fall. Common.
Pale Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 em),
0: 26 in (515 em).
Beech Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: llOt( in (3-7 em).
Cap convex then flattening raptdly in the
center, not very depressed but slightly
umbonate, malte brown. Gills cleam Ihell
reddish ocher. Stipe of len curved at the
the same color as the cap but paler al
the lop. Flesh pale reddish, Wlt/l very abon-
dam whue milk, the IlaYOf being mild al
first. then iKlld.
HABITAT: espe<ially undef bee<h, on clay
soil. Summer through fall. QUile common.
Cap flattened ....;th irrolle<! margin, becoming
depressed falltj lale, Vi!.od, piIlkIsh cream,
beige, or almost Lnform or
WIth darkeI patches. Gils
deo.nent. aCl'MEd and of lflI!QUaI
lengths. white then beige Cf yellow-
ish. Slape shott. while. stained with
led, white, then rl'ddisll in the
s!lpe. with willie. lIldIlging milk;
fI.wor mild or !Jigltly acrid.
HABITAT: mainly under beh.
late SUTWTIeI' tlvrujl Iali. Qulle
Ugly Milk.cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5 10 em),
'" 28 ill (520 em).
Cap convex. then wlIh a wide, shallow
depression, vi!.Cid in the center, dark
olive-lMawn Of gray-brown, margm
inrolled for a long lime and hairy in
yoong specimens. Gills crowded, cream,
browning al the edge and where damaged.
Stipe sl'lort and thick about 1 in (3 em),
paler than the cap, with many small ClfCII-
I,ll pilS. FIHh whiti!>h to brown, milk
while and abundan1. be<omll'lg gray-
green as it dnes. Milk and f ~ laste very
Cray Milk.cap
under birch
and In mixed
woods contain-
ing birch on acidi<: SOil, in lowlands and
late sumlT\ef through fall. Common.
DESCRIPTION: H: 24 in (510 em),
0: 2-H in (5-8 em),
Cap Battened WIth an InroUed margin, thin,
lillef be<oming depressed in the center and
With an undulating gray b e i ~ or gray Violet
margin. Gills cream theo orange, graying
with age. Sllpe sometimes thicker at the
base, whitish Of grayish. Flesh whitish to
pale led, milk white gradually turning gray-
green as it dries, acrid fla'o'Of.
HABITAT: damp birch woods or pine
woods, even on peaty soil. late summer
through fall. QUite (ommon.
Slimy Milk.cap
DESCRIPTION: H: in (412 em),
0: n-I! in (4-10 em).
Cap (O!M!X or ilal1ened thefl depressed,
very viscid when young, bfown or gray-
green,WlIII small slightly <larkef patches on
the edge. Gills white then staining in a few
minutes \0 gray-green to the touch. Stipe 'A
to Jr:in (1 10 2 em) Ihkk, viscid, sllghlly paler
th'lIl lhe cap. Flesh whitish,willl abundant,
while, gradually turning oIivaceous as it
dries. and wllh an acrid lIaVOf.
Common Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 2/.7'/.ln (6 18 em),
0: 2.4-8 in (620 em).
'" '"" "'" """. - ........
UIf""" U. ,1t
."tid L---P'
HABITAT: only under
beech. Summer
through fall. Commoo.
dish brown or grao,;sh-odlef, sometimes discol-
ored. Gills s1igh&j oeam then ocher. sligltly viscid, the same color as the cap.
Flesh rompact. pako. tttltaining an alu'ldant
amotXIt 0( mi whim when II mes 00 the gil!..
tI.rns gayish-green, mild then aaid
HABITAT: lRlef conifers and birches, mainly
in the ITIOlKItains in damp places. Fairly
Orspilt iu slightly xrid afttlt.1S1r, thr
Common Millt.ap is sought afttr in
tain (Ounlri" in rastern Europt.
Bleeding Milk.eap
H: 24 in (510 tIT1),
0: 24'h in (5- 12 em).
Cap not so br ight as
that of the Saffron
Milk-<ap and not
marked with concentric
circles. Gills ocher or red
dish, but dark, staining
bmwnishviolet when
rubbed. Stipe pruinose, pinkish
orange, Pitted with darker red depres-
sions. which have a tendency to turn green
like the fest 01 the mushroom. Flesh
releases a dark red milk, which gradually
turns greenish.
HABITAT: under various
of pine (Scots pine,
Austrian, Aleppo pine). Fall.
(ommon in southern
regions. especially on lime-
stone soil, but il can also
be found in certain areas of
northern Europe.
/mJIo." rubbrd
Saffron Milk-cap
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1/,.4 in (4-10 em).
0: 2_4'1. in (5-12 (m),
Cap or flattened, v.i!h Vf!fY inrolled
margin, !)e(omir);j deprl'Ssed in the center;
then the margin turns upward and the mush-
room becomes funnel !.haped. Bright orange,
sometimes splashed green as ages. with
lTlOfe or less marked (Of'l(e!ltOC dldes. Gills
crowded and de<urrenl orange,
splashed with tx"ight green where damaged.
Stipe fairly thick and hollow, also <range, do!-
led with small darl:er pits. Flesh thick and firm
in young specimens, pale
yellow to orange al
the edge, gradu-
ally becOO1iog car-
rot coIored when
exposed to the aif and exuding a
bright orange milk when broken. Odor
fruity and f\avof slightly acrid.
HABITAT: in large exdusively
in cooiferous 'NOOds (pine) 00 fNef'/
type of soil, with a preference for
acidic soils. Fall .
Good 10 ur, especially when young ,
when the edge of the (ap is very much
curved downward, bur not as tasty as
the Bleeding Milk.cap.
SpnKe Milk-up EI)18U
Salmon Mllk.cap EOl81.[
Spruce Milk.cap
H: 2-4 in (5-10 on),
o 1K-4'hin(412cm).
II looks like the true deli
Cious milk-<ap, the SaHron
Milk-cap, HOW-ev(!r, it
qUICkly and more uni-
formly. The IS not
pitted and has a while
mark under the gills. The
flesh turns darker red when
exposed to the and the
flaYor is CKrid.
Red Milk.cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 11']:.1 in (48 em).
0: 1',,4 in (3-10 em.)
Cap convex, soon expanding and becooltng
sf9JtIy depl'essed, 'NIth a small 00Ib0 II the
tenter of the dep'essiOn: untfron reddish-
chestnut or brick-red color. In yoong speci-
mens. the margin is CO'Iefed with a down-
This mushroom, whKh tm" horribly
acrid, is catfn in cerUin countriu after
bdng spcriaUy prepared 10 remove the
wont of the flIlit.
COOling. Gills
HABITAT: ooly in spruce
forests. mainly in the moun-
tains. fal l.
Edible, but 'o\ith a
pery taste. It is
vcsted and catrn al a
"delicious milk'Gp,'
OMTl then red-
denng. Stipe
s/iI;t1lly paler than
the cap and white
al the base. Flesh
wlVte: ai:uldanl \'AllIe milk With a YefY acrid
IIa-.o , burning the hps .mel' a few
HABITAT: coniferous woods pinel
00 acidic or siliceous soil. Sonvnef through
fall. Very common.
Coconut Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: lA-n. in (3-7 em),
0: ',(2 in (25 em),
Cap convex, then slightly dep!"essed,
sometimes With a small central umbo, vel
vety surface, beige to grayislHed, some
times timed reddlsh-pinl: or pinkish-
violet Gills de<ulfent and crowded.
cream \0 orange, daruilIng,
pale russet White milk nol very
abundant. mild or not very peppery !\a.
VO! and characteristic coconut odor.
HABITAT: in groups undef birch or alder,
on very damp, acidic soil. Summef through
lale fall. Quile common.
Blond Milk.cap
DESCRIPTION: H: J'.4,4'h In (812 em).
0: 26 in (515 em),
Cap fIe!.hy, convex or flattened With an
inrolled margin, then depressed into a cup-
SMpe, SOJn(!times with a small umbo, with a
finely granulose .md downy SUficlCl', brOWfl-
ish-yellow or dark red, Gills decurrent, cream
in young but darkening to odIef
wi th age. Stipe more 01 less uniform or
thickening at the base, reddish orange, pru-
lnose and often velvety at the Iowef end.
Flesh pale, d,lfkt! al the aoo redden-
IrIg -MIen exposed to the .-. Not very aIlu:1-
dant rr.1k, transparent, wnh a rriId IIaYor and
ocIor of roast chicOfy or cele!y.
HABITAT: in birch woods or sproo!, ....tIere
there are bilbenies and blueberries, bradell,
and heathef. It can also be found among
Oak Milk-up
DESCRIPTI ON: H: l J'-4 in (410 em),
o in(4- IO em).
Cap convex at first wah wolled, even mar-
gin, then and undulating,
the surface looking as if It werl' eowred in
hoar-frost, reddish sprinkled With darker
patches Of with one Of tWO darker circles
Gills evenly spa<ed and slightly de<Ulrent,
paler and stained rustbrown where dam-
aged. The stipe is the same color as the cap,
!.phagrun moss on acidic soil. Late SU'l'IffieI'
ttwouril M1y Ial. COIMIOI'l ill the mountains.
but darker at the base. The whilish flesh
turns r!d whtn exposed to the all and con-
tains a cream-colored milk which hardly
(i'laJ'l9l'S color. II i1 not very aoondant. with
a mild. 001 slightty bitter flavor and II smells
of wood-lice.
HABITAT: only under oak !rees and usually
on acid soil. Late sumrTll'f through fall.
Very common.
Yellow Milk.up
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 an).
0: 1 in (4-8 em).
Cap flattened or COI1Yel, slightly deprMSed
In the center, ptnkish-orange or pale orange,
marked....,th patches or concentrIC cirdes of
a darker color. Gills Cfowded, earn then
orange. Stipe UneYefl and Flesh
turning bright yellow when broken, abun-
dant milk turning yellow in lhan
a minute after breakifl9. Very acrid. flavor.
Abundant Milk-cu"
DESCRIPTION: H2-6 in (5 15 em), 13:2-6
in (5-15 em),
-= .....
(ook, beech, chest-
nut) and IW.ed
..... """'"
thou(;l fa" . Common.
Cap coovex then depres.sed in the cent mar-
grl rernainrY:I Irvcaed, WIth a rifle 01
smoo!h SlIface. U"llfoon cok:It apicol, or,yge.
Of liI'Ml <range. somefuIes cIart2r in the (ernet'.
GIs cream then splashed with broMl-
ishher. Stipe the same coItt as the
cap. yebYish at the tql. Flesh fim
and v.hte, exposed
to ail. nIIk ab..ndant and wtvte. wrth a
miklllawr D.rt odoc
HABITAT: deddoous woods (beech)
(J IJIdef wnifers. Soowner and early
fal. Quill! rommon.
FaWl'l Mi lk-up
DESCRIPTION: H: in (7-10 em,)
0: in (69 em)
Cap becoming deeply depressed. often WIth
a tiny central umbo, smooth Of slightly gran-
uiose, reddish to OIange!awn. Fairly bright,
gradually becoming palf!f al the margin,
which ;s pale orange. Gills fairly oowded,
bKoming more separated as the cap
becomes oum to pale ytllow
the reddISh rellectlOOS, reddening woth age.
Stipe the color Of paler than the cap.
but reddish-brONn toward the base, coomed
In striations, which are more accentuated
below the gills. Flesh pale WIth a stroog and
unpleasant fUbbefy odor, flavor mild but
rather unpleasant. milk white, ul1(lIa09ll'l9.
mild or slightly acrid.
HABITAT: under deciduous trees or In
mixed woods. on slightly calcareous soil.
late summef thfOOgh fall. Uncorrvnon 10
fairly common.
Birch Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: IA-] 1S in (48 em),
o JI,2 in (2-5 em),
Cap Wl'inkled, espedally in the (ef'ltef, often
umbonate, pale reddish ocher. dafker in the
cefltel'. Gills aeam then orange. Stipe very
bllttJe. the same colOl as the cap. Milk fairly
abundant, white, yellowing in less than a
minute II isolated from the fleVI, flavor mild
then slightly acrid
HABITAT: deciduous Of conifel'OlrS woods.
Summer and fall. Common.
Hepatic Milk-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 em),
0: 1 'A- 2'.4 In (3-6 em).
Cap corTv'eX or flatlened. then
dep-essed, Ir,.e,--coIored or chest-
nul with it hint of mane,
sometimes I.IT'b:mte ard slightly
furrowed 00 the m.:.-9n. Gills
cxher with 1**.
ish tints. Stipe the same coItY as
the cap or redd"ISh-QOMl. Flesh
awn to pale red; milk ab.nianl
teroing lOyellow, mtW'e iltensely ff
is isolated from the mushroom.
fIaoJor acrid an:j binef.
Smoky Milkcap
DESCRIPTION: H:2-4 in (510 em),
0:1 \4]A in (J.8 em),
Cap convex or flattened then slightly
HABITAT: In onvery acidic
soil. Fall. Common.
depressed, IlOt very fleshy, velvety brown,
grayocher, brown-ocher, cafe-au-Iair. Gills
only slightly decurrent if at all, cream then
pinkish ocher, reddening when rubbed.
Stipe while. later laking on the same (01
oration as the cap. Flesh while becoming
salmon pink in a few minutes when cut,
milk abundant and white, reddening very
slowly bUI remaining while il isolated hom
the mushroom. Flavor mild or acrid.
HABITAT: under deciduous trees (oak,
beech, etc.) or under spruce. Summer
through fall. Fairly common.
Pine-cone Solele, Old Man of the W o o d ~
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-1'/. in (10-18 em),
0: 2)1-4)1 In (7-12 em).
Cap hemispherical then flanffied,
covered In large triangular,
partially detached, grayish-
black or brownish-black
scales on a palei' back-
ground; shaggy margin.
Pores largt', grayish, redden-
ing to the tOUCh, then bIaden-
11'19 Wlth age, Stipe gray-brown,
woolly Irke the cap, excppt al the
lop whlth is $ITIOOth and has a fainl ring.
Flesh soft and white, turning dirty red in
contact wllh the air, then blackening, no
pankular odOI or flavor,
HABfTAT: beech forests, sometimes also
under cooifefs, usually Singly. late summer
IhfOUgh early fall. Uncommon.
Suspled of bring poi$Onous_
Somt !>fople (onlidtr il edible when
young, bul of no grt.1 interest, .nd
when oldtr it il tOO fibrous. In North
Amerita, some tases of poisoning
been reported, but they may have btcn
due to similar l!>fcits found then. It is
tht only bolttt in u r ~ with this
strlngc shaggy apptlfllnct.
Lr.f! Kllks
allJ gral,!t.d' 1111101
Bitter BoJele
H: 4-7;4 in on),
0: Hin(SolScm).
Cap hemiSphefiCal
then convex Of flat
tened, thick, )"liow-
brown, pale brown,
or ochraceoos-olive,
velwty texture, often
aacknJ II '*Y
Pcwes lather WIde
and angular, whiush
tllen pale pink with
age, turning
brown to the touch.
Stipe bulbous, Ihen
elongated and swoIlefl
althe base, aeam through ocher, deco-
rated wllh a network of lafge, prominent
red filaments.. fle'sh soft in the cap and
fibrous in the Stipe, white, possibly turning
slight red when 10 the air. PItas-
ant odOI bullJSUalty very billef lIiIVOf.
ron NTiAl CONfllSION
Ctp El If
Summu fnllll f
s,y Bolete
HABITAT; undef deciduous 01 coniferous
trees. pine and spruce on acidic. well-
drail'led soil. Summer through fall. Fairly
common in places.
[nedible, The bitternns, which it
in the raw mll5hroom bttomu milch
grtaler during cookiDg, ..rodering
thi$ incdibk. One Biner Boltlr
mlonll a colltttion of Ups of !Ny
Boleln, which il is nsily with
will nail! a whole dish and rnU;e il
Holl ow-stemmed Bolclc
(5-10 em), 0: 10 (512 em),
Cap conical and conve)(. then
flattened and umbonate, or on
the othel' hand, may be depressed
in the (!fllef, yellow-cwange to red-
M:lfillose or slightly scaly and
velvety, WIth a paler margin fl'tainil"lg
shreds of the origInal veil. Tubes curved.
decurrent to 1M ring, pale yellow then
olive. Pores very wide in (J.4 mm).
smaller at the edge, radially elongated, yel-
low then oIiYi'! green, stipe t.oIlow (espe-
dally in the lower part), yellow above the
ring. the $arne the cap below il,
with a while, scaly ring
Flesh solt and thick,
yeIlOWl5h-white and
nOt changing (olor,
No Ular<t(letiSlie
odor and flavor.
HABI TAT: only
under The larch, In
the mountains. Sum-
mef through fall
I "iI'.""""
Peppery Bolcte
DESCRIPTION: H: 2-4 in (5-10 un),
0: 1'-2'.4 in (26 em).
Cap convex at first then llanmed. thick in the
cor.per<Cllclred. 00nam0n, or reddIsh-
broMl; \leNety but viscid in weI weather. Pores
wide and angulat, the same coIof as the cap.
then rust or reddish. Stipe often CuMlg. sIen
del; tapefing al the base, 10
reddish. bright yeUow a1 the base. Flesh soon
becoming soft aoo spoogy. rAnk lOOef the
cutide, pale yellow in the cap. yellow
in the base 01 the stipe. Very peppery iIavof.
HABITAT: mainly under conifers (pine,
spruce, firl.
or de<iduous Iroo
(birch, oak) especially in
the mountains. Summef
through fall. Fairly
Inedible, much too peppery. U$Cd if a
condiment in Germany and eastern
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-7'/. in (10-18 em),
0: 48 in (10-20 em).
Cap very thid, whiti!Jl gray or beige,
sometimes shaded ocher or pale brown,
surfacE! velvety at first tllen 1TIQ(l' or less
cracked. Pores small, bright yellow then
brownish-green, turning blue when
touched. Stipe very thid, globulose or
ovoid at first, the base ending in a point,
the same color as the (ap but bright lemon
yellow at the top, covered in reti<:ulation of
variable (olor, more apparent toward the
top, Flesh pale, turning blue when CUI,
buller flavor,

.... -.
_ _ ..
.___ f.i:
. .
. ,
, .

HABITAT: under decidl.lOUS Irees. in parks
or woods, mostly on dry, limestone soil
Summer through fal l. Ur.common.
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-6 in (10-15 cm).
0: in (7-15 em).
Cap hemispherical then convex, pale,
whitish-beige or cafe-au-/ait, and
Al'l'cndicul att Bolt te
DESCRIPTION: H: ]A6 in (8-
15 cm), 0: 34-6 in (8-15 em).
Cap hemispherical or convex.
brO'tYOrsh'yellow, ocher brown, or
brO'tYOish-or.lngl'. witfl Vl'f'/ thin
crazing. f'oIes Vl'f'/ small, bright
yellow, turning blue to the
touch; tubes yellow, tuming blue immediately
if touched. Stipe tflick and swollen, coming to
a rounded point at the base, lemon yellow to
Scarlet-stemmed Bol ete
Pores small, yellow, turning green to the
tOllCh and upon maturi ty. Stipe cylindrical
or swol len, bright red, except at the top
which is yellow; decorated with a tight retic-
ulation which is very apparent. whit ish at
the top of the stipe aud dalker toward the
base. Flesh firm. creamy white or pale yel -
low, turning faintly blue when exposed to
the air: odorless biller lIavor.
HABITAT: deciduous woods (oak, chest-
nut, etc.) or under conifers, on dry, acidic
soil. Summer through fall. Fairly common or
rarer, depending on the region .
dirty ocher at the
base. Flesh pale
)'l'11ow. may turn
blue when l'1.posed
\0 the air, but pinkish
or brownish red in the
lowe! part of the stipe: fla-
vor mild, pleasant fungal
HABITAT: southerly. under deciduous
trees. on clay and limestone soil. Summer
through early fall. Uncommon.
Ccp, Penny Bun Mushroom
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-10 in (11) .. 25 em), 0:
2-8 in (520 an),
Cap hemispllerical then convex, fleshy, quile
variable In color, but typically reddish-brown
or hazelnut, paler al th edge, with a margin
outlined in white; $/TlOOth, vis6d in wet
weather. The while pores lurn yellow quite
qukkly and ewnwaHy become olive green.
They do nollurn blue to the touch. The stipe
is futl, very swollen or ovoid at firs!, becom-
Buttr Bolele
Sign', Bole!e POISONOVS
ing more cylindriCal as it grows and CoYefed
wilh a fine, white reticulation which is more
obvious al the lop. though 11 is
sometime partial. Flesh white,
pinkish ullder the cutICle, firm, solt-
enlng considerably with age; fla-
vor mild, pleasant odor.
HABITAT: sometimes singly, but
usually in large colonies in conifer-
005 woods Scots pine, lir)
and in plantations and forl.'SlS of
de<iduous trees (oal:,
oommoner in mixed woods, !Sp!-
dally on hills or ill mid-mounlaln
On acidic, well-drained soil. late
summer through fall. Very com-
mon and widespread.
Summer Bo lel..,
YDESCRIPTION: H: 3' -'-8 in (8 20 em),
0: 2-6 in (515 em).
Cap Ilemispherical then convex.uniform in
color, orange-brown or pale fawn, with a
dry. almost velvety, cuticie, often finely
Vtry good to tal, but often wonn.talen,
~ n leu highly prind than the Ccp.
Smer Bolete
cracked, and not viscid when weI. POfes
white, lending lalef to yellow then olive-
gref!n. Slipe solid and firm, slightly swollen,
tinged with ocher or brownishorange, with
a clearly marked reticulation O'Ier Ihe upper
hall of the stipe. Flesh
firm, soon becoming
soft while under the
(utide; pleasant odO!".
sweet, mild lIavor.
HABITAT: wf'II lit
woods and the edges
of deciduous woods
(oak, l>eech, chestnut,
etc). May through early
fall in lowlands and
highlands. (ommon
and widespread.
Black- headed Bolclc
H: 4-6 in (1015 em),
13: 21'/. in (5-18 em).
Cap hemispherical and fleshy, firm in
young specimens, sepia. chocolate, 01
almost black in color, matte and velvety,
sometimes becoming marbled or veined
with ocher or brick-red tints. Animal bi les
Delicious, some even prefer il 10 the ccp,
but the firth softens conlidm.bty with
age, so ollly young arc good.
often reveal the I'ftlite flesh under-
neath, Pores milk-white at first,
bulbous stipe narrowing 31 the
lOp, ocher or rusty brown
with a faint reticulation.
wtlite then turning brown.
flesh very firm, while, ew1
undef the culkle, pleasant
odor, mild flavor ..
HABITAT: well-li t fOfestS, verges,
and only uOOer deciduous
trees. especially oak. Summer
through early fall. Fairly com-
mon in southern Europe, and
on Fraoce's Atlantic coast
but in warm it can be
found further north.
Several other species or boltle which arc
mistaktn for the bLKkhtadtd boltlt
btaollSt the color of thtir tapS lI1.Iy vary
and Ncomc dark. This is the cue,
for instance with Pine Boletes and Ceps
that grow under chtstnut lrtts.
DESCRIPTION: H: 10}0 an, 0: 6-18 un.
Cap very fleshy and hemispherical, smooth
but ohen slightly lumpy. pinkish-red, red-
dishbrown, or mal\ogany. and maue. PoI"es
white at firSl, then yellowgreen. Stipe very
swollen,whi le 011 the top. but tinted
Devil's Bolete
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 8 in (1020 em,)
0: 410 in (10 25 em),
Cap hemispherical, !hen convex and undu-
la ting. very fleshy. dirty while, ash gray,
cream, pale brO'Nfl or olive, graying with
age. Pores bright yellow at first then rapidly
or mahogany at the bottom, with fine
while reticulation at the lop. Flesh compact
and white, reddishbrown under Ihe cuticle;
odOf slightly resinous, mild lIavOf.
HABITAT: oiten singly in forests 01 (ooifers,
mainly Scots pine. as well
as spruce. fir and mixed
forest. usually on high
ground. on add or sandy
soil. Summer through fall.
Fairly common in the
sooth, rarer in the nOrlh;
Poisonous, especially when raw;
gastrotnlenlis attacks which
some hour.! lalcr by and l"C'ptalcd

turning Ofange Of brkkred, paler al Ihe
margin, tending to turn blue-black when
looched; tubes then
stipe very swollen and shon, extending
yellow at the top and often at the
base as Wfil, red in the middle. with an
orange or red reticulation over the whole of
Many red-pored boleu:s 1ft mort or less
poisonous, induding the
Bolete which is only edible if weU
cooked. Funhcrmorc, rrulny of these
boletes aff hard to identify. For this ua-
son, it is a good idea to avoid taring any
boletes with red pores.
Red-stemmed Solttt Elll8U
the top. Flesh white Of pale yellow, turning
faintly blue when exposed to the air; faint
odor. becoming tTIOfe unpleasant with
mild flavor.
HABITAT: clearings, verges and Wfll-lil
deciduous woods (mostly oak and beech).
on limestone soil. Fairly common in the
south. rarer in the north, and in warm, sun-
li t places. Reoccurs in the same places. Fall.
DESCRIPTION: H: ]'.4-B in (B
20 em). 0: 2'H% in (l-IB em).
Cap thef1 eonvex and
flanened, dar k chestnut, sometimes
reddish-brown or oHvaceous ocher,
velvety. Pores small and dark
red, turning more orange with age, yel-
Ioworange on the margin, becoming
dark blue immediately when touched.
Stipe cyliodrieal or olten slVOllen at the
base. not reticulated but densely covered
With little bright red spots. aHgned more or
less vertically, against a yellow background.
Dcvil's Bolete POISONOUS
Red-stemmed Bol ete
Oftrn misWm! for the Ikvil's Boltte.
The fIt5h of many boICles, including the
edible ones, I\Im5 blue when expostd to
;ur, a phenomenon of oxidation. The Red.
Sltmrntd Boktt is edible and good 10 tal,
wilike the DMl '$ Bokle (Boltrus 5<!ta .... s)
which is poisonous whether nw or
Flesh firm, bright yellow
but turning dark blue
a few seconds alter it
is CUI, evenlually fad-
ing 10 the original yel
low color; untypical
odor, mild flaVOf.
HABITAT: verges. clear-
ings. and welllit forests
of deciduous trees. rarer
uoder conifers; on acidic,
welldrained soil, in highlands
and lowlaods. Common aod
Lurid Bolctc
DESCRl PTl ON: H 4-8 in (1020 em).
0: H-7;4in (8-18 em).
Cap hemlsp/lellcallhen convex, variable in
color, ocher, yellow-brown, orange-brown,
or with a velvety surface. Tubes yel-
low tlltn green, turniflQ blue when cut.
PoI'es yellow, soon I!.nning
bullUfnrng blue to tt1f, touch. Clubshaped
S\lpe. yellow al the lop,
elsewhele. purpliSh-red al the base of the
Stipe, COYt'fed In a tICk, elongated blood
led rellcuiallOO, Flesh firm at yellow
in the cap and the lop of the stipe. dark
red in the base of the Sllpe, IUrning
brightly blue when cut. The tubes and
flesh of the cap ale separated by a red
line; plea!>ant odOf and mild f1aYOf.
HABITAT: welllil mixed or dec:idllOUs
I()(MIS on limestone. soil in early summer
through fall. Fairly common and
Considtred 10 bt ,-try good 10 t.ll , bur
lIYy cauHd some intes.tinal UpHU.
I'owdcry Bolctc
H: in (5- 12 em),
0: '*-4 in (4-10 em),
Cap hemispherical then eon-
vex. flattened at the center Of
slightly depressed. velvety. very
variable in color from caf(!-au-
lait. ocher. chocolate brtmn,
Of pink. becomirg
5taifll'd blue-black to the touch.
Pores bright yellow. then
ILIri1] dak 1:tJ!'....t.en
stipe thinnirg tov.ard the
"arllSi tic Bolctc
DESCRIPTION: H: 11 (4-8cm).
0: 1)1-4 11 (2-5 cm),
Cap I'oembpherical then eonvex, siicjnly veIYety
on! oadlog: on the suface, ocher
yellow to bro'MlIsh-olive. Pores
ame art! angola( ocher yellow .
tlJr'lIO'!! rust colored. but nol blue-
irI;I. smoolh aOO fbillose,
otten Cl.I\Ied al the base. reddish-
brCWl or brOM'l.FIesh thid
and pale. not reddenirg v.Ml
rut; flavor mild. DOOr pleasant.
HAMAT: Parasitic on the Com-
mon Eanhball (Scleroderma
base. on! IXM'derY on top.
striated or p.rnctuated With red
toward the bottOOl. Flesh
nstantly tLming
briiflt bkJe v.Ml rut. then
bladening: pleasant odor
"" """.

forest paths, in parks on!
PrefetS lfnesIone
d, Stmmer tIvooj1 fall.
cifrinum). II grows in 01 two or wee at
the base of the Eanh-b.1llon very hunid soils.
St.mmer throucjl fall. Fairly f<lfe but wKlespread.
Red-cr,'lcking Bolcte
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2-4 in (5 10 em).
0:2-4 111 (510 em).
Cap Ilemisphefical !hen (OIM!K, Vill)'lng in
color from grayish-yellow through brown-
ish-green, reddistHlrown. yelwty at
!hen U;dlng 10 IMal reddish flesh. Biles
of small animals are also edged with led
Pores large. angular. re110w olive-
green, tuming falOlly blue to lhe touch.
Stipe often sinuous. fairly {hin, may be
expanded or thrnnlng at the base, yellow at
the top. more 01' less striated with red else-
where. Flesh !.Oft, rellow, pinkish-red
under the wIKle, tuming faintly blue when
cut pleasant odor and flavor.
HABITAT: singly or in large 9fOOPS In
deciduous or coniferous woods, on acidic or
siliceous soil. Summer through lall. Very
common and widespfead
Downy Bolett
DESCRIPTION: H 21(.6 in (7-15 em)
o in (5-12 em),
Cap hemispherical then (0I'IVex,
1dJ(, ocher olIVe, and with the texture of
chamois leather. Pores wilW, espe<ially near
the stipe, IIregular and arlQular, golden yel-
low, ewntually IUfning green, and faintly
blue to the touch. Stipe often curved, tllin or
sturdy, thickemng at the base, can be as
long as 6 m (15 em), yetiow, covered In
coarse reddish-brown striauom which
sometimes combme InlO a vagl.le nelwOrk
al the lop. Flesh thick,whi te Of pale yellow,
nOl lurnlng blue; pleasant odOl. mild fl avor.
HABI TAT: woods and bOI'!:lefs of decidLlOllS
01 conif('fOUS woods. soften WIth the Red-
cracking Bolete. on non-ukareous soil.
Summef through fa!1. Fairly common and
"""" . .,
Spies vcry similar to tht Rrd'crackinl
Bolf tt (,\'tlllCo"'''J (/'rJ'St"'trort) and
Bolt te of which
art various intermediate fOfrlls.
Bay Bolete
DESCRIPTION: H: 2',H% in (6- 12 em),
0: 2-6 in (515 em),
Cap fleshy, hemispherical then flattened .
in damp weather, velvety in dry
weather, uniform in (olor, bay (chestnut) to
reddish-blown. Pores lemon yellow then
olive, instantly staining dark blue-green
when touched. Stipe irregular. thickened or
thinning, narrowet or otherwise althe base,
ocher or reddish-brown all over, but slri-
,ned vertically with reddishbrown and not
lellculaled. Flesh thick, soh in the cap.
whitish-yellow, turning fainlly blue when
cut. pleasant fungal odor, mild flavor.
HABITAT: mainly in cooilerous forests.
sometimes under de<iduous trees (oak,
bee<:h, chestnut), or in in
stumps; on acid soil. Occa-
sionally in summer, but
mainly in lall. Very (om-
mon, widMpread through-
out the temperate north-
Vcry good 10 tat and nrely worm-caten,
ol1cn growing in large oumbe:rs. The
tough 5tipt' should be: discarded.
b,1J' b/ll'ol'll cap
/",tS luming bluiik-
grttll 10 lilt IOIIrb
The Bily Bolete is one of the few bolctes
whkh not form mytorrhiu with
tru roolS.
Orange Bo!ete
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 4]&8 in (1120 em),
13: 48 in (1020 em).
Cap globulose or hemispherical al first,
barely wider than the stipe, then expanding
and enlarging until it is convex, with a vel -
Vf!ty cuticle which the margin, and
is uniformly reddish-orange.
brownish-orange. f'ofes small, while, turn
Of the rough.stemmed bolcrcs, the Mn
to rat arc those spccit'll whose arc
rinrcd with orange or reddish-brown.
However, the Resh of aU the boktn in
rhis group turns black when cooked.
ing gray-brown With age. Stipe
lough, slightly swollen toward
the base, covered in small rusty
or reddish-brown, granulose
scales. Flesh thick, firm in the
stipe. softening With age In
the tap. whitish when cut,
luming dlny pink and finally
violet-black; pleasant odor mild
and pleasant tlavor.
HABITAT: under birch, aspen,
and poplar 0fI damp, clay soil.
Summer through fall. Fairly
common in the northern hemi
Good ro fir young.
Oak B.olete
DESCRI PTI ON: H: 6)\8 in (1220 em,
0: 2/,6% in (6- 18 em).
Cap hemispherical then convex, velvety
when dry, soft finely cracked on the mar-
gin. brick-red or brownish-orange, brown-
ing with age. Pores fine, whit ish,
ocher subsequently, slightly browning 10
the tooch. Stipe slightly thidened at the
base, white, covered in small red-
dish scales which later lurns
brown, lIesh firm then
spongy, white, turning
pink or gray CUI,
sometimes blue-green at
the base of the stipe;
odor, mild fla-
HABITAT: under oak, chestnut, and
occasionally under beech. Summer through
fall. Url(ommon.
This specks is often (onn.sed with the
OrarlSt Bolele which groW5 under decid
UOU$, waltr. loving trees such as aspen
and poplar.
Stlllls mLlrwiNg
lummg b",,"'IJ
Brown Birch Bol clc
DESCRI PTI ON: H: 410 in (1025 cm).
0: 26 in (515 em).
Cap ~ m
then convex.
hazelnut. gray
brown or brownish
yellow. slightly vel
vety when dry. viscid
when wet. Pores
white at first. then
turning gray.
browning to the
touch. Stipe long.
widening from
top to bottom.
whitish but cOV1!red with
linle grayishblack. crowdPd spots. Flesh
soft in the cap. fibrous in the stipe. white.
not blackening: odor pleasant. flavor mild.
HABITAT: under birch and in mixed
woods containing birch. on damp. acidIC
soil. Summer through fall. Very common.
This is a collective ,pecies, a group of
whkh Ihe various varieties art some
times hard 10 diSlinguish. and which
were once (DUefted under the bo\.i'lnicaJ
name of Bo/rlus Slfl/>(r.
DESCRIPTION: H: 4-7l'in (1018 em),
0: 2-4 in (SIO em).
Cap then convex, pitted,
!>Ometimes cracking in dry weather and
*,hi. /
Iht 10/',
.. ilk. ICI<'tI.J
Ihi h,Ist
dT)' ,,"(mJr(r
wilh age. fairly soh, hazelnut or brownish-
yellow, shaded ocher or fawn. Pores small
and white. then dirty yellow and evenlllally
turning gray. Slipe slender toward the lOp.
be<oming progressively wider toward the
base and very scaly, The li11le gray scales
covering a paler backgrOiJnd all' aligned
vertically, giving the stipe a striated look.
Flesh firm in the stipe, soft in the cap; while
when CUI but instantly changing 10 dark
pink then \0 violet-black. Odor faint but
pleasant, flavor mild, slightly acidic.
HABITAT: under hornbeam, hazelnut or
oak, on cool, shady soi\. On highland or
lowland. Summer through fall . (ommon.
Ediblt but mediocre, the soft Huh black-
tn, when cooked.
Poplar Solete
H: (12-
18 an). 0: 3';4.-6
in (8-15 cm).
Cap then
convex, lumpy, slightly
viscid when damp, oad::-
ing slightly age, gray
-bfown or reddi!Jl-bfown
PorllS cream thefl gray.
Stipe swollef1 in the mid-
dle or atlhe base, grayiSh-
mUle,covered in folds
which fOfm a sort of nel-
DESCRIPTION: H: in (4-10 (m),
o , ,(4 in (310 an).
Cap convex. WIth an iruoUed margm {eN'
tied in yellowrsh, VIscid hairs. 81111ianl yel-
low, SPOiled or slriped with red. Pofes wide
and ar.gular, even elor.galed, yellow Ihen
ocher, (overed in young specimens with a
yetiowi!>h veil, whidlleaves no lir-.g sifl{e it
is nol alla<1\ed 10 the Sllpe_ Slipe Ihin lor a
80Iete (less than 'h in (1 em)), yellow, spot-
'NOIk, and very densely doned with fine
bfown scales. fle!>h fifm and while, rf<!-
denir-.g at the top 01 the stipe when CUt,
tUTnir-.g blue allhe bottom, and finally
HABITAT: under poplar or aspen, in
forllSts, beside waterways. Fall. Uncommoo.
led 011 lhe lOP, the spots darkening Wllh
age. flesh yeIlOW1!>h, IUTning reddl!Jl-bfown
when WI
HABITAT: only under pines. Summel and
early fall, Very {ommoo in NOfth America.
Bovine Bolctc
DESCRIPTION: H: 2%-3% in (48 em),
0: 2-4 in (510 em),
Cap convex then flauened and lumpy.
thick at the cent!'r, wi th a thin margin,
ocher or orange, shiny, viscid in damp
weather. Pores large. especially close \0
Ihe slipI'. elongated and more or less
aligned with the stipe, composite
(divided into several compartments), yel.
low-green, browning 10 the lauch. Stipe
slender, ohen flexed, ()(her, covered in
reddish fibrils as It ages and sometimes
with pink filaments of reddish-orange
mycelium at tached to the basl'. Flesh soft
and elastic, whi tish'yeliow; Pleasant
odor, mild flavor.
HABITAT: in groups, only under pines. in
IClem or heaths on acidic !>Oil, on high.
land or lowland. lale summer through
fall. Found all over the world.
Speckled Bolete
,. in (612 em), 0:
2'1.-6 in (6-15 em).
Cap hemispherical then flattened with a
thin margin, ocher, orange, or brown-
ish'yellow, later turning olivaceous. Vel\lf!ty
al first then finely granulose. slightly viscid
in wet weather. Pofes small and angUlar.
yellowish then brownishgreen, turning
1'hi$ and 1M SpkkcI Bokte arc the only
specia of SuJ/us growing IIndu piM
wbo5c Mipt has no ring or granulation.
faintly blue to the touch'stipe long
and sturdy, yel lowish. Flesh fi rm,
rapidl y sohening, pale yellow,
faintly blueing, when CUI; faint odOf
of bleach, mild but unpleasam flavor.
HABITAT: coni ferous woods.
pine, in the mountains, mainly on acidic Of
sandy soil. late summer through lall.
Yellow Pine BolclO!
DESCRIPTION: H: 3:4-5 in (815 on),
0: in (5-12 em).
Cap hemispherical or cooical\hef1 convex,
yellowish-orange to reddish-brown, unl
form, very viSCid when silq and
maue in dry weathef, With it cullde that
ow/taps the rrargin and is easily detach-
able. Pores small, yel
low, bright yellow, and finally red-
dish, exuding milky drops in
young Stipe solid
and firm, while or pale yel
low. the lop uudes the
!.ame milky drops as the
pores. later presentlll9 red

, ..
dish or brownish granutatioM. Flesh thICk,
while or yellow, unchanging wtlen cut.
Spicy odor and navor.
HABITAT: in groups, only tinder pines
(5<015 pint', Ausuian pine, Aleppo pine,
etc.), often in the
grass and prefefs
lirTleStOl'lf soil. In
looNIand and high-
land.lale summer
tITou;1I fal.1/efy CClITI'I'Ol
along the European Atlantic:
coast, less so elswhere.
1-- .""hl
Good 10 UI, although it rnldl 10 M indi-
gntiblt. The: viKid, bittn- C\loclc must
M diJankd btJorr pnpuatioa.
Slippery Jack
DESCRIPTION: H: /. in (7-13 em),
o 2611 In (5 12 em).
Cap expaoorng very late, very
viscid and stkky, mostly chocolate
brown in color, SOrl1ellmes reddish
brown Of ocher, wuh \hln, darker stripes;
tiny shreds of the white veil are attached
to the margin, and the cuticle 1$ easily sep-
arable. Pores Wlall and rounded, lemon yt'I.
low, IUfnlng green with age. Stipe lailly
short, thid:: and sturdy, sometimes bent
Good 10 U f, Ind considtrtd 10 be tht
bot" of ali long as Ih( slimy,
bitter cuhck is fiQI discarded, and only
younl splmrnl n l t n.
cytil'ldllcal and
slightly thickened at the
base, firm and fibrous,
white to yellow, with
tiny reddish granula-
II00S al top. and
with 11 WIde membra-
nous nng. white thef1
vioIetbrown. Flesh
thiek, film at then
bKomll'lg wit, wtll\lsh
to pale yellow, and yel -
lower ill the ba!.e of
the stipe; pleasant
odof, mild flavor.
HABITAT: in groups, only under pines,
mainly Scots pin!.', in the grass, at road
sides, and beside ditches. Fall. Commoo
throughout the Nonhe!n Hemisphere.
especially in w.vmer parts.
Larch Softie
DESCRIPTION: H 2)1-6 in (6-15 em).
0: 24 In (510 em).
Cap IlemisphelH:al then Of flattened,
might lemon yellow to orange-yellow. very
shiny and viscid. Pores hidden by a
white veil ill young spec.imerl, lemon yel-
low, tuming reddish Of pinkish gray 10 the
tooch. Stipe ohef! slightly iwollen al the
base, uniform yellow below the ling and
with reddish velllS above it. The ring is
whUish and woolly, forming a ridge. FIMh
pale In the cap, blIght yellow in the
Stipe. velOed with VIOlet when (ut; pleasant
odor and flaV()(.
HABITAT: ooly lim larch in parks and
plantations, in avenues among Ihe grass,
sometimes qUite far from the trei!,in high.
lands and lowlands. Summer through fall.
Fairly common.
Ediblt but The ,limy cuticle
should lit discarded,
Slippery Larch Solcle
DESCRIPTION; H: 2t1i-6 in (7-15 em).
0: 2-4 in (510 em),
Cap hemispheocal then convex Of flattened,
extremely viscid, surface slightly wrinkled,
beige then gray-brown. turning greenish-
gray With age; the edge sometimes retains
the remainsol thewtlitrsh vtil in the fOfrn of
wall shreds. The pores are large, irregular.
pale. then turntng brown or grayish-gret'f1.
The Sllpe is whitish or )'fllowish above the
ring. dirty red or brown below it; thto ring is
wide and white al first. then flattened
against the stem i!fld browning. The flesh is
soh, whitish, turning gray or brown in
places when cut. The odor is faint and flavor
HA8ITAT: only under larch, whethel wild
Of cultIVated, in la.vIands and highlafldi.
Prefers liml'stone soil. Early summer
lhrough fall. (ommoner in the mountains.
Edible but very poor rating, as the fltsh
i. soh and spongy-
Glutinous Gomphidiu$
DESCRIPTION: H: 2)15)1 in (1-13 an).
0: 2-4 in (510 (m).
Cap conical and umbonate, then WIth a
flattened lop. becoming hmel-shaped 'Mth
age. co.oered WIth a thick, geiatll'lOUS film; the
margill remains inrolkd for a long time arid
is attached to the stipE! by a glutinous 'Jf!il ill
young specimens, whrll is cafe-au-lal/, rpJ-
viole\, then rEddish./lftM/f1 in color, staining
black when touched. The cuticle is easily
Good 10 ut, ;as IofIJ as the visrid (\Icicle:
is fe_cd, but the 8rsh bUickcns dur-
ing cooking_
completely separable from the cap. Gills
broad, widely 5pilCed, dl!ru'renl, IllQII! or
Ie!.s fab!d, of a vmy consistency ....tut1Sh
!hen blackish. 'M'/ easily separated from the
rest 01 the cap. ~ not very thid:. at the
base. wry 'Iiscid, white exCfPI at the base
....nidi is lemon yellow and with a small riN;I
01 brown scales. Flesh thick. only a1 the center
of the cap, while, bright yellow at the base of
the Stipe; odorless, mikl i'l1\a<.<J.
HABITAT: anfl!fOUS f o r ~ (!opIUCe II the
rr(JU'Itairts, pines in the k7N1ands) especiaIy
at the edge 01 the woods. Surmer tht'ourjl
fall . Fairty common and WIdespread.
)"Bo.- {/all'" I'"
/Nut of 1M Ibllt
Coppery Gomphidius
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2'H in (7-1S (m),
0: 2-4 in (S-10 (m).
Cap (ol1lcal, sometlfnes becoming umbon-
att, the margrn remarnll"lg inrolled, VI!.Cid,
copptf-colored, reddish-brown or dart. red,
palei' as it ages. Gills 'o'tfY WIdely spaced and
de<urrtnt, U$ity detachable from !he rest of
the cap, re!ldi!oh-ocher then dark brown
with age. Stipe often Ioog, gerreralty thinner
at tht lop Of bottom and swollen toward tht
middle, marked with reddish lOOes Of (OV-
ered With small scales flattened against it.
Edible but medioc:re, nOI IlS popullr as
the GlurinO\l$ Gomphidiu:s.
Flesh (lange-yellow With
a tendency to redden.
odorless and With a mild
HABITAT: under
conifers" IIf!fY chen pines.
larer I.I'Idtr ~ t s0me-
times even around indi-
viOJaI tree. It
or meadows. late sum-
mer thlOugh fall. fairly
o:mna'l and wdespread.
Brown Roll -rim
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 2}l.4% in (6-12 (m),
0: 26 in (5-15 em),
Cap convex at first biJt soon becoming
depressed in the center, !.Omelimes
umbonate, with a margin which remains
inrolled for a long time, more or less
fluted; surface velvety or cracked in dry
weather, viscid in weI weather, cinnamoo
or brownishocher, Gills very crowded,
narrow, and durr'nl, V1!ry forked, beige
then rust, gradually turning brown 10 the
touch, until they become dark brown some
minutes laler. Stipe (enlral or slightly
excentric, fibriilose, of the same color
as the cap, staining blown when
touched. Flesh thick and soh,
pale )'1!lIow or pale brown,
browning when exposed to
the air as well as when
rubbed. Fruity odor, slightly
bitter flaVl)(.
HABITAT: under deciduous
trees, l'SpeCially birch,
bUI also chestnut, poplar.
or under (ooifers in the
mountains. in parks. on
lawns. on the ground Q(
on old, rotting stumps. on
damp, acidic soil. from early
summer through late fall.
Extremely common and widespread.
The Brown Roll-rim LlS('d to be consid
ered edible, but it has causcd " riou'
caKS of poisoning, somc of them fatal. It
is mort poisonous when rilW.
Slack-stemmed Roll-rim
DESCRIPTION: H: 2:47V, in (6-18 an),
0: 4-10 In (10-25 em),
Cap CorM!X then funnel-shaped, kidney- or
WlI-shaped, !he margin remaining inrolled
for a long 11ITIe, brOWflish-oc:h!r or brown-
ish-yellow,veNety then ITIOft or rMUred.
Gills oowded, branched, bonded
tagelhe!' at the base, eMily separable 'rom
the rest of the cap. oeam 10 yellow, brown-
ing to the touch. Stipe and thick,
often excenlric. covered with a very dense
brownishblack down.F1esh soft and
spcJfI9y ....tI'le to pale yellow, brown in the
Stipe; odofless. IIavof molt Of less biller.
HABITAT: in tufts Ofl (ooifef stumps or
lOOts. Suml'Oef thlough tafly fall.
Deceiving Funnel-cap
DESCRIPTION: H: 3)!71' in (8 18 (m,
0: in (6-15 on).
Cap slightly COI'M!X ill rust, wllh vert
inrolled margin, then c\epfessed in the
center but relairng its Rolled ITIafg"'.
Surface smooth and matte, may
bea:lrroe V'tfY slightly scaly al the center.
to Ofangt'-yeUow Of apricot
G!IIs very crC7Mled, thin, decufrenl, of
the same coler as the tap. Stipe pale
yellow. splndleshaped, ending In a
pomt althe base and fused \'11th the
Slipes of olber speamens. from whICh
it is easily separable. flesh firm, fiblou5 in
the stipe; fairly strOllg and unpleasant
odor, similar 10 that produced by the
Clouded Agaric (Clitocybe nebu/gns).
HABITAT: forms dense and voluminous
Ilk on old logs 01 various decidUCIUS trees.
espe<ially oal::. Ohen grows on roots or
buned stumps. Summer throogh lall.
Uncommon, probably originalM from
North America, but also found in Europe.
Chantertllc Eol.8u
False Chanlerelle EDlBU
Jilek O' Lantern
DESCRIPTION: H: 2H in (7-15 em),
0: 2'h4)/, in (6 12 em),
Cap (OI'IvtlI then bec:olmng depressed in the
center, and finally funnel'shaped but
retaining a more or less inrolled margin,
yt!lIow orange to brownish-orange. Sl'Iiny,
decurrent gills, yellow-orange. thin,
and crowded, easily separable from the
ChamcrtJle EDlBl[
cap, Stipe long. undulating. ahen uc!!n
Iric, striated, the same color the cap,
stained brownisll gray. f lesh very fibrous,
bright yellow.
HABITAT: in tufls at the base of tree
on the branches of dedduous trees or on
the ground, 910WIIlg on buried roots. Summer
throogh fall. Ottile common in the south.
FJJse Chantcrcllc
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1/.-2'11 in (3-6 em),
0: 1'/.2'/'ln (37 em),
Cap COO'o'eX but SOO'l depressed the
margin nolled for it krIg time.
.., .,.. .". .,.,'" ........ ,'" ,.."..
owge to scme\Il'IES d."Itb!r in
the center. GIs 00Mi!d. deamnt. very fat2d.
StIpe thin iWld at the
base. smooth and o:riaa'Ot.t5, beooming hobv,
da!k at the base; flaccid ard
elastic, no partICUlar cdof 0'
HABITAT: i1 In conifE!f005 fore5ts,
dally pine, sometimes 5pIUCf. on the cr
on very rotten. burled tr.nhes. late !ol.mI'l1eI
tI1roucjl fal. Common and widesplead.
Wrongly accllnd of bring poisonoul. In
fact, it is quilt good to ut though tht
n"h is r.nhtr !JOft.
Sessile Earth SUlr
0: 1/'-2 10 (3-5 em),
The Sessile Eanh SIal' 01
an OUlef segmented part and a
(ermal pari. The outef
part consim of SIX to nifW!
smooth lJIangular segments,
aeamy-whlll! 10 ocher in color. In
wei 'ffl!alher they are stJelched
out parallel to the earth and in
dry weather they are incurved,
raising the central part up from
rtle ground. The sphefkal center
is the same color as the seg-
ments. or slightly grayish
ocher, Their consistency Is similar
to that of wasps' nests or parch-
ment. The lOp is pelforaled with
a little hole with an Irregular,
loothed edge. The flesh Is coria-
ceous and has flO pankular odor.
HABITAT: Ohen in coionie\ on
moss or needles in (oorfefous or
mixed forest s. Summef and early
fall, Widespread.
, -------
Triple Earth Star
DESCRIPTION: H: %-2 in (2-S em). 0:
2 in (l-S em) 2%-(6-12 em) (open).
In its young state, the lungus is ovoid
and subterranean. II develops in a spher-
ical form in two parts, an external part
which splits into five 10 seven segmenls,
(ream then turning gray. about '10 in
(0.5 em) thick, which expands and wraps
GUSlrrs art strange fungi whose
oolanitllJ namt means Mu.rth SGr. '
Hygrometric Earth Star
DESCRIPTION: 0: % 4 in (210 em).
The furqJS consists of I'MI !he cenual
gIobulose part aboot I in (2.5 em) 11
v.t1k:h ioI pale rpf, aod pierted at!he top with
a small aifce. and !he OOlef p.:rt v.t.k:h ioI brtl'Ml
10 a six 10 ten txanched star
(sometimes there are even rnCife branchesl, The
tTcInches ere fused at !he base, and !he SlKface
is crad.ed.1Nhen !he air becomes tOO dry, the
tTcInches fad back into the eenlet; endosilY!! the
globe. Flesh brO'Ml at mall.xiry.
HABITAT: clearings. hedgerows, decidUOlli
(oak) Of cOfli feroos ipne) vee. on sandy, rather
itself under-
neath the
split CfOSS-
cent ral part
is globulose and opens a1 the tOp in a
liny slar-shaped opening, surrounded by
a white circle, from which the spores afe
emili e<!.
HABITAT: DeCldllOus or coniferous forests,
parks. Fall. Uncommon.
acXic soil. late sunmer throur/l early faO, but
may persist for several months in the (ty stale.
Widespread but uncommon.
Stump Puffball
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'1\-3'11 in (3-8 em),
0: (1-4 (rn.)
Pear-shaped fungus, consisting of a
round, head, swollen al the top. in which
a pore opens at maturity, and Ihere is a
large stipe which narrows toward the
bOllom which is no longer Ihan Ihe cap.
It is creamy-white, later turning brown
and covered in short. fragile spines. The
base of the stipe is extended by long
white, downy filaments which dig inlo
worm-eaten wood. The flesh is white,
turning olive green, except Ihe lower part
of the cap which remains while, Unpleas-
ant odor, mild flavor.
HABITAT: In tufts on old logs and Ihe
ronen wood of various deciduous trees,
Common Puffball
DESCRIPTION: H: 1% 3'" in (49 em),
0: 11' 214 i in (l-6 em).
More or less pear-shaped, creamy white
arid covered in liule papillae of differ-
ent sizes looking like tiny pearls.
cream then ocher and finally olive-
Drown when the wrface is smooth.
The top opens at a perforallon situated
on one protuberance in the center of the
cap. The stipe is largely splayed in a reverse
sometimes half-buried. Fall throu9h early
winter. fairly common.
cooe shape. and cootains sevefal folds. The
flesh is while al first, be<oming yellowish.
Edible when young and tht f1e$1r. is $till
whilt but mediocre.
Spiny Puffball
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 1;4.2'..' in (H cm),
0: 1 'A2 in (]5 em),
Globe-shaped and carried on a very shon stem
tNrvlPJ loward the ba5e.ermre/y retXlish-
brtwn and w.oered with soft spines about '.4 in
(0.50 em) long. in of three or flU, The
spines fall oft leaving a
retic.ulated SlKfoce.1here is
brown, and lending \0
eventually turning brown and powdery.
HABITAT: In clumps in de<iduous or
coniferous foresls. more rarely in meadows.
Summer through fall. Very common and
pore in the top v.+Iidl enables the sr.cres to be
released .. The flesh is white ar;j firm at fllSt,
""" ,........., """'""", "" '"""
HABITAT: Bee<:h forests on limestone
!.Oil. Fall. Uncommon.
Leaden l'uflball
DESCRIPTI ON: a: IPA in (14 em),
Spherical and devoid of a stipe. The exter-
nal envelope is thick and pure white, and
peels iNlay to reveal aoothef interior cover-
ing that is lead gray, with a pore in the top.
Flesh white then brown, and be<oming
The I.udcn PuffbaU is only attached to
the soil weakly, and when mature the
lint puff of wind an 'MT)' the whole
fn, iting.body far away, thus enabling ;1
10 diumlinalc its spores.
5.''cd Puffball
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 24% in (5-12 em),
0: 26 in (S 15 (m).
Fungus pear-shaped al first, wilh a white
globuloS!! top, covered in small
pyramid-shaped warlS
which turn into a
lorna, leaving only
their polygonal base
behind.The fungus
then turns gray-
brown and the cap
splits along its o ~
diameter. The bottom is
barely wider than the
powdery when
small groups
in meadows,
pastures. and
roadsides. Summer
through fall. Fairly com-
top tape!"ing at the base; it dOl!s not de<ay
and can remain in the same place for sev-
eral months wit h the base of the cap at
the top. !.haped like a small ClIp. The flesh
is white and spongy. eventually turning yel
lowi!.hgreef1, and final ly olive brown.
HABITAT: Lawns and Ofchards. especially
in the mountains. Summer through early
fall. Fairly common.
Pestl e Puffball
DESCRIPTION: H: 21'7:' In (718 em).
0: 24 in (5-10 em).
Fungus comislll'lg altwo parts. The upper
part is globulose. wl'ule then!oOOfl turn-
ing ocheI, and the Ia.w part is IN! SIIpE!. The
upper part IS sooo (OYefed with linle soft,
pointed warlS whi<h 'aU off rather quickly.
The fungus splits aooss the WIdth when
mall/re, to release the spores. The stipe is
!\all the width of the lIEoad and represeflts
hall the height of the lungm,11 is wrinkled,
folded, granulose, lim wMe then ocher.
Giant Puffball
DESCRIPTION: 0: 6-6 in (1 $-40 em).
Large round white shape, apparently rest-
ing on tile 9101.100. smooth but lumpy. pit
ted with shallow depressions, matt. later
stained Wi th ocher, to the touch,
like chamois leather. Flesh white, soh to
spongy, yt!lIowing, then turning olive-
brown. Faint odor. mild, plea!>ant lIavor.
in meadows.
well-lit woods
01 deciduous or
coniferous trees
and parks. Summer
through fall. Ull(om-
mon \0 common,
HABITAT: singly or in groups, In parks.
on lawns, beside hedgerows, olten on
nitrogenous soils. Summer through fall.
Uncommon and grows agam in the same
places each
Mcadow I,,,,f!ball
DESCRI PTION: 0: in em).
Globulose, slightly flattened at the top.
white then ocher, linally pale brown upon
malurity. The surface is (overed in tiny
warlS which evenwally disappear. The top
tears into ooe large openir.g through which
the spores ts(ape in the form of a gray
dust. The sope is very short or absent.
flesh whIte and spongy rn your.g
then oIivebrown afld

powdery. II seen in vertKal section,
the upper, fertile pan can be seen to
be separated from the Iowef sterile
part by means of a membrane.
HABITAT: meadows. roadsides. lawns,
heaths. Summer throogh fall. Common.

$111,1/1 11',117$ btaJmt ,krl1(hfJ.
>mQOf' 5111<1(.


Common Eanhball
DESCRIPTION: H: 1'.'- 31' in (3-8 em),
13: 1 "' 4'A in (311 em),
Globular fungus, "aliened allhe
lOp, with a leathery envelope,
pale yeHow or Q(ange-yellow
and covered in scales.
Stem very shan, whitish,
with rool-like filaments al
the bottom which anchor the
lungus to Ii'll' soil. flesh firm,
dirty white becoming blad.ish
and powdery upon maturity;
strong. unpleasant odol.
HABITAT: in groups 00 bare groond among
felled limber or on pathways. on moors.
verges. or well-hi deciduous or coniferous
woods, on acidic soil. 5umlTlef through fall.
Very common and widespread.
The Desh of the Common
looks similar 10 thai of the B("(k T rufflc;
il .... 1 mIlS bern used fraudulently \0
imitate a truffle in certain foodstuffs,
alltgtdly cont.Jining Blick Truffles.
Bird', Nest Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: '.6-" in (1-1.5 em),
0: ~ . h In (O.S-l em),
Vase or cupshaped fungus. the top cov-
ered at first by a smal l white membrane
that breah open 10 reveallinle white
IentilYIaped grains thallu!ns Ixown when
mature, arranged in !he bol1om. The outer
surface is brown and CoYeIed in sliff hairs;
the inl'lef surface is gray and bare but sui
aled wl!h veftical grooves.
The sporu .rt dinnnilUlltd by the rJin,
whOM: drops detach the Iittk gnins
containing the sports and d i l ~ them,
HABITAT: in colonies consisting of large
numbers of Individuals on partklily burled
branches and !Wigs in damp woOOs. Sumrrtef
through fall . Fairly common and widespread.
.,ooirlI_ WU proItr/S
lilt link ' tf!l}"
Iw{ort "'<flJln'ry
Orange Bird', Nest Fungus
DESCRIPTION: H: '''\{ in (0.5- 1 em).
0: ~ ~ in (0.5-1 em).
The fruiting-body is egg-shaped in the
young state, looking like the Bird's Nest
Fungus, but Ihe Interior wall of Ihe "nest"
is smooth, not striated and pale ocher in
color. The protective membrane (OV1!(ing
young specimeflS is also ocher or orange,
turning paler. The lilUe grains (peridioles)
inside are attached to the wall by short stalk.
species of rotten wood in forests an p a r ~ s . in
HABITAT: grows in groups on various summer and fall. Fairly common.
The Stinkho m
DESCRIPTION: H: 49 in (1023 em),
e: 1-2 in (3-5 ern).
When very young, this fungus has
Ihe shape of egg about 2 in (5 em)
in diameter, with while filaments
01 m)'{eliurn a\ the base. The egg
develops very rapidly and gives rise
to a cap and stipe. The cap is cOlli
cal, viscid at first and olive-green,
The viscosity disappears. afld
the surface becomes
white, pitied and
porous. with sort
01 valva at the
base, which is
the remains of
the membrane covering the egg, The
strong, putrid adO!' can be detected from
several yards away, and IS a magnet for
flies which feed on the muCliS of the cap
and thus disperse the spores.
HABITAT: in dispersed groups in decidu-
ous or coniferous forests. Summer through
fall. Very common.
If the . ticky m.:IU is n movfli, the tg,
which dots nOI have the naulluting
, meU, em 1M- taten, but is n tht r
Dog Stinkhom
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 3:4-6 in an).
E!: in (1-1.5 em).
The Dog Stinkhorn looks like a smaller version
of the Stinkhorn and it develops in the same
It is more !JenOer and CUNed, and the cap
is the width CIS the 'MIen the grem-
ish mucus of the cap disappears. the under
neath is seen to be honeycombed and red. The
stem is tinged wijth pink. The !oIlle1l is no! as
strong as that of the Stinkhom but it is also
HABITAT: in groups in cIeciduous and coollet'-
ous forests. oft en near rotting stumps. Summer
thfOOgh fall. Uocommoo but tending to 5pl'ead.
Red Cage Fungus
DESCRIPTI ON: H: 3' (812 em),
e; 2-3'h in (5-9 em).
Slarlir.g from a whitish 01 yellowish egg. a
loond, tanked fruil-body emerges. It is coral
col()(ed on the ou!5lde, the inside being (rN-
ere<! in a greeflM slime. The odor of the
mature fungus is that of roning flesh.
HABITAT: if1 decidllOllS or coniferous woods,
parb, ar.d gardens. From early summer
through fall. In warm 01 lempefale zooes.
Rather rare bul found all over the world.
Red Tentacle Fungus
DESCRIPTION: 0: 47'/.. 10 (10-18 em).
The egg is whitish-gray \0 pmki!>h. II breaks
open [0 reveal four to eight (oral-red
branches, stained with elecl al first
aod }Dilled at the bollom, which opel'! like
the petals of a flower. The smell becomM
nauseating when the fungus IS mature.
HABITAT: grass vtrges,
hedgerows, dealings, under
deciduous Of corlllel'OUS UteS.
late piing IhlO09h lall. Rare
through fairly common, dis-
tubuted all over WOIId
ard tending \0 spread.
The Red Tcnlilclc Fungi'S is a native of
"ustraw or NcwZrilind. It appt'urd
in Europe forthdint time- in 1914, in
the VOJlltl moun rains of France. It was
almost crruinly inlmductd, rithcr on
raw wool, or on impontd ilnno1tIltllll.
Adnate (gill s or tubes): welded to
the stipe along the entire width of the
Appendiculate: margin of a cap to
which Iragmenu of veil adhere.
Armilla: (overil'l9 which may be scaly
and which covers the stipe of certain
species, except in the upper part.
Basidiomycete: the biggest group of
macrofungi, socalled because the
spores ale carried on dub-shaped pro-
trusions called basidia.
Basi diospore: spore of a basid
Bulb: swollen base of the stipe of cer-
tain fungi.
(ampanulate: bell -shaped, describing
the ihape of the cap.
Cerebriform: convoluted like a brain.
The cap in species of Gyromitra (Brain
Fungi) is cerebriform.
Cortina: partial veil consisting of
very fine filaments covering the gills
in a young specimen. As the mush-
room grows, the conina tears and
persists only in the form of filaments
on the cap and stipe.
Cuticle: coating of the upper surface
of the cap (may be viscid, smooth, or
Decurrent (gill s): which run down
the supe.
Deliquescent: liquifying when
Fibrillose: covered in fine filaments or
Fold, vein: sort of false gill under the
cap of certain mushrooms, especially
Canlherellus alld Craterel/us.
Free (gill s): not attached to the stipe.
Fugaceous: disappearing mOfe or less
rapidly with age (a ring or (Oflina, for
Gelatinous: having the consistency of
Gill: leaf-shaped appendage bearing
the basidiospores on the underside of
the cap of mushrooms of the basid
iomy<es family.
Globulose: spherical or almost spheri-
cal (as in the puffballs).
Humicolous: growing on humus.
Hygrophanous: changing color and
appearance depending on the degree
of atmospheric humidity.
Hymenium: the part of the
sporophore or fruiting-body on which
the spores are borne (gills, tubes, etc).
Inrolled (margin): rolled up at the
edge (cap).
latex: liquid in the flesh of certain
lignicololous: growing on wood.
Margin: edge of cap or gills.
Marginate: bulb with a clear ridge
around the top.
Milk: liquid exuded from the flesh of
certain mushroms. See latex.
Mycelium: network of underground
filaments which are the vegetative part
of the fungus.
Mycorrhiza: close association
between the mycelium of a mushroom
and the roots of a higher plant (usually
a tree).
Ostiole: small orifice from which
spores can escape.
Partial veil: envelope covering the
gills of a young fungus (which may per-
sist in the form of a ring).
Pileus: word sometimes used to
denote the cap of a fungus.
Pore: opening at the bottom of a tube
(of a bolete, for example).
Pruinose: covered with bloom like a
Pubescent: covered in fine hairs.
Reticulation: network of raised fila-
ments on the stipe of certain boletes.
Rhizomorph, pseudorrhyza: Long
root-like filaments of mycelium.
Ring: ring-shaped membrane around
the center or top of certain mushrooms
Rooting: said of a stipe which extends
deep into the soil by becoming thinner.
the equivalent of a seed.
Sinuate (gills): with a dentation
before they are attached to the stipe.
Spines: needle-shaped points, mainly
under the cap of the Hedgehog Mush-
rooms (Hydnum).
Sporophore: visible part of the mush-
room, also known as the fruiting body.
Spore: reproductive element in fungi,
Squamose: scaly.
Stipe: stem of the mushroom.
Symbiotic: said of a fungus that forms
a relationship with a higher plant, from
which both derive benefit.
Terricolous: growing on the ground
(as opposed to lignicolous).
Tube: collection of small cylinders
attached to the underside of certain
fungi (such as boletes), through which
spores are ejected at the bottom in an
opening called a pore.
Umbilicate: with a clearly marked
central narrow, ring-like depression.
Umbo: central mound protruding from
the cap.
Umbonate: having an umbo.
Unequal: said of gills which are inter-
spersed with gills of a shorter length.
Universal veil: envelope covering the
whole of a young mushroom, some-
times persisting in the form of a volva
at the base of the stipe or as scales on
the cap.
Volva: envelope covering the base of
the stipe of certain mushrooms, a rem-
nant of the veil which covered the
young fungus.
Waterlogged: gorged with water.
The figures in Roman letters refer to running text; the numbers in bold refers to pages on which the
subject is treated more generally. Names in Roman letters are the common name, .names in iitalics are
the botanical or scientific name.
A praeclaresquamosus, muscaria, 211
193 ovoidea, 226
Acorn Elf Cup,40 si/vaticus, 196 pantherina, 215
Agaric silvico/a, 199 phalloides, 220
Brown-capped Agaric, urinascens, 195 rubescens, 216
193 xanthoderma, 196 spissa, 218
Clouded, 129 Agrocybe submenbranacea,
Club-footed,128 aegerita, 279 229
Clumped, 182 cy/indracea, 279 unbrino/utea, 229
Cone-capped, 180 dura, 280 vaginata, 227
Fiery, 266 mo/esta, 280 verna, 224
Fly, 211 pedlades, 280 virosa, 225
Inside Out, 130 praecox, 281 Amanita, 219
Monk's Head, 129 semiorbicu/aris, 280 Ovoid,226
Satin-stemmed, 183 Agrocybe Spring, 224
Striated, 126 Grass, 280 Amethyst Deceiver, 135
Two-colored, 127 Tough,280 Aniseed Mushroom, 128
Verdigris, 269 A/batrellus Aphyllophorales,
Agaricales, 178-229 ovinus, 85, 87 64-105
Agaricus A/euria aurantia, 43 Armillaria, 17
a/bertii, 195 A/nico/a me/inoides, 257 Bulbous-stemmed
arvensis, 198 Amanita Darkening,134
augustus, 194 battarae, 229 Armillaria
bisporus, 192 caesarea, 214 mellea, 133
bitorquis, 190 citrina, 223 ostoyae, 134
californicus, 197 crocea, 228 Artist's Fungus, 79
campestris, 191, 197 fu/va, 228 Ascocoryne, Fleshy, 37
macrosporus, 195 gemmata, 219 Ascocotyne sarcoides, 37
porphyria, 193 junquil/ea, 219 Ascomycetes, 32-57
Asterophora Devil's, 326, 328 radicans, 321
Iycoperdoides, 154 Downy, 332 satanas, 326
Astraeus hygrometricus, Hornbeam, 337 scaber, 336
355 Hollow-stemmed, Bovista plumbea, 358
Auricularia 320 Bracket Fungus, Fir, 80
auricula judae, 61 Larch, 343 Bracket Fungus,
mesenterica, 60 Lurid,329 Variable, 80
Auriscalpium vulgare, Oak,335 Brain Fungus
88 Orange, 334 Black, 47
Parasitic, 330 Common, 46
B Peppery, 321 Cup-shaped,46
Pine, 326 Elastic, 47
Bachelor's Button, 37 Poplar, 338 Gray, 60
Baeospora myosura, Powdery, 330 Yellow, 62
162 Red-cracking, 331 Branch-gilled Fungus,
Beefsteak Fungus, 78 Red-stemmed, 328 160
Bird's Nest Fungus, 362 Rooting, 321 Brick Cap, 271
Orange, 363 Scarlet -stemmed, Bulb, 10, 11
Bisporella citrina, 39 322 Bulgaria inquinans, 37
Bisporelle , Yellow, 39 Slippery Larch, 344 Bulgaria truncata, 37
Bjerkandera adusta, 74 Speckled, 340 Bulgaria, Truncated, 37
Black Elf Cup, 45 Summer, 324
Bladder Elf Cup, 44 Yellow Pine, 341 C
Blewit, 132 Boletales, 316-351
Blue-green Wood Boletinus cavipes, 320 Caesar's Mushroom, 214
Cup, 38 Boletus Cage Fungus, Red, 364
Blusher, The, 216-217 aereus, 325 Calocera vicosa, 63
Blushing Bracket, 74 aestivalis, 324 Calocybe
Bolete albidus, 321 carnea, 154
American, 338 appendiculatus, 322 gambosa, 153
Appendiculate, 322 calopus, 322 Caloporus ovinus, 85
Bay, 333 edulis, 323 Calvatia
Bitter, 319 erythropus, 328 excipuliformis, 359
Black-headed, 325 luridus, 329 utriformis, 358
Bovine, 339 pinophilus, 326 Camarophyllus pratensis,
Brown Birch, 336 pulverulentus, 330 108
Candlesnuff Fungus, 34 Clavaria dryophi/a, 166
Cantharellus fragi/is, 98 fusipes, 167
cibarius, 92 kunzei, 102 kuehneriana, 168
cibarius var vermicu/aris, 98 macu/ata, 168
amethysteus, 93 Clavariade/phus peronata, 169
cibarius var pisti/aris, 104 Co/tricia perennis, 71
bic%r, 93 truncatus, 104, 105 Coltricia, Persistant, 71
friesii, 93 Clavu/ina Common Brain
/utescens, 94 cinerea, 99 Fungus, 46
tubaeformis, 95 cristata, 99 Conocybe, Milk-white
Cap, 10, 11 Clavu/inopsis he/vola, 278
margin of-, 10, 11 105 Conocybe /actea, 278
Catathe/asma Clitocybe Consumption, 21
ventricosa, 134 Cup-shaped,l22 Coprinus
imperia/is, 134 Funnel-shaped,126 atramentarius, 187
Cauliflower Fungus, 103 Hoary, 124 comatus, 188
Cep White, 123 disseminatus, 184
Cha/ciporus piperatus, Clitocybe domesticus, 184
321 candicans, 123 /agopus, 186
Chanterelle, 92 cerrussata, 124 micaceus, 185
False, 351 c/avipes, 128 niveus, 185
Gray, 94 dea/bata, 125 picaceus, 186
Tubular, 94, 95 decembris, 127 p/icati/is, 190
Yellowing, 94 geotropa, 129 Coral Fungus,
Charcoal Burner, 295 gibba, 126 Beautiful, 101
Ch/orociboria nebu/aris, 129 Erect, 101
aeruginascens, 38 odora, 128 Fiery, 100
Ch/orosp/enium phyllophi/a, 124 Flaccid, 100
aeruginascens, 38 rivu/osa, 125 Kunze's, 102
Chondrostereum vibecina, 126 Pale, 62
purpureum, 69 Clitopi/us prunu/us, White, 89
Chroogomphus ruti/us, 234 Cordyceps, 17
346 Collybia Club-shaped, 34
Clathrus butyracea, 164 Cordyceps
archeri, 365 conf/uens, 165 ophiog/ossoides, 34
ruber, 364 distorta, 166 Corio/us versicolor, 76
Cortinarius glaucopus, 252 Cuphophyl/us
Abnormal, 244 hinnuleus, 248 pratensis, 108
Annatto, 242 multiformis, 250 virgineus, 108
Blue, 251 orel/anus, 242 Cyathus striatus, 362
Cinnamon, 96, 246 paleaceus, 249 Cystoderma
Curved,248 purpurascens, 251 amianthinum, 1 56
Elegant, 253 rubel/us, 243 Cystolepiota aspera,
Fawn, 248 rufoolivaceus, 254 200
Flexible-stem, 249 semisanguineus,
Glutinous, 254 246 D
Green-stemmed, 252 speciosissimus, 243
Many-colored, 252 splendens, 253 Oaedaleopsis
Mauve-tinted, 245 torvus, 248 confragosa, 74
Multiform, 250 traganus, 243 Death Cap, 220-222
Red-banded, 247 trivialis, 255 Death Cap, False, 223
Purplish, 251 Craterel/us Deceiver, 136
Reddish-olive, 254 cornucopioides, 90 Destroying Angel, 225
Resplendent, 253 Crepidotus Dry Rot, 66
Semi-sanguine, 246 Soft, 266 Dryad's Saddle, 81
Stinking, 243 Variable, 267 Oumontinia tuberosa,
Straw, 249 Crepidotus 36
Suspect, 243 mollis, 266
Trivial, 255 variabilis, 267 E
Cortinariales, 240-283 Crinipel/is stipitarius,
Cortinarius 161 Ear-jack Fungus, 45
alboviolaceus, 245 Crown Elf Cap, 42 Ear-pick Fungus, 88
anomalus, 244 Crucible Elf Cup, 41 Earthball, Common, 361
armil/atus, 247 Crucibulum Earth-fan, 84
caerulescens, 251 crucibuliforme, 363 Earth-star,
calochrous, 252 laeve, 363 Hygrometric, 355
camphoratus, 243 vulgare, 363 Sessile, 354
cinnamomeus, 96, Crumble Tuft, 181 Triple, 355
246 Cultivated Mushroom, Ecology, 16
e/egantissimus, 192 Elfin Saddle, 47
253 Cup-shaped Brain Entoloma
fiexipes, 249 Fungus, 46 cetratum, 237
clypeatum, 235
Field Mushroom, 191
conferendum, 237
Fir Bracket Fungus, 80 Coppery, 346
hirtipes, 238
Fistulina hepatica, 78
Glutinous, 345
lividum, 236
Flammulina velutipes, Gomphidius
rhodopolium, 238 157
glutinosus, 345
sericeum, 239
viscidus, 346
serrulatum, 239
Mushroom, 154
Gomphus floccosus, 98
Entolomatales, 230-239 Fly Agaric, 211
Gomphus, Scaly, 98
Fomes fomentarius, 78 Gray Brain Fungus, 60
Blue, 239
Fomitopsis pinicola, 82
Grisette, 227
Livid, 236
Fruiting body, 13
Gray, 229
Ocelot, 237
Funnel-cap, Deceiviing,
Pink-spored, 233
Shield-shaped, 235 349
Saffron, 228
Silky, 239
Tawny, 228
Silky-stem, 238 G
Yellow-brown, 229
Stinking, 238
Star-spored, 237
Penetrating, 265
Autumn, 268
glandulosa, 60
Marginate, 268
penetrans, 265
truncata, 60
spectabilis, 266
autumnalis, 268 esculenta, 48
laevis, 267
gigas, 49
False Death Cap, 223
marginata, 268
infula, 49
False Morel, 48
False Panther Cap, 218
aplanatum, 79 H
Fairies' Bonnets, 184
lipsiense, 79
Fairy Club,
lucidum, 79
Ash-gray, 99 Gasteromycetes,
Reddening, 73
Crested, 99
Hapalopilus rutilans, 73
Fragile, 98
Hare's Foot Ink-cap,186
Giant, 104
sessile, 354
Truncated, 105 triplex, 355
crustuliniforme, 255
Yellow, 105
Gerronema ericetorum,
mesophaeum, 256
Fairy Ring
radicosum, 257
Champignon, 159 Gills, 10
sinapizans, 256
eburneus, 112 Inocybe
Brown-centered, 256 hypothejus, 112
Bittersweet 258
Mustard, 256
marzuolus, 113
Crimped, 260
Rooting, 257
niveus, 108
Common White, 263
obrusseus, 110
Mushroom, 86
olivaceoalbus, 114
Green-capped, 261
Wood Hedgehog, 86
pudorinus, 115
Godey's, 262
russula, 116
Hoar-frost, 258
acetabulum, 46 Hymenochaete,
Red-staining, 259
crispa, 46
Tobacco Brown, 68
Spotted, 260
elastica, 47
Star-spored, 264
lacunosa, 47
mougeotii, 68
Torn-cap, 262
rubiginosa, 68
c1athroides, 89
tabacina, 68
asterospora, 264
coralloides, 89
Hyphae, 12
calamistrata, 260
ramosum, 89
corydalina, 261
Hirschioporus abietinus,
capnoides, 273
dulcamara, 258
elongatum, 273
fastigiata, 258
Hoof Fungus, 78
fasciculare, 272
geophylla, 263
Honey Fungus, 133
sublateritium, 271
Horn of Plenty, 90
lacera, 262
Humaria hemisphaerica,
Long-stemmed, 273
maculata, 260
patouillardii, 259
Strawberry, 35
pusio, 261
auriscalpium, 88
Hypoxylon fragiforme, 35
rimosa, 258
repandum, 86
Inonotus hispidus, 83
rufescens, 86
Irpex paradoxa, 83
Ivory Mushroom, 125
chlorophana, 110
Identification key, 26
coccinea, 110 Ink-cap
miniata, 111
Common, 187
psittacina, 109
Domesticated, 184
Glistening, 185 Jack O'Lantern, 350
aurantiaca, 351
Jelly Tongue, 63
Shaggy, 188 Jew's Ear 61
cossus, 111
Snow White, 185 Juicy Elf Cup, 44
K Langermania gigantea, gi/va, 130
359 inversa, 130
Kuehneromyces Lawyer's Wig, 188 /uscina, 130
mutabi/is, 276 Leccinum nuda, 131
aurantiacum, 334 panaeo/us, 130
L carpinum, 337 personata, 132
duriuscu/um, 338 saeva, 132
Laccaria quercinum, 335 sordida, 132
amethystea, 135 scabrum, 336 Lesser Blue-foot, 132
/accata, 136 Lentinus Leucoagaricus
Lacquered Bracket, 79 Spiral, 119 /eucothites, 205
Lactarius Striped, 119 quietus, 311
b/ennius, 306 Lentinus Liberty Cap, 275
chrysorrheus, 312 coch/eatus, 119 Little Wheel Fungus,160
de/iciosus, 308 tigrinus, 119 Lycoperdon
deterrimus, 309 Lenzite, Birch, 77 echinatum, 357
fuliginosus, 315 Lenzites betulina, 77 perla tum, 356
fu/vissimus, 313 Leotia /ubrica, 39 pyriforme, 356
g/yciosmus, 31 0 Lepiota Lyophyllum
he/vus, 310 brunneoincarnata, aggregatum, 152
hepaticus, 315 204 connatum, 152
necator, 305 castanea, 201 decastes, 152
pallidus, 304 clypeo/aria, 203 Lyophylum,
piperatus, 302 cristata, 201 Gray-capped, 1 52
p/umbeus, 305 excoriata, 21 0 Tufted, 152
pyroga/us, 303 he/veo/a, 204
quietus, 311 ignivo/vata, 202 M
rufus, 309 mastoidea, 208
sanguifluus, 307 pseudohe/veo/a, Macro/epiota
subdu/cis, 304 203 excoriata, 21 0
tabidus, 314 rickenii, 208 konradii, 208
torminosus, 303 venenata, 209 procera, 206
trivia/is, 306 ventriosospora, rhacodes, 209
vellereus, 302 203 Magpie Cap, 186
vietus, 305 Lepista Magpie Mushroom, 186
vo/emus, 312 flaccida, 130 Marasmius
Garlic-scented, 158 Fleecy, 302 mycorrhizal, 17
Hairy, 161 Gray, 305 parasitic, 16
Perforating, 163 Hepatic,315 Prince, 194
Marasmius Oak,311 saprophytic, 16
alliaceus, 158 Pale, 304 Scaly, 193
androsaceus, 158 Peppery, 302 Wood, 199
oreades, 159 Red,309 Yellow-staining, 196
rameaJis, 160 Saffron,308 Mushrooms
rotula, 160 Slimy, 306 and man, 19
Megacollybia platyphylla, Smoky, 315 Mutinus caninus, 364
164 Spruce, 309 Mycelium, 12, 14
Melanoleuca Ugly, 305 Mycena
Black-and-White, 151 Woolly, 303 crocata, 170, 171
Distinctive, 151 Yellow, 312 epipterygia, 169
Short-stemmed, 150 Miller, 234 filopes, 175
Melanoleuca Mitrophora semilibera, galericulata, 173
brevipes, 150 52 galopus, 172
cognata, 151 Morchella haematopus, 171
melaleuca, 1 51 elata, 53 inclinata, 172
verrucipes, 150 esculenta, 54 iodolens, 174
Melanopus squamosus, rotunda, 55 leptocephala, 174
81 Morel,54 leucogafa, 172
Meripilus giganteus, 82 Blonde, 55 metata, 174
Merulius tremellosus, 67 False, 48-49 olivaceomarginata,
Micromphale perforans, Glove-finger, 50 176
163 Miniature, 52 polygramma, 173,
Milk-cap, Tall,53 175
Abundant, 312 Mushroom pura, l77
Beech,304 Albert's, 195 rosea, l77
Birch,314 Anatomy of a -, 10 sanguinolenta, 171
Bleeding, 307 Brown Wood, 196 seynesii, 176
Blond,310 Cooking, 24 vitilis, 175
Burning, 303 Cultivated,14, 192 Mycena
Coconut, 310 Guinea-fowl,193 Bleeding, 171
Common, 306 Horse, 198 Conical, 174
Fawn, 313 Life cycle, 13 De Seynes, 176
Fern, 169 121
206, 207
Helmeted, 173 Ompha/otus Chestnut, 201
Inclined, 172 illudens, 349 False Brown, 203
Milk-drop,172 o/earius, 350 Frilly, 210
Olive-edged, 176 Orange Peel Fungus, 43 Konrad's, 208
Orange-milk, 170 Otidea onotica, 45 Pointed-seal, 200
Pure, 177 Oudemansiella
Red-brown, 204
Red-milk,171 mucida, 155 Red-stemmed, 202
Striped-stem, 173 radicata, 156 Shaggy, 209
Strong-stemmed, 175 Oyster Mushroom, 118 Shield-shaped, 203
Thin-capped,174 Branched,116 Stinking, 201
Eryngo, 117 Paxillus
atrotomentosus, 348
invo/utus, 347
Naucoria escharoides, P
Penny Bun Mushroom,
Naucoria, Yellowish, 257 Pale Bachelor's Button, Peziza
Nectria cinnabarina, 34 38
badia, 45
Nectria Panaeo/us succosa, 44
Scarlet, 34 foenisecii, 281 vesicu/osa, 44
Neobu/garia pura, 38 semiovatus, 283 Phaeo/us
sphinctrinus, 282 ruti/ans, 73
Parasitic, 155 Panellus, Winter,120 schweinitzii, 72
Star-bearing, 154 Panellus
Phallus impudicus, 363
Nycta/is serotinus, 120 Phlebia,
asterophora, 154 stipticus, 120 Many-capped, 67
parasitica, 155 Paneolus Ph/ebia radiata, 67
Coprophilous, 283 Pho/iota
Harvest, 281 alnico/a, 277
Sheathed, 282 gummosa, 277
Old Man of the Panther Cap, 215 /enta, 277
Woods,318 Panther Cap, False,218 sa/icieo/a, 277
Omphalia Parasol,
squarrosa, 278
Bell, 163
Off-white, 205 Pholiota
Moss,121 Saffron, 1 56 Alder, 277
Ompha/ina ericetorum, Parasol Mushroom Changing, 276
Early, 281 Variable, 80 Ptychoverpa bohemica,
Glutinous, 277 Po/yporus 51
Poplar, 279 adustus, 74 Puffball,
Shaggy, 278 badius, 81 Common, 356
Phragmobasidiomycetes, durus, 81 Giant, 359
58-63 giganteus, 82 Leaden, 358
Picking, 21, 22
leptocephalus, 80 Meadow, 360
Pine-cone Bolete, 318 picipes, 81 Pestle, 359
Piptoporus betulinus, 73 squamosus, 81 Saddle,shaped, 358
Pleurotus varius, 80 Spiny, 357
cornucopiae, 116 Porcelain Mushroom, Stump,356
eryngii, 117 155 Pustularia catinus, 41
ostreatus, 118 Poria versipora, 83
Plicaturopsis crispa, 84 Primordium, 14
Plums and Custard, 137 Psathyrella R
Pluteus candolleana, 181
Admirable, 232 conopilus, 180 Ramaria
Fawn, 232 lacrymabunda, 182 araiospora, 100
Lion, 232 multipedata, 182 fiaccida, 100
piluliformis, 183 formosa, 101
admirabilis, 232
spadiceogrisea, 183 stricta, 1 01
cervinus, 232 Psathyrella Ramariopsis kunzei,
leoninus, 232 Gray-brown, 183 102
Poison Pie, 255 Pseudociitocybe Ring, 10
Polypore cyathiformis, 122 Roll-rim,
Bay, 81 Pseudocraterellus Black-stemmed, 348
Birch, 20, 73 cinereus, 91 Brown, 347
Bulbous, 75 sinuosus, 91 Rooting Shank, 156
Burnt, 74 Pseudohydnum Round Cap, 271
Giant, 82 ge/atinosum, 63 Rozites caperata, 264
Many-zoned, 20, 76 Psilocybe Rozites, Wrinkled, 264
Marginate, 82 coprophila, 274 Russula
Schweinitz's,72 semilanceata, 275 atropurpurea, 291
Sheep, 85, 87 squamosa, 270 aurora, 298
Shaggy, 83 Psilocybe, 20 badia, 293
Shriveled, 84 Coprophilous, 274 ciaroflava, 289
cyanoxantha, 295 Edible, 296 Scleroderma
de/ica, 287 Entire, 293 aurantium, 361
densifo/ia, 287 Fragile, 291 citrinum, 361
drymeia, 300 Geranium-scented, Sclerotinia, Tuberous, 36
erythropoda, 294 289 Sclerotinia tuberosa, 36
fagetico/a, 290 Green-cracking, 296 Scutel/inia scutel/ata, 40
fel/ea, 289 Marsh,294 Scutiger ovinus, 85
foetens, 290 Milk-white, 287 Serpu/a /acrymans, 66
fragi/is, 291 Olive, 292 Shield-shaped Elf Cup,
integra, 293 Pink,298 40
krombho/zii,291 Pretty, 297 Sidewalk Mushroom,
/epida, 297 Quelet's, 301 190
nigricans, 1 54, 286 Sanguine, 299 Silver-leaf Fungus, 69
ochro/euca, 288 Sardonyx, 300 Slippery Jack, 342
o/ivacea, 292 Stinking, 290 Sparassis brevipes, 103
pa/udosa, 294 Turco's, 298 Sparassis crispa, 103
que/etii, 301 Vinous, 293 Spindle-shank, 167
rosea, 298 Spores, 13
sanguinaria, 299 Sporophore, 13
sanguinea, 299 St George's Mushroom,
sardonia, 300 153
turci, 298 5 Stagshorn Fungus,
vesca, 296 Yellow, 63
vinosa, 293 Sarcoscypha coccinea, Stereum
virescens, 296 42 Hairy, 70
xerampe/ina, 294 Sarcosphaera crassa, 42 Rough, 70
Russulales, 284-315 Scaly Cap, 270 Stereum
Russula Scarlet Elf Cup, 42 hirsutum, 70
Beech, 290 Schizophyllum, rugosum, 70
Black-and-Purple, Common, 67 Stinkhorn, 363
291 Schizophyl/um Dog, 364
Blackening, 286 communis, 67 Stipe, 10
Bright Yellow, 289 Schizopora paradoxa, Shape of -, 11
Common Yellow, 288 83 Surface of -, 11
Crowded-gill, 287 Schizopore, Variable, Strobi/omyces
Dead-leaf, 294 83 strobilaceus, 318
Strobilurus Clustered, 165 scioides, 147
esculentus, 161 Edible, 161 sulphureum, 146
tenacellus, 162 Mouse-tail, 162 terreum, 146
Stropharia Oak,166 tigrinum, 144
Blue, 269 Red-stemmed, 168 usta/e, 141
Crowned, 270 Shredded, 164 ustaloides, 141
Stropharia Spotted, 168 vaccinum, 142
aeruginosa, 269 Tenacious, 162 virga tum, 147
caerulea, 269 Twisted, 166 Tricholoma
coronilla, 270 Tramete Acrid, 147
semiglobata, 271 Hairy, 77 Bitter, 141
squamosa, 270 Trametes Brindle, 142
Styptic Mushroom, 120 gibbosa, 75 Burning, 148
Suillus hirsuta, 77 Cloudy, 130
americanus, 338 rubescens, 74 Dirty, 146
bov;nus, 339 versicolor, 76 Dove-like, 138
granulatus, 341 Tremella mesenterica, Elegant, 137
grevillei, 343 62 Fawn, 140
luteus, 342 Tremellodendron Pretentious, 143
variegatus, 340 pallidum, 62 Saddle-shaped, 145
viscidus, 344 Trichaptum abietinum, Scaly, 148
Sulfur Tuft, 272 80 Soap-scented, 149
Conifer, 273 Tricholoma Sulfur, 146
aestuans, 148 Tiger, 144
T album, 139 White, 139
atrosquamosum, 148 Tricholomatales,
Tarzetta auratum, 145 106-177
catinus, 41 columbetta, 138 Tricho/omopsis
cupularis, 41 equestre, 145 decora, 137
Thelephora terrestris, fulvum, 140 fiammula, 137
84 lascivum, 139 ornata, 137
Tentacle Fungus,Red, pardinum, 144 rutilans, 137
365 portentosum, 143 Truffle
Tinder Fungus, 78 pseudoalbum, 139 Black, 56
Tough-shank pseudonictitans, 140 Burgundy, 57
Buttery, 1 64 saponaceum, 149 Perigord, 56
me/anosporum, 56
uncinatum, 57
Ty/opi/us felleus, 319
betu/ina, 73
marginata, 82
Ustu/ina deusta, 36
Ustulina, Burnt, 36
Vascellum pratense, 360
Velvet Shank, 157
Verpa conica, 50
Bohemian, 51
Vo/variella g/oiocepha/a,
Ivory, 111, 112
Lemon, 110
March, 113
Meadow, 108
Modest, 115
Olive, 114
Parrot, 109
Russula, 116
Scarlet, 110
Snow-white, 108
Stinking, 111
Vermillion, 111
Yellow-gilled, 112
Weeping Widow, 182
Witch's Butter, 60
Wood Blewit, 14, 16, 131
Wood Woolly-foot, 169
badius, 333
chrysenteron, 331
parasiticus, 330
campanella, 163
Xy/aria hypoxy/on, 35
Yellow Nail Fungus, 39
Anagnostidis/NATURE: 276 r, 322 t, 332 - Berthoule/NATURE: 15 - A. Bidaud: 41, 62 b, 68, 83 b, 89,
98 t, 100 t, 102, 127 b, 134 b, 148 t, 163 b, 184 b, 213, 232 b, 256 t, 262 b, 270 b, 278 b, 338 b, 363 t-
R.-J. Bouteville: 57, 66, 114, 121, 150 b, 150 t, 151 t, 152 t, 155 t, 161 t, 170 b, 170 t, 181 b, 190, 195,
200 t, 203 b, 232 t, 237 b, 237 t, 243 t, 249 b, 257 b, 258 tr, 260 b, 260 t, 270 t, 271 t, 273 b, 274, 280 b,
280 t, 290 t, 291 b, 293 t, 294 t, 305 b, 315 t, 319, 329, 344, 355 t - Chanu/NATURE: 163 t, 168 t, 177 t,
271 b, 312 b, 359 t - Chaumeton-Lanceau/NATURE : 258 b - Chaumeton/NATURE : 18,35 b, 37 t, 38 t,
42 b, 44 t, 48,51 1,53 b, 64-65, 69 b, 75, 81 b, 100 b, 103, 105 t, 106-107, 110 t, 111 t, 113. 115, 117,
119 t, 120 t, 125, 128 t, 137 t, 139, 140, 143 t, 144, 145, 146 b, 149, 152 m, 154 t, 155 b, 162t, 171 t,
174 b, 175, 185 t, 201 t, 210, 214, 234, 240-241, 252 b, 252 t, 253 b, 253 t, 254 b, 261 t, 263 b, 266 b,
267 b, 267 t, 273 t, 282, 284-285, 286 b, 287 b, 292, 298 b, 301, 303 b, 304 t, 306 t, 310 b,
314, 326, 330 t 331, 337 tr, 340 bl, 341 bl, 342 t, 343, 348, 352-353 - M. Dupic : 186 t, 262 t-
R. Durand/JACANA : 194 t - Grospas/NATURE : 12, 16 I, 34 t 36 t, 37 b, 38 b, 39 b, 40 b, 40 t, 44 b, 45 t,
46 b, 60 b, 61 b, 62 t, 67 b, 71, 74 b, 74 t, 78 b, 81 t, 82 t, 85, 88, 95, 98 b, 99 t, 105 b, 126, 127 t, 128 b,
134 t, 142, 146 t, 160 b, 165 t, 171 b, 172 b, 178 -179,189 r, 200 b, 201 b, 218, 225, 228 t, 230-231, 236,
239 b, 244, 247, 265 t, 268 b, 289 t, 302 b, 309 t, 311, 313, 315 b, 316-317, 318, 321 b, 323, 327, 330 b,
334,3361,337 bl, 340 tr, 342 b, 347 t, 355 b, 356 t, 357, 361 b, 362 - Guillot/NATURE: 50 b - J. Guim-
berteau: 72, 167 I, 339, 346 t - Houdou/NATURE: 32-33, 47 b, 90,104,156 b, 172 t, 176 b, 191, 192,
196 b, 199 t, 219, 226, 227 b, 268 t, 275, 277 t, 288 t, 291 t, 349, 359 b, 361 t, 364 t - Lamaison/NATURE:
16 r, 42 t, 108, 116 b, 185 b, 233, 283 - Lamothe/NATURE: 164 1- Y. Lanceau: 46 t, 49, 53 t, 54, 56, 83 t,
86,87,92,109b,l10b,l12b,l16t,l19b,141,161 b,162 b,165b,176t,180,182b,187t,190,193b,
193 t, 194 b, 204, 221 t, 238 t, 245 b, 258 11, 264, 294 b, 297, 299, 300 t, 307 b, 310 t, 320,322 b, 338 t,
350, 364 b - Lanceau/NATURE: 17, 20 b, 35 t, 43 b, 47 t, 58-59, 60 t, 67 t, 70 t, 73 t, 120 b, 122t, 124 b,
132 b, 147, 151 b, 158 b, 160 t, 182 t, 184 t, 186 b, 217 b, 220, 224, 227 t, 235, 238 b, 246 b, 255 b, 255 t,
259 b, 259 t, 276 I, 287 t, 293 b, 302 t, 304 b, 351, 365 b - Laval/NATURE: 206, 216, 307 t -
Mayet/NATURE: 212 b, 300 b - J. Montegut: 123,239 t, 324 - C. Nardin/JACANA : 36 b - NATURE:
148 b, 250 t - PoleseINATURE: 13, 14,21,22,23 b, 23 t, 24-25, 25 t, 34 b, 39 t, 43 t, 45 b, 50 t, 51 r, 51 m,
52 r, 52 I, 52 mb, 55, 61 t, 63 b, 63 t, 69 t, 70 b, 73 mr, 73 ml, 76 t, 77 b, 77 t, 77 m, 78 t, 79 b, 79 t, 80 b,
80 t, 82 b, 84 b, 84 t, 91 b, 91 t, 93 r, 931, 94 bl, 94 tr, 94 tl, 96 b, 96 t, 97, 99 b, 101 b, 101 t, 109 t, 111 b,
112 t, 118, 122 bl, 122 m, 124 t, 129 b, 129 t, 130 b, 130 t, 131 br, 131 bl, 131 t, 131 m, 132 t, 133 t, 133 m,
135 r, 135 m, 136, 137 b, 138 r, 1381, 138 m, 139, 143 b, 152 br, 152 bl, 153 b, 154 b, 1561. 157 b, 157 t,
158 t, 159 r, 1591, 164 I, 166 b, 166 t, 167 r, 168 b, 169 b, 169 t, 173 b, 173 t, 174 t, 177 b, 181 t, 183 br, 183
bl, 183 t, 187 b, 188 t, 189 b, 189 ml, 196 r, 196 tm, 197 r, 197 m, 198, 198 t, 199 m, 202 r, 2021, 203 t, 205,
207 r, 207 I, 207 m, 208 b, 208 t, 209, 211 b, 211 t, 212 t, 215 r, 215 I, 217 r, 217 t, 221 b, 222 t, 222 m,
223 r, 2231, 228 b, 229 b, 229 t, 242, 243 t, 245 t, 246 t, 249 t, 250 b, 251 b, 254 t, 256 mr, 256 ml, 257 t,
261 b, 263 t, 265 b, 266 t, 269, 272 r, 272 I, 272 m, 277 b, 278 t, 279 b, 279 t, 281 b, 281 t, 286 t 288 b,
289 b, 290 b, 295 b, 295 t, 296 t, 303 t, 305 t, 306 t, 308 b, 308 t, 308 m, 309 b, 312 t, 321 t, 325, 328 t,
328 m, 333 b, 333 t, 335, 336 tr, 341 r, 341 m, 345 b, 345 t, 346 b, 347 b, 347 m, 349, 356 b, 358 b, 358 t,
360 b, 360 t, 363 b, 365 m - Sauer/NATURE: 19 I, 76 m, 188 b, 354.
The photographs on pages 6 to 20 are mostly taken from photographs appearing elsewhere in the book.

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