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Up-to-date road conditions online at:
Weather for trip planning online at:
NDHP online at:
Blowing snow, compacted snow, ice and black
ice can challenge even the most highly-skilled
drivers during the winter in North Dakota.
However, the common-sense Iactors that
infuence the severity oI crashes in warmer
seasons also have a signifcant impact on the
number and severity oI crashes in the winter.
Slow down observe speed limits and match
your speed to road conditions.
Never utilize cruise control on slippery
ABS Brakes apply a steady frm pressure
on brake pedal.
Use safety equipment iI you`re in a crash
and you are using seat belts and other saIety
equipment, you are 11 times more likely to
Stay sober drugs and alcohol dramatically
increase your odds oI having a Iatal crash.
Stay awake Iatigue and Ialling asleep at the
wheel are signifcant risks.
Don`t Crowd the Plow stay well back and
never drive through 'white-outs.
Stay with your vehicle iI you become
stranded, it is saIer to stay with your vehicle
than it is to walk Ior help.
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Tires make sure suitable Ior winter driving
Exhaust leak Iree
Lights make sure all lighting equipment
is working; turn lights on when visibility
is reduced
Windshield wipers need to be working
Heater and deIroster
Battery properly maintained
Fuel system keep Iuel tank Iull
Check road report
Plan your route
Let someone know your trip plan
Don`t deviate
Stay alert
Maintain a slow and steady speed
Don`t have wheels turned to the leIt while
waiting at a traIfc light to make a leIt turn
II caught in a blizzard stay in your vehicle
II stranded, attempt to park your vehicle
Iacing into the wind
Keep tailpipe clear oI snow
Cell phone
Tire chains
Booster cables
Fire extinguisher
Windshield scraper
Bright red or orange cloth
Sleeping bag or blankets/layered clothing
50 It. nylon cord
3 lb. coIIee can
Candle and matches
Drinking water and high energy Iood
In case of an emergency:
Dial 911
Weather / Road nformation - Dial 511

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